HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 491-1963 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ESTABLISHING TRAFFIC REGU- LATIONS AND REPEALING SUPERSEDED ORDIN- ANCES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE 1, REPEAL OF SUPERSEDED ORDINANCES. The following ordinances are hereby repealed: Ordinance No.154 AdoptedAugust 18, 1930 Ordinance No.210 Adopted December 2, 1940 Ordinance No.224 Adopted July 20, 1942 Ordinance No.256 Adopted October 21, 1946 Ordinance No.285 Adopted March 7, 1949 Ordinance No.294 Adopted August 15, 1949 Ordinance No.304 Adopted December 4, 1950 Ordinance No.321 Adopted July 9, 1951 Ordinance No.329 Adopted April 7, 1952 Ordinance No.330 Adopted April 21, 1952 Ordinance No.337 Adopted February 2, 1953 Ordinance No.342 Adopted August 3, 1953 Ordinance No.346 Adopted October 19, 1953 Ordinance No.361 Adopted April 18, 1955 Ordinance No.375 Adopted August 29, 1955 Ordinance No.377 Adopted September 1, 1955 Ordinance No.380 Adopted November 21, 1955 Ordinance No.395 Adopted May 28, 1956 Ordinance No.403 Adopted August 20, 1956 Ordinance No.430 Adopted February 2, 1959 Ordinance No.434 Adopted June 1, 1959 Ordinance No.454 Adopted October 17, 1960 Ordinance No.458 Adopted January 23, 1961 -1- Introduced this 16th day of September , 19 63 . . Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this ?th day of October , 19 63 , by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN Patr~ek ~. Abeam, ~a~l~o Cortes,, Andrew Rocca, NOES, " No~ · ABSE~, " None. ATTEST: /S/ ~ A. R~OI~D! City Clerk As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing~ordinance this 7th day of October , 1963 · /s/ ~A'm~CX Mayor ARTICLE XIX. PROSECUTION UNDER REPEALED ORDINANCES. The repeal of the Ordinances set forth in Article I shall not affect or prevent the prosecution or punishment of any person for any act done or committed in violation of any of said Ordinances herein repealed prior to the effective date of thi~ Ordinance~ ARTICLE XX. CONSTITUTIONALITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would bmve passed this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases or portions be declared unconstitutional. ARTICLE XXI. PENALTIES. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person who shall be convicted of a violation of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $500.00 or by imprisonment not to exceed six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE XXII. PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause it to be published once in the Enterprise-Journal, a news- paper of general circulation, published and circulated in said City as required by law within fifteen (15) days after its passage and shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its adoption. ORDINANCE 9~3 CITY '1-H' SA N FR A N C I C A L i FO R N IA I~ENTRAI~ REC~RD~ FILE NO.'.- ORDINANCE NO, %9% AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ESTABLISHING TRAFFIC REGU- LATIONS AND REPEALING SUPERSEI~ED ORDIN- ANCES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DOE~* ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE 1, REPEAL OF SUPERSEDED ORDINANCES. The following ordinances are hereby repealed: Ordinance No.154 Adopted August 18, 1930 Ordinance No.210 Adopted December 2, 1940 Ordinance No.224 Adopted July 20, 1942 Ordinance No.256 Adopted October 21, 1946 Ordinance No.285 Adopted March 7, 1949 Ordinance No.294 Adopted August i5, 1949 Ordinance No.304 Adopted December 4, 1950 Ordinance No.321 Adopted July 9, 1951 Ordinance No.329 Adopted April 7, 1952 Ordinance No.330 Adopted April 21_, 1.952 Ordinance No.337 Ad~ptcd February 2, 1953 Ordinance No.342 Adopted August 3, [953 Ordinance No.346 Adopted October 19, 1953 Ordinance No.361 Adopted April 18, 1955 Ordinance No.375 Adopted August 29, 1955 Ordinance No.377 Adopted September 1, 1955 Ordinance No.380 Adopted November 21, 1955 Ordina~ce No.395 Adopted May 28, 1956 Ordinance No.403 Adopted August 20, 1956 Ordinance No.430 Adopted February 2, 1.959 Ordinance No.434 Adopted June 1, 1959 Ordl~ance N0.454 Adopted October 1.7, 1960 Ordinance No.458 Adopted January 23, 1961. -1- CENTRAl: REOORD~ No., ARTICLE II - Definitions Section 2 - The following words and phrases when used in this ordinance shall, for the purpose of this Ordinance, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this article. Section 2.1 - Motor Vehicle Code Definitions to be Used - Whenever any words or phrases used herein are not defined, but are defined in the Vehicle Code of the State of California and amendments thereto, such definitions shall apply. Section 2.2 - Allevs - An alley is a public highway which does not exceed 20 feet in width between property lines. Section 2.3 - Bicvcle - A light vehicle without a motor, having two wheels, handle bars and a seat or seats, and propelled by the operator. Section 2.4 - Bicycle Parkinq Zone - That space reserved exclusively for the park- ing of bicycles. Section 2.5 - Central Traffic Districts - The Central Traffic Districts comprise all streets and portions of streets within an area designated by the City Council, by resolu- tion, now and hereafter and by final approval of the Council as Central Traffic Districts. Section 2.6 - Coach - Any motor bus, motor coach, trackless trolley, or passenger stage used as a common carrier of passengers. Section 2.7 - Council - The Council of the City of South San Francisco. Section 2.8 - Curb - The lateral boundary of the roadway whether such curb be marked by curbing construction or not so marked; the word "Curb", as herein used, shall not include the line dividing, the road- way of a street from parking strips in the center of a street, nor from tracks or rights- of-way of public utility companies. CENTRAL: RF_..OORD.~ ARTICLE II - Definitions (cont.) SeCtion 2.9 - Divisional Island - A raised island located in the roadway and separating opposing or conflicting streams of traffic. Section 2.10 - Gra~e Separation - Every structure by means of which any street passes over or under any stationary rails or tracks or another street or pedestrian walk- way. Section 2.11 - Holidays - Within the meaning of this Ordinance, holidays are the first day of January, the twelfth day of February, the twenty-second day of February, the thirtieth day of May, the fourth day of July, the first Monday in September, the ninth day of September, the twelfth day of October, the eleventh day of November, the twenty-fifth day of December, and Thanksgiving Day. If the first day of January, twelfth ~ay of February, twenty-second day of February, the thirtieth day of May, the fourth day of July, the ninth day of September, the twelfth day of October, the eleventh day of November, or the twenty- fifth day of December falls upon a Sunday the Monday following is a holiday. Section 2.12 - Lane Markinqs - The lane markings are center lines and lane lines upon the surface of the roadway to indi- cate the course to be traveled by vehicles and signs maybe placed temporarily designating lanes to be used by traffic moving in a par- ticular direction, regardless of the center line of the highway. When authorized signs have been placed desig- nating off-center traffic lanes, no person shall disobey the instructions given by such signs. Section 2.13 - Loadinq Zone - The space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading or unloading of passengers or materials. ARTICLE II - Definitions (cont.) Section 2.14 - MuniciDal Parkinq Lots - Municipal parking lots are those off-street areas maintained by the City of South San Fran- cisco, and open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular parking. Section 2.15 - Official Time Standard - Whenever certain hours are named herein, they shall mean standard time or daylight saving time as may be in current use in this City. Section 2.16 - Official Traffic Control Devices - Ail signs, signals, markings and devices not inconsistent with this Ordinance placed or erected by authority of a public body or offi- cial having jurisdiction for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic. Section 2.17 - Official Traffic Siqnals - Any device, whether manually, electrically or mechanically operated by which traffic is alternately directed to stop and proceed and which is erected by authority of a public body or official having jurisdiction. Section 2.18 - Park - To stand or leave standing any vehicle whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily, for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading of passengers or ma- terials. Section 2.19 - Parkway - That portion of a street other than a roadway or a sidewalk. Section 2.20 - Parkinq Meters - A mechanical device installed within or upon the curb or sidewalk area, immediately adjacent to a parking space, for the purpose of controll- ing the period of time occupancy of such park- ing meter space by any vehicle. Section 2.21 - Passenger Loadinq Zone - The space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading or unloading of passengers. ~ ~ENTRA~ RE~:)RD~ ARTICLE II - Definitions (cont.) Section 2.22 - Pedestrian - Any person afoot. Section 2.23 - Person - Every natural person, firm, copartnership, association or corporation. Section 2.24 - Police Officer - Every officer of the Police Department of this City or any officer authorized to direct or regulate traffic or to make arrests for viola- tions of traffic regulations. Section 2.25 - StoD - ~%en re_?aired, means complete cessation of movement. Section 2.26 - ~toD or Stand - When prohibited means any stopping or standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other trsffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or official traffic con- trol device. Section 2.27 - Street or Highway - A way or place, of whatever nature, publicly maintained and open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel or parking. Section 2.28 - Tr___affic - Pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, and other conveyances, either singly or together, while using any street for purposes of travel. Section 2.29 - Vehicle - A device, in or upon or by which any person or property is or may be propelled, moved or drawn upon a highway, excepting a device moved by h~man power or used exclusively upon sta- tionary rails or tracks. Section 2.30 - Vehicle Code - The Vehicle Code of the State of California. CENTRAL RECORD~~ ARTICLE III - Traffic Administration Section 3 - Police Administration - There is hereby established in the Police Department of this City a Traffic Division tO be under the control of an officer of police appointed by and directly responsible to the Chief of Police. Section 3.1 -Dutv of Traffic Division - It shall be the duty of the Traffic Division, with such aid as may be rendered by other members of the Police Department, to enforce the street traffic regulations of this City and all of the State vehicle laws applicable to street traffic in this City, to make arrests for traffic violations, to investigate traffic accidents and to cooperate with the Assigned Traffic Engineer and other officers of the City in the administration of the traffic laws and in developing ways and means to improve traffic conditions, and to carry out those duties especially ~posed upon said Division by this Code. Section 3.2 - T_~affic Accident Studies__~- Wksnever the