HomeMy WebLinkAbout0014_2_Exhibit A-1 - Associated MMRP840 El Camino Real Hotel Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program prepared by City of South San Francisco Planning Division, Economic and Community Development Department 315 Maple Avenue South San Francisco, California 94080 in consultation with Rincon Consultants, Inc. 449 15th Street, Suite 303 Oakland, California 94612 April 2020 Exhibit A-1 - Associated MMRP Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Final Initial Study – Mitigated Negative Declaration 5-1 5 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program This document is the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the 840 El Camino Real Hotel Project (proposed project) in the City of South San Francisco. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires a public agency to adopt a monitoring and reporting program for assessing and ensuring compliance with any required mitigation measures applied to proposed development. As stated in section 21081.6(a)(1) of the Public Resources Code: ...the public agency shall adopt a reporting or monitoring program for the changes made to the project or conditions of project approval, adopted in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment. Section 21081.6 also provides general guidelines for implementing mitigation monitoring programs and indicates that specific reporting and/or monitoring requirements, to be enforced during project implementation, shall be defined as part of adopting a mitigated negative declaration. The purpose of the MMRP is to ensure that the required mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study – Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS-MND) are implemented as part of the overall project implementation. In addition, the MMRP provides feedback to agency staff and decision-makers during project implementation and identifies the need for enforcement action before irreversible environmental damage occurs. The following table summarizes the mitigation measures for each issue area identified in the IS- MND for the proposed project. The table identifies the actions required for the measure to be implemented, the time at which the mitigation is to be implemented, the monitoring frequency, and the agency or party responsible for ensuring that the monitoring is performed. In addition, the table includes columns for compliance verification. These columns will be filled out by the monitoring agency or party and would document monitoring compliance. Where an impact was identified to be less than significant, no mitigation measures were required. City of South San Francisco 840 El Camino Real Hotel Project 5-2 Mitigation Measure Action Required Mitigation Timing Responsible Party Monitoring Agency or Party Compliance Verification Initial Date Comments Air Quality AQ-1 Fugitive Dust Control Measures Consistent with the BAAQMD (2017) CEQA Air Quality Guidelines, the project shall implement the following BMPs during all phases of project construction to reduce fugitive dust emissions:  All exposed surfaces (e.g., parking areas, staging areas, soil piles, graded areas, and unpaved access roads) shall be watered two times per day.  All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, or other loose material off-site shall be covered.  All visible mud or dirt track-out onto adjacent public roads shall be removed using wet power vacuum street sweepers at least once per day. Dry power sweeping is prohibited.  All vehicle speeds on unpaved roads shall be limited to 15 miles per hour.  All roadway, driveway, and sidewalk paving shall be completed as soon as possible. Building pads shall be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used.  Idling times shall be minimized either by shutting equipment off when not in use or reducing the maximum idling time to five minutes (as required by the California airborne toxics control measure Title 13, Section 2485 of California Code of Regulations [CCR]). Clear signage indicating these rules shall be provided for construction workers at all access points.  All construction equipment shall be maintained and properly tuned in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications. All equipment shall be checked by a certified mechanic and determined to be running in proper conditions prior to operation. Incorporation of fugitive dust control measures in grading and construction plans. Review of plans prior to issuance of construction permits Applicant City of South San Francisco Planning Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Final Initial Study – Mitigated Negative Declaration 5-3 Mitigation Measure Action Required Mitigation Timing Responsible Party Monitoring Agency or Party Compliance Verification Initial Date Comments  A publicly visible sign shall be posted with the telephone number and person to contact at the lead agency regarding dust complaints. This person shall respond and take corrective action within 48 hours. The BAAQMD phone number shall also be visible to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. Biological Resources BIO-1 Conducting Nesting Bird Preconstruction Surveys Ground disturbance and vegetation removal activities should be restricted to the non-breeding season (September 16 to January 31) for all segments when feasible. For ground disturbance and vegetation removal activities occurring in all project areas during the bird nesting season (February 1 to September 15), general pre-construction nesting bird surveys shall be conducted by a qualified biologist for all migratory birds, including special status birds and raptors, not more than 14 days prior to construction activities involving ground clearing, vegetation removal/trimming, or building demolition. The surveys should include the disturbance area plus a 200-foot buffer around the site if feasible. If active nests are located, an appropriate avoidance buffer should be established within which no work activity will be allowed which would impact these nests. The avoidance buffer would be established by the qualified biologist on a case-by-case basis based on the species and site conditions. In no cases should the buffer be smaller than 50 feet for non-raptor bird species or 300 feet for raptor species. Larger buffers may be required depending upon the status of the nest and the construction activities occurring in the vicinity of the nest. The buffer area(s) should be closed to all construction personnel and equipment until juveniles have fledged and the nest is inactive. The implementing entity-approved biologist should confirm that breeding/nesting is completed and young have fledged the nest prior to removal of the buffer. Verify that construction is scheduled outside of the bird breeding season to the extent feasible; if construction is to occur during the bird breeding season, verify and review completion of a nesting bird survey and review survey results; if nests are found, verify compliance with established buffer Review construction scheduling prior to issuance of construction permits; field monitoring as necessary during construction. Applicant City of South San Francisco Planning Department City of South San Francisco 840 El Camino Real Hotel Project 5-4 Mitigation Measure Action Required Mitigation Timing Responsible Party Monitoring Agency or Party Compliance Verification Initial Date Comments Cultural Resources CR-1 Archaeological and Native American Monitoring A qualified archaeologist meeting the Secretary of Interior Standards for Archaeology and Historic Preservation (36 CFR 61) shall monitor all