HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 455-1960 ORD INANC~ lJO, 455
1 Short Title ,.,o.....,... l
2 Definitions o,~,..o.,.o.. 1
3 General ,.,,,,....... 6
4 Licenses and Fees ............. 11
5 Permits and Fees ..,,...,.,.,. 11
6 Zoning Ordinance Provisiomg
7 Design and Construction .o,..o°.oooo.
8 Advertising Prohibited on
Public Property .,..,.,,..... 16
9 Immoral or UnlawfulAdvertietng
prohibited .,,.,....oo.. 17
10 Signs not to Obstruct Traffic
Stgnals ............. 17
11 Signs not to Obstruct Doors ............. 17
12 Unsafe and Unlawful Signs .....,..,..., 17
13 Liability for Damages ......,,...,. 18
14 Electrical Signs ....,.,...... 18
15 Exempted Signs ..,,,....,... 18
16 Pole Signs ............. 19
17 Projecting Signs .,,.........o 19
18 Ground Signs ............. 20
19 Wall Signs ,,,,..,....... 21
20 Roof Signs ............. 21
21 Combination Signs ,,.,,..,..... 22
22 Individual Letters ...,.....,... 23
23 H~rquee, Awning and Canopy Signs ......°...... 34
24 Painted Wall Signs ******.***.** 34
25 Temporary Signs .....,.,,..., 24
26 Outdoor AdVertising Structures ............. 26
27 Illuminated Identification Panel .,.,.,.,...,. 29
28 Non-Conforming Signs .....,,..,... 20
29 Revocation .,........o,. 29
30 gnforcement ...,....,.... 30
31 Penalties and Legal Procedure ..,.....,..., 30
32 Constitutionality .,.o...,..,,, 30
33 Repeal .....,....... 30
34 Effective Date *********,*** 30
35 Certification and Publication ..*****,***** 31
The City Council of the City of South San Francisco
does ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This ordinance shall here-
after be known and cited as the "Siln Ordinance."
S~CTION 2. D~FINITIONS. For the purpose of this or-
dinance the following words and phras~ shall have the meaning
attached to them by this section unless it is apparent from the
context that another meaning is intonded.
"ADVERTISING SURFAC~" (Facing) ~hall mean the surface
of the sign upon, against, or tarough which the message of the
sign is exhibited.
"ALLEY" shall ~ean any public right of way, not exceed-
lng twenty feet (20') in width, for the use of pedestrians and/or
of vehicles, which affords only a secondary means of access to
abutting property.
· aterials not more combustible than wood, and plastics, which,
when tested in accordance with AST~ Standard ~ethod of Test for
Fla~mability of Plastics over .050 inches in thickness (D635-44),
burn no faster than 2.5 inches per minute in sheets of .060 inches
in thic~ness.
"AWNING" shall mean any structure made of cloth, metal
or other suitable material with a fixed or movable metal frame
attached to a building and proj~cting over a thoroughfare.
"AWNING SIGN" shall mean any advertising of any nature
which is painted, printed, stamped, sewed or otherwise attached
to an awning.
"BUILDING" shall ~ean any structure built for the sup-
port, shelter and enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or
movable property of any kind.
"BUILDING CODE" shall mean any ordinance of the City of
South San Francisco governing the type and method of construction
of buildings, signs and sign structures and any amendments there-
to and any substitute therefore.
"CANOPY" shall ~ean a structure made of cloth or metal
with a metal frame attached to a building and projecting over a
public tho~oughfar~; and may be suppoz~,~ by the g£~nd or side-
"CANOPY SIGN" - Refer to awning sign definition.
"COMBINATION SI6N" 5hal! me~ ~ny sign incorporating
any combination of the fe~ture~ of g~und, pole, projecting and
roof signs.
"ELECTRICAL CODE" shall mean any ordinance of the City
of SouSh S~n F~nnci~co regulating the alternation, repair and
the installation of electric wires and fixtures and any amend-
nente thereto and any substitute therefor.
"ELECTRICAL SIGN" shall mean any illuminated sign which
has characters, letters, figures, designs or outline illuminated
by electric lights or luminous tubes as an integral part of the
"ERECT" shall mean to build, construct, attach, hang,
place, suspend, or affix, to or upon any surface.
"FACE OF BUILDING" shall mean the general outer sur-
face of a pole, structure, or walls of a building facing a street
and located on the property line, Where the outer surface of
the pole, structure or wall is not on the property line, the
projection of a sign from the face of a building shall be meas-
ured from the property line. Where bay windows or pillars pro-
ject beyond the walls, the outer surface of the windows or pillars
shall be considered to be the face of the building.
"FREESTANDING SIGN" shall mean any sign supported
wholly by uprights or braces placed in the'ground.
"FREEWAY" shall mean a highway in respect to which the
owners of abutting lands have no right to easement of access to
or from their abutting lands or in respect to which such owner~
have only limited or restricted right of easement of access, and
which is declared to be such in compliance with the Streets and
H~ghways Code of the State of California.
"GROUND'SIGN" shall ~ean any sign appurtenant to the use,
the property, supported wholly or in part by uprights or braces
placed in, or upon, the ground, other than a combination sign,
outdoor advertising structure, pole sign or real estate sign
as defined in this ordinance.
"INCOMBUSTIBLE ~ATERIAL" shall mean any material which
will not ignite at, or below, a temperature of 1200 degrees
Fahrenheit and will not continue to burn or glow at that temper-
minated panel for the sole purpose of identifying the place of
business in front of which it appears, The illumination source
must be covered,
"LANDSCAPED FREEWAY" shall be deemed to mean a section
or sections of a freeway which is now, or hereafter may be, im-
proved by the planting at least on one side of the freeway right-
of-way of lawns, trees, shrubs, flowers or other ornamental vege-
tation which shall require reasonable maintenance,
Planting for the purpose of soil erosion control, traf-
fic safety requirements, reduction of fire hazards, or traffic
noise abatement shall not change the character of a freeway to
a landscaped freeway.
"~ARQUEE" shall mean a permanent roofed structure at-
tached to and suppceted wholly by the building and projecting
over public property,
"~.RQUEE SIGN" shall mean any advertising of any nature
which ~s painted, printed or in any manner affixed or attached
~o a marquee.
NON-STRUCTURAL TRIM" shall mean the molding, battens,
eappings, nailing strips, latticing, platforms and letters, fig~
ares, characters or representations in cutout or irregular form
which are attached to the sign structure.
"OPEN-AIR BUSINESS" shall mean any business, or any
separate functional division thereof, the major portion of the
patrons of which drive upon the premises ~n motor vehicles,
wherein sales of tangible personal property or services to such
patrons are consummated on the premises.
"OUTDOOR ADVERTISING STRUCTURe" shall mean any struc-
ture and all parts and supports thereof erected upon or attached
to the ground and used for non-appurtenant advertising purposes,
regardless of the material, character, construction, location or
method of attachment of the advertising medium. Any roof sign
or wall sign not appurtenant to the use of the property, which
is either attached to the wall of a build~ng, or constructed or
maintained on or above the roof or parapet of a building, shall
be deemed to be an outdoor advertising structure. Outdoor ad-
vert~sing structure shall not include signs appurtenant to the
use of the property such as ground signs, combination signs, in-
dividual letter signs, pole signs, projecting signs, painted
wall signs, marquee,awning or canopy signs, and real estate signs
advertising the sale or lease of property upon which such signs
are placed.
"PAINTED WALL SIGN" shall mean any sign that is painted
directly on the exterior front, rear, or side wall of any build-
ing or other structure.
"POLE SIGN" shall mean a sign supported wholly by a
pole or poles placed in, or upon, the ground and which are not
part of a building.
"PROJECTING SIGN" shall mean any sign which is attached
to.a building or other structure and extends beyond the line of
the said building or structure to which it is attached.
"REAL ESTATE SIGN" shall mean any sign advertising
for sale or lease the lot or parcel of land upon which it is
erected or maintained.
"ROOF SIGN" shall mean any sign of any nature, together
w£th all its parts and supports, which is erected, constructed
or mainiained on or above the roof or parapet of any building.
"SIGN" shall mean and inclUde every sign, outdoor ad-
vertising structure, ground sign, wall sign, roof sign, combin-
ation sign, real estate sign, illuminated sign, individual let-
ter sign, pole sign, projecting sign, temporary sign, painted
wall sign, marquee sign, awning sign, canopy sign, or other
structure, erected for the purpose of advertising or promoting
the interests of any person when such sign is located out-of-
doors in view of the general public. Ornamental trim which is
made a part of any building or structure is not to be construed
to be a sign.
"SNIPING" shall mean the affixing of any advertising
matter to a building, structure, or any other surface without
the consent of the owner, or other person exercising control of
the premises,excluding any posting by an authorized public of-
fiOer or employee, of the giving of a notice required or author-
ized by law.
ordinance of the City of South San Francisco governing the type
and method of construction of buildings, signs and sign struc-
tures and any amendments thereto and any substitute therefor.
"STREET" shall mean a public thoroughfare which af-
fords · the principal means of access to abutting property, in-
cluding avenue, place, way, drive, lane, boulevard, highway,
road and any other thoroughfare except an alley as defined herein..
"STRUCTURE" shall mean that which is built or con-
structed, an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of
work arti. ficially built up or composed of parts jointed together
in some definite manner.
"TEMPORARY SIGN" shall mean and include any sign, ban-
ner, pennant, valance, or advertising display constructed of
cloth, canvas, light fabric, Cardboard, wall board, or other
light materials, with or without frames, intended to be dis-
played for a short period of time only.
"WALL" shall mean any vertical exterior surface of a
b~ilding or any part thereof.
"WALL SIGN" shall mean and include all flat signs of
solid face construction which are placed against a building or
other structure and attached to the exterior front, rear, or
side wall of any building or other structure.
"ZONING ORDINANCE" shall mean any ordinance of the City
of South San .Francisco regulating the use of property and any
amendments thereto and any substitute therefor.
a. Consent of Owner. It shall be unlawful to erect,
construct, place or maintain any sign upon any property or build-
ing without the consent of the owner, holder, lessee, agent or
trustee thereof.
b. Guy Wires. Cables, chains, wire or other flexible
or loosely connected members shall not be considered as providing
lateral bracing or as furnishing any support to any sign unless
provision is emde by turnbuckle or other equally effective means
for tightening such members and keeping them taut. Wire other
than galvanized stranded cable shall not be considered as ade-
quate fastening, except for cloth signs and banners.
c. Wood Plugs. No wooden plug or block inserted in
or attached to any m~sonry, concrete or ston~ structure shall
be used for the attachment or anchorage of any sign or of any
support thereof.
d. ~aintenance. Signs and sign structures shall be
nmintained at all times in a state of good repair, with all
braces, bolts, clips, supporting frame and fastenings free from
deterioration, termites, infestation, rot, rust or loosening.
They shall be able to safely withstand at all times the wind
pressure for which they were originally designed and in no case
less than twenty (20) pounds per square foot of exposed surface.
e. Exception. Ail signs erected shall be appurtenant
to the use of the property with the exception of outdoor adver-
tising structures.
f. Sign.- Size, Permit, Height Regulations ~ign and
Use Building
Permit Permit Overall
District ~ize Hequir~ Required Height
R-1 and (a) One unlighted sign, not No No
R-2 over four (4) square feet ;(If. a free-
in area and pertaining only 'standing
to the sale, lease, or rea- sign)
tal of the property on which
the sign is located.
(b) Signs over four (4.) Yes Yes A condition
square feet in area and of the use
appurtenant to any per- permit.
mitted use.
R-3 (a) One unlighted sign, not No No 5'
over four (4) square feet (If a free-
in area and pertaining only standing
to the sale, lease, or ren- sign)
tal of the property on which
the sign is located.
(b) One sign not over four No No -
(4) square feet in area, at-
tached to the main building
and appurtenant to any per-
mitted use.
(c) Slgns over four (4) Yes Yes A condition
square feet in area and ap- of the use
purtenant to any permitted use. permit.
