HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-08-19 e-packet@4:00Wednesday, August 19, 2020 4:00 PM City of South San Francisco P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue) South San Francisco, CA Teleconference Meeting The South San Francisco Commission on Racial and Social Equity Regular Meeting Agenda August 19, 2020The South San Francisco Commission on Racial and Social Equity Regular Meeting Agenda THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE GOVERNOR’S EXECUTIVE ORDERS N-25-20 AND N-29-20 ALLOWING FOR DEVIATION OF TELECONFERENCE RULES REQUIRED BY THE BROWN ACT & PURSUANT TO THE ORDER OF THE HEALTH OFFICER OF SAN MATEO COUNTY DATED MARCH 31, 2020 AS THIS MEETING IS NECESSARY SO THAT THE CITY CAN CONDUCT NECESSARY BUSINESS AND IS PERMITTED UNDER THE ORDER AS AN ESSENTIAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNCTION. The purpose of conducting the meeting as described in this notice is to provide the safest environment for staff and the public while allowing for public participation. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82266924296 Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) 833 548 0282 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 822 6692 4296 The Commission will meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month 4.00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 2020 Meeting Calendar: September 2 September 16 October 7 October 21 November 4 November 18 December 2 December 16 Page 2 City of South San Francisco Printed on 12/15/2020 August 19, 2020The South San Francisco Commission on Racial and Social Equity Regular Meeting Agenda Chair: Buenaflor Nicolas Commission Members: Edith Arias Jeff Azzopardi Gladys Balmas Norm Faria Andrea Fernandez (Alternate) Mike Futrell Cheska Ibasan Vanessa McGovern Hermes Monzon Patricia Murray Mark Nagales Kayla Powers Liliana Rivera Bobby Vaughn Staff Support: Lisa Costa Sanders Katie Donner Christina Fernandez Leah Lockhart Marie Patea Sharon Ranals Questions: [email protected] Page 3 City of South San Francisco Printed on 12/15/2020 August 19, 2020The South San Francisco Commission on Racial and Social Equity Regular Meeting Agenda CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL WELCOME/INTRODUCTIONS CONSENT CALENDAR Approval of the meeting minutes of August 8, 20201. NEW BUSINESS Key Takeaways from Last Commission Meeting and Overview of Today’s Aims2. Review Local Context of Inequities Related to Health and Social Services and Current Resources/Efforts to Reduce Inequities a.Overview of Local Context of Inequities b.Presentation from Police Chief on Mental Health and Substance Use Calls c.Guest Speaker on Health and Social Services d.Commissioner Questions and Answers 3. Overview of Example Approaches to Addressing Inequities in Health and Social Services 4. Discussion and Preliminary Prioritization of Approaches for Further Investigation5. PUBLIC COMMENT ADJOURNMENT Page 4 City of South San Francisco Printed on 12/15/2020 City of South San Francisco Legislation Text P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue) South San Francisco, CA File #:20-568 Agenda Date:8/19/2020 Version:1 Item #:1. Approval of the meeting minutes of August 8, 2020 City of South San Francisco Printed on 12/15/2020Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ 1 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MAYOR’S COMMISSION ON RACIAL AND SOCIAL EQUITY Meeting held at: Teleconference meeting Saturday, August 8, 2020 8:30 a.m. Call to Order Meeting called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Chair Nicolas Roll Call COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Edith Arias, Jeff Azzopardi (8:37), Gladys Balmas, Norm Faria, Mike Futrell, Cheska Ibasan, Vanessa McGovern, Hermes Monzon, Patricia Murray, Mark Nagales, Flor Nicolas, Kayla Powers, Lilian Rivera, Bobby Vaughn ALTERNATE PRESENT: Andrea Fernandez ABSENT: None Welcome/Introductions Chair Flor Nicolas and Commissioners introduced themselves. New Business 1. Foundation for Our Work Together Kym Dorman, Raimi + Associates, provided an overview of the agenda, timeline and decision-making process, and Paige Kruza reviewed key definitions. 2. Review Draft Framework Paige Kruza reviewed the Group Agreements for Commission meetings and Commissioners, Guiding Principles for Commission’s work and recommendations and Levers of Change as framework for Commission recommendation. The Commission adopted the documents as prepared by the following vote: Adopt Group Agreements: Approve: 14 Opposed: 0 Adopt Guiding Principles: Approve: 14 Opposed: 0 Adopt Levers of Change Framework: Approve: 14 Opposed: 0 (Norm confirmed approval after the mtg) 2 3. Review Preliminary Timeline and Topics for Phase 1 Meetings Kym Dorman, reviewed the preliminary timeline and topics for Phase 1 meetings. 