HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/01/2002
August 1, 2002
7:30 D.m.
Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Meloni,
Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Teglia, Vice Chairperson Ochsenhirt and
Chairperson Romero
Planning Division:
Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner
Steve Kowalski, Associate Planner
Richard Harmon
Sgt. Mike Newell
Ray Honan
Barry Mammini
Police Dept.:
Water Quality:
Bldg./Fire Prevo
Chief Planner Sparks noted that Item 5 was to be continued per request of applicant.
1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of July 18, 2002.
Motion Commissioner Honan/Second Commissioner Sim Approved by unanimous voice vote
2. John Bulan-owner/applicant Continued Off-Calendar
2538 Greendale Drive
P02-0035 and Categorical Exemption Class 3 Section 15303 New Construction of Small Facilities
(Recommend continuance Off-Calendar)
Planned Unit Development Modification to allow second-story additions to the front and rear of the existing
townhouses in the Westborough Townhomes (OZ-2) Overlay Zone in accordance with South San Francisco
Municipal Code Chapter 20.84.
Commissioner Honan asked why.
Chief Planner Sparks explained it was a call of the Chief Planner based on a close reading of Chapter 20.38,
the Westborough Townhomes Overlay District. He believes the Commission does not have formal
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jurisdiction and apologized for the item going before them. It needs to go to the Design Review Board.
Commissioner Teglia asked for a copy of the section in the Municipal Code.
Motion Honan Second/ Sim Continued by unanimous voice vote
3. Angela A. U ccelli-owner Approved
Dario Zucconi-applicant
P02-0055 and Categorical Exemption Class 1 Section 15301 Leasing of Existing Facility
(Continued from July 18, 2002)
Use Permit to allow sales of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption at a delicatessen in the Retail
Commercial (C-1) Zone in accordance with SSFMC 20.22.070.
Associate Planner Kowalski gave staff report. The Commission expressed concern with seating at the last
meeting. The applicant submitted a seating plan and was present to answer any questions. The applicant has
installed two counters with four stools at the long counter and an additional two stools at the shorter counter.
Commissioner Teglia noted that it is a use permit and if it becomes a nuisance later it can come back for
Motion Teglia/Second D'Angelo Approved by unanimous voice vote
4. Shaw Business Center (212-214 Shaw Road)-owner
San Francisco Bay Tours, Inc.-applicant
214 Shaw Road
P02-0049 and Categorical Exemption Class 1 Section 15301 Existing Facilities
(Continued from July 18, 2002)
Use Permit allowing outside storage of small passenger vans and limos at a multi-tenant mixed use industrial
center. The proposed project is situated at 214 Shaw Road (APN 015-163-100) in the Industrial (M-1) Zone
District, in accordance with SSFMC Sections 20.30.030 (c), 20.30.040 (b) and Chapter 20.81.
Chief Planner Sparks gave staff report. At last meeting, the applicant was not present. Commissioner
D'Angelo raised questions. The applicant is here to answer questions.
Applicant Ikeda, General Manager, explained concern about washing vehicles. Vehicles will not be
washed on site. They have a contract to wash vehicles in evening at a washing station at a neighboring site.
Vice Chairperson Ochsenhirt mentioned that the Commission had a concern about maintenance.
Applicant Ikeda, General Manager stated that they do not employ any mechanics. Repairs will be
conducted at repair facilities off-site.
Motion D'Angelo/Second Teglia Approved by unanimous voice vote
5. Project 101!Huntsman Architectural Group-applicant
Elbert Bressie -owner
600-790 Dubuque Avenue (APN 015-021-090 and SBE 135-41-14 PAR 1)
UP 00-024, V AR 00-024, PTDM 00-024, DR 00-024 & MND 00-024
(Continued from June 20, 2002)
Mitigated Negative Declaration assessing environmental impacts associated with the proposed project, in
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accordance with CEQA.
Use Permit allowing a multi-tenant mixed-use commercial center comprised principally of office and R&D
with retail uses generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trips, with 24 hour operation and off-site
parking, in accordance with SSFMC Sections 20.24.060, 20.74.120 and Chapter 20.81.