accidents at any particular location become n~nerous, the Traffic Divi- sion shall cooperate with the Assigned Traffic Engineer in conducting studies of such accidents and determining remedial measures. Section 3.3 - Tr__gffic ~ccident R,eDorts - Tt~e Traffic Division shall maintain a suit- able system of filing traffic accident reports. Such reports shallbe available for the use and information of the Assigned Traffic Engineer. Section 3.4 - Assigned Traffic Enqineer - The City Manager shall appoint the Assigned Truffic Engineer who shall exercise the powers and duties with respect to traffic as previded in this ordinance. CE:NTRA~ REcORD~ ARTICLE III - Traffic Administration (cont.) Section 3.5 - Duties of Assigned Traffic Enqineer and Chief of Police - It shall be the general duty of the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police, under this Ordinance to determine the installation and proper timing and maintenance of traffic control devices and signals, to conduct engi- neering analyses of traffic accidents and to devise remedial measurers, to conduct engi- neering i~vestigation of traffic conditions and to cooperate with other City officials in the development of ways and means to im- prove traffic conditions. Section 3.6 - Requlation of Speed by Traffic Siqnals - The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police are authorized to regulate the timing of traffi£ signals so as to permit the move- ment of traffic in an orderly and safe manner at speeds slightly at variance from the speeds otherwise applicable within the district or at intersections, and may erect appropriate signs giving notice thereof. ARTICLE IV - Enforcement and Obedience to Traffic Re¢~llat~ons - Section 4 -A__~.~p.r~7~y of police and Fire Department Officials - Officers of the Police Department and such officers ~s are assigned by the Chief of Police are hereby authorized to ~irect all traffic by voice, h~nd, ~u~ible or other signal in con- formance with traf£ic laws, except that in the event of fire or other emergency or to expe- ~i'~:e traffic or to safeguard pedestrians, off£ce~ of the Police Department or members of ~he Fire Department m~y direct traffic as conditions m~y require, notwithstanding the provisions to the contrary contained in this Or4inance or the Vehicle Code. ~ENTRAL RECORD~'1 ARTICLE IV - Enforcement and Obedience to Trsffic Re~ulations (cont.) s~o~io~- 4~! - ~__h~d_i~D_~e to Police or Authorized Officers- No person shall £a~ ~ ~e to comply with or to perform any act forbidden by any ~ order, signal, or ~irection of a traffic or police officer or ~ member of the Fire Depart- ment, or a person authorized by the Chief of Police or by law. Section 4.2 - Required Obedience to Traffic 0r~inance or Vehicle Co~e - It is a mis~emeanor for any person ~riving ~ny vehicle or other conveyance upon any street or any pedestrian to do any act forbidden, or fail to perform any act required as ~pplicable to any such person under this Ordinance or the Vehicle Co~e. Section 4.3 - Traffic Laws ADDlvin~ to Persons Ridin~ Bicycles or Annimals - Every person riding ~ bicycle, or riding or ~riving an animal upon a highway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the ~river of a vehicle by this Ordinance, except those provisions which by their very nature c~n have no application. Section 4.4 - Obstruction or Interference with Police or Authorized Officers - No ~erson shall interfere with or obstruct in any wsy any police officer or other officer or employee of this City in their enforcement of the provisions of this Ordinance. The re- moval, obliteration or concealment of any chalk mark or other distinguishing msrk used by any police officer or other employee or officer of this City in connection with the enforcement of the parking regulations of this Ordinance shall, if done for the purpose of evading the provisions of this Ordinance, constitute such interference or obstruction. Section 4.5 - Traffic Obedience and Directions at School Crossings or Other Places - It shall be the duty of any person appointed by the Chief of Police for such purpose, to ~E;NTRAL. RI='~ORD~ NO,: O I - ARTICLE IV - E~ ~Orcement and Obedience to %~ffic Re~ulations (cont) Section 4.5 - Traffic Obedience and Directions at School Crossinqs or Other Places (cont.} control traffic at school crossings or other places designated by him. It shall be unlaw- ful for any person, at any school crossing, to refuse or fail to comply with any or,er, signal or direction of any person appointed by the Chief of Police to control traffic at school crossings or such other designated places, provided that such person giving any order, signal or direction shall at the time be wearing some insignia indicating such authority. It shall be unlawful for any minor to direct or attempt to direct traffic unless authorized to do so by the Chief of Police. Section 4.6 - Public EmDlovees to Obev Traffic Re~ulations - The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to the operator of any vehicle owned by or used in the service of the United States Gov- ernment, this state, any county or city, and it shall be unlawful for any said operator to violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance except as otherwise permitted in this Ordinance or by the Vehicle Code. Section 4.7 - Exemption of Certain Vehicles - (a) The provisions of this Ordinance regu- lating the operation~ parking and standing of vehicles shall not apply to vehicles operated by the Police or Fire Department, any public ambulance or any public utility vehicle or any private ambulance, which public utility vehicle or private ambu- lance has qualified as an authorized emergency vehicle, when any vehicle men- tioned in this section is operated in the m~nner specifiedby the Vehicle Code in response to an emergency call. .~NTRAL RECORD~" ARTICLE IV - Znforcement and Obedience to Traffic Re~ulations(cont) Section 4.7 - Exemption of Certain Vehicles (cont.) (b) The foregoing exemptions shall not, how- ever, relieve the operator of any such vehicle from obligation to exercise due care for the safety of others or the con- sequences of his willful disregard of the safety of others. (c) The provisions of this Ordinance regulat- ing the parking or standing of vehicles shall not apply to any vehicle of a City department or public utility while neces- sarily in use for construction or repair work or any vehicle owned or operated by the United States Post Office Department while in use for the collecti~n, trans- portation or delivery of United States mail. Section 4.8 - Report of Damage to Certain Property - (a) The operator of a vehicle or the person in charge of any animal involved in any accident resulting in damage to any property publicly owned or owned by a public utility, including but not limited to any fire hydrant, parking meter, light- ing post, telephone pole or resulting in damage to any tree, traffic control device or other property of a like nature located in or along any street, shall, within twenty-four (24) hours after such accident make a written report of such accident to the Po]ice Department of this City. (b) Every such report shall state the time when and the place where the accident took place, the name and address of the person owning and of the person operating or in charge of such vehicle or animal, the license num- ber of every such vehicle, and shall briefly describe the property damage in such acci- dent. ~3£N'I'RAI..: RECORD~'r ARTICLE IV - Enforcement and Obedience to Traffic Re~ulations(cont) Section 4.8 - Report of DamaGe to Certain ProDertv (cont.) (c) The operator of any vehicle involved in an accident shall not be subject to the requirements or penalties of this section if and during the time he is physically incapable of making a report, but in such event he shall make a report as required in subdivision (a) within twenty-four hours after regaining ability to make such report. (d) The person in charge of any garage or re- pair shop to which is brought any motor vehicle which shows evidence of having been involved in an accident of which re- port must be made, as provided in subdi- vision (a) of this subsection, shall during such periods as designated by the Chief of Police, notify the Police Depart- ment immediately after such motor vehicle is received. Section 4.9 - When Vehicle May be Removed from Streets - Any regularly employed and salaried officer of the Police Department of this City may remove or cause to be removed: (a) Any vehicle that has been parked or left standing upon a street or highway for 120 or more consecutive hours. (b) Any vehicle which is parked or left stand- ing upon a street or highway, between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. when such parking or standing is prohibited by Ordinance or resolution of this City and signs are posted giving notice of such removal. (c) Any vehicle which is parked or left stand- ing upon a street or highway where the use of such street or highway or a portion CENTRAL: REOORDS ' NO.... 0 - h' R I - &j ARTICLE IV - Enforcement and Obedience to Traffic Rec~lations (con~) Section 4.9 - When Vehicle Maybe Removed from Streets (cont.) thereof is necessary for the cleaning, repair or construction of the street or highway or for the installation of under- ground utilities or where the use of the street or highway or any portion thereof is authorized for a purpose other than the normal flow of traffic or where the use of the street or highway or any portion there- of is necessary for the movement of equip- ment, articles or structures of unusual size, and the parking of such vehicle would prohibit or interfere with such use or movement; provided that signs giving notice that such vehicle maybe removed are erected or placed at least twenty- four (24) hours prior to the removal. Section 4.10 - At places where large numbers of people and vehicles are to gather or have gathered, nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed to prevent any police officer from prohibit- ing any person from parking any vehicle upon or using any street or sidewalk, or from pro- hibiting any pedestrian from using any street or sidewalk, and said police officer shall have authority to direct the parking of ve- hicles in any reasonable manner, way or direction, and it is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person to fail to promptly obey the said police officer's order, signal or command, regardless of any other provision of this Ordinance. ARTICLE V - Traffic Control Devices - Section 5 - Authority to Install Traffic Control Devices - (a) The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police shall have the power and duty to place and maintain, or cause to be placed or maintained, official traffic control devices when and as required to make effec- tive the provisions of this Ordinance. CENTRAl RECORDS. FILE NO.: _~- ~ 9 ! -~"~ ARTICLE V - Traffic Control Devices (cont.