HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 2006-01-25
7:32 p.ln. (Cassette Tape No.1)
Present: Councihnelnbers Addiego, Gonzalez and
Matsumoto, Vice Mayor Garbarino and Mayor
F ernekes
Led by Mayor F ernekes
Pastor Tate Crisp, Good News Chapel
Peninsula Traffic Congestion Relief Alliance, Shuttle Pass Pro graIn Executive
Director Christine Maley-Grubl and Shuttle PrograIns Manager Michael Stevenson
presented an visual overview of its transportation lnanagelnent programs, including the
City's Downtown Dasher On-Delnand Taxi and shuttle prograIns, and the
implelnentation of the proposed Shuttle Pass Program.
City Manager Nagel requested Item Nos. 9 and lObe considered after the Consent Calendar.
Councihnelnbers concurred.
Mrs. KaInala Silva-Wolfe, resident, spoke in support of the sideshow ordinance and its
enforcement. She stated concerns in reference to Terrabay's below Inarket units and sound wall
construction requirements, and felt there were instances when issues were being negotiated
itnproperly or were being ignored by the City. She urged Council to take a close look at
accountabili ty.
Mr. Young Liu, resident of Pecks Lot, stated concern regarding Terrabay Phase III and the
overdeveloPlnent of San Bruno Mountain. He stated that his hOlne has been hit with rocks on
numerous occasions and that he is concerned with the possibility of a mudslide caused by the
heavy rainfall. He urged Council to do sOlnething regarding home safety for the comfort of
those living in South San Francisco.
It Announcelnents
It Comlnittee Reports
City Manager Nagel announced the that public hearing for Iteln No.7, Terrabay Phase III, will
be opened and then continued to the next regular lneeting, February 8, 2006, at the request of
the developer.
Councilmembers reported on attendance at community and regional events, announced
upcoming events and fil11draisers, and acknowledged members of the community for their
Councihnan Addiego reported the lane striping and reflective lane dots on McLellan Boulevard,
between El CaInino and Mission Road, are not coordinated and are confusing to drivers when
turning or crossing the intersections. He further requested a closed session be scheduled as soon
as possible to discuss a potential lawsuit that has COlne to his attention regarding problems with
the equitable application of the City's processes related to property on Victory Avenue.
Vice Mayor Garbarino reported that a lneeting was held with the School District to discuss the
proposed science mobile pro graIn for low-income children, and it was detennined to Inove
forward and develop a strategy for an after-school classroom pro graIn. He stated that this will
fit in with the schoollnandate to increase its science instruction. He further reported on the
City's updated nepotism policy lneeting (subcomlnittee lnelnbers Fernekes and Garbarino) and
that a draft will be presented to the full Council for review.
Councilwoman Matsulnoto requested staff monitor Inore closely the construction of
Genentech's Inodular building (642 Forbes Boulevard) and stated concern regarding the exterior
appearance. She asked the Ineeting be adjourned in melnory of fonner library boardlnelnber,
SaIn Saltzer; USA Knights Pee Wee Team coach, Sid Juarez; and fonner Atherton Inayor and
councilman, Bill Conwel.
Mayor Fernekes stated an updated informational packet will be forwarded to Council frOln the
League of California Cities' state policy cOlnlnittee for housing and econolnic comlnunity
developlnent. He reported the League lneeting was held in Sacramento and in compliance with
AB 1234, he disclosed that there were expenditures for the bridge toll, breakfast and parking.
He reported to staff that his TV monitor was malfunctioning.
It Consideration of request from County Clerk Warren Sloculn to support the option to
conduct an alllnail ballot election for the June 2006 Gubernatorial Primary
City Manager Nagel reviewed the letter received from County Clerk Sloculn. There was a
consensus from Council in favor of a letter of support, to be signed by the Mayor and forwarded
to the County Clerk.
1. Motion to approve the lninutes of January 11, 2006
JANUARY 25, 2006
2. Motion to confirm expense clailns of January 25,2006 in the aInount of$2,313,111.70
3. Resolution authorizing the execution of an updated mid-day COlnlnuter taxi vendor
agreement for the Downtown Dasher PrograIn with Peninsula Yellow Cab COInpany
Item pulledfrom the Consent Calendar at the request of Councilwoman Matsumoto.
4. Resolution No. 04-2006, awarding construction contract to Shelterbelt Builders, Inc. for
the Oyster Point Hook Ramp Wetland Mitigation Planting Project in the aInount of
5. Resolution No. 05-2006, approving the Stonegate Estate Subdivision finallnap and
authorizing the recordation of the map, approved DCC&R's and related documents
Motion-Garbarino/Second-Addiego: To approve Consent Calendar Iteln Nos. 1, 2, 4
and 5. Unanitnously approved by voice vote.
Iteln No.3: Councilwolnan Matsumoto discussed with staff the outreach and lnarketing efforts
for the Dasher pro graIn and suggested that sIn all businesses lnay require a different
approach than cOInpanies with transportation coordinators. She also questioned the
current drop-off locations and Mr. Michael Stevenson, Alliance Programs Coordinator,
stated Airport and Grand A venue, and Maple and Grand Avenues are the two current
locations, but the cab company has been making stops in the general downtown area.
