HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 428-1958 ORDINANCE NO. 428 AN O~DINANC~ OF T~E CITY OF SOWfH SAN FRANCISCO ADOPTING BY ~EFE~ENCE 1958 EDITION OF THE UNI- FORN BUILDING CODE b'ITH AMENDMENTS, ESTABLISHING P/ILES, REGULATIONS AN9 ~ FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, FItOVIDING PENALTIES FOR TI~ VIOLA' TION TI~REOF AN9 REPEALING O~DINANCE NO. 392. WHEREAS, the Uniform Building Code, 1958 Edition, as approved and adopted by the International Conference of Building Officials at its Thirty Fifth Annual Business Meeting held on September 10th to September 13th, 1957, has been printed as a Code in book form in several vol-roes, and ~E~, three (3) copies of Uniform Building Code, 1958 Edition, Volume I, including Appendix thereto, and Volt~ III Uniform Building Code Standards, 1958 Edition, hereinafter collec- tively called ,Building Code", have been filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of South San Francisco for inspection, examination and use by the public, and I~E~, the City Council of the City of South San Francisco deems it to be advisable and to be in the best interests of said City and of the residents and property owners thereof that said "Building Code" be adopted by said City Council for the purpose of regulating and controlling the construction of ~uildings in said City. NO~, TBEREFORE, the City Council of the City of South San Francisco d~es ordain as follows: SECTIO~':.I. ADOFTION OF UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 1958 EDITION: The rules, regulations and standards printed in two (2) volumes and published by International Conference of Building Officials under the title "UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, 1958 EDITION, VOI2JI~ I', including the~ Appendix thereto, and "VO~,UME III, UNIFORM BUILDING CODE STANDARDS, 19~8 EDITION", hereinafter collectively called "BUILDING CODE", and are hereby adopted with the fol[owinS stipulated amend- ments, deletions and additions as the Official Buildin& Code for the purpose of res?alatin& and controllinS the construction of build- inss within said City of South San Francisco. Three (3) copies of the Buildin$ Code, Volumes I and III, filed in the office of the City Clerk, shall be kept there for inspection, examination and use by the public, and for any other purposes required by law. SECTION II. =ION OF SECTION 20~: Section 204 of the Uniform Buildin~ Code, 19.58 Edition, Volume I is hereby deleted. SECTION III. A~E~NT TO TABLE 3-A, SECTION 303(a): Table No. 3-A of Section 303(a), Buildins Permit Fees of said Uniform Buildins Code, 19.58 Ed£tion, is hereby amended so that, as amended, said t&ble shall read as follows: TOTAL VALUATION FEE Less than .$10.00 ......................... ~MO Fee $10,00, to and includin$ $100.00 ......... $2.00 More then $100.00, to and includ:i.n$ $400.00 ................................ 3.00 More than $$00.00, to and £ncludin& $700. O0 ................................ .5. O0 More than $700.00, to and includins; $1,000.00 ........... . .................. 6.00 Each additional $1,000.00 or fraction, to and includin$ $2.5,000.00 ........... .... 4.00 Each additional $1,000.00 or fraction, to and £nclud£ns $.50,000.00 ............... 3..50 Each additional $1,000.00 or fraction, to and £nclud£n$ $100,000. O0 ...... - ........ 2.2.5 Each additional $1,000.00 or fraction, more than $100' 000.00 .................. 1..50 SECTION IV. AI4E~NT OF SECTION 303(b) PLAN CHECi~XNG FEES: Sect:ion 303(b) of the Uniform Build£ns Code, 19.58 Ed~Ltion, is hereby amended so that,, as amended, it shall read as follows: 0 (b) Plan. Checkin$ Fees: In each case in which plans and specifications are required to be checked by persons, [irma or asencies other than City Departments, a plan checkin$ fee shall be paid to the Buildin$ Official upon receipt of invoice. Such plan checkin$ fee shell be the actual cost oE checkin$ the plans, buC in no case shall exceed one-half of the buildin$ pemit fee as set forth in Table No. 3-A, as a~ended. SECTION V. AHE~NT OF SECTXON 1405(a) - MXNDOMS: The fourth and last parasraph of Section 1405(a) of the Umifom Build- ins Code, 1958 Edition, is hereby a~ended so that, as amended, it shall read as follows: Required windows shell open directly on a court, yard, or street. Required windows shall not open throush a roofed porch (or s~ailar roofed areas) unless the porch: (a) Abuts a street, yard, or cOUrt. (b) Has a =/nimua clear height o£ not less then seven feet (7') s~awa~ed between the floor and the lowest under- side portion of the roofed porch, and a depth of not ~ore than seven feet (7') measured at right an$1e fro~ the window to the edse of roof, and is designed and constructed with one side or end at least fifty percent (501) open and unobstructed, except for the usual rails, balustrades or similar necessary structural features, but such openinss shall be equal to not less then one-third (1/3) of the per/~eter of the exterior walls. Opening shall be ~aintain- ed directly under the roof, and shall be ~aintained within twelve feet (12') of required windows. EXCEF~XON: Depth ~ay be increased to ten feet (10') providin$ one side and one end is at least fifty per- cent (5OX)open, but such openinSs shall be equal to not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the peris~ter of the exterior walls, and depth may be increased to twelve feet (12') providing one side and one end is one hundred percent (100~) open or at least fifty percent 3. open on three sides. SECTION VI. AMENDHENT OF SECTION 1503 LOCATION ON PROPERTY: Section 1503 of the Uniform Building Code, 19~8 Edition, is hereby amended by adding thereto an exception which shall read as follows: EXCEPTION: Exterior walls of any structure of a Group J occupancy in a residential zone, the area of which structure does not exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet and the use of which is not for garaging of boats or any motor vehicles and which s~ruc~ure is located on =he rear half portion of the lo~ need not be of a one-hour fire resistive construc- tion. SECTION VII. