HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/06/2001
December 6, 2001
7:30 p.m.
Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Honan, COlnmissioner Ochsenhirt,
Commissioner Sim, Vice Chairperson Romero and Chairperson Meloni
Commissioner Teglia
Notified Chairperson Meloni
Planning Division:
Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner
Steve Carlson, Senior Planner
Mike Lappen, Senior Planner
Steve Kowalski, Associate Planner
Allison Knapp, Consultant Planner
Kitnberly Johnson
Richard Harmon
Sgt. Mike Newell
City Attorney:
Police Dept.:
Spiros Kakonikitis-owner
Antonio M. Brandi, applicant
90 Oak Avenue
RZ, DR-01-054 &ND-01-054
Study Session of a Rezoning and Design Review allowing for the construction a three-story IS-unit
apartment building, situated at 90 Oak Avenue (APN-011-313-070, 011-313-080 &011-313-090) in the
Medium Density (R-2) Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.87.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the Staff Report.
Antonio Brandi, applicant, presented the project.
Commission Comments:
· The COlnlnission discussed the architectural detail and history of the property as well as the building. They
also spoke of having the Historic Preservation Commission look at the structure and detennine whether it can
be saved, adapted to the area, or moved to another location within the City.
· Another concern that the Commission had was there not being any open space for children to play. This n1ay
create a problem in the future where the children may end up playing between the buildings and on the street.
They suggested having an open area for children to play in.
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· They were also concerned with how the sewer line issue would be addressed being that the main sewer line
runs straight through the property.
· The Commission pointed out that the affordable units should vary and not only be one-bedroom apartments.
· They concluded that a project like the one proposed should be encouraged in the City but the issues need to be
Staff's response:
· They noted that the Historical Preservation Society would be consulted as to what they thought would be
feasible for the building.
· With regard to the open space, staff pointed out that there is a small tot lot behind the building but if the
Cormnission wanted something greater they would work with the applicant.
· Development Review Coordinator Harmon noted that relocating the sewer line is going to be a great task
because it is a major line that takes all the sewage from Sunshine Gardens. He pointed out that there needs to
be a solution as to how this will be done before the project moves forward.
· Assistant City Attorney Johnson stated that the fuclusionary Housing ordinance asks for the affordable units
to be all types of units.
Direction given to applicant.
a. Marbella Housing Subdivision (GP, RZ, SA, PUD, DA, & EIR-00-053)
Approximately 14.9 acres located on the west side of Gellert Boulevard, north of Westborougb
Boulevard (APNs 091-661-240/250/260/270/280/290/310/320/330).
Public hearing to consider the FEIR, General Plan Amendment, Rezone, Vesting Tentative Subdivision
Map, Planned Unit Development and Development Agreement to allow development of 280-unit
residential condominium project on a 14.9 acre vacant site. The project would be configured in six four-
story buildings with both underground and surface parking. The following entitlements are included in
the request:
· General Plan Amendment: 1) to change the current land use designation of the site from Mixed
Community CommerciallMedium Density Residential to High Density Residential; and 2)
modify General Plan Policy 3.11-1-2 regarding the Westborough/Gellert Urban Design Plan.
· Rezoning to change the zone designation from C-l Retail Con1illercial to R-3-L Multiple Fmnily
· Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map
· Planned Unit Development Permit with exceptions to: 1) allow private streets; and 2) permit an
increase in height limits allowed in the R-3 Zone from 50 feet to 70 feet.
b. Development Agreement (DA-00-053)
Allison Knapp gave a brief staff report.
Joe Finelli, Vice President ofDUC Housing, gave a PowerPoint presentation on the project.
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Public Hearing opened.
Several Members of the public spoke:
Wayne Toring
3803 Radburn Drive
Victor Chow
2400 Westchester Court
Gabriel Arias
2412 Willimns Court
John Brewer
3817 Radburn Drive
Jane Arias
2412 Williams Court
Ray V. Alvarado
3832 Annapolis Court
Joyce Sakai
3803 Radburn Drive
Dana Arias
2412 Williams Court
Marjorie Sieux
11 Canyon Court
Guadalupe Arias
2412 Williams Court
Public comments and concerns are summarized as follows:
· The Commission was urged to recommend denial of this project to Council.
· The project is not aesthetically pleasing to the surrounding community. The proposed buildings are lnassive
and block the views that the surrounding homes have of the City.
· There will be an impact on property values in the area.
· Urgency Ordinance housing requirements are being waived.
· Traffic is at an LOS F and the project will increase traffic problems in the area and will add at least 1000 new
cars on the road. This will create air quality impacts with the additional cars on the road.
