HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.18.00 Minutes
May 18, 2000
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
Commissioner Baldocchi, Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Honan,
Commissioner Romero, Commissioner Teglia, and Chairperson Sim
Vice Chairperson Meloni
Planning Division:
Susy Kalkin, Senior Planner
Steve Carlson, Senior Planner
Mike Upston, Senior Planner
Marty Van Duyn
Kimberly Johnson
Richard Harmon
Sgt. Mike Riordan
Thomas Ahrens
Director of ECD:
City Attorney:
Police Dept.:
Bldg./Fire Prevo
Senior Planner Kalkin noted that there were no changes to the agenda but had a modification to item #5, Giorgi
Brothers and it would be discussed with the item. She took the opportunity to introduce Kimberly Johnson to the
Commission, who is a new Assistant City Attorney for the City.
Commissioner Teglia expressed his condolences to Councilmember Joe Fernekes' family for the passing away
of his mother.
1. WebVan Group Inc., Applicant
H.H & F Properties, Owner
425 Littlefield Ave.
UP-00-021 and Categorical Exemption Section 15301 Class 1 Existing Facilities
Use Permit to allow a test kitchen for food preparation in an existing 4,000 sq. ft. tenant space in a 32,800
sq. ft. industrial building including interior tenant improvements and expansion of office space into
existing storage space in the P-I Zone District
2. Broadmoor LumberlFrederick Schlosser Jr., Owner
Sandra B. Jimenez, Applicant
1350 EI Camino Real
UP-00-019 and Categorical Exemption Class 32 Section 15332 In Fill Development Project
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Use Permit to allow a residential loft unit to be added to an existing construction sales and service
Motion Honan / Second Romero to approve the consent calendar. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
3. Golden State FlooringlRick Coates, Applicant
Arthur Gilbert Real Estate Dev.-owner
240 Littlefield Ave.
UP-00-OI0 and Categorical Exemption Section 15301 Class 1 Existing Facilities
Use Permit allowing a construction sales and material business with hours of operation. (Continued/rom
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report.
Bruce Chan, Landscape Architect, gave a brief description of the landscape plan.
Public Hearing opened.
Public Hearing closed.
Commissioner Honan asked if there was a maintenance agreement for the site. Senior Planner Carlson noted
that there would not be a separate maintenance agreement needed and condition #4 could be amended to require
that there be a maintenance agreement that extends for a minimum of 2 years. He noted that the condition could
state that they have an ongoing responsibility to maintain the landscaping as long as the use permit is valid.
Senior Planner Carlson noted that the Commission could consider taking action on the sign plan, because it was
not provided by Tuesday. He noted that it was supposed to be part of the action but could be done separately.
The Commission agreed to have the sign program return for within 30 days for review and approval by the Chief
Motion Honan / Second Teelia to approve the Use Permit UP-OO-Ol 0 with amendment to condition #4.
Approved by unanimous voice vote.
Chairperson Sim noted that he would be abstaining from Oakmont Vistas and asked Assistant City Attorney
Johnson for direction on who would be Chair Pro Tempore, due to Vice Chairperson Meloni being absent.
Assistant City Attorney Johnson noted that the Commission would have to vote for an interim Chairperson.
Motion Teelia / Second Romero to have Commissioner Honan be the interim Chairperson. Unanimously
4. Oakmont Vistas/Thomas Callan Jr., Gilbert Anda, Owner
John Hansen PSC, Applicant
Oakmont Drive @ Westborough Blvd.
Consideration of a Development Agreement to provide maintenance assurances for the 4.9 undeveloped
acreage at the comer of Oakmont Drive and Westborough Boulevard.
Public Hearing opened.
Senior Planner Kalkin presented the staff report.
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Tim Tosta, Baker & Mckenzie representing the applicant, noted that they agree with staff's recommendations
and are available to answer any questions.
Jerry Twentyman, 2415 Bantry Lane - President of the Westborough Homeowners Improvement
Association, had three points for further consideration of the Development Agreement by the Commission; 1 sl-
the City has given away to much by allowing the developer to propose 47 homes on a 4.9 acre site. He added that
the developer will return with a high density project; 2) The agreement requires the developer and then the
Homeowners Association to maintain the open land, including the existing subsurface and surface drains. He
noted that there is no language in the Development agreement requiring the developer to investigate the condition
of those drains. He added that there is a condition for the 4.9 acre site that requires the applicant to investigate the
drainage and suggested that the same condition apply to the other area; 3) He noted that the Homeowners
Association should not be responsible for the maintenance of both sites. He added that there is a small fraction of
people that would get involved in the Homeowners Association and noted that there is a 1 % homeowner
participation in his association. He suggested that the City Attorney contact the Association of Homeowner
Associations. He asked to see the estimated costs for the homeowners association and noted that it may be a large
number. He concluded by mentioning that the development agreement is a 10 year agreement and the developer
has obtained many things by it. He further noted that landscaping, and emergency access are to be maintained
and the development agreement does not have any maintenance standards. He added that Homeowner's
Associations are an easy way for the developer to move onto the next project.
