HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/21/2002
February 21,2002
7:30 p.m.
Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Meloni, Commissioner Siln,
Commissioner Teglia, Vice Chairperson Ochsenhirt and Chairperson ROlnero
Cormnissioner D'Angelo
Planning Division:
ThOlnas C. Sparks, Chief Planner
Steve Carlson, Senior Planner
Steve Kowalski, Associate Planner
Kilnberly Johnson
S gt. Mike Newell
City Attorney:
Police Dept.:
Chief Planner Sparks informed the Planning Commission that there were no changes and that Cormnissioner
D'Angelo was ill and would not be attending the meeting.
Assistant City Attorney Johnson requested that the Planning Cormnission add a closed session as item 8 to the
agenda for existing litigation pursuant to Government Code 54956.9 Subdivision A, Aetna Realty vs. City of
South San Francisco
Motion Meloni/Second Sim to add Item 8. Unanimous voice vote
1. Approval Regular Meeting Minutes of September 6, 2001, September 20, 2001, February 7, 2002 and
Special Meeting Minutes of February 7, 2002.
2. Embassy Christian CenterlJoshua & Diane Krishna/applicant
Mebrdad Elie-owner
91 Westborough Blvd. (1st Floor)
UP-Ol-090 and Categorical Exemption Class 1 Section 15301 Existing Facilities
(Recommend continuance to March 7,2002)
Use Permit to locate a church within an existing office building located at 91 Westborough Boulevard in the
Planned Commercial (P-C) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Section 20.24.030.
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3. Spiros Kakoniktis-owner
Antonio M. Brandi-applicant
90 Oak Ave.
RZ-01-054, DR-01-054 and ND-Ol-054
(Recommend continuance to March 21, 2002)
Zoning Reclassification from Medium Density Residential Zoning District (R-2) to High Density
Residential Zoning District (R-3), Design Review of a 15 unit apartment building, and an Agreement with
the City allowing 2 dwellings to be affordable units resulting in a density of 36.7 dwelling units per net acre
instead of the maximum of 30 dwellings per net acre as provided by State Law, situated at 90 Oak Avenue
in the Medium Density Residential (R-2) Zoning District, in accordance witb SSFMC Chapter 20.18 and
4. SandHill Property Co., 345 East Grand, LP-owner/appl.
Dowler-Gruman Architects
345 East Grand Ave.
UP-Ol-034 and ND-Ol-034
(Recommend continuance to March 7,2002)
Use permit allowing a new 210,560 square foot research and develoPlnent facility with a multi-story parking
garage for 600 vehicles, an outdoor service yard, operating 24 hours per day and generating in excess of 100
vehicle trips situated at 345 East Grand Avenue in the Planned illdustrial zoning district (P-I) in accordance
with SSFMC sections 20.32.060 , 30.32.070 (a) and 20.32.070 (b).
Motion Meloni/Second Ochsenhirt to approve Consent Calendar witb Commissioner Sim abstaining frOln
the special and regular meeting minutes of February 7,2002. Unanimous voice vote
5. Renee Yates -owner/applicant Denied
George Dayeh -architect
3 Emerald Court
P01-0008, V AR01-0001, DR01-0003 and Categorical Exemption Class 1 Section 15301 Existing Facilities
Design Review and Variance to allow living floor and garage additions within the rear yard setback.
Chief Planner Sparks provided background information, stated that staff is going strictly by the zoning code and
have suggested some alternatives. Associate Planner Kowalski gave staff report.
Rene Yates, 3 Emerald Court, introduced her architect, George Dayeh and he was in attendance to answer
questions of the Planning Commission. She felt the proj ect was logical and gave a statement in opposition to the
staff s recommendation for denial.
Kevin Greggins 326 Castile Way, a family melnber, spoke in favor of project.
Commissioner Meloni noticed that the scale of the plot plan indicates that they are Y4 inch to the foot but they are
1/8 inch to the foot. Can't see any proof of hardship to grant a variance. Can still have a 2-car garage just have to
rearrange some of the existing interior spaces. Asked Rene Yates if she can park a car in the garage? Rene Yates
answered yes, but things are stored in there. Commissioner Meloni questioned why they were not taking out the
two existing walls all the way to the front and to the rear rather than taking a portion out of the middle? It would
be more convenient for space. Rene Yates noted this could be done but would cost lnore. Chairperson Meloni
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suggested the plan could be rearranged and still get a 2-car garage there. Mentioned that the pictures shown were
taken of properties in the middle of blocks and were designed originally with 2-car garages. There isn't any
change in the setbacks. None of these asked for variances because it was already there.
Commissioner Sim in concurred with Commissioner Meloni because this would create a precedent.
Commissioner Honan questioned if the project went to the Design Review Board. Associate Planner Kowalski
noted that they reviewed it favorably, but acknowledged that a variance would be hard to obtain. Commissioner
Honan did not see a hardship.
Vice Chairperson Ochsenhirt noted that, in reference to the pictures, the house at 1150 Miller is the only lot
setting that is the same as 3 Emerald Court. He asked for clarification on which is the backyard of the 1150
Miller corner lot.
Chief Planner Sparks gave the definition in the zoning code that if you have a corner lot is that the nan-ow
dimension is the front. We have a number of older lots in town where that is reversed, but that is the definition in
the code. We will be addressing this with the zoning code update.
