HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/01/2001 CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING 33 ARROYO DRIVE November 1, 2001 CALL TO ORDER 1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TAPE 1 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL 1 CHAIR COMMENTS MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner D'Angelo, COlmnissioner Honan, COlmnissioner Ochsenhirt, Commissioner Sim, Comn1issioner Teglia, Vice Chairperson Romero and Chairperson Meloni MEMBERS ABSENT: None City Attorney: Engineering: Police Dept.: Thon1as C. Sparks, Chief Planner Susy Kalkin, Principal Planner Steve Carlson, Senior Planner Mike Lappen, Senior Planner Steve Kowalski, Associate Planner Allison Knapp, Consultant Planner Ki1nberly Johnson Richard Hannon S gt. Mike Newell STAFF PRESENT: Planning Division: AGENDA REVIEW No Changes ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Marc Teglia addressed the Commission as a member of the public (verbatim comment): . As you lmow I have had the opportunity in the last couple months to listen to the concerns of our residents. And not surprisingly in the Downtown Area one of the concerns that see1ns to keep coming up is how the Giorgi building was built so close to Baden Avenue. What took me by surprise was the misconception in the community that this COlnmission is responsible for that error, and that we approved what was built there. And I know in certain terms I've tried to get out the word that this COlnmission did not approve that. Is not responsible for it. fu fact it has been the loudest voice in questioning why it happened and how it happened. Weare just, I guess dismayed by it. But one of the things I felt was really i1nportant to do was pull the original staff report and blue prints that this Conunission reviewed, just to make sure we did not sOlnehow miss it. And in the original blue prints that were sent for our approval it is clear that the outline of the building was in line with the existing buildings. So somehow between our approval and what was built the plans were changed. I just wanted to bring that to everybody else's attention. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of August 16, 2001. Approved Motion D' An2:elo 1 Second Sim to approve the Consent Calendar. Majority voice vote with Conunissioner Romero abstaining. S:\Minutes\finalized\ll 01 01 RPC - rev.doc Page 1 of 4 PUBLIC HEARING - AGENDA ITEMS 2. NEXTEL CommunicationslCorey Alvin-applicant Approved Sunstone Op Properties, LLC-owner 121 E. Grand Ave. UP-OI-065 and Categorical Exemption Class 32 Section 15332 In-Fill Development Projects (Continued from October 18, 2001) Use Permit allowing a wireless communication facility, consisting of twelve roof mounted panel antennas and an at-grade 10 foot tall equipment shelter, situated at the Comfort Suites Inn at 121 East Grand Avenue (APN 015-024-230), in the Planned illdustrial Zoning District (P-I) in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.105. Public Hearing opened. . Senior Planner Carlson presented Staff Report. . Corey Alvin, representing Nextel communications, presented the project. . COlmnissioner Honan wanted to Imow what the e1nergency generator procedures were. Mr. Alvin responded that there is a maintenance crew that would bring the generators out and they would be supervised while they are running. When they are no longer needed they would be removed frOln the site. Public Hearing closed. Motion Honan 1 Second Te2:lia approving the Use Pennit with underground storage vaults and elin1inating the 12-foot tall enclosure. Unanimously approved. 3. ZymedIDean Tsao-owner Peter C. Luu-applicant 571 Eccles Ave. UP 00-023/MODl & Negative Declaration ND-00-023 (previously Certified) Approved Modification of a Use Permit allowing the conversion of a 1,500 square foot area frOln warehouse to office in a two building complex containing a total combined floor area of 36,090 square feet generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trip ends, situated at 561 and 571 Eccles Avenue (APN 015-081- 110) situated in the Planned illdustrial (P-I) Zone District, in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.84. Public Hearing opened. . Senior Planner Carlson presented the Staff Report. . Peter Luu, Zymed, noted that they would like the Cormnission to support their project. . Commissioner D'Angelo asked why there is a need for on-site showers and lockers. Senior Planner Carlson noted that the showers and lockers are needed because the applicant is to encourage use of public transportation or use of bicycles and this