HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 447-1960 ORDINANCE NO. 447 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 353 ENTITLED "ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO", PASSED AND ADOPTED AUGUST 10, 1954 The City Council of the City of South San Francisco does ordain as follows: SECTION I. Subsection 2.2 of Ordinance No. 353, ~s amended, entitled '~oning Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco", passed and adopted on August 10, 1954, is hereby amended so that the following described parcels of real property may be re-zoned from its present classi- fication, ~'or Unclassified District to an R-l, (Single Family Residential District): (a) Parcel known as the Scopesi PropertF Ail that real property in the City of South San Francisco, County of San i~teo, State of California, described as follows: Portion of the 52.86 acre tract allotted to F. Ancer~sses and Ignacia ~t~ the Decree of Partition of the Burl Buri Rancho, which Decree was recorded in the office of the Recorder of the County of San I[ateo, State of California on June 17, 1868 in Book 10 of Deeds at page 1 and which portion is described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Old County Road leading from the Baden Crossing to Old Cypress Lawn Cemetery (whichroad was formerly the main County Road leading from San Francisco to San Jose), distant South 49° 45' East 3.125 chains from the most Southerly corner of the 32.12 acre tract allotted in said Decree to F. Sanchez and Juan Sanchez; running thence South 49° 45' East 3.125 chains; thence North 44° 42' East 48.79 chains to the East boundary of the Buri Burl Rancho; thence along said boundary North 5~° 10' West 2.385 chains and thenCe leaving said boundary and running Southwesterly on a straight line 48.57 chains, more or less to the point of beginning on said County Road. Courses expressed by true meridian. Containing 13.215 acres of land, emre or less. BEING the Southeasterly 1/2 part of the land des- cribed in the Deed from E~na D. Shotwell to Agostino Armanino, d~ted I~y 6, 1909 and recorded Yay 7, 1909 in Book 166 of Deeds at page 63. Records of San lateo County, California. EXCEI~rXNG TBEREFROM that portion thereof lying Northeasterly of the Northwesterly prolongation off.the Southwesterly line of Crestwood Drive as shown on that certain map entitled '~unshine Gardens Subdivision No. 3, South San Francisco, San Mateo County, California~, filed ~arch 25, 1953 in Book 36 of Itaps at pages 37 and 38. (b) Parcel known as the Reichardt Property: All that real property in the City of South San Francisc~ County of San Mateo, State of California, Described as follows: Portion of the Burl Buri Rancho, more particularly described as: BEGINNING at a point in the center line of the Old Mission Road between the City of San Francisco and the Town of Baden Subdivision, in the City of South San Francisco, at the point of intersection of said line with the line dividing that certain 90.11 acre tract set apart to A. I. Easton and that certain 52.86 acre tract set apart to Auceresse and ~ontero in the Decree of Partition of said Buri Buri Rancho, a certified copy of said Decree being recorded in Book I0 of Deeds at Page 1, Records of'San ~ateo County, said point of beginning also being the most Southerly corner of the tract of land known as '~leven-Mile House Tract" on which now or heretofore was located what was known as the '~leven Mile. House". running thence from said point of beginning alon~ the center line of said Mission Road, N. 49v 45' W. 07 Chains to the southeasterly line of lands described in Deed from Esma D. ShotweI1 to Agostino Arsmnino, dated May 6, 1909 and recorded ~ay 7, 1909 in Book 166 of Deeds at page 63; thence along said southeasterly line N. 44° 34' 45" E. 33 chains to the most Westerly corner of the Eight acre tract of land conveyed to Faustino Verduga Montero by Deed dated August 13, 1883 and recorded August 16, 1883 in Book 36 of Deeds at page 243, Records of San ~ateo County; thence along the Southwesterly line of said last mentioned tract S. 58° 10' E. 5.22 chains to the dividing line between the 90.11 acre tract and the 52.86 acre tract above mentioned and thence along said line S. 43° 30' W. 33.73 chains more or less to the point of beginning. CONTAINING 18.71 acres, more or less. (c) Parcel known as the Hillside School Site: A~I that parcel of land situated in the City of South San Francisco, County of San ~ateo, State of California, andbounded by the following lines. BEGINNING at a point on the original corporate limit line of the City of South San Francisco as established by the County Board of Supervisors by Resolution, duly passed and adopted August 3, 1~08, said,point being the angle point designated as ~on. L-3 , as said angle point is d~sCribed in that deed dated September 2, 1924 by which Crocker Estate Company conveyed for roa~ . purposes, a parcel of land to the County of San ma~eo, which was recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of San Mateo County in ¥olu~e 144 of Official Records at page 47, said