HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/05/2001 CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING 33 ARROYO DRIVE April 5, 2001 TAPE 1 CALL TO ORDER / PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL / CHAIR COMMENTS MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Ochsenhirt, Commissioner Romero, Commissioner Teglia, Vice Chairperson Meloni and Chairperson Sim MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Planning Division: Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner Steve Carlson, Senior Planner Allison Knapp, Consultant Planner Kimberly Johnson Richard Harmon Sgt. Mike Massoni Sgt. Mike Newell Barry Mammini City Attorney: Engineering: Police Dept.: Bldg./Fire Prevo PRESENTATIONS Resolution commending Julie Baldocchi for her service on the Planning Commission. Commissioner Ochsenhirt presented the resolution to Julie Baldocchi. . Julie Baldocchi thanked the Commission for allowing her to serve on the Commission. She noted that she enjoyed her tenure on the Commission. She pointed out that she has learned a lot from the other Commissioners. PLANNING COMMISSION REORGANIZATION Motion Teglia / Second D'Angelo to appoint Vice Chairperson Meloni as Planning Commission Chairperson. Approved bY' unanimous voice vote. Motion D'Angelo nominated Commissioner Teglia for Vice Chairperson. The motion died for lack of a second. Motion Honan / Second Sim to appoint Commissioner Romero as the Planning Commission Vice Chairperson. Approved by majority voice vote with Commissioner Teglia and Commissioner D'Angelo voting no. Recess called at 7 :40 p.m. Recalledto order at 7:45 p.m. Chairperson Meloni presented a plaque to Commissioner Sim thanking him for his service as Chairperson for the past year. S:\Minutes\040501 RPC.doc Page 1 of 11 AGENDA REVIEW Chief Planner Sparks suggested that item #2 be moved after item 6a, and item #5 be the first public hearing that the Commission hears, and that item #6b be discussed after item #4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Sophie Mason, 10 Arlington Drive: She was against the credit towards landscaping requirements for the Costco item. She mentioned that her impression of this contribution is a payoff or a blackmail. She was interested on what the landscaping discussion for the EI Camino Costco. Jackie Williams, 242 Longford Drive: The City Council discussed a power plant proposal and alternative locations. AES wants to keep the proposal site on Jamie Court. The 570 megawatt EI Paso plant near the airport was approved by the Airport Commission and is located directly across the street from the waste water treatment plant. There weren't any Planning Commissioners present at the Council meeting. She suggested that there be a subcommittee set up to find out how much power the City needs. Chairperson Meloni asked staff to provide the Commission with information on this issue. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of February 15,2001. Motion Teglia / Second Sim to approve the minutes as amended. Approved by unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING - AGENDA ITEMS 3. TORANI Lucky Investments-owner R. Torre & Co.-applicant 233 E. Harris Ave. UP-00-OS5 and Categorical Exemption Class 3 Section 15303 New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures Use Permit allowing an 800 square feet storage to an existing two-story 50,833 square foot industrial food preparation facility and to allow a parking rate of 1 space per each 860 square feet of floor area in the Planned Industrial (P-I) zoning district, in accordance with SSFMC Sections 20.32.030(d) and 20.74.100, and credit toward landscaping requirements for contributions to cultural arts fund pursuant to SSFMC Chapter 20.101. (Recommend continuance off calendar) Motion Sim / Second Ochsenhirt to continue the item off calendar. 5. St. Vincent De Paul-owner Roger Hagman, AlA-applicant 151 So. Spruce Ave. UP-00-OS6 and ND-00-OS6 Use Permit allowing a multi-use building comprised of a retail store, office and eating facility generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trip ends and a variance allowing less than the minimum required parking. Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report. S:\Minutes\040501 RPC.doc Page 2 of 11 Commissioner Honan: Why the Commission have the changes made by the applicant per the Design Review Boards suggestions? Chairperson Meloni: Would condition 6 would be changed to address the specific use with regard to parking. Senior Planner Carlson: It is the Commission's discretion whether they want to modify the condition or add another to reflect the Commission's concerns. Chairperson Meloni: was the trash enclosure moved away from the setback? Senior Planner Carlson: The applicant has provided a plan that shows that they will do that. A condition was added to require relocation of the trash facility. Public Hearing opened. Joe Marchetti, President of Saint Vincent DePaul Society, presented his item