HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.19.00 Minutes
October 19, 2000
The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p.m.
Commissioner D'Angelo, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Romero,
Commissioner Teglia, Vice Chairperson Meloni and Chairperson Sim
Commissioner Baldocchi
Planning Division:
City Attorney:
Police Dept.:
Water Quality:
Bldg./Fire Prevo
Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner
Susy Kalkin, Principal Planner
Steve Carlson, Senior Planner
Mike Lappen, Senior Planner
Allison Knapp, Consultant Planner
Steve Mattas
Richard Harmon
Sgt. Mike Massoni
Ray Honan
Rocque Yballa
Chief Planner Sparks noted that there was a minor cOlTection distributed to the Commissioners for the
September 14th Special meeting minutes that they may chose to consider. He added that Commissioner Baldocchi
phoned in and asked that the Commission continue the minutes to the next regular meeting because she was not
able to attend this meeting.
Chief Planner Sparks removed item #1 from the Consent Calendar and there was consensus to continue the item
to the next regular meeting.
1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of August 3, 2000, September 7, 2000 and Study Session of
September 14, 2000.
2. CellularOne/Elizabeth Pennington, Applicant
P. G. & E., Owner
Airport Blvd. @ Armour
UP-00-056 and Categorical Exemption Class 1 Section 15301(b) Existing Public Utility
Use Permit to allow a wireless telecommunication facility on an existing P. G. & E. tower.
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Commissioner Teglia removed item #2 from the Consent Calendar.
Motion Teglia / Second Romero to continue the minutes to November 2,2000.
2. CellularOne/Elizabeth Pennington, Applicant
P. G. & E., Owner
Airport Blvd. @ Armour
UP-00-056 and Categorical Exemption Class 1 Section 15301(b) Existing Public Utility
Use Permit to allow a wireless telecommunication facility on an existing P. G. & E. tower.
Commissioner Teglia asked if the applicant would be willing to do additional landscaping to screen the
equipment cabinet along with the fence. Senior Planner Carlson noted that the applicant is landscape the site.
Staff proposes to have the applicant landscape the base of the tower with minimum 15 gallon size of mature type
shrubs which would achieve a height of approximately 6 feet. He noted that the natural screen would be more
effective than a fence. He also pointed out that the Engineering Division conditions were received too late to be
included as part of the staff report and asked that the Commission incorporate the conditions in their motion.
Commissioner Teglia asked if there would still be a fence at the site. Senior Planner Carlson noted that there
could be a fence if the Commission desires. Commissioner Teglia recommends having a fence, especially if it is
in a City park.
Motion Teglia to approve UP-00-056.
Commissioner Romero agreed with Commissioner Teglia with regard to the fence and asked if it was pludent to
put the fence on the outside of the tower rather than the inside. He mentioned that it would look a lot better
surrounding the exterior of the tower with some type of vine growth. Senior Planner Carlson noted that PG&E
might have concerns with a fence on the outside close to the tower base, because it would interfere with access to
the tower. Commissioner Romero asked if there was a way to work out an agreement with PG&E to allow them
to have access to the inside. Senior Planner Carlson noted that there would probably have to be a greater
clearance of 6-10 feet around the base of the tower, which would probably be 6-10 feet away from the base of the
tower. Commissioner D'Angelo agreed with the Commissioners. He noted that if it is in a park and children are
around it is more prudent to have a fence on the outside.
Senior Planner Carlson suggested that the Commission open the Public Hear.ing if they wanted to discuss the
project in greater detail.
Public Hearing opened and Staff Report waived.
Public Hearing closed.
Commissioner Teglia withdrew his motion.
Commissioner Romero noted that it would be the preference of the Commission to have the fence on the outside
of the tower and to convey that request to PG&E. He noted that if there were a problem with the fence being on
the outside then the fence would be left where it is proposed. Commissioner D'Angelo noted that it is a security
issue also. City Attorney Mattas noted that the distance requirement that an exterior fence would have to have
in relation to the base of the poles. He added that the Commission may provide direction if they would like a
clear area between the tower and the fence, which would end up encompassing a larger of the park, in order to
allow PG&E to have access to the tower.
