HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 485-1962 ORDINANCE NO. 485 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REQUIRING ADEQUATE WATER SUPPLY AND FIRE PROTECTION FACILITIES The City Council of the City of South San Francisco does ordain as follows: Section 1. Definitions: For purposes of this division, certain terms used herein are de- fined as follows: a. ~'Adequate water supply~' shall mean the flow of water which the Chief determines is or reasonably may be necessary to protect any building or structure on the land to be de- veloped against fire. b. ~'To developy' land shall mean to make any improvements or do any work upon such land which would require the issuance of a building permit under the Building Code. c. ~Facilities~' shall mean such water supply mains, fire hyd- rants and appurtenances thereto as are necessary for fire protection, including easements therefor. d. '~Fire Chief~' shall mean the Fire Chief of the City of South San Francisco or any other official in the Fire Dep~rtment duly appointed by him to administer the provisions of this division. e. ~Judgment" shall mean the judgment of the Fire Chief or his appointee as provided herein, based upon sound fire pre- vention and engineering principles, ~hich ~udgment shall be conclusive. f. ~Land~ shall mean any lot~ parcel, acreage or building site, or any other land or portion thereof embraced within a com- mon plan of development, whether improved or unimproved. Section 2. On-Site Facilities may be required: When any land is developed in such a manner that all or a substan- tial part of any building or structure thereon is or becomes in excess of the distance from an adequate water supply and/or facilities required for fire protection as hereinafter provided, the owner, developer or agent shall provide such adequate water supply and/or fire protection facilities as shall be determined necessary pursuant to this Ordinance. Section 3. Certain Plans Reviewable by Fire Department: Except for those for R-1 and R-2 Zones as designated by the Zoning Ordinance o~ the City of South San Francisco, one set of plans submitted by applicant for a building permit shall be forwarded to the Fire Chief for review. Section 4. Review by Fire Department: When plans are submitted pursuant to Section 3, the Fire Chief shall review same and determine whether any building or structure on the land to be developed is or shall by virtue of said development become in excess of the distance as hereinafter provided from an adequate water supply and/or facilities. If upon such review it is determined either that additional water supply and/or fire protection facilities are not required or that they are adequately provided for in the plans, the Fire Chief shall endorse his approval thereon. If adequate provision for such water supply and/or facilities is not made, the Fire Chief shall either disapprove said plans and indicate to the Building Department in writing wherein they are deficient (in which case any revised plans shall be re- submitted to the Fire Department) or approve said plans subject to con- ditions that deficiencies noted be corrected. If the Fire Chief fails to take the required action within five working days after submission of the plans to him, then the Building Inspector shall give the Fire Chief notice in writing that the plans shall be deemed approved by the Fire Chief unless a report and recommendation is filed within 48 hours af- ter receipt of the notice, and should said report and recommendation not be so filed, the plans shall be deemed approved by the Fire Chief. Section 5. Adequate Water Supply: Adequate water supply shall be determined by applying the formula and schedules contained in Table A entitled ~'Flow Required - In Gallons Per Minute~ and Table B entitled ~'Area Served By One Hydrant". The Fire Chief shall determine the factor flow required in gallons per min- ute by applying the formula set forth in Table A and upon determining that factor shall locate it in the left-hand column of Table B entitled ~'Fire Flow Required in Gallons per Minute", after which he shall locate in the adjacent column the applicable average area per hydrant in square feet and the approximate distance between hydrants in feet. TABLE A FLOW REQUIRED - IN GALLONS PER MINUTE Item Formula Not to Gallons Exceed min. req. Item 1 Ground Area of building in sq.ft. 1000 ~lus 5000 Add (A) AflO Item 2 Height in number of stories (H) 500 x (H-l) 3000 Add Item 3 Exposure to and from Building Judgment 2000 Add (Spreading or conflagration factor) Total Item 4 Credit for fireproof or semi- not in excess of Less fireproof construction 1/3 (1 plus 2 plus 3) Balance Item 5 Credit for non-hazardous contents not in excess of Less 1/4 (1 plus 2 plus 3) Balance 3. Item 6 Credit for automatic sprinklers Judgment 3000 Less and other protective equipment Total Residual Pressure: The required quantity of water shall be available with provision for a residual pressure in the mains, taking into account ground elevation of not less than 20 pounds, except where the building is equipped with auto- matic sprinklers dependent upon the distribution mains for supply, in which case the required fire flow shall be available at a residual pres- sure which will correspond to 15 pounds on the top line of the sprink- lers. TABLE B AREA SERVED BY ONE HYDRANT Fire Flow Average Area Approximate Required per Hydrant Distance Bet- in Gallons in Sq. Ft. ween Hydrants per min. in Feet* 1,000 120,000 345 1,500 115,O00 338 2,000 110,000 330 2,500 105,000 323 3,000 1OO,O00 315 4,000 90,000 300 5,000 85,000 290 6,000 80,000 282 7,000 70,000 265 8,000 60,000 245 9,000 55,000 235 10,OO0 48,000 220 12,000 40,000 200 *These are the approximate distances from the hydrant in question to the nearest four hydrants, each of which is located along one of the four branches of the two streets intersecting at this point. It is assumed that the city blocks are square and that the streets cross at right angles to each other. Section 6. Availability of Supply: City hydrants shall be taken into account in determining whether an adequate water supply and/or facilities exist with reference to a given building, except that no hydrant or other water source shall be