to the Commission. Commissioner Sim: Asked Mr. Hagman to elaborate on the plan changes suggested by the Design Review Board. Mr. Hagman: That the Design Review Board asked that the tree species be changed, the entry way enhanced, and that the sprinklers be changed. Commissioner Sim: Has the applicant looked at having accessibility from the plaza rather than from the street? Mr. Hagman They went through many versions of the building in order to incorporate the parking on the site. Maximizing parking was one of the most dominant driving forces behind the proposal. There is not enough room on the site to get a large amount of parking. Commissioner Honan: What did the applicant change at the entryway? Mr. Hagman: That the entryway was made wider with a walkway along the side. They enhanced the entryway to differentiate the pedestrian and drive area for the parking lot. Vice Chairperson Romero: Will the 20 foot setback on the secondary street be landscaped? Why did the 20 foot setback not continue around the building to Spruce, the primary street? There is room to reduce the size of the building being because there is a surplus in office space in the building and this would allow the 20 foot setback that along South Spruce Avenue. Mr. Hagman: South Spruce Avenue has a 10 foot setback. Vice Chairperson Romero: The applicant should be required to provide a minimum of 20 feet. Senior Planner Carlson: South Spruce A venue is considered a side yard by the zoning code and that the minimum is 10 feet. The zoning ordinance defines Starlight A venue as the front setback, regardless of the entry location or address. Vice Chairperson Romero: It is logical to establish a greater setback on South Spruce A venue and not on Starlight A venue. There is a 20 foot setback where the loading dock is located, which is enough for a pickup. What will happen when there is a trailer and the vehicle will stick out onto the street? Mr. Hagman: The truck used for deliveries is small and did not require more space. Commissioner TegIia: Has the architect counseled his clients to minimize the size of the building as the Design Review Board had suggested? Mr. Hagman: These comments arose at the December Design Review Board meeting which was not attended by the applicant or owner. They went to the Design Review Board in January again; the client has explained what square footage they wanted. Mr. Marchetti: Their operation is the store and the kitchen. The second floor is a result of what they have on the first. If they do not have the services on the first floor the site will not work for them. The square footage was a direct result of what was needed for the first floor. Their Board of Directors felt the offices would be an asset to St. Vincent DePaul. Commissioner Teglia: There are legal requirements that allow someone to build on a piece of land. Would the applicant consider returning to the Commission with a project that would fit on the property? Mr. Marchetti: They are driven by the economy and have limited resources because they are a charity. If they can't build a facility that won't fulfill their needs then the site will not make an economic sense. Chairperson Meloni: Why could St. Vincent DePaul not have retail on the second floor? Mr. Marchetti: Ttraffic control is an issue. A second floor commercial area imposes control, access and merchandising problems. It is designed based on the experience of store operators and a second floor commercial area would increase supervision costs. Chairperson Meloni: The applicant has admitted that they will not utilize all the second floor space. The Design Review Board suggested reduction of the building mass and an increase in articulation. Was S:\Minutes\040501 RPC.doc Page 3 of 11 reducing the office area and pulling the building back on the second floor to give the articulation considered? Mr. Marchetti: They looked at those issues. Making the second story available at a below market rate would be a service. Leasing out some of the office space would help them pay the loan on the building. The project has to be engineered to the community's needs and be economically feasible for their organization. Commissioner Sim: What type of store will this be and is the storage food related? Mr. Marchetti: It is a thrift store and their food giveaway is limited. The storage area is intended for storage of those items that are dropped off or picked up. Commissioner Sim: Clutter accumulates at the drop off areas. The applicant had considered putting the cafeteria on the street side to give an urban design? Mr. Marchetti Has the dinning room is located in the rear of the building. They considered having it in an area where it would be out of sight in a private area. Retail drives the facility and it has to be visible. Mr. Hagman: There is one variance that they cannot address and asked for clarification on which parking spaces they were being asked to eliminate. Senior Planner Carlson: Staff's intention was to eliminate