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Commissioner Honan pointed out that if the fence is moved out fmther it will look massive. Commissioner
Romero noted that it could get as close to the tower as possible and still allow access to PG&E.
Elizabeth Pennington, Cellular One, mentioned that PG&E has requested that Cellular One place the fence at
the edge of the concrete pad. She noted that there are thTee PG&E towers in the same park and asked if the
Commission wants Cellular One to put a fence only on one tower or all three towers. She pointed out that it
would look awkward to have one fence on the outside, one with nothing and another with a fence inside a tower.
Commissioner Romero noted that there are different materials being used at this particular tower than used on
the others. Ms. Pennington stated that their suggestion had been a Redwood fence and were discouraged from
using. She added that the Commission has their alternatives. Commissioner Romero noted that the pad extends
slightly past the tower and if the fence would be placed at the edge it would be on the outside perimeter of the
tower. Ms. Pennington replied that it is the concrete pad where the cellular equipment cabinet would sit, which
within the PG&E tower footprint. Commissioner Romero requested that staff suggest to PG&E, as a possibility,
to have a fence on the outside of the tower but would not like to see it extend outside of the tower base. Senior
Planner Carlson replied that he would look into that.
Commissioner Teglia / Second Romero to approve UP-00-056 with added landscaping requirement,
Engineering Division conditions, and the direction that PG&E be contacted with the Commission's preference of
a fence being close to the tower on the outside. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
3. Golden State FlooringlRick Coates, Applicant
Arthur Gilbert Real Estate Dev.-owner
240 Littlefield Ave.
UP-00-OI0 and Categorical Exemption Section 15301 Class 1 Existing Facilities
120 day review of Sign Program and Use Permit allowing construction materials sales.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report.
Bruce Chan, Landscape Architect, noted that it was not practical for the truck to drive into the site and tmn
around and they revised the landscape plan to allow the trucks to enter on the left driveway and exit on the right
driveway. He mentioned that they wanted to leave the configuration of the trees with additional areas on the
southwest and southeast corners of the site. He added that they are willing to upgrade the trees.
Vice Chairperson Meloni asked if the trucks drive around the building do they go on someone else's propelty.
Mr. Chan noted that at the rear of the building there is 8 feet of landscaping and 12 feet to allow access for the
trucks. He mentioned that the trucks are taken off the street and also noted that the rear landscaping is critical.
He added that there is 35 feet of frontage landscaping, 10% of which is in the City right-of-way. Vice
Chairperson Meloni asked if the trees that are planted in the area were there before. Mr. Chan noted that the
trees were placed up against the building. He noted that the buildings inset columns are lined up with the trees.
Cormnissioner Teglia noted that he has a hard time making a decision if the Commission does not have the
documents with the revisions in front of them. Commissioner Honan asked if the applicant approached the City
when they decided to do the modification. Mr. Chan noted that the landscape contractor and the applicant made
the decision that the truck access needed to be maintained.
Chairperson Sim agreed with Commissioner Teglia that the Commission needed to have documentation to make
a decision on the revisions to the landscape plan.
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Motion Meloni / Second D' Angelo to continue the item to December 7, 2000, and that the Commission have the
revised plan and that the correct size of the trees be planted on the site. Unanimous voice vote.
Public hearing opened.
Dan Shattuc, 111 Belmont, noted that he is entering and exiting the City and encounters little points that stick
out into the intersections. He mentioned that it is important that there be a good clean up of streets. He added that
the landscaping is important and suggested that the City consider an ordinance in terms of trucking businesses that
would control the in and out flow of trucks.
Public Hearing closed.
4. Golden State FlooringlRick Coates, Applicant
Arthur Gilbert Real Estate Development, Owner
240 Littlefield Ave.
UP-00-OI0/MODl and Categorical Exemption Section 15301 Class 1 Existing Facilities
Use Permit Modification allowing expansion of the hours of operation to 5 A.M. to 1 A.M.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report.
Motion Teglia / Second D'Angelo to continue the item to December 7, 2000.
