HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.01.00 Minutes CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING 33 ARROYO DRIVE June 1, 2000 CALL TO ORDER / PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TAPE 1 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL / CHAIR COMMENTS MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Baldocchi, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Romero, Commissioner Teglia, Vice Chairperson Meloni and Chairperson Sim MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner D'Angelo STAFF PRESENT: Planning Division: Susy Kalkin, Senior Planner Steve Carlson, Senior Planner Mike Upston, Senior Planner Marty Van Duyn Kimberly Johnson Richard Harmon Sgt. Mike Massoni Rocque Yballa Director of ECD: City Attorney: Engineering: Police Dept.: Bldg./Fire Prevo AGENDA REVIEW Senior Planner Kalkin noted that the Tenabay Study Session will be heard after the Consent Calendar. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of April 24, 2000 Joint City CouncillPlanning Commission Meeting and May 4, 2000 Regular Meeting Minutes. 2. Leonard Fennell/Optiva, Inc./GCI, Applicant Shelton Int'l Holdings, Inc./ AMB Invest. Mgmt., Owner 384 Oyster Pt. Blvd. Ste. 15 UP-00-034 and Categorical Exemption Class 1, Section 15301 (e) (2) Use Permit allowing expansion of a non-conforming use into unit 15 via the conversion of existing 4,210 square foot office to research and development, situated at 384 Oyster Point Boulevard in the Planned Commercial (P-C) Zone District, in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.97. Commissioner Teglia pulled the Minutes of April 24, 2000 from the consent calendar and noted that they were lacking detail. Commissioner Baldocchi echoed those concerns. Commissioner Honan noted that the minutes had been approved by the City Council and could not be revised. COl11lnissioner Romero noted that he would be abstaining from the April 24th minutes due to his being absent at that meeting. \ \MULDER\PlrSHARED\Minutes\0601 00 RPC.doc Page 1 of 9 Roll call: Ayes: Commissioner Honan, Vice Chairperson Meloni, and Chairperson Sim Noes: Commissioner Baldocchi and Commissioner Teglia Abstain: Commissioner Romero Absent: Commissioner D'Angelo Minutes approved by majority roll call vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Moved after Consent Calendar under Agenda Review 5. HeIns from Staff a. Terrabay Phase II/III (Final Terrabay Specific Plan) Study Session Study Session to present a model and discuss the development concept for the remaining parcels in Terrabay Phase II/III. -The proposed project is to: 1) Create a Preservation Parcel consisting of 25.73 acres to preserve the Native American shell mound and lands nOlih of the shell mound; 2) Create a 2.68 acre "Buffer Parcel" south of the Preservation Parcel (known as the Indian Ridge area) for landscaping and surface parking; 3) Construct a 448,000 square foot office tower with related parking and support retail uses on the ground floor on a 18.08 acre parcel adjacent to and south of the Buffer Parcel; 4) Construct a 250 unit residential condominium on a 14.96 acre parcel that is west of the "Point Area" and 5) Construct a recreation/day care facility on an 8.22 acre parcel (previously refened to as the Commons Area). Consultant Planner Knapp gave a presentation. Jack Myers, Myers Development Group, presented his team and gave a detailed presentation of the proposed model. Commissioner Teglia complemented the applicant for a good presentation and is impressed with the commercial site and the preservation effOlis. He noted that there was once concern with the residential portion with height and aesthetics. He added that with a prior application there was an area that could not be developed. He added that the applicant had an interesting concept. He asked that the applicant give the Commission options on height when they return for a decision. He asked that there be more visuals from various paris of the City. Mr. Myers noted that his company is accustomed to building high rise buildings and it is different in South San Francisco where taller or bigger is less desirable. He pointed out some models where the buildings were 6 or 7 floor buildings and some that were 350 feet in height. He added that they welcome any ideas from the Commission. Commissioner Baldocchi asked how high the buildings on the model were. Mr. Myers noted that the buildings on the west side were 18 stories, 16 stories and 12 stories tall and they all step down to break the visual impact. Commissioner Baldocchi asked what the size of the units would be. Mr. Myers noted that there is a consultant working on this at the moment but noted that they would be about 1200 square feet average. Commissioner Baldocchi asked how many stories the commercial site was. Mr. Myers noted that it had 6 story buildings and the mid rise would be about 14 story building. He added that the par"king cuts into the grade. Craig Hartman noted that there is a three level parking which cuts into the grade. Commissioner Romero asked if the residential portion would be strictly for residential and if the lower area would have any retail, such as a supermarket. Mr. Myers noted that this has not been considered and that portion would be strictly