HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 2006-04-19
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(Cassette Tape No.1)
Call to Order
6:05 p.m.
Roll Call
Councilmembers Addiego, Gonzalez and
Matsumoto, Vice Mayor Garbarino and
Mayor F ernekes
Absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Nagel, City Attorney Mattas,
Assistant City Manager Van Duyn, Public
Works Director White, Finance Director
Steele, and City Engineer Ray Razavi
Others present: Al Dimminger
Public Comments
4. Interview applicants for Housing Authority Commission
Mayor Fernekes advised Council that, one applicant was requesting his interview be
rescheduled for April 26, 2006. COUllcilmembers discussed the request and a majority
stated a preference to move forward with the appointment process this evening.
The following applicants were interviewed (questions were consistent with those
approved April, 2004):
Tenant Commissioner (one vacancy)
. Nancy Britt (seeking reappoirttment)
Non-tenant Commissioner (two vacancies)
. Buenaflor Nicolas
. William Breite
. Natalie Gore
. Wallace Moore
. Cyrus Kon
. Al Salogga (seeking reappoinlment)
(Applicants Gary Smith and Cameron Tate Crisp were unable to attend; Efrain ROlnan
arrived after the interviews were concluded.)
5. Discussion and appointInents to Housing Authority
Council voted by ballot with Buenaflor Nicolas and Al Salogga receiving the Inajority
Motion-Garbarino/Second-Gonzalez: To appoint to the Housing Authority, non-tenant
cOInlnissioners, Buenaflor Nicolas, to fill the unexpired tenn (24 months) of Harold
Molulnby, tenn expiring March 31, 2008 and reappoint Al Salogga to a second tenn,
term expiring March 31,2010. Approved by the following voice vote: Ayes:
Councilmembers Gonzalez and Matsulnoto, Vice Mayor Garbarino and Mayor Fernekes.
Noes: Councihnan Addiego. Abstain: None. Absent: None.
Motion-Addiego/Second-Garbarino: To reappoint Nancy Britt to the Housing Authority,
to a third tenn, as a tenant cormnissioner, term expiring March 31, 2008. UnaniInously
approved by voice vote.
Mayor F ernekes asked for a discussion of the interview process and if Council was
comfortable with the current questions or wanted to expand and broaden the line of
questioning. Councihnelnbers discussed the current policy of staying uniform and
consistent in the questioning, but allowing follow-up questioning.
City Attorney Mattas advised Council that a discussion of the applicants was allowed
before the ballot process started and that a nomination process can be utilized instead of
the ballot process.
It was agreed by consensus to continue in the SaIne manner of questioning and to allow
follow-up questioning.
(Recess: 7:30 pIn -7:37 pm)
6. Study Session: Long term budget projections
City Manager N agel stated that staff is looking for feedback on ideas for future study;
staff would then bring detailed infonnation to the budget subcomlnittee for further
discussion and evaluation.
Staff report and visual presentation given by Finance Director Steele.
CouncilwOlnan MatsuInoto asked staff for the report on what extra fees and costs the City
incurs for the downtown area. She requested that staff poll cities in San Mateo County
to obtain information on which ones implelnented a salary freeze, salary/benefit
reductions, or higher co-pays.
APRlL 19,2006
Councilmembers discussed the viability of some of the suggested fees, cost recovery, and
new revenue sources. City Manager Nagel stated that a goal is to educate the employees
about the trends and the long-term process.
Vice Mayor Garbarino asked that all b~nefit costs be included in the salary surveys, such
as administrative leave and social security.
City Attorney Mattas suggested a comparison study of labor costs as a percentage of the
general fund be conducted. In respon* to Councilwoman Matsumoto's concern
regarding the labor cost percentage inqreasing, City Manager Nagel stated the City's
labor cost percentage for the last 9 years will be researched.
Councilman Gonzalez stated concern *garding the damage that oversized trucks have on
streets/sidewalks in the old town area ,nd suggested a fee be imposed. He further
suggested a fee be imposed for sidewalk repair, which staff advised would be subject to
Prop 218. Finance Director Steele su~ested an alternative to a fee would be an
ordinance requiring sidewalks be a property owner's responsibility.
Mayor Fernekes directed staffto do CQnduct a poll of cities in San Mateo County on the
percentage of employee costs to the g~neral fund.
Council concurred that recommendati(j)ns be followed up on with the exception of a street
sweeping fee being included in the garlbage bill.
Councilman Addiego suggested econq\mic development look into enhancements in the
area ofthe two hotels near the conferehce center as the area has potential.
Councilman Gonzalez suggested that (ees for the Park and Recreation services not be
increased for residents, especially clas~es that effect families and children.
Councilwoman Matsumoto suggested ~hat non-necessity type classes be looked at for fee
increases, especially when looking at Q:ost recovery.
Councilwoman Matsumoto suggested Ian economic development person be considered,
on a commission basis, to look at opp<J>rtunities that are currently being missed.
With the concurrence of Council, City Manager Nagel stated he will go forward with the
process to educate the employees.
(Recess: 8:29 p.m. - 8:40 p.m.)
7. Discussion: Board/Commission attendance policy
Mayor Fernekes asked for Council's fbedback on the current policy:
"The Council may remove a commissioner and declare the position vacant if the
commissioner misses three consecuti* regular meetings or more than one-third of the
regular meetings within any twelve month period, or is removed by majority vote ofthe
APRIL 19,2006
Councilmembers discussed the scheduling of Conference Center Authority meetings and
that meetings are held when all commi~sioners are available. It was suggested that
teleconferencing be implemented or a tegular meeting schedule be adopted.
After a lengthy discussion Council rea~hed a consensus to change the wording to three
absences during a rolling year, and that the mayor will either call the board/commission
member when two absences occur, or write a warning letter. Council discussed the
advantages of "emeritus" status and C*y Attorney Mattas advised that the title could not
be applied to commissions that have filIal decision-making authority, e.g. Conference
Center Authority, Parking Place Coml111ission or Planning Commission. Council agreed
that it was a good solution to use "emePtus" in cases of serious illness for those who sit
on advisory boards.
City Attorney Mattas summarized the process when a third absence occurs, i.e., a
termination letter is sent, either board/4ommission member resigns or a hearing is
agendized. He suggested the new poli~y be prospective and that a letter be mailed to
advise board/commission members.
Councilmembers concurred that when the new policy takes effect, the current attendance
record will stand, warning letters/phon~ calls will be made to those with two absences,
and those with three absences will autQmatically appear on the Council agenda.
Staff stated letters will be prepared for review and changes to handbook or ordinances
will be prepared, with a starting date of July 1, 2006. Council concurred.
8. Closed Session: Pursuant to Governm~nt Code section 54956.9, Conference with Legal
Counsel - anticipated litigation, significant exposure to litigation: one case
Time entered into Closed Session:
Time reconvened into Open Session:
Report from Closed Session:
9:08 p.m.
9:25 p.m., all Councilmembers present
Direction given/no action taken.
9. Adjournment
Being no further business, Mayor Femekes adjourned the meeting at 9:25 p.m.
~SUbmitted b~: U
/ Ivia 117, ? "
i Sy ia M. Payne, City ~
City of South San Francisco
Joseph A. Fernek~
City of South San Francisco
APRIL 19,2006