angle point designated' as '~on. L-3", being also the North- west corner of Sterling Terrace No. 5, City of South San Francisco, recorded April 19, 1950, ¥olume 31 at pages 23 and 24; thence on and along said city corporate limit of the City of South San Francisco South 40° 55' 28'~West 229.0 feet; thence leaving said corporate limit line North 49° 04' 32" West 35.0 feet to the Northerly line of Hillside Boulevard; thence continuing on the sa~e bearing North 49° 04' 32~ West 140.0 feet; thence North 40° 34' 32" West 360.0 feet; thence North 32o 26' 00' East 773.0 feet; thence South 77° 35' 00" East, 375.0 feet; thence South 41° 26' 37" East 282.84 feet; thence South 20° 42' 28" East 343.0 feet to the Northerly line of Hillside Boulevard' thence South 20° 42' 28" East 35.0 feet to the center line of Hillside Boule- vard, said center line of Hillside Boulevard being ~he corporate limit line of the City of South San Francisco; thence Westerly along said center line and corporate limit line South 69o 17' 32" West 625.70 feet to the point of beginning.. (d) Parcel known as the Homer Bonino Property: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the City Limits Line of the City of South San Francisco as established by Ordinance No. 249, adopted August 19, 1946, with the northwesterly line of Avalon Drive, as said drive is shown on that certain.map entitled '~¥ALON PARK NO. 4 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA" which map was filed in the office of the Recorder of the County of San Mateo on the 13th day of June, 1956, in Volume 45 of Maps at page 27, said point of inter- section being the ~ost southwesterly angle point in the City Limits as established by Ordinance No. 368, adopted July 18, 1955: Running thence from said point of beginning on and along the City Limits Line as established by said Ordinance No. 368 and along said northwesterly line of Avalon Drive northeasterly on the arc of a curve to the right tangent to a line which bears North 33° 20' 06" East, said curve having a radius of 230 feet, a central angle of 17° 23' 57", and an arc length of 69.85 feet; thence, continuing along said City Limits Line North 31° 17' 40" West 125.00 feet; thence, leaving said line, South 58° 42' 20" West 139.91 feet; thence South 31° 17' 40" East 126.31 feet to a point in the City Limits established by said Ordinance No. 249; thence along said City Limits Line North 53~O~,East 31.74 feet and North 86° 20' East 47.03 feet to the point of beginning. CONTAINING 0.422 acres of land, more or less. (e) Parcel known as the Southwood School Site: Ail that parcel of land situated in the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, and bounded by the following line: BEGINNING at a point on the existing corporate limit line of the C~ty of South San Francisco as established by City Ordinance No. 215 dated December 1, 1941 (Southwood Unit #2 annexation), at the most Northerly corner of that certain 15.193 acre parcel of land conveyed by deed from California Golf Club of San Francisco, a corporation to San Mateo Mounted Sheriff's Posse Club, a corporation, dated April 9, 1945 and recorded April 24, 1945 in Book 1170 of Official Records at page 248, Records of San Marco County; said mentioned Northerly corner also being the most Northerly corner of Lot ~, Block 5 of Park Haven Subdivision as recorded in Volume 36 page 11 of Official Records of San Mateo County; thence from said point of beginning on and along the existing corporate limit of the City of South San Francisco as established by City Ordinance No. 331 dated July 25, 1952 (Parkhaven annexation), along the Northwesterly boundary of said 15.193 acre tract South 50° 00' 30" West 532.37 feet to the most Westerly corner of said 15,193 acre tract; thence leaving said City corporate limit North 22° 59' 12" West 1185.69 feet; thence North 50° 00' 30" East 425 feet to the Southwesterly boundary of lands shown on that certain map entitled '~outhwood Map No.~ 3, of South San Francisco, California", filed March 8, 1945, in Book 24 of Maps at page 40, thence on and along. the existing corporate limit of City of South San Francisco established by City Ordinance No. 215 dated December 1, 1941 (Southwood Unit #2), along said Southwesterly boundary and continuing along the south- westerly boundary of SouthwOod Map No. 2, South 34° 28' 30" East 700 feet to the most Northerly corner of Lot 203 as shown on the above men~:lOned ~aP~o~ Southwood No. 3; thence along the NorthWesterly boundary of Lots 203 to 206a~d the ~outhwesterly prolongation thereof South~ 00' 30" W~t 270 feet; thence South 39° 59' 30" East 160 feet; thence North 50° 00' 30" East 19.58 feet to the most Westerly corner of Lot 253 as shown on the above mentioned map of Southwood No..'