Councilwolnan Matsumoto stated a concern that if the program continues to increase in
ridership that the current funding will not last. She asked that infonnation on future
projections be subInitted for funding purposes.
Councilman Gonzalez asked for a letter that includes information on the drop-off sites
for distribution to the businesses E 101.
Councihnan Addiego requested information on which businesses are utilizing the
pro graIn and Mr. Stevenson stated it will be included in the next issue of the City shuttle
Motion-Matsulnoto/Second-Addiego: To approve Resolution No. 06-2006, approving
an update to the lnid-day commuter taxi agreement governing the "Downtown Dasher"
prograIn. Unanilnously approved by voice vote.
8. Resolution authorizing the establishment of procedures concerning the handling of cases
involving juvenile curfew offenders related to enforcing SSFMC Chapter 10.44,
Staff report presented by Police Captain Mike Massoni.
Councihnembers discussed with Captain Massoni the citation and traffic court process,
fines, cost recovery fees, process for waiving fees, comlnunity service time, repeat
offenders, and outreach plans.
JANUARY 25, 2006
Councihnan Addiego stated concern regarding the curfew hours being too restrictive,
restaurants being included, the possible crilninal stigma, and selective enforcelnent. He
stated he was lnore in favor of a curfew being ilnposed on juveniles with criminal
Mayor F ernekes clarified the action before Council and stated his support for
establishing cost recovery fees. He asked that the cOlnmunity outreach include an article
in the city-wide newsletter.
Councilman Addiego asked if Council concurred with including the language "any
eating establishlnent" and a majority of Councihnembers concurred.
Motion-Gonzalez/Second-Garbarino: To approve Resolution No. 07-2006, authorizing
the establismnent of procedures concerning the handling of cases involving juvenile
curfew offenders and the establismnent of a cost recovery policy for costs of
administrative and transportation service costs resulting froln enforcelnent of Chapter
10.44, "Minors-Curfew". Approved by the following voice vote: AYES:
Councihnelnbers Gonzalez and Matsulnoto, Vice Mayor Garbarino and Mayor
Fernekes. NOES: Councihnan Addiego. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None.
City Attorney Mattas asked for verification that direction was being given to staff to
include a news article in the citywide newsletter and a Inajority of Councihnelnbers
10. Motion to waive reading and introduce an ordinance aInending SSFMC Chapter 10.64,
declaring vehicle sideshows a public nuisance
Staff report presented by Captain Mike Massoni.
Councihnelnbers stated their support for the ordinance.
City Attorney Mattas infonned Council that a revised ordinance was distributed to
include the "Publication and Effective Date" language, and no other changes were made.
Motion-Garbarino/Second-Addiego: To waive reading and adopt an ordinance
aInending Title 10 of the SSFMC to add Chapter 10.64 declaring vehicle sideshows a
public nuisance, and to include language for the "Publication and Effective Date".
Unanilnously approved by voice vote.
(Recess: 8:55 pm - 9: 07 pm)
JANUARY 25, 2006
6. Consideration of Park Station Lofts, located at 1410 El CaInino Real, a use pennit,
general plan aInendlnent, rezoning, tentative subdivision lnap, and affordable housing
agreement for a 99-unit condOlniniuln cOlnplex in the BART Transit Village Zoning
District; Applicant: SumlnerHill HOlnes; Owner: Harmonious Holdings (P03-0092:
AHA03-0001, GPA03-0001, ND03-0001, RZ03-0001, SA03-0001, UP03-0016 &
Public hearing opened.
Staff report and visual presentation given by Senior Planner Mike Lappen.
Ms. Elaine Breeze, SumlnerHill HOlnes Senior Vice President, Mr. Check Tang, MVP-
architect, and Mr. Paul Lettieri, landscape architect, gave a visual presentation of the
proposed project (overview of elevations, architectural features and site enhancelnents,
and landscape design), and displayed a scale Inodel in correlation to the surrounding
neighborhood. Ms. Breeze stated SummerHill HOlnes is cOInnlitted to working with
staff to fund an enhanced entry kiosk/signage pro graIn for the linear park in an aInount
up to $50,000.
Ms. Irene StaInatis, resident, voiced her concerns regarding traffic as a result of
develoPlnents in the area and their cUInulative effect. (Letter subInitted to Council.)
Mr. Christopher Mohr, Housing Leadership Council-South San Francisco, stated his
support for the project and urged Council to approve the project.
Mr. WilliaIn N ack, representing the Building and Construction Trades Council and
speaking in support of the project, noted the nUlnber of union lnembers present in the
audience, addressed the iInportance of quality development, and the developer's
cOll11nitment to using union labor.
Mr. Dave Figueroa, resident and speaking in support of the project, urged Council to
support the project, as it will provide work for union lneInbers who live locally.
Public hearing closed.
Councilmembers stated their support for the project. Councilmelnbers MatsuInoto,
Garbarino and Fernekes disclosed that they had lnet with SUInlnerHill HOlnes
representatives on previous occasions to discuss the project.
