HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 510-1964ORDINANCE NO. 510 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AMEND- ING ORDINANCE NO.449 AS AMENDED ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RECREATING AND RE- ESTABLISHING A PERSONNEL SYSTEM FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AND REPEALING ORDINANCE N0.216 AND ALL INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES" THE CITY COUNCIL OF the City of South San Francisco does ordain as follows: SECTION I. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 6.A(1), ADMINISTRATIVE, CLERICAL AND FISCAL: Section 6.A(1) is hereby amended to read as follows: (1) Administrative, Clerical and Fiscal: City Attorney Chief Account Clerk Police Dispatcher Clerk Senior Steno-Clerk Senior Account-Clerk Stenographer Clerk Account Clerk PBX Operator Clerk-Typist Police Clerk-Matron SECTION II. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 6.A(7), RECREATION AND PARKS - SUPERVISING: Section 6.A(7) is hereby amended to read as follows: (7) Recreation and Parks - Supervising: Recreation Supervisor General Park Foreman Park Foreman SECTION III. PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be published once as required by law in the "Enterprise-Journal", a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of South San Francisco and shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its adoption. Introduced this 20th day of July , 1964 . Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 3rd day of August , 19 64 , by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN Patrick E. Ahem, Frank Bertucelli, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Guido J. Rozzi NOES, " None ABSENT, " None Attest: ~y Clerk As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance this 3rd day of August 19 64 . PERSONNEL ORDINANCE COMPILATION CONTENTS 1. Personnel Ordinance f/449 2. Compilation of Amendments to Ordinance f/449 3. Personnel Rules and Regulations (Resolution ~/3486) e Compilation of Amendments To Personnel Rules and Re gulat ion s CT. T3f COUNCX~o, CZT~ OF £OU'TH 8/'~ PIIAI,'C[SCO~ ST/%~E OF CALIFOB/qZA by established for ~!n=aluiu~ th~ compila=lon of cmud- ~nto to Cl~y Ordinances: !. ~e City a=tornoy 8~ file a ~s=er copy of shall bo ~intained sh~.~ ~he n~er si tee ccpy~ na~ shoe~o may be accura~ol~ distributed. 3. The CicM oliIcer or e~Xoyee eeeeivia5 corrcctiom sheets shall inner: eame i~ his copy si the c~ila~iom. 4. Copies sold Co im~eresCed paet~s e~ll have the da~e si dio~rtbucio~ ends=ned on the copy. Perocns ~o ac- ~o correction on the adop~i~ sE a~ndimB ordinances and co~[es of the coerce=fen ehee~8 ~11 be available upon pay- ins ~he required ica to tho City Clerk. 5. ~en an ordinance is passed a~in5 the Zontu8 ~dinance, the C~y A~o~ey~l pre.re a correction tho City CT.c~k ~o~ d~p~ioo and ~ed~ate d~ot~ibuCion to ~ho holders o~ tho ~c~io~c~cd copies. ~o co~roc~ion ohco~ ohall bo in ~o~C s~lar co chooo shcc~o present- Z7 in tho co.linc!on. and adopted by the C~.C7 Co,,mc~. o£ the C!~7 of Sonth San Franc~,~co a~ a reuular d~y of June _ ..~ 19~_~6, by the .~o!!o:~ing vcto: AYES Frank J. Bortucelli, Patrick__E._Ah~.. _Emilt° Co..r~o~,i2 Andrdw Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi . i pERSONNEL ~ ORD'tNANCE ~ P R S .0 N L D I N A C S CITY 'of S O U T H 8 A N F R A N C I S C 0 California ORDINANCE NO. ~77 AN OP~INANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FR~NCISCOAMENDING OP~INANCE NO. 449 ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RECREATING AND RE- ESTABLISHING A PERSONNEL SYSTEM FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AND REPEAL- ING ORDINANCE NO. 216 AND ALL INCON- SISTENT ORDINANCES" The City Council of the City of South San Francisco does ordain as follows: SECTION I. AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 449 Section 4, Subsection (b) and (g) of Section 7, Sections 8, 9, 10, 15, 16 and 17 of Ordinance No. 449 are hereby amended to read: Section 4. PERSONNEL BOARD There is hereby recreated a Personnel Board to consist of five members, to be appointed by the Council. The persons now serv- ing as members of the Personnel Board of the City of South San Francisco, pursuant to Ordinance No. 216, shall continue as members thereto, as recreated and re-established by this ordi- nance, and shall serve until such time as their respective terms shall expire. At the expiration of the term of each of the mem- bers, successors shall be appointed by the City Council for a term of four years. The term of the members shall be so arranged that they are staggered, that is, they shall expire on different dates for the purpose of maintaining a continuity at all times in the membership. Annually on or before the 30th day of January, the Board shall meet and elect a chairman from among its voting members. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled by appointment by a major- ity of the Council for the unexpired term. Each member shall serve until his successor is appointed and qualified. A vote of three Councilmen shall be required to a~po%nt a member of the Personnel Board, and a vote of four Counczlmen shall be necessary to remove any member of the Personnel Board from office prior to the expiration of his term. Should a member be absent from three (3) successive regular meetings without excuse, the City Council may by majority vote declare the office vacant. Members of the Personnel Board shall be qualified electors of the City of South San Francisco and shall be persons in sympathy with the merit principles of public employment. No person shall be appointed to the Board who holds any salaried public office of employment. A board member, may however, immediately after leaving the board be appointed to a salaried job with the City provided that he did not participate in the creation of the job or the setting up of the examination, and passes the examination and fulfills other r(~g'ular personnel requirements. Section 7. ADOP'.i??~',CN OF P,I~,ES (b) Preparation~, pI~,n~ ~,c.:vision: apd ad~,~inistra, tion of a com- pensation plan directly corre, late~t with tb~e position classifica- tion plan, providxng ~a r~:,te or range of pay for each class. (g) Transfer, promotion and demotion of employees in the com- petitive service. Section 8. APPOINTMENTS Appointments to vacant positions in the competitive service shall be made in accordance with the perscnnel rules. Appoint- ments and promotions shall be based on merit and fitness to be ascertained by competitive examinations. Examinations shall be used and conducted to aid in the selection of qualified employees, and shall consist of such recognized selection techniques as achievement and aptitude tests, and other written tests, person- al interview, performance tests, evaluation of daily work per- formance, work sampler, or any combination of these, which will, in the opinion of the Personnel Board test fairly the qualifica- tions of candidates. Physical, medical and azility tests may be given as a part of any entrance examination. Physical and medi- cal examinations may be required on promotional appointments when related to the qualifY.cations necessary to perform the duties of the classification. In any recruitment examination the Personnel Board may include, in addition to competitive tests, a qualifying test or tests and set minimum stanards therefor. Appointment shall be made by the Council, or as provided by applicable State law, City ordinance, or rules and regulations. When recruitment or promotional appointment is to be made to a vacancy in the competitive service, the Personnel Board shall transmit to the appointing power the names of all Fersons on the appropriate certified employment or promotional list, in the order in which ~hey appear on the list. In the absence ~)f