HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/03/2002
January 3,2002
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Sim,
Commissioner Teglia, Vice Chairperson Romero and Chairperson Meloni
Commissioner Ochsenhirt
Planning Division:
Marty Van Duyn, ECD Director
Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner
Susy Kalkin, Principal Planner
Steve Carlson, Senior Planner
Kimberly Johnson
Richard Harmon
Sgt. Mike Newell
City Attorney:
Police Dept.:
1. Britannia East Grand
Cherokee San Francisco LLC-ownerr
Slough Estates-applicant
450 East Grand Ave. (Easterly terminus of East Grand Ave. (formerly Fuller O'Brien site)
PUD, GP & UP -01-01-006 and EIR-01-006
(Recommend continuance to January 17,2002)
Britannia East Grand Master Plan (EIR, PUD, GP, UP-OI-006) to construct a phased development consisting
of nine officelR & D buildings totaling approximately 783,533 sq. ft., an 8,000 sq. ft. childcare facility, a
5,000 sq. ft. fitness center, 8,000 sq. ft. of restaurant Ire tail use and two (2) five-to seven-level parking
garages; a General Plan Amendment to delete the proposed East Grand Avenue roadway extension to Point
San Bruno Blvd.; and Design Review ofR & D Buildings and Parking Structure A (DR-OI-006).
2. Citywide
(Recommend continuance Off-Calendar)
Zoning Ordinance amending Section 20.85.050, Design Review Board, of the South San Francisco Municipal
Motion Commissioner SimlSecond Commissioner Te2:lia. Voice Vote unanimous
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3. The Malcolm Building, John Malcolm-owner/applicant
200 Oyster Pt. Blvd.
UP, V-00-074 and Negative Declaration ND-00-074
Use Permit to allow construction of a 6-story, 155,000 sq. ft. office building and a three-level parking garage,
which will generate in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trips, and a Variance to the parking requirements to
reduce the parking ratio from 3.33 spaces per 1,000 sp. Ft. to 2.83 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft., in order to promote
alternative modes of transportation, on a 3.345 acre site at 200 Oyster Pt. Blvd.
Principal Planner Kalkin gave staff report and PowerPoint presentation. She noted that there was a study
session in February and the Commission had concerns about building heights, particularly in relationship to the
setback along Oyster Point Boulevard, and a desire to see more coordination between the two projects in terms of
landscaping. The Design Review Board was very pleased with the landscape plan with the one comment that they
were concerned that there was no landscape treatment along the rear of the garage. They suggested that the
applicant work with the adjacent property owner to see if they could secure a landscape easement across that
property. While they have tried to do that, they have not been able to reach an agreement with the adjacent
property owner. fustead they propose to introduce some vines along that edge by moving the building 6 to 8
inches into the site to provide enough area to get irrigation and some vines in there that will grow up the side of
the parking garage.
Doug Cefali, Project Manager, reiterated the applicant's proposal for the landscaping at the rear of the site. He
then introduced the architect and landscape architect.
Ted Korth, Architect, showed the model and gave a brief presentation of the building materials and structural
Commissioner Honan asked if that was see-through lobby. Ted Korth, Architect explained it would be
transparent at the second level. When you enter the lobby you can see through the whole lobby out to the bay and
it will be lit up at night.
Paul Lettieri, Landscape Architect, gave brief presentation about the shared entry drive, the retaining wall, and
the pedestrian plaza. He further clarified the planting proposed behind the garage, noting that it was much
preferred to plant the vines in the ground and have them grow up the side of the building rather than to install the
vines in planters on the top of the garage since the ground provides a much more stable environment for the
Commissioner Honan asked for clarification on the location of the shuttle and vanpool parking/drop-off areas.
Doug Cefali, Project Manager, explained that vanpool gets preferential parking on the lower level as specified
in the TDM and there is a drop-off area designated for the Alliance-run shuttles.
Motion Commissioner Te2:lia ISecond Commissioner Honan. Unanimous voice vote
4. Stuhlmuller Property Co., ownerlapplicant
180 Oyster Pt. Blvd.
UP-00-014 and Negative Declaration ND-00-014
Use Permit allowing construction ofa 4-storyparking garage and 5-story 105,000 sq. ft. office building
generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trips.
Senior Planner Carlson gave staff report stating that much of the information is similar to the Malcolm project.