Councihnan Gonzalez asked for clarification on the off-site parking agreement with
BART, and staff explained that the Planning COlnmission encouraged the applicant to
work with BART to set-aside a few spaces on off-peak hours (evenings and weekends)
for guests. Councilman Gonzalez asked for assurance that quality lnaterials are used and
that subcontractors will be union melnbers.
Councilwoman Matsumoto voiced support for an off-site parking agreelnent with
BART. She confirmed that the applicant was willing to provide public art within the
project area in lieu of the proposed clock, and Ms. Breeze concurred.
Mayor F eIllekes stated support for the applicant to pursue an off-site parking agreenlent,
if BART is amenable. He clarified that SUlnmerHill is willing to contribute $50,000 to
the kiosk entrance to the linear park, and Ms. Breeze concurred.
City Attorney Mattas reviewed the following additional conditions of approval:
1. In lieu of the proposed clock, the applicant may provide public art within the
project area at an equivalent value.
2. The applicant agrees to install trailhead enhancelnents for the SSF BART Linear
Park near the intersection of the bike path and BART Drive. The enhancelnents
shall be valued at not lnore than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000). The applicant
shall consult with the City regarding the selection and location of the
enhancenlents prior to installation. The enhancelnents shall be installed prior to
issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the first unit.
City Attorney Mattas asked for confinnation to include the Planning Comlnission's
request for the applicant to continue discussions with BART to provide additional guest
parking, but it is not a condition of approval. Mayor Fernekes stated confinnation.
The applicant, Ms. Breeze, concurred with the additional conditions of approval.
Motion-Matsumoto/Second-Gonzalez: To approve Resolution No. 08-2006: 1)
approving P-03-0092 and mitigated negative declaration MND03-0001, to allow
development of High Density Residential Transit Village Project on a 2.04 acre site
located at the intersection of El CaInino Real and BART Drive in the Planned
Comlnercial and TV Transit Village Zone Districts; 2) Approving SA03-0001, the
vesting subdivision map for condominiuln purposes, related thereto; and, 3) adopting
South San Francisco General Plan Amendlnent GP A03-0001 to lnodify the designation
of a 0.769 acre site located at the intersection ofEl CaInino Real and BART Drive and
adjacent to the South San Francisco BART Station Transit Village Zoning District in the
City of South San Francisco from Public Use to Mixed Comlnunity COlnmercial and
High Density Residential uses, and to include the two additional conditionals of
approval (as outlined above). Unanitnously approved by voice vote.
Motion-Addiego/Second-Garbarino: To waive reading and introduce an ordinance
aInending the City of South San Francisco Zoning Map to change the land use
designation of a 0.79-acre site, located at the intersection ofEl Camino Real and BART
Drive and adjacent to 1410 El CaInino Real, frOln Planned COlmnercial (P-C) to Transit
Village Residential, High Density (TV-RH) Zone District. Unanilnously approved by
voice vote.
Motion-Matsumoto/Second-Gonzalez: To approve the affordable housing agreement
(AHA03-0001). Unanimously approved by voice vote.
7. Consideration of Terrabay Phase III Terraces, located on San Bruno Mountain, an
amended development agreement, construction of a lnixed-use development, including
351 residential units in high-rise (180- units), townhOlne and 10ft configuration, a
295,000 sq. ft. office/or 300-room hotel/or an optional180-unit condOlninium and
357,500 sq. ft. retail. Applicant/Owner: Myers Developlnent (P04-0117: DAA04-
0001, EIR04-0002, GP A04-000 1, SP A04-000 1, and ZA04-0004) - Conduct public
hearing and continue to February 8, 2006
Public hearing opened.
Motion-Gonzalez/Second-Garbarino: To continue the public hearing to February 8,
2006. Unanilnously approved by voice vote.
8. Resolution authorizing additional funding for demolition of Orange Park greenhouse
structures and awarding a contract to Ferma Corp. in the aInount of $585,000
Staff report presented by Public Works Director Terry White.
Council discussed with staff the RFP process v. the bidding process and the
lnethodology to be used by Ferma Corp. Messrs. Glen Koutz and Woody Lovejoy
Protech, and Mr. Joe Broz, Fenna Corp., responded to questions and explained their
process for developing a methodology to classify and dispose of waste.
Motion-Gonzalez/Second-Garbarino: To approve Resolution No. 09-2006, authorizing
an aInendInent to the 2005/2006 Capital Inlprovelnent PrograIn (CIP) budget and
approve funding for the deInolition of the greenhouse structures and award contract to
Fenna Corporation in an aInount not to exceed $585,000.00. Unanilnously approved by
voice vote.
Councihnan Addiego discussed with City Attorney Mattas the matter of a closed session and it
was agreed to schedule the iteln for the next regular lneeting, February 8, 2006.
Being no further business, Mayor Fernekes adjourned the meeting in lnelnory of Messrs. SaIn
Saltzer, Sid Juarez, and Bill Conwel, at 10:39 p.1n.
Sublnitted by:
M. Payne, City Clerk
City of South San Francisco
Joseph A. F ernekes, Mayor
City of South San Francisco
JANUARY 25, 2006