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October 17, 2002
7:30 D.m.
Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Meloni,
Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Teglia *, Vice Chairperson Ochsenhirt and
Chairperson Romero
Planning Division:
City Attorney:
Police Dept.:
Water Quality:
Building Division:
Fire Prevention:
Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner
Steve Kowalski, Associate Planner
Allison Knapp, Consultant Planner
Kimberly Johnson, Assistant City Attorney
Richard Harmon, Development Review Coordinator
Sergeant Mike Newell
Ray Honan, Environmental Compliance Coordinator
Barry Mammini Building Inspector
Maurice Dong, Assistant Fire Marshall
Chief Planner Sparks noted that item #4, SSF Foundations for Youth, can be continued if the Commission desires
to do so. He added that there was a rumor circulating that there was going to be a community meeting at 7 p.m.
Staff has researched if in fact this meeting was being held and there is no official record of a community meeting
for the SSF Foundation for Youth Bingo at Martin School. He added that there are conditions from the Police
Department that were not made part of the Staff Report and were inadvertently omitted although they were
received in August.
The Commission felt that the item should be continued to allow them to review the Conditions of Approval by the
Police Department and allow the applicant to have a community meeting and notify the residents of this proposal.
Staff and the applicant should also check with Park & Recreation with regard to the effects of the Bingo operation
on the weekend athletic little league games and the parking at Martin School. The Commission also asked that
the Boys & Girls club be notified of this community meeting.
Commission and staff discussed making it a regular protocol to have all applications in a residential area conduct
a community meeting, noticing over the 300 foot radius requirement and have staff in attendance at that meeting.
Chief Planner Sparks noted that staff is sending out notices to 500 foot radius to both homeowners and residents.
Chairperson Romero asked that there be a parking plan included in the application when it returns for a Public
Commissioner Teglia arrived at 7:36 p.m.
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Motion Meloni / Second Honan to continue the item based on the Commission's discussion to have the applicant
conduct a community meeting and notify the residents and the Boys & Girls club, with staff in attendance at the
meeting. They asked that Park & Recreation be contacted with regard to little league games at the Martin School
field. They also requested that a parking plan be submitted for the Commission's review when the item is to be
heard. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
Shirlie Hoch, SSF Foundation for Youth, addressed the Commission as a volunteer for the group. She asked that
the Commission rescind their decision to continue the item because they need to obtain a permit prior to the
holidays. A continuance would delay their functions even further. She noted that they have agreed to the
Conditions of Approval and do not have any issues with the Police Departments conditions given to her earlier
today. She added that they should not be penalized for a mistake staff made. Ms. Hoch pointed out that if there
were community members concerned with the proposal there would be a crowed at the meeting but there wasn't
anyone. She concluded that they do not intend to open the Bingo operation for Sundays until January.
Barbara Oldes, Associate Superintendent for educational services, noted that she has reviewed the Conditions for
the Bingo operation and they agree with them. She added that they would stripe the parking lot according to City
requirements. She also asked that the Commission hear the issue and move forward with the permit.
Chairperson Romero stated that it is not the Commission's intent to delay the project and that there are areas that
staff needs to research prior to addressing the Commission with this item. He encouraged staff to make sure that
community meetings are held to resolve issues prior to moving forward with project. Chairperson Romero
pointed out that the primary concern is the existing use and how it will be impacted, as well as, its impact on the
neighbors. Ms. Hoch noted that this delay will result in a $9,000 loss due to promotion plan being implemented.
Commissioner Meloni noted that an applicant cannot make arrangements prior to the Commission's approval. If
they are basing it on an assumption that the Commission will approve the permit, then that is their mistake
Commissioner Sim asked if conditions were available in August. Chief Planner Sparks noted that they were and
apologized for not having them in the Staff Report. Commissioner Sim asked Sergeant Mike Newell if the Police
Department was satisfied with the conditions. Sergeant Mike Newell noted that the Police Chief was satisfied
with the conditions and from a Police perspective the application was ok to move forward.