the two spaces on the front of South Spruce A venue. Mr. Hagman: They can comply with that requirement. Caroline Giorso, 131 Drake A venue: V olunteers at the Grand A venue site. She spoke in favor of the project and added that the space is needed to fulfill the needs of the homeless in SSF. Public Hearing closed. Commissioner Honan: Where will the food be stored? Loraine Mariarty, 557 Miller Avenue: There is a pantry designed that is incorporated into the kitchen facility and that is where the food will be stored. Commissioner Honan: How many lunches are served per day? Ms. Mariarty: That they serve an average of 65 a day depending on the time of the month and weather conditions. Vice Chairperson Romero: The primary use for the site is the retail portion. The 20 foot setback on South Spruce A venue should be provided and that there is a problem with allowing a 33 car deficiency in the parking requirement. There is a problem with parking in the area and there will be a problem with not having an area to park 30 cars. This application should be returned to staff to work out the issues and to make sure the proposal complies with Design Review Board comments. Ms. Mariarty: Most of their traffic is foot traffic and they have allocated parking spaces based on what they consider being the future occupancy on the second floor. The distribution and storage area is not retail. Vice Chairperson Romero: Foot traffic is normal on Grand Avenue but not on South Spruce A venue. They will be relying on people driving to their facility to use the retail component of the traffic. Ms. Mariarty: Retail sales are at their best on Saturdays when they do not operate the cafe on a regular basis. Retail would be at its climax in the afternoon where the office and the cafe will be closed and they do not visualize that there will be parking problems during their hours of operation. Commissioner D'Angelo: He wants to help the community as well as the organization. He agreed with the Commissioners' comments with regard to the building not fitting on the site. Losing the parking space and the setback is too much for the site. Ordinances and requirements try to address the needs in the future as well as the community's needs. He does not think this is the right project for the site and the Design Review Board had good ideas which were ignored. He cannot support the project as he sees it now. Conlmissioner Teglia: Agrees with the comments given. The City has been helping St. Vincent DePaul to find a site and to get funding. The standards have to be incorporated into the project. A variance is a legal tool and does not see a legal justification for a variance. He encouraged the applicant to consider the site and to return with a proposal that fits with the site requirements. He would recommend denial of the project as it stands. Commissioner Ochsenhirt: He is disappointed with the proposal from the applicant. He asked how this project got to the point of needing so many variances. Parking is an issue, and the project has too many variances. He S:\Minutes\040501 RPC.doc Page 4 of 11 would like the project to return to the Commission and would like to see that the applicant has taken the Commission's suggestions. COlnmissioner Sim: He concurred with Commissioner Ochsenhirt's comments. Everyone is sympathetic to this non profit organization, and he urges the applicant to try to work with the site. The applicant should return to the Design Review Board and address all the issues discussed. Chairperson Meloni: The applicant needs to take a step back and take into consideration some of the Design Review Board's comments. If the applicant redesigns the building they could have a proposal that fits on the site and not require variances. Motion Romero / Second Sim to continue to allow staff to work with applicant in modifying the proposal and that the applicant return to the Design Review Board with the revised proposal. Commissioner Teglia: Could staff work with the applicant on this project, or should they could consider denying the project? Chief Planner Sparks: If the project is denied the applicant has a 15 day appeal period and there is not much that staff can work with. If the Commission decides to continue the item they can ask the applicant if this is what they want to do or if they can change the design. If the Commission decides to continue the item, it should be to the June 7,2001 meeting to allow the revised proposal to go before the May Design Review Board meeting. Mr. Marchetti suggested that the item be continued to allow him to report to their Board and find a solution for the both parties. Mr. Hagman asked to get a clear indication on alleviating the need for the variance for the setbacks and asked if the Commission would not consider a variance for the parking. Chairperson Meloni: The Commission does not approve variances very easily and should work with staff on the issue. Mr. Hagman: Will work with staff on the issues addressed at the