HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.08.00 Minutes CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL / PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING 33 ARROYO DRIVE June 8, 2000 TAPE 1 AS APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON JUNE 28, 2000 1. Call to Order 5 :40 p.m. 2. Roll Call: City Council Present: Councilmembers Gonzalez, Mullin and Penna *, Mayor Pro Tem Fernekes* and Mayor Matsumoto Absent: None Planning Commission Present: Commissioners Baldocchi *, Honan, Romero, Teglia*, Vice Chair Meloni and Chairman SiIU Absent: Commissioner D' Angelo * Councilman Penna left the meeting at 7:45 pm Mayor Pro Tem Fernekes left the meeting at 6:20 pm Commissioner Baldocchi anived at 5:43 pm Commissioner Teglia arrived at 5:53 pIn Staff Present: City Manager Wilson, Assistant City AttOlney Lindgren, Assistant City Manager Moss, ECD Director Van Duyn, Finance Director Steele, Chief Planner Sparks, Senior Planner Kalkin, Project Planner Lappen 3. Presentation - Bay West Cove Director Van Duyn outlined the evening's format for the presentation. The purpose is to bring Council/Commission up to speed on the applicants' concepts for the development, no specific decisions have yet been made. Comments and concelns are being solicited. In response to Councilman Mullin's question regarding the ground rules for the evening, Director Van Duyn explained the cunent ownership of the propeliies and what parcels the presentation will encompass. Although the intent is to have a master plan, the applicants have been working independently and both efforts are being presented this evening. In response to Mayor Matsumoto's question regarding Design Review Board input, Director Van Duyn stated that DRB will make their comments when the applications are formally submitted. Presentation by Slough Development: Mr. Bill Rogalla, Slough Development, Mr. Al Chamono, design architect; and Mr. Robert LaRocca, landscape architect, presented an overview of a conceptual master site plan, perspective views, and landscaping. Proposal is to attract research and development type businesses. Council/Commission comments and concerns: \ \MULDER\ISHADD\File Cabinet\minutes\2000\060800 SPC.doc As approved by the Planning Commission on August 3, 2000 Page 1 of 3 · Councilman Penna: favors public transportation; suggested on-site parking be reduced; concern that egress from parking structure onto Oyster Point Boulevard may be a safety issue - area is below grade; · Commissioner Honan: concern that spine will be a wind tunnel - include elements to shelter area; · Vice Chair Meloni: lnake service entrances less visible from Oyster Point Boulevard; · Mayor Pro Tem Fernekes: information on landscape material for BCDC setback area; · Councilman Gonzalez: prepare perspective of development from Bayshore Freeway; · Councilman Mullin: conceln how two projects will tie together; extent of features, similarities (signage, street furniture, landscaping, street paving, etc.); favors higher buildings with more open space; location of child care facility; traffic impact from development and mitigation measures; reiterated previous concerns regarding wind tunnel; reiterated concern to lessen the visibility of service entrances; commented that in the year 2006 housing can be a requirement in BIOI area; · Commisioner Teglia: re-orient design towards Oyster Point Boulevard rather than entirely towards bay front; eliminate parking stalls that encroach into BCDC setback; traffic mitigation concelns; favors high rises/open space; questioned the status of the bay front toxic clean-up; · Chairman Sim: suggested Veterans Boulevard entrance have the semblance of a gateway; reiterated concern that service entrance be screened; urged that buildings be textured, juxtaposition of material and form; encouraged elevation along spine similar to spilling effect; reiterated concern for dense buildings to obtain open space with mix use; · Mayor Matsumoto: shared concern for more open space; additional bikeways; signature buildings; retail shops ancillary to office workers and upscale restaurant; incorporate child care facility; · Councilman Penna: reiterated concern that wind be addressed in the design of buildings; asked that the legal definition of "temporary" housing be addressed; does leaving your residence 8 hours a day qualify as temporary? Stated support for a high-rise condominium; reiterated concern for child care facility be incorporated into project; concern that toxic clean-up be addressed with development; Director Van Duyn explained that the bay clean-up rests with U.S. Steel, and present agreements are specific. He