Bernanrd Norris, 2520 Ardee Lane, was concerned with development on the site. He noted that the home at
2304 Olympic fell in and asked if a line runs under then there will be problems on his property.
Public Hearing closed.
Assistant City Attorney Johnson noted that the Homeowners Association is required to maintain the second
property until some permits are issued for the development of that property. She noted that it is not a continuing
obligation and all of those issues will be covered in the DCC&Rs. She added that the development states that the
property shall be maintained in accordance with City requirements and the City will be monitoring the
maintenance. She noted that the City maintains enforcement responsibility with the Development Agreement.
Commissioner Teglia noted that a small association has limited resources. He added that the project was first
brought before the Commission as one site and the Commission had recommended to make the San Andreas Fault
site a permanent park. He noted that there are legitimate issues on the drain system. He added that there was
going to be more development and considering the history on the application he asked if the Commission could
ask for direction from the Council and try to look at the area as one entire site again.
Senior Planner Kalkin noted that the residential portion has not yet been approved. She mentioned that
Council's direction to staff was to have the residential portion go forward and also have assurances that the main
parcel would be maintained. She added that the Council also wanted the developer to develop a project that
would comply with the zoning code for the site. She mentioned that in order to do that it requires thorough
geotechnical investigations. Commissioner Teglia noted that the approved portion of the project was based on
the fact that residential would not be allowed over the San Andreas Fault section. He added that allowances were
made for this reason which were private streets and increased densities. He noted that the vacant lot is still open
and asked for a clearer idea of what is going to be done in the future and maybe put to rest the lower portion of the
site by designating it open space.
Assistant City Attorney Johnson pointed out that the agreement governs the portion of the property that has
already been approved for development and related to the undeveloped and unapproved portion to the extent that
there is maintenance required of the property. She noted that the agreement gives the applicant some assurances
that if they are able to meet state and local requirements, then they will have the opportunity to apply for permits.
Director of ECD Van Duyn noted that the Council shared similar concerns that the Planning Commission had.
He noted that if the site was segregated with the single family homes being approved, then the 4.9 acre site would
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be left as it stands now. He mentioned that staffs concern was what the motivation would be to improve the site.
He added that the property would revert back to the same condition it is now. He explained that the developer
was going to purchase the entire site if the mini storage would be approved. He added that the 4.9 acre site was
then left alone and the developer only had responsibility for the 33-unit subdivision. He noted that Council
directed staff to work something out with the developer, and the developer committed to taking the 4.9 acre site
under his ownership. He added that the developer thought there would be development potential on that 4.9 acre
Director of ECD Van Duyn further noted that the City wanted to see the site maintained, kept clean,
improvements on the corner being done, and to be able to correct future issues, which led to the decision of
having a development agreement to accomplish this. He noted that they were going to keep the entire site as one
and the Homeowners Association would be the responsible party for the maintenance. He mentioned that the
developer has other options which are subject to the Planning Commission's review. He added that the
engineering studies were to be conducted right away and the applicant agreed to do that. He recommended
adding a time period in which the applicant has to submit an application filed for the development, rather than
having the property vacant for years. He added that staff had suggested a two year time frame that would allow
the applicant to get the engineering study accomplished, reviewed by staff, and submittal of an application to
staff. He added that if development on that site should occur then the responsibilities would be redistributed. He
mentioned that the option of purchasing the property was considered and the Parks & Recreation Department did
not recommend it and Council supported that recommendation. He added that staff wanted the site addressed
with some improvements on the site. He noted that the agreement calls for maintenance on the site and clearance
of debris. He added that the development agreement gave staff the opportunity to ask for a landscape plan on the
lower portion. He mentioned that this reached staff's primary objective to have the remaining site landscaped.
He pointed out that the only area that the Homeowners Association would be responsible for would be the comer
Commissioner D'Angelo was uncomfortable passing an obligation that belongs to the developer to a new
Homeowners Association without knowing the drainage system and its negative impact. He asked if the
developer isn't responsible who would be responsible for any litigation. Assistant City Attorney Johnson noted
that it is fact specific and cannot be speculate as to who would be liable for any issues unless all the facts are
known. Commissioner D'Angelo asked if the Homeowners Association would be exempt from liability.