~ Section 5 - Authority to Install Traffic Control Devices(cor~ (b) ~nenever the Vehicle Code requires for the effectiveness of any 9rovision thereof that traffic control ~evices be installed to give notice to the public of the appli- cation of such law the Assigned Traffic Engineer and the Chief of Police are here- by authorized to install or cause to be installed the necessary ~evices subject to any limitations or restrictions set forth in the law a9911cable thereto. (c) The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police may also place and maintain, or cause to place and maintain, such addi- tional traffic control devices as they may deem necessary or proper to regulate traffic or to guide or warn traffic, but they shall make such determination only upon the basis of traffic engineering principles and traffic investigation and in accordance with such standards, limita- tions, and rules as maybe set forth in this Ordinance or as may be determined by Ordinance or Resolution of the Council. Section 5.1 - Traffic Control Signs Required for Enforcement PurDoses - No provision of the Vehicle Code, or of this Ordinance, for which signs are required shall be enforced against an alleged violator un- less appropriate signs are in place and suffi- ciently legible to be seen by an ordinarily observant person, giving notice of such pro- visions of the traffic laws. Section 5.2 - Obedience to Traffic Control Devices - The driver of any vehicle shall obey the in- structions of any official traffic control device placed in accordance with this Ordi- nance, unless otherwise directed by a police officer, subject to the exceptions granted the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle CENTRAL RECORD~ FILENO.= ~- ~ ~ I'~ ARTICLE V - Traffic Control Devices (cont.) Section 5.2 .- Obedience to Traffic Control Devices (cont.) when responding to emergency calls. Whenever a particular section does not state that signs are required, such section shall be effective even though no signs are erected or in place. Section 5.3 - Installation of Traffic Siqnals - (a) The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police are hereby directed to install and maintain official traffic signals at those intersections and other places where traffic conditions are such as to require that the flow of traffic be alternately interrupted and released in order to pre- vent or relieve traffic congestion or to protect life or property from exceptional hazard. (b) The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police shall ascertain and determine the locations where such signals are re- quiredby field investigation, traffic counts and other traffic information as maybe pertinent and~determination~ therefrom shall be made in accordance with those traffic engineering and safety stand- ards and instructions set forth in the California Maintenance Manual issued by the Division of Highways of the State De- partment of Public Works. (c) Whenever the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police install~ and maintain~ an official traffic signal at any intersec- tion, they shall likewise erect and maintain at such intersection street name signs visible to the principal flow of traffic unless such street name signs have previous- ly been placed and are maintained at any said intersection. Section 5.4 - Lane Markinqs - The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police are hereby authorized to mark center lines and lane lines upon the surface of the CENTRAL REC;ORD.~ ARTICLE V - Traffic Control Devices (cont.) Section 5.4 - Lane MarkinGs (cont.) roadway to indicate the course to be traveled by vehicles and may place signs temporarily designating lanes to be used by traffic moving in a particular direction, regardless of the center line of the highway. Section 5.5 - Distinctive Roadway Markinqs - The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police are authorized to place and maintain distinctive roadway markings as described in the Vehicle Code on those streets or parts of streets where the volume of traffic or the vertical or other curvature of the roadway renders it hazardous to drive on the left side of such marking or signs and markings. Such markings or signs and marking shall have the same effect as similar markings placed by the State Department of Public Works pursuant to provisions of the Vehicle Code. Section 5.6 - Authority to Remove~ Relocate and Discontinue Traffic Control Degices - The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police are hereby authorized to remove, relo- cate or discontinue the operation of any traffic control device not specifically re- quired by the Vehicle Code or this Ordinance whenever Iheyshall determine in any particular case that the conditions which warranted or required the installation no longer exist or obtain. Section 5.7 - Traffic Control Devices: Hours of Operation - The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police shall determine the hours and days dur- ing which any traffic control device shall be in operation or be in effect, except in those cases where such hours or days are specified in this Ordinance. Section 5.8 - Unauthorized Paintinq of Curbs - No person, unless authorized by this City, shall paint any street or curb surface, pro- vided however, that this section shall not CE. NTRAE REOORDS ARTICLE V - Traffic Control Devices (cont.) Section 5.8 - Unauthorized Paintinq of Curbs (cont.) apply to the painting of numbers on a curb surface by any person who has complied with the provisions of any Resolution or Ordinance of this City pertaining thereto. Section 5.9 - Obedience to Barriers and Liqhts - Any person bywhom or under whose immediate direction or by whose immediate authority as principal or as contractor or employer any portion of a public street may be made danger- ous shall: (a) Erect and, so long as the danger continues, maintain, around the portion of the street or highway so made dangerous, a good and substantial barrier. (b) Cause to be maintained during every night, from sunset to sunrise, sufficient lights, torches or flashers plainly visible from a distance of 500 feet on that portion of the street or crossing so made dangerous. Section 5.10 - Detours and Construction - (a) No street shall be closed or partially obstructed, or detours established, with- out approval of the Chief of Police. (b) All barriers and signs erected in the highway shall be of a type and located as approved by the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police. (c) In case of emergency, a public utility or department of the City shall be exempt from the provisions of this section. (d) The driver of any vehicle shall obey the instructions of any barricades or devic%s placed under the provisions of this section. Section 5.11 - Temporary Signs - The Chief of Police and his authorized officers are hereby authorized to erect and maintain ~ENTRA~ REOORD~ - 3.% ARTICLE V - Traffic Control Devices (cont.) Section 5.11 - TemDorar¥ Siqns (cont.) temporary sig~s>.or signals regulating traffic and movement of vehicles upon the streets in the City, so as to prohibit travel or turning of vehicles upon said streets as in their opinion the occasion may require. No driver of a vehicle shall disobey the directions of the signs. ARTICLE VI - Turninq Movements Section 6 - Authoritv to Place and Obedience to Turninq Markers, Intersections, MultiDle Lanes - (a) The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police are authorized to place markers, buttons, or signs within or adjacent to intersections and indicating the course to be traveled by vehicles turning at such intersections,..~_.~ %~_ ~__ij__i .... c ~_ ~'_~az_J_~Jauthorized to locate and indi- cate more than one lane of traffic from which drivers of vehicles may make right or lefthand turns, and the course to be traveled asso indicated may conform to or be other than as prescrived by law or Ordinance. (b) When authorized markers, buttons or other indications are placed within an intersec- tion, indicating the course to be traveled by vehicles turning thereat, no driver of a vehicle shall disobey the directions of such indications. Section 6.1 - Authority to Place Restricted Turn Signs - The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police are hereby authorized to determine those intersections at which drivers of ve- hicles shall not make a right, left, or U turn, and shall place proper signs at such intersections. The making of such turns may be prohibited between certain hours of any day and permitted at other hours, in which event the same shall be plainly indicated on the'signs or they may be removed when such turns are per- mitted. CENTRAL RECORD~ [ , ARTICLE VI - Turninq Movements (cont.) Section 6.2 - Obedience to No-Turn Signs - Whenever authorized signs are erected indicat- ing that no right or left or U-turn is per- mitted, no driver of a vehicle shall disobey the directions of any such sign. Section 6.3 - Siqnal Controlled Intersections, Riqht Turns - (a) No ariver of a vehicle shall make a right turn against a red or stop signal at any intersection which is sign-pcsted giving notice of such restriction as hereinafter provided in this section. (b) The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police shall post appropriate signs giving effect to this section where '~.e/determines that the making of right turns against a traffic signal "stop" indication would seriously interfere with the safe and orderly flow of traffic. ARTICLE VII - One Way Streets and Alleys - Section 7 - The Assigned Traffic Enqineer and Chief of Police to Siqn One-Way Streets and Alleys - Whenever any Ordinance or Resolution of this City designates any one-way street or alley, the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police shall place and maintain signs giving notice thereof, and no such regulations shall be effective unless such signs are in place. Signs indicating the direction of lawful traffic movement shall be placed at every intersection where movement of traffic in the opposite direction is prohibited. ARTICLE VIII - SDecial StoDs Required - Section 8 - The Assigned Traffic Enqineer and Chief of Police to Erect S~top siqns - 'Whe'~ever any Ordinance or Resolution of this city designates and describes any street or portion thereof as a through street, or any intersection at which vehicles are required CENTRAL RECORDGi: FILE NO.: 69 -- ARTICLE VIII - Special StODS Required ~cont.) Section 8 - The Assiqned Traffic Enqineer and Chief of Police to Erect StoD Signs (cont.) to stop at one Or more entrances thereto, or any railroad grade crossing at which vehicles are req~{irm~ to stop, the Assigned Traffic Engineer ~ the Chief of Police shall erect and maintain stop signs as followe: A stop sign shall be erected on e~ch and every street intersecting such through street or portion thereof so designated and at those entrances of other intersection where a stop is required and at any railroad grade crossing so designated. E~ry such sign shall conform with, and shall be placed as provided in the Vehicle Code. Section 8.1 - Emerqinq from Alle¥, Drivewav or Buildin~ - The driver of a vehicle emerging from an alley, driveway or building shall stop such vehicle immediately prior to driving onto a sidewalk or into the sidewalk area extending across any alley way or driveway. ARTICLE IX - Miscellaneous Drivinq Rules Section 9 - Drivinq Throuqh Fundera! Processions - No operator of any vehicle shall drive between the vehicles comprising a funeral procession or a parade, provided that such vehicles are conspicuously so designated. The directing of all vehicles and traffic on any street over ~h ~u~l, £un~=~1 ~=~~ ~r parade wishes to pass Shall be subject to the order~ ~£ %~ Police Department. Section 9.1 - Clin~in~ to Movin~ Vehicle - No person shall attach himself with his hands, or to catch on, or hold on to with his hands or by other means, to any moving vehicle or train for the purpose of receiving motive power therefrom. CENTRAL REOORD~" FILE NO.:_ ~9- L~ ~ ! --~,.,~.