C-1 Signs appurtenant to any
permitted use of the prop-
erty according to the ..... ~
following formula:
(a) Signs shall be permitted to No Yes 30'
have an area not to exceed three (If a free
(3) square feet for each one (1) standing
foot of frontage; provided, how- sign)
ever, that any business estab-
lishment shall be allowed a sign
of fifty (50) square feet and no
more than three hundred (300)
square feet; and further provided
that the area permitted may be
divided into not more than six (6)
single or double faced signs; said
formula shall apply to each street
frontage. Any such signs exceeding
one hundred (100) square feet in
area will be subject to 'the use
permit requirement.
(b) One sign not exceeding No Yes la'
t~enty (20) square feet in (If a free-
area and pertaining only to standing
~he sale, lease or rental of sign)
!he property on which the sign
is located.
Sign and
Use Building
Permit Permit Overall
District Size Requi~ed Required Height
C-2 and (a) All signs appurtenant to the No Yes 30'
C-3 use of the property shall be per- (If a free
mitred to have an area not to ex- standing
coed three (3) square feet for each sign)
one (1) foot of frontage; provided,
however, that any business estab-
lishment shall be allowed a sign of
fifty (50) square feet 'and no more
than three hundred (300) square feet;
and further provided that the area
permitted may be divided into not
more than six (6) single or double
faced signs; said formula shall apply
to each street frontage. Any such
signs exceeding one hundred (100)
square feet in area will be subject
to the use permit requirement.
(b) All signs over one hundred Yes Yes 30'
(100) square feet in ~rea and (If a free-
appurtenant to any permitted uso. standing
(c) Signs appur2enant to any per- Yes Yes 30'
mitred use exceeding one hundred (If a free-
(100) square feet in area, and signs standing
which are not appurtenant to any sign)
permitted use, regardless of size.
id) One sign not exceeding No Yes 15'
twenty ~20) square feet in area (If a free-
and pertaining only to the sale, standing
lease or .rental of the property sign)
on which the sign is located.
P-1 (a) One (1) single faced sign, No Yes -
not to exceed one hundred (100)
square feet in area, for each
building site. Any such sign
shall be erected, flatwise, en-
tirely on the face of the build-
in§; and shall be appurtenant to
the use of the building.
(b) One (1) sign not exceeding No Yes 15'
twenty (2~) square feet in area (If a free-
and pertaining only the sale, standing
lease or rental of the property sign)
on which the sign is located.
~-1 and (a) Signs not e:~ceeding one No Yes
M-2 hundred (100) square feet in (If a free-
area and appurtenant to any standing
permitted use. sign)
(b) One sign not exceeding one No Yes 15'
hundred (100) square feet in (If a fre~-
area and pertaining only ~o the standing
s~le, lease or rental of the sign)
property on which the sign is
Sign and
Use Building
Permit Permit Overall
__ SiZe Required Reguired ..Height
(c) Signs, appurtenant to any per- Yes Yes ~5'
mitted use exceeding one hundred (If a free-
(100) square feet in area, and standing
signs which are not: appurtenant to sign)
any permitted use, regardless of size.
(a) One (1) unlighted sign not No No 5'
over four (4) square feet in area (If a free-
and appurtenant to the use of the standing
property, sign)
(b) One (1) unlighted sign, not No No 5'
over four (4) square feet in area (If a free-
and pertaining only to the sale, standing
lease, or rental of the property sign)
on which the sign is located.
(C) Signs appurtenant to any per- Yes Yes 30'
mitred use exceeding one hundred (If a free-
(100) square feet in area, and standing
signs which are not appurtenant sign)
to any permitted use, regardless
of size.
H Same. sign size, use and building - - -
permit~requirements and overall
height regulations as the respec-
tive districts with which the H
District is combined.
P-C (a) One (1) unlighted sign not No No 5'
over four (4) square feet in area (If a free-
and appurtenant to the use of the standing
property, sign)
(b) One (1).unlighted sign, not No No 5'
over four (~) square feet in area (If a free-
and pertaining only to the sale, standing
lease or rental of the property sign)
on which the sign is located.
(c) Signs over four (4) square Yes Yes A condition
feet in area and appurtenant to of the use
any permitted use. permit
B Same sign size,.uSe and building - - -
permit requirements and overall
height regulations as the respec-
tive districts with which the B
District is combined.
P-C-M (a) One (1) unlighted sign not No No 5'
over four (4) square feet in area (If a free-
and appurtenant to the use of the standing
property, sign)
(b) One (1) sign no~ exceeding No Yes 15'
tSsuty (20) square feet in area and (If a free-
pertaining only to the sale, lease standing
or rental of the property on which sign)
the sign is located.
Sign and
Use Building
Permit Permit Overall,
District Size Required Required Height_
- (c) Signs ~ppurtenant to'any YeS Yes 30'
permitted use exceeding one (If a
hundred (100) square feet in free-
area, and signs which are not standing
appurtenant to any permitted Sign)
use, regardless of size.
~. ~la~hing~ Scintlllat~n~ and Beac~n.T~pe Lights.
Flashing, scintillating or beacon type lights are prohibited if
visible from any highway, street or freeway and displaying any
red or blinking or intermittent light likely to be mistaken for
a warning or danger signal; or i~ any illumination thereon shall
be of such brilliance and so positioned as to blind or dazzle the
vision of travelers on adjacent highways, streets, or freeways.
h. Illuminated Si~ns~ Limitation. When reflectors,
spotlights or other devices of light are used they shall be con-
sidered as illuminated signs and shall concentrate the illumina-
tion upon the area of the sign in such a way as to minimize glare
on streets or adjacent property.
i. Building or Setback Line. No ground sign or out-
door advertising structure exceeding an overall height of six (6)
feet shall be nearer the property line than the building or set-
back line established by law; provided, however, that on vacant
corner lots no ground sign or outdoor advertising structure shall
be erected within twenty-five (25) feet of the property corner so
as to interfere with traffic visibility across the corner.
J. Computation of Sign Advertising Area. For the pur-
pose of this ordinance the advertising area of only one side of a
double fsced sign shall be used in computing the advertising area.
k. Electric Power Lines, No permit for any sign shall
be issued, and no sign shall be constructed or ~aintained, which
does not comply with all of the provisions of this ordinance or
which has less horizontal or vertical clearance from energized
electric power lines than that prescribed by the California Penal
Code, the regulations of the California Public Utilities Commis-
sion, and the orders of the Division of Industrial Safety, State
of California, as now in force and as hereafter amended.
SECTI~ 4. LICENSES AND FEES. _ shall be unlawful
for any person, firm, or corporation to engage in or carry on the
business of installing, constructing, maintaining, or repairing
any advertising sign without first obtaining a license and paying
the prescribed fee as imposed by the Business License Ordinance
of the City of South San Francisco.
SECTION 5. PERMITS AND FEES, It shall be unlawful for
any person, firm or corporation, to erect or maintain any sign of
any nature, except those exempted in Section 15 of this ordinance,
without first obtaining a Use Permit as required by Section 3.f.;
a Building Permit and the paymen'~ of fees as set forth in the Uni-
form Building Code as adopted by the City of South San Francisco;
an Electrical Permit as required by the Building Inspector; and the
payment o£ a Sign Permit Fee in the amount of Two and No/lO0 Dollars
($2.00) for each sign erected in the City of South San Francisco.
Each applicant for any type of sign shall file an application there-
for with the Building Inspector on a form furnished by him which
shall contain the following information:
a. Name, address, and telephone number of the person
making the application.
b. Location of building, structure, or lot to which
or upon which the sign is to be attached or erected.
c. Name of person erecting the sign.
d. Statement that consent of the owner or lessee of
premises upon which sign is to be erected, or his
authorized agent, has been secured.
e. Size, type and illumination of sign.
Statement of sign valuation.
g. Two (2) sets of detailed plans or other pertinent
information where such information is necessary to in-
sure compliance with this ordinance, Building Code,
and the Electric Code.
This section shall apply to signs hereafter erected,
whether placed upon new or ex/sting buildings.
There shall be a triple fee imposed on all persons or cor-
porations who fail to obtain a building permit prior to erection of
any sign, but the payment of such triple fee shall not relieve any
person or corporation from fully complying with the requirements of
this ordinance, or from any other penalties prescribed herein. 11.
unlawful to erect, construct or maintain any sign of any nature,
except those signs specifically exempted by Section 15 of this
ordinance~ upon any lot or parcel of land which is restricted by
the Zoning Ordinance for residential DUrDoses, or uDon any lot or
parcel in any District where a use permit is required by the pro-
visions of this ordinance and the Zoning Ordinance, until said
use permit is obtained in accordance with the procedure provided
for in said Zoning Ordinance.
1. General. All signs and sign structures shall be
designed and constructed to resist wind and seismic forces as
specified in this section. All bracing systems shall be designed
and constructed to transfer lateral forces to the foundations.
For signs on buildings, the dead and lateral loads shall be trans-
mitted through the structural frame of the building to the ground
in such manner as not to overstress any of the elements thereof.
The overturning moment produced from lateral forces
shall in no case exceed two-thirds of the dead-load resisting
moment. Uplift due to overturning ~hall be adequately resisted
by proper anchorage to the ground or to the structural frame of
the building. The weight of earth superimposed over footings may
be used in determining the dead-load resisting moment. Such earth
shall be carefully placed and thoroughly compacted.
2. Wind Loads. For the purpose of design, and except
for roof signs and combination signs, wind pressure shall be taken
upon the gross area of the vertical projection of all signs and
sign structures at not less than fifteen (15) pounds per square
foot for those portions less than sixty (60) feet above the ground
and at not less than twenty (20) pounds per square foot for those
portions more than sixty (60) feet above the ground.
Wind pressure upon roof signs and combination signs and
their supports shall be taken at not less than thirty (30) pounds
per square foot of the gross area of the plane surface
acting in any direction for signs whose extreme elevation above
ground is sixty (60) feeg or more than twenty (20) pounds per
square foot for roof signs whose extreme elevation above the
ground is less than sixty (60) feet. In calculating wind pres-
sure on cylindrical or spherical signs or sign s2ructures, this
pressure shall be assumed to act on six-tenths of the projected
area. In all open frame signs or sign structures the area used
in computing wind pressure shall be one and one-half times' the
net area of the framing members in the side exposed to the wind.
3. Se___ismi? Loads, Signs and sign structures shall
be designed and constructed to resist seismic forces as provided
in the earthquake reKulation Appendix, Section 2312, of the Uni-
form Building Code.
4. Combined Loads. Wind and seismic loads need not
be combined in the design oi signs or sign structures; only that
loading producing the larger stresses need be used.
Vertical design loads, except roof live loads, shall
be assumed to be acting simultaneously with the wind or seismic
5. Allowable Str~es. The design of wood, concrete,
or steel members shall conform to the requirements of Chapters
25, 26, and 27 of the Uniform Building Code. Vertical loads,
exerted on the soil, shall not produce stresses exceeding those
permitted by Chapter 28 of the Uniform Building Code.
The working stresses of wire rope and its fastenings
shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the ultimate strength
of the rope or fasteners.
Working stresses for wind or seismic loads combined
with dead loads may be increased as specified in Section 2303 of
the Uniform Building Code.
1. ~enera~. The supports for all signs or sign struc-
tures shall be placed in or upon private property and shall be
securely built, constructed, and erected in conformance with the
requirements of this ordinance.
2. Materia~s. ~aterials of construction for signs
and sign structures shall be of the quality and grade as specified
for buildings in the Uniform BUilding Code.
In all signs and sign structures the materials and
details of construction shall, in the absence of specified require-
ments, conform with the following:
Structural steel shall be of such quality as to
conform with U.B.C. Standard on structural steel as referred to in
Chapter 27 of the Uniform Building Code. Secondary members in
contact with, or directly supporting the display surface, may be
formed of light gauge galvanized steel provided such members are
designed in accordance with the specifications of the design of
light gauge steel as provided in U.B.C. Standard for materials and
design as referred to in Chapter 27 of the Uniform Building Code.
