HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 493-1963Westborough Annexation ORDINANCE NO. 493 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED "WESTBOROUGH ANNEXATION" TO THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO: WHEREAS, on the 26th day of August, 1963, the Council of the City of South San Francisco did pass and adopt Resolution No.3771 giving notice of the proposal to annex certain uninhabited terri- tory to the City of South San Francisco, said territory being there- in designated as "Westborough Annexation", said Resolution describ- ing the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed, and, WHEREAS, said Resolution No.3771 did contain a notice of the day, hour and place when and where the Council of the City would hear protests made by any person owning real property within the territory proposed to be annexed, the time of said hearing being not less than forty (40) nor more than sixty (60) days from the date of passage of said Resolution, and, WHEREAS, on the 7th day of October, 1963, at the hour of 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, said time and place being the day, hour and place fixed in said Resolution No.3771 for hearing protests to the said annexation, the said City Council did hear and pass upon all protests made to the proposed annexation and did determine that protests had not been made by the owners of one-half of the value of the privately owned terri- tory proposed to be annexed as shown by the last equalized assess- ment roll, nor by public owners of one-half of the value of the publicly owned territory proposed to be annexed as determined by said legislative body, and, WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous to the City of South San Francisco and is uninhabited territory in the County of San Mateo, State of California, and, WHEREAS, the owners of said territory have given ardexecuted their written consent as provided by law that the property within the annexed territory shall upon annexation be taxed and subject to taxation to pay any indebtedness or liability of the City of South San Francisco contracted prior to or existing at the time of annex- ation on the same basis as property is taxed throughout said City, which written consent is presently on file with the City Clerk of said City. NOW, THEREFORE, the said Council of the City of South San Francisco does hereby approve the annexation of the territory here- inafter described to the City of South San Francisco, and does hereby further ordain that the said territory be and is hereby an- nexed to the City of South San Francisco and is designated "West- borough", and that said territory, the annexation of which to the City of South San Francisco is herein approved, is all that terri- tory situate in the County of San Mateo, State of California, more particularly described as follows: I~0-C10~-10 8112163 HRH/cm LA~DS PROFOSED TO BE ARNEXE~. , TO THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ~ESCRIPTION All tf~,~t c~,rtaln real property situate In th~ County of S~n I~ateo, Stat,, oF Califnrnla, being a portion of the lands in Rancho ~url Burl, Iyln<; n~rth el: th~ City of San 0rune, west of th~; City oF South San Fran~i~.:.<'~, and east of' the City of Paclflca. and bulwl llxlrt~ partlcularly d:.scrtb~,', ,~s follows: REL, Ir~! IIG ;at the ,mst southerly corner of tibet: c~rtaln parcel of land rj~.