Commissioner Teglia asked if the organization was being operated on the same conditions that the El Rancho
School bingo was being operated under. Sergeant Mike Newell affirmed that they were identical to the old El
Rancho School site conditions.
Assistant City Attorney Johnson pointed out that the Commission continued the item to a date certain, therefore,
by law it does not require noticing. Chief Planner Sparks noted that staff would send a courtesy renotice on the
item to the public.
Items 1 & 2 pulled
1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2002.
2. Christopher & Susan Evans-owner/applicant
231 Rainier Avenue
P02-0078 and Categorical Exemption Class 3 Section 15303( e) New Construction or Conversion of
Small Structures
(Recommend continuance off-calendar)
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Use Permit to build a 6ft.l fence on top of an existing 2 ft. retaining wall on property abutting Ponderosa Road
in the Single-Family Residential (R-1-E) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapter
20.73 .020( d)(l).
Items 1 and 2 pulled from the Consent Calendar.
1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2002.
Commissioner Teglia asked that the minutes under Realm of Blessings reflect a summary of the
Commission's discussion with regard to the conditions of approval prior to the Motion and a comment by
Commissioner D'Angelo.
Motion Te{!lia / Second Meloni to approve the minutes with corrections. Approved by majority voice vote with
Commissioner Sim abstaining.
2. Christopher & Susan Evans-owner/applicant
231 Rainier Avenue
P02-0078 and Categorical Exemption Class 3 Section 15303( e) New Construction or Conversion of
Small Structures
(Recommend continuance off-calendar)
Use Permit to build a 6ft.l fence on top of an existing 2 ft. retaining wall on property abutting Ponderosa
Road in the Single-Family Residential (R-1-E) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapter
Vice Chairperson Ochsenhirt asked if the application falls under the Commission's approval of the reverse corner
lots Zoning Amendment. Chief Planner Sparks noted that it does not. It is a through lot with frontage on two
streets and is subject to a Minor Use Permit rather than a Use permit.
Motion Ochsenhirt / Second Honan to approve. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
Cingular Wireless/The Alaris Group-applicant
115 EI Campo Dr
P02-0018 and Categorical Exemption Class 3 Section 15303 New Construction of Small Facilities
(Continued from May 2, 2002)
Use Permit to allow installation of a telecommunications facility consisting of 3 antennas and associated
mechanical equipment at Hope United Methodist Church/ALDERS GATE METHODIST CHURCH located
at 115 El Campo Drive in the Single Family Residential (R-1-E) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC
Chapter 20.105.
Commissioner Sim stepped down from the dais per the advice of Assistant City Attorney Johnson.
Associate Planner Kowalski presented Staff report and a brief PowerPoint to the Commission.
Talin Aghazarian, Cingular Wireless, thanked members of wireless subcommittee for allowing item to be heard at
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this meeting. She stated that she was available for questioning should the Commission have any questions.
Public Hearing opened. There being no speakers the Public Hearing was closed.
Commissioner Meloni noted that the subcommittee thought that of all the pending applications this one met all of
the criteria better than any others. He added that the Commission couldn't base a denial on health ramifications.
Commissioner Teglia concurred with Commissioner Meloni and asked that the applicant comply with additional
requirements of the telecommunications ordinance. He asked if the antennas were to be mounted within the cross
or on top of the cross. Ms. Aghazarian pointed out that it is going to be within the cross at the top of the cross.
Commissioner Teglia asked if there were provisions for a possible future location of another vendor on the cross.
Ms. Aghazarian noted that depending on the user there needs to be a 10-foot separation from their antennas.
Commissioner Teglia noted that the applicant is required to facilitate co-location. He asked that a noise
measurement should be made and it should not exceed a certain amount of decibels. Should it exceed noise levels
the applicant will be required to properly insulate the equipment. He asked what the servicing schedule on the
antenna would be. Ms. Aghazarian noted that it would be once a month. Commissioner Teglia also asked that a
condition be added to have a six-month review.