Secondary members, when formed integrally with the display sur-
face, shall be not less than No. 24 gauge in thickness. ~%en not
formed integrally with the display surface, the minimum thickness
of the secondary members shall be No. 12 gauge. The minimum
thickness of hot rolled steel members furnishing structural
support for signs shal~ be one quarter (3) inch provided, that if
galvanized,such members may be not less than one eighth (1/8) inch
thick if galvanizing complies with ASTM specifications A 123-47
for zinc (hot galvanized) coatings on structural steel shapes.
St~el pipes shall be of such quality as to conform with U.B.Co
Standard for steel pipes as referred to ~ Chapter 27 of the
Uniform Building Code. Steel members may be connected with one
galvanized bolt provided the connection is adequate to transfer
the stresses in the members.
Anchors and supports for signs when of wood which are
embedded in the soil, or are indirectly in contact therewith,
shall be pressure-treated with an approved preservative before
No material, part, portion, or equipment shall be used
in any sign which might become dangerous because of vibration,
Corrosion, disintegration, or any other reason.
3. Restrictions on Combustible Materials. All signs
and sign structures erected in Fire Zone No. 1 and No. 2 shall
have structural members of incombustible materials.
(a) Exceptions.
(1) Signs when not exceeding twelve (12) square
feet in area.
(2) Ground signs not exceeding ten (10) square
feet in area or six (6') feet in height may be constructed of
approved combustible material.
(3) Ground signs and outdoor advertising
structures erected on the surface of the ground may be constructed
of any material meeting the requirements of this ordinance except
as provided above and further provided that secondary members,
purlins, etc. of heavy timber with least nominal dimensions of
three inches may be used in the Fire Zones.
Combination signs, roof signs, wall signs, projecting
signs, pole signs and signs on marquees, awnings, and Canopies
shall be constructed of incombustible materials, except as pro-
vided in Subsection 4 of this Section. No combustible materials
other than approved plastics shall be used in the construction of
electric signs.
4. Non-structural Trim. Non-structural trim and the
portable advertising surface of outdoor advertising structures
may be of wood, metal, approved plastic or any combination thereof.
5. Anchorage. Members supporting unbraced signs
shall be so proportioned that the bearings loads imposed on the
soil in either direction, horizontal or vertical, shall not exceed
the safe values. Braced ground signs and outdoor advertising
structures shall be anchored to resist the specified wind or
seismic load acting in any direction. Anchors and supports shall
be designed for safe bearing loads on the soil and for an effect-
ive resistance to pull-out amounting to a force twenty-five
percent (25%) greater than the required resistance to overturning.
Anchors and supports shall penetrate to a depth below ground
greater than that of the frost line.
Portable ground signs supported by frames or posts
rigidly attached to the base shall be so proportioned that the
weight and size of the base will be adequate to resist the wind
pressure specified in Subsection a.2. of this Section.
Signs attached to masonry, concrete, or steel shall
be safely and securely fastened thereto by means of metal anchors,
bolts, or approved expansion screws of sufficient size and
anchorage to safely support the loads applied.
No wooden blocks or plugs or anchors with wood used
in connection with screws or nails shall be considered proper
anchorage, except in tho case of signs attached to wood framing.
No anchor or support of any sign shall be connected
to, or supported by, a parapet wall, unless such wall is designed
in accordance with tho provisions for lateral bracing, Chapter 23,
Appendix, of the Uniform Building Code for parapet walls.'
ao Sniping on Public propert[ Prohibited. It shall
be unlawful for any person, or persons, except a public officer
or public employee in the performance of a public duty, to paint,
post, paste, print, nail, stamp, tack or otherwise fasten any
card, banner, handbill, sign, sticker, poster or advertisement
notice or advertising device of any kind calculated to attract
the attention of the public or cause the same to be done, on any
curbstone, curb, lamp post, pole, hydrant, bridge, wall, fence,
building, or tree, or upon any fixture or fire alarm, police or
telephone system of the City of South San Francisco upon any
public sidewalk, street, alley or other public place, except as
may be required by ordinance or law.
b. ~i~ns on Public Property Prohibited, Except as
otherwise provided in this ordinance, it shall be unlawful to
erect, construct or maintain any sign upon any sidewalk, street,
alley or other public place.
It shall be unlawful to exhibit, post or display upon any sign,
or upon or in any window, or upon'any building, or in any public
place, or expose to public view, any statement, word or sign of
an obscene, indecent or immoral nature; or any statue or statuary,
picture, illustration or delineation of any nude human figure, in such
detail as to offendtM public morality or public dece~y; or any
.lewd or lascivious act; or any other thing of an obscene, indecent,
or immoral nature or offensive to the moral sense.
No sign as regulated by this ordinance shall be erected at any
location where by reason of its position it will obstruct the
view of any authorized traffic sign, signal or device.
FIRE ESCAPES. No sign shall be erected, relocated or maintained
so as to obstruct any door, window or fire escape. No sign shall
be attached to a standpipe, gutter drain, Or fire escape.
any sign as defined and regulated by this ordinance, including
supporting structure, shall k~ep the same in a safe condition, at
all times.
If the Building Inspector Shall find that any sign
regulated herein is unsafe or insecure, or is a menace to the
public, he shall give written notice to the sign owner and to the
property owner. If such sign owner fails to remove or alter the
sign so as to comply with the standards herein set forth within
thlr'~y (30) days after such notice, the Building Inspector may
cause such sign to be removed or altered to comply at the expense
of the sign owner or owner of the property upon which it is
located. The Building Inspector may cause any sign which is an
immediate peril to persons or property to be removed summarily
and without mtice.
this ordinance shall not be construed as relieving or limiting in
any way the responsibility or liability of any person erecting or
owning any sign for personal injury or property damage resulting
from the placing of such signs, or resulting from the negligence
or wilful acts of such persons, its agents, employees, or workmen,
in the construction, maintenance, repair or removal of any sign.
Nor shall this ordinance be construed as imposing upon the City of
South San Francisco, or its officers, or employees, any responsi-
bility or liability by reason of the approval of any signs,
materials or devices under the provisions of this ordinance.
SECTION 14. ELECTRICAL SIGNS. Electrical signs shall
bear the Underwriter's Laboratories Incorporated label of approval,
or meet said requirements, and be constructed and installed in
compliance with the Electrical Code. .
a. The following type exempted signs shall be subject
to all the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, and all other
provisions of this ordinance except Section 5:
1. Real estate signs in residential districts not
exceeding four (4) square feet in area and only one (1) such '~
sign shall be permitted on each lot or parcel of land.
2. One (1) professional name plate not exceeding two (2)
square feet in area for each occupant therein.
3. One (1) bulletin board not exceeding four (4) square
feet in area, for public, charitable or religious institution~,
if located on the premises of said institutions.
4. Professional occupation signs denoting only the
name and profession of an occupant in a commercial building,
public institutional building, or dwelling house, and not exceed-
ing one (1) sign four (4) square feet in area for each occupant
5. Signs indic~tin~direction or convenience to the
public, providing that such signs shall not project over public
property more than six (6) inches or be larger in area than four
(4) square feet, and which sh~ll contain no advertising legend.
6. Signs of a temporary nature, erected over public
property and pertaining solely to festival, spectacle or other
similar event of a general service and public nature, conducted
within the City of South San Francisco, and decalcomanias.
7. Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings
and date of erection when cut into any masonry surface or when
constructed of bronze or other incombustible materials.
8. Traffic or other municipal signs, legal notices,
or railroad crossing signs as may be approved by the City Council.
9. Signs of public service companies indicating
danger and aids to service or safety.
a. Materials and Construction. Every pole sign,
including the pole or poles, snd supports thereof, shall comply
with the provisions of Section ? of this ordinance.
b. Height and Pr?j~tion Over Public Property.
1. Every pole si~n shall be placed at least ten (10)
feet above the public sidewalk over which it is erected, and every
pole sign erected over an alley, or a private or public driveway,
shall be placed at least fifteen (15) feet above the surface of
such alley or driveway.
2. No pole sign shall project more than fort~-eight
(48) inches beyond the property line.
c. Bracing, Anch0ra~e and Supports. Supporting pole
or poles shall be installed in the ground on private property.
a. Materials and Construction. Every projecting
sign, including the frames, braces and supports thereof, shall
comply with the provisions of Section 7 of this ordinance.
b. Thickness Limitation. The distance measured
between the principal faces of any projecting sign shall not
exceed thirty-six (3S) inches. However, the thickness of a "V"
type projecting sign shall be measured from its apex to the.face
of the building to which it is attached.
c. ~ei~ht and_ Projection Over Public. Property.
1. Every projecting sign, except barber poles, shall
be placed at least ten (10) feet above the public sidewalk over
which it is erected.
2. No projecting sign shall be erected with a
greater distance than six (6) inches from the face of the wall to
which it is attached, measuring from the point of the sign nearest
thereto, nor shall any such sign or part thereof project more than
forty-eight (48) inches over public property. Measured vertically
no portion of any projecting sign erected over an alley, or a
private or public driveway, other than a public sidewalk, shall be
less than fifteen (15) feet above the surface of such alley or
d. Barber Poles. Barber poles may be affixed to the
face of a building at the entrance of a barber shop, shall have a
clearance above the sidewalk of not less than eight (8) feet, and
shall project not over one (1) foot from the face of the building.
a. Materials and Construction. Ground signs and
their supports shall comply wi~h the provisions of Section 7 of
this ordinance.
b. Height Limitation. For height limitation of
ground signs refer to Section 3 f. of this ordinance.
c. Location and Use Pe[~t Re~uSrements. All ground
signm shall be erected entirely wilhin the property lines and be
appurtenant to the use of the property. All ground signs having
an area in e.x~s of one hundred (100) square feet shall be
subject to the se~t~ing of a use permit in aem)rdance with the
procedure provided for in Zoning Ordinance 353.
a. Ma~erials Required. All wall signs for which a
permit i.s required under this ordinance shall have an advertising
surface of metal or other incombustible material, except as pro-
vided in Section 7 of this ordinance.
b. Construction. Every wall sign shall be so
designed and constructed so as to conform to the requirements of
Section 7 of this ordinance.
c. Projection Over Public Property. No wall sign
which projects over public property shall bo less than ten (10)
feet above the sid~alk, and the maximum projection for any such
sign, exclusive of the necessary maintenance platform shall not
exceed twenty-four (24) inches. Reflector arms may extend from
the advertising surface of a wall sign if said reflector arms are
not less than fourteen (14) f~et above the surface of the adjoin-
ing ground, sidewalk or pavement.
a. Materials Required~ All roof signs and their
supports shall be constructed of incombustible materials except
as provided in Section 7 of this ordinance. The advertising sur-
face shall be of metal or other incombustible material. The
supporting frame shall be securely anchored to the structural
members of the building. Roof signs having a total height of
four (4) feet or less above the roof of a one-story building may
be constructed entirely of approved combustible materials. Founda-
tion members, stringers, non-structural trim and foot walks may
be of approved combustible materials.
b. Construction. Every roof sign, including the
supporting structure, shall comply with the provisions of Section 7
of this ordinance.
c. Location and Dimension~. Except as otherwise
provided in this section, no portion of the face of any roof sign
she1! be less than three (3) feet measured horizontally from the
outer surface of any parapet wall, or from the face of the building
if there is no parapet wall, or from the edge of the eave when it
is a part of the main roof structure and extends beyond the exter-..
ior wall. A clearance of not less than five (5) feet is required
at the ends of the sign supports.
d. Vertical Clearance Above Roof. The bottom of any
portion of roof signs exceeding four (4) feet in height, shall not
be less than six (6) feet above the roof directly beneath the
sign, and the space between the supports must not be less than
six (6) feet. Not less than fifty per cent (50%) of the spaces
so defined shall be and remain clear of any obstruction.
e. Horizontal Clearance. No sign shall be placed on a
roo2 in such a manner that any part of the sign or supporting
structure will be closer than six (6) feet from the outlet
connection of any standpipe.
f. ~eight Limitation. No roof sign in a Commercial
District shall have an overall height above the highest portion
of the roof directly beneath the sign of more than twenty-six (26)
feet, and no roof sign in an Industrial District shall have an
overall height above the hig1~est portion of the roof directly
beneath the sign of more than fifty (50) feet.
g. SigmLess Than Four Feet Above the Fire Wall.