~ 3; thence along the .Southwesterly boundary of said Southwood No. 3, South 52O 58' 30" East 84.40 feet and continuing along said Southwesterly boundary on the arc of a curve to the left with a radius of 1~75 feet and a central angle of 7° 55' 07" an arc distance of ~203.87 feet to the t~oint of beginning. CONTAINING 11.90 Acres. (f) Parcel known as the Avalon School Site: Ail that certain land shown as Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block lettered '~" on that certain map titled Tract No. 534, Map No. 1, Country Club Park, San Mateo County, California dated April 1941 which map was filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Marco County on _Ma~. 9, 1941 in Book 23 of Maps at pages 54, 55 and 56. Said description of land is bounded by the following line: COMMENCING at the most Westerly corner of above men- tioned Lot 3, Block lettered '~", said Westerly corner being a point on the corporate limits of South San Francisco as established by the South San Francisco City Ordinance No. 249,(Avalon Park annexation) dated August 19, 1946; thence on and along said City of South San Francisco corporate limit North 16° 02' East 530.81 feet along the W~:~sterly line of Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block '~"' thence North 31° 15' West 320.81 feet along the Westerly line of Lots 6, 7 and 8 of Block '~" said Westerly line also being the most Easterly line of Lots 18, 19, 20 and 21 of Block 2, Avalon Park Subdivision, City of South San Francisco, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San ~ateo County on July ?, 1949 in Book 30 of ~aps at Pages 32 t~ 34; t~ence North 58° 45' East 280.0 feet along the Northerly line of Lot 8, Block '~" t~ the Westerly line of Dorado Way, said line also being the Southerly line of Lots 23, 24, 25, 26 and 28 of Block 2 of Avalon Park No. 3, City of South 8an Francisco, California, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Mateo County on July 28, 1954 in Book 39 of ~aps at pages 46 and 47; thence leaving said City of South San Francisco corporate limit line along the Westerly Right of Way line of Dorado Way, said Right of Way line being the ~ront property line of Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, South 31v 15' East 325.0 feet; thence Southerly on an arc of a curve to the right,ohaving a radius of 196.02 feet, a central angle of 47 17', an arc distance of 161.77 feet; thence continuing along said street Right of Way South 16° 02' West 280.0 feet; thence Southerly on an arc of curve to the left, ha~ing,a30 radius of 376.92 feet, a c®ntral angle of 23- 38 " an arc distance of 155.42 feet to the Southerly line of Lot 3, Block '~"; thence South 77° 10' 46" West 328.49 feet to the point of beginning. (g) parcel known as the Alta Loma School Site: All that certain land situated in the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, and bounded by the following Line: COMMENCING at a point on the corporate limit line of the City of South San Francisco as established by City Ordinance No. 299 dated August 21, 1950 (Winston ~anor annexation), at the most Westerly corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed by John Lennon to S. H. Cowel~, by Deed dated January 9, 1899 and recorded July ~1, 1899 in Book S1 of Deeds at page 20; said most Westerly corner also described as point of beginning of parcel of land from F. W. McLellan Co., a California corporation, Grantor, to R. I. McLellan, Grantee, recorded in Volume 2440 of Deeds, page 671 ,f the San ~tateo County Records, July 6, 1953, said point of beginning being also the intersection of the most Northeasterly boundary line of Serra Highland Subdivision Unit 3A, City of South San Francisco, recorded October 14, 19~4, Book 40 of ~apa, pages 25 and 26 of the San ~ateo County R~cords and the most Southerly line of Blocks 36, 37, 38 and 40 of Winston ltanor Subdivision #3, City of South San Francisco, recorded September 15, 1952, Volume 35 of ~apa, pages 39 and 40 of the San ~ateo County Records; thence on and along said city corporate limit line Southeasterly along the Easterly line of the City and County of San Francisco Water Department Right of Way and continuing along the Easterly line o~ above mentioned Serra Highland Unit 3A South~ 45v 58' East a distance of 1490.00 feet; thence leaving said City of South San Francisco corporate limit line, North 41° 20' 20" East 315.00 feet, North 11° 19' 50" West 894.414 feet, North 48° 58~ West' 778.00 feet along the Westerly boundary of the lands of R. I. McLellan to the Southern boundary line of above mentioned Winston Manor Subdivision ~3; thence along said corporate limit line of the City of South San Francisco as established by City Ordinance No. 299 dated August 21, 1950 (Winston Manor asnexation), Southwesterly along said boundary of Winston Manor #3 South 41° 20' 20" West 861.18 feet to the point of beginning. CONTAINING 25 Acres. 