appropriate e~ploym~ent lists, a provisional appointment ma? be m~d~ by the appointing authority of a person meeting the mi~i;'~am ~raining and experience qualifications for the position. Provisional appointment of department heads shall be made by the City Council. Provisional appointments to other positions shall be made by the City Mana§er. An em- ployment list shall be established within six (6) months for any permanent position filled by provisional appointment. The Council may, by a four-fifths vote, extend the period for said list and provisional appointment for not more than thirty (30) days, by any one action not to exceed three (3) such extensions. When a position is to be filled by provisional appointment, or a provisional appointment is to be extended, the Council shall direct the City Clerk to record such action in the minutes of the meeting of the Council. Credits shall be allowed on promotional appointments for length of time in service in grade after completion of the probation- ary period. The schedule of said credits shall be set forth in the Rules and Regulations and the applicant must obtain a passing grade on the examination before such credits shall be applied. During the period of suspension of an employee, or pending final action on proceedings to review suspension, demotion or dismiss- al of an employee, such vacancy may be filled by the appointing authority subject to the provisions of this ordinance and the personnel rules. Section 9. AGE LIMITS No maximum or minimum age limits shall be. prescribed or estab- lished for any civil service examination, and age shall not be a minimum qualification for any employment in the classi- fied service, and no person, otherwise qualified, shall be denied employment in said service solely because of age; provided, how- ever, that the City Council hereby reserves the right to fix minimum or maximuma§e limits for the employment of policemen and firemen. Section 10. PROBATIONARY PERIOD All original and promotional appointments shall be tentative and subject to a probationary period of one (1) year. The City Council may, by resolution, establish a longer probationary period for specified classes. Durin~ the probationary period, quarterly reports of the probatlioner s performance shall be for- warded to the Personnel Board. During the probationary period, the employee may be rejected at any time providJ, n§ the appointing authority, City Manager or department: head~, ~here authorized by this ordinance or the Rules and Regulations~ files in writing with the Personnel Board rea- sons for s-~.,:h a~;f.on, The Personnel Board. z~hall have the right to review t~>.e a.~j.cn and may render a decision, but such decision may not be binding on the appointing authority, City Manager or department head unless the Personnel Board rules the action was the result of religious, political or racial discrimination. Any employee, rejected, during the probationary period, from a position to which he has been promoted shall be-reinstated to the position from which he was promoted, or to one of equal rank, unless charges are filed and he is discharged as provided in this ordinance and the Personnel Rules and Regulations as adopt- ed hereunder. Any officer or employee in the competitive service who is pro- moted or transferred to a position not included in the competi- tive service shall be reinstated to the position from which he was promoted or transferred, or to one of equal rank, if, with- in one (1) year after such promotion or transfer, he fails to qualify and for that reason or for some other reason, he is dis- missed; provided, of course, that he shall not otherwise have lost his former status in the promotional service through his discharge following the filing of charges, in the manner provided for in this ordinance and the Personnel Rules and Regulations established hereunder. Section 15. DEMOTION AND DISCHARGE The appointing power; City Manager; and department heads with respect to employees in their department, each except as limited herein or in the Rules and Regulations, shall have authority to demote or discharge a person in the competitive service for cause. The City Manager, before exercising the power of demo- tion or discharge of department heads, shall first obtain auth- orization from the City Council. Department heads, before ex- ercising the power of demotion or discharge, shall first obtain' authorization from the City Manager. Section 16. RIGHT TO STATEMENT ON DEMOTION OR DISCHARGE AND APPEAL The tenure of every employee holding a position in the competi- tive service shall be during good behavior and proved fitness for the position on the basis of duties and responsibilities, but any officer or employee may be removed or otherwise disci- plined as provided by this ordinance and in the Rules and Reg- ulations established hereunder and departmental rules adopted by the City Council. Any permanent employee in the competitive service who has been - 1. Discharged, f~ R.?'uce~ in Pay, S%[~,3ected to any disciplinary act or order, relief from wrongful imposition of which is not otherwise provided for, and appeal from which is not prohibited or denied 'shall have the right to demand from the person or official who orderm~ tka disc~mrge, demotion, reduction in pay, or imposed the disciplinary act or ordered a written statement of the rea- sons for such action by the close of the working day following the day he received notice of same. The statement shall be mailed or delivsred to him within five (5) days after the demand. The demand shal~ be in writing and signed by the employee. A copy of the demand and statement shall be filed with the Person- nel Officer and forwarded to the Personnel Board. The employee may file an appeal with the Personnel Board for re- lief from said demotion, discharge, reduction in pay, or disci- plinary act or order provided said appeal is filed within fifteen (15) days after receiving notice of same. The provisions of this section shall not apply to reduction in pay which are part of a general plan to reduce salaries and wages as an economy measure, or as part of a general curtailment pro- gram, nor to lay-offs when necessitiated by inclement weather or other adverse working conditions, shortage or work or funds, or material changes in duties or organization. The name of every employee so laid off shall be placed on the appropriate re- employment list or lists as provided in the Rules established hereunder and such lay-offs shall be without the right of hear- ing or appeal. The Rules and Regulations shall provide for the form of the appeal, official with whom it is to be filed and the required notices. Section 17. INVESTIGATIONS; HEARING; FENDINGS AND DECISION The Personnel Board may make such investigation as it may deem necessary. The Personnel Board shall conduct a hearing within ten (10) days'after the appeal is filed and within ten (10) days after concluding the hearing, shall make findings and a decision affirming, revoking or modifying the demotion, discharge, re- duction in pay, or disciplinary act or order. The findings and and decisio[] of the Personnel Board shall be final. The Rules and Re~ulations shall provide for the notices required, procedure for conducting any investigation and hearing and for the certification of the findings and decision. The hearing need not be conducted accerdin§ to technical rules relating to evidence and witnesses. SECTION I'I .. PUi;!'"[.ICA%~!ON A~[O EFFECTIVE DATE The City Clerk (3.f the City of South San Francisco is hereby directed to cause this ordinance to be published once, as required by law, and it shall take effect thirty (30) days following its adoption. Intro~b~ced chis 5bh day of March 1962 . Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Franci~co at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 19th day of March AYES, COUNCILME. N NOES, ABSENT, " 1962 , by the following vote: Patrick E. Ahern, Andrew Rocca, and Leo J. Rvan O. J. Rozz~ I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was passed by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at its regular meeting on the 19th day of March 19 62. /s/ Arthur A. Rodondi City Clerk Vice As~yor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve of the foregoing ordinance this 1Qth day of March 1962 . ATTEST: /s/ Patrick E. Ahem Vice-Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 510 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AMEND- lNG ORDINANCE NO.449 AS A~ENDED ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RECREATING AND RE- ESTABLISHING A PERSONNEL SYSTEM FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO.216 AND ALL INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES" THE CITY COUNCIL OF the City of South San Francisco does ordain as follows: SECTION I. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 6.A(1), ADMINISTRATIVE, GL~KIGAL ANy FISCAL: Section 6.A(1) is hereby amended to read as follows: (1) Administrative, Clerical and Fiscal: City Attorney Chief Account Clerk Police Dispatcher Clerk Senior Steno-Clerk Senior Account-Clerk Stenographer Clerk Account Clerk PBX Operator Clerk-Typist Police Clerk-Matron SECTION II. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 6.A(7), RECREATION AND ~ARKS - SU~ERVIS'ING: Section 6.A(7) is hereby amended to read as follows: (7) Recreation and Parks - Supervisina: Recreation Supervisor General Park Foreman Park Foreman SECTION III. PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be published once as required by law in the "Enterprise-Journal", a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of South San Francisco ahd shall take effect and be i~ ~,'~c~ thirty (30) &~'.~'~ afT:er it~ adoption. Introduced this 2nth day of July , 1964 . Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a reKular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 3rd day of AuRust AYES, COUNCILMEN NOES, " ABSENT, " , 19 .6~ , by the following vote: Patrick E. Ahem, Frank Bertucelli, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Guido J. Rozzi None None Attest: City Clerk As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance this 19 64. 3rd day of August /s/ Patrick E. Ahem Mayor ORDI~.~?C~. NO. 4~5 ESTABLISH.;NG A P~RSC~L~L E'II~3TEM FOR T~ Ci~ OF SO~H $2~7 F~%~C!SCO A~ ~ City Council of the City of South San Francisco d~s or.in as follow: Section 1. ~t t~ following ~sitions set forth in Section 6 of Ord~aanc~ No. 449 are hereby abolis~d: Traffic a Parking Meter Officer Engineering Assistant Enginearing Draftsman E~ipment Serviceman - Mec~nic ' s Helot Grounds~n Gar~ner H~ne Officer Section 2. Section 6 of Ordinance No. 449 is hereby a~n~d so that, as a~n~d, it shall read as follow: Section 6. CO~ETI%'I~ SERVIa. T~ follov~ng positions and offices are in the competitive se~ice and the provisions of this ordinance or a~n~nts thereto s~ll apply to tb~m. ~ City Co~cil may add positions or offices to tb~ com~titt~ settee by a~n~g this section by duly passing an or~n~ so pr~iding: A~in!stra%ive, Clerical and Fiscal: City Attorney Police Dispatcher Clerk · 1. Senior Steno-C lerk Senior Account Clerk Ste nogra phe r Cle rk Account Clerk PBX Operator Cle rk-Typi st Police Clerk-Matron Libra r~: City Librarian Assistant Librarian Library Clerk Public Safetv.~ Police: Chief of Police Police Captain Police Sergeant Police Officer Parking Meter Collector & Repairman Parking Enforcement Officer Fire: Fire Chief Assistant Fire Chief Fire Captain - Training Officer Fire Captain Fireman Inspection and Enqineerinq: Chief Building Inspector Assistant Public Works Engineer Assistant Engineer Engineering Aide Assistant Building Inspector Public Works Inspector Public Works - SuDervisinq: Public Works Superintendent Sanitation Superintendent Public Works Foreman Automotive Maintenance Supervisor Automotive Maintenance Mechanic Recreation and Parks - Supervision: Recreation Supervisor Park Foreman e Skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled: Chief Plant Operator Heavy Equipment Operator Equipment Operator Plant Operator Maintenance Man S~eper Operator Relief Plant Operator Chemist-C lerk Head Custodian Automotive Mechanic' s Helper Laborer Custodian Park Attendant The following offices shall not be included in the competi- tive service: (a) Elective Officers (b) Members of appointive boards, co~m~;issions and committees (c) Persons engaged under contract to supply expert, professional or technical services for a defi- nite period of time (d) Volunteer personnel, such as volunteer firemen, who receive no regular compensation from the City (e) City Manager, his secretary and assist- ants (f) Civil Defense Director and coordinator (g) Director of Public Works (h) Planning Director or Officer (l) Casual, seasonal or emergency employees in any office or department of the City, including, but not limited to, part-time crossing guards and inter- mittently employed street department employees (j) Hourly or per diem employees (k) Part-time employees (1) Superintendent of Parks and Recreation Introduced this 5th day of June 1961. Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 19th ~y of AYES, COUNCILMEN NOES, " ABSENT, June 1961, by the following vote= G. J. Rozzio Patrick E. Aherno Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca° and Leo J. Rv~n. None None ATTEST: /.%/ A~th,,~ A. Ro~onat City Clerk As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do b~reby approve the foregoing Ordinance this 19th day of June 1961. /S/ GUIDO J. ROZZI Mayor ORDINANCE NO...474' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN'FRANCISCO AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.449 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RECREATING AND RE-ESTABLISHING A PERSONNEL SYSTEM FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AND REPEALING ORDINANCE N0.216 AND ALL INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES" BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco as follows: Section 1. Amendment of Section 6 Competitive Service: Section 6 of Ordinance No.449 is hereby amended to read: Section 6. Competitive Service: A. The following positions and offices are in the com- petitive service and the provisions of this Ordinance or amend- ments thereto shall apply to them. The City Council may add positions or offices to the competitive sezvice by amending this section by duly passing an Ordinance so providing: (1) Administrative, Clerical and Fiscal: City Attorney Police'Dispatcher Clerk Senior Steno-Clerk Senior Account Clerk Stenographer Clerk Account Clerk PBX Operator Clerk-Typist Police Clerk-Matron (2) (3) Library: City Librarian Assistant Librarian Library Clerk Public Safety: Police Chief of Police Police Captain Police Lieutenant Police Sergeant Police Officer Parking Meter Collector & Repairman Parking Enforcement Officer (4) Fire: Fire Chief Assistant Fire Chief Battalion Chief Fire Captain - Training Officer Fire Captain Fireman (5) Inspection and EngineerinK: Chief Building Inspector Assistant Public Works Engineer Assistant E~gineer Engineering Aicle Assistant Building Inspector Public Works Inspector (6) Public Works - Supervising: Public Works Superintendent Sanitation Superintendent Public Works Foreman Automotive Maintenance Supervisor Automotive Maintenance Mechanic (7) Recreation and Parks - Supervising: Recreation Supervisor Park Foreman (8) Skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled: Chief Plant Operator Heavy Equipment Operator Equipment Operator Plant Operator Maintenance Man Sweeper Operator Relief Plant Operator Chemist-Clerk Head Custodian Automotive Mechanic's Helper Laborer Custodian Park Attendant B. The following offices shall not be included in the com- petitive service: (1) Elective officers (2) Members of appointive boards, commissions and committees Be (3) (4) (a) {'7) (lo) (n) Persons engaged under contract to supply expert, professional or technical services for a definite period of time Volunteer personnel such as volunteer firemen, who receive no regular compensation from the City City Mmn~er, his secretary and assistants Civil Defanse Director and coordinator Director .