Signs less than four (4) feet above the fire wall or roof may
extend to the front property line, or building set-back line
where they occupy fifty per cent (50%) or less of the width of
the building.
a. Materials Required. Combination signs, including
the frames, braces and supports thereof, shall be constructed of
incombustible materials, except as provided in Section 7 of this
b. Construction. All supports of combination signs
shall be placed in or upon private property, and the rigid frame-
work shall be completely within such signSand securely fastened
to the supporting structure by means of metal bolts. Design and
construction shall comply with the provisions of Section 7 of
this ordinance.
c. Area and Thickness Limitation. No portion of a
combination sign projecting over public property shall exceed
forty (40) square feet on each side. The distance measured
between the principal facings of any combination sign shall not
exceed thirty-six (36) inches.
do Height Limitation, No combination sign shall
haVe a maximum height exceeding ten (10) feet above the roof line
of the building to which it is attached.
e, Projection Over Public Property. Every combination
sign shall be placed at least ten (10) feet above the public
~dewalk over which it is erected and every combination sign
erected over an alley, or a private or public driveway, shall not
be placed less than fifteen (15) feet above the surface of such
alley or driveway.
No combination sign shall project more than
forty-eight (48) inches beyone Ih° property line.
a. ~aterlals Required. Signs made of individual
letters projecting over public property and perpendicular to the
building wall may project a distance not to exceed forty-eight
(48) inches. Such signs attached flat on tho face of a building
wall may project over public property a distance not to exceed
twelve (12) inches. Either type of individual letter sign shall
have a clearance of not less than ten (10) feet above the surface
of the public Sidewalk or fifteen (15) feet above the surface of a
public street or alley.
bo Area Limitation. All signs made of individual
letters shall conform to the area limitation as provided in
Section 3 f, of this ordinance, The area of such signs shall be
the area of a rectangle which sha].l enclose all parts of the
individual letters.
A sign may be affixed to a marquee, awning or canopy,
even though such marquee, awnins or canopy projects over public
property, p~ovided, however, 'that any such sign shall.not,exceed
forty (40) square feet in area and shall otherwise comply with the
provisions of Section 17 of this ordinance, as it relates to the
height limitation Over public property. All such signs on
marquees, awnings or canopies shall be appurtenant to the'use of
the property upon which they are affixed.
It shall be unlawful to paint a sign on any building
or structure located upon any lot or parcel of land which is
restricted ~ the ~ning Ordinance' for residential purposes, or
upon any building or structure located on any lot or parcel in any
Commercial or Industrial District which is not appurtenant to the
use of the property. For area limitations of painted wall signs
refer to Section 3 f. of this ordinance.
a. Materials Required. Temporary signs as regulated
by this ordinance shall include any sign, banner, pennant, valance
or advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric,
cardboard, Wall board, or other light ma2erials, with or without
frames, intended to be displayed for a short period of time only.
b. Construction.
1. Material and Area Limitation. No temporary sign
of combustible material Shall exceed five (5) feet in more than
one o£ i2s dimensions or one hundred (100) square feet in area,
and provided such signs in excess of s~xty (60) square feet shall
be made of rigid materials, that is, of wall board or other light
materials with frames.
2. Wel~h~ Limitation. Every temporary sign wei~hin~
in excess oi fifty (50) pounds must be approved by the Buildin~
inspector as conforming to the safety reguirements of the Building
c. Projection Over Public Property. No temporary
sign shall extend over or into a street, alley, sidewalk or other
public thoroughfare a distance greater than six (6) inches from
the structure upon which it is erected. The provisions of this
subsec2ion do not apply to pennants or banners strung from a
building to its marquee or suspended from a marquee and not less
than seven (7) feet above the sidewalk, nor to pennants or banners
of a civic or religious nature.
d. Supper2 and Attachment. Every temporary sign
shall be attached to th~ wall with wire or steel cables, and no
strings, ropes or wood slats for anchorage or support purposes
shall be permitted.
e. ~ermits. Permits for temporary signs shall
authorize the erection of said signs and their maintenance for a
period not exceeding thirty (30) days. Renewal of permits may be
obtained from the Building Inspector at the expiration of thirty
(30) days. Fee for such installation or renewal shall be
two dOllars'($2,00.).
The:Building Inspector may order such signs removed
if, in his opinion, the temporary signs cmate a hazard or public
nisanceo Not more than one such sign will be allowed for each
place of business,
f. .Temporary Si[ns Over Public Property. The
Building Inspector is hereby given authority and directed under
the following conditions,.to issue temporary permits for the
erection, construction or maintenance of decorative flags, emblems,
banners, bunting, shrubbery and other similar devices upon the
public sidewalks, streets and other public places in conjunction
with and pertaining to festival, spectacle or other similar event
of a general civic and public nature c~nducted within the City of
South San Francisco.
1. Such decorative flags, emblems, banners, bunting,
shrubbery and other similar devices shall be so erected,
constructed and maintained as not to interfere with traffic or
with the safety of persons or property, and in such manner as the
Building Inspector shall determine.
2. Such temporary permits shall designate the dates
during which such decorstive flags, emblems, banners, bunting,
shrubbery and other similar devices may be erected, constructed
and maintained and such time shall be for not more than fifteen
(15) days before and not more than five (5) days after the period
during which such festival, spectacle or other divic event is
produced in the City of South San Francisc°.
a. Materials Required.
1. 'Ail outdoor advertising structures and their
supports shall comply with the provisions of Section 7 of this
2. The advertising surface of outdoor advertising
structures in the First Fire Zone shall be made of metal or other
incombustible materials, except that the prefabricated sections
of portable advertising surfaces may be of approved ~bustible
b. ~on.ing Ordinance Provisions. It shall be unlawful
to erect, construct or maintain any outdoor advertising structure
upon say building, lot, or parcel of land which is restricted by
the Zoning Ordinance for resident~al purposes.
c. Location.
1. Ail outdoor advertising structures, except those
attached to walls of buildings, shall be erected entirely within
property lines.
2. Ail outdoor advertising structures hereafter
erected on property adjacent to a freeway must be spaced a
d~stance of one thousand (1,000) lineal feet apart on any one side
of a freeway; provided, however, that a "V" type or "back-to-back"
outdoor advertising structure may be erected; and further
provided, that in the event there is an intervening building the
one thousand (1,000) foot spacing shall nOt apply.
do Height. No part of any outdoor'advertising
structure, erected on the surface of the ground, exclusive of
letters, figures, characters or representations in Cutout or
irregular form, as hereinafter provided, shall be more than thirty
(30) feet above the level of the adjoining curb or sidewalk, or,
in case the ground on which the outdoor advertising structure is
erected is higher than the adjoining'curb or sidewalk, said out-
door advertising structure shall not be erected more than thirty
(30) feet above the ground; provided, that an outdoor advertising
structure erected against the wall of a building may have a total
overall height of thirty-five (35) feet aboVe the level of the
ground or adjoining curb or sidewalk; Provided, however, that in
an Industrial District outdoor advertising structures may have an
overall height of fifty-ffive(55)feet above the' l~el of t~e ground
or the adjoining curb or sidewalk.
e. Use P~rmit. Ail outdoor advertising structures
shall be subject to the securiag of a use permit in accordance
with the procedure provided for in th~ Zonin~ Ordinance.
f. Landscaped Free~yst
1. No outdoor adverti~ng structures shall be placed
or maintained on property adjacent to a section of freeway which
has been, or hereafter may be, landscaped as defined herein, if
the outdoor a~vertising structure is designed to be viewed
primarily by persons traveling on such landscaped section of a
2. Any outdoor advertising structure which is now,
or hereafter shall be, in violation of the provisions of
Section 26 f. 1., shall be removed within one (1) year from the
effective date of this ordinance, or within one (1) year from the
date when the project for the landscaping of a section or
sections of a freeway shall have Ben completed or accepted, and
the character of said section or sections shall have been changed
from a frmway to a landscaped freeway, whichever is later.
3. The provisions of Section 26 f. 1. shall not
apply to any sign if the sign is used exclusively:
(a) To advertise the sale or lease of the property
upon which such sign is placed.
(b) To designate the name of the owner or occupant
of the premises upon which such sign is placed,
or to identify such premises.
(c) To advertise goods manufactured or produced,
or services rendered, on the property upon
which such sign is placed.
g. Embellishments. Letters, figures, characters or
representations in cutout or irregular form, may be maintahed in
conjunction with, attached to, or embossed upon an outdoor
advertising structure, but shall not extend more than seven and
one-half (?~) feet above the top of the ornamental molding of the
outdoor ~dvertising structure; and, unless otherwise approved, by
use parmit procedure, shall project not more than thirty (30)
inches from the advertising surfaco cf the outdoor advertising
struc2ure. The total solid area of characters or representations
extending above the top molding shall not exceed thirty (30)
percent of the total area of the advertisdag surface upon which it
is placed..
h. Maintenance. Painting, the repainting, changing
the sign sections, or any change in the advertising copy or message
thereon including embellishments, shall not be considered an
erection or alteration which requires a sign permit, unless a
structural change is made.
a. Construction. Materials shall conform to the
standards of a projecting sign.
b. Location. All such displays are to be located
under a canopy or marquee where identification of the business is
otherwise obstructed from the sidewalk.
Such display cannot project more than fourteen (14)
inches below the canopy or marquee to which it is attached and
cannot project beyond the canopy or marquee face.
Except as otherwise provided in Section 26 f.2. of this
ordinance, all signs not in conformity with the provisions of
this ordinance shall be removed or altered to Conform within the
period following the effective date of this ordinance as herein-
after provided:
Value of sign less than $1,500.00 - not more than
five (5) years;
Value of sign $1,500.00 to $2,500.00 - not more than
seven (7) years;
Value of sign $2,500.00 to $5,000.00 - not more than
ten (10) years.
For every increment of $2,000.00 of value, or fraction
thereof, in excess of $5,000.00, an additional year of amortization
over the ten (10) year period may be added.
All existing signs shall be subject to the provisions
of Section 13 of this ordinance.
Subject to the provisions of Section 28 hereof, the
City Council shall have and h~reby reserve the power and authority
to revoke any license or permit granted hereunder, and to order
any sign maintained in violation of any provision of this ordi-
nance to be altered,;repaired, changed, reconstructed, demolished
or removed as may be necessary to conform hereto, and such work
or act shall be completed within thirty (30) days from the date
of such order.
It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector and
the Police Department to enforce the provisions of this ordinance.
Any perSon~ as principal, officer, agent, clerk or
~mployee~ whether acting for himself or for another person, shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and Upbn conviction thereof
shall be fined not exceeding '.Three.Hundred 'Dollars ($3~0.Q0~
or by imprisonment in jail not exceeding sixty (60) days, or by
both such fine and imprisonment. Each day such violation is
committed, or permitted to continue, shall constitute a separate
offense and shall be punishable as such hereunder.
If.any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase
of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or
unconstitutional by the decision of any Court of competent Juris-
diction, such decision shall not effect the validity of the
remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby
declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each
section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irres-
pective of the fact that any one or more of the sections, sub-
sections, sentences, clauses or phrases thereof be declared invalid
or unconstitutional.
Ail ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict
herewith .are hereby repleaed.
This ordinance shall take effect upon the expiration
of thirty (30) days from its publication.
The City Clerk of the City of South San Francisco iS
hereby directed to cause this ordinance to be published once, as
required by law, and it Shall take effect thirty (30) days after
its adoption.
Introduced this 17th day of October ., 19 60_ .
Passed and adopted 2s an ordinance of the City of
South San Francisco at a regular , _ mee2ing of the City Council
of the City of South San Francisco this 7th day of November ,
19 60,., by the following vote:
Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, .