meeting. Motion to continue the item to June 7, 2001 was approved by unanimous voice vote. 3. Costco Gas Station/Costco-owner/applicant 481 So. Airport Blvd. UP-00-026 & ND-00-026 Use Permit to allow a new fueling facility at the vacant site across from the existing Costco facility, corner of South Airport Boulevard and Belle Air Road at 481 South Airport Boulevard (continued from December 7, 2000) Principal Planner Kalkin presented a staff report. TAPE 2 Kim Stever, Costco Wholesale, and Bruce Creager, Architect, gave a brief presentation. Public Hearing opened. Sophie Mason, 10 Arlington Drive: She had previously requested the number of gas pumps in SSF. The staff report states the new station will have landscaping throughout the site "wherever possible". She questioned where this will be. The LOS exceeds the City's requirement at peak traffic. Costco on EI Camino included mitigations which have not been effective. The left turn lane heading southbound on EI Camino is backed up several times during the day. The EI Camino store was to be open certain hours a day and they are exceeding these hours. The suggested that the Commission not approve building this station until the City and Costco clear up the EI Camino Costco issues. S:\Minutes\040501 RPC.doc Page 5 of 11 Russ Hanlpton, owner and operator of Shell at 248 South Airport Boulevard: He is opposed to the Costco Gas station. The traffic impact is greatly underestimated, especially with three 30,000 gallon storage tanks on the site. There have been a lot of stations approved in the last five years and there are enough fueling facilities in the area. Jackie Williams, 242 Longford Drive: The cumulative impacts of Costco need to be looked at in conjunction with all the other City projects. Her memo, dated November 16, 2001, stated her concerns. There is the EI Paso plant project, and AES' proposed plant which will generate more traffic. She pointed out that South Airport is at LOS F in the afternoon and that is unacceptable. Two studies for this area mentioned that there would be an increase of 40% in traffic, with Costco being 11 % of it. An Olympian Oil still is still pending at the Planning level. The Airport is expanding and has opened the International Terminal with an increase in rental car facilities and parking increases. She asked if all the increase in the vicinity is being considered in the analysis. The 30,000 gallon fuel tanks will be on top of 10 feet of fill and ground water below that. This is a delicate area. She encouraged the Commission to deny the project. Dan Shattuc, 111 Belmont A venue, spoke against the project because of the traffic issues along Airport Boulevard. He is concerned with the bay mud and fuel spilling near the bay. The project should not go forward. Any run off should go to the treatment plant. There was a wetlands problem when Costco was first built at the South Airport site. There are endangered species and wetlands around the area and it is a major impact. He suggested having an Environmental Impact Report on the project. Another gas station is not needed in the area. Kelly Hampton, 248 South Airport Boulevard, was concerned with the large size of the fueling tanks. The average service station has three 12,000 gallon tanks or three 5,000 gallon tanks. The average delivery truck delivers 9,000 gallons and to keep a tank filled there will be 6-8 deliveries a day. Public Hearing closed. Commissioner Teglia: There was an application for a fuel tank a year ago and it was recommended to be an above ground tank. All fuel stations have some leakage. He asked for information on the hazardous materials mitigation. Chief Planner Sparks noted that in the last few years the Regional Water Quality Control Boards have adopted new standards. All new tanks have to be double walled and monitored to detect leaks. Commissioner Teglia asked about the size of the fuel tanks on the EI Camino Real site. Bruce Creager, Barghausen Engineers: The tanks are three 30,000 gallon tanks at the EI Camino site. The storage tanks are required to be fiberglass material and dual walls. There are fill boxes located where the tanks are filled to collect any germs that may occur. There is a container under the dispenser in case there are any leaks. There are electronic monitoring devices that would alarm the entire system and shut down, identifying what area needs immediate action. Chairperson Meloni was concerned with the structure and support of the tanks. This is an earthquake prone area. If the tanks have any automatic shutoffs. Mr. Bruce: The geotechnical report recommends that there be site preparation to contend with the matters of the bay mud. The recommendations contain requirements for use of continuous footings or mat foundations to distribute the loads, to deal with the high water table, and to secure the tanks in place when they are half full and more prone to become buoyant. Chairperson Meloni: He would like to see what the applicant intends to do in constructing