· Responses to EIR comments previously submitted have not been satisfactory.
· The project is being rezoned from Medium Density to High Density and it will look crowded on the site. The
balconies on these buildings will become storage areas and that will be unattractive.
· This project is not consistent with the 1991 Westborough Area Design Plan goal to improve and enhance the
· Higher Density increases crime.
· The additional residents will also have a large impact on schools and how they will accormnodate all the extra
children in the area. Class sizes are already above the 20 students standards. This will create more accidents
between children in schools.
· What is the height and width of the retaining wall and how will it be built on a vertical hillside?
· What type of materials will be used to construct buildings? They must be durable lnaterials.
· Parking spaces will not be enough because most homes have more than 2 cars.
· How will the units and the landscaping be maintained?
· The San Andreas Fault runs through the area, are the buildings and retaining wall built to be earthquake safe?
Public Hearing closed.
Commissioner D'Angelo:
· Disagreed with land use designation changing from Medium Density to High Density.
· The traffic is at an LOS F and the project will create more delays for this.
· He noted that the 1991 Housing Element envisioned 71 residents with mixed cormnercial that has been
forgotten over time.
· He was not satisfied with the $1.5 million in-lieu fee to have an off site play area.
· The parking that has been given is not enough to accommodate an increase in cars in the area.
Commissioner Sim:
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· Discussed the architecture of the building with the applicant.
· He asked if the applicant had explored including a linear park into the proj ect.
· He noted that the landscaping on the retaining wall gives more frontality to the City and suggested that the
sidewalk should also be incorporated in to make it more active with the project.
· He asked for a clarification for the Mitigation Measures in the EIR relating to Olympic and Westborough;
Gellert and Westborough; Gellert and King; shopping center and Westborough and if the proj ect presented a
significant impact on schools.
· He asked what the in-lieu fees for landscaping would be used for.
Staff's response:
· The applicant was not asked to incorporate a linear park in the current proposal.
· Withregard to in-lieu fees for landscaping, State law says that these fees must be used in the area that the
development has gone into and it is done according to the wishes of the neighborhood.
· Assistant City Attorney Johnson noted that the moratorium on housing exempts from its provisions
developments that do include the minimum 20% affordable housing requirement.
Mark Spencer, DKS, responded as follows:
· Olympic & Westborough - The impact that currently exists is that vehicles cannot get out of Olympic onto
Westborough and this creates a delay for those trying to get out of Olympic. The Mitigation Measure is to
add a third travel lane on Westborough going down the hill.
· Gellert & Westborough - This intersection does not enter into an LOS F in AM and PM peaks. It is currently
functioning at an acceptable level. No additional mitigation is required under CEQA or City Guidelines for
this intersection.
· Gellert & King - There is mitigation required for this intersection. A traffic signal could be added. There
could be an elimination of on street parking in order to add an extra turn lane on the South San Francisco side
of the intersection or in Daly City.
· Shopping Center and Westborough - There is congestion at any time of day at the shopping center driveway
and it is an LOS F. Any project or future project would impact this area as traffic grows. A signal cannot be
installed because it is not good practice to do so as it will jam the area even more.
The driveway to the shopping center is identified in the EIR as an impact and it is recommended to extend the
westbound left turn lane on to Gellert to make it easier to exit from the shopping center. This safety
improvement should be done regardless of a project being approved or denied.
Commissioner Honan:
· Questioned if there would be fencing around the tot lots.
· She asked if the CC&Rs would restrict storage on the balconies.
· She asked if the parking spaces would be assigned.
· She was concerned with monitoring that the guest parking is used by guests and not abused by residents.
The applicant's response:
· There will be fencing around the tot lots. It is an iron open fence with a security gate.
· The CC&Rs will govern and dictate the balcony storage issues and it will impose penalties when and if it
· The parking spaces will be assigned when the unit is sold. The homeowners Association will enforce parking
in owned spaces and there will be surface parking for guests.
Cormnissioner Ochsenhirt stated that the Homeowners Association will implelnent, monitor and enforce
ridesharing, parking and the onsite shuttle program, but it is not in the CC&Rs for the Homeowners Association.
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Assistant City Attorney Johnson stated that the applicant will be revising the CC&Rs and that the final docmnent
will be produced when the final map is ready to be recorded with the County.
Vice Chairperson Romero stated that the current project is lnassive but it is better than what the Westborough
design plan asks for. He questioned why the comment letter from the State Department of Transportation
reflected that the LOS on I 280 was different than the LOS in the DEIR. Spencer, traffic consultant, noted that
the DEIR is based on the data received from the 1999 San Mateo County Final Congestment Plan. The State
Department of Transportation conducts their own studies and this is the reason for the difference is the LOS at I
280 and Westborough.
