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October 18, 2001
8:00 D.m.
Commissioner D'Angelo, COlnmissioner Honan, Commissioner Ochsenhirt,
COlnmissioner Teglia, and Vice Chairperson Romero
Commissioner Sim and Chairperson Meloni
Planning Division:
Marty Van Duyn, ECD Director
Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner
Susy Kalkin, Principal Planner
Steve Carlson, Senior Planner
Kimberly Johnson
Mike 0' Connell
City Attorney:
Bldg./Fire Prevo
Chief Planner Sparks asked the Cormnission to continue item #6, Nextel Communications to the next Planning
Commission meeting.
RQmanie Rhajboy, 63 Waverly Court, said that on September 6th she and other members of her neighborhood
were led to believe that the Avalon Water Tank (UP-01-064) was being continued to October 18th. They made a
great effort to inform their neighborhood of the meeting. There were 30 people in attendance and found that it
was not on the agenda for consideration.
Vice Chairperson Romero apologized and noted that the public is notified when an iteIn is going to be heard by
the Commission. Chief Planner Sparks noted that the item would be on the next agenda.
Marjorie Sieux, 11 Canyon Road, wanted her opposition to the Metro PCS application proposed on the Avalon
Water Tank on the record. She also requested copies of minutes where this item has been heard.
John Chan, 64 Waverly Court
Edwina Wong, 60 Waverly Court
H. Ngai, 151 Valleyview Way
Sidney Lam, 54 Waverly Court
Spoke in opposition to the Metro PCS application. They asked that their concerns be taken into consideration
when the item is before the Commission. They pointed out that they were disappointed that the item was not
1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of August 16, 2001.
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Motion Te2lia / Second Honan to continue the Consent Calendar. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
2. Phillip & Wendy Wan-owner/applicant
123-127 Arroyo Drive
(Recommend Continuance to November 15,2001)
Tentative Parcel Map allowing a division of an existing 18,109 square foot parcel into two parcels with parcel
areas of 9,022 square feet and 9,115 square feet and Design Review allowing the remodel of an existing
single family dwelling and a new single family dwelling, situated at 127 Arroyo Drive (APN 010-370-220),
situated in the Single Family Dwelling (R-1-E) Zone District, in accordance with SSFMC Title 19 and
Chapter 20.85.
Motion Te2lia / Second Honan to continue the iteIn. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
3. Union 76/Vladimir Dubinsky-owner/applicant
221 Airport Blvd.
Modification of Use Permit to replace auto repair bays with a convenience store at an existing gasoline
service station at 221 Airport Boulevard.
Principal Planner Kalkin presented the staff report and noted that staff was recommending denial of the use permit
Lenny and Vladimir Dubinsky, co-owners of22l Airport Boulevard, gave a brief history of how they have
upgraded the site with parking and brighter lights. He asked that the Commission review the application, as it will
improve the exterior to Inake it aesthetically pleasing. This upgrade will enhance the entryway to the City.
Public Hearing opened. There being no speakers the Public Hearing was closed.
Commissioner Teglia and Commissioner Ochsenhirt noted that the applicant's desire to improve the site is a good
one but were concerned with approving the modification due to traffic ingress and egress conflicts. It also
conflicts with what the goals set for the site in the Charrette.
Motion Te2lia to uphold staff s recommendation for denial of the modification. The motion died for lack of a
Commissioner D'Angelo and Commissioner Honan noted that the applicant should be allowed to improve the site.
They also pointed out that the Charrette was a vision that was put into place 1999 and three years later there have
not been any changes. If the City has a vision they should use eminent domain to reach the purpose of the
Jeffrey Jajae, 115 Grand Avenue, spoke against the permit. His was concerned with the traffic being increased
with a larger gas station.
Mr. Lenny Dubinsky stated that his business will not generate more traffic.
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Chairperson Pro-Tern ROlTIerO pointed out that the revisions should have been subm.itted when the pumps were
being changed. He noted that the City does have a goal and the entire area should be upgraded. He stated that he
also agrees with Staff s recommendation.
Motion Te2:lia/ Second Sim to deny UP-91-889/MOD 1 based on the Findings of Denial. Approved by majority
roll call vote.
Ayes: Commissioner Ochsenhirt, Commissioner Teglia, and Vice Chairperson Romero
Noes: Commissioner D'Angelo and Commissioner Honan
Abstain: None
Absent: Commissioner Sim and Chairperson Meloni
4. Alexandria Tech Center, Trammell Crow-owner
Arrow Sign Co.-applicant
335 Oyster Pt. Blvd.
Modification of a Type C Sign Permit allowing a revision to the master sign program for the Alexandria Tech
Center consisting of the relocation of a facade sign frOlTI the north to the south building elevation, situated at
335 Oyster Point Boulevard, in the Planned fudustrial Zoning District (P-I) in accordance with SSFMC
Chapter 20.76 and 20.86.