4. Presentation from San Mateo County Community Collaboration for Children’s Success (CCCS) Shireen Malekafzali, Senior Manager for Health Policy, Planning and Equity provided an overview of the Community Collaboration for Children’s Success Neighborhood Action Plan and strategies identified for South San Francisco. 5. Next Steps Kym Dorman asked Commissioners for data requests and suggestions for programs and policies to review at the upcoming meetings. Commissioners requested additional background information including Police statistics and policies, data on mental health, school district funding, local services, information on what other cities are doing, and demographic data for South San Francisco. Public Comments Dan Martin, Social Worker and Professor at Cal State East Bay; would like to present work to improve mental health on emotional and social resiliency Aaron Adriano, suggested outreach to Queer POC Danny Thomas Vang, commented on race and distribution of civic participation; what are the barriers? Ethan Mizzi requested meetings be more accessible; should look into establishing a Police Commission. HyeEun Park, (Seattle), works in local government; documents provided detail and inclusive and anti-racist; hope to share in Pacific Northwest James Coleman, Candidate for District 4; suggested looking at San Francisco call for help and using mental health professionals rather than law enforcement. Dolores Piper, Great Aunt of Derrick Gaines; rewriting anti-bias work with SSFPD and DOJ; over 200 recommendations. (1) Tasers are deadly and should be taken away (2) body cams needed. Never received an email back from the City Council. Gustavo Lopez, former teacher at SSFHS; more accessible – joint stream with translators; future reports multilingual. Aristel DelaCruz, Educator; need to focus on data; Need to show data that SSFPD is “different”. 3 Commissioner Cheska Ibasan, noted that the library is a wealth of resources but now that it is closed, community does not have access to information on available resources Mayor Richard Garbarino, proud of the Commission and thank you Marcela Rivera, stated that Dolores Piper has reached out to Councilmembers and the City Council has ignored public comment. Patricia Hurtado, resident for 22 years; historic inequity throughout SSF is exacerbated by COVID-19. Commissioner Bobby Vaughn, asked how do we have difficult conversations without closed sessions. Commissioner Liliana Rivera, formation of this commission due to Change SSF; request rename to SSF Equity instead of Mayor’s Commission. Eddy, stated that the City Council does not allow the public to call in with public comments and only notes that they have been received. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 12:02 p.m. City of South San Francisco Legislation Text P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue) South San Francisco, CA File #:20-569 Agenda Date:8/19/2020 Version:1 Item #:2. Key Takeaways from Last Commission Meeting and Overview of Today’s Aims City of South San Francisco Printed on 12/15/2020Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ City of South San Francisco Legislation Text P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue) South San Francisco, CA File #:20-570 Agenda Date:8/19/2020 Version:1 Item #:3. Review Local Context of Inequities Related to Health and Social Services and Current Resources/Efforts to Reduce Inequities a.Overview of Local Context of Inequities b.Presentation from Police Chief on Mental Health and Substance Use Calls c.Guest Speaker on Health and Social Services d.Commissioner Questions and Answers City of South San Francisco Printed on 11/6/2020Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ City of South San Francisco Legislation Text P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue) South San Francisco, CA File #:20-571 Agenda Date:8/19/2020 Version:1 Item #:4. Overview of Example Approaches to Addressing Inequities in Health and Social Services City of South San Francisco Printed on 12/15/2020Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ City of South San Francisco Legislation Text P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue) South San Francisco, CA File #:20-572 Agenda Date:8/19/2020 Version:1 Item #:5. Discussion and Preliminary Prioritization of Approaches for Further Investigation City of South San Francisco Printed on 12/15/2020Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™