the tanks. Mr. Creager: In prior experience the tanks did not have any fractures after an earthquake. Commissioner Sim asked if there had been any earlier proposals on the site. Principal Planner Kalkin noted that she has not seen a proposal for the site in 15 yeqrs. The site has been leased to Costco since the 1980s and the adjacent area has been used as an extended parking area for Costco. Chairperson Meloni asked if there was remediation on the site. Principal Planner Kalkin noted that there was. Director of ECD Van Duyn noted that the site is going through an annual review and this may be the last year for that review. S:\Minutes\04.050 1 RPC.doc Page 6 of 11 Conlmissioner Honan asked if the EI Camino site tanks back up to the City's water supply. Principal Planner Kalkin answered that the parcel is in proximity to Colma Creek, but this is not a source of drinking water although it does flow to the Bay. Comnlissioner D'Angelo: New tanks also leak. He does not disagree that the monitors are in place. He estimated that the tanks would weigh 450 tons on the Bay. He added that he does not support the project. Commissioner Teglia: The gas tanks are on one side and large queuing lines on the other. This will pose a problem. He is not in favor of the project. He stated that the application is incomplete because the original landscaping will be kept. He expected to have more trees with the proposal and believes that it needs to be worked on. Commissioner Sim asked staff for some compelling reasons to have the project go forward. He also asked how it benefits the community. Chief Planner Sparks answered that convenience for those using the warehouse is one reason. He pointed out that the City prides itself in being business friendly and this is an important issue. Staff tries to accommodate uses that are not going to be detrimental, and it is a judgement for the Commission to make. Landscaping concerns can be addressed. Commissioner Sim asked what the larger role the project has on South Airport Boulevard. Chief Planner Sparks noted that the area is designated for business and commercial uses which accommodate retail and offices. The gas station is consistent with the General Plan. Vice Chairperson Romero: He would have been more supportive if Costco would have given the City an option on where to locate a fueling facility in South San Francisco. There are several service stations and truck stops in the area. He questioned the need for another Costco service station in the City and pointed out that this would generate more traffic into the area. He was concerned what would happen to the environment if the tanks spill into the Bay. He felt that the City did not have the option of choosing a site for the gas station. He cannot support the project for the-reasons stated. Commissioner Ochsenhirt stated that he is in favor of the project. He believes in the credibility of the experts with regard to the tanks not leaking. He mentioned that water is always an issue and the experts know how to develop tanks and materials that will not corrode and not harm the environment. No one can determine whether there are enough fueling stations in the City. This is an opportunity relieve congestion at the EI Camino site. Commissioner Honan: If the Commission would have had an opportunity to choose a site for a gas station it would have been on South Airport Boulevard, and it helps those that want to get their money's worth. There are 16 pumps on EI Camino. She goes to the Costco on South Airport because there is no traffic in the area. During Christmas the parking lot was overflowing and she believes that the gas station will take the overflow parking. Principal Planner Kalkin noted that the majority of the proposed site is undeveloped. The new project would impact only a small portion of the overflow parking lot, resulting in a net change of two parking spaces between the current proposal and the previous project. Commissioner Honan: There will still be gas station traffic. She was also concerned with the Bay being contaminated and therefor cannot support the project. Chairperson Meloni recalled that the Commission asked to have the EI Camino fueling station put at the South Airport site. He was concerned about ecological impacts on the Bay. Motion Teglia / Second D'Angelo to deny the use permit and not adopt the negative declaration. Roll Call: Ayes: Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Teglia, Vice Chairperson Romero, and Chairperson Meloni Noes: Commissioner Ochsenhirt Abstain: None S:\Minutes\040501 RPC.doc Page 7 of 11 Motion to deny passes. ADMINISTRA TIVE BUSINESS 5. Items from Staff a. Costc%wner-applicant 1556 EI Camino Real UP-98-084, EIR-98-084 Discussion on landscape Principal Planner Kalkin gave the Commission an update on the landscaping at the EI Camino Costco. Chairperson Meloni asked if the door entrances along EI Camino Real are emergency exits. Brian Munar, Mulvanny Architects, noted that they are emergency