HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.15.00 Minutes CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING 33 ARROYO DRIVE June 15, 2000 CALL TO ORDER / PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. ROLL CALL / CHAIR COMMENTS MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Baldocchi, Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Romero, and Chairperson Sim MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Teglia and Vice Chairperson Meloni STAFF PRESENT: Planning Division: City AttOlney: Engineering: Water Quality: Bldg./Fire Prevo Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner Adam Lindgren Richard Harmon Ray Honan Thomas Ahrens AGENDA REVIEW Chief Planner Sparks noted that item # 5 would be continued and item #1 would be removed from the Consent Calendar. He added that due to various staff members being out ill he will be running the meeting alone. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Jonas Ionin/Green Drake Engineering, Applicant Sprint PCS/ San Bruno Investments, Owner 129 Southwood Ct. UP-00-035 and Categorical Exemption Section 15332 In-Fill Developlnent Project Use Permit to allow a cellular antenna atop a commercial building. Removed from Consent Calendar under Agenda Review hv Chief Planner Svarks. 2. CellularOne/Sandy Reyes, Applicant Kaiser Hospital, Owner 1200 EI Camino Real UP-00-036 and Categorical Exemption Section 15332 Class 32 In-Fill Developnlent Project Use Permit allowing wireless communication facility, consisting of two panel antennas mounted on the exterior of the garage and an equipment cabinet, situated at 1200 EI Camino Real (APN 010-292-210), in the Planned Commercial Zoning District, in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.105. G:\File Cabinet\minutes\2000\061500 RPC,doc As apporoved by the Planning Commission on August 3, 2000 Page 1 of 5 3. Outback-KRJ Design Group Woodmont Real Estate Svcs./T.G. Robertson, Applicant 405 Victory Ave. Unit K UP-00-037 and Categorical Exemption Class 32 Section 15332 In Fill Development Project Use Permit allowing a use of tenant space vacant f01~ more than two years and allowing a lninor expansion of the office area within an existing multi-tenant warehouse facility, situated at 405 Victory (APN014- 201-010), in the IndustIial (M-l) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Section 20.30.030(b) and Chapter 20.83. Motion Honan / Second D'Angelo to remove item #1 Approved by unanilllous voice vote. 1. Jonas IoninlGreen Drake Engineering, Applicant Sprint PCS/ San Bruno Investments, Owner 129 Southwood Ct. UP-00-035 and Categorical Exemption Section 15332 In-Fill Development Project Use Permit to allow a cellular antenna atop a commercial building. Chief Planner Sparks read additional conditions of approval into the record. He added that he applicant has reviewed the additional conditions and there were no significant issues. Motion Honan/ Second Romero to approve the Consent Calendar with the additional conditions on item #1. Approved by unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - AGENDA ITEMS 4. CellularOnelPat Gaffney, Applicant California Water Service Co., Owner Avalon Dr. (091-143-280) UP-00-025 and Categorical Exemption Section 15332 Class 32 In Fill Development Project Use Permit allowing wireless communication facility, consisting of ground mounted antenna and an at- grade equipment cabinets, situated on a 0.44 acre parcel at the terminus of Avalon Drive and beginning of Crestwood Drive (APN-091-143-280) adjacent to SR 280, in the Single Family Residential Zoning District (R-I-C-P) in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.105. Public Hearing opened. Cbief Planner Sparks presented the staff report. Pat Gaffney, representing Cellular One, noted that they agree with the conditions of approval and have provided landscape screens around the mono-pole. Commissioner Honan asked if the applicant agrees on having additional screening from the highway. Mr. Gaffney noted that they would be working with staff and see what they come up with. Commissioner Honan asked if the condition was ah-eady in the document. Chief Planner Sparks noted that this issue is covered under condition of approval #3. Public Hearing closed. G:\File Cabinet\minutes\2000\061500 RPC.doc As apporoved by the Plarming Commission on August 3, 2000 Page 2 of 5 Motion D'Angelo / Second Baldocchi to approve UP-00-025. Approved by unanimous voice vote. 5. Travelodge Inn/International Inns, Inc., Applicant Pacific Gas and Electric, Owner 326 Airport Blvd. UP-91-888/MOD3 and Negative Declaration ND-91-888/MOD3 Use Permit Modification allowing use of 93 parking spaces of the South San Francisco Conference Center Parking Satellite Lot situated at 326 South Airport Boulevard (APN 015-141-030 and 260 and SBE 135-41-50 Parcel 3), for long-term airport parking with 24 hour operations, situated in the Planned Commercial (P-C) Zone District, in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.24 and 20.81. Chief Planner Sparks asked the Commission to continue the item until after the Conference Center Authority meets in July. He added that the application needs to be reviewed by all five parties in the agreement. He proceeded to go through the schedule for the next couple of meetings and suggested that the item be continued to August 3rd because there were no scheduled items for that meeting. He mentioned that the Commission had discussed canceling a meeting in July or August and it was the decision of the Commission on which meeting they chose to cancel. Commissioner D'Angelo and Romero noted that they were supportive of continuing the item to any Ineeting. Commissioner Honan asked who asked to cancel the meeting. Chief Planner Sparks noted that there was discussion at the last meeting and it was focused around the first meeting in July. He added that canceling the meeting would move many of the applicants over two weeks and staff would not prefer that. Commissioner Baldocchi noted that the Commission has traditionally taken the first meeting in July off but if the work does not permit it, then the meeting should not be canceled. Chief Planner Sparks noted that the Commission may chose to continue the Travelodge to August 3rd and it may need to be continued again. He mentioned that the Housing study session would also be before the Commission on that date. Motion Honan / Second D'Angelo to continue the item to August 3,2000. Approved by unanimous voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 6. Items from Staff a. A Resolution of the Planning Commission determining that the proposed 2000-2001 Capital Improvement Program is consistent with the City's General Plan. Chief Planner Sparks and Acting City Engineer Chuck presented the staff report. Commissioner Romero asked why there were exits being installed in the p011able classrooms. Acting City Engineer Chuck noted that this is a requirement that the building division has asked for. Commissioner Romero asked if the exits were being required on all classrooms or is it pertaining to City buildings only. Chairperson Sim noted that this depends on building size and occupant load and the Division of State Architect determines how many exits are needed. Assistant Building Official Ahrens noted that the school site is regulated by the State Agency and not local agency. G:\File Cabinet\minutes\2000\061500 RPC.doc As apporoved by the PlaIUling Commission on August 3, 2000 Page 3 of 5 Commissioner Romero asked that item 24 noted that Westborough would have two portable classrooms. Acting City Engineer Chuck noted that this was requested by the Park & Recreation Department and it is less expensive to have a portable facility than to build a permanent one. Commissioner D'Angelo asked how the resurfacing of streets are done and if there is a schedule that Engineering has to inform the public when a street is due to be resurfaced. Acting City Engineer Chuck noted that people can call the Engineering Division to get that information. He added that an inventory of streets is done to see when a street is due for resurfacing. Commissioner D'Angelo asked what the process to have sidewalk repair done. Acting City Engineer Chuck noted that the public would contact the streets division. He noted that there is a two year backlog on sidewalk repaIrs. Chairperson Sim asked for the status on the ArtRise project. Acting City Engineer Chuck noted that this was carried over from the previous year. Chief Planner Sparks noted that there are significant issues with the building and would get a detailed report for the Commission. Commissioner Baldocchi asked for a clarification on debt service. Acting City Engineer Chuck noted that there are long term debts for the City and they are being repaid. Motion Romero / Second Honan to approve the resolution finding the CIP 2000-01 consistent with the General Plan. Approved by unanimous voice vote. b. Miscellaneous Chief Planner Sparks gave the following update: · Pedro Gonzalez was SWOlTI in as the new Councilmember at the June 14th meeting. They also approved the EI Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan amendment and the Oakmont Vistas project. · The Commission is invited to attend an awards banquet for the American Planning Association, in which South San Francisco has received an award for the new General Plan. He noted that the Mayor and several Councilmembers will be present. · He suggested that the Commission hear the Terrabay item on July 6th. The Commission agreed to agendise Terrabay for July 6th and the Housing presentation to be scheduled for August 3rd. · He pointed out a letter from the Developer 011 Terrabay that is asking for each Conunissioner to meet individually with them to discuss any questions the Commission might have" The Commission was not interested in meeting with the developer and preferred to see the developer at Public Hearings instead of privately. Assistant City Attorney Lindgren was asked to provide legal advice as to what the Commission can do in such cases. · He noted Mike Laddy, who handles TV broadcasts for the Planning Commission and City Council meetings is taping his last Planning Commission meeting and wished him well in the future. Commissioner Baldocchi asked that the applicant for the Terrabay project give the Commission pictures of items that would be similar to what is being proposed in the City. Assistant City Attorney Lindgren congratulated the Planning Division for being a big part in receiving an Award from the AP A for the General Plan. Chief Planner Sparks informed the Commission that staffs' policy with regard to contacting the COlnmissioners is to take a message and have the Commissioner return the call. He noted that staff never gives a phone number and it is entirely up to the Commission to make the decision. He added that the Commission has the Draft San Bruno Master Plan that San Mateo prepared. G: \File Cabinet\minutes \2000\061500 RPC.doc As apporoved by the Planning Commission on August 3, 2000 Page 4 of 5 7. Items from Commission Commissioner Romero asked what the status on the tree ordinance was. Cbief Planner Sparks noted that the tree ordinance was adopted after removing the recommendations section. Chairperson Sim asked that a joint meeting with the Design Review Board be scheduled to discuss design issues and materials submitted. Chief Planner Sparks asked if this would be a joint meeting to discuss applications or a coordination session to exchange ideas and concerns. Chairperson Sim noted that submittals and expectations would be a good place to start. Commissioner Romero noted that Terrabay could be a possible discussion item. Commissioner Baldocchi suggested that overall design standard in the City should be an item of discussion. She also suggested that Council might want to have some representation. Chairperson Sim asked that Chief Planner Sparks return with information on this issue at the next regular Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Romero suggested that the Cultural Arts Commission be invited to have a meeting with the Planning Commission. Chief Planner Sparks noted that he would coordinate this with Chairperson Sim and the Commission would be informed as to what the decision was. 8. Items from the Public - None 9. Adjournment Motion Romero / Second D'Angelo to adjourn the meeting. Adjourned by unanimous voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. L~' ~~4 "/"":'" ;.0'") ", , , , " --'-- ,"~ - ,.~ . " T ornas C. Sparks . F' Secretary to the PI~Iining Commission City of South San Francisco Eugene Sim, airperson Planning Commission City of South San Francisco NEXT MEETING: Regular Meeting July 6,2000, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, CA. NOTE: Staff Reports can now be accessed on the website. www.ci.ssf.ca.us (Ecollonnc & Community DevelopmentIPlanning webpages). G:\File Cabinet\minutes\2000\061500 RPC.doc As apporoved by the Planning Commission on August 3, 2000 Page 5 of 5