Staff report presented by Senior Planner Carlson.
Thomas Woodson, Arrow Sign Conlpany, presented the proposal to the Commission.
Public Hearing opened. There being no speakers the Public Hearing was closed.
Motion Ochsenhirt / Second Honan to approve SC-99-088/MOD 1. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
5. Sprint PCS/The Alaris Group/Kelly Pepper-applicant
Dennis Georgopoulos-owner
301 Allerton Ave.
Use Permit allowing a wireless communication facility, consisting of three roof mounted panel antennas on a
20 foot tall pole and five roof mounted equipment cabinets within a screen enclosure, situated at 301 Allerton
Avenue (APN 015-050-670), in the Planned fudustrial Zoning District (P-I) in accordance with SSFMC
Chapter 20.105.
Staff Report presented by Senior Planner Carlson.
Kelley Pepper, Sprint PCS, noted that they are proposing 3 antennas that would have a screen enclosure. They
responded to all DRB comments and also comply with FCC standards.
Commissioner Teglia and Ms. Pepper discussed the height of the antenna, stealthing, and relocating to another
site. Ms. Pepper noted that some of the sites that met radio frequency needs were not interested in leasing to
Public Hearing opened. There being no speakers the Public Hearing was closed.
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Approved onJune 20, 2002
Commissioner Teglia and Senior Planner Carlson discussed relocating the antennas and visibility. Ms. Pepper
noted that the antenna can be moved back but would have to increase the height of the antenna.
Vice Chairperson Romero asked if the building would be able to support the new structures. Mike O'Connell,
Fire Prevention Building Division, pointed out that the Building Division requires engineering calculations to
show if the existing roof can support the load that will be placed on it. If it will not be able to support the load the
applicant is required to submit an engineered design to support the load.
Don Mason, 10 Arlington Drive, asked if the generator was going to be a diesel generator and what type of impact
this will cause on the building and those around it. COlmnissioner D'Angelo clarified that the generator would be
taken out in case of emergency and it would not stay on the roof permanently.
Motion Honan / Second D' An2:elo to approve UP-OI-044. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
6. NEXTEL Communications/Corey Alvin-applicant
Sunstone Op Properties, LLC-owner
121 E. Grand Ave.
Use Permit allowing a wireless communication facility, consisting of twelve roof mounted panel antennas and
an at-grade 10 foot tall equipment shelter, situated at 121 East Grand Avenue (APN 015-024-230), in the
Planned fudustrial Zoning District (P-I) in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.105.
Staff recommended that the Commission continue the item to November 1,2001.
Motion Honan / Second Te2:lia to continue the iteln to said date. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
7. Items from Staff
Chief Planner Sparks noted that the Commission has received a report from the Park & Recreation Director
regarding Junipero Serra, a Shuttle Status Report from the Peninsula Congestion Relief Alliance, and a revised
copy of the Marbella EIR. Staff is also attempting to resolve the parking sign issue on Chestnut Avenue.
8. Items from Commission
. Commissioner Teglia asked that the Chestnut parking sign issue be rectified soon because it has been over a
month since the issue arose.
. Commissioner D'Angelo noted that there seems to bea driveway at the Giorgi site and asked if there are
future upgrades that call for this to be flat surface. Mr. O'Connell noted that there may have been a Condition
of Approval to remove those driveway aprons at the time the building was being constructed. He added that
he will check with the Engineering Division.
. Vice Chairperson Romero asked when the fuclusionary Housing SubcOlmmttee would be meeting. ECD
Director Van Duyn noted that the Council requested two Planning Commissioners and was not aware of Vice
Chairperson Romero being appointed to it also. He added that the Council and Planning Commission
subcommittees had already met. Chairperson Romero asked that the Commissioners present give an update
to the rest of the Cormnission.
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Commissioner Ochsenhirt gave an update on the subcommittee meeting. Staff was directed to return to the
subcommittee with examples of cities that have used inclusionary housing with a Inixed use project. Staff
was also asked to include moderate and market rate housing to the information that would be given to the
Commissioner Teglia pointed out that Councilman Penna detailed some deficiencies of the proposal such as
the current market and financing options.
. Vice Chairperson Romero noted that the League of California Women's debate with the Council candidates
was not televised and asked for it to be rescheduled.
Commissioner Ochsenhirt said that they were informed that it would not be televised and Mayor Fernekes
recorded it, sublnitted the videotape to AT&T, and it was played at 5:00 p.m. It will be played once more on
October 24th prior to the City Council meeting.
9. Items from the Public
Jackie Williams, 242 Longford Drive, was disappointed that the debate was not televised.
10. Adjourn
9:38 p.m.
Motion Honan / Second Te2:lia to adjourn the meeting. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
\./'\.)~ 1--.~
William Romero, Chairperson Pro-Tern
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Regular Meeting November 1,2002, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive,
South San Francisco, CA.
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Approved onJwle 20, 2002