for residential use. Commissioner Romero noted that 250 units is a large amount of units and that pOliion of the City does not have grocery facility available which may create a problem. Mr. Myers noted that a store like Trader Joe's was suggested to be included in the plan. He noted that it is less convenient to shop at a new grocery store because people develop patterns. He added that people want their neighborhood to be recognized as a high quality neighborhood. Commissioner Romero asked if the Oyster Point Flyover was going \\MULDER\PL-SHARED\Minutes\060100 RPC.doc Page 2 of 9 to be incorporated in to the project. Mr. Myers noted that they are involved through economic contributions which they have done. He added that the proposals fall within the approved EIR for the project. Commissioner Romero noted that Terrabay will be before the Historic Preservation Commission on June 8th, to Design Review Board on June 20th, and back to the Commission on July 6th. Consultant Planner Knapp noted that the Planning Commission is conducting a study session and in July would be conducting a Public Hearing and the Commission can decide if they will take action or continue the item. Commissioner Romero noted that for this meeting the Commission did not get any materials because it was a study session and suggested that for the next meeting they have visual material to review prior to the meetings. He suggested having a joint meeting with the Design Review Board or even form a subcommittee that would go to the Design Review Board meeting. Consultant Planner Knapp pointed out that the Commission will be reviewing the specific plan and that is when the Commission gets into details such as materials and structures. She noted that the Commission is looking at a Land Use plan for the property. Commissioner Teglia asked if the height of the buildings are set on the application or is it something that can be reviewed later. Consultant Planner Knapp replied that the height would be identified in the Specific Plan and then there would be an ordinance amending the zoning code. Commissioner Teglia noted that the concept is a major departure for our City and mentioned that there will have to be a lot of details in order to feel comfortable with the height. Consultant Planner Knapp recommended that the Commission identify the items that they would like and getting items to the Commission prior to the meeting can be done. Commissioner Honan noted that there were tours scheduled with the previous applicant and would like that done once more. She added that the balloon idea suggested by one of the planners is a good idea and noted that she wanted to be present when and if the applicant does that. She commended the applicant for a good presentation and noted that she wanted to visualize the heights of the buildings. Mr. Myers noted that they want the project to work out for everyone and any suggestions or ideas are welcome. He added that he and his team were available to meet with any Commissioner to go over the issues and find solutions to those problems. Commissioner Romero noted that the Commission had a difficult time with the previous applicant because they didn't feel that the applicant was listening to them and this is why the project did not go forward. He added that Mr. Myers has shown respect for the mountain and shellmound. He noted that there should be a mutual sharing of ideas to make a better project. Mr. Myers appreciated the comments and mentioned that they as a developer will be working with staff and the Commission on the project. Commissioner Honan complemented the developer for working with the natural stream in the area and how it will be a nice feature for the public. Mr. Myers noted that it is a great opportunity to do this and it is a great privilege to be working on such an important site. Commissioner Baldocchi asked where they had developed high rises. Mr. Meyer noted that his company's headquarters are in Hawaii and it is largely dominated by high rise residential and office development. He noted that the last development consistent of a 333 unit, 450 feet high building. Commissioner Baldocchi asked if he had any pictures available of any of their developments that would be similar to what they are proposing in the City. Mr. Myers noted that they do not because this is a unique site. He added that he and the other firms that are working on the project have portfolios that can be made available to the Commissioner. Commissioner Baldocchi would like to see something in order to see what is appropriate. Jack Myers noted that they have worked hard to mend the issues that the mountain has had. Commissioner Baldocchi asked for clarification on a comment with regard to the architecture of the buildings being similar to e- trade businesses. Mr. Myers noted that the buildings would be able to accommodate some of the cultural aspects of the e-trade buildings. He noted that these would be unique and classical structures. Vice Chairperson Meloni asked if the residential high-rises were designed on a curve. Mr. Myers replied that they were and that the whole project has a curve to it in order to reference the cradle environment that exists on \\MULDER\PL-SHARED\Minutes\060100 RPC.doc Page 3 of 9 the mountain. Vice Chairperson Meloni