5. Valero Energy-owner
RHL Design Group Inc.-applicant
2296 Westborough Blvd.
UP-S5-722/MOD 2 and Categorical Exemption Class 1 Section 15301 Existing Facilities.
Use Permit Modification allowing larger signs and allowing 24 hour operation.
Senior Planner Carlson presented a staff report.
Chris Paris, 1340 Arnold Drive-Martinez, asked if they could have 300 square foot as the maximum allowable
square footage for the signage. He noted that second the price sign on Gellert Boulevard is a State required sign
and asked that it be included. Senior Planner Carlson noted that there is a large price sign on the corner of the
site Westborough and Gellert Boulevards and there is no need of a second price sign. He mentioned that if the
applicant can give staff information on a State requirement for a sign on each side of the street then staff would
recommend approval of the additional sign.
Commissioner D'Angelo asked if the State requirement designates the size of the sign or just to have a sign on
the property. Mr. Paris replied that there are some size requirements. Commissioner D'Angelo asked if the
applicants request is the minimum required or does it exceed the requirement. Mr. Paris that it is the minimum.
Commissioner D'Angelo suggested that the Commission defer any action until the applicant can produce their
information to staff.
Chairperson Sim asked if there was any urgency for the project to be approved. Senior Planner Carlson noted
that the applicant would like some sign approved other than temporary banners that have been approved for 30
days. Chairperson Sim noted that action would be taken with additional conditions. He added that the issue is
fairness to the other gas stations in the area, and maintaining the standards equal for all gas stations.
Vice Chairperson Meloni asked if the secondary sign is needed can it be incorporated into the maximum sign
area of 233 square feet recommended by Staff. Senior Planner Carlson stated that it would be large and
therefore would have to delete something. He also pointed out that there was COnCelTI with the configuration of
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the monument sign. He added that the Commission has previously approved rectangular shaped monument signs
and Valero is proposing a different shape. He mentioned that the application could have been a type A sign
permit, if it weren't for the monument sign and the increasing of the square footage. He added that staff
recommends that the applicant modify the monument sign, so that the logo stays within the frame of the
monument. He stated that if the applicant replaces the monument and canopy signs, that should give them the
identification that they are seeking.
Commissioner Teglia noted that a materials board is available but that there are not any color renderings for the
signs, which is very important. He asked to see color renderings and final approvals before the signs are installed.
He agreed with keeping the monument sign a rectangular shape, as has been approved in the past. He pointed out
that there are no trees included in the landscaping, and asked what requirements can be added to upgrade the
landscaping. Senior Planner Carlson noted that this could be included as part of the improvement package,
since they are improving the appearance of the station.
Chairperson Sim noted that the site had won an award through the beautification committee because of the
vegetation. He asked what the City's objective is for that area. He also asked if there was space for trees. He
asked staff if there was an overall plan for that cOlTidor. Senior Planner Carlson noted that there is not a master
landscape plan for Gellert Boulevard. He added that there is room to plant trees along Gellert but planting trees
along Westborough is difficult because the area is so small.
Commissioner Romero noted that there are several discrepancies and unresolved issues between the applicant
and staff that need to be resolved before any action is taken. He suggested that the Commission agree with the
previous Planning Commission's decision with a maximum of 232 square feet. He noted that staff should bring
out the differences and bring it back to the Commission.
Public Hearing opened.
Dan Shattuc, 111 Belmont Avenue, welcomed Valero to the City of SSF and gas stations are needed in the City.
He added that he cares about the bay and wants to have a clean bay. He pointed out that it was important that
there be no fuel spills, and nozzle stops prevent these types of problems. He mentioned how happy he was to see
that Valero was trying to take out MTBE from their fuel and looking for other alternatives to mitigate that
problem. He noted that lighting is very important because it is a 24 hour business operation.
Motion Romero / Second D'Angelo to continue the item to November 16,2000, to allow staff to return with the
information needed by the Commission. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
6. e- Translate (Project 101)
Huntsman Architectural Group, Applicant
Albert Bressie, Owner
600-790 Dubuque Ave.