counted as contributing to said supply if in the judgment of the Fire Chief said source is not dependable, not readily accessible, not adapt- able to use by City equipment~ or not within reasonable working distance of the building, or portion of the building dependent for fire protection upon said hydrant or source. A reasonable working distance shall be deemed not to exceed 200 feet except where, in the judgment of the Fire Chief, the application of such rule under the circumstances would be impracticable. Section 7. On-Site Facilities to be Provided: The Fire Chief may prescribe that the development include tile in- stallation of such on-site fire protection facilities as in his judgment are necessary to provide an adequate water supply on t~e land to be de- veloped; said installation shall be at the expense of the owner or de- veloper. The location of all hydrants shall be approved by the Fire Chief. Nothing herein shall prevent the installation of all or a portion of said facilities on land adjoining the land to be developed if the Fire Chief shall approve such installation as being in all respects adequate under the provisions of this division and the conditions of dedication and access herein are met. Should applicant make use of adjoining land for such purposes, he shall file with the Fire Chief a copy of the Grant of Easement for said purposes. 5. Section 8. Clear Area for Mains and Facilities: Should on-site facilities be required, the plans shall show a clear area of not less than five feet in width for the location and placement of said facilities. On-site installations shall be maintained at applicant's expense. The Fire Chief may periodically inspect said facilities and if upon inspection he determines that they are defective or not maintained to the standard required by the Fire Department of the City of San Francisco for such facilities, he shall give notice in writ- ing to the applicant or owner of such facilities requiring that their condition be repaired and that they be brought up to the standard of fire protection facilities maintained by the Fire Department. Should the owner fail to comply with the notice within ten days or reasonable extensions of time thereafter granted by tt~e Fire Chief, then the Fire Chief may have the facilities repaired at the expense of the owner. Section 9. Access for Firefighting Equipment: Whenever any hydrant or other appurtenance for use by the Fire De- partment is required to be installed under the provisions of this divi- sion, there shall be included in said development plans and delineated thereon adequate provision for access to and from every such hydrant and appurtenance by City firefighting equipment. Said access shall be in the form of an improved, permanently maintained roadway, or of open paved or surfaced area, or of any combination thereof, maintained at all times in such a manner that there shall be kept clear and unobstruc- ted an access of at least 22 feet in width at all points along the dist- ance from the public street to any such hydrant or appurtenance. When the total length of any such access way exceeds 350 feet and culmin- ates in a deadend or cul-de-sac, an area shall be provided within the end one-third thereof sufficient to provide an equipment turning radius of 30 feet, Section 10. Final Inspection: No final inspection under the Building Code as to all or any portion of the development shall be deemed completed and no certifi- cate of occupancy shall issue unless and until the installation of the prescribed facilities and access ways have been completed and the final approval thereof of the Fire Department given as provided herein. Section 11. Access to Facilities to be Kept Open: After said facilities have been installed as required by the Fire Chief, the following sh~ll apply to obstructions, unlawful use and parking: a. Hydrants - Obstructions - Unlawful Use, etc.: Section 1 and 2 of this Ordinance and all other laws of the City relating to water mains, fire hydrants and appur- tenances shall be applicable thereto. b. Hydrants - Parking Prohibited: With respect to hydrants located along streets, roadways or parking areas where curbs exist, said curbs shall be painted or otherwise appropriately marked by the owner to prohibit parking for a distance of 15 feet in either di- rection from any such hydrant. In such cases where curbs do not exist, there shall be appropriate markings painted on the pavement, or signs erected, or both, giving notice that parking is prohibited for a distance of 15 feet from any such hydrant. When such areas are signed or marked as provided herein, no person shall park or leave standing a vehicle within 15 feet of any such fire hydrant. c. Access - Obstruction Prohibited: No owner, or lessee of the land, and no proprietor, part- ner, officer, director, manager or agent of any business or other activity carried on upon the premises shall cause or, after receiving notice thereof, permit or otherwise allow any activity, practice, or condition to occur or exist or continue to exist upon said land which shall les- sen, obstruct or impair the access required to be maintained under Section 9. Section 12. Penalties: Any person violating any provisions of this Ordinance shall be shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $500.00 or by imprison- ment of not more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 13. Ef~ctive Date and Publication: This Ordinance shall be published once as required by law in the ~'Enterprise-Journal", a newspaper of general circulation published and circulated in the City of South San Francisco, and shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its adoption. Introduced this 5th day of November , 1962. Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South San Francis- co at a regular meeting of the City Council of'the City of South San Francisco this 19th day of November , 19 62 , by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN Leo J. Ryan, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cor~esi, Andrew Rocca, and G. J. Rozzi NOES, ~' None ABSENT, ~' None Attest: ~~-~& City Clerk As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve of the foregoing Ordinance this 19th day of November , 19 62 . Hayor