gives the en1ployee a place to cleanup before work Mr. Luu pointed out that there are showers in the facility and they are also encouraging the use of free shuttle service. . Commissioner Ochsenhirt asked if the DRB con1illent with regard to the handicap parking was met. Senior Planner Carlson noted that it is the decision of the Building Official to add it in confonnity with State laws. . Commissioner Sim was concerned with the landscaping. Staff noted that the landscape will be installed according to Commission and DRB approvals. Public Hearing closed. Motion Te2:lia 1 Second Sim to approve the project. Unanimously voice vote. 4. Cell Genesys, Inc.! Drawbridge Forbes, LLC-owner WHL Architects -Planners, Inc.!applicant 500 Forbes Blvd. Approved S:\Minutes\fll1alized\llOlOl RPC - rev. doc Page 2 of it UP-Ol-032 and ND-OI-032 Use Permit allowing a new 154,000 square foot research and development facility with an outdoor service yard, operating 24 hours per day and generating in excess of 100 vehicle trips situated at 500 Forbes Boulevard in the Planned illdustrial Zoning District (P-I) in accordance with SSFMC 20.32.060. and 20.32.070. Public Hearing opened. . Senior Planner Carlson presented the Staff Report. . Mark Whiting, Drawbridge Forbes, presented the project to the COlnmission. He apologized for relnoving the landscaping before the proper approvals. Doug White, WHL Architects, gave a PowerPoint presentation. Public Hearing closed. The Commission's concerns were: . The berming should be incorporated along Allerton & Forbes. Staff noted that very few trees can be installed. The specimen size would be 36-inch box trees. . The architecture of the building and the lack of detail. The aesthetics of the exterior need to be ilnproved. The glazing needs more contrast and detail is important. . The landscaping consists of Colmnbian Sycamores, Flowering Plum, European Hornbean1, Carrot wood, Chinese Elm and the Theodore Cedar. Assistant City Attorney Johnson provided SOlne changes in the Conditions of Approval; . Section A, Planning Division requirements, #4 b- to state; "Prior to receiving a Building Permit the applicant shall submit a TDM program prepared by qualified and licensed traffic engineer that incorporates the provisions of the SSFMC 20.120 (TDM). The progrmn shall be subject to the review and approval pursuant to SSFMC 20.120.070", which would include review by the Planning Cormnission of a preliminary TDM program. . IV of the Conditions of Approval- inserting "after the applicant shall pay its fare share contribution" followed by "at a rate not to exceed $1.23 per square foot of buildable space of the City's sewer system Shldy . .. etc ... etc" . V - stating "prior to the issuance of the building permit the applicant shall pay all traffic impact fees established by resolution of the City Council on September 26, 2001" Motion Romero 1 Second Honan approving the item with the Conditions of approval as amended. Unanin10us vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 5. Items from Staff . Chief Planner Sparks had the following itelns; . Scheduling a study session at 6:30 p.ln. for the Britannia East Grand (Fuller O'Brien) on November 15, 2001. The Commission agreed to meet at 6:30 p.m. . Being that the Regular Planning COlnmission meeting on December 20,2001 is a week before Christmas, he asked the Con1illission if they wished to have the meeting or cancel it. The Commission decided to hold the meeting of December 20th. . A letter in response was sent to the Commission for review in regard to COlnmissioner Teglia' s question on the no parking signs on Grand Avenue. 6. Items from Commission . Commissioner D'Angelo noted that the area in front of Giorgi has been repaved. S:\Minutes\finalized\110101 RPC - rev. doc Page 3 of 4 . COlnmissioner Ochsenhirt reminded everyone that Noven1ber 6th is Election Day. · Chairperson Meloni congratulated Assistant City Attorney Johnson for being with the City for one year. Assistant City Attorney Johnson thanked the Commission for their help · Commissioner Teglia asked what is being done on El Camino Real. Chief Planner Sparks replied that a new right turn lane will be added. 7. Items from the Public None 8. Adjournment 8:45 p.m. Motion Sim 1 Second Romero to adjourn the meeting. ~sc~ Secretary to the Planning COlnmission City of South San Francisco Michael eloni, Chairperson Planning Comn1ission City of South San Francisco NEXT MEETING: Regular Meeting November 15,2001, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, CA. TCS/blh S:\Minutes\finalized\1l0101 RPC - rev. doc Page '1 of 4.