~f Public Works Planning Director or Officer Casual, seasonal or emergency employees in any office or departmen: of the City, including, but not limited to, part-time crossing guards and intermittemtly employed street department employees Hourly or per diem employees Part-time employees Superintendent of Parks and Recreation Introduced this _%t~ day of F~b~ry , 1962, Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a_ rezular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 19th day of F._ebruary , 1962, by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMSN G.. J. Roz~.~, p~tr~ok F~. Ah-m, F.m~]%0 Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Leo J. Ryan NOES, " none ABSENT, " none ATTEST: Arthur A. Rodondi City Clerk As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the fc, regoing ordinance this 19~h day of February_ , 1962. Guido J. Rozzi Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 449 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RECREATING AND RE_ESTABLISHING A PERSONNEL SYSTEM FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 216 AND ALL INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES. The City Council of the .City of South San Francisco does ordain as follows: Section 1. REPEAL OF PRIOR ORDINANCES. ordinance No. 216 of the City of South San Francisco en- titled, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CREATING AND ESTABLISHING A PERSONNEL SYSTEM FOR SAID CITY", passed and adopted on the 15th day of December 1941 and any and all amendments to said ordinance are hereby repealed, together with any and all other ordinances, or parts of ordinances, inconsistent herewith. Section 2. ADOPTION OF PERSONNEL SYSTEM. In order to keep in force, as amended hereby, the personnel system presently existing for the City of South San Francisco and to establish and maintain an equitable and uniform pro- cedure for dealing with personnel matters~ to attract to municipal service the best and most c~:petent persons avail- able; to assure that appointments and promotions of employees will be based on merit and fitness as determined by competi- tive test; and to provide a reasonable degree of security for qualified employees, the following personnel system is hereby adopted. Section 3. ~ERSONNEL OFFIC~ The City Manager shall be ex-officio personnel officer. With the approval of Council, the City Manager may delegate any of the powers and duties conferred upon him as per- sonnel officer under this ordinance to any other officer or employee of the City, or may recommend that certain powers and duties be performed under contract as herein- after provided. The City Manager as-.Personnel Officer shall: - 1- (a) Attend all meetings of the Personnel Board and serve as its secretary or, as he re inabove stated, delegate an employee of the City to attend all meetings of the Personnel Board and serve as its secretary. Administer all the provisions of this ordi- nance and of the personnel rules not specifi- cally reserved to the Council of the Personnel Board. (c) Prepare and recommend to the Council revisions and amendments to the Personnel Rules. (d) Prepare a position classification plan, includ- ing class specifications, and revisions of the plan. The plan and any revisions thereof, shall become effective upon approval of the Council. (e) Prepare a plan of compensation, and revisions thereof, covering all classifications in the competitive service. The plan and any revisions thereof shall become effective upon approval by the City Council. (f) Make recommendations as to appointments, promo- tions, demotions, discharge and any other matters concerning those in the competitive service. Section 4. PERSONNEL BOARD. There is hereby recreated a Personnel BOard to consist of five members, to be appointed by the Council. The persons now serving as members of the Personnel Board of tb~ City of South San Francisco pursuant to Ordinance No. 216 shall continue as members thereto, as recreated and re-established by this ordinance, and shall serve until such time as their respective terms shall expire. At the expiration of the term of each of the members, successors shall be appointed by the City Council for a term of four years. The term of the members shall be so arranged that they are staggered, that is, they shall expire on different dates for the purpose of maintaining a continuity at all times in the membership. Annually on or before the 30th day of January, the Board shall meet and elect a chairman from among its voting members. - 2 - Vacancies on the Board shall be filled by appointment by a majority of the Council for the unexgired term. Each member shall serve until his successor is appointed and qualified. A vote of three Councilmen shall be required to appoint a member of the Personnel Board, and a vote of three CounciLmen shall be neces- sary to remove any member of the Personnel Board from office prior to the expiration of his term. Should a member be absent from three (3) successive regular meetings without excuse, the City Council may by majority vote declare the office vacant. Members of the Personnel Board shall be qualified electors of the City of South San Francisco and shall be persons in sympathy with the merit principles of public employment. No person shall be appointed to the Board who holds any salaried public office of em- ployment, nor shall any member, while on the Board Or for a period of one (1) year after his term has expired, be eligible for appointment to any salaried office or employment in the service of the City other than to an office which is elective. Section 5. DUTIES OF THE PERSONNEL BOARD. The Personnel Board shall determine the order of busi- ness for the conduct of its meetings, and shall meet regularly if so required by the rules, or on call of the Chairman or of three members of the Board. Three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the trans- action of business. The functions of the Board shall be: (a) As provided by this ordinance and by the rules, to hear appeals submitted by any person in the competitive service relative to any disciplinary action, dismissal, demotion, grievance or alleged violation of this ordinance or the personnel rules, and to certify its findings and recommendations as provided in this ordinance. (b) In any investigation or hearing conducted by the Board, it shall have the power to examine witnesses under oath and compel their attendance or production - 3 - of evidence by subpoenas issued in the name of the City and attested by the City Clerk. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to cause all such subpoenas to be served and refusal of a person to attend or to testify in answer to such a subpoena shall subject the person to prosecu- tion in the same manner set forth by law for failure to appear before the Council in response to a subpoena issued by the Council. Each member of the Personnel Board shall have the power to administer oaths to witnesses. (c) To publish or post notices of examinations for positions in the competitive service; to receive applications therefor; to conduct and score ex- aminations; to certify to the appointing power a list of all persons eligible for appointment to the appropriate position in the competitive service. The Personnel Board shall cause the duties imposed upon it by this subdivision to be performed by the Personnel Officer or person appointed by the Personnel Officer to perform any and all duties imposed upon him. (d) When requested by the City Council, City Manager, employees, or their representatives, the Personnel Board shall hold hearings and make recommendations on matters of personnel policies. (e) To act as an advisory board to. the City Council ~on matters concerning personnel policies in the City, having authority to study and recommend regarding said policies and to hold open public hearings when general policy recommendations are to be determined. Section 6. COMPETITIVE SERVICE. The following positions and offices are in the competitive service and the provisions of this ordinance or amendments thereto shall apply to them. The City Council may add positions or offices to the competitive service by amending this section by duly passing an ordinance so providing: · -- 4 Administrative, Clerical and Fispal: City Ci%y Attorney Police Dispatcher Clerk Senior Steno-Clerk Senior Account Clerk Stenographer Clerk Account Clerk PBX Operator Librarlz~ City Librarian Assistant Librarian Library Clerk Public Safety: Police: Chief of Police Police Captain Police Sergeant Traffic & Parking Meter Officer Police Officer Parking Meter Collector & Repairman Fire Fire Chief Assistant Fire Chief Fire Captain - Training Officer Fire Captain Fireman Inspection and Enqineerinq: Chief Building Inspector Assistant Public Works Engineer Assistant Engineer Engineering Assistant Assistant Building Inspector Engineering Draftsman Public Works Inspector Public Works - Sumervisinq: Public Works Superintendent Sanitation Superintendent Public Works Foreman Automotive Maintenance Supervisor Automotive Maintenance Mechanic - 5 - Recr~a tio~ a, nc~?_ark,~ - ,~erv. i~ion: Recre~ion Supervisou- Park ~ oremm n _~emi_._~,~ilL~d and unskilled: Chief Plant Operator Meavy Equipment Operator Plant Operator Maintenance Man Sweeper Operator Relief Plant Operator Chemist-Clerk Head Custodian Equipment Serviceman - Mechanic's Helper Laborer Groundsman Gardener Custodian The following offices shall hOC be included in the competi- tive service: (a) Elective Officers (b) Members of appointive boards, com- missions and committees (c) Persons engaged under contract to supply expert, professional or technical services for a definite period of time (d) Volunteer personnel, such as volunteer firemen, who receive no regular com- pensation from the City I~ City M~nager, his secretary and assistants Civil Defense Director and coordinator (g) Director of Public Works (h) Planning Director or Officer (i) Casual, seasonal or emergenCYoemployeesf in any office or department the City, including, but not limited to, part- time crossing guards and intermittent- ly employed street department' employees. - 6- (]) Hourly or per dien employees (k) P~.r~-t L.~e (1) Vokunteer ~:~.'~]onn~l who re~ive no re?~ .~ ~m~:~Jaticn from t~ (n} Hu~'.~%me Offic?r Section 7. ADOPTIO~ OF Personnel rules s~bJecl, to this ordinance shall be adopted and may be amended frc~ tim~ to time by resolution of the Council. Amendments n~i,.¥ be reco:~.~v~nded by the Personnel Board or City Man~..jer. Th,~ rules shall establish specific procedures and re:~-ulatlons governing t~he following phases of the personnel syste'~: (a) Preparation, ins~,~.!la,_on, revision, and main- tenance of a posi'~'ion classification plan covering all positions in the c,'~mpetitive service, includ- ing employment standards and qualifications for each class. (b) Preparation, revi~ion, and administration of a compensation dire.~.tly correlated with the position classification plain, p=..;vid:[ng a rate or range of pay for each clas=~. (c) Public announcemen~ of all tests and the accept- ance of applicati~.~.s fcic.~ emr:!oyment. (d) Preparation and cc.'.duCt of t~sts ~-,~nd the estab- lishment and use of res'alting employment lists containing n=nes cC persons ~:'iigible for appoint- ment and promotio[~'~-. (e) Certification and '~.ppo.~ntmen't of ~_:ersons from employment lists [.nd the making of provisional temporary and emergency appointments. (f) Evaluation of employees during the probationary period, including quarterly reports of perform- ance during said period, and throughout time of employment. -7 - (g) Transfer, promot.4.on, ~cnt.gtl~n~ ~id reinstate- ment of empl.~fe,~? tn the c,/; ..~.tltive service. (h) Separation of em£,~.oi~e,!-~,:' fr~_a the city servlce through lay-~off, ~;'-is~ ? ..ion an4 dismissal. (£) Stand~dl~at{.on ¢.".: b. eu::'.~ o~' work, attendance and le;~:e re.-:~latlo~so ~orking conditions and the de'~:~lo~.:~ant ~.< em~!oyee morale, ~elfare, and training. (J) Suitable provisio~..~ for orderly and equitable presentations to the Personnel Board, City Man- &get and the City Council by employees of matters relating to general conditl~ Of em~loTment. (k) Content, ms. tenants, and use of personnel records and forms. Section e. APPOIHTMBH~S~ cePO~ntments to vacant positions ~n the competitive set- shall be made tn accordance with the personnel rules. pointment8 and promotions shall be based on merit and these to be ascertained by competitive exes/nations. Ekum~nations shall be used and conducted to ~Ld in the s~lection of qpaalified employees, and shall ~o~mist of rec~jntzed selection teo/iniguem am m~ltLevemont and m~titude tests, and other witten teats, persona/ ~nter- performar~e tests, evaluation of dally wo~k perform- ~0rk sampler, or ~y combination of these, ~tch in the opinio~ of the Persow~l Board test rs/fly qualif:Lc&tions o£ can~Ldates. PbysiC~l, mec~Lc:al and ~ilit~ tests nu~ bo given aa a 9a~t of any entrnnee ',am4~f~tton. Physical an~ medical ex%-~n~ttmw m~f be quXred o~ promotional agpoXnt~wntm ~wn related to the alLfic&tXonm necessary to perform the du~e8 of the c.~ust£tcation. Xn any recruitment exes/nation the Per,toneX Board may t~e l~, tn addition to ccaqmtitive tests, a qualifying t or tests and met ~ standards therefor. lalpptntnmnt shall be made by the Council, or as provided licablm state Law, City ordinance, or rules and ationm. -8- When recruitment or promotion appointment is to be made to a vacancy in the competitive service, the Personnel Board shall transmit to the appointing power the number of names that will exceed by two (2) the number of va- cancies to be filled. If insufficient names are available to meet this require- ment, then in the discretion of the appointing power permanent appointments may be made therefrom or temporary appointments may be made therefrom until additional eligibles can be certified after examination. In the absence of appropriate employment lists, a provi- sional appointment may be made by the appointing authority of a person meeting the minimum training and experience qualifications for the position. Provisional appointment of department heads shall be made by the City Council. Provisional appointments to other positions shall be made by the City Manager. An employment list shall be estab- lished within six (6) months for any permanent position filled by provisional appointment. The Council may, by a four-fifths vote, extend the period for said list and 'provisional appointment for not more than thirty (30) days, by any one action not to exceed three (3) such extensions. When a position is to be filled by provi- sional appointment, .or a provisional appointment is to be extended, the Council shall direct the City Clerk to record such action in the minutes of the meeting of the Council. Credits shall be allowed on promotional appointments for length of time in service in grade after completion of the probationary period. The schedule of said credits shall be set forth in the Rules and Regulations and the applicaht must obtain a passing grade on the