~cribed as Parcel 2 In the de~;d fr~ Flood Re, airy Company to Joir~t HigHway Olstrlct f'o. IO of tho State of California, r~corded l,~ovemb~r 2~~, 153~ In Volume ~10 of (~fficlal Records of San County at page 396, said Point of Beginning also bela9 tho point of Intersection of the southwesterly line of Junlpero $erra Boulevard ~l[h the coroorate limits of the :lty of San Bruno a~ established by 0rdlnt, nce t,~o. 6tO (Risc. Ord. No. 3h) adopted by the City Council the City of S~n Bruno on Decemher ~. 1953 In the annexation of ti~o terrltor,/ known as "GOLDEN GATE ESTATES N0. I", said point also b~lng the ~st m~rtherly cornr~r of Lot 2 In Block 30~ es said Lot and Rlock are shovm ~n that cert~ln Rap of ~'ROLL ING~00 ~O. 3e SAN gRUf~0"~ recorded August 12, 1~.55 in Volume ~] of Rapl at Pages 16 to Inclusive, Recoros of San Nateo County~ ~alifornla; thenc~ fr~n said Folnt of ~eglnning along said corporate limits of San Eruno as sho~n on said map of Rolllngw~d ~o. 3~ S 55e23~2~' ~ 10~.16 feet, 5 55'26~t~'~ ~ 357.~;~ feet~ and N 6he52~O2~ ~ 5~0.O~ f~et to a ooint thereon ~hlch is the Southeasterly corner of that certain ~.O50 acre parcel Oescribed in deed to the San Bruno ['ark Elementary School 01strict, r~corded In Volume 372h of 0fflclal Records of San Mat~o Cotlnly ~t 0,~tH~ ~16; l~ence Ioavln~l said corporate limits of San ~ru~o alumni ttm s~.,,theaslorlg and northe~t~:~rly lines of sal.l ~.~.O~(l parc,~l, ~" '~1~t~]~5~ E 5'~S.OO feet and ~ 72e21l~hl'' ~ (?'7.°9 the mo~t northerly corner' ther,~of, which point Is also the ~sl ~a~torly corner of Lot 12 In t~lock 15, as said Lot and ~lock ~re shown on the map entitled ~TRACT ~0. o ~ HESTBOROU~H UHIT NO. 2~ SAN ~TEO C~LIFORNIA'~, flied September I~, 1962 In Book 56 of Raps at ~a~es hh and ItS, San Mateo Coonty Records; thence along the general north- easterly boundary of the subdlvlslon sh~n on said map~ the following courses: H 60~55~ ~ 90.00 feet~ N 29'O5~ E 7~.22 feet, ~ 55e2P 925.61 feet, tangent to the preceding course northwesterly alon9' the arc of a curve to the right having a rndlus of t~gO.OO feet and a c~,ntral ,~nule of 13a5~e, an arc distance of I1R.71 feet, tdn~t~l to the preceding curw~ f~ I~le]5~ H h72.~2 f~:et, t,~ngent to the prt~c,.di~.l course northwesterly alone] the arc of ~ curve to tho rlqht having radius of ~0~'~.~O fi:~t and a central angle of (,7el5~ aa ,~rc dlstancr of ~52.12 feet, tangent to tho preceding curve ti 25]I~O~ E 2~,~3 fe,.t, N ~1~20~ ~ I~O,(~0 feet, S ~Se~O~ ~ 5,00 feet, N 6~e20~ ~ 559.75 feet, t~ 76'39~51'' ~ 15z~.:~2 ¢cet~ and from a tangent that b~ars ~.; -- -~ 160-0106-10 8/12t63 HRH/cm Page 2 mien§ the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 530,00 feet and a central anule of 1~}o~43'~6''. an arc distance of 182,0/+ feet to the most northerly corner of Parcel ¢ in Block 2~}~ as sald Parcel and Block are shown on said map; thence along the northwesterly line of said Parcel C, Block 23, $ $9°12t N 80,09 feet, and tangent to the pre- ceding course southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 7~+5,00 feet and a central angle of 0°12tl3'', an arc distance Of 2,65 feet to the northeasterly corner of the 5ubdlvision shown on the map entitled "TRACT NO. ~OZ, ~/ESTBOROUGH LtNIT NO. lC, SAN HATEO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA", rec'orded I~y I, 1962 In Book $G of Haps at Pages Ii+ and 15, San Hateo County Records; thence along the gerx~ral northerly line of sal~.subdlvlslon the following courses: from a tangent that bears S 59°2~+'13" kit along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 7/~5.00 feet and a central angle of 13o2~+e/~7'', an arc distance