5. Ih) Parcel known as the Pondero~-Hills Annexation: Ail that land situated in the City of South San Francisco, County of San lateo, State of California, and described as follows: beginning at the point of intersection of the City Limits Line of the City of South San Francisco as ~stablished by Ordinance No. 249 adopted August 19, 1946, with the northwesterly line of Ponderosa Road, as said road is shown on that certain map entitled, '~VALON PARK NO. 3 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA", which stop was filed in the office of the ~ecorder of the County of San Marco on the 28th day of July, 1954, in Volume of ~aps at Pages 46 and 47, said point of intersection being the most northerly corner of said AVALON PARK NO. 3. Running thence from said point of beginning, leaving said City Limits Line as established by said Ordinance No. 249 on and along said northwesterly line of Ponderosa Road, North 55° 07' East 701.40 feet more or less to a point of intersection of said northwesterly line with the northwesterly line of that certain annexa- tion to the City of South San Francisco by Ordinance No. 368 adopted July 18, 1955 (Kiiski Addition); thence South 31° 17' 40"East 259.08 feet more or less along said northwesterly line of said annexation to a point of intersection with the northeasterly corner of that certain annexation to the City of South San Francisco by Ordinance No. 422 adopted December 2, 1957, (lorner- Bonino Territory); thence along the northwesterly line of said annexation South 58° 42' 20" West 139.91 feet; thence continuing along the line of said annexation South 31° 17' 40" East 126.31 feet to a point in the City Limits Line on the northwesterly boundary of Lot 17, Block 15, as said lot is shown on that certain Map entitled, '~VALON PARK NO. 4 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA" which map was filed in the office of the , Recorder of the County of San Mateo on the 13th day of June, 1956, in Volume 45 of Maps at p~ge 27; thence along said City Limits Line, South 53v 00' West 68.30 feet; thence South 31° 57' West 192.88 feet to a point on Lot 10, Block 15, in said AVALON PARK NO. 3; thence continuing along said City Limits Line, North 85° 58' West 182.69 feet; thence South 77° 52' 30" West 180.50 feet; thence North 31° 17' 40" west 269.99 feet to the point of beginning. (i) Parcel known as Avalon Pines: All that real property situated in the City of South San Francisco, County of San Marco, State of California, and described as follows: BEGINNING at the most westerly corner of that annexation to the corporate limits of the City of South San Francisco the City CouncilNo. 249,°f SouththenceSan Francisco,~ north-AUgust adopted by 19, 1946, as Ordinance pr[ceeding westerly alOng the northeasterly right-of way line of Junipero Serra Boulevard, as said right-of-way line was established' by deed from Flood Realty Co., a Corporation, to Joint Highway District No. l0 of the State of Cali- fornia, a public corporation, dated November 9, 1938 and recorded November 28, 1938 in Book 810 of official records at page 396, to the intersection of the aforesaid north- easterly right-of-way line with the northwesterly line of the property firstly described in deed from L. I. Fruhling to California Pacific Title ~nd_Tr~s~mpany, a corporation, recorded May 26, 1941 in ~oo~ ~ of 6. official records at page 427; thence leaving the northeasterly right-of-way line of Junipero Serra Boulevard and proceeding North 60° 25' 38" East along the last mentioned northwesterly boundary line 1230.92 feet more or less, to an angle ~oint therein ~rked by the concrete monument '~.B. 1894"; thence South 23° 28' East along the boundary line of the property described in deed to California Pacific Title and Trust Company 657.29 feet to a point on the most westerly corner of Lot 22, Block 6, Avalon Park No. 3, map of which was filed in the office of the Recorder of San ~ateo County July 28, 1954 in Volu~e 39 of ~aps at pages 46 and ;47, last mentioned point also being a point on the westerly corporate limits line of the City of South San Francisco as es- tablished by aforementioned Ordinance No. 249; thence proceeding along the southwesterly boundary line of aforementioned Avalon park No. 3, said line being also the corporate limits line of the City of South San Francisco as established by aforementioned Ordinance No. 249; thence proceeding along the southwesterly boundary line of aforementioned Avalon park No. 3, said line being also the corporate limits line of the City of South San Francisco as established by afore- mentioned Ordinance No.~249, South 31 15' East 357.12 feet to a point which is the most northerly corner of Lot 14, Block, 16, Avalon l~ark No. 2; thence proceeding along the northwesterly boundary line of aforementioned Avalon park No. 2, said line being also the corporate limits line of the City of South San Francisco, as established by aforementioned Ordinance No. 249, South 58° 45' West to the point of beginning. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be published once as required by Law and shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its adoption. Introduced this 21st day of December 19 59 . Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a re~lar meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 4th day of J~n~ry 19 60 , by the following vote: AT~S, COUNCILilRN And¢'ew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Leo J. Ry:~.~ and Pa'trick m. Ahem NOle. S, " n~; ne ABSleNT, " Emilio Cot tesi APPI~OV~D: San ~rancisco ATTEST: City Clerk