examination before such credits shall be applied. During the period of suspension of an employee, or pend- ing final action on proceedings to review suspension, demotion or dismissal of an employee, such vacancy may be filled by the appointing authority subject to the provisions of this ord/nance and the personnel rules. - 9- Section 9. AGE LIMITS. No maximum or minimum age limits shall be prescribed or established for any civil service examination, and age shall not be a minimum qualification for any em- ployment in the classified service, and no person, otherwise qualified, shall be ~enied employment in said service solely because of age; provided, however, that the City Council hereby reserves the right to fix minimum or maximum age limits for the employment of .... policemen or firemen. Section 10. PROBATIONARY PERIOD. All regular appointments, including promotional appoint- ments, shall be for a probationaryperiod of not less than one (1) year, except that as to any class of posi- tion the rules may provide for an extension of the probationary period for not more than an additional three (3) months. In the case of every probationary employee within his department, each department head shall, during the tenth (10th) month of the probationary period, file with the Personnel Officer a full and de- tailed written report concerning the performance and qualifications of such probationary employee. Wit~ re- spect to department heads who are themselves probationary employees, such report shall be submitted to the City... Council by the City Manager. During the probationary period, the employee may be re- Jected at any time providing the appointing authority, City Manager or department head, where same is so author- izedby this ordinance or the Rules and Reg~lations, files in writing with the Personnel Board his reasons for such action. The Personnel Board shall have the right to review .the aCtion and may render a decision, but such. decision may not be binding on the appointing authority, City Manager or department head unless the Personnel Board rules the action was the result of religious, political or racial discrimination. Any employee rejected, during the probationary period, from a position to which he has been promoted shall be reinstated to the position from which he was promoted, or to one of equal rank, un- less charges are filed and he is discharged as provided in this ordinance and the Personnel Rules and Regulations as adopted hereunder. - 10 - Any officer or employee in the competitive service who is promoted or transferred to a position not included in the competitive service shall be ~einstated to the position from which he was promoted or transferred, or to one of equal rank, if, within one (1) year after such promotion or transfer, he fails to qualify and for that reason or for some other reason, he is dis- missed, provided, of course, that he shall not other- wise have lost his former status in the promotional service, such as, through his discharge, following the filing of charges, in the manner provided for in this ordinance and the Personnel Rules and Regulations as established hereunder. Section 11. STATUS OF PRESENT EMPLOYEES. Any person holding a position included in the competi- tive service who, on the effective date of this ordinance, shall have served continuously in such position, or in some other position in the competitive service, for a period equal to the probationary period prescribed in the rules for his class, shall assume regular status in the competitive service in the position held on such effective date without qualifying test, and shall thereafter be subject in all respects to the provisions of this ordinance and the personnel rules. Any other persons holding positions in the competitive service shall be regarded as probationers who are serv- ing out the balance of their probationary periods as prescribed in the rules before obtaining regular status. The probationary period shall be computed from the date of appointment or employment. Section 12. APPLICABILITY OF RULES TO CERTAIN EXEMPT POSITIONS. The provisions of the personnel rules relating to attendance and leaves shall apply to the incumbents of full-time exempt positions. Section 13. APPOINTMENTS SUBJECT TO ORDINANCE. The Council, and any other board, commission, officer or employee in whom is vested the power to appoint, make - 11 - transfers, promotions, demotions, reinstatements, lay- offs, and to suspend or dismiss employees, shall retain such 9ower, subject to the provisions of this ordinance and the personnel rules. Section 14. SUSPENSION. Any person holding a position of employment in the com- petitive service shall be subject to disciplinary suspension without pay for a total of thirty (30) days in a fiscal year. The appointing authority, City Man- ager or department head shall deliver a copy of the Suspension Order to the employee and file a copy with the Personnel Board. The appointing authority, City Manager and department head shall exercise the power of suspension as herein provided and further provided in the Rules and Regulations. Any employee may, upon being suspended, file an answer or objection to said action with the Personnel Board and said Board shall make an inv~stigation, which shall include an interview with the officer suspending the employee ~u.~ the sus- pended employee, with or without a hearing as it deems necessary. The Board shall render a decision within a reasonable ~ime after the hearing or investigation. The suspension action taken shall stand unless modified or revoked by the Board. Section 15. DISMISSAL. The appoinging power, City Manager and department heads, with respect to employees in their department, each ex- cept as limited herein or in the Rules and Regulations, shall have authority to dismiss a person in the competi- tive service for cause. The City Manager, before exercising the power of dismissal of department heads, shall first obtain authorization from the City Council. Department heads, before exercising the power of dis- missal, shall first obtain authorization from the City Manager. Section ].6. F_~LIN~_ OF C~.%RGES AND REQL~ST FOR HEARING. The tenure of every employee holding a position in the competitive service shall be during good behaviour and - 12 - proved fitness for the position on the basis of duties and responsibilities, but any officer or employee may be removed or otherwise disciplined as provided by this ordinance and in the Rules and Regulations established hereunder and departmental rules adopted by the City Council Any permanent employee in the competitive service who has been demoted, dismissed, or reduced in pay, shall be entitled to request a written statement of the rea- sons for such action. Such a request must be made within a period equivalent to ten (10) working days following the action, and he shall have ten (10) additional working days within which to answer the charges in writing. In the event the employee requests the statement and prepares his written answer, copies of both shall be filed with the Personnel Officer, who shall transmit them to the Personnel Board. Within ten (10) days from the date of filing his answer to the written charges, or in the event such written charges have not been made available to him within the time prescribed, then within ten (10) days after the action taken to demote, dismiss, or reduce the pay of the employee, he may file a written demand with the Personnel Officer requesting a hearing before the Personnel Board. The Per- sonnel Board shall then investigate the case and conduct a hearing as provided in this ordinance and by the rules. The provisions of this section shall not apply to reduc- tions in pay which are part of a general plan to reduce salaries an(] wages as an economy measure,' or as part of a general curtailment progran%nor to lay-offs when necessi- tated by inclement weather or other adverse working condi- tions, shortage of work or funds, or material changes in duties or organization. The name of e'?ery employee so laid off shall be placed on the appropriate re-employment list or lists as ?rovided ~.n the Rules est~3olished hereunder and such la?'