of 17k./41 feete thence $ 17Oll~ E I~.00 feet, S 73o57' ti 30.02 feet* N IqO55e ¥ Ik.00 feet, thence from a tangent that bears $ 75o05' ti along the arc of a curve to the rlght havlng radius of 7/+5.00 feet and a central angle of Id+esot31'', an arc distance of 583.07 feet, thence N 60o0~'29'' ti 115~02 feet to the northeasterly Corner of tho subdivision shown on the map entitled ) "TRACT NO. 7~8, I~E~;TBOROUGH UNIT NO. lB, SAN NATEO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA", recorded $optmnl~er 13, 1961 In Book 55 of Haps at Page~ IG and 17, San }4atoo County Rocordsl thence along tho general northerly l i~m of 5aid subdlvlslon the fullowlng courues: N 60o0~,~29'' ~/ 79.13 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course northwesterly elon~.] the arc of a curve to the loft having a radius of 955.00 feet and a central angle of 18°5/+"21'', an arc dlstance of 315.12 feet; thence tan.~]ent to the preCedlng curve northwesterly along tim arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 1210.00 feet and a central angle of 33°19"10"~ an arc distance of 70~1,66 feet; thence S 67°~2t t~ feet to the northwesterly corner of said TRACT NO. 7~C; thence along the general 5outhwesterly line of said subdivision lB, 5 22°1~~ E 262.50 feet, S 67°q2~ ti I00.00 feet, and S 2~Ol8~ E 250.00 feet to the northwesterly corner of the subdiviblon shown on tho map entitled "TRACT 795. VEST[}OROUGtt UNIT HO. IA, SAN HATEO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA", rocurded Auuu~t 3, 1961 in Beef< 55 of Haps at Pages 2 and 3, Sa. County Records; thence along the southwesterly line of said TRACT S 22°18~ £ 300.00 feet, N 67°/+~" E 2.00 feet, and S 22°18~ £ 217.50 feet to the southwesterly corner thereof~ last said point belnu a · ' point on the corporate limits line of the City of San [;runo as established by Ordinance No. ~ (Misc. Ord. No. 53)adopted by the City Council. of the City of San Bruno on July I1~ 15156 In the annexat ion of the territory known as "PACIFIC HEIGHTS"; thence leaving said TRACT NO. 796, along said corporate limits line of San Bruno as shown on the ~ap entitled "HONTE VERDE~ SAN BRUNO, SAN HATEO COUNTY, CALIFORt~IA", recorded October /+, 1~)60 In Book 5~+ of Haps at Pages /% 5 and 6, San Hateo C,x~nty Records, S 670~2~ t~ (shown as S 67o~1,18'' ti on .~aid n~p) 93%70 feet to tt~ centerllno of State Itigl~ay, Route No. 55, known as Skyline Boulevard, said point also being the point o[ Intersection of the corporate limits of the City of San Bruno with the corporate limits of the City of Paciflca, as said corporate limits of Paclfica were established by Resolution No. 12~7~+ of the Board of Supervisors of San Hateo County, adopted Norther 12, 1'~1~.;7, in which Paclfica was declared an inc~rporated cltyl tl~u~cu leaviq,'j said corpt)rate limits (~f Sa,~ Brut~o, a~d ~unni~.t nol'th, es~erly a lo,,~] said corporate l in, l ts of Paoli:ica the t:~l courses: alor~,] said ce,~Lerline of Skyli,~e Boulevard N ~j~;'25~ ~ 2~1~.0G feet, I.avin,j said cente¢line at right ~ngles N 63*]5' E ~0.00 feet. aloaf] tl~e westerly lir,e of l~nds formerly of Tile Insurance and Trust C~pany as described In deed recorded in Vc~l~m~ 3215 of Official Records of San ~teo County at Page 21;-h 1~ 27'56' 908.59 feet. anJ along the westerly line of lands formerly of Jory. et al, as described in deed recorded in Volume 3507 ot: Official Records of San ~teo County at Parle 12t, ~,l 18015' H 935.~ feet; thence leaving said corporate Ilmlts of [he City of Pacifica, tho .general northerly line of 5aid lands formerly of Jory, N ]80.16 fe~.