noted that curving reduces the mass. He asked if the buffer zone had any structure near it. Mr. Myers noted that the buffer zone has a turnaround that is permitted in their contract with San Bruno Mountain Watch. He added that they have created an additional setback of 100 feet from the original buffer zone to respect the sacred burial ground. . Vice Chairperson Meloni asked if the applicant could return with a landscaping plan on the lineal park. Mr. Myers noted that they will create a landscape element that will aesthetically improve the travel environment along Sister Cities Boulev(}rd externally and internally. Vice Chairperson Meloni was concerned about the visual impact from the Randolph area and complemented the developer for the presentation. Mr. Myers noted that they will return with drawings that show the view from that area. Commissioner Teglia recalled that a model was pointed out with 6-story residential and asked if the applicant would explore the feasibility of this option. Mr. Myers noted that they are 6-8 story buildings and will go through some options. He noted that there is an issue with cost of living and foundation which are quite similar. He noted that developers would like to go higher and denser projects. Chairperson Sim noted that there is a good composition on the massing and the Point. He liked the elegant width of the buildings that are going in a linear fashion. He added that it give a bit of orientation. He shared Vice Chairperson Meloni's concern with regard to the linear corridor by Sister Cities Boulevard. He added that he would like to look at a new way of interpreting history and tradition. He mentioned that the applicant will be sensitive to the mountain and its importance and make the natural terrain more powelful. He pointed out that the crafting of the detail will tell the whole story. Commissioner Baldocchi asked for more detail on the restructuring and the rebuilding of the Point, since it was such an important issue last year. Mr. Hartman noted that the developer has retained the services of Ralph Osterling Associates, who specializes in this type of work where nature has been damaged in the past. He noted that they have a concept where the top soil will be allowed to take root with some grading. He added that Mr. Osterling is very experienced and will be asked to explain the procedure to the Commission in more detail. Lynne Fritz, Superintendent of San Mateo County Parks & Recreation, thanked staff for keeping them informed on the Terrabay project. She added that they are interested and supportive of the preservation efforts on the project. She added that San Mateo County was supportive of the preservation parcel, the buffer and the recreation component. She added that they would like to be considered partners in the future planning of those issues. She pointed out that San Mateo County Parks has begun work on a Master Plan for San Bruno Mountain and a Draft Plan is available for public review. She noted that the County is committed to protecting open space and the archeological site. Dan Shattuc, 111 Belmont Avenue, noted that the Commission was last discussing vegetation and it became difficult to see what would be done on the mountain. He pointed out some plants he had brought from the mountain. He asked if an economic cost analysis has been done for the development. He noted that a COnCelTI for the mountain is the need for water. He added that delineation lines have not been drawn which is done by Fish and Wildlife and noted a habitat conservation plan has not been done. He entered some pictures into the record for the Commission to view. Marie Blackowl, 407 Beach A venue, noted that a store is not needed on the mountain. She asked the Commission to refer to the sacred burial ground as the sacred burial ground to show respect to her culture. She noted that Mr. Myers has done a great job in working with the community. Recess taken at 9:52 p.m. Recalled to order at 10:07 p.m. Commissioner Teglia noted that there are a few members of the public present for item 4 and suggested that it be taken before item #3. The Commission agreed to do this. \\MULDER\PlrSHARED\Minutes\060100 RPC.doc Page 4 of 9 PUBLIC HEARING - AGENDA ITEMS 4. Giorgi Bros. Furniture Robert Giorgi-owner/applicant 211 Baden Ave. UP-00-006, V -00-006 and Negative Declaration ND-00-006 Use Permit to allow expansion of an existing retail furniture showroom within 200 feet of a residential district, as well as a Variance to allow an exception to the City's General Development Standards for Loading in the Downtown Commercial (D-C) zone district, in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.82 and Section 20.26.025. Senior Planner Upston presented the staff report. Robert Giorgi, owner of Giorgi Brothers Furniture, gave a brief history of their business and their accomplishments in South San Francisco. He added that all staff and local concerns were addressed. He asked that the Commission approve the expansion. Public Hearing opened. Barbara Ward noted that parking is a problem in the area. She noted that of the 70 homes 15 backup to Second Lane and are now losing all the non metered parking. She added that the Village Way residents use the parking lot located at Baden and Linden for guests and their own