HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-25 e-packet@5:00Monday, January 25, 2021 5:00 PM City of South San Francisco P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue) South San Francisco, CA Teleconference Meeting The South San Francisco Commission on Racial and Social Equity Special Meeting Agenda January 25, 2021The South San Francisco Commission on Racial and Social Equity Special Meeting Agenda THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE GOVERNOR’S EXECUTIVE ORDERS N-25-20 AND N-29-20 ALLOWING FOR DEVIATION OF TELECONFERENCE RULES REQUIRED BY THE BROWN ACT & PURSUANT TO THE ORDER OF THE HEALTH OFFICER OF SAN MATEO COUNTY DATED MARCH 31, 2020 AS THIS MEETING IS NECESSARY SO THAT THE CITY CAN CONDUCT NECESSARY BUSINESS AND IS PERMITTED UNDER THE ORDER AS AN ESSENTIAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNCTION. The purpose of conducting the meeting as described in this notice is to provide the safest environment for staff and the public while allowing for public participation. Join Zoom Meeting https://ssf-net.zoom.us/j/86398236500?pwd=eGtnT0IzUHJPdVd4aGFiNWJnb0IyZz09 Meeting ID: 863 9823 6500 Passcode: 674752 Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) 833 548 0276 US Toll-free The Commission will now meet the 3rd Wednesday of each month 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., except this meeting which is January 25, 2021 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Spanish translation available during the meeting Page 2 City of South San Francisco Printed on 4/20/2021 January 25, 2021The South San Francisco Commission on Racial and Social Equity Special Meeting Agenda Chair: Buenaflor Nicolas Commission Members: Edith Arias Jeff Azzopardi Gladys Balmas Norm Faria Andrea Fernandez (Alternate) Mike Futrell Cheska Ibasan Vanessa McGovern Hermes Monzon Patricia Murray Mark Nagales Kayla Powers Liliana Rivera Bobby Vaughn Staff Support: Leslie Arroyo Lisa Costa Sanders Ashley Crociani Christina Fernandez Leah Lockhart Marie Patea Sharon Ranals Sharron Watts Questions: [email protected] Page 3 City of South San Francisco Printed on 4/20/2021 January 25, 2021The South San Francisco Commission on Racial and Social Equity Special Meeting Agenda CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL CONSENT CALENDAR Approval of the meeting minutes of December 2, 20201. NEW BUSINESS Meeting Overview and Overview of Phase II2. Update on City’s Activities for Black History Month (February)3. Summary of Newly Enacted State Laws Relevant to Racial and Social Equity4. Review Organized Goals, Strategies and Action Steps to Advance Racial and Social Equity a.Update on Creating a Response Team for Mental Health Crises, Substance Use and Homelessness on Creating a Response Team for Community Navigator Program i.Small Group Discussion and Report-out ii.Public Comment iii.Commission Discussion 5. Next Steps6. ADJOURNMENT Page 4 City of South San Francisco Printed on 4/20/2021 City of South San Francisco Legislation Text P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue) South San Francisco, CA File #:21-51 Agenda Date:1/25/2021 Version:1 Item #:1. Approval of the meeting minutes of December 2, 2020 City of South San Francisco Printed on 1/21/2021Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ 1 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MAYOR’S COMMISSION ON RACIAL AND SOCIAL EQUITY Meeting held at: Teleconference meeting Wednesday, December 2, 2020 4:00 p.m. Call to Order Meeting called to order at 4:02 p.m. by Chair Nicolas Roll Call COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Edith Arias, Jeff Azzopardi, Gladys Balmas, Norm Faria, Mike Futrell, Cheska Ibasan (4:03), Vanessa McGovern (4:08), Hermes Monzon (4:04), Patricia Murray, Mark Nagales, Flor Nicolas, Kayla Powers, Bobby Vaughn (4:30) ABSENT: Liliana Rivera, Andrea Fernandez, Alternate Welcome/Introductions Chair Flor Nicolas welcomed the Commissioners to the meeting. Consent Calendar 1. Approval of the meeting minutes of November 4, 2020. Moved by Mark Nagales, seconded by Norm Faria to approve the minutes of the November 4, 2020 meeting as submitted. Motion passed with no opposition. New Business 2. Meeting Overview Kym Dorman provided an overview of the meeting goals and noted the goal to prioritize the top approaches for the first-year implementation. Myra Jolivet led a grounding exercise with the Commission. Commissioners described their experience with racism. 3. Presentation on Survey Findings Related to Approaches to Address Racial and Social Equity Kym Dorman reviewed the community input survey findings and summary of input received on the approaches. She noted that an additional approach was added based on Commission comments. 