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 2507(b-11), STUD HALLS AN9 BEARING PARTITIONS - BRIDGING: All sCud partitions or walls over seven fee~ (7') in height shall have bridging, not less than two inches (2") in thickness and of the same width as the stud, fitted snu$1y and spiked into ~he s~uds at their mid-heigh~, or other means for giving adequate lateral support to the s~uds. Bridging meeting the requirements of Section 2508 may serve as required fire- stopping. SECTION VIII. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 2516(a), FOUNDATION VENTILATION: Section 2516(a) is hereby amended by adding ~here~o a third paragraph, which shall read as fo&lows: Minimum clearance between bottom of heating ducts and the ground beneath shall be twelve inches (12"). SECTION IX. AME~NT OF SECTION 2806(a). Section 2806(a) is hereby amended by: 1. Deleting sub-paragraph 3 of Exception from words, "A one story building" to and including words at end of ~:~id paragraph "w~ed foundation plgte#. 2. Adding sub-paragraphs (c) and (d) as follows: (c) Rat Proofing: Every building or portion ~hereof, shall be made rat-proof by covering all o~herwise exposed 4. earth within the foundation walls with a concrete cover- ing having a minimum thickness of ~wo inches (2"). (d) Reinforcing in Foundation= For Group H and I Occupancies: A minimum of two (2) half-inch (1/2") steel reinforcing rods shall be placed in continous foundation. SECTION X. AMEN~NT OF SECTION 3102 - CONCRETE FIA)OI~: Section 3102 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following provis ions: Following are the requirements for concrete slabs on ground used as a finish floor or as a base for other floor finish in dwell- ings or habitable rooms: 1. A minimum thickness of reinforced concrete, three and one-half inches (3¥'), with 6" x 6" x l0 g~uge wire mesh o 2. N~mbrana water-proofing or water proofing acceptable to the Building Inspector shall be provided so as to extend to the exterior walls or beyond the limits of habitable rooms and turn up to top of slab. 3. A granular fill of Proper consistency and thickness shall be provided directly under concrete slab to retard capillary action and shall be approved by the ~uilding Inspector. 4. The elevation of the floor slab shall be maintained at one foot (1~) above sidewalk level. EXCEPTION: If one foot (1~) elevation above sidewalk level cannot be -mintained due to the slope of a lot or location of the building on a lot, the Building Inspector shall approve an alternate, provided, however. that in all cases a one foot (1~) elevation shall be ~lintained above finished grade level. 5. A method to eliminate water seepage through stucco walls from flowing in upon concrete slab shall be pro- vided in every case and shell be approved by the Building Inspector. SECTION XI. ANENDI~IFf OF SECTION 3105 - gOOD FLOORS:' The Third and last parasraph of Section 3105 is hereby amended so tlmC, as ~mended, it sh~11 read: An eighteen inch by twenty-four inch (18" x 24") access crawl opening shall be provided Cq the under floor space and in an exterior wall. SECTION XlI. AME~ OF SECTION 4710 - EXTERIOR PLASTER- lNG, BACKING: Section 4710 is hereby amended so as to add thereto sub-paragraph (e), Building Paper, providing as follows: Anything in Section 4710 or elsewhere in this Code to the con~ra~y':no~witho s~anding, in all cases where plastering or stucco is applied to the exterior of a wood frame building, the building paper required shell be applied on sheathing or similar backing, and never on wires stretched hor£zon~ally across the stud frame. SECTION XlII. REPEAL OF. PRIOR OKglNANCES: The ~ollowing ordinance, and any and all other ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed: Ordinance No. 392 entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco Adopting the Uniform Building Code, 1955 Edition, and Repealing Ordinance No. 253, No. 317 and No. 338". SECTION XIV. PEHALTY: Any person, persons, firm or corporation, who, or which, shall violate any provisions or fail to comply with any of the requirements of this ordinance or of the Uniform Building Code shall be &uilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not leas tha~ Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) and not more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), or by ,!mp~isonmene for a period not exceeding three (3) months, or by ~oth such fine and imprisonment. Each day's viola- tion of said Uniform Bu£1d£ng Code shall be deemed to be separate offense and shall be punished accordingly. SECTION XV. FJBLICATION AN9 EFFECTIV~ 9ATE: This Ordinance shall be 'published once as required by law and shall take effect and be in force following the expiration of thirty (30)..days from and after the date of its 'ad6p.tion. 6. Introduced this 1st day of December 1958. FaSsed and adopted as an Ordinance of the C£Cy of Sou~h San Francisco a~ a regular C~y~unc~ o[ Sou~h San FrancisCo ~ce~ber 19 58 , by'~he [ollo~n~ vo~e: A~S, C~CI~N An~ew Rocca, ~li~ Corte~i, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahern N~S, " None A~E~' ' G.J. Rozzi ~P~VND: V~~Yo' ~t uta ~an francisco