Leo ~. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahern
NO~S, Councilmen
ABSENT, Councilmen None
~i~y Clerk
As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do
herebY19 60 approve, the foregoing, ord~.nan~ ?th{~f . ~[o.~mber __,
of the City of South San Francisco
Sign Ordinance of
the City of South
San Francisco
1 Short Title .................................................................................................. 1
2 Definitions .................................................................................................. 1
3 General ........................................................................................................ 1
4 Licenses and Fees .................................................................................... 3
5 Permits and Fees ...................................................................................... 3
6 Zohlng Ordinance Provisions ................................................................ 3
7 Design and Construction ........................................................................ 3
8 Advertising Prohibited on Public Property ...................................... 4
9 Immoral or Unlawful Advertising Prohibited ................................ 4
:tO Signs not to Obstruct Traffic Signals .............................................. 4
11 Signs not to Obstruct Doors .................................................................. 4
12 Unsa£e and Unlawful Signs .................................................................... 4
13 Liability for Damages ............................................................................ 4
14 Electrical Signs ........................................................................................ 4
15 Exempted Signs ........................................................................................ 4
16 Pole Signs .................................................................................................... 4
17 Projecting Signs ........................................................................................ 4
18 Ground Signs .............................................................................................. 4
19 Wall Signs .................................................................................................. 4
20 Roo~ Signs .................................................................................................. 5
21 Combination Signs .................................................................................. 5
22 Individual Letters .................................................................................... 5
23 Marquee, Awning and Canopy Signs .................................................. 5
24 Palnted Wall Signs ..................................................................................5
25 Temporary Signs ...................................................................................... 5
26 Outdoor Advertising Structures ............................................................ 5
27 Illuminated Identification Panel ........................................................ 6
28 Non-Conforming Signs ............................................................................ 6
29 Revocation .................................................................................................. 6
30 Enforcement .............................................................................................. 6
31 Penalties and Legal Procedure ............................................................ 6
32 Constitutionality ...................................................................................... 6
33 Repeal .......................................................................................................... 6
34 Effective Date ............................................................................................ 6
35 Certification and Publication ................................................................ 6
ORDINANCE NO. 455 by the planting at least on one side of the freeway right=of-way of
lawns, trees, shrubs, flowers or other ornamental vegetation ~vhich
AN ORDINANCE REGULATING SIGNS IN THE CITY OF SOUTH shall require reasonable maintenance.
SAN FRANCISCO, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PER- Planting for the purpose of soil erosion control, traffic safety
requirements, reduction of fire hazards, or traffic noise abatement
MITS AND FIXING THE FEES THEREFOR, FRESCRIBING PEN- shall not change the character of a freeway to a landscaped freeway.
"MARQUEE" shall mean a permanent roofed structure attached
~ ALTIES AND REPEAI~ING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF to and supported wholly by the building and projecting over public
"MARQUEE SIGN" shall mean any advertising of any nature
The City Council of the City of South San Francisco does ordain which is painted, printed or in any manner affixed or attached to a
as follows: marquee.
SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This ordinance shall hereafter be NON-STRUCTURAL TRIM" shall mean the molding, battens,
known .and cited as the "Sign Ordinance." . capping, nailing strips, latticing, platforms and letters, figures, char-
SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of th~ ordinance acters or representations in cutout or irregular form which are at-
the following words and phrases shall have the meaning attached to tached to the sign structure.
them by this section unless it is apparent from the context that an- "OPEN-AIR BUSINESS" shall mean any business, or any sepa-
other meaning is intended, rate functional division thereof, the major portion of the patrons of
"ADVERTISING SURFACE" (Facing) shall mean the surface of which drive upon the premises in motor vehicles, wherein sales of
the sign upon, against, or through which the message of the sign is tangible personal property or services to such patrons are consum-
exhibited, mated on the premises.
"ALLEY" shall mean any public right of way, not exceeding "OUTDOOR ADVERTISING STRUCTURE" shall mean any struc-
twenty feet (20') in width, for the use of pedestrians and/or of ye- ture and all parts and supports thereof erected upon or attached
hicles, which affords only a secondary means of access to abutting to the ground and used for non-appurtenant advertising purposes,
property, regardless of the material, character, construction, location or method
of attachment of the advertising medium. Any roof sign or wall
"APPROVED COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS" shall mean wood, or sign not appurtenant to the use of the property, which is either at-
materials not more combustible than wood, and plastics, which, when l ached to the wall of a building, or constructed or maintained on or
tested in accordance with ASTM Standard Method of Test for Flare- above the roof or parapet of a building, shall be deemed to be an
mability of Plastics over .050 inches in thickness (D635-44), burn outdoor advertising structure. Outdoor advertising structure shall
no faster than 2.5 inches per minute in sheets of .060 inches in not include s~gns appurtenant to the use of the property such as
thickness, ground signs, combination signs, individual letter signs, pole signs,
projecting signs, painted wall signs, marquee, awning or canopy
"AWNING" shall mean any structure made of cloth, metal or signs, and real estate signs advertising the sale or lease of property
other suitable materlal with a fixed or movable metal frame at- upon which such signs are placed.
tached to a building and projecting over a thoroughfare.
"PAINTED WALL SIGN" shall mean any sign that is painted
"AWNING SIGN" shall mean any advertising of any nature directly on the exterior front, rear, or side wall of any building or
which is painted, printed, stamped, sewed or otherwise attached to an other structure.
"POLE SIGN" shall mean a sign supported wholly by a pole or
"BUILDING" shall mean any structure built for the support, poles placed in, or upon, the ground and which are not part of a
shelter and enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or movable prop- building.
erty of any kind.
"PROJECTING SIGN" shall mean any sign which is attached
"BUILDING CODE" shall mean any ordinance of the City of to a building or other structure and extends beyond the line of the
South San Francisco governing the type and method of construction said building or structure to which it is attached.
of buildings, signs and sign structures and any amendments thereto
and any substitute therefore. "REAL ESTATE SIGN" shall mean any sign advertising for
sale or lease the lot or parcel of land upon which it is erected or
"CANOPY" shall mean a structure made of cloth or metal with maintained.
a metal frame attached to a building and projecting over a public
thoroughfare, and may be supported by the ground or sidewalk. "ROOF SIGN" shall mean any sign of any nature, together with
all its parts and supports, which is erected, constructed or main-
"CANOPY SIGN"--Refer to awning sign definition, tained on or above the roof or parapet of any building.
"COMBINATION SIGN" shall mean any sign incorporating any "SIGN" shall mean and include every sign, outdoor advertising
combination of the features of ground, pole, projecting and roof signs, structure, ground sign, wall sign, roof sign, combination sign, real
"ELECTRICAL CODE" shall mean any ordinance of the City of estate sign, illuminated sign individual letter sign, pole sign, pro-
South San Francisco regulating the alternation, repair and the in- ~ecting sign, temporary sign, painted wall sign, marquee sign, awn-
stallation of electric wires and fixtures and any amendments thereto lng sign, canopy sign, or other structure, erected for the purpose of
and any substitute therefor, adverlising or promoting the interests of any person when such sign
is located out-of-doors in view of the general public. Ornamental
"ELECTRICAL SIGN" shall mean any illuminated sign which trim which is made a part of any building or structure is not to be
has characters, letters, figures, designs or outline illuminated by construed to be a sign.
electric lights or luminous tubes as an integral part of the sign.
"SNIPING" shall mean the affixing of any advertising matter
"ERECT" shall mean to build, construct, attach, hang, place, to a building, structure, or any other surface without the consent of
suspend, or affix, to or upon any surface, the owner, or other person exercising control of the premises, exclud-
ing any posting by an authorized public officer or employee, of the
"FACE OF BUILDING" shall mean the general outer surface of a giving of a notice required or authorized by law.
pole, structure, or walls of a building facing a street and located
on the property line. Where the outer surface of the pole, structure "SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO BUILDING CODE" shall mean any
or wa fl is not on the property line, the projection of a sign from the ordinance of the City of South San Francisco governing the type and
face of a building shall be measured from the property line. Where method of construction of buildings, signs and sign structures and
bay windows or pillars project beyond the walls, the outer surface any amendments thereto and any substitute therefor.
of the windows or pillars shall be considered to be the face of the
building. "STREET" shall mean a public thoroughfare which affords the
principal means of access to abutting property, including avenue,
"FREESTANDING SIGN" shall mean any sign supported wholly place, ~vay, drive, lane, boulevard, highway, road and any other
by uprights or braces placed in the ground, thoroughfare except an alley as defined herein.
"FREEWAY" shall mean a highway in respect to which the "STRUCTURE" shall mean that which is built or constructed,
owners of abutting lands have no right to easement of access to an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work artificially
or from their abutting lands or in respect to which such owners built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner.
have only limited or restaqcted right of easement of access, and
which is declared to be such in ~ompliance with the Streets and "TEMPORARY SIGN" shall mean and include any sign, ban-
High~vays Code of the State of California. net, pennant, valance, or advertising display constructed of cloth,
canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wall board, or other light materials,
"GROUND SIGN" shall mean any sign appurtenant to the use with or without frames, intended to be displayed for a short period
of the property, supported wholly or in part by uprights or braces of time only.
placed in, or upon, the ground, other than a combination sign, outdoor
advertising structure, pole sign or real estate sign as defined in this "WALL" shall mean any vertical exterior surface of a building
ordinance, or any part thereof.
"INCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL" shall mean any material which "WALL SIGN" shall mean and include all flat signs of solid
will not ignite at, or below, a temperature of 1200 degrees Fahren- face construction which are placed against a building or other
heil. and will not continue to burn or glow at that temperature, structure and attached to the exterior front, rear, or side wall of any
building or other structure.
illuminated panel for the sole purpose of identifying the place of "ZONING ORDINANCE" shall mean any ordinance of the City
business in front of which it appears. The illumination source must of South San Francisco regulating the use of property and any
be covered, amendments thereto and any substitute therefor.
"LANDSCAPED FREEWAY" shall be deemed to mean a section SECTION 3. GENERAL.
or sections of a freeway which is now, or hereafter may be, improved a. Consent of Owner. It shall be unlawful to erect, construct,
place or maintain any sign upon any property or building without the area will be subject to the
consent of the o~vner, holder, lessee, agent or trustee thereof, use permit requirement.
b. Guy Wires. Cables, chains, wire or other flexible or loosely (b) All signs over one hun- Yes Yes 30'
connected members shall not be considered as providing lateral bra- tired (100) square feet in (If a free
clng or as furnishing any support to any sign unless provision is area and appurtenant to any standing
- permitted use. slgn)
made by turnbuckle or other equally effective means for tightening
such members and keeping them taut. Wire other than galvanized (c) Signs appurtenant to Yes Yes 30'
stranded cable shall not be considered as adequate fastening, ex- any permitted use exceed- (If a free.
cept for cloth signs and banners, lng ~one hundred (100) standing
c. Wood Plugs. No wooden plug or block inserted in or attached square feet in area, and sign)
signs which are not ap-
to any masonry, concrete or stone structure shall be used for the
attachment or anchorage of any sign or of any support thereof, purtenant to any permitted
use, regardless of size.
d. Maintenance. Signs and sign structures shall be maintained at
all times in a state of good repair, with all braces, bolts, clips, sup- (d) One sign not exceeding No Yes 15'
twenty (20) square feet in (If a free
porting frame and fastenings free from deterioration, termites,
area and pertaining only to standing
festation, rot, rust or loosening. They shall be able to safely with- the sale, lease or rental of sign)
stand at all times the wind pressure for which they were originally
designed and in no case less than twenty (20) pounds per square the property on which the
foot of exposed surface, sign is located.
e. Exception. All signs erected shall be appurtenant to the use of P-1 (a) One (1) single faced No Yes
of the property with the exception of outdoor advertising structures, sign, not to exceed one
hundred (100) square feet in
f. Sign~Size, Permit, Height Regulations area, for each building site.
Sign and Any such sign shall be erect-
Use Building Overall ed, flatwise, entirely on the
Permit Permit Height face of the building; and
District Size Requlred Required 5' shall be appurtenant to the
R-1 and (a) One unlighted sign, not No No (If a free- use of the building.
