HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 504-1964Library Site Annexation
BE IT ORDAINED BY the City Council of the City of South San
WHEREAS, on the 6th day of AD~] , 1964 , the Coun-
cil of the City of South San Francisco did pass and adopt Reso-
lution No. B898 giving notice of the proposal to annex certain un-
inhabited territory to the City of South San Francisco, said terri-
tory being therein designated as '~Library Site Annexation~, said
Resolution describing the boundaries of the territory proposed to
be annexed, and,
WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 3898 did contain a notice of
the day, hour and place when and where the Council of the City would
hear protests made by any person owning real property within the
territory proposed to 'be annexed, the time of said hearing being
not less than forty (40) nor more than sixty (60) days from the
date ot passage of said Resolution, and,
WHEREAS, on the 18th day of May , 19 64 , at the
hour of A:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the
City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of Calif-
ornia, said time and place being the day, hour and place fixed in
said Resolution No. B898 for hearing ~rotests to said annexation,
the said City Council did hear and ~ass upon all protests made
to the proposed annexation and did determine that protests had not
been made by the owners of one-half of the value of the private-
ly owned territory proposed to be annexed as shown by the last
equalized assessment roll, nor by public owners of one-half of
the value of the publicly owned territory proposed to be annexed
as determined by said legislative body, and,
WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous to the City of South
San Francisco and is uninhabited territory in the County of San
Mateo, State of California;
NOW, THEREFORE, the said Council of the City of South San
Francisco does hereby approve the annexation of the territory
hereinafter described to the City of South San Francisco, and does
further ordain that the said territory be and it is hereby annexed
to the City of South San Francisco and is designated "Library
Site Annexation~', and that said territory, the annexation of which
to the City of South San Francisco is herein approved, is all
that territory situate in the County of San Mateo, State of
California, more particularly described as follows:
Annexation o~ Proposed Library Site
(formerly California Gol~ Club l>roperty)
and a Portion of ;~st Orange l.venue
B~GINI~ING at the intersection of the rlesterly line of the lands
described in the Deed from California Golf Club, a non-profit
California corporation, to City of 5outh 5an Francisco, a municipal
corporation and political subdivision of the State of California,
dated March 23, 195~ and recorded November 13, 1957 in ~ook 3307 of
Official Records of ~an Mates County at page 21 (97112-P)~ common]..y
known as }?est Orange Avenue, with the Iforth~sterly line of Lot 163,
as designated on that certain map entitled "SOUI~-iV,~OD M~P NO. 3,
SOUTH S~FRANCISCO, CALIF." which map was filed in the office of the
Recorder of the County of San Mates, State of California~ on March
19~5 in Book 2~ of Maps at page 40, said point of intersection being
located on the existing corporate limit line of the City of South San
Francisco, California, as established by the SOUT~OOD NO. 2
ANNBX~TXO~ under City Ordinance i~o. 215, dated January 7, 1~42; thence
North $9° 33' 30" East from said point of beginning~along said cor-
porate limit line in an Easterly direction }lorth 69~ 33' 30" ~ast
across the existing 60-foot-wide right of way of i~st Orange Avenue;
thence along the Easterly line of ~Test Orange ~enue in a Northerly
direction North 20° 31' i~rest 35.~5 ~eet, said Easterly line of
Orange ~,.venue being the corporate limit line as established by the
CLUB VIEW ~i~N~X~TION (California Golf Club) under City Ordinance
48~ dated March 18, 19~3; thence continuing on and along said street
right of way line i'~ortheasterly along a tangent curve to the right~
h~ving a radius of 170 feet, a central angle of 32° 00'~ an arc length
distance of 94.98 feet; thence North I1° 29' ~ast 262.23 feet; thence
on and along a tangent curve to the left, hawing a radium of 330 ~eet,
a central angle of 13° 29', an arc length distance of 77.6~ feet;
thence North ~o 00' Wemt 219.~! feet to the Southerly line of the
Rancho Buri Burl Subdivision (File ~372-F) as filed for record on
page 29, ~ook 25 at 2he office of the County Recorder; thence ~sterly
along said line of Rancho Burl 9uti Subdivision and corporate limit
line as established by the ~uri Buri ~nexation under City Ordinance
1~o~ 244, dated March 8~ 1946 and crossing West Orange ~enue South
79° 11' 20" l.?est ~0.72 feet; thence leaving said corporate limit line
in a Southerl~ direction on and along the Westerly line of ¥~st Orange
~.venue ~°
South 00' ~ast 210.11 feet; thence on and along a tangent
curve to the right having a radius of 270 feet, a central angle of
13° 29', an arc length distance of 63.54 feet; thence South 11° 29~
~st ~$2.23 feet; thence on and along a tangen~ curve to the left hav-
ing a radius of 230 feet, a central angle of 6~ ~4' 19", an arc length
distance of 26.39 feet to a point, said point being the ~Iortherly line
of the 3outh San Francisco Library site and i;~est Orange ~enue right
of way line; thence leaving said i~st Orange Avenue, Northwesterly on
'the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last mentioned curve
at the last mentioned point, having a radius of 25 feet~ a central
an~e of 105° 31' 49", an arc distance of 4~,0~ feet; thence ~outh
~9~ 33' 30" ~st 1~0 ~eet; thence on a tangent curve to the left~ hav-
ing a radius of 140 feet,, a central angle of 56° 53' 47", an arc
distance of 139o02 feet; thence South 34° 28' 30" East 355.09 feet to
the existing corporate limit line of the City o~ 5outh Dan Franctsco~
Calt£ornta~ as established by the "~O~W~D 5~ ~~TIO~' by
Cit7 Council ~soluti~ No. 271~ dated Janus7 29~ 1959; sa~d corer-
ate ~t l~ne ~ng the North~sterly l~ne of the lands descried ~n
the ~ed fr~ California ~lf Club of San ~a~sco~ a cor~ration, to
5outh ~an ~anc~sco Unified School D~tr~ct~ a un~fied schoo~ d~str~ct
of' the Count~ of 5an ~a~o, dated Au~st lO. 1953 and recorded ~u~st
20~ 1953 ~n ~ok 24~1 of Official ~cords of 3an Ma2eo County at page
710 (1590-L); thence along sa~d ~orthwe~terly l~ne o~ ~ands descried
in the ~ed recorded Au~st 20, 1953 (1590-L) North 50~ 00' 30" East
93,42 feet to the ~outh~sterly l~ne of ~t 159 as desi~ated on the
map entitled '*SO~?~D ~ ~O. 3"t a~ve mentioned; thence along the
general South~s~rly~ V,'esterly and Northwesterly line o~ said
"~O~W~D ~ NO. 3"~ North 34° 2~* 30" i~est 111,70 feet, North
5° 33* ~/est 101,65 feet and North 69° 3~* 30" ~ast 84,~7 feet ~ sa~d
~'~s~rly l~ne of *~'est ~ge Avenue and the ~nt of ~~g,
~aid area c~nta~n~ng 2,,~,$ Acre~ more ~ less.
Introduced this 18bhday of May , 1964
Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South
San Francisco at a ~e~ular meeting of the
City Council of the City of South San Francisco this
day of J-ne , 19 64, by the following vote:
AYES, COUNCIL~N Pa~ick E. A~n, F~ank Be~tucelli, Emilio
Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Guido J. Rozzi
NOES, ~' None
ABSENT, ~ None
City Clerk
As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby
prove the foregoing Ordinance this ls~ day of j.ne