HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 478-1962Lands o~f Dabney
~Y~EREAS, on the 5th day of Pebruar~ , 19 62 , the
Council of the City of South San Francisco did pass and adopt Resol-
ution No. 3]75 giving notice of the proposal to annex certain unin-
habited territory to the City of South San Francisco, said territory
being therein designated as ~'Lands of Dabney~, said Resolution des-
cribing the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed, and
?~gREAS, said Resolution No. 3375 did contain a notice of the
day, hour and place when and where the Council of the City would hear
protests made by any person owning real property within the terri-
tory proposed to be annexed, the time of said hearing being not less
than forty (40) nor more th. an sixty (60) days from the date of pas-
sa~e of said Resolution, and
'~,~IiERE~S, on the ~ day of A~il , 196~ ,
at the hour of g:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City
of the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of
California, said time and place bein~ the day, hour and place fixed
in said Resolution No. 3375 for hearing protests to the said annex-
ation, the said City Council did hear and pass upon all protests
made to the ~roFosed annexation and did determine that ~rogests
i'~ad not been made by the o~nez-s of oae-hatf of the valve of the
~rivately owned territory ~ro~osed to be annexed as shoran by the
last equalized assessment roll, nor by public owners of one-half 5-
of the value of t~e ~ubliciy owned territory ~ro~osed to be annexed
as determined by said le~isiative body, and
~iERF~AS, said territory is contiguous to the City of Sout~
San Francisco and is unini~a~bited territory in the County of San
Mateo, State of California, and
WHEREAS, the owners of said territory ~"zave given and executed
their written consent as ~ro.~ided by la~ that the ~ro~erty ~ithin
the annexed territory shall u~on a~ne~ation be taxed and subo ect
'to taxation to pay any indebtedness or liability of t~e City of
South San Francisco contracted ~rior to or existin~ at the time of
annexation o~ the sa~ne basis as ~ro~erty is taxed throughout said
City, '~hich written consent is ~resently on file with tL~e City
Clerk of said City·
NOW, THEREFORE, tl-..e said Co~ncii of the City of So.~th Sa~ Fran-
cisco does hereby a~prove the annexation of the territory i';erein-
after described to the City of South San Francisco, and does he-~-eby
further ordain ti~at the said territory be and is hereby annexed
to the City of So~th San Francisco and is designated ~Lands of
Dabney~' .
That said t~rritory, the annexation of ~hich to the City of
South San Francisco is herein approved, is all that territory situ-
ate in the County of San Mateo, State of California, more ~articu-
larly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point which is the most northerly
corner of Lot 1, Block F, as said lot and block are
shown on that certain map entitled "TRACT NO.534 MAP
which map filed for record in the Office of the Coun-
ty Recorder of the County of San iZmteo, State of Calif-
ornia, on May 9, 1941, in Volume 23 of l~iaps at pages
54, J5 and 56; thence from said POIiff OF BEGINNING alonS
the northwesterly boundary of said Bl~ck F as shown on
the above described ma~ S 58° 45' W' 250.00 feet to an
angle point in the boundar% line of the City of South ~
San Francisco; thence N 31° 15' !..7 420.17 feet alon~ a
portion of said City Boundary line as described in Ordi-
nance No.249 of the City of So~th San Francisco adopted
on Au~ast 19, 1946, by the City Council; thence leaving
said City Boundary line N 60° 30' E 1.25 feet; thence N
f7° ~O' E 100 feet~ thence N 49° 30' E 160 feet; thence
S 45~ 11' 15" E 194.58 feet; thence S 31° 15' E 242.64
feet to a point in the northwesterly subdivision boundary
line as shown on the above described map of Country Club
Park; thence along said subdivision boundary line S 58~
45' W 25 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
Introduced tkis 16th day of April , 19 62 ·
Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San
Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council of the
City of South San Francisco this 7th day of Maw , 1962 ,
by the following vote:
AYES, COUNCILMEN Leo J. Rpan, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi,
and Andre~ Rocca
NOES, ~' None
" G J. Rozzi
City Clerk
As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby
approve the foregoing Ordinance this ?bh day of M~y ,
19 6~ .
.. Lot 1, 'BlOck. ~. ae said lot ~ block are stio'~ ~n ~at ~r$~n ~:'~
~p entitled '~EAO~ ~. 5~ ~ ~. 1 OO~.~E~ O~'OB P~ 5A~
O0UN$~.,' O~I~' ~,'O.~I~.' w,. ~ich map ~led for r~co~ In the 0iii.ce' ~f' .
~he 0b'u~ Eeoo~dei' ~f the ~y of S~ ~te~,'~ Sta~e ~f. ~iif.era:im
os M~ 9, 19~1 in VOlume 23 of Maps at 2e~ee 54, 5~ a~ 5~
from m~ 2QI~ OF B~I~EING ale~ the northweste.~ ~o:~a~y o~'
~eet ~e ~ ~16..peint in ~ ~o~d~'y line ~ the Oi.~y ef South
S~"Fr~cisc~ ~hence N 31~ 15' N ~.~I7 fee~ al0~g a por$1on
9~ City ~und~y !i~e as de~orlb~ i~-Ordl~me No, 249 of ~e
'~ity of South Sam-~noisco a.~.opted on ~gust 19, 19~ ~ the
Oe~nei~$ th~e leav~n~ zaid Clty Boundary li~ N 60e 30"
'~ feet; ~henc~ ~ 67° ~' E lOO ~'eet.; thence N ~'~' E~i~
~hence ~ 45 ll' 15" E 1~4,58 Eaet; ~hence S 31O 15' E .252,~
.... ' to a point in She nortbwes%er!y subdl~sion ,bo~Cry line
on ~he above des,Jri~ed m~p of ~~y~Club P~rk$ Shone· ~o~s ~a~
subdivision Do~d~y li~e S 58° ~' W 25 feet to the POi~