UP-00-024/MODl and Categorical Exemption Class 32 Section 15332 In Fill Development
Use Permit Modification allowing conversion of furniture showroom and warehouse to office generating
in excess of 100 ADT.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report.
Tim Murphy, Huntsman Architectural Group, pointed out what improvements they had done and how they
complied with the Design Review Board requirements. He added that they would remove the massive blue
awnings, the parking has increased, there is as new landscape plan, and the electrical structures have been
upgraded. He proceeded to show different views of the site
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Commissioner Romero was surprised to see a Master Plan presentation when the Commission was to consider a
use permit application. He added that the Commission has been asking for a Master Plan with prior applications
and nothing has been brought before the Planning Commission for review. He added that he would not like to
penalize applicants because the property owners have not gone forward with their commitment. He noted that he
encourages new companies to come into the City but noted that this site needs a significant amount of work. He
added that the renderings are beautiful and wanted to see more detailed information. He mentioned that the SEIR
is a different issue and as long as the Master Plan has been brought up, it needs to be discussed.
Chief Planner Sparks noted that staff was uneasy about bringing this forward to the Commission. He added that
the Master plan is not a completely separate issue from the SEIR. He added that the conversion of the project is
what is being examined in the East of 101 traffic. He added that the Master Plan has been pending because of the
review of the SEIR. He noted that the proposal before the Commission does not result in increase of traffic and
that is why staff decided to have that pOltion go forward.
Commissioner Teglia noted that if the proposal were only for the use permit he would not have any problem
approving it. He added that it seems to be that the Commission is being asked to approve the aesthetic
improvements, which need to be palt of the entire plan. He mentioned that improvements are needed but does not
want to give early approvals that have not been thoroughly examined. Senior Planner Carlson noted that it was
not his intent to confuse the Commission and the applicant was to make a brief presentation on the master plan at
Staff's suggestion. He added that the applicant is aware that they will have to make changes as the Commission
wishes. Commissioner Teglia asked if e-translate was going into F, I, J and O. Senior Planner Carlson noted
that yes they would occupy those and the Office Depot will stay vacant.
Chief Planner Sparks noted that the Commission is looking for the opportunity to make changes to the Master
Plan and will be able to do that when the plan goes before the Commission. He mentioned that the Use Permit is
stricti y for the use and not the decoration.
Commissioner Romero noted that he does not want to miss the opportunity to see the Master Plan go forward
and thinks it is important to sepal"ate the application for the use from the Master Plan for Project 101. He was
concerned that another six months or a year will go by without having the Master Plan go forward and at that time
having an application for a Use Permit before the Master Plan. He noted that the Commission needs some type of
commitment from the property owner that they will go forward with the Master Plan application to improve the
Mr. Murphy assured the Commission that this is the case and at the moment they have a building permit in
process for the administrative approvals. Chief Planner Sparks noted that the Master Plan has a number of
issues and if the Commission is interested in having a study session on the plan, staff can certainly bring that to a
special meeting. Commissioner Romero noted that he was out on the site and there is no striping on the parking
lot and the area needs progress. Chairperson Sim noted that the Commission wants to be proactive and wants to
spot the issues and work to make things better. He agreed with having staff plan a study session on the Master
Commissioner Teglia asked when the SEIR would be going forward for certification. Chief Planner Sparks
noted that it should be finished by the end of the year, and it should go before the Commission and Council early
next year. Commissioner Teglia asked if the building permits being issued by the Building Division would
contradict anything the Commission approves at that time. Chief Planner Sparks noted that it does not because
the issue is dealing with traffic. He pointed out that the use permit being proposed was brought forward because
there will not be any increase in traffic over the previous uses. He noted that any occupancy that increases the
traffic over what the project generated before would not be allowed.
Commissioner Teglia asked if the employees would be required to park on the Office Depot side. Senior
Planner Carlson noted that there is not a designated al"ea for required parking. He added that there are adequate
spaces for the tenant.
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Motion Romero / Second Teglia to approve UP-00-024/MOD 1. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
Recess taken at 8:40 p.m.
Recalled to order at 8:50 p.m.