stated that updates will be provided to Council/Commission. · Councilman Gonzalez: provide information on size and capacity of child care facility; retail shops be offered to downtown merchants; contract with skilled lead construction workers; · Commissioner Romero: bus access to Veterans Boulevard; opposed to 3 level parking structure; architecture of parking structures be softened rather than plain; · Commissioner Honan: suggested buildings be architecturally decorative verses buildings decorated with landscaping. Mr. ChamolTo stated it is difficult to mix uses, and it is not feasible for R&D buildings to go any higher than two-three stories due to the mechanical systems housed on the roof that service the lab facilities. ill conclusion, Mayor Matsumoto advised Slough Development's design team to work closely with staff. (Recess: 7: 15 p.m. - 7:25 p.m.) Presentation by Hines Development: Ms. Lisa Burke, Hines Development, Mr. Ted KOIth, architect, and Mr. Paul Lettieri, landscape architect, reviewed a conceptual site plan of mix-use development of office buildings, hotel, and retail shops. Two perspectives, with and without the hotel, were provided. Knowing the Council's preference for the hotel, Ms. Burke stated that from the current hotel lTlarket it is not the developer's first choice. Council/Commission concelns and comments: · Vice Chair Meloni: suggested the second parking garage be eliminated if the hotel is omitted; · Chairman Sim: keep development frontage toward Oyster Point; COIners and entrance of development be defined; \\MULDER\ISHADD\File Cabinet\minutes\2000\060800 SPC.doc Page 2 of 3 As approved by the Planning Commission on August 3, 2000 · Commissioner Honan: project include retail; provide pedestrian walkways for office workers; · Councilman Mullin: suggested hotel be off the corner at Veterans Boulevard to open entrance; concerned with un-formed back area behind twin towers; priority to include a child care facility; Ms. Burke discussed the cunent situation of the toxi~ soil, and stated the Department of Toxic Substance Control is not permitting a child care facility and there are deed restrictions. Councilman Mullin discussed with staff other options for providing child care, either on-site or off-site. Director Van Duyn stated efforts are being made to have the facility on-site. · Councilman Gonzalez: provide bicycle lockers; concern that garage structure's roof is visible from Oyster Point overpass; consideration be given to Old Town area if child care facility is located off- site; · Commissioner Romero: landscape view of railroad tracks; set hotel back from Veterans Boulevard; reiterated concern that the second parking structure be eliminate if hotel is omitted; use high quality materials in the construction of buildings; · Commissioner Teglia: reiterated suggestion that second parking structure be eliminated; keep site from looking cluttered; increase setback along Veterans Boulevard; include bicycle path along length of railroad tracks to Caltrain station; · Councilman Mullin: preference is that hotel be pursued for site, if not, limit parking to one building and open up entrance way at Veterans Boulevard; · Mayor Matsumoto: concurred with comments regarding second garage; stay open-minded at conceptual level; · Vice Chair Meloni: anange buildings to encourage open space; · Chairman Sim: concern with second parking structure along frontage; suggested developer be convincing if second parking structure is really necessary; show density relationship between parking as foreground elements to buildings in background; bring back designs and convincing diagrams; · Commissioner Baldocchi: the two developments need to architecturally work together; need flow between projects; · Commissioner Honan: similar landscaping for both developments. Director Van Duyn stated that the timeline for the projects are as follows: Draft Environmental Impact Report, mid-July, 2000 Planning Commission comments on DEIR, mid-late August Final EIR, mid -September Certification of the FEIRfSpecific Plan Amendment, early October City Council public hearing, late October 4. Adjournment Motion-MullinlSecond-Meloni: To adjomTI the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Unanimously approved by voice vote. , ~.~ T o;ms C: sPaik ,j v Secretary to the ptanning Commission City of South San Francisco Eugene Sim, Chairperson Planning Commission City of South San Francisco NEXT MEETING: Regular Meeting June 15,2000, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, CA. \ \MULDER\ISHADD\File Cabinet\minutes\2000\060800 SPC.doc As approved by the Plamilng Commission on August 3, 2000 Page 3 of 3