~ ARTICLE IX - Miscellaneous Drivinq Rules (cont.) Section 9.2 - Commercial Vehicles Usinq Private Driveways - No person shall operate or drive a commercial vehicle in, on, or across any private driveway approach, or sidewalk area, or the driveway itself withou't the consent of the owner or occupant of the property, if a sign or mark- ings are in place indJ..cating that tb~ use of such driveway is prohibited. For the purpose of this section, a cormmercial vehicle shall mean a vehicle having a rated capacity in excess of one-half ton. Section 9.3 - Ridinq or Drivinq on Sidewalks - No perscn shall ride, drive, propel, or cause to be propelled, any vehicle or animal across or upon any sidewalk excepting over permanently constructed driveways and excepting when it is necessary for any temporary purpose to drive a loaded vehicle across a sidewalk; provided further, that said sidewalk area be substanti- ally protected by wooden planks two inches thick, and written permission be previously obtained from the Chief of Police. Such wooden planks shall not be permitted to remain upon such sidewalk area during the hours from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Section 9.4 - New Pavement and Markin~s - No person shall ride. or drive any animal or any vehicle over or across any newly made pavement or freshly painted n~rkins in any street when a barrier sign, cone-marker or other warning device is in place warning per- sons not to drive over or across such pavement or mar]c%ng, or when any such device is in place indicating that the street or any portion thereof is closed. Section 9.5 - Limited Access - No person shall drive a vehicle onto or from any limited access road~^,ay except at such entrances and exits as are lawfully estab- lished. CENTRAl.: REOORDI~ ARTICLE IX - Miscellaneous Drivinq Rules (cont.) Section 9.6 - Obedience to Barriers and Signs - No person, public utility or department in the City shall erect or place any barrier or sign on any street unless of a type ap- proved by the Assigned Traffic Engineer and the Chief of Police, or disobey the instruc- tions, remove, tamper with or destroy any barrier or sign lawfully placed on any street by any person, public utility or by any de- partment of this City. Section 9.7 - No Entrance into Intersection That Would Obstruct Traffic - No operator of any vehicle shall enter an intersection or a marked crosswalk unless there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection or crosswalk to accomo- date the vehicle he is operating without obstructing the passage of other vehicles or pedestrians, notwithstanding any traffic- control signal indication to proceed. Section 9.8 - Crossinq Fire Hose - No vehicle shall be driven over any unpro- tected hose of the Fire Department, when laid down on any street or private driveway, to be used at any fire or alarm of fire, without the consent of the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment, or the assistant in command. Section 9.9 -Bicvcle Ridin~ Restricted - It shall be unlawful to ride a bicycle ~pon any sidewalk in said City. The rider of a bicycle upon a roadway shall ride, as nearly as practicable, within five (5) feet of the right hand curb or edge of the roadway, except when passing a standing or other vehicle, or making a left hand turn at any intersection. Section 9.10 - Ridin~ on Handlebars Prohibited - It shall be unlawful for the operator of any bicycle or motorcycle, when upon a street, to carry any other person upon the bar, or handles, or tank of any such vehicle, or for such person to so ride upon any such vehicle. CENTRAL RECORDS FILE NO..' ARTICLE IX - Miscellaneous Drivinq Rules (cont.) Section 9.11 - Use of Coasters, Roller Skates, and Similar Devices Restricted - It shall be unlawful for any person upon roller skates to ride on, or by means of any coaster, toy vehicle or similar device to go upon any road or upon the sidewalk upon any commercial streets. Section 9.12 - Excessive Acceleration of Motor Vehicles - It shall be unlawful for any person in oper- ating a motor vehicle within the City of South San Francisco to so accelerate the same as to cause audible noise by tire friction on pave- ment or to cause the tires of said vehicle to leave skid marks upon the pavement except when such acceleration is reasonable neces- sary to avoid a collision. ARTICLE X - Pedestrian Requlations - Section 10 - Assiqned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police to Establish Marked Crosswalks - (a) The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police shall establish, designate and maintain crosswalks at intersections and other places by appropriate devices,marks or lines upon the surface of the roadway as follows: Crosswalks shall be established and main- tained at all intersections within the Central Traffic District and at such inter- sections outside such District and at other places within or outside said Dis- trict where the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police determine that there is particular hazard to pedestrians crossing the roadway subject to the limitation contained in (b) of this sec- tion. (b) Other than crosswalks at intersections, no crosswalk shall be established in any block which is less than four hundred CENTRA~ RECORD~ FILE NO;:.O~ ~/-~'~ ARTICLE X - Pedestrian Req~lations (cont.) Section 10 - Assiqned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police to Establish Marked Crosswalks (cont.) (400) feet in length and such crosswalk shall be located as nearly as practicable at mid-block. (c) The Assigned Traffic Enqineer and Chief of Police may placentas at or adjacent to an intersection in respect to any crosswalk directing that pedestrians shall not cross in the crosswalk so indi- cated. Section 10.1 - When Pedestrian Must Use Crosswalks - No pedestrian shall cross a roadway other than by a crosswalk in any Central Traffic District or in any business district. Section 10.2 - Pedestrian to Obey Smecial Pedestrian Traffic Siqnals - Pedestrians shall obey the indication of spec- ial traffic signals, installed for pedestrians only, and shall disregard the indication of a vehicular traffic signal at any location where special pedestrian traffic signals are in place. Section 10.3 - ~rossinq at Riqht An~les - No pedestrian shall cross a roadway at any place, other than by a route at right angles to the curb or by the shortest route to the opposite curb, except in a marked crosswalk, Section 10.4 - Standinq in Roadways - No person shall stand in any roadway, other than in a safety zone or in a crosswalk, if such action interferes with the lawful move- ment of traffic. This section shall not apply to any public officer or employee, or employee of a public utility when necessarily upon a street in line of duty. CENTRAL RECORDS ARTICLE X - Pedestrian Requlations (cont.) Section 10.5 - Pedestrians Walkinq Alonq Roadways - (a) Where sidewalks are provided it shall be unlawful for any pedestrian to walk along and upon an adjacent roadway. (b) Where sidewalks are not provided any pedes- trian walking along and upon a highway shall when practicable walk only on the left side of the roadway or its shoulder facing traffic which may approach from the opposite direction. ARTICLE XI - Stoppinq, Standinq and Parkinq for Certain Purposes or in Certain Places Section 11 - Application of Requlations - (a) The provisions of this Ordinance, prohibi- ting the stopping, standing or parking of a vehicle, shall apply at all times or at those times herein specified, except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compli- ance with the directions of a police officer or official traffic control device. (b) The provisions of this Ordinance, imposing a time limit on standing or parking, shall not relieve any person from the duty to observe other and more restrictive provi- sions of the Vehicle Code or the Ordinances of this City prohibiting or limiting the standing or parking of vehicles in speci- fied places or at specified times. Section 11.1 - Stoppinq or Standinq in Parkways Prohibited - No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle within any parkway. Section 11.2 - Assiqned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police to Maintain No Stoppinq Zones and No Parkinq Areas - The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Po- lice are hereby authorized to maintain, by appropriate signs or by paint upon the curb surface, all no stopping zones, no parking areas, and restricted parking areas as defined and C£NTRA~ REOORD~ FILE NO.: ARTICLE XI - StoDDinq, Standinq and Parkinq for Certain Purposes or in Certain Places (cont.) Section 11.2 - Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police to Maintain No StoDDin~ Zones and No Parkin~ Areas (cont.) - surface, all no stopping zones, no parking areas, and restricted parking areas ss de- fined and described in this Ordinance. When said curb markings or signs are in place no operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or park such vehicle adjacent to any such legible curb marking or sign in violation of any of the Provisions of this Ordinance. Section 11.3 - No Parkin~ Areas - No operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand, park, or leave standing such vehicle in any of the following places, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compli- ance with the direction of a police officer or other authorized officer ~ traffic sign or signal: (a) Within any divisional island unless author- ized and clearly indicated with appropriate signs or markings. (b) On either side of any street between the projected property lines of any public walk, public steps, streets, or thoroughfare terminating at such street, when such area is indicated by appropriate signs or by red paint upon the curb surface. (c) In uny area where the Assigned Traffic Engi- neer and Chief of Police determine that the parking or stopping of a vehicle would con- stitute a traffic hazard or would endanger life or property, when such area is indi- cated by appropriate signs or by red paint upon the curb surface. (d) In any area established by Resolution of the Council as a no parking area, when such area is indicated by appropriate signs or by red paint upon the curb surface. (e) Upon, along or across any railway track in ARTICLE XI -StoDDinq, Standinq and Parkinq for Certain Purposes or in Certain Places (cont.) Section 11.3 - No Parkinq Areas (cont.) - (e) Upon, along or across any railway track in such manner as to hinder, delay or obstruct the movement of any car traveling upon such track. (f) In any area where the parking or stopping of any vehicle would constitute a traffic haz- ard or would endanger life or property. (g) On any street or highway where the use of such street or highway or a portion thereof is necessary for the cleaning, repair or construction of the street or highway or the installation of underground utilities or where the use of the street or highway or any portion thereof is authorized for a pur- pose other than the normal