cars. She asked if the 5 non metered parking spaces behind the Fire station, which are crucial to the residents of Village Way. She noted her appreciation for the efforts put forward by the applicant. She added that moving the loading bay off the street is great and wonders how the semi would get in and out. She noted that the noise issues were never addressed and there will be an increase with the larger facility. She added that there is a large amount of problems with traffic going south on Linden and east on Second Lane. She asked to see how the trucks will be getting in and out of the loading bay. She noted that the parking is a major consideration. Theresa Benavidez, 221 Village Way, noted that her home is located behind the Giorgi loading dock. She noted that what will be approved is a larger version of the existing problems. She noted that there will be 10 homes affected instead of only one affected home. She added that the semi's need room to get close enough to the loading dock to unload the furniture. She noted that Sunday deliveries usually include 2-3 semis and asked where they will park. She pointed out that the height of the building will block their view of San Bruno Mountain and Sign Hill. He questioned how the parking will accommodate the large activities in the area. She asked that the Commission take into consideration the impact that this expansion will cause on the Village Way residents. Elke V orheis, 227 Village Way, added that parking has been a large issue and Agundis tires contributes to this problem. She noted that there is a spill over in parking which causes residents of Village Way to park at least 7 blocks away. She pointed out that there is not sufficient lighting on Second Lane and with the new loading dock there is an invitation for graffiti and littering. Public Hearing closed. Commissioner Teglia asked if a semi could be parked on the lane or if parking would be restricted on that section. Senior Planner Upston noted that it was a good idea and could be added as a condition of approval. Commissioner Teglia noted that the size of the building is being tripled and there is a large portion that could be additional parking. He asked if the building could be finished at a certain point and the size of the parking area could be doubled. Senior Planner Upston noted that the negotiations between the owner and the City involved a long range view for parking downtown which included a parking structure. \ \MULDER\PlrSHARED\Minutes\0601 00 RPC.doc Page 5 of 9 Director of ECD Van Duyn informed the Commission that the City owns the lot on the corner of Baden and Linden, the other two lots belong to Mr. Giorgi. He added that the City leases the lot in the middle which will expire at the end of the year. He noted that the learning center has a parking lot adjacent to it and it is a metered lot. He added that most of the metered spaces will be converted to permit spaces. He added the learning center will be moved out to the renovated Spruce School at the end of the year. He pointed out that the parking lots on Baden (5 & 12) are half metered and half permit parking. He added that the City has purchased the property at Cypress and Grand A venues and it is intended to be converted to metered parking. He noted that the Parking Place Commission and the Redevelopment Agency are looking at other sites for additional temporary parking. He added that the City has goals for development in the area. He noted that one was to have ground floor retail, loft housing and structured parking in the area of the learning center. He mentioned that another project was being assembled where the Borba properties are to have a parking structure to accommodate the daily parking needs of the downtown. He noted that the ultimate goal is to increase the parking downtown. He noted that those parking lots are not City owned and wanted to clarify that. Commissioner Teglia added that it was the Commission's job to be sure there is enough parking in the downtown. He noted that in order to allow the expansion there should be additional parking required. Commissioner Romero noted that parking is not relevant to the decision that it before the Commission and that the Parking Place Commission has been delegated that responsibility. He added that Director ofECD Van Duyn has explained the process that will alleviate the problems that are OCCUlTing in this area and will be improved over time. He noted that this project is a key component to the revitalization of the downtown area and the changes made to the project are excellent. He asked if the Police Department has any concerns about one truck parking next to the other. Sergeant Massoni noted he just saw the site plan and noted that the trucks could pull into the loading dock without causing a lot of disruption. He noted that the trucks cannot double park on the lane because the roadway is being blocked. Commissioner Romero supported Commissioner Teglia's recommendation with regard to having additional parking. Commissioner Teglia noted that this is part of the Commission's jurisdiction because the Parking Place Commission creates parking permits and securing property. He added that it is the Planning Commission's job to handle the planning downtown. Senior Planner Kalkin noted that the