egress doors. Commissioner D'Angelo noted that the Design Review Board suggested Redwood trees and asked how well they do in the City. Principal Planner Kalkin: They do very well and there are Redwood trees at several locations including the Comfort Suites on East Grand. Vice Chairperson Romero: The island at the entryway makes it difficult to make a right hand turn without going into the inbound lane. He asked staff to review the island to improve access to the in and outbound lane. He suggested that staff review the drive aisles as well. Commissioner Honan felt that the changes will improve the site. Consensus of the Planning Commission to endorse the landscave vlan as revised. Recess called at 9:55 p.m. Recalled to order at 10:05 p.m. 2. TERRABA Y /Phase II & III Myers Development Corp.-owner/applicant San Bruno Mtn/Terrabay Specific Plan Amendment & Zoning Ordinance Amendment Second Final Terrabay Specific Plan Amendment and Specific Plan District Zoning Ordinance Amendment. (Re-noticed due to cancellation of meeting of March 15, 2001) No staff report given due to the item being continued on March 1, 2001 to allow the Commission to review the Zoning Ordinance amendments. Commissioner Teglia noted that the theatre has a restriction to be used during the day. Assistant City Attorney Johnson noted that this was addressed by having the facility available to the commercial property during the day but available as a performing arts center on a case-by-case basis. She stated that the terms would be further defined in an operating agreement that would be negotiated with staff as the development became clear. Commissioner Teglia noted that the terms in the development agreement state that there will not be any public use during the day. Assistant City Attorney Johnson noted that the Development Agreement states that use during the day as a performing arts center would be considered on a case-by-case basis and further defined in the operating agreement. Motion Teglia / Second D'Angelo to approve the second amendment to the Final Terrabay Specific Plan text and an Amendment to the Terrabay Specific Plan Zoning District with modifications to the specific language with S:\Minutes\040501 RPC.doc Page 8 of 11 increase in height restricted to the elevator shaft, and that the minimum parking requirements need to be adhered to as discussed at the March 1, 2001 meeting. Commissioner Ochsenhirt stated that he would abstain from the item. Roll Call: Ayes: Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Teglia, Vice Chairperson Romero, and Chairperson Meloni Noes: None A bstain: Commissioner Ochsenhirt A pproved by majority roll call vote. 5. Items from Staff (cont'd) b. TERRABA Y /Phase II & III Study Session Myers Development Corp.-owner/applicant San Bruno MtnlTerrabay PP-OI-020 Study Session to allow the Applicant the opportunity to present the design concepts for the residential and commercial development associated with the Final Terrabay Specific Plan and the concepts for restoration of the "Point". (Re-noticed due to cancellation of meeting of March 15, 2001) Consultant Planner Knapp gave a brief presentation. Jack Myers, Myers Developnlent Corporation, and Architectural team presented his project to the Commission. 'fA BE 3 Commissioner Sim asked what the material on mechanical unit would be. Mr. Hartman: It is metal would be largely concealed. Commissioner Sim: Would there be an overlap of pedestrian oriented pavement patterns to accent the lineal park? Mr. Hartman: There is a change in architecture and maintained ADA access all the way through the lineal park. Commissioner D'Angelo: The Commission is seeing a lot of the green vegetation from the winter months and asked what safety is built in to protect the residents in the area against fires in the fall. Larry Pierson: Both the residential and office components have a 50 foot firebreak that goes along the back of the project and around the buildings. Mr. Myers added that the Specific Plan prohibits plantings in the firebreak. Commissioner Teglia was concerned with grading the Point to improve the aesthetics of it. He pointed out that the entire section may be redesigned and asked if the entire area was going to be regraded. Eric McHuron noted that the point has been through several designs. He added that they want to save the "turtle", the mound on the top. He pointed out that because of the grading from the garage and the lower "tuning fork", the "turtle" will be moved. He pointed out that there will be a new turtle slightly to the north of the existing "turtle". He stated that the grading contractor wants a perfectly shaped 2-1 slope and the goal is to grade down the slope until the hard rock is reached. He mentioned that the slope will have character. Commissioner Teglia pointed out if one of the cul-de-sacs when pulled back, some of the grading on the point could be eliminated. Mr. McHuron noted that 4-5 units would be lost. There are requirements for housing and