4. Round 1: Review Top 16 Approaches in Small Groups for First Year Implementation a. Small Group Discussion and Report-out Sharron Watts reported that her group is supportive of the top 5 approaches, 2 grouping approaches #2 and #3 together, and further define approach #5 (more clarity). Incorporate partnerships with organizations that are currently working with children of color. Noted high cost of housing should be uplifted. Myra Jolivet reported that her group felt that in order to prioritize, the research needs to be done. Group was supportive of all the approaches and noted that #5 needs more information to be tangible and some of the approaches are more implementation measures. There can be some grouping of approaches. Group also noted training to change the culture. Support to uplift #22 due to COVID. Kym Dorman reported that her group discussed uplifting #16 and pay attention to young adults and adults and economic development is prioritized. Combine #17 with #7. Discussed #13 and grouping with another approach and supporting the approach of establishing a Chief Equity Officer. Combine #3 and #8. b. Public Comments  Mina Richardson commented on approach #3 should be expanded to build unity in the city and bring the community together. c. Commissioners Discussion  Hermes Monzon commented on combining #7 and #16.  Mark Nagales would like to see housing as a higher priority. Commented on the suggestion to focus on areas the City is not already working on.  Flor Nicolas noted all approaches are important and need more information to understand feasibility to implement.  Bobby Vaughn asked how universal preschool is directly linked to reducing racial disparities. Would like to focus on areas the Commission can make the greatest input in a targeted way that addressing racial inequity in SSF.  Edith Arias noted the need for affordable or free childcare and preschool targeted to residents that are in the greatest need (inability to pay). Also noted need for inclusive approach to residents with disabilities.  Pat Murray noted studies that find universal pre-K assists children that need it the most.  Kayla Powers noted it is important to consider “how” each approach is implemented to ensure they address racial and social equity. 5. Round 2: Review Draft Outcomes for Top 16 Strategies in Small Groups for First Year Implementation a. Small Group Discussion and Report-out Myra Jolivet reported that her group felt that the outcomes are great, but need to be more specific and measureable. Option to conduct scientific community poll to establish a baseline then evaluate if change has occurred. Nayeli Bernal reported that her group noted outcomes relating to health and housing are missing. Another theme to ensure people’s voices are elevated/heard. Need to add time frame, more detail and ability to measure. Kym Dorman reported that her group noted the importance of what approaches relate to these outcomes and make clear connections and links between 3 approaches and outcomes. Noted need for timeframe and could combine B and G. Focus in on fewer outcomes that are broader and have measurement/tracking ability. Mike Futrell recommended identifying outcomes for individual approaches. b. Public Comments  Patricia reported that a police officer has been harassing her and it is causing her trauma. She requested the officer’s actions be stopped. There needs to be a system wide evaluation of personnel and mental health assistance. Kym Dorman and Mike Futrell requested that she reach out to them directly so this can be addressed. c. Commissioner Discussion  Mike Futrell suggested further evaluation of outcomes as the Commission works through approaches. 6. Prioritization of Top 10 Strategies for First Year Implementation Commissioners conducted a survey to vote on the top 10 approaches. Paige Kruza reviewed the results of the approaches prioritized by the Commissioners. 7. Review and Next Steps Kym Dorman noted that we will be moving into Phase 2 which includes developing preliminary implementation recommendations. The next meeting is scheduled for January 20, 2021. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. City of South San Francisco Legislation Text P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue) South San Francisco, CA File #:21-52 Agenda Date:1/25/2021 Version:1 Item #:2. Meeting Overview and Overview of Phase II City of South San Francisco Printed on 1/21/2021Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ City of South San Francisco Legislation Text P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue) South San Francisco, CA File #:21-54 Agenda Date:1/25/2021 Version:1 Item #:3. Update on City’s Activities for Black History Month (February) City of South San Francisco Printed on 1/21/2021Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ City of South San Francisco Legislation Text P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue) South San Francisco, CA File #:21-53 Agenda Date:1/25/2021 Version:1 Item #:4. Summary of Newly Enacted State Laws Relevant to Racial and Social Equity City of South San Francisco Printed on 1/21/2021Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ City of South San Francisco Legislation Text P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue) South San Francisco, CA File #:21-55 Agenda Date:1/25/2021 Version:1 Item #:5. Review Organized Goals, Strategies and Action Steps to Advance Racial and Social Equity a.Update on Creating a Response Team for Mental Health Crises, Substance Use and Homelessness on Creating a Response Team for Community Navigator Program i.Small Group Discussion and Report-out ii.Public Comment iii.Commission Discussion City of South San Francisco Printed on 1/21/2021Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ City of South San Francisco Legislation Text P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue) South San Francisco, CA File #:21-56 Agenda Date:1/25/2021 Version:1 Item #:6. Next Steps City of South San Francisco Printed on 1/21/2021Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™