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He noted that since the previous study session the building has slightly increased in height, since the applicants
want to allow the flexibility to use the building for either office or R&D, and R&D requires higher floor to ceiling
heights. He noted that both projects have requested a parking variance.
Roger Stuhlmuller thanked the Commission for hearing them so early in the year and introduced his consultants.
He noted he was in agreement with all the conditions of approval and staff report.
Steve Cox HPC Architecture, explained the similarity to the project submitted at the study session, but
presented the changes in the buildings and the garages. He also noted the street trees across the front have been
coordinated between the two projects, and the consistency with the courtyards and common area will draw the
two together.
Commissioner Honan commented that the staff report indicated the landscaping was only 10% and was
concerned that this amount seemed too low. Steve Cox, HPC Architect, clarified that the actual landscape area
was approximately 25 percent.
Commissioner Teglia asked if any upgrades are required on the median on Oyster Point, specifically the cut that
is there for the existing driveway? Doug Cefali, Project Manager, noted that this improvement in included in
the conditions of approval.
Commissioner Teglia, questioned the concerns identified in the Treadwell and Rollo letter regarding clean-up
requirements because of the history with toxic mitigation. Senior Planner Carlson noted that the applicant had
agreed to all the conditions. They are just concerned that there will be something else the State could require and
that is beyond our control. Since concerns are shared with Genentech representatives as stated in condition
number 6, soils tests will have to be conducted once the building is removed.
Commissioner Sim had a general question to staff regarding the statement on approval based on outstanding
design. He asked for clarification as to what would merit such a finding. Senior Planner Carlson noted that
staff took into consideration the Design Review Board and Planning Commission comments.
Commissioner Sim complimented the architects. He noted that while he supported the project he did not
necessarily consider the design had yet reached an "outstanding" status. He noted the details should be developed
to assure they are followed through with in the construction phase.
Commissioner D'Angelo complimented the applicants in trying to meet all the demands of the Design Review
Board and integrating the Planning Commission suggestions. He asked that renderings be shown from the
horizontal as well as the vertical to understand blending in the future. Stated concerns about reducing parking and
if we are prepared for "what ifs" if the TDM programs don't have the success we envision.
Commissioner Teglia appreciated the coordination of the two projects. He noted his support, but asked that the
landscape choices in terms of maturity and maintenance be thought out carefully.
Vice Chairperson Romero questioned the parking reduction for the projects. He noted his concern that the
Commission keeps receiving requests to reduce parking requirements based on the TDM requirements. Senior
Planner Carlson responded that the TDM Ordinance encourages reduced parking as an effective trip reduction
method, and this direction is in accordance with City Council policy. Principal Planner Kalkin noted that in the
Bay West Cove proj ect the Redevelopment Agency required the applicant to with reduce parking in order to
support the TDM efforts. The Agency noted how important it is to the City that the TDM programs work, and
there are substantial penalties to applicants for noncompliance. Chairperson Meloni added that if we encourage
single trips by adding more and more parking we have problems down the line.
Motion Commissioner D'An2:elo/Second Commissioner Te2:lia. Unanimous voice vote
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5. Items from Staff
Chief Planner Sparks reminded that the next meeting annual reorganization. Asked the Commission if they
would like to consider a study session on January 31 st on the Housing Element at 7:00 p. m.
Commission agreed.
6. Items from Commission
Commissioner D'Angelo stated concern about allowing FARs of 1.0 for business and only 0.5 FAR for
residences and hopes for some changes. Stated concerns about the buildout in the East of 10 1 Area.
Commissioner Teglia need to look at the TDM Ordinance and how it is being applied and if any modifications
may need to be made since it seems to be the one thing that we are all concerned about. He also reminded staff
and the Commission about the League of California Planning Conference coming up in March.
Chairperson Meloni mentioned he had spoken with City Manager regarding minutes. He asked that the
Commission consider allowing action minutes given we now have television coverage and tapes in order to
expedite the minutes to the Commission.
While there was general support, some concern was also voiced over such a change. Chairman Meloni directed
staff to try summary minutes to see how they work out.
7. Items from the Public
The meeting was adjourned at 9:01 p.m.
Motion Commissioner HonanlSecond Commissioner Sim.
Thomas C. SparKs '
Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Regular Meeting January 17,2002, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South
San Francisco, CA.
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