that is why it was not pulled back. Commissioner Sim: The project is setting a new standard for the Commission in terms of presentation quality, S:\Minutes\040501 RPC.doc Page 9 of 11 and articulating design concepts. The office building's non reflective glass is helpful and it communicates with the street activities. The developer was sensitive to the topography, perennial and contour lines of the site. Pedestrian orientation along the linear park has been addressed. He asked if there were other ways of accenting the breaks on the condo tower. Mr. Hartman and Commissioner Sim discussed the relationship of the building with the area, and architectural aspects of the condo tower. Commissioner Sim noted that the base needs to be more sensitive. Hit needs more elaboration and articulation to give it a housing project feeling. He suggested having a fly by or a drive through on the project. The two towers should relate to the Point. Mr. Hartman: The big challenge was the fIrst plan with marketable homes. They tried to keep the homes simple in character as well as marketable. There is an opportunity 0 have more texture on the ends of the homes which will be a pleasing VIew. Commissioner Teglia echoed Commissioner Sim's comments. He noted that the last application was required to trim and detail around the windows. He added that he does not see a high quality product. Mr. Myers noted that the quality is high and they will have information available to the Commission at their next hearing date. Commissioner Honan: The homes are not what others expect to see. She has a picture in her mind and is happy with the way it blends into the site. Commissioner Sim: The plan is good,and the elevation is his concern. Mr. Myers thanked the Commission for all their comments and noted that they will have a three dimensional scale at a later time. Conlmissioner D'Angelo asked for an explanation on how the upper half of the homes fit in relation to the project. Mr. Hagman: In order to get a view from other units, the roof has to be low. The units are 27 feet wide and are 54 feet wide with a minimum of 10 feet between each unit. On either side of the garage there will be an entry point with a porch and a gate with landscaping. 6. I tems from Commission . Vice Chairperson Romero asked if the motion for Terrabay included the parking issues. He wanted to make sure that the information discussed on the March 1, 2001 meeting is conveyed to Council. Assistant City Attorney Johnson noted that the Commission's recommendation and concerns will be communicated. Comnrlssioner Teglia noted that the minutes is a great way to communicate the Commission's concerns and ideas to the Council. He noted that those minutes are not before the Commission and they should have them to allow the Commission to review and approve in order to send them on to Council. Chief Planner Sparks noted that the meetings are recorded and Council, at times, requests copies of tapes to review the Commission's discussion. . Commissioner D'Angelo asked if energy is a component of an EIR. Chief Planner Sparks noted that energy consumption is not something that staff has looked at and the Commission can expect this to become the norm again. Commissioner D'Angelo noted that there may be a possibility of generating power and the Planning Commission has not discussed or incorporated any ideas into any project. He suggested that it may be something that will have to be looked at closer in the future. Chief Planner Sparks noted that there has been emphasis in the past on energy conservation. He noted that distributed generation is a different concept and is a fundamentally different approach than the City has taken. . Commissioner Honan noted that she will not be at the next Planning Commission meeting. . Commissioner Ochsenhirt thanked the City Council for appointing him to the Planning Commission and the opportunity to serve the City in a new facet. He thanked Chief Planner Sparks and the Commission for their warm welcome. Chairperson Meloni welcomed Commissioner Ochsenhirt on his recent appointment. . Chairperson Meloni thanked the City for giving them the opportunity to attend the Monterey conference. He asked Assistant City Attorney Johnson to update the Commission on rules and regulations with regard S:\Minutes\040501 RPC.doc Page 10 of 11 to conflicts of interest with e-mail and telephone conversations. He added that he would like the minutes up for approval on a timely basis. 7. Items from the Public -- None 8. Adjournment l\1otion Sim / Second Honan to adjourn the meeting at 12: 15 a.m. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Thomas C. Sparks Secretary to the PI ing Commission City of South San Francisco ^,/7/l j! /7" <). f, /J 1C ,<:;' L-/~_~_~' ,,--,-..t/Cr- Michael M~lohi, Chairperson Planning Commission City of South San Francisco NEXT MEETING: Regular Meeting March 15,2001, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, CA. S:\Minutes\040501 RPC.doc Page 11 of 11