~t, S 8j'O0~ E 256,~] feet, and N 66*001 E J2~J.9[~ t~.,t to point I~ the ,~ort. herly linc of the aforesaid la~ds o1: lit. la Insura~ce ~nd Tr'~st [(~pany; ~hence alert3 s~Id l ir~ N 66'15' E ~1/.~'~ facet, S 63*30' E ~]3.20 feet to a point thereon; thence leavitt0 said l iqe E 61'00' E 2182.0b feet to a point in the southwesterly rl~]ht of' line of Junipero Serra Boulevard, which line IS the souti~west~,'ly line of ti~t certain parcel described i~ Oecd fr~ Caroline Sharp [slate Cc~,',pany and Aphra ~est to Joint til,jnway District No. lO the Sta~e (:,t Callfornla, recorded Narch 30. 1939 in W'~lu~e ~Z alunj ~ai,t ~(,utt~westerly II,,c- of Junipcro 5,~rra ~Joul~:vard tl~. court, es: Iron, a ~am]o,~t that bears S 2d°ll'l~'' E~ 5O~ltimaur(~rly th~ arc of a (:urvt, Lo lh~ left havln,) a radi~ ~t 307b.'.)U fo~,t and central am]lc: of 12039'Z2''', an arc ,Jistar~ce of 679.'~0 1eot to ~ poi,il on ~he northwesterly boundary of tibet certain parcel of lan.; In deed fr~ ~alifor~la Golf Club of San Francisco to Joint District No. !0 of the State of California recorded June 2, 19Jf~ in Volume ~0 of OffiCial Records of San ~teo County at Panic 25~; thence alon9 the northwesterly line of said parcel S 2'36'15~' ~ 9.6j feet 5 61'16~ 15" ~ b9.93 feet to the most westerly correct of said parce]~ thenc~ along the southwesterly iir, e of said parcel, ~r~) 3 that bear5 S ~.~'1t2~18~ E, alom] the arc ut a curve to ~he left a radius of ~151,00 feet and a ce[,~ral anf~lo of II*~5~Z'~, ~ arc lhcrly c~)rnur of thc last described parcel~ thcn(;a aloml th~., ~asLerly li,~,~ ()f said parcel, N uO°5~]O'' [ Z~,13 f'e~.,t to t.~le northerly corner of ~ha[ c~rLain parcel of land described as 2 in Lhe deed ¢r~ Flood Realty C~pany ~o Joint [li;~hv]ay District I0 of the StaLe of Califernla, recorded Nowmber 2~, l~J~ ~;'~ 810 of Official Rcc(~rds o¢ San Nateo Coun[y at Pa~]~:~ ~, said point also being the westerly corner of Lhe corporate llmlts of South 5an Francisco as es~ablishod by Ordinance No. ~20 adopted by the City 16o-o106-10 Page be Council of said City on September 3, 1957; thence southeasterly alonq said corporate limits line, and along the corporate limits line of Su~lth San Francisco as established by Ordinance No. 2/+9 aJoptud by the City £ou~fcII of said City on Auqust ICJ, 19be(~, tron~ a ta~q~nt tt~at bears S 5leO813611 £, along the arc of a curve to th~ ri,iht I~avin,j a radius of beOTG.O0 feet and a central angle of 30°1~'3G'', an arc: distance of 21&9.LI4 feet, and S 20°22~ E 582.G7 feet to the easterly corner of said Parcel 2 conveyed by Flood Realty Co~npany, at a point on the corporate limits line of the City of San Bruno, first describ- ed above by Ordinance Ne. 620 of said City; thence along said corpo- rate limits line S 55'23~27' ~/ 156.82 feet to the Point of Beginning, and containing 537.~+55 acres of land, more or less. · . right -/L. S, 2917 // Introduced this 7th day of October , 1963 . Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at an adjourned re~ul meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 24th day of October , 1965 , by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN Patrick E. Ahem, Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, and Frank Bertucelli NOES, " Emilio Cortesi ABSENT, " Noue ATTEST: ~/-/~,.~ ~/~//~.~,- .~.~4 City Clerk As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby ap- prove the foregoing Ordinance this ..... 24th day of October 1963 '~ ........ '