Variance allowing a reduction in parking from the required parking rate of 3.3 spaces per 1,000 square feet to
a rate of 2.64 spaces per 1,000 square feet in conjunction with a TDM Plan in accordance with SSFMC
Chapters 20.82 and 20.120.
Transportation Demand Management Plan reducing traffic impacts, in accordance with SSFMC Chapter
Design Review of a conversion of an existing commercial development from a multi-tenant mixed-use
facility comprised primarily of warehouse, distribution, office and retail to a multi-tenant mixed-use facility
comprised primarily of office and R&D with retail, in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.85.
in the Planned Commercial (P-C) Zone District
Motion Teglia/Second Honan Continue to Sept 5th by unanimous voice vote
6. N extel of California-applicant
SSF Investments LLC-owner
121 E. Grand Avenue
P02-0033 and Categorical Exemption Class 1 Section 15301 Existing Facilities
Modification of Use Permit allowing a twelve foot tall at-grade equipment shelter instead of an underground
vault to serve a wireless communication facility, consisting of twelve roof mounted panel antennas to be
relocated on the easterly building, situated at 121 East Grand Avenue (APN 015-024-230), in the Planned
Industrial Zoning District (P-I) in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.105.
Chief Planner Sparks gave staff report and mentioned this was a modification of an item that the
Commission approved last fall with a twelve panel antenna array behind a roof screen and required that the
equipment be in an underground vault. The applicant is back requesting a modification that would move the
antenna array to a different building. Staff is recommending approval, as it wouldn't be any more visible than
the previous one. The applicant claims that due to the high water table it is impossible to place equipment
underground. Finding #1 & 3 recommends approval of antenna move but finding #3 still recommends that
the continue to require that the equipment be placed in an underground vault.
Corey Alvin, N extel Communications, explained that the site has been recently released from a deed
restriction that did not allow penetration 18 inches below the surface because it used to be a steel mill and
there was a cap placed over the materials. Restriction was lifted although materials are still in the ground.
Cabling will be above ground as well.
Commissioner Meloni asked if there was soils test or geological test since the restriction was lifted.
Corey Alvin, Nextel Communications, responded that there were no tests, but that Nextel was concerned
with breaking the cap.
Commissioner Meloni asked why restriction was lifted
Corey Alvin, N extel Communications, said the deed restriction was lifted to give property owner flexibility
but at their own risk.
Commissioner Teglia This area was not part of Homart. There was no steel mill there. Moving the antennas
is okay but not the cabinets and cabling. He asked if equipment could be put on the roof and screened.
Corey Alvin, N extel Communications said the equipment is too heavy for the roof. He explained the
cabling system and said he hoped that would satisfy the commission in terms of stealthing.
Commissioner Teglia asked if Alvin was a consultant for Nextel and if this was his first time before the
Corey Alvin, N extel Communications, answered that he was a consultant and that this was his second time
before the commission. Commissioner Meloni felt that the undergrounding could be done.
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Commissioner Sim concurs with Chairperson Meloni. Soils report would be important. Should be
Commissioner Honan asked Richard Harmon as "City Historian" if he had any background.
Richard Harmon stated he was the one who reviewed the grading permit for that site and the improvement
plans for the building and there is no clay cap.
Commissioner Honan concurs with staff
Commissioner Teglia Staffhas done a good job policing. This is too tacky. Nextel could do better.
Vice Chairperson Ochsenhirt concurred.
Corey Alvin, N extel Communications stated originally wanted to underground the structure but the Phase I
analysis reported a cap. He asked ifNextel comes back with better information to keep the structure above
ground would the commission consider this.
Commissioner D'Angelo Phase I doesn't include any soils having been removed and tested, so anything
would be professional opinion but we would hear the same thing.
Assistant City Attorney Johnson asked Commission to ask the applicant if they want to do a Phase II.
Corey Alvin, N extel Communications, if there is no cap then we can do a Phase II.
Chief Planner Sparks Phase I is a records search and general. Need to give them time to do further
Assistant City Attorney Johnson clarified how motion should be stated.
Chief Planner Sparks asked commission to ask applicant to give a date specific.