R-2 over four (4) square feet standing (b) One (1) sign not ex- No Yes 15'
in area and pertaining only sign) ceedlng twenty (20) square (If a free
to the sale, lease, or rental
of the property on which the feet In area and pertaining standing
sign is located, only the sale, lease or rent- sign)
al of the property on which
(b) Signs over four (4) Yes Yes A condition the sign is located.
square feet in area and ap- of the use
purtenant to any permitted permit. M-1 and (a) Signs not exceeding one No Yes 55'
use. M-2 hundred (100) square feet in (If a free
R-3 (a) One unlighted sign, not No No 5' area and appurtenant to any standing
over four (4) square feet in (If a free- permitted use. sign)
area and pertaining only to standing (b) One (1) sign not ex-
the sale, lease, or rental of sign) ceedlng one hundred (100)
the property on which the square feet in area and per- No Yes 15'
sign is located, raining only to the sale, (If a free
(b) One sign not over four No No lease or rental of the prop- standing
(4) square feet in area, at- erty on which the sign is 1o- sign)
tached to the main building cared.
and appurtenant to any (c) Signs appurtenant to any Yes Yes 55'
permitted use. permitted use exceeding one (If a free
(c) Signs over four (4) Yes Yes A condition hundred (100) square feet in standing
square feet in area and ap- of the use area, and signs which are sign)
purtenant to any permitted permit, not appurtenant to any per-
use. mitred use, regardless of
C-1 Signs appurtenant to any size.
permitted use of the prop- U (a) One (1) unlighted sign No No 5'
erty according to the follow- not over (4) square feet In (If a free
lng formula: area and appurtenant to the standing
(a) Signs shall be permitted No Yes 30' use of the property, sign)
to have an area not to ex- (If a free (b) One (1) unlighted sign, No No 5'
ceed three (3) square feet standing not over four (4) square (If a free
for each one (1) foot of sign) feet in area and pertaining standing
frontage; provided, how- only to the sale, lease, or sign)
ever, that any business es- rental of the property on
tablishment shall be allowed which the sign is located.
a sign of fifty (50) square (c) Signs appurtenant to any Yes Yes 30'
feet and no more than permitted use exceeding one (If a free
three hundred (300) square hundred (100) square feet standing
feet; and further provided in area, and signs which sign)
that the area permitted are not appurtenant to any
may be divided into not permitted use, regardless of
more than six (6) single or size.
double faced signs; said H Same sign size, use and
formula shall apply to each building permit requirements
street frontage. Any such and overall height regula-
signs exceeding one hun- tions as the respective dis-
dred (100) square feet in tricts with which the H
area will be subject to the District is combined.
use permit requirement.
(b) One sign not exceeding No Yes 15' P-C (a) One (1) unlighted sign No No 5'
twenty (20) square feet in (If a free not over four (4) square feet (If a free
area and pertaining only standing in area and appurtenant to standing
to the sale. lease or rental sign) the use of the property, sign)
of the property on which (b) One (1) unlighted sign,
the sign is located, not over four (4) square No No 5'
C-2 and (a) All signs appurtenant to No Yes 30' feet in area and pertaining (If a free
C-3 the use of the property shall (If a free only to the sale, lease or standing
rental of the property on sign)
be permitted to have an area standing which the sign ~s locs, ted.
not to exceed three (3) sign) (c) Signs over four (4) Yes Yes A condition
square feet for each one (1) square feet in area and ap- of the use
foot of frontage; provided, purtenant to any permitted permit.
however, that any business
establishment shall be al- use.
lowed a sign of fifty (50) B Same sign size, use and
square feet and no more building permit requirements
than three hundred (300) and overall height regula-
square feet; and further tions as the respective dis-
provided that the area per- tricts with which the B Dis-
mitted may be divided into trlct is combined.
not more than six (6) single
or double faced signs; said P-C-M , (a) One (1) unlighted sign No No 5'
not over four (4) square (If a free
formula shall apply to each
street frontage. Any such feet in area and appurte- standing
nant to the use of the prop- sign)
signs exceeding one hun-
dred (100) square feet in erty.
Page 2
(b) One (1) sign not ex- No Yes 15' transfer lateral forces to the foundations. For signs on buildings, the
ceeding twenty (20) square (If a free dead and lateral loads shall be transmitted through the structural
feet in area and pertaining standing frame of the building to the ground in such manner as not to over-
only to the sale, lease or sign) stress any of the elements thereof.
rental of the property on The overturning moment produced from lateral forces shall in
which the sign is located, no case exceed two-thirds of the dead-load resisting moment. Uplift
(c) Signs appurtenant to any Yes Yes 30' due to overturning shall be adequately resisted by proper anchorage
' permitted use exceeding one (If a free to the ground or to the structural frame of the building, The weight
hundred (100) square feet standing of earth superimposed over footings may be used in determining the
in area, and signs which are sign) dead-load resisting moment. Such earth shall be carefully placed
not appurtenant to any and lhoroughly compacted.
permitted use, regardless of 2. Wind Loads. For the purpose of design, and except for roof
size. signs and combination signs, wind pressure shall be taken upon the
g. Flashing. Scintillating and Beacon Type Lights. Flashing, gross area of the vertical projection of all Signs and sign structures
scintillating or beacon type lights are prohibited if visible from any at not less than fifteen (15) pounds per square foot for those portions
highway, street or freeway and displaying any red or blinking or less than sixty (60) feet above the ground and at not less than
intermittent light likely to be mistaken for a warning or danger slg- twenty (20) pounds per square foot for those portions more than
hal; or if any illumination thereon shall be of such brilliance and so sixty (60) feet above the ground.
ostioned as to blind or dazzle the vision of travelers on adjacent Wind pressure upon roof signs and combination signs and their
ighways, streets, or freeways, supports sha~.l be taken at not less than thirty (30) pounds per
h. Illuminated Signs, Limitation. When reflectors, spotlights or square foot of the gross area of the plane surface acting in any di-
other devices of light are used they shall be considered as illuminated rection for signs whose extreme elevation above ground is sixty (60)
signs and shall concentrate the illumination upon the area of the feet, or more than twenty (20) pounds per square foot for roof signs
sign in such a way as to minimize glare on streets or adjacent prop- whose extreme elevation above the ground is less than sixty (60)
erty. feet. In calculating wind pressure on cylindrical or spherical signs
i. Building or Setback Line. No ground sign or outdoor advertising or sign structures, this pressure shall be assumed to act on six-
structure exceeding an overall height of six (6) feet shall be nearer tenths of the projected area. In all open frame signs or sign struc-
the property line than the building or setback line established by tures ~he area used in computing wind pressure shall be one and
law; provided, however, that on vacant corner lots no ground sign one-half times the net area of the framing members in the side ex-
or outdoor advertising structure shall be erected within twenty-five posed to the wind.
(25) feet of the property corner so as to interfere with traffic vlsi- 3. Seismic Loads. Signs and sign structures shall be designed and
bility across the corner, constructed to reist seismic forces as provided in the earthquake
j. Computation of Sign Advertising Area. For the purpose of this regulation Appendix, Section 2312, of the Uniform Building Code.
ordinance the advertising area of only one side of a double faced 4. Combined Loads. Wind and seismic loads need not be combined
sign shall be used in computing the advertising area. in the design of signs or sign structures; only that loading producing
k. Electric Power Lines. No permit for any sign shall be issued, the larger s~resses need be used.
and no sign shall be constructed or maintained, which does not Vertical design loads, except roof live loads, shall be assumed
comply with all of the provisions of this ordinance or which has less to be acting simultaneously with the wind or seismic loads.
horizontal or vertical clearance from energized electric power lines
than that prescribed by the California Penal Code, the regulations of 5. Allowable Stresses. The design of wood, concrete, or steel mem-
the California Public Utilities Commission, and the orders of the Di- bers shall conform to the requirements of Chapters 25, 26, and 27
vision of Industrial Safety, State of California, as now in force and of the Uniform Building Code. Vertical loads, exerted on the soil.
shall not produce stresses exceeding those permitted by Chapter 28
as hereafter amended, of the Uniform Building Code.
SECTION 4. LICENSES AND FEES. It shall be unlawful for any The working stresses of wire rope and its fastenings shall not
person, firm, or corporation to engage in or carry on the business of exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the ultimate strength of the
installing, construciing, maintaining, or repairing any advertising rope or fasteners.
sign without first obtaining a license and paying the prescribed fee Working stresses for wind or seismic loads combined with dead
as imposed by the Business License Ordinance of the City of South loads may be increased as specified in Section 2303 of the Uniform
San Francisco. Building Code.
SECTION 5. PERMITS AND FEES. It shall be unlawful for any b. CONSTRUCTION
person, firm or corporation, to erect or maintain any sign of any 1. General. The supports for all signs or sign structures shall be
nature, except those exempted in Section 15 of this ordinance, without placed in or upon private property and shall be securely built, con-
first obtaining a Use Permit as required by Section 3.f.; a Building structed, and erected in conformance with the requirements of this
Permit and the payment of fees as set forth i~n the Uniform Building ordinance.
Code as adopted by the City of South San r'rancisco; an Electrical
Permit as required by the Building Inspector; and the payment of a 2. Materials. Materials of construction for signs and sign struc-
Sign Permit Fee in the amount of Two and No/~00 Dollars ($2.00) tures shall be of the quality and grade as specified for buildings in
for each Sign erected in the City of South San Francisco. Each ap- the Uniform Building Code.
Plicant for any type of sign shall file an application therefor with In all signs and sign structures the materials and details of
the Building Inspector on a form furnished by him which shall con- construction shall, in the absence of specified requirements, conform
tain the following information: with the following:
a. Name, address, and telephone number of the person making Structural steel shall be of such quality as to conform with
the application. U.B.C. Standard on structural steel as referred to in Chapter 27 of
b. Location of building, structure, or lot to which or upon which the Uniform Building Code. Secondary members in contact with, or
the sign is to be attached or erected, directly supporting the display surface, may be formed of light
gauge galvanized steel provided such members are designed in ac-
c. Name of person erecting the sign. cordance with the specifications of the design of light gauge steel as
d. Statement that consent of the owner or lessee of premises upon provided in U.B.C. Standard for materials and design as referred to in
which sign is to be erected, or his authorized agent, has been Chapter 27 of the Uniform Building Code. Secondary members, when
secured, formed integrally with the display surface, shall be not less than
e. Size, type and illumination of sign. No. 24 gauge in thickness. When not formed integrally with the dis-
play surface, the minimum thickness of the secondary members shall
f. Statement of sign valuation, be No. 12 gauge. The minimum thickness of hot rolled steel members
g. T~vo (2) sets of detailed plans or other 0ertinent information furnishing structural support for signs shall be one quarter (%)
where such information is necessary to insure compliance with inch provided, that if galvanized, such members may be not less than
this ordinance, Building Code, and the Electric Code. one eighth (l/s) inch thick if galvanizing complies with ASTM
This section shall apply to signs hereafter erected, whether specifications A 123-47 for zinc (hot galvanized) coatings on struc-
placed upon new or existing buildings, rural steel shapes. Steel pipes shall be of such quality as to conform
There shall be a triple fee imposed on all persons or corporations with U.B.C. Standard for steel pipes as referred to in Capter 27 of
who fail to obtain a building permit prior to erection of any sign, but the Uniform Building Code. Steel members may be connected with
one galvanized bolt provided the connection is adequate to transfer
the payment of such triple fee shall not relieve any nerson or cor- the stresses in the members.
potation from fully complying with the requirement§ of this or-
dinance, or from any other penalties prescribed herein. Anchors and supports for. signs when of wood which are em-
bedded in the soil, or are indirectlv in contact therewith, shall be
SECTION 6. ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISIONS. It shall be un- pressure-treated with an approved ~erservative before erection.
lawful to erect, construct or maintain any sign of any nature, ex-
No material, part, portion, or equipment shall be used in any
cept those signs specifically exempted by Section 15 of this ordinance, sign which might become dangerous because of vibration, corrosion,
upon any lot or parcel of land which is restricted by the Zoning 'disintegration, or any other reason.