ground disturbing activities. The qualified archaeologist, in consultation with the City of South San Francisco, may recommend the reduction or termination of monitoring depending upon observed conditions (e.g., no resources encountered within the first 50 percent of ground disturbance). If archaeological resources are encountered during ground-disturbing activities, work within a 100-foot radius of the find must halt and the find evaluated for CRHR eligibility. Should an unanticipated resource be found as CRHR eligible and avoidance is infeasible, such as preservation in place or archaeological data recovery, shall occur as required by the archeologist in coordination with City staff and descendants and/or stakeholder groups, as warranted. Once the resource has been properly treated or protected, work in the area may resume. A Native American representative shall be retained to monitor mitigation work associated with Native American cultural material. If cultural resources encountered on- site during ground-disturbing activities, verify that construction activities are halted and that the find is evaluated by a qualified archaeologist and Native American representative contacted Field monitoring during construction as necessary Applicant City of South San Francisco Planning Department Geology and Soils GEO-1 Adherence to Geotechnical Investigation Recommendations A Geotechnical Investigation dated October 19, 2016 was prepared for the project site by Michelucci & Associates, Inc. Final building plans shall be submitted for review to the author of the Geotechnical Investigation or to a similarly qualified engineer approved by the City. The purpose of the review shall be to verify that the recommendations of the Geotechnical Investigation are understood and reflected on the plans and to allow for supplemental recommendations. The engineer shall be retained to provide observation and testing services during construction. Observations and tests Review of grading and construction plans by qualified engineer; implementation of supplemental on- site recommendations as necessary Review of plans prior to issuance of construction permits Applicant City of South San Francisco Planning Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Final Initial Study – Mitigated Negative Declaration 5-5 Mitigation Measure Action Required Mitigation Timing Responsible Party Monitoring Agency or Party Compliance Verification Initial Date Comments will allow for verification that materials encountered are consistent with those found during soil testing and will allow for supplemental on-site recommendations, as needed. GEO-2 Unanticipated Discovery of Paleontological Resources Prior to the commencement of project construction, a Qualified Paleontologist shall be retained to conduct paleontological monitoring during ground-disturbing activities (including, but not limited to site preparation, grading, excavation, and trenching) of previously undisturbed geologic units determined to have a high paleontological sensitivity. The Qualified Paleontologist shall have at least a Master’s degree or equivalent work experience in paleontology, shall have knowledge of the local paleontology, and shall be familiar with paleontological procedures and techniques. Full-time monitoring shall be conducted for any excavations exceeding seven feet below ground surface within undisturbed areas underlain by the Colma Formation. Monitoring shall be supervised by the Qualified Paleontologist and shall be conducted by a qualified paleontological monitor, defined as an individual who meets the minimum qualifications per standards set forth by the SVP (2010), which includes a B.S. or B.A. degree in geology or paleontology with one year of monitoring experience and knowledge of collection and salvage of paleontological resources. The duration and timing of the monitoring shall be determined by the Qualified Paleontologist. If the Qualified Paleontologist determines that full-time monitoring is no longer warranted, he or she may recommend reducing monitoring to periodic spot-checking or may recommend that monitoring cease entirely. Monitoring shall be reinstated if any new ground disturbances of previously Qualified paleontologist conducts monitoring during ground-disturbing activities; if paleontological resources are discovered on-site during construction, halt construction activities and ensure that the find is evaluated by a qualified paleontologist Field monitoring during construction as necessary Applicant City of South San Francisco Planning Department City of South San Francisco 840 El Camino Real Hotel Project 5-6 Mitigation Measure Action Required Mitigation Timing Responsible Party Monitoring Agency or Party Compliance Verification Initial Date Comments undisturbed areas are required, and reduction or suspension shall be reconsidered by the Qualified Paleontologist at that time. If a paleontological resource is discovered, the monitor shall have the authority to temporarily divert construction equipment around the find until it is assessed for scientific significance and collected. Once salvaged, significant fossils shall be prepared to a curation-ready condition and curated in a scientific institution with a permanent paleontological collection (such as the UCMP). Curation fees are the responsibility of the project owner. A final report shall be prepared describing the results of the paleontological monitoring efforts associated with the project. The report shall include a summary of the field and laboratory methods, an overview of the project geology and paleontology, a list of taxa recovered (if any), an analysis of fossils recovered (if any) and their scientific significance, and recommendations. The report shall be submitted to the City. If the monitoring efforts produced fossils, then a copy of the report shall also be submitted to the designated museum repository. Greenhouse Gas Emissions GHG-1 GHG Emissions Reduction Measures To achieve consistency with the City’s CAP, the project shall implement the following GHG emissions reduction measures:  The proposed project shall be constructed in accordance with CALGreen Tier 1 voluntary measures for nonresidential development.  The proposed project shall comply with one of the following standards:  Meet a minimum of 50 percent of modeled building electricity needs with on-site renewable Implementation of emissions reduction measures in project plans Prior to issuance of construction permits Applicant City of South San Francisco Planning Department Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Final Initial Study – Mitigated Negative Declaration 5-7 Mitigation Measure Action Required Mitigation Timing Responsible Party Monitoring Agency or Party Compliance Verification Initial Date Comments energy sources. To calculate 50 percent of building electricity needs for the new conditioned space, the applicant shall calculate building electricity use as part of the Title 24 compliance process. Total electricity use shall include total use for the new conditioned space excluding process energy,  Participate in a power purchase agreement to offset a minimum of 50 percent of modeled building electricity use. Building electricity use shall be calculated using the method identified above.  Comply with CALGreen Tier 2 energy efficiency requirements to exceed mandatory energy efficiency requirements by 20 percent or more.  The proposed project shall include a landscaping palette consisting of drought-tolerant and/or low water-use species.  The project shall use captured rainwater or graywater for landscaping irrigation.