flow of traffic or where the use of the street or highway or any portion thereof is necessary for the movement of equipment, articles or struc- tures of unusual size,'and the parking of such vehicle would prohibit or interfere with such use or movement; provided that signs giving notice of such no parking are erected or placed at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the effective time of such no parking. Section 11.4 - Use of Streets for Storage of Vehicles Pro- hi,ired - (a) No person who owns or has possession, cus- tody or control of any vehicle shall park such vehicle upon any street or alley for more than a consecutive period of one hun- dred twenty (120) hours. (b) In the event a vehicle is parked or left standing upon a street in excess of a con- secutive period of one hundred twenty (120) hours, any member of the Police Department, authorized by the Chief of Police, may re- move said vehicle from the street in the manner and subject to the requirements of the Vehicle Code. CENTRA~ RE~O~S ARTICLE XI - StoDpinq, Standinq and Parkinq for Certain Purposes or in Cert, ain Places (cont.I Section 11.5 - Parkin~ Vehicles for Sale - It shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle upon any street for the purpose of dis- playing it for sale. Section 11.6 -.Repairinq or Greasinq Vehicles on Public Streets No person shall construct or cause to be con- structed, repair or cause to be repaired, grease or cause to be greased any vehicle or any part thereof upon any public street in this City. Temporary emergency repairs may be made upon a public street. Section 11.7 - Damaqed or Repairable Vehicles - It shall be unlawful for the proprietor or oper- ator of any garage, in which vehicles are re- paired, to permit or allow any damaged vehicle or any vehicle needing repair or adjustment to stand upon any street or other public thorough- fare in said City more than one (1) hour before such vehicle is repaired or adjusted. Section 11.8 - To Deposit, Store or Leave Standin~ any Vehicle Wrecked or Dismantled or Parts of any Vehicle - It shall be unlawful to deposit or store or leave standing any vehicle, or wrecked, or dis- mantled vehicle, or part or parts of any vehicle or of any wrecked or dismantled vehicle, upon any land in said City, not covered by some building conforming to the Building Ordinance ol said City. In the event any vehicle, or wrecke< or dismantled vehicle, or part or parts of any vehicle is parked or left standing, deposited o~. stored upon any land in said City, in excess of a consecutive period of one hundred twenty (120, hours, any member of the Police Department, aut~ orized by the Chief of Police, may remove said vehicle, or wrecked or dismantled vehicle, or part or parts of any vehicle from any land in said City. The removal of any stored or wrecked vehicle, and any expense incurred by said removal shall be paid for by said owner or owners. GENTRAI~ REOORDS ARTICLE XI - StoDDinq, Standinq and P~rkinq_for_Certain PurDoses 9~.~n Cer. t~_~laces (cont.) Section 11.9 - Washinq or Polishinq Vehicles - NO person shall wash or cause to be washed, pol- ish or cause to be polished any vehicle or any part thereof upon any public street in this City, when a charge is made for such service. Section 11.10 - Parkin~ Ad}acent to Schools - (a) The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police are hereby authorized to erect signs indicating no parking upon that side of any street adjacent to any ~h~ool property when such parking would, in~opinion, inter- fere with traffic or create a hazardous situation. (b) When official signs are erected, prohibiting parking upon that side of a street adjacent to any school property, no person shall park a vehicle in any such designated place. Section 11.11 - Parkinq Prohibited on Narrow Streets - (a) The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police are hereby authorized to place signs or markings indicating no parking upon any street when the width of the roadway does not exceed twenty (20) feet or upon one side of a street as indicated by such signs or markings when the width of the roadway does not exceed thirty (30) feet. (b) When official signs or markings prohibiting parking are erected upon narrow streets as authorized herein, no person shall park a Vehicle upon any such street in violation of any such sign or marking. Section 11.12 - Parkin~ on Grades - No person shall park or leave standing any ve- hicle unattended on a highway when upon any grade exceeding three (3) percent (within any business or residential distract) without blocking the wheels of said vehicle by turning them against the curb or by other means. CENTRAL RECORDS. ARTICI~] ~[I - StoDDin~, Stand, hq and Parkin¢~ for Certain Purposes or in Certain Places (cont.) SeCtion 11.13 - Unlawful Parkinq~ Peddl~rs, Vendors - (a) Except as otherwise provided in this sec- tion no person shall stand or park any vehicle, wagon or pushcart"from which goods, wares, merchandise, fruits, vege- tables or food stuffs are sold, displayed, solicited or offered for sale or bartered or exchanged, or any lunch wagon or eat- ing ear or vehicle, on any portion of any street within this City, except that such vehicles, wagons or pushcarts may stand or park only at the request of a bona fide purchaser for a period of time not to exceed ten (10) minutes at any one place. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to persons delivering such articles upon order of, orby agree- ment with, a customer from a store or other fixed place of business or distri- bution. (b) No person shall park or stand any vehicle or wagon used, or intended to be used, in the transportion of property for hire on any street while awaiting patronage for such vehicle or wagon without first ob- taining a written permit to do so from the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police which shall designate the specific location where such vehicle may stand. (c) Whenever any permit is granted under the provisions of this section and a particu- lar location to park or stand is specified therein, no person shall park or stand any vehicle, wagon, or pushcard on any loca- tion other than as designated in such permit. In the event that the holder of any such permit is convicted in any court of competent jurisdiction for violating any of the provisions of this section.'. such permit shall be forthwith revoked by the Assigned Traffic Engineer and the Chief of Police upon the filing of the cer, aha no permit shall thereafter be ~HNTRA~ R~coRDS issued to such pets.on until six (6) months ~lU~ NO.:. d- q ~ ~ ~'~''~ · "e of such revoca- ARTICLE XI - Stopping, Standing and Parking for Certain Purposes or in Certain Places (coat. ~ Section 11.13 - Unlawful Parkinq, Peddlers, Vendors (cont.) record of such conviction with such offi- cer, and. no permit shall thereafter be issued to such person until six (6) months have elapsed from the date of such revocation. Section 11.14 - Emerqencv Parkin~ Signs - (a) Whenever the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police shall determine that an emergency traffic congestion is likely to result from the holding of public or private assemblages, gatherings, or func- tions and or repairing of streets or hazardous conditions, or for other reasons, the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police shall have power and authority to order temporary signs to be erected or posted indicating that the operation, park- ing or standing of vehicles is prohibited on such streets and alleys as the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police shall direct during the time such temporary signs are in place. Such signs shall remain in place only during the existence of such emergency and the Assigned Traffic Engi- neer and Chief of Police shall cause such signs to be removed promptly thereafter. (b) When signs authorized by the provisions of this sectton are in place, giving notice thereof, no person shall operate, park or stana~ any vehicle contrary to the direc- tions and provisions of such signs. Section 11.15 - DisDla¥ of Warninq Devices ~en Commercial Vehicle Disabled - Every motor truck having an unladen weight of four thousand (4,000) pcunds or more, and every truck tractor~ irrespective of weight, when operated upon any street or highway dur- ing darkness shall be eq~lipped with and carry E;ENTRAL RSCORD$ ARTICLE XI - StoDDin~, Standin~ and Parking for Certain PurDoses ~ or in Certain Places (cont.) Section 11,15 - DisDlav of Warninq Devices When Commercial Vehicle Disabled (cont. k at least two (2) ~lares or two (2) red lanterns or two (2) warning lights or reflectors, which reflectors shall be of a type approved by the Department of California Highway Patrol. When any vehicle above mentioned or any trailer or semi-trailer Ls disabled upon streets or high- ways outside of any business or residence district within this City and upon which street or highway there is insufficient street light- ing to reveal a vehicle at a distance of two hundred (200) feet during d~rkness~ a warning signal of the character indicated above shall be immediately placed s'~ a distance of approxi- mately one hundred (100) feet in advance of, and one hundred (i00) feet to the rear of, such disabled vehicle by the driver thereof. The continuous flashing of at least four (4) up- proved Class A-type I turn signal lamps, at least two (2) toward th9 front and at least two (2) toward the rear of tbn vehicle, shall be considered to meet tke requirements of this section until the devices mentioned above can be placed in the required locations. The warn- ing signals herein mentioned shall be displayed continuously during dar~z:ess while such vehicle remains disabled upon such street or highway. Section 11.16 - .P. arking Commercial Vehicles in Restricte__d Districts - No person shall park any commercial vehicle or truck with a manufacturers' rated capacity greater than one (!) ton or trailer, semi- trailer, boat or bout trailer more than five (5) hours in any residential district except, (a) While loading or unloading property and time in addition to such five (5) hour period is necessary to complete such work, or, C£.TR^L RECO.D . ARTICLE XI - Stopping. Standing and P.srking for Certain PurDose_s or in Certain Places (cont.)' Section 11.16 - P__a..rkinq Commercial Vehicles in Restricted Districts (c~%'~t..) (b) Whe~.~ such vehicle is parked in connection with, and in aid of, the performance of a service to or on a property in the block in which such vehicle is parked and time in ~ddition to suc.~n five (5) hour period is ~easonably :c. ecessary to complete such ser~; J.ce. ARTICLE XII - Stopping, Standing or .P'~rking Restricted or Porhib- ired on Cert%in Streets Section 12 - Twenty--Four Minut:~ Par]~$nq Green curb m~rking shall mean no standing or parking for a period of t/~r~e longer than twenty- four .