Ordinance for residential purposes, or upon any lot or parcel in any
District where a use permit is required by the provisions of this 3. Restrictions on Combustible Materials. All signs and sign
ordinance and the Zoning Ordinance, until said use permit is ob- structures erected in Fire Zone No. I and No. 2 shall have structural
rained in accordance with the procedure provided for in said Zoning members of incombustible materials.
Ordinance. (a) Exceptions.
(1) Signs when not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area.
SECTION 7. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION (2) Ground signs not exceeding ten (10) square feet in area or
a. DESIGN six (6) feet in height may be constructed of approved combustible
1. General. All signs and sign structures shall be designed and material.
constructed to resist wind and seismic forces as specified in this (3) Ground signs and outdoor advertising structures erected on
section. All bracing systems shall be designed and constructed to the surface of the ground may be constructed of any material meet-
Page 3
lng the requirements of this ordinance except as provided above and SECTION 14. ELECTRICAL SIGNS. Electrical signs shall bear
further provided that secondary members, purlins, etc. of heavy the Underwrlter's Laboratories Incorporated label of approval, or
timber wlth least nominal dimensions of three inches may be used in meet said requirements, and be constructed and installed in compli-
the Fire Zones. ance with the Electrical Code.
Combination signs, roof signs, wall signs, projecting signs, pole
signs and signs on marquees, awnings, and canopies shall be con- SECTION 15. EXEMPTED SIGNS.
structed of incombustible materials, except as provided in Subsection a. The following type exempted slgns shall be subject to all the
4 of this Section. No combustible materials other than approved provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, and all other provisions of this*
plastics shall be used In the construction of electric signs, ordinance except Section 5:
4. Non-structural Trim. Non-structural trim and the portable 1. Real estate signs in residential districts not exceeding four
advertising surface of outdoor advertising structures may be of wood, (4) square feet in area and only one (1) such sign shall be per-
metal, approved plastic or any combination thereof, mitred on each lot or parcel of land.
5. Anchorage. Members supporting unbraced signs shall be so 2. One (1) professional name plate not exceeding two (2) sq~rare ·
proportioned that the bearings loads imposed on the soll in either feet in area for each occupant therein.
direction, horizontal or vertical, shall not exceed the safe values. 3. One (1) bulletin board not exceeding four (4) square feet in
Braced ground signs and outdoor advertising structures shall be
anchored to resist the specified wind or seismic load acting in any area, for public, charitable or religious institutions, if located on the
direction. Anchors and supports shall be designed for safe bearing premises of sald institutions.
loads on the soil and for an effective resistance to pull-out amount- 4. Professional occupation signs denoting only the name and pro-
ing to a force twenty-five percent (25%) greater than the required fesslon of an occupant In a commercial building, public Institutional
resistance to overturning. Anchors and supports shall penetrate to a building, or dwelling house, and not exceeding one (1) sign four (4)
depth below ground greater than that of the frost line. square feet in area for each occupant therein.
Portable ground signs supported by frames or posts rigidly at- 5. Signs indicating direction or convenience to the public, pro-
tached to the base shall be so proportioned that the weight and size riding that such signs shall not project over public property more
of the base will be adequate to resist the wind pressure specified than six (6) Inches or be larger in area than four (4) square feet,
in Subsection a.2 of this Section. and which shall contain no advertising legend.
Signs attached to masonry, concrete, or steel shall be safely and 6. Slgns of a temporary nature, erected over public property and
securely fastened thereto by means of metal anchors, bolts, or ap- pertaining solely to festival, spectacle or other similar event of a
proved expansion screws of sufficient size and anchorage to safely general service and public nature, conducted within the City of South
support the loads applied. San Francisco, and decalcomanias.
No wooden blocks or plugs or anchors with wood used in con- 7. Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings and date of
nectlon with screws or nails shall be considered proper anchorage, erection when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of
except in the case of signs attached to wood framing, bronze or other incombustible materials.
No anchor or sUpl~ort of any sign shall be connected to, or sup- 8. Traffic or other municipal slgrls, legal notices, or railroad
ported by, a parapet wall, unless such wall is designed In accordance crossing slgns as may be approved by the City Council
with the provisions for lateral bracing, Chapter 23, Appendix, of the 9. Signs of public service companies Indicating danger and aids to
Uniform Bullding Code for parapet walls, service or safety.
ERTY ........................................... SECTION 16. POLE SIGNS.
~nlping on Public Property Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for a. Materials and Construction. Eyery pole sign, including the pole
any person, or persons, except a public officer or public employee In or poles, and supports thereof, shall comply with the provisions of
the performance of a public duty, to paint, post, paste, print, nail, Section 7 of this ordinance.
stamp, tack or otherwise fasten any card, banner, handbill, sign, b. Height and Projection Over Public Property.
sticker, poster or advertisement notice or advertising device of any
1. Every pole sign shall be placed at least ten (10) feet above
kind calculated to attract the attention of the public or cause the the public sidewalk over which it is erected, and every pole sign
same to be done, on any curbstone, curb, lamp post, pole, hydrant, erected over an alley, or a private or public driveway, shall be placed
bridge, wall, fence, building, or tree, or upon any fixture or fire at least flfteen (15) feet above the surface of such alley or driveway.
alarm, police or telephone system of the City of South San Francisco 2. No pole sign shall project more than forty-eight (48) inches
upon any public sidewalk, street, alley or other public place, except as beyond the property llne.
may be required by ordinance or law.
c. Bracing, Anchorage and Supports. Supporting pole or poles
b. Signs on Public Property Prohibited. Except as otherwise pro- shall be Installed in the ground on private property.
vided in this ordinance, it shall be unlawful to erect, construct or
maintain any sign upon any sidewalk, street, alley or other public SECTION 17. PROJECTING SIGNS
place, a. Materials and Construction. Every projecting sign, including
SECTION 9. IMMORAL OR UNLAWFUL ADVERTISING PRO- the frames, braces and supports thereof, shall comply with the pro-
HIBITED. It shall be unlawful to exhibit, post or display upon any visions of Section 7 of this ordinance.
sign, or upon or in any window, or upon any building, or in any pub- b. Thickness Limitation. The distance measured between the prin-
llc place, or expose to public view, any statement, word or sign of cipal faces of any projecting sign shall not exceed thirty-six (36)
an obscene, indecent or immoral nature; or any statue or statuary, inches. However, the thickness of a "V" type projecting s~gn shall be
picture, illustration or delineation of any nude human figure In such measured from its apex to the face or the building to which it Is
detail as to offend the public morality or public decency; or any attached.
lewd or lascivious act; or any other thing of an obscene, indecent,
or immoral nature or offensive, to the moral sense, c. Height and Projection Over Public Property.
1. Every projecting sign, except barber poles, shall be placed at
SECTION 10. SIGNS NOT TO OBSTRUCT TRAFFIC SIGNALS. least ten (10) feet above the public sidewalk over which it is erected.
No sign as regulated by this ordinance shall be erected at any loca- 2. No projecting sign shall be erected with a greater distance
tion where by reason of its position It will obstruct the vlew of any than slx (6) Inches from the face of the wall to whlch It is attached,
authorized traffic sign, signal or device.
measuring from the point of the slgn nearest thereto, nor shall any
such sign or part thereof project more than forty-eight (48) Inches
SECTION 11. SIGNS NOT TO OBSTRUCT DOORS, WINDOWS OR over public property. Measured vertically no portion of any projecting
FIRE ESCAPES. No sign shall be erected, relocated or maintained so sign erected over an alley, or a private or public driveway, other than
as to obstruct any door, window or fire escape. No sign shall be at-
tached to a standpipe, gutter drain, or fire escape, a public sidewalk, shall be less than fifteen (15) feet above the
surface of such alley or driveway.
STATION 12. UNSAFE AND UNLAWFUL SIGNS. The owner of d. Barber Poles. Barber poles may be affixed to the face of a
any sign as defined and regulated by this ordinance, including sup- building at the entrance of a barber shop, shall have a clearance
porting structure, shall keep the same in a safe condition, at all above the sldewalk of not less than elght (8) feet, and shall project
times, not over one (1) foot from the face of the building.
If the Building Inspector shall find that any sign regulated
herein is unsafe or insecure, or is a menace to the public, he shall SECTION 18. GROUND SIGNS.
give written notice to the sign owner and to the property owner. If a. Materials and Construction. Ground signs and their supports
such sign owner fails to remove or alter the sign so as to comply shall comply with the provisions of Section 7 of this ordinance.
with the standards herein set forth within thirty (30) days after b. Height Limitation. For height limitation of ground signs refer
such notice, the Building Inspector may cause such sign to be re- to Section 3 f. of this ordinance.
moved or altered to comply at the expense of the sign owner or c. Location and Use Permit Requirements. All ground signs shall
owner of the property upon which it is located. The Building Inspec- be erected entirely within the property lines and be appurtenant to
for may cause any sign which is an immediate peril to persons or the use of the property. All ground signs having an area In excess
property to be removed summarily and without notice, of one hundred (100) square feet shall be subject to the securing of a
use permit in accordance with the procedure provided for In Zoning
SECTION 13. LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES. The provisions of this Ordinance 353.
ordinance shall not be construed as relieving or limiting in any way
the responsibility or liability of any person erecting or owning any SECTION 19. WALL SIGNS.
sign for personal Injury or property damage resulting from the
placing of such signs, or resulting from the negligence or wilful acts a. Materluls Required. All wall signs for which a permit is re-
of such persons, its agents, employees, or workmen, In the construc- quired under this ordinance shall have an advertising surface of
tlon, maintenance, repair or removal of any sign. Nor shall this or- metal or other incombustible material, except as provided in Section
dlnance be construed as imposing upon the City of South San Fram 7 of this ordinance.
clsco, or its officers, or employees, any responsibility or liability by b. Construction. Every wall sign shall be so designed and con-
reason of the approval of any signs, materials or devices under th'~ structed so as to conform to the requirements of Section 7 of this
provisions of this ordinance, ordinance.
Page 4
c. Projection Over Public Property. No wall sign which projects located upon any lot or parcel of land which is restricted by the
over public property shall be less than ten (10) feet above the side- Zoning Ordinance for residential purposes, or upon any building or
walk, and the maximum projection for any such sign, exclusive of structure located on any lot or parcel in any Commercial or Industrial
the necessary maintenance pl.atform shall not exceed twenty-four District which ls not appurtenant to the use of the property. For
(24) inches. Reflector arms ma.v extend from the advertising surface area limitations of painted wall signs refer to Section 3 f. of this
of a wall sign if said reflector arms are not less than fourteen (14) ordinance.
feet above the surface of the adjoining ground, sidewalk or pave-
SECTION 20. ROOF SIGNS. a. Materials Required. Temporary signs as regulated by this or-
dinance shall include any sign, banner, pennant, valance or salver-
s. Materials Required. All roof signs and their supports shall be tlsing display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard,
constructed of incombustible materials except as provided in Section Wall board, or other light materials, with or without frames, intended
· 7 of this ordinance. The advertising surface shall be of metal or to be displayed for a short period of time only.
other incombustible material. The supporting frame shall be se- b. Construction.
cutely anchored to the structural members of the building. Roof
signs having a tolal height of four (4) feet or less above the roof of 1. Material and Area Limitation. No temporary sign of com-
bustible material shall exceed five (5) feet In more than one of its
a one-story building may be constructed entirely of approved com-
bustible materials. Foundation members, stringers, non-structural cllmenslons or one hundred (100) square feet in area, and provided
such signs in excess of sixty (60) square feet shall be made of rigid
trim and foot walks may be of approved combustible materials, materials, that is, of wall board or other light materials with frames.
b. Construction. Every roof sign, including the supporting struc-
2. Weight Limitation. Every temporary sign weighing In excess
ture, shall comply with the provisions of Section 7 of this ordinance, of fifty (50) pounds must be approved by the Building Inspector as
c. Location and Dimensions. Except as otherwise provided in this conforming to the safety requirements of the Building Code.