Chairperson Meloni asked if Westborough Water had been contacting with regard to supplying water for the
entire project and the sprinlder system. Consultant Planner Knapp noted that they commented on the EIR and
noted that they could service the project.
Motion Ochsenhirt 1 Second Honan recommending that the City Council certifies the Environlnental Impact
Report. Approved by majority roll call vote.
Ayes: Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Ochsenhirt, Commissioner Sim, Vice Chairperson Romero and
Chairperson Meloni
Noes: Commissioner D'Angelo
Absent: Commissioner Teglia
Abstain: None
Motion Ocbsenhirt 1 Second Romero recommending that the City Council approves the General Plan
Ayes: Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Ochsenhirt, Commissioner Sim, Vice Chairperson Romero and
Chairperson Meloni
Noes: Commissioner D'Angelo
Absent: Co~issioner Teglia
Abstain: None
Motion Ochsenhirt 1 Second Honan recommending that the City Council approves the zoning amendment.
Ayes: Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Ochsenhirt, Commissioner Sim, Vice Chairperson Romero and
Chairperson Meloni
Noes: Commissioner D'Angelo
Absent: Commissioner Teglia
Abstain: None
Motion Ochsenhirt 1 Second Honan recommending that the City Council approves Planned Unit Developlnent.
Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Ochsenhirt, Commissioner Sim, Vice Chairperson Romero and
Chairperson Meloni
Commissioner D'Angelo
Commissioner Teglia
Motion Ochsenhirt 1 Second Romero recOlnmending that the City Council approves Vesting Tentative Map.
Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Ochsenhirt, Commissioner Sim, Vice Chairperson Romero and
Chairperson Meloni
Commissioner D'Angelo
Commissioner Teglia
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Abstain: None
Motion Ochsenhirt 1 Second Honan recommending that the City Council approves Development Agreement.
Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Ochsenhirt, Commissioner Sim, Vice Chairperson ROlnero and
Chairperson Meloni
Commissioner D'Angelo
Commissioner Teglia
10 minute recess taken.
a. Stonegate Estates/Hillside Land LLC, owner
Paul E. Davis, applicant
Hillside Blvd. & Stonegate Dr.
PUD, SA, DR-01-012 and Negative Declaration ND-01-012
Study Session of a Planned Unit Development allowing 20 town homes, and common area with
exceptions for smaller lots, increased lot coverage and reduced building setbacks, Tentative Subdivision
Map creating 20 residential lots and common area, Design Review of 20 three-story town hOlnes and a
small on-site tot lot, situated at the southeast corner of Hillside Avenue and Stonegate Drive (APN 012-
110-310 & 012-110-320) in the Medium Density Residential (R-2-H-P) Zone District, in accordance with
SSFMC Chapter 20.87 and Title 19.
Steve Carlson gave staff report.
Paul E. Davis gave a presentation on the proj ect to the Commission.
Commission comments:
· Proj ect is a tight squeeze in the area.
· Design needs to be improved because of its visibility.
· Balconies and garage have a typical condo unit look and this needs more character.
· There needs to be a better alternative for the location of the tot lot.
· The retaining walls need to softened or terraced.
· They asked for photomontages of the landscaping and the interior street.
· The project should return to the Design Review Board.
b. Metro PCS/R. C. Riley-applicant
California Water Service-owner
Avalon Water Tank! Avalon Drive
UP-01-064 & Categorical Exemption Class 32 Section 15332 In-Fill Development Projects
Adoption of Findings of Denial of Use Permit allowing co-location of a second wireless
communication facility within 300 feet of a residential zoning district, consisting of three bipolar panel
antennas mounted on a 30 foot tall pole and six ground mounted equipment cabinets, situated on a 0.44
acre parcel at the terminus of Avalon Drive and the beginning ofCrestwood Drive (091-143-280), in the
Single Family Zoning District (R-I-E), in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.105.
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Assistant City Attorney Johnson stated that the last time the COlnmission heard the Avalon Water Tank item and
had discussed specific findings for denial, which are before the Cormnission for adoption.
Motion Romero 1 Second Sim to adopt findings of denial for UP-OI-064. Approved by lnajority voice vote.
Commissioner Teglia being absent.
4. Items from Staff
5. Items from Commission
Chairperson Meloni noted that the telecommunications subcommittee will be holding a meeting with the Council
telecommunications subcommittee.
6. Items from the Public
7. Adjournment
11 :30 p.m.
omas C. Sparks
Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Micha Meloni, Chairperson
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Regular Meeting December 20,2001, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive,
South San Francisco, CA.
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