HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/01/2001
February 1, 2001
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
Commissioner Baldocchi, Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Honan,
Commissioner Romero, Vice Chairperson Meloni and Chairperson Sim
Commissioner Teglia
Planning Division: Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner
Susy Kalkin, Principle Planner
Steve Carlson, Senior Planner
Econ. Community Dev.: Malty Van Duyn, Director
Engineering: Richard Harmon
Bldg./Fire Prevo Rocque Yballa
Chief Planner Sparks noted that there were no changes to the agenda.
Jackie Williams, 242 Longford Drive, noted that she was present at the City Council meeting where they were
conducting interviews to fill Planning Commission vacancies, and noted that all four Commissioners that are up
for reappointment are excellent Commissioners. She stated that the Commission is a wonderful body to speak in
front of and that she first spoke in front of them when the school zone issue came up. She noted that she would
like to see each of the Commissioners reappointed. She thanked Commissioner Baldocchi for her service on the
Commission and was sad to see her go.
1. Items from Staff
Senior Planner Carlson gave a brief description of the item.
a. Study Session
The Malcolm Building, John Malcolm-owner/applicant
200 Oyster Pt. Blvd
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UP ,V -00-07 4 & ND-00-074
Use Permit to allow construction of a 6-story, 155,000 sq. ft. office building and a three-level parking
garage, which will generate in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trips, and a Variance to the parking
requirements to reduce the parking ratio from 3.33 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. to 2.83 spaces per 1,000 sq.
ft., in order to promote alternative modes of transportation, on a 3.345 acre site at 200 Oyster Point
Ted Korth, Project Architect; Paul Lettieri, Landscape Architect; and Chris Raftery, Project Manager,
presented the project to the Commission.
Commissioner D'Angelo asked what the heights were of the building and the parking structure. Mr. Korth
noted that the garage is on grade plus 3 levels and the building is six stories. He distributed colored renderings.
Vice Chairperson Meloni asked if the setback was 20 feet from the street. Mr. Korth noted that it is 20 feet
from the property line. Vice Chairperson Meloni noted that on the rendering there is a set of steps in the front.
Mr. Korth noted that the steps are in the center and there is a walkway that leads up past the steps. Vice
Chairperson Meloni noted that the main entrance of the building would be where the garage is at because he
could not see where the sidewalk is out in front of the building. Mr. Korth noted that the sidewalk is on Oyster
Point Boulevard and the stairs would be behind that. Mr. Raftery noted that the existing retaining wall would be
removed as part of the project.
Vice Chairperson Meloni asked what the spacing was between the building and the parking structure. Mr.
Korth noted that it is 32 feet.
Chairperson Sim asked what the square footage was for the two buildings and an indication on the setback
requirement. Mr. Murphy noted that one building was approximately 160,000 square foot building and the
parking on grade is 75 spaces. He stated that the remaining parking spaces are in the parking structure and the
number of cars is 2.83 x 160 = (453). He noted that the required setback along Oyster Point Boulevard is 20 feet
and the building is setback 20 feet from the property line. Vice Chairperson Meloni added that the staff repOlt
notes that the setback is 15 feet on one of the projects. Senior Planner Carlson noted that it was 15 feet but the
setback could be refined in their plans. He added that the buildings don't align which is a question that the other
applicant will discuss.
Commissioner Honan asked for a clear explanation of how the back wall went from 18 feet to 7 feet. Mr.
Korth noted that there are differences in grade and they adjusted the grading and designed the terrace wall system
to take up the difference in height. Mr. Lettieri added that each telTace is about 5 feet and the ground slopes
between them. He added that the difference in elevation is still there but has been taken up in planted terraces.
Chairperson Sim noted that the buildings are to create a more built up element on the street with parking in the
rear, which covers the elements that don't want to be seen and project an urban presence on the street. He added
that he would be looking critically at the landscaping and how it is treated. He pointed out that the parking in the
rear, blended in by the retaining wall, the pedestrians spines ending with beautiful landscape, and creating a
campus environment are all good concepts. He noted that the garage was only 5 feet rather than 15 feet from the
property. He asked staff if this would be handled as a Planned Unit Development. Senior Planner Carlson
noted that it would be handled as a Use Permit.
Commissioner Romero asked if there would be parking on Oyster Point Boulevard or is it just going to be a bike
path. Senior Planner Carlson noted that there is an existing bikelane but there will not be any parking allowed.
Commissioner Romero asked if there was going to be any drop-off area for buses. Senior Planner Carlson
noted that staff is not aware of any. He stated that the shuttle buses serving the area would most likely go on-site
to drop off / pick up employees participating in the program. Commissioner Romero questioned the purpose of
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the steps if there will not be any ability for others to pull over and drop off employees. Principal Planner
Kalkin noted that it would provide an opportunity for the employees to access the amenities of the shoreline, and
other commercial and recreational opportunities at Bay West Cove. Commissioner Romero noted that the stairs
look like they look to the street rather than to the sidewalk. Senior Planner Carlson noted that this is an issue
that has to be worked out with Engineering Division. He pointed out that there are many businesses that are on a
street where parking or drop-offs are not allowed, but they still provide a formalized entry to the building.
Vice Chairperson Meloni asked why the parking was 76 spaces short. Senior Planner Carlson noted that the
applications include a request to reduce the parking requirement as part of the overall TDM program. Vice
Chairperson Meloni added that the building will look large with the short setback and asked that the applicant
add some landscape to help soften the visual impact.
Commissioner D'Angelo stated that by having the stairs out there some employees may be dropped off in the
front and that is dangerous because of the high amount of traffic in the area. He noted that BART has a "kiss and
drop" area and suggested that this be explored.