Motion Teglia to continue to September 19th /Second Sim Continued by unanimous voice vote
7. Renee Yates-applicant
Continued Off-Calendar
Proposed Text Amendment to modify Footnote "q" of Table 20.71.030 of the Zoning Ordinance to allow a
10-foot rear yard setback on Substandard Reverse Corner Lots in the Single-Family Residential (R-l) Zoning
District, in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.87.
Associate Planner Kowalski gave staff report.
Commissioner Teglia asked how many reverse corner lots there are in this town. He stated that it is
completely legal to build a separate structure garage on property line.
Chief Planner Sparks responded that there are 220 and noted that we are not just talking about reversed
corner lots but substandard reverse corner lots.
Attorney Marc Seidenfeld speaking for Yates: explicated the letter sent to Associate Planner Kowalski.
Commissioner Teglia There is a problem with provision in allowing a separate garage. We shouldn't
encourage that. Is there some way to accomplish this and prohibit building right on the line and to use the
minor use permit process?
Chief Planner Sparks Staff has never encouraged the use of the accessory structure provision for this
applicant. They can deal with this in the zoning code update. Recommending that we stay with the code.
Commissioner Teglia if we were inclined to grant this request is there a way to do this without opening up
entire zoning ordinance, perhaps using the minor use permit process.
Chief Planner Sparks It would require a different amendment to zoning code. We should have thought of
this as a possible alternative. Minor Use Permits are appealable to this body and neighbors are notified.
Commissioner Meloni concerned with detached garages becoming habitable spaces and not in favor of
changing the zoning code.
Commissioner Sim Concerned with accessory structures build right to the line, we need to review them in
Assistant City Attorney Johnson Either approach to allow the attached garage requires a amendment to the
Zoning Code to reduce the required setback and to allow the applicant to apply for a Minor Use Permit
likewise requires an amendment to the Zoning Code because presently the Zoning Code doesn't allow for this
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sort of deviation. If the Commission approves the Minor Use Permit Modification then that would go to the
City Council. Two weeks later it would be adopted and wouldn't be affective until 30 days after that. Still
looking at lengthy time line.
Attorney Marc Seidenfeld encourages the Commission to pass this amendment and willing to wait for the
Commissioner Teglia asked if they could make a motion tonight to adopt this with modifications.
Assistant City Attorney Johnson stated that this couldn't be adopted as an ordinance or recommend
adoption until the CEQA documentation is complete. However, Commission could direct staff to prepare an
ordinance with the language you suggested and bring it back to the Commission for a recommendation.
Recess 8:35 P.M.
Back 8:42 P.M.
Chief Planner Sparks suggest continuing application off calendar. The applicant has agreed to that. The
Planning Commission has the authority to initiate amendments to the Zoning Code. He suggest to direction to
staff to proceed as Commissioner Teglia recommended. Will bring it back as quickly as possible.
Vice Chairperson Ochsenhirt commended the applicant for their diligence.
Assistant City Attorney Johnson The ordinance should read (in part) to read reduce the required rear-yard
setback to no less than 10 feet upon approval of a Minor Use Permit pursuant to Chapter 20.89. The required
would remain in affect as 15 feet.
Motion Teglia to direct staff to accomplish what the City Attorney just read for the record/Second
Honan Continued Off-Calendar by unanimous voice vote
8. Items from Staff
Chief Planner Sparks announced that September 29th is the Annual Boards and Commissions appreciation
Director of ECD Marty Van Duyn and Chief Planner Sparks had lunch with Chairperson Romero who was
concerned with quality of some of the materials that the Commission has been getting and so agreed to
appoint a subcommittee to meet with staff and workout some improved protocols of what applicants are to
Motion Ochsenhirt to form a subcommittee consisting of Chairperson Romero, Commissioner Teglia
and Commissioner Honan/Second Teglia Passed by Unanimous Voice Vote
9. Items from Commission
Commissioner D'Angelo mentioned he attended a Samcat committee meeting and asked if we have a final
ordinance regarding antennas.
Vice Chairperson Ochsenhirt mentioned that the Rick Williams' neighborhood meeting was well attended
by the public.
Items from the Public
8:51 p.m.
Motion Honan/Second Sim
Tliomas C. Sparks -
Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
\ j) ~Q~~
William Romero, Chairperson
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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Regular Meeting August 15,2002, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South
San Francisco, CA.
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