(24) minutes at any time between 9~00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any d~y except Sundays and holidays. When authorized sijns, parking meters or curb m~rkings have been determined by the Assigned Traffic Engineer and th~. Chief of Police to be necessary and are in place giving notice there- of no o.Derator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or park said vehicle adjscent to ~ny such leg- ible curb marking or si~n or parking meter in violation thereof. Section 12.1 - One Hou2' Park.!nq - When authorized signs, parking meters or curb markings have been determined, by the Assigned Traffic Engineer and tke Chief of Police to be necessary and are in place giving notice there- of, no operator of any ~,~'ehicle sh~ll stop, stand or park said vehicle between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day except Sundays and holidays for a period of time longer than one (!) hour. CENTRAl RECORD~ ARTICLE XII - StoDDinq, Standinq or Parkin~ Restricted or Prohibited on Certain Streets (cont.) Section 12.2 - Two Hour Parkinq -_ When authoriz~.d signs, parking meters or curb markings have been determined by the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police to be necessary and are in place giving notice thereof, no operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or park said vehicle b~_tween the hours of 9:00 :~.m. ~nd 6:00 p.m. of any day except Sundays ~nd holidz~ys for. a period of time longer than two (2) hours. Section 12.3 - Par_kinq Parallel on One Way Streets - (a) Sub, eot to other and more restrictive limitations, ~ vehicle m~y be stopped or parked within eighteen (18) inches of the left-hand cur~ facing in the direction of traffic movem~.~ut upon ~.ny one-way street unless signs .~re i,n place prohibiting such stopping or st-~nding. (b) In the event a hig'nway includes two (2) or more separate roadways and traffic is re- stricted 'to on.~ (1) dir,e2tion upon any such roadway, no person ~hall stanf~, or park a vehicle upon tl~ left-hand side of such one-way roadway unless signs are in place per~itting suc~t~ standi~.~g or parking. (c) The Assigned Traffic Engineer ~nd Chief of Police are authorized to determine when standing or parking shall be prohibited upon the left-hand side of any one-way street or when standing or parking may be perm':.tted upon: 'the left-hand side of any one-.~.~y '.-oadw~y of a highway h~:ving two (2) or more separace ro,'.~dway$ and shal", erect signs giving ~:.otice thereof. (d) The requirement of parallel parkinq imposed by this section shall not apply in the event any commercial vehicle is actually engaged in the process of loading or unloading freight or goods, in which case such ve- hicles may be backed up to the curb ARTICLE XII - StoDming. Standinq or Parkin~ Restricted or Prohibited on Certain Streets (cont.) Section 12.3 - Parking parallel on One Way Streets (cont.) provided that such vehicle does not extend beyond the center line of the street and does not block traffic thereby. Section 12.4 - Dia~onal Parkinq - On any of the streets or portions of streets established by Resolution of the Council as diagnol parking zones, when signs or pavement markings are in place indicating such diagonal parking, it shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to park said vehicle excepts (a) At the angle to the curb indicated by signs or pavement markings allotting space to parked vehicles and entirely within the limits of said allotted space; (b) With the front wheel nearest the curb with- in six (6) inches of said curb. The provisions of this section shall not apply when such vehicle is actually engaged in the process of loading or unloading passengers, freight or goods, in which event the provisions applicable in Section 12.3 of this Ordinance shall be complied with. Section 12.5 - Parkinq Space Markings - The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police are authorized to install and maintain parking space markings to indicate parking spaces adjacent to curbings where authorized parking is permitted. When such parking space markings are placed on the highway, subject to other and more restric- tive limitations, no vehicle shall be stopped, left standing or parked, other than within a single space, unless such vehicle is actually engaged in the process of loading or unloading passengers and, or freight and goods. ARTICLE XII - StODDinG, Standing or Parking Restricted or Prohibited on Certain Streets (cont.) Section 12.6 - No StoDpinG Zones - The Assigned Traffic Engineer and the Chief of Police shall designate established no stopping zones by placing and maintaining appropriate signs indicating that stopping of vehicles is prohibited and indicating the hours and day when stopping is prohibited. During the hours and on the days designated on the signs, it shall be unlawful for the oper- ator of any vehicle to stop said vehicle on any Of the streets or parts of streets established by Resolution of the Council as no stopping zones. Section 12.7 - All Night Parking Prohibited - No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle on any street within a business district for a period of time longer than thirty (30) min- utes between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. of any day, provided that this sec- tion shall not apply to a vehicle of any regularly licensed physician when actually engaged in making professional calls. Section 12.8 - Stopping, Standing or Parking Prohibited during Certain Hours on Certain Streets - When authorized signs are in place giving notice thereof no person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle upon any designated street between the designated hours of any day except Sundays and holidays for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of passengers or provided that the loading or unloading shall not consume more than three (3) minutes or the loading or un- loading of materials more than twenty (20) minutes. Section 12.9 - Disabled Person ExemDt Parkinq - Paraplegics - Notwithstanding any other provi- sion of this Code, any veteran who is entitled to either of the exemptions provided in Section 9105 of this Code and Section 10783 of the CENTRAl' RECORDS ARTICLE XII - StoDDin~. Standin~ or Parkin~ Restricted or Prohibited on Certain Streets (cont.) Section 12.9 - Disabled Person ExemDt Parkinq (cont.) Revenue and Taxation Code, shall be allowed to park in restricted zones. This section shall not be construed, however, to allow the stopping, parking, or standing of a vehicle at the times and places that stopping, parking, or standing of all vehicles is prohibited abso- lutely by State Law or local Ordinance. Section 12.10 - Vehicles on Private Property - It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, drive or leave any vehicle in, over or upon any private property without the express permission of the owner or occupant thereof. ARTICLE XIII - StoDDin~ for Loadin~ or Unloadin~ Only - Section 13 -_Authoritv to Establish Loadin~ Zones - (a) The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police are hereby authorized to determine and to mark loading zones and passenger loading zones as follows: (1) At any place in the central or business districts, (2) Elsewhere in front of the entrance to any place of business or in front of any hall or place used for the purpose of public assembly. (b) In no event shall more than one-half of the total curb length in any block be reserved for loading zone purposes. (c) Loading zones shall be indicated by putting such zones and authorized signs in place at each end giving notice thereof. (d) Passenger loading zones shall be indicated by white paint upon the top of all curbs in said zones and authorized signs in place at curb end giving notice thereof. CENTRAL RECORDS ~RTICLE X~II - StoDDinq for Loadinq or Unloadinq Only (cont.) Section 13.1 - Curb Markings to Indicate No StoDDing and Parkinq Resolutions - (a) The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police are hereby authorized, subject to the provisions and limitations of this Ordinance, to place, and when required herein shall place, the following curb markings to indicate parking or standing regulations, and said curb markings shall have the meanings as herein set forth. (1) Red shall mean no stopping, standing or parking at any time except as per- mitted by the Vehicle Code, and except that a bus may stop in a red zone marked or signed as a bus zone. (2) Yellow shall mean no stopping, standing or parking at any time between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day, except Sundays and holidays, for any purpose other than the loading of passengers or mater- ials, provided that the loading and unloading of passengers shall not con- at,me more than three (3) minutes nor the loaa~n~ or unloading of materials more than tweney (20) minutes. (3) White shall mean no stopping, standing or parking for any purpose other than loading or unloadi~9 ~ D~n~ers, or for the purpose of depositing mal~ i, an adjacent mail box, which shall not exceed three (3) minutes and such re- strictions shall apply between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day except Sundays and holidays and except as follows: (a) When such zone is in front of a hotel or in front of a mailbox the restrictions shall apply at all times. (b) When such zone is in front of a theater the restrictions shall apply at all times except when such theater is closed. C~NTRA~ RECORDS ARTICLE XIII - StoDoinq for Loadinq or Unloadin~ Only (cont.) Section 13.1 - Curb Markinqs to Indicate No StoDDin~ and Parkin~ Requlations (cont.) - (4) Green shall mean no standing or parking for longer than fifteen (15) minutes at any time between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day except Sundays unless otherwise posted. (5) When the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police, as authorized under this Ordinance, have caused curb markings to be placed, no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle adjacent to any such legible curb marking in violation of any of the provisions of this section. Section 13.2 - Effect of Permission to Load or Unload - (a) Permission herein granted to stop or stand a vehicle for purposes of loading or unload- ing of materials shall apply only to commercial vehicles and shall not extend beyond the time necessary therefor, and in no event for more than twenty (20) minutes. (b) The loading or unloading of materials shall apply only to commercial deliveries, also the delivery or pick-up of express and par- cel post packages and United States mail. (c) Permission herein granted to stop or park for purposes of loading or unloading pass- engers shall include the loading or unloading of personal baggage but shall not extend beyond the time necessary therefor and in no event for more than three (3) minutes. (d) Within the total time limits above speci- fied the provisions of this section shall be enforced so as to accomodate necessary and reasonable loading or unloading but without permitting abuse of the privileges hereby granted. CENTRAL RECORDS ARTICLE XIII - StoDmin~ for Loadinq or Unloadinq Only (cont.) Section 13.3 - Standinq for Loadinq or Unloadinq Only - NO person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in any yellow loading zone for any purpose other than loading or unloading passengers or material for such time as is permitted in Section 13.2. Section 13.4 - Standinq in Passenqer Loadinq Zone - No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in any passenger loading zone for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of pass- engers for such time as is specified in Section 13.2. Section 13.5 - Standinq in Any Alley - No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle for any purpose other than the loading or un- loading of persons or materials in an alley of any business district not to exceed twenty (20) minutes. Section 13.6 - Coach Zones to be Established - Subject to the directives and limitations set forth herein, the word "bus", as used in this Section, shall mean any motor bus, motor coach, or passenger stage used as a common carrier of passengers. No bus zone shall exceed fifty (50) feet in length, except that when satisfactory evidence has been presented to the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police showing the necessity therefor, the Assigned Traffic Engi- neer and Chief of Police may extend bus zones as needed thereof. Bus zones shall normally be established on the far side of an intersection. The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police shall paint the curb red and stencil with white letters the words "Bus Zone" upon the top or side of all curbs and places specified as a bus zone. No person shall stop, stand or park any ve- hicle except a bus in a bus zo~ CENTRAL REOORD~ FILE NO.: ...