section, no portion of the face of any roof sign shall be less than
three (3) feet measured horizonially from the outer surface of any c. Projection Over Public Property. No temporary sign shall ex-
parapet wall, or from the face of the building if there is no parapet ten over or into a street, alley, sidewalk or other public thorough-
wall, or from the edge of the cave when It is a part of the main roof fare a distance greater than six (6) inches from the structure upon
structure and extends beyond the exterior wall. A clearance of not which it is erected. The provisions of this subsection do not apply
less than five (5) feet is required at the ends of the sign supports, to pennants or banners strung from a building to its marquee or
d. Vertical Clearance Above Roof. The bottom of any portion of suspended from a marquee and not less than seven (7) feet above
roof signs exceeding four (4) feet in height, shall not be less than the sidewalk, nor to pennants or banners of a civic or religious nature.
six (6) feet above the roof directly beneath the sign, and the space d. Support and Attachment. Every temporary sign shall be at-
between the supports must not be less than six (6) feet. Not less tached to the wall with wire or steel cables, and no strings, ropes or
than fifty per cent (50%) of the spaces so defined shall be and re- wood slats for anchorage or support purposes shall be permitted.
main clear of any obstruction, e. Permits. Permits for temporary signs shall authorize the erec-
e. Horizontal Clearance. No sign shall be placed on a roof In tion of said signs and their maintenance for a period not exceeding
such a manner that any part of the sign or supporting structure wlll thirty (30) days. Renewals of permits may be obtained from the
be closer than six (6) feet from the outlet connection of any stand- Building Inspector at the expiration of thirty (30) days. Fee for such
ard pipe. installation or renewal shall be two dollars ($2.00).
f. Height Limitation. No roof sign in a Commercial District shall The Building Inspector may order such signs removed if, in his
have an overall height above the highest oortion of the roof directly opinion, the temporary signs create a hazard or public nuisance. Not
beneath the sign of more than twenty-s~x (26) feet, and no roof more than one such sign will be allowed for each place of business.
sign in an Industrial District shall have an overall height above the f. Temporary Signs Over Public Property. The Building Inspector
highest portion of the roof directly beneath the sign of more than is hereby given authority and directed under the following conditions,
fifty (50) feet.
to issue temporary permits for the erection, construction or main-
g. Signs Less Than Four Feet Above the Fire Wall. Signs less tenance of decorative flags, emblems, banners, bunting, shrubbery
than four (4) feet above the fire wall or roof may extend to the and other similar devices upon the public sidewalks, streets and other
front property line, or building set-back line where they occupy public places in conjunction with and pertaining to festival, spectacle
fifty per cent (50%) or less of the width of the building, or other similar event of a general civic and public nature conducted
within the City of South San Francisco.
1. Such decorative flags, emblems, banners, bunting, shrubbery
a. Materials Required. Combination signs, including the frames, and other similar devices shall be so erected, constructed and main-
braces and supports thereof, shall be constructed of incombustible talned as not to interfere with traffic or with the safety of persons
materials, except as provided In Section 7 of this ordinance, or property, and in such manner as the Building Inspector shall de-
b. Construction. All supports of combination signs shall be placed termlne.
in or upon private property, and the rigid framework shall be com- 2. Such temporary permits shall designate the dates during
ple~ely within such signs and securely fastened to the supporting which such decorative flags, emblems, banners, bunting, shrubbery
structure by means of metal bolts. Design and construction shall and other similar devices may be erected, constructed and main-
comply with the provisions of Section 7 of this ordinance, rained and such time shall be for not more than fifteen (15) days
before and not more than five (5) days after the period during which
c. Area and Thickness Limitation. No portion of a combination such festival spectacle or other civic event is produced in the City
sign projecting over public property shall exceed forty (40) square of South San Francisco.
feet on each side. The distance measured between the principal
facings of any combination sign shall not exceed thirty-six (36)
d. Height Limitation. No combination sign shall have a maxi- a. Materials Required.
mum height exceeding ten (10) feet above the roof line of the build- 1. All outdoor advertising structures and their supports shall
lng to which it ls attached, comply with the provisions of Section 7 of this ordinance.
e. Projection Over Public Property. Every combination sign shall 2. The advertising surface of outdoor advertising structures In
be placed at least ten (10) feet above the public sidewalk over the First Fire Zone shall be made of metal or other incombustible
which it is erected and every combination sign erected over an alley, materials, except that the prefabricated sections of portable adver-
or a private or public driveway, shall not be placed less than fifteen tlsing surfaces may be of approved combustible materials.
(15) feet above the surface of such alley or driveway, b. Zoning Ordinance Provisions. It shall be unlawful to erect, con-
No combination sign shall project more than forty-eight (48)
struct or maintain any outdoor advertising structure upon any
inches beyond the property line. building, lot, or parcel of land which is restricted by the Zoning
SECTION 22. INDIVIDUAL LETTERS. dlnance for residential purposes.
a. Materials Required. Signs made of individual letters projecting c. Location.
over public property and perpendicular to the building wall may 1. All outdoor advertising structures, except those attached to
project a distance not to exceed forty-eight (48) inches. Such signs walls of buildings, shall be erected entirely within property lines.
attached flat on the face of a building wall may project over public 2. All outdoor advertising structures hereafter erected on property
property a distance not to exceed twelve (12) inches. Either type adjacent to a freeway must be spaced a distance of one thousand
of Individual letter sign shall have a clearance of not less than ten (1,000) lineal feet apart on any one side of a freeway; provided how-
(lO) feet above the surface of the public sidewalk or fifteen (15) ever, that a "V" type or "back-to-back" outdoor advertising structure
feet above the surface of a public street or alley, may be erected; and further provided, that in the event there is an
b. Area Limitation. Ail signs made of individual letters shall con- intervening building the one thousand (1,000) foot spacing shall not
form to the area limitation as provided in Section 3 f. of this ordi- apply.
nance. The area of such signs shall be the area of a rectangle which d. Height. No part of any outdoor advertising structure, erected
shall enclose all parts of the individual letters, on the surlace of the ground, exclusive of letters, figures, characters
or representations in cutout or irregular form, as hereinafter provided,
SECTION 23. MARQUEE, AWNING AND CANOPY SIGNS. shall be more than thirty (30) feet above the level of the adjoining
A sign may be affixed to a marquee, awning or canopy even curb or sidewalk, or, in case the ground on which the outdoor ad-
though such marquee, awning or canopy projects over public prop- vertising structure is erected is higher than the adjoining curb or
erty, provided, however, that any such sign shall not exceed forty sidewalk, said outdoor advertising structure shall not be erected
(40) square feet in area and shall otherwise comply with the pro- more than thirty (30) feet above the ground; provided, that an out-
visions of Section 17 of this ordinance, as It relates to the height
door advertising structure erected against the wall of a building may
limitation over public property. All such signs on marquees, awnings have a total overall height of thirty-five (35) feet above the level
or canopies shall be appurtenant to the use of the property upon of the ground or adjoining curb or sidewalk; provided, however,
which they are affixed, that in an Industrial District outdoor advertising structures may
have an overall height of fifty-five (55) feet above the level of the
SECTION 24. PAINTED WALL SIGNS. ground or the adjoining curb or sidewalk.
It shall be unlawful to paint a sign on any building or structure e. Use Permit. All outdoor advertising structures shall be subject
Page 5
to the securing of a use permit In accordance with the procedure SECTION 29. REVOCATION.
provided for In the Zoning Ordinance. Subject to the provisions of Section 28 hereof, the City Council
f. Landscaped Freeways. shall have and hereby reserve the power and authority to revoke
l. No outdoor advertising structures shall be placed or main- any license or permit granted hereunder, and to order any sign main-
tained on property adjacent to a section of freeway which has been, rained in violation of any provision of this ordinance to be altered,
or hereafter may be, landscaped as defined herein, if the outdoor repaired, changed, reconstructed, demolished or removed as may be
advertising structure ls designed to be viewed primarily by persons necessary to conform hereto, and such work or act shall be com~
traveling on such landscaped section of a freeway, pleled with thirty (30) days from the date of such order.
2. Any outdoor advertising structure which Is now, or hereafter SECTION 30. ENFORCEMENT.
shall be, in violation of the provisions of Section 26 f. 1., shall be,
removed within one (1) year from the effective date of this ordinance, It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector and the Police
or within one (1) year from the date when the project for the land- Department to enforce the provisions of this ordinance.
scaping of a section or sections of a freeway shall have been com- SECTION 31. PENALTIES AND LEGAL PROCEDURE.
~leted or accepted, and the character of said section or sections shall
ave been changed from a freeway to a landscaped freeway, which- Any person, as principal, officer, agent, clerk or employee, whether
ever Is later, acting for himself or for another person, shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceed-
3. The provisions of Section 26 f. 1. shall not apply to any sign if lng Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment in Jail not
the sign Is used exclusively: exceeding sixty (60) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(a) To advertise the sale or lease of the property upon which Each day such violation is committed, or permitted to continue, shall
such sign Is placed, constitute a separate offense and shall We punishable as such here-
(b) To designate the name of the owner or occupant of the under.
premises upon which such sign is placed, or to identify such
(c) To advertise goods manufactured or produced, or services If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this
rendered, on the property upon which such sign Is placed, ordinance ts for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by
the declslon of any Court of competent jurisdiction, such decision
g. Embellishments. Letters, figures, characters or representations shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this or-
In cutout or irregular form, may be maintained in conjunction with, dinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed
attached to, or embossed upon an outdoor advertising structure, but this ordinance, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and
shall not extend more than seven and one-half (7%) feet above the phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more of the
top of the ornamental molding of the outdoor advertising structure; sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases thereof be de-
and, unless otherwise approved, by use permit procedure, shall pro- clared invalid or unconstitutional.
Jeer not more than thirty (30) inches from the advertising surface
of the outdoor advertising structure. The total solid area of char- SECTION 33. REPEAL.
acters or representations extending above the top molding shall not
exceed thirty (30) percent of the total area of the advertising sur- All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict herewith are
face upon which It is placed, hereby repealed.
h. M~tnten~nee. Painting, the repainting, changing the sign sec- SECTION 34. EFFECTIVE DATE.
lions, or any change in the advertising copy or message thereon in-
cluding embellishments, shall not be considered an erection or alter- This ordinance shall take effect upon the expiration of thirty
atlon which requires a sign permit, unless a structural change is (30) days from Its publication.
SECTION 27. ILLUMINATED IDENTIPICATION PANEL. The City Clerk of the City of South San Francisco is hereby di-
a. Construction. Materials shall conform to the standards of a rected to cause this ordinance to be published once, as requlred by
projecting sign. law, and it shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption.
Introduced this 17th day of October, 1960.
b. I,oe~tion. All such dlsplays are to be located under a canopy or
marquee where ldentl£1cation of the business Is otherwise obstructed Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San
from the sidewalk. Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
Such display cannot project more than fourteen (14) inches be- South San Francisco this 7th day of November, 1960, by the following
low the canopy or marquee to which it Is attached and cannot project vote:
beyond the canopy or marquee face. AYES, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzt, Emilio Cortesi,
project beyond thecanopy or marquee face. Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahem.
Except as otherwise provided In Section 26 f.2. of this ordinance,
all signs not In conformity with the provisions of this ordinance ABSENT, Councilmen None
shall be removed or altered to conform within the period following
the effective date of this ordinance as hereinafter provided: ATTEST:
Value of sign less than $1,500.00---not more than five (5) years; ARTHUR A. RODONDI
Value of sign $1,500.00 to $2,500.00--not more than seven (7) City Clerk
As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve
Value of sign $2,500.00 to $5,000.00--not more than ten (10) years, the foregoing ordinance this 7th day of November, 1960.
For every Increment of $2,000.00 of value, or fraction thereof, in
excess of $5, .ooQ.oo, an additional year of amortization over the ten ANDREW ROCCA
(10) year per~od may be added. Mayor of the City of South San Francisco
All existing signs shall be subject to the provisions of Section ~3
of this ordinance. E-J 46. No. 2233.