7. Bay West Cove Specific Plan Amendment
Slough BTC, LLC and Hines/Oyster Point LLC, Owner/Applicant
SP-97-027/MODl and EIR-97-027/MODl
Consideration of a Supplemental EIR and Amendment of the Bay West Cove Specific Plan to allow the
following uses on 42.2 acres of vacant land located at the northwest corner of Oyster Pt. Blvd. and US
101: Planning Area 1 (Hines): a maximum of 600,000 gsf office, 20,000 gsfrestaurant/retail and either
350 hotel rooms or 200,000 gsf office on 20 acres; Planning Areas 2 and 3 (Slough Estates): a maximum
of 564,000 gsf office/R& D, 10,000 gsfrestaurant/retail and 8,000 gsf childcare facility (80-100 children)
on 22.2 acres.
Principal Planner Kalkin presented the staff report with two additional comments to be included into the
Lisa Burke, Hines, and design group gave a brief presentation on their portion of the site.
Bill Rogalla, Slough Estates, and design group gave a presentation on their portion of the site.
Public Hearing opened.
Dan Shattuc, 111 Belmont A venue, was impressed by the professionalism of the presentation. He asked if the
EP A had been asked to review the site from the aspect of its toxic nature. He recalled that BCDC, at their
meetings, had a concern with regard to cleaning up the slot and asked if it still remained. He mentioned that the
Bay Trail is going to be along the lagoon and it is exposing people to a potential health hazard, until all the toxics
are out of the site. He added that water and the type of soil either holds the slot back or lets it ride, which may
allow toxics to flow into the Bay. He noted that he worked with a park in the South Bay for which he required
that one of the toxic waste sites needed to be capped with certain types of soil. He pointed out that the State EP A
should get involved because the applicant should not be let off the hook. He pointed out that the fish and crab
will be exposed to these toxics. He added that the piers are historical monuments to the City and should not be
removed. Mr. Shattuc noted that sea life cycle could bring the bay back to life. He mentioned that moving that
they would have to move the soil and there would have to be dust control measures taken. He asked that railway
transportation be considered because it is near by. He mentioned that the endangered species review has been
missed. He added that the project is going to be an asset to the City and that a thorough mitigation score sheet
needs to be done.
Public Hearing closed.
Chief Planner Sparks noted that Mr. Shattuc's issues are being handled at the state level. He mentioned that
California EP A and BCDC are dealing with the cleanup of the slot and monitoring of the cap.
Public Hearing closed.
Commissioner Honan, commenting on the Slough proposal, noted that the entry way goes between the two
buildings to get into the parking lot. She asked if there will be pedestrians walking between the two buildings to
get to work. Mr. Chamorro noted that if they are going to the garage they have direct access from the garage to
the entrance to the buildings. He added that there will also be crosswalks across the main drive that goes to
through the site. He pointed out that there were two elevators and stairways that would lead to the buildings.
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Commissioner Honan asked if there would be pedestrian crossing where the driveway is accessed. Mr.
Chamorro pointed out where the main access to the garage would be and how the pedestrian access would not be
near that location.
Commissioner D'Angelo noted that the restaurant appears to fairly large and asked what the envisioned capacity
is. Mr. Chamorro noted that it is a 5,000 square foot restaurant. Commissioner D'Angelo noted that it appears
to have limited parking in the vicinity and asked where the parking is envisioned. Mr. Chamorro pointed out
that there are two parking areas that will be used for evening use for the use restaurant. Commissioner D'Angelo
noted that the applicant envisions an evening restaurant rather than a daytime restaurant. Mr. Chamorro noted
that they encourage a daytime restaurant with an outdoor seating area.
Commissioner Teglia noted that a nighttime restaurant with the parking works, but that there will also be a lunch
crowd. He asked if there would be a restriction on the parking near the restaurant to encourage offsite visitors to
the restaurant to park onsite for the lunch. Mr. Chamorro noted that they will try to encourage that all the
tenants of the buildings park in the parking structure. He noted that this has been one of the reasons why they
have been adamant about maintaining some parking in front of the buildings, which will be short term parking for
the visitors. Commissioner Teglia noted that he would encourage that and would like to see that as part of the
plan. He mentioned that he is impressed with Hines' treatment of their parking structure and the way the
landscaping was tied in.