~,,.~.~..~..I--~ ARTICLE XIII - StoDDinq for Loadinq or Unloadinq Only (cont.) Section 13.7 - Taxicab Stands - (a) The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police shall establish taxicab stands and determine the location thereof. (b) The curb surface within each taxicab stand shall be painted white and marked "Taxicab Stand" in red lettering, or shall be designated by signs of a type and size approved by the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police. (c) No operator of any vehicle, other than a taxicab or automobile for hire, shall park said vehicle in such taxicab stand. Section 13.8 - Bicycle Parkinq Zones - When the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police shall determine that the establish- ment of a bicycle parking zone is reasonably necessary or desirable for the regulation of traffic or to provide facilities for the tem- porary parking of bicycles being operated upon public streets or to safeguard life or property, they are hereby authorized to set aside a space on the street not more than thirty-si~ (36) feet in length for the parking of bicycles during such hours of such days as are found by him to be best suited for the accomplishment of the purposes set forth in this Section. When a bicycle parking zone is so established, the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police shall cause appropriate signs to be posted thereat during such hours, giving notice that parking of other vehicles is prohibited. No person shall stop, stand or park any other vehicle in front of such zone while such signs are in place. ~RTICLE XIV - Restricted Use of Certain Streets Section 14 - Advertisinq Vehicles - No person shall operate or drive any vehicle used for advertising purposes or any adver- tising purposes or any advertising vehicle CENTRAU RE~ORD~ ~ FILE NO.: ~..Z,~.~..~ ARTICLE XIV - Restricted Use of Certain streets (cont.) Section 14 - Advertising Vehicles (cont.) - equipped with a sound-amplifying, loud-speaking device or hand-and-mouth sounding device, upon any street or alley at any time within the city of Sou_t~ San Francisco unless permit has been ~J~t~ by tb~ Chief of Police when the circumst~es indicate to the satisfaction of the Chief of Police. Section 14.1 - Truck ~arkin~ on Business District Streets - No person, or persons, firm or corporation shall park for any purpose any freight vehicle, motor trucks or motor vehicle, as that expres- sion is defined in the Vehicle Code of the state of California, which said vehicle or any said vehicle is so loaded that any part of its load extends more than twenty (20) feet to the front or rear of said vehicle on any street of any business district on any day between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Section 14.2 - Truck Routes - (a) Whenever any Resolution of this City desig- nates and describes any street or portion thereof as a street the use of which is permitted by any vehicle exceeding a maxi- gross weight limit of three (3) tons, the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police are hereby authorozed to designate such street or streets by appropriate signs as "Truck Traffic Routes" for the movement of vehicles exceeding a maximum gross weight limit of three (3) tons. (b) When any such truck traffic route or routes are established and designated by appropri- ate signs the operator of any vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight limit of three (3) tons shall drive on such route or routes and none other except that nothing in this Section shall prohibit the operator of any vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight of three (3) tons coming from a "Truck Traffic Route" having ingress and egress by direct route to and from ARTICLE XIV - Restricted Use of Certain Streets (cont.) Section 14.2 - Truck R~.~:~(g~nt. ) - (b) egress by direct route to and from re- stricted streets when necessary for the purpose of making pickups or deliveries of goods, wares and merchandise from or to any building or structure located on such restricted streets or for the pur- pose of delivering materials to be used in the actual and bona fide repair, alter- ation, remodeling or construction of any building or structure upon such restricted streets for which a building permit has previously been obtained therefor. (c) The provisions of this Section shall not apply to passenger buses under the Juris- diction of the Public Utilities Commission, or to any vehicle owned by a public utility while necessarily an use in the construc- tion, installation or repair of any public utility. (d) Those streets and parts of streets so marked are hereby declared to be truck traffic routes for the movement of ve- hicles exceeding a maximum gross weight of three (3) tons. Section 14.3 - Commercial Vehicles Prohibited from Using Certain Streets - The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police shall erect and maintain appropriate signs on those streets or portions thereof, the use of which is prohibited by any commer- cial vehicle. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to passenger buses under the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commis- sion. ARTICLE XV - Parkinq Lots, Parkinq Meters and Parkinq Meter Zones Section 15 - Parking Meter Zones - Subject to City Council b~pproval parking meter zones shall be established by the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police upon such CENTRAl.: RECORDS ARTICLE XV - Parkinq Lots, Parkinq Meters and Parkin~ Meter Zones Section 15 - Parkinq Meter Zones (cont.) - streets, portions of streets, municipal park- ing lots or within the Parking District within the City of South San Francisco as may be necessary for traffic or parking control pur- poses. The City Council shall cause parking meters to be installed and maintained in such designated parking meter zones and the existence of a parking meter installed shall designate its location as a parking meter zone for the pur- pose of this Article. Section 15.1 - Definitions - For the purpose of this Article, the words, "parking meter zones" shall mean portions of streets described and established by the City Council as zones within which the parking of vehicles shall be controlled, regulated and inspected with the aid of timing devices or meters, herein referred to as parking meters, meters or parking ticket boxes. The definitions of any term used in this Arti- cle, not otherwise herein defined, shall be the same as such, as defined and described in the Vehicle Code of the State of California and amendments thereto and Articles of the City of South San Francisco. Section 15.2 - Parkin~ ~t~:.ter Installation - The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police shall designate places for parking meters and reserved spaces. The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police shall in- stall parking meters or parking stalls in the parking meter zones or parking district, here- after and 'thereby established by the City Council, for the purpose of, and in such num- bers and in such place~, as in their judgment may be necessary for t~.e requlation, control and inspection of the parking of vehicles the re in. CENTRAL RECORDS ARTICLE XV - Parkinq Lots, Parkinq Meters and Parkin~ Meter Zones (cont.) Section 15.2 - Parkinq Meter Installation (cont.) - The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police are further authorized and directed to reserve said zone spaces for loading or unload- ing passengers, for bus stops, taxi cab stands, and other spaces for use and conveience of the public · Section 15.3 - Parkin~ Time Limits - The Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police are authorized to determine the maximum parking time to be allotted .tn various parts of such parking meter zones and Municipal Parking lots and to cause signs which will ful- fill the requirements of the Articles and Resolutions of the City pertaining thereto, to be placed in the various parts of such zones so designate~. Section 15.4 - Maximum Parkin~ L_~it - It shall be unlaw;~'al for any person to cause, allow, permit o:c suffer any ~ehic!e registered in his name or operated ,':.r controlled by him to be parked in any par]:ing space upon any street or municip:.:l parking lot within a park- ing meter zone or parking district, next to which a parking rm~ter is established or parking time lim.,it~ for .,mor~ than a time indicated by s_g.,~ p~.~.,¢';ed in such parking zones proper ~ ~ indicating parking time allotted in such park- ing space, or any time during which the meter is displaying a sig,'.a! or parking ticket prop- erly displayed or p'~:rckased indicating that a space is illegally in use, e.~_ept during the time necessary to show legal parki~'~g, and ex- cepting also during the time from .~:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. and on Sundays and holidays. Section 15.5 - Parkin~ l~ter or Parkinq Ticket Bo~_Z (a) The Assigned %~z'affic Engineer and Chief of Police shall d~-:~_~nate the parking space adjacent '~o_ eaJt: p-~rking meter ~c..',' w'hich such meter is to be used by appropriate markings upon the curb and/or the pavement. CENTRAL RECORDS FILE NO.: ...~....-.._/~....~..L~3 ARTICLE XV - Parking Lots, Parking Meters and Parkinq Meter Zones (cont.) Section 15.5 - Parking Meter or Parkinq Ticket Box (cont.) - (b) No person shall park a vehicle in any such designated parking meter space so that any part of such vehicle occupies more than one such space or protrudes beyong the markings designating such space, except that a ve- hicle which is of a size too large to be parked within a single designated parking meter space shall be permitted to occupy two adjoining parking meter spaces when coins shall have been deposited in the parking meter for each space so occupied as is required in this Ordinance for the parking of other vehicles in such space. Section 15.6 - Parkinq Meter Loadinq Zone Hoods - (a) The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to issue parking meter loading zone hoods to persons, firms or corporations occupy- ing property adjacent to parking spaces located within the Parking Meter Zone, and also to proprietors of funeral parlors, · and such persons, firms or corporations are hereby authorized to use such hoods as pro- vided herein (b) Such hoods shall only be issued, after due application as provided herein, when the circumstances indicate to the satisfaction of the Chief of Police that there is a need to limit the parking in certain parking areas within the parking meter zone to park- ing for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers, merchandise' or materials during certain times and for purposes incident to the conduct of funerals. (c) Application for the issuance of a parking meter loading zone hood shall be made on a form approved by the Chief of Police. C£NTRAi.2 RECORDS I~,L~ ?