Assistant City Attorney Johnson noted that the Homeowners Association may not be exempt. Commissioner
D'Angelo noted that he was concerned with this because of the history of drainage problems in that area. He
added that there has not been any TVing of that system to give the Commission a report on its condition and
future capability.
Director of ECD Van Duyn noted that there is a condition on the 33 lot subdivision that covers the entire] 0 acre
site in regards to an addressment of the engineering for the entire drain system of the property. He noted that the
intention is to address all the drainage issues for the entire] 0 acres at the time the subdivision comes in. He
added that the maintenance of the remainder portion is for the Homeowners Association. Commissioner
D'Angelo noted that he cannot support transferring the responsibility to the Homeowners Association.
Commissioner Teglia asked what drainage system was in question. Director of ECD Van Duyn noted that all
the drainage for the development of the site and the subdrains. Commissioner Teglia noted that the big problem
was the deep drains. He mentioned that if there should be a failure of these drains the liability would be so great
that the homeowners association would not be able to handle it. He asked when the Homeowners' Association
goes bankrupt is the City liable at that point. Director of ECD Van Duyn noted that the engineering solutions on
the site would be such that it would not be solved and it is the intent behind the original condition.
Commissioner Teglia asked for some insurance, such as, video scoping the system. Senior Planner Kalkin
noted that it was recommended as a condition of approval for sewers and storm drains. Commissioner D'Angelo
asked who was responsible for the repairs.
Engineering Development Specialist Harmon noted that there is no way of addressing the subdrain system
physically. He noted that the intent of the conditions of the subdivision were to intercept the water at the
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downstream border of the subdivision. He added that the intent was to dig down and find he main drain and
pump the water up to the surface drainage. He noted that this particular property would not add to the problems
in the Westborough and Monte Verde areas.
Commissioner Romero asked if the maintenance was on site and not off site. Director of ECD Van Duyn
noted that it is on site but if it is traced back to the site then responsibility for the problem would fall upon the
Homeowner Association. Commissioner Romero asked if the Homeowners Association does not take
responsibility then the other alternative would be the City. Director of ECD Van Duyn noted that the
responsibility falls on the Homeowners association. He added that staff does not want this to come back as the
City's responsibi I ity.
Chair Pro Tempore Honan asked if there was an existing budget. Director of ECD Van Duyn noted that the
applicant is required to submit a budget when they do the Corporation for the Homeowners Association and tax
rate plan which are approved by the State Department of Real Estate.
Tim Tosta added that the Subdivision Public Report is issued and the State Department of Real Estate is
protecting the consumer and they review the development agreement. They will identify the potential charges
that can arise for that homeowners association. He noted that they make sure that there are adequate allowances
so that the Department of Real Estate will issue the Public Report in order for the units to be sold. He pointed out
that this was an extra level of protection for the Homeowners Associations. Assistant City Attorney Johnson
noted that the developer remains the owner of the unimproved property. She noted that the some maintenance
responsibilities are shifted to the Association, the developer is still the owner of that property, and will be working
actively on that site doing the tests that are in the conditions.
Commissioner Romero noted that the Commission has reviewed development agreements where the
responsibility has been conveyed to the Homeowners Association and those costs have been forecast and taken
into consideration. He added that the landscaping solution is a benefit to the City because it will improve the
entrance to the City and make it a nicer area to drive through. He added that it addresses Council's concerns and
the residential portion of the project is a superior product. He suggested going forward with the Development
Agreement and recommend it to Council for approval. He noted that they can determine at their level if this is
appropriate and if it has been adequately drafted.
Chair Pro Tempore Honan noted that she has driven up to the site for the fourth time. She was uncomfortable
with putting the responsibility on the Homeowners Association and understands that the home buyer will be made
aware of the responsibility that they have. She added that the site is not a benefit to the City as it sits and needs
help and would like to see this go forward to the City Council.
Commissioner D'Angelo noted that there is a shortage of housing on the Peninsula and people are going to buy
anywhere they need to be. He added that the home buyer will accept the risk until there is a problem and will turn
around and tell the City that they allowed the potential problem to go forward. He noted that as a homeowner,
former homeowner association member, and without the endorsement from the Homeowners' Association in the
area he cannot approve the development agreement and would like the developer to carry the burden of
maintaining the site.
Commissioner Teglia noted that this was an interesting point and asked if it can be done. Assistant City
Attorney Johnson noted that when projects are approved an indemnity is requested from the developer from any
and all claims. She noted that with the full disclosure requirements that the homeowners are subject to when they
purchase a home it is unlikely that they will prevail against the City in any action. She noted that there is an
indemnity provision in the Development Agreement that holds harmless the City for any action of its contractors,
subcontractors and any work done. Commissioner D'Angelo asked what the amount of the indemnity was.
Assistant City Attorney Johnson responded that it is unlimited.