Commissioner Honan was impressed by the way both developers contributed to make a good project. The
Commission agreed with Chairperson Sim with regard to the presentation.
Commissioner Teglia suggested that a modification be done in the Specific Plan for The Britannia Technology
Center, page 6, Site Plan Development Standards, Section 3.1.4. He mentioned that it has left open the subject of
the BCDC 100 foot zone encroachment. He noted that BCDC has final approval and no encroachments are
allowed unless it has the Commission's final approval. He mentioned that an authorization for an encroachment
for the restaurant and eliminating the minor encroachments near Veterans Boulevard were discussed at the last
meeting and wanted to see a strengthening to reflect the City's policy language. He added that it is the policy of
the City not to encourage encroachment of that zone, however, the necessity of encroachment is recognized only
in the vicinity of the restaurant.
City Attorney Mattas noted that the language is appropriate just as drafted by Commissioner Teglia and the
point about final approval can be addressed by inserting the word final where it indicates that there must be
approval by the BCDC. Commissioner Teglia added that the City's policy does not encourage encroachments
and is being authorized specifically in the East section near the restaurant due to the topography. He mentioned
that he is pleased with the application.
Motion Teglia / Second Meloni recommending approval of the Specific Plan and the Certification of the EIR to
the Council, with conditions added by the Principal Planner Kalkin regarding TDM reporting periods, and
correction to the Specific Plan by Britannia. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
8. Items from Staff
Chief Planner Sparks noted that the Commission had before them some materials on the Terrabay project for the
upcoming meeting.
Consultant Planner Knapp noted that the Commission has the Specific Plan and three color rendeIings for
review prior to the meeting. Sshe added that the applicant is proposing 665,000 gross square feet of office, which
has a 9,000 square foot day care center and a 4,000 square foot performing arts center. She mentioned that the
City is negotiating with the applicant a minimum of 32 moderate income units. She noted that the ArtRise site
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may not accommodate the 32 units, but there is a vacant site across the street from the ArtRise lot and the
applicant may contribute to the Willow Gardens project to help offset the difference. She added that there is a
proposal of 166 residential units on the residential portion of TelTabay. She mentioned that there is a recreation
parcel and YMCA has been asked to put a facility on the site, should this not occur it will be donated as open
space to the County.
Vice Chairperson Meloni asked if the Commission can get a footprint of the proposal for the residential
compared with the original of the high-rises. Consultant Planner Knapp noted that it has been done and will be
in the packet.
9. Items from Commission
Commissioner Teglia noted that landscaping requirements for use permits degrade over time and an example of
that is the Chevron station on the corner of Westborough and EI Camino. He asked to have a copy of the original
landscape plans and a recommendation from staff on how to bring it back to compliance.
Chairperson Sim noted that the signalization on Westborough and Galway is off and asked if this can be
Commissioner Honan noted that Commissioner Teglia was correct with a the landscaping issue at the gas
stations. She mentioned that the landscaping has decreased and asked if the gas stations could be forced to uphold
the City's landscape standards.
10. Items from the Public
Commissioner Teglia noted that he has reviewed the remediation plan for the slot at the Bay West Cove site and
US Steel is working on it.
Dan Shattuc noted that he had given some information on the Commercial Aquatic Vegetation to the
Commission. He noted that if the City is successful on making this happen it will be an environmental asset to
the City and its residents. He added that the CALFED program addresses environmental issues and urged the
City to send letters to Senators to get the funding to get better projects. He noted that South San Francisco has
poor signage and it is a safety issue.
11. Adjournment
Motion Meloni / Second Honan to adjourn the meeting. Adjourned by unanimous voice vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 .m.
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Thomas C. Sparks
Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Eugene Sim, Chairperson
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Regular Meeting November 2,2000, Municipal Services Building, 33 AlToyo Drive,
South San Francisco, CA.
Staff Reports can now be accessed on the website. www.ci.ssf.ca.us (Economic &
Community Development/Planning webpages).
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