~0.: ..~...~..~..~ ~_~3 ARTICLE XV - Parkinq Lots, Parkin~ Meters and Parkin~ Meter _Zones (cont.) Section 15.6 - Parkinq Meter Loadinq Zone Hoods (cont.) - (d) The application form shall require the following information: (1) Name and address of applicant. (2) Name and address of person, firm or corporation occupying the premises adjacent to the parking space con- cerned. (3) The number of parking meters located at the parking space for which re- stricted parking is requested. (4) A statement of the reasons for the need for such parking restriction. (5) The estimated hours of the day during which such restrictions may be neces- sary. (6) Such other relevant information as the Chief of Police may require. (e) The parking meter loading zone hood shall consist of: (1) A canvas hood of sufficient size to cover the parking meter head. (2) Equipped with locking device with the words "Parking for loading only" printed on the hood in lettering as large as the space on the hood will permit. (f) The Chief of Police may revoke the author- ity granted to use such hood for any of the following reasons: When the person, firm or corporation is found to be using the hood for other purposes than to fulfill the need for which the authority to use the hood was granted. NO.: ARTTCT.R ~ - D~rkina Lots~ Parking Meters and Pa=k£n~ Meter Zones (cont.) Section 15.6 - Parkinq Meter Loadinq Zone Hoods (cont.) - (g) The person, firm or corporation authorized to use such parking meter loading zone hood shall place such hood over the head of the parking meter with the lettering facing the street, and shall lock the lock pro- vided on the hood and shall only place or allow such hood to remain on the parking meter during such times as the limitation of parking as provided herein is needed. (h) It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, allow, permit or suffer any vehicle operated or controlled by him to be parked in any parking space within a parking meter zone adjacent to which a parking meter is established while a parking meter loading zone hood is properly in place on the head of such parking meter, unless such parking be while actually engaged in loading or unloading passengers, merchandise or mater- ials and in no event longer than thirty (30) minutes. Vehicles parked pursuant to the provisions of this Section may re- main so parked as long as reasonably necessary for purposes incident to the conduct of funerals. Section 15.7 - Improper Use of Meter - No person shall deposit, or cause to be de- posited, in any parking meter any defaced or bent coin, or any slug, device or metallic substitute for a coin of the United States, or deface, injure, tamper with, open or wilfully break, destroy or impair the usefulness of any parking meter. Section 15.8 - DeDosit of Coins in Meter by Unauthorized Person - No person, other than the owner or operator of a vehicle, shall deposit any coin in &by park- ing meter without the knowledge or consent of said owner or operator of the vehicle using the parking space. CENIRAk R~ooRD~ ARTICLE XV - Parking Lots. Parking Meters ~nd ParkingMeter Zones (cont.) Section 15.9 - Parkin~ Meters and Parkinq Meter Standards not to be Used for Certain Purposes - NO person shall attach anything to or allow a bicycle, newsrack or any other article or thing to lean against a parking meter or a parking meter standard. Section 15.10 - Rule of Evidence - The parking or standing of any motor vehicle in a parking space, at which space the park- ing meter displays the sign or signal indicat- ing illegal parking, shall constitute a prima facie presumption that the vehicle has been parked or allowed to stand in such space for a period longer than permitted by this Ordi- nance. Section 15.11 - City Parkinq Lots - (a) A City parking lot is a lot or parcel of land owned, purchased, or leased by the City, or in which the City has the posses- sory right of interest, and which is designated as a City Parking Lot for the off-street parking of vehicles (b) Each City Parking Lot shall be designated by an appropriate number or letter indi- cating approved by minute order of the City Council. (c) In any City parking lot it shall be unlaw- ful to park or leave standing any vehicle in any driveway, aisle, walk or area other than in a designated parking space. (d) No person shall cause, allow, or permit any vehicle operated or controlled by him or registered in his name to be upon any parking lot between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.,Sundays and holidays excepted, without causing a sticker, ticket, or other evidence furnished by the City or its auth- orized representative to be installed upon ~Z~,q ~AL RECORD~ NO:: ARTICLE XVI - Trains (cont.) Section 16.1 - Trsi~.~s not to Block Crossinqs (cont.) - of time longer than ten (10) minutes, except that this provision shall not apply to rail- way trains, cars or similar vehicles on rails while blocking or obstructing a crossing be- cause of an accident which requires the oper- ator of the train, car or similar vehicle on rails to stop at or near the scene of the accident. Section 16.2 - Authoritv to Break Trains in Emerqenc¥ - Any Police Officer shall have authority to order a train blocking any grade crossing to be uncoupled or broken at the grade crossing in order to permit the passage of any emer- gency vehicle while such vehicle is engaged in any emergency call or mission. ARTICLE XVII - Obstruction to Visibility at Intersections Section 17 - Objects Obstructinq Visibility at Intersections (a) Whenever any object, such as a hedge, shrub, tree, fence, wall, etc., within any street or highway obstructs the view of any inter- section, or any vehicular or pedestrian traffic upon the approaches to such inter- section, or any other traffic hazard, the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police, may remove or may cause to be re- moved such object, or have such object reduced to a height less than three (3) feet from level sidewalk. (b) Whenever any object such as noted in para- graph (a) is on property outside the street or highway, the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police shall notify the occu- pant or owner of such property to remove or cause to be removed such object or re- duce the height of such object to comply with the Uniform Building Code;~/~ FiLE NO,: ..~..:.~....~. J ~ ARTICLE XV - Parkinq Lots, Parkinq Meters and Parkin~Meter Zones (cont.) Section 15.11 - City Parkinq Lots (cont.) - (d) said vehicle where designated by the Chief of Police and Assigned Traffic Engineer. Section 15.12 - Public Parkinq on City Parkin~ Lots - Whenever the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police shall determine that the orderly, efficient conduct of the City's business requires that parking or standing of vehicles on City property be prohibited, limited or restricted the Assigned Traffic Engineer and Chief of Police shall have the power and authority to order signs to be erected or posted indicating that the park- ing of vehicles is thus prohibited, limited or restricted. When signs by the provisions of this Section are in place, giving notice thereof, no per- son shall park or stand any vehicle contrary to the directions or provisions of such signs. Section 15.13 - ADDlication of Other Articles - No section of this Article shall be construed as permitting any parking in violation of any other provision of this Ordinance. ARTICLE XVI - Trains Section 16 -Railwav Gates - No person shall drive any vehicle through, around, or under any crossing gate or barrier at a railroad grade crossing while such gate or barrier is closed or is being opened or closed. Section 16.1 - Trains not to Block Crossin~s - No person shall cause or permit ~ny railway train or railway cars or similar vehicle on rails to stop or stand or to be operated in such a manner as to prevent the use of any street for the purposes of travel for a period ARTICLE XVIII - Special Speed Zon~es Section 18 - Increasinq State Speed Limit in Certain Zones - It is hereby determined upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that the speed permitted by State Law upon certoIn streets is less than is necessary for safe operation of vehicles thereon by reason of the designation and sign-posting of said streets as through highways and (or) by reason of widely spaced intersections, and it is hereby declared that the prima facie speed limit shall be as hereinafter set forth on those streets or parts of streets herein designated when signs are erected giving notice thereof on any streets or parts of streets established by City Council Resolution. Section 18.1 - Decrease of State Law Maximum Speed - It is hereby determined, upon the basis of engineering and traffic investigation, that the speed permitted by State Law outside of business and residence districts as applicable upon cer- tain streets is greater than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist upon such streets, and it is hereby declared that the prima facie speed limit shall be as herein set forth on those streets or parts of streets herein designated when signs are erected giving notice thereof on any of the streets or parts of streets established by City Council Resolu- tion. CENTRAE RECORDS ARTICLE XIX. PROSECUTION UNDER REPEALED ORDINANCES. The repeal of the Ordinances set forth in Article I skall not affect or prevent the prosecution or punishment of any person for any act done or committed in violation of any of said Ordinances herein repealed prior to the effective date of this Ordinance..~ ^RTICLE XX. CONSTITUTIONALITY, If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases or portions be declared unconstitutional ARTICLE XXI. PENALTIES. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of. a misdemeanor Any person who shall be convicted o~ a violation of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $5OO.OO or by imprisonment not to exceed six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE XXII. PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause it to be published once in the Enterprise-.Journal, a news- paper of general circulation, published and circulated in said City as required by law within fifteen (15) days after its passage and shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its adoption. . , . . CENTRAL RECORDS; ,,,o.: Introduced this 16th__. day of -~ September ..... , 19 63 · Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this ?th day of OctoBer , 1963 , by the following vote: AYES, COUMCILMEN Patrick E. ~hern, Emilio Cortesi, Aud..rev Rocca, ~ G. J. Rossi, an~ Frank Bertueelli. NOES, " None. I! ABSENT, None. ATTEST: (~~ ~_~ City Clerk- As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do , ..... hereby approve the foregoing ordinanCe this 7+~ day of OctoBer __, 19 6~__~_. Mayor