Commissioner D'Angelo and the applicant discussed how long a battery backup would last after the power goes
out. The applicant noted that they would check with PG&E as to when they would restore power and based on
the time frame they would bring out the emergency generators. Commissioner D'Angelo was concerned on the
noise levels of the emergency generators affecting the neighborhood when the power goes out. Chairperson
Romero suggested prohibiting generator use in case of a power outage and relying only on the battery back up.
He also indicated that the stone planter would have to be restored.
Vice Chairperson Ochsenhirt noted that at a previous meeting where the item was heard, Cingular noted that they
do not use portable generators but back batteries and they are on record with that statement. He also asked why
the six-month review requirement was not in the summary of the Subcommittee's discussion. Commissioner
Teglia noted that they could discuss that under items from staff.
Motion Te2lia / Second Meloni to approve the item with the following conditions added to Conditions of
· No emergency portable generators will be allowed.
· The applicant is to be cooperative in facilitating co-location of other telecommunication facilities at
the site if the property owner and other vendors wish to locate a facility there. With this in mind, the
addition to the church will be constructed to provide room for future equipment and for installation of
antennae in the cross.
· Noise levels at the site will be measured when the facility begins operation to assure compliance with
City noise ordinance requirements.
· The applicant shall return for a six-month review to the Planning Commission.
· The addition to the church is to be constructed to resemble the existing appearance to the extent
possible, including restoration of the rock planter at the base of the cross.
Roll Call vote:
Ayes: Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Meloni, Commissioner Teglia, Vice
Chairperson Ochsenhirt and Chairperson Romero
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Commissioner Sim
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4. SSFUSD-owner
SSF Foundation for Y outh/Rom Braschi-applicant
35 School Street
UP-OI-091 and Categorical Exemption Class 1 Section 15301 Existing Facilities
Use Permit to allow a community recreation use (bingo) to operate during non school hours at Martin School.
Continued under agenda review.
5. Costco Wholesale Corporation-applicant
Joi Luene Brackenbury-owner
479 So. Airport Blvd.
UPOI-0004 and Negative Declaration NDOI-0004
The proposed project includes the development of an automated self-serve vehicle fueling facility, including 5
pump islands containing 10 gasoline dispensers (20 fueling positions), a pump island canopy, three 30,000
gallon underground fuel tanks, and minor accessory structures on a site located at the southeasterly corner of
South Airport Boulevard and Belle Air Road, on property presently developed as overflow parking for the
adjacent Costco Wholesale warehouse in the P-C, Planned Commercial Zone District.
Commissioner Meloni noted that he brought up specific geological issues on the tanks and asked that they be
addressed adequately.
Don Mason, 10 Arlington Drive, pointed out that he had a newspaper article on MTBE and not deserving
exemption on these types of lawsuits. He noted that MTBE is subject to explosion and sewers. He expressed
concern on approving another gas station and causing hazards to the public.
Motion Meloni / Second Sim to continue the item. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
6. Items from Staff
Chief Planner Sparks noted that Housing and Community Development indicated in a letter to the City that they
would certify the Housing element environmental document and it has been issued to the Sate Clearinghouse.
7. Items from Commission
Commissioner Meloni responded to a question by Vice Chairperson Ocshenhirt with regard to the six-month
review by the Wireless Telecommunications subcommittee. He stated that there are a lot of items that are not in
the summary because they are covered in the ordinance and staff will take care of compiling all these issues.
Guidance to staff was to ensure that all applications conform to the antenna tower ordinance and if an application
does not comply it will not be accepted as complete.
Commissioner Teglia noted that the antenna tower ordinance exists and the subcommittee wanted to raise the
standards. Other issues discussed were under-grounding, antennas in residential areas only being feasible in a
park or a church or any other use other than a private residential lot. This will result in a better application for the
Chairperson Romero noted that the Design Review Subcommittee will meet Friday, October 18th.
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8. Items from the Public
Don Mason, 10 Arlington Drive, noted that the City is paying for consultants that are not needed.
9. Adjournment
8:37 p.m.
Motion Meloni / Second Sim to adjourn the meeting.
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Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
William Romero, Chairperson
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Regular Meeting November 7,2002, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive,
South San Francisco, CA.
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