Commissioner D'Angelo noted that the developer has unlimited liability if there are damages in the drainage
system. Assistant City Attorney Johnson noted that it is unlimited in any action in connection with the
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construction or maintenance of the project or future project to the extent that it was the City's negligence. She
noted that the developer has the obligation to defend the City unless they can prove that the City was negligent.
Commissioner D'Angelo noted that the City could be negligent if the drainage system is not video scoped.
Assistant City Attorney Johnson noted that this is not so because that obligation falls on the developer as a
condition of approval. Commissioner D'Angelo thanked Assistant City Attorney Johnson but noted that he was
not convinced.
Motion Romero / Second Teglia to approve the Development Agreement with a 2 year time limit on the
geotechnical reports.
Ayes: Commissioner Baldocchi, Chair Pro Tempore Honan, Commissioner Romero, Commissioner
Noes: Commissioner D'Angelo
Abstain: Chairperson Sim
Absent: Vice Chairperson Meloni
Approved by majority roll call vote.
Recess called at 8:38 p.m.
Recalled to order at 8:58 p.m.
s. Giorgi Bros. Furniture
Robert Giorgi-owner/applicant
211 Baden Ave.
UP-00-006 and Negative Declaration ND-00-006
Use Permit allowing construction of a retail furniture showroom (expansion of the existing Giorgi Bros.
Furniture store) within 200 feet of a residential district.
Director ofECD Van noted that the variance portion of the application was not properly advertised and the
Commission cannot act on that portion of the project. He added that those issues are critical to the design of the
project. He noted that it was recognized earlier and thought that it might be of some benefit to the applicant to
make a presentation to the Commission. He added that the applicant suggested making some modifications to the
plans in light of the conditions in the staff report and has agreed to continue the entire item in order to advertise
the variance for the June 1, 2000 meeting. He also suggested that the public hearing be opened to allow the public
to speak and the Commission will not discuss the item or act on the item.
Public Hearing opened.
Barbara Ward, 227 Village Way, noted that Village Way is a one way street and accessed on Linden Avenue.
She added that most of the residents are Spanish speaking and don't speak English and poses a problem with the
notices. She opposes the expansion because of the noise, traffic congestion and loss of parking. She added that
there is not adequate parking on Village because it is used by the Agundis Tire shop customers. She noted that 3
days a week 18 wheel trucks deliver to the Giorgi building through the alley and leave their engines running at 2
or 3 a.m. She added that Second Lane is a main artery between Linden and South Airport Boulevard to go to the
freeway. She noted that there has not been a traffic count on that street and there is one needed because the traffic
load is tremendous. She entered pictures into the record for the Commission. She added that the loading and
unloading on Second A venue poses a problem because many of the trucks have to back up into the street and they
lun into the fences. She noted that Giorgi Brothers has been a good neighbor but has outgrown their business.
She pointed out that the Giorgi and City parking lots are always full. She felt that if the expansion is allowed
there will be more traffic generated by customers, and delivery.
Teresa Benavides, 221 Village Way, has noticed a tremendous change in the downtown area. She added that
Giorgi has outgrown the building that they are in. She noted that her house is directly behind the loading dock.
She mentioned that the large 48 foot flat bed trailers park that leave their engines running are very disturbing. She
added that on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays the semis block the lane. She added that there are occasions
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Elke Vorheis, 227 Village Way, was also concerned about traffic, parking, noise and the safety in the area. She
also noted her concerns with the increase in these problems and would like them addressed at the next meeting.
Public Hearing closed.
Motion Teglia / Second Baldocchi to continue the item to June 1,2000. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
6. Items from Staff
Senior Planner Kalkin noted that a Terrabay study session has been scheduled for the June 1 st meeting..
7. Items from Commission
Commissioner Baldocchi complemented staff on including pictures as part of the staff report.
The Commission asked staff to respond to the following issues on the Giorgi project at the next meeting:
· Having a neighborhood meeting on the Giorgi project
· Translating the Public Hearing notice into Spanish.
· Submittal of pictures or drawings showing more context in terms of elevation, and site plans to see how its
relation to the urban environment. He noted that it would help the Commission to better analyze the
relationship between the adjacent context and the building.
· Response from the Police Department with regard to how the traffic issue can be handled.
· Overflow of parking on Village Way.
8. Items from the Public - None
9. Adjournment
Motion Honan / Second Teglia to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9: 15 p.m.
, ~
Eugene Sim, Chairperson
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
k~L,- ..
Susy Kalkin; Principal Planner
Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Regular Meeting June 1,2000, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San
Francisco, CA.
Staff Reports can now be accessed on the website. www.ci.ssf.ca.lls (Economic &
Community Development/Planning webpages).
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