Commissioner Baldocchi noted that this project and the Bay West Cove project is really going to change the
look of Oyster Point Boulevard. She echoed the other Commissioners' concerns with regard to the height and the
setback of the building. She stated that the buildings are going to get taller and they will look monstrous in
comparison to what the City is used to. She added that landscaping needs to be incorporated into the setback
because the buildings will look overpowering.
Chairperson Sim noted that a parking structure creates a trend in the City and it is better than having a sea of
asphalt. He pointed that the Commission has to project the future aspirations to become a biotech City. He added
that there are design sensibilities which the architect took into consideration articulating the building. He stated
that the height is reasonable and suggested that the frontal aspect of the buildings be crafted.
Commissioner Honan asked if there was going to be a sign on the building. John Malcolm noted that they have
not discussed that because they have been focusing on the design. Commissioner Honan was concerned with the
setback being so close and if there were a sign then that would look very big.
Recess called 8: 17 p.m.
Recalled to order at 8:25 p.m.
b. Study Session
Stuhlmuller Property Co., owner/applicant
180 Oyster Pt. Blvd.
UP-00-014 & ND-00-014
Use Permit allowing construction of a 4-story parking garage and 5-story 105,000 sq. ft. office building
generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle hips.
Steve Cox, HPC Architecture, and Gary Newgard, Watry Design, presented their project to the Commission.
Commissioner Honan asked if the second floor balcony was usable. Mr. Cox noted that the two balconies at the
cOUltyard are more usable given the wind conditions. He added that the balcony in the front serves as an entry
protection and an opportunity to go outside. There will be an opportunity to use the balconies at specific times of
the year.
Chairperson Sim asked for the floor plate square footage. Mr. Cox noted that the floor is slightly over 20,000
square feet. Chairperson Sim asked if the other building's floor plan was also 20,000 square feet. Senior
Planner Carlson noted that the other building had approximately 25,000 square feet per floor.
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Vice Chairperson Meloni asked if the material on the bottom floor was the same material as the rest of the
building. Mr. Cox noted that it is the same color and same material, and the columns would be concrete and the
panels would be glass reinforced concrete. He added that they have discussed making the columns a darker color
to make them look similar to the base of the building. He showed the Commission two samples of the different
colors of glass they would be using on the building.
Chairperson Sim asked if there was a 20 foot setback for this property. Senior Planner Carlson noted that it is
approximately 30 feet from the curb. He added that there is a property line issue that goes back a number of
years, and that the applicant has agreed to grant the City a 10 foot wide easement for use of a public sidewalk and
utility coni.dor.
Commissioner Honan asked if the space between the office building and the parking structure is the same as the
other project. Mr. Cox noted that it is slightly offset and is more apparent in the plans than it will be in the field.
Chairperson Sim noted suggested that the applicant indulge on the detail. He added that both projects have some
similarities and differences. He added that the master plan will allow the street corner to have a wider pedestrian
oriented space. He noted that the applicant can still meet the 2.83 parking requirement as part of a TDM program
despite the fact that they removed one level from the parking structure.
Chairperson Sim asked if the revisions would return to the Design Review Board. Senior Planner Carlson
noted that the applicant has complied with the Design Review Board's recommendations and comments.
Commissioner Baldocchi noted that the Commission can request to see the minutes for the meeting that the item
was discussed.
2. Items from Commission
Vice Chairperson Meloni asked to see the landscape plan for the Costco on EI Camino Real because he recalled
approving 24 and 36 inch box trees. Principal Planner Kalkin noted that the typical requirement is that a
minimum of 15% of the trees have to be 24 inch box and they are scattered throughout the site. Vice
Chairperson Meloni noted that the trees out on the site look like 15 gallon trees. Senior Planner Carlson noted
that the size of some 24 inch box trees are similar in appearance to 15 gallon trees, which may explain part of the
problem. Vice Chairperson Meloni suggested that the Commission reconsider what the landscape requirement
is going to be. Senior Planner Carlson noted that the Commission has specified in the past a preference for 36
inch box trees and mature shrubs and that staff has been imposing these requirements over the last six months.
Chairperson Sim noted that Valero gas station has taken a long time to be finished and asked staff to look into
what is hold them up.
Coinmissioner Romero recalled approving the Giorgi Furniture store without a setback but did not recall that the
sidewalk was so narrow. He asked how safe this would be for pedestrians on Baden. Mr. Harmon noted that the
sidewalk cannot be made any wider than it is. He stated that years back the street was widened from its original
design in order to get four lanes on that street. He added that the sidewalk meets City standards. Vice
Chairl?erson Meloni noted that the wall is freestanding with no support and that is dangerous.
Commissioner Baldocchi asked if the Design Review Board has minutes. Chief Planner Sparks replied
affirmatively. Commissioner Baldocchi noted that the Commission sometimes gets the minutes in their packet
and others there is a summary in the staff report. She asked that the minutes, approved by the Board, be in the
packets whenever the Commission has an item that has gone to the Design Review Board. She added that the
reappointed applicants had concerns of their issues not being clearly communicated to the Commission and asked
that the minutes be approved by the board. Chief Planner Sparks noted that staff does not take minutes back to
the Board but thinks it is appropriate that the Board agrees with staff's summary of their comments.
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Commissioner D'Angelo asked if reservations have been made for the Planners Conference in Monterey. Chief
Planner Sparks noted that the conference is on March 21-23 and reservations have been made.
3. Items from the Public - None
4. Adjournment
Motion Meloni / Second Baldocchi to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Eugene Sim, Chairperson
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Th as C. Sparks
Secretary to the Planni Commission
City of South San Francisco
Regular Meeting February 15,2001, Municipal Services Building, 33 Anoyo Drive,
South San Francisco, CA.
Staff Reports can now be accessed on the website. www.ci.ssf.ca.us (Economic &
Community Development/Planning webpages).
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