Parking Place Commission has the ability to grant parking exceptions in the downtown area and it is what they have done. Commissioner Teglia asked if the Planning Commission has review of that. Senior Planner Kalkin noted that it is a separate Commission. Commissioner Teglia asked if the Planning Commission cannot review the fact that there should be more parking on site whether there are parking exceptions or not. Assistant City Attorney Johnson noted that the Parking Place Commission tells the applicant how many parking spaces they should have and it is a criteria that must be met. She added that the a Planning Commission has never reopened such a discussion and recommended that it not be opened. Commissioner Teglia asked if the Commission agrees that the size of the building should be reduced to accommodate more parking, is it within the Commission's jurisdiction. Chairperson Sim asked if the Parking Place Commission has done an environmental review to look at the parking issue. Director of ECD Van Duyn noted that the Parking District operates with State District regulations to regulate and administrate the district provided parking. He added that the District has the authority to grant exceptions to individual parking requirements for changes of use, which is what has occurred with this case. He noted that the applicant has a choice of providing all the parking, some of the parking or asking for an exception from the parking District. He added that the parking district has reviewed the project and have not made a final decision. He noted that the Parking District is the final decision on the parking exception and the Commission makes the decision on the expansion of the building. He added that staff is making an effort to reach the goal of having parking off of Grand Avenue. Commissioner Teglia noted that the Parking Place Commission has not made a decision on the parking exception yet. He asked if they do not grant the exception would the item return to the Planning Commission or \ \MULDER\PL-SHARED\Minutes\060 1 00 RPC.doc Page 6 of 9 would the plans be modified to accommodate the change. Director of ECD Van Duyn noted that it would return to the Planning Commission. he added that the Parking Place Commission has received a report on parking in the district in which all the parking was surveyed. Commissioner Teglia suggested that Mrs. Benavidez and her neighbors go the Parking Place Commission meeting and express their concerns. Mrs. Benavidez suggested that the Commission add conditions that will help her neighbors get through the noise and dust issues that will arise with the expansion. Vice Chairperson Meloni asked if the 5 parking spaces behind the fire station could become permitted spaces. Director of ECD Van Duyn noted that they could be permit parking but they have never been legitimized parking spaces. He added that they could be interim permit parking but with the renovating of the Fire station they could be removed. Vice Chairperson Meloni asked if there was a way of monitoring the Agundis Tire business parking overflow. Sergeant Massoni noted that anyone can park on the street and the use has been there for years. He added that they could require the owner to have the employees use their parking lot. He noted that there may be problems with permitted parking behind the Fire Station because of enforcement limitations. Vice Chairperson Meloni asked Mr. Giorgi if he was willing to reduce the size of his building to accommodate parking. Mr. Giorgi replied that he was not willing to. He added that 1984 he analyzed parking with the parking place Commission, and added that the Wilbur Smith report identified a deficit of parking in the corridor of the Fire Station through Lot 5, where the breezeway is. He added that the Terranomics process will provide over 100 spaces to the City but it will be a long slow process. He noted that his employees will be parking at the less used parking lots. He also noted that all the merchants along Second lane load on the alley and Giorgi Furniture will indent their building to be off the alley. Commissioner Romero noted that the trucks and idling of the vehicles needs to be controlled, and the only way it can be done is by the applicant talking to the delivery companies they work with. Mr. Giorgi responded that he learned of the problem 30 days ago and it has been fixed. He has notified his largest supplier that arrives in South San Francisco at 3 or 4 a.m. that the engines are to be tmned off when they anive at the buildings. He added that they have posted signs around the building and anyone that leaves a motor running would not be doing business with Giorgi Brothers. He added that they scheduled a community meeting for Village Way residents but the notices were sent to the property owners and not the residents. Barbara Ward noted that they would appreciate any additional parking in the area. She added that there are only 3 non-homeowners that live in the homes that backup to Second Lane. She added that the issue is parking for Village Way residents and getting Agundis Tires to use the parking spaces they have on their property. Commissioner Honan asked Sergeant Massoni to clarify when he got the plans for review of the project and the lighting question brought up by one of the