Vice Chairperson Ochsenhirt only knows of one house at 304 Holly with a detached garage in Sunshine Gardens
and questioned why is planning or the City asking for a detached garage. Chief Planner Sparks noted that it is not
preferred but allowed by code. It's a legal solution.
Commissioner Teglia stated a variance is a legal tool but cannot be done on this project. There are other options.
Chairperson Romero asked for clarification as to designation of the rOOlns on the plans. If the applicant was to
submit this as a request to add a family rOOln and a second bath, would that be allowed without the second
garage? Chief Planner Sparks stated that 4 bedrooms need 2 parking spaces. It's hard to do an absolute answer to
that because there are always contextual issues. If limited to 3 bedrooms then it would be consistent with the code
with a single car garage. Chairperson ROlnero stated if the applicant wants the additional garage then he concurs
with staff. The setback requirement is in the existing code and we are required as a body to enforce. Don't
support a detached garage.
Commissioner Teglia Big developers COlne in with code changes associated with their projects. Is there a code
change they could apply for?
Chief Planner Sparks The issue is setbacks and I doubt we would want to change all our residential setbacks
citywide for this particular item. We considered doing a one lot planned unit development. We have spent a lot
of time to try to make this work but can't find a vehicle without a variance.
Motion Meloni/Second Honan to approve.
Unanimous voice vote
8: 00-8: 06 pm Break
6. Edna's Ichiban Restaurant
Ben Ramos-applicant
American National Ins Co.-owner
2220 Westborough Blvd
UP02-0001 and Categorical Exemption Class 1 Section 15301 Existing Facilities
Modification of a Use Permit to expand an existing restaurant with alcoholic beverage service and hours of
operation past midnight within 200 feet of a residential zone in the Retail Commercial (C-l) Zoning District
in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.91.
Associate Planner Kowalski gave staff report
Ben Ramos, 716 Washington, Daly City, introduced his managers, Tony Victorio and Danilo Natividad.
Commissioner Honan asked if they currently have karaoke.
Associate Planner Kowalski replied the karaoke use pennit was issued previously on the existing restaurant but
if the applicant wishes to throw private parties and utilize the dance floor and DJ booth then he will have to obtain
an event permit from Police Department.
Commissioner Honan asked Sargeant Mike Newell about a sound study.
Chief Planner Sparks recommend against sound study. The applicant would have to comply with City's noise
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ordinance limitations.
Sargeant Mike Newell noted that the Police Department is able to conduct decibel readings if necessary.
Chairperson Romero asked Sargeant Mike Newell about gang activity
Sargeant Mike Newell explained the process for public rental halls and that he has worked with Westborough
Square to post no loitering and extra patrols.
Chairperson Romero asked if it was strictly rental for private parties? He is concerned with it beconling a
Sargeant Mike Newell explained that there must be police or security for events for 50 or lnore and that Sargaent
Mike Brosnan, Community Relations, is the liaison person.
Commissioner Meloni asked if they have a beer and wine liquor license? He asked for clarification of the VIP
lounges and expressed concerns with the couches in the VIP lounges and the proper use of the lounges so there
are no problems down the line. Vice Chairperson Ochsenhirt liked the VIP lounge area. Both Chairperson Meloni
and Commissioner Sim asked if Police Department willlnonitor the facility.
Commissioner Teglia asked about restricting the karaoke to existing restaurant. Suggested leaving the karaoke
stage in the existing dining area only. Asked if it would be prudent to put into the police conditions.
Chairperson Romero questioned hours of operation.
Motion Sim to approve alon2: with Te2:lia's additional condition "If renting out the restaurant andlor any of its
facilities for a private party, the applicant must notify the Police DepartInent and comply with all provisions of
SSFMC Chapter 6.48. "Public Rental Halls, Dance Premises and Dancing" (see attached) and Only one karaoke
stage will be allowed. Any karaoke entertainment associated with any private party as defined under SSFMC
Chapter 6.48, "Public Rental Halls, Dance Premises and Dancing," will be approved through the Police
Department's "Dance Hall Use Application" process. The Police DepartInent's Comlnunity Relations Sergeant
will be responsible for the processing of each party rental application. Community Relations Sergeant: (650)
877-8922."/Second Te2:lia Unanimous voice vote
7. C J HOLDINGS LLC-owner Approved
Kieffer of Illinois.-applicant
408-428 N Canal St
SIGNS01-0002 and Categorical Exemption Class 11 Section 15311 Accessory Structures
Type "C" Sign Permit allowing a comprehensive sign program for a multi-tenant facility consisting of seven
fayade signs and tow monument signs, situated at 428 North Can al Street in the Planned illdustrial (P-I) Zone
District in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.86.
Steve Carlson gave staff report.
Applicant, Frank Cheung, CJ Holdings LLC, stated that the sign prOgrmn would enhance the project.
Motion Te2:lia/Second Meloni to approve
Unanimous voice vote
8. Items from Staff
Adjourned to Closed Session at 8:33 pm. Planning Commission returned fronl closed session at 8:46 pIn.
Vice Chairperson Romero stated that no action was taken.
9. Items from Commission
10. Items from the Public
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8:46 p.m.
Motion Teglia/Second Ochsenhirt
Unanimous voice vote
Thomas C. Sparks /'
Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
U~~" \LU'rlr~
William Romero, Chairperson
Planning COlmnission
City of South San Francisco
Regular Meeting March 18,2002, Municipal Services Building, 33 AlToyo Drive, South
San Francisco, CA.
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