residents. Sergeant Massoni noted that he got the packet last Friday and that the Police Department had no issues with the changes. He added that all the alleys in South San Francisco are being reviewed to have better lighting. He noted that he has a standard condition that there be lighting over the loading docks and that it would not shine over bedrooms. He noted that the lighting plan is subject to his review and approval. Commissioner Honan asked if the vans were to be parked in the loading docks where will the 3 a.m. delivery truck park. Mr. Giorgi noted that the vans would not park there and would park on another site. He added that he is very interested in the aesthetics of Second Lane and has proposed a sound wall to the Village Way homeowners which he will keep pursuing. He added that he will pay for it and the homeowners will have to maintain the wall. Commissioner Teglia asked if parking was allowed on the left hand side of the lane. Sergeant Massoni noted that it was only allowed behind the Fire Station. Conlmissioner Teglia asked if there could be any on street parking. Sergeant Massoni noted that it would have to be looked at. Commissioner Teglia suggested that signs \\MULDER\PL-SHARED\Minutes\060100 RPC.doc Page 7 of 9 be posted if parking is not allowed on the lane. He noted that the trucks are currently parking on the street and asked if parking would be restricted only to the loading dock. Senior Planner Upston noted that it has been added as a condition of approval and the Police Department would enforce the condition. Commissioner Baldocchi asked if the tower was going to be 50 feet tall and how tall the building would be. Senior Planner Upston noted that the rest of the building is closer to 35 feet. He added that the original proposal was out of scale and the applicant has made many changes. Motion Honan / Second Romero to approve UP and ND-00-006 with additional conditions. Approved by Unanimous voice vote. 3. ExelixislBritannia Pointe Grand Ltd. Partnership, owner/applicant 169 Harbor Way PUD-98-053/MOD2 Consideration of a request to construct a bridge between two buildings located at 169 and 170 Harbor Way (over Harbor Way) . Commissioners Teglia and Baldocchi stepped down from the dias at 10:40 p.m. Senior Planner Kalkin presented the staff report. Commissioners Teglia and Baldocchi returned to the dias at 10:45 p.m. Al Chamorro gave a brief presentation of the proposed bridge. Vice Chairperson Meloni asked what the height of the bridge was. Mr. Chamorro noted that the height was 17 feet 9 inches. He added that they have satisfied the concerns of the Design Review Board. Motion Meloni / Second Teglia to approve PUD-98-053/MOD2. Unanimously approved. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 5. Items from Staff Heard before Public Hearing items. a. Terrabay Phase II/III (Final Terrabay Specific Plan) Study Session Study Session to present a model and discuss the development concept for the remaining parcels in Terrabay Phase II/III. -The proposed project is to: 1) Create a Preservation Parcel consisting of 25.73 acres to preserve the Native American shell mound and lands north of the shell mound; 2) Create a 2.68 acre "Buffer Parcel" south of the Preservation Parcel (known as the Indian Ridge area) for landscaping and surface parking; 3) Construct a 448,000 square foot office tower with related parking and support retail uses on the ground floor on a 18.08 acre parcel adjacent to and south of the Buffer Parcel; 4) Construct a 228 unit residential condominium on a 14.96 acre parcel that is west of the "Point Area" and 5) Construct a recreation/day care facility on an 8.22 acre parcel (previously referred to as the Commons Area). b. Miscellaneous \ \MULDER\PL-SHARED\Minutes\0601 00 RPC.doc Page 8 of 9 Senior Planner Kalkin noted that the City Council will have a study session on the Bay West Cove project on June 8th at 6:00 p.m. and would like it to be a joint Planning Commission / City Council meeting. She added that the Capital Improvement Program has been distributed to the Commission. Chairperson Sim noted that the Commission would join the City Council on the June 8th study session. 6. Items from Commission Commissioner Teglia noted that the Commission has historically canceled the meeting for the week of the 4th of July and suggested this be done because many people take the opportunity to travel on that week. Chairperson Sim noted that he had asked for a sketch of the sUlTounding views around the Giorgi project. He added that this information is fundamental and it is required. Commissioner Honan welcomed Pedro Gonzalez in filling the vacant City Council seat. Commissioner Romero asked to have some sort of dialogue with other Commissions, especially with the Terrabay project. Chairperson Sim noted that there was a consensus of the Commission to have a joint Planning Commission / Design Review Board meeting to discuss TelTabay issues. 7. Items from the Public - None 8. Adjournment Motion Meloni / Second Honan to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 11 :00 p.m. E~~ Planning Commission City of South San Francisco NEXT MEETING: Regular Meeting June 15, 2000, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, CA G:\File Cabinet\minutes\2000\060100 RPC.doc Page 9 of 9