.-offs shall be without the right of hearing or appeal. Section 17. ~IGHT OF APPEAL. Any employee in the co~petitive serv!ca shall have the right to appeal to the Personnel Board relative to any discip!~nary action, dismissal, demote.on, or alleged violation of this ordinance or the personnel rules; - 13 - except in instances where the right of appeal is pro- hibited by this ordinance. Thereupon, the Board shall make such investigation as it may deem necessary and within ten (10) days after the request for hearing was filed, the Board shall hold a hearing. The hearing need not be conducted according to technical rules relating to evidence and witnesses. Within ten (10) days after concluding the hearing, the Personnel Board shall certify its findings and recommenda- tions to the Council, to any other official from whose action the appeal was taken, and to the employee affected~ The Council shall review the findings and recommendations of the Personnel Board and may then affirm, revoke, or modify the action taken, as in its judgment seems war- ranted, and the action taken shall be final. Section 18. ABOLITION OF POSITION. Whenever in the judgment of the Council it becomes neces- sary in the interest of economy or because the necessity for the position or employment involved no longer exists, the Council may abolish any position or employment in the competitive service and lay-off, demote, or transfer an employee holding such position or employment without filing written charges. Seniority shall be observed in effecting such reduction in personnel and the order of lay-off shall be in the reverse order of total cumulative time served in the City service upon the effective date of the lay-off. Lay-off shall be made within classes of positions, and all provisional employees in the affected class or classes shall be laid off prior to the lay-off of any probationary or permanent employee. For the purpose of determining order of lay-off, total cumulative time shall include time served with the City prior to the institution of the personnel system .through the adoption of Ordinance No. 216 on December 15, 1941, and al~o all time served while on military leave of absence. - 14 - The names of probationary and permanent employees laid off shall be placed upon re-employment lists for classes which, in the opinion of the Personnel Officer, required basically the same qualifications and duties and responsi- bilities as those of the class of positions from which lay-off was made. Names of persons laid off shall be placed upon re-employ- ment lists in order of their seniority and shall remain on such lists for a period of two (2) years unless re-em- ployed sooner. Section 19. IMPROPER POLITICAL ACTIVITY. Any person holding an office or employment in the competi- tive service shall not: (a) Seek or accept election, nomination, or appoint- ment as an officer of a political club or organi- zation. (b) Take an active part in a county or municipal political campaign. (c) Serve as a member of a committee of such club, organization or circle. (d) Seek signatures to any petition provided for by any law. (e) Act as a worker at the polls or distribute badges, pamphlets, dodgers, or handbills of any kind favor- ing or opposing any candidate for election or nom- ination to a county or city office. Section 20. ACTIVITIES NOT AFFECTED. This ordinance does not prevent any officer or employee from: (a) Becoming or continuing to be a member of a polit- ical club or organization. (b) Attendance at a political meeting. - 15 - (c) Emjoying entire freedom from all interference in casting his vote. (d) Seeking or accepting election to public office while on leave of absence. (e) Accepting appointments to public office. (f) Seeking signature to any initiative or referen- dum petition directly affecting his rates of pay, hours of work, retirement, civil service, or other working conditions. (g) Distributing badges, pamphlets, dodgers, or hand- bills or other participation in any campaign in connection with such petition, if the activity is not carried on during hours of work, or when he is dressed in the uniform required in any depart- ment of the City government. The violation of any provision of Section 19 is grounds for discharge of any officer or employee. Section 21. DISCRIMINATION. No person in the competitive service, or seeking ad- mission thereto, shall be employed, promoted, demoted or discharged, or in any way favored or discriminated against because of political opinions or affiliations or because of race or religious belief. Section 22. SOLICITATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS. No officer, agent, clerk, or employee, under the govern- ment of the City, and no candidate for any City office shall, directly or indirectly, solicit or receive, or be in any manner concerned in soliciting or receiving, any assessment, subscription, contribution, or political ser- vice, whether voluntary or involuntary, for any political purpose whatsoever, from anyone on the employment lists or holding any position under the provisions of this ordi- nance. - 16 - NO officer or empl0~ee in the competitive service shall, directly-or-indirectly, solicit or receive, or be in any manner concerned in soliciting or receiving, any assess- ment, subscription, or contribution, whether voluntary or involuntary, for any purpose affecting his working conditions, from any person other than an officer or em- ployee in the competitive service. Section 23. RIGHT TO CONTRACT FOR SPECIAL SERVICE. The Council may contract with any qualified person or agency for the performance of such technical service as may be desired in the establishment or operation of the personnel system. The contract may include delega- tion to the person or agency so retained of all or a part of the responsibilities and duties imposed in this ordinance upon the Personnel Officer, including his duties under subdivision (c) of section 5, but shall not include the delegation of powers and duties vested in the Council or Personnel Board. Section 24. APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS. The Council shall appropriate such funds as are necessary to carry our the provisions of this ordinance. Section 25. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION° Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon a conviction thereof shall be punish- able by a fine of not more than $500.00 or by imprisonment for a period of not more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisor~nt. Section 26. ~VE ,RA:BILITY. If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unco. Do~:!tutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each section, subdivision, sentence, - 17 - clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. section 27. EFFECTIVE DATE. PUBLICATION. This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after the date of its adoption and prior to the expiration of fifteen (15) days from the passage thereof shall be pub- lished at least once in the Enterprise-Journal, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published and circu- lated in the City of South San Francisco, and thenceforth and thereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. Introduced th~s Seventh day of March 1960. Passed and a6iDpted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at ~ regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this Twenty-first day of March 1960, by the following vote: AYES, COb~CIL~NAndrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, Leo Jo Ryan and Patrick E. Ahem NOES, COUNCIL~N None ABSFNT, COUNC!i~MEN None. ATTEST: ART~IUR A o RODONDI City Clerk As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing ordinance thisTwenty-first day of March 1960. ANDREW ROCCA Mayor. - 18 - PERSONNEL ORDINANCEl COMPILATION CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO COMPILATION OF PERSONNEL ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS JUN~ 30, 1966 COPY NO. DATED: COMPILATION OF PERSONNEL RIU~ES AND ~ ^ ........ ~- ~ ~ This is a compilation of amendments to,°~-~onne!~o '-',.~u~cs -~ ~,~,d~ Regulations. The exact text of each amended section has been extracted from the amending Resolutions listed in Table I and arranged in numerical order in the compilation. The Resolutions source is noted in parenthesis at the end of each section. A CONTENTS OF mw~S COHPiLATiON: ~. ~b~e' I, which shows in chronological order Resolutions amending Resolution No.3486, correlated with the section set forth in the compilation. 2. Section amendments extracted from amending Resolutions and set forth in the main part of the com- pilation, commencing with Section 5.04. B. PURPOSE: The purpose of this compilation is to provide a quick orderly reference to the Personnel Rules and Regulations and amendments. · ~.-.z~ ~.~e COMPILATION CURRENT: A master copy of the compilation will be filed with ~ne City Clerk so that duplicate copies may be made therefrom for distribution. Copies disnributed to City officers and employees should be numbered and dated as of the date of dist- ribution. A log or register should be maintained show- ing the number of the copy, name of distributee and date of delivery, so that correction sheets may be accurately distributed to keep up-to-date copies in possession of City officers and employees. Copies sold to interested parties should have the date of distribution endorsed on the copy. Per- sons so acquiring copies are advised that the compil- ation is subject to correction on the adoption of amending Resolutions and copies of the correction sheets will be available upon paying the required fee to the Ciny Clerk. k%en a Resolution is passed amending the Personnel Rules and Regulations, the City Attorney will prepare a correction sheet, together with instructions, and for- ward same to the City Clerk for duplication and immediate distribution to the holders of the registered copies. The correction sheets will be in format similar to those sheets presently in the compilation. Dated: JN:hs June 31, 1966 /,john NoonAn L/Ci~.y Attorney e ~COMPILATION OF ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS PERSONNEL ORDINANCE f/4~9 This is a compilation of amendments to Personnel Ordinance #449 . The exact text of each amended Section has been extracted from the amending ordinances list- ed in Table I and arranged in numerical order in the compil- ation. The ordinance source is noted in parenthesis at the end of each section. A. CONTENTS OF THIS COMPILATION: 1. Table I, which shows in chronological order ordinances amending Ordinance No. 449 - PeOfso~nn~] Ord~nan~ , correlated with the section set forth in the compilation. 2. Section amendments extracted from amending ordinances and set forth in the main part of the compilation, commencing with,Section 4 . B. PURPOSE: The purpose of this compilation is to provide a quick orderly reference to the Personnel Ordinance and amendments pending codification. C. KEEPING COMPILATION CURRENT: A master copy of the compilation will be filed with the City Clerk so that duplicate copies may be made therefrom for distribution.. Copies distributed to City officers and employees should be numbered and dated as of the date of disg- ribution. A log or register should be maintained showing the number of the copy, name of distri- butee and date of delivery, so that correction sheets may be accurately distributed to keep up- to-date copies in possession of City officers and employees. Copies sold to interested parties should have the date of distribution endorsed on the copy. Persons so acquiring copies are advised that the compilation is subject to correction on the adoption of amending ordinances and copies of the correction sheets will be available upon paying the required fee to the City Clerk. When an ordinance is passed amending the Personnel Ordinance, the 'City Attorney will prepare a correction sheet, gether with znstructions, and forward same to the City Clerk for duplication and immediate distrib- ution~to the holders of the registered copies. The correction sheets will be in format similar to ~hose sheets presently, in the compilation. Dated: J~:hs June 30~ 1966 / ~ohn Noonam ity A~torney TABLE I PERSONNEL ORDINANCE AMENDMENT COMPILATION CORRELATION OF ORDINANCE AND SECTION ORDINANCE 456 465 474 477 51o 523 533 537 543 SECTION 6 6 6 4 7 8 9 10 17 6 6 6 Section 4. Personnel Board; Members; Compensation. a. There is hereby created a Personnel Board to consist of five (5) members, to be appointed by the COuncil. Persons now serving as members of the Per- sonnel Board shall continue as members thereof and shall serve until such time as their respective terms shall expire. At the expiration of the term of a member, said member or a successor shall be appointed by the City Council for a term of four (4) years. The terms of the members shall be so arranged that they are staggered, that is, they shall expire on different days for the purpose of maintaining a continuity at all times in the membership. Annually on or before the 30th day of January, the Board shall meet and elect a chairman from among its voting members. Vacan- cies on the Board shall be filled by appointment by a majority of the Council for the expired t~rm. Each member shall serve until his successor is appointed and qualified.~ A vote of three (3) Councilman s~ll be required to appoint a mamber of the Board, and a ~vote of four (4) Councilmen shall be necessary to re- move any member of the ~oard from office prior to the expiration of his term, or to declare a member's office vscant, should the member be absent from three (3) successive regular meetings without excuse. (Ord. #477-3/19/62; Ord. #533-9/7/65) b. Members of the Personnel Board shall be qualified electors of the City of South San Francisco and shall be persons in sympathy with the merit prin- ciples'of public employment. No person shall be appointed to the Board who holds any salaried public office of employment. A Board member may, however, immediately after leaving the Board, be appointed to a salaried job with the City, provided that he did not participate in the creation of the Job or the s~tting up of the examination, and passes the examin- · ation and fulfills other regular personnel require- ments. (Ord. #447-3/19/62; Ord. #533-9/7/65; Ord. #537-10/18/65) c. The City Council may by Resolution establish compensation for members of the Board, not to exceed Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) per month. (Ord. ~533-9/7/65) Section 6. Competitive Service. A. The followin~ positions and offices are in the competitive service and the provisions of this ~,'~ ordinance or amendments thereto shall apply to them. The City Council may add positions or offices to the competitive service by amendin~ this section by duly passin~ an ordinance so providing: (1) Administrative, Clerical and Fiscal: City Attorney Chief Account Clerk Parkin~ Meter ColleCtor & Repairman Police DisPatcher Clerk Police Clerk-~tron Senior Account Clerk Senior Steno-Clerk Parkin~ Enforcement Officer Account Clerk Stenographer Clerk Clerk-Typist PBX Operator Library: City Librarian Assistant Librarian Library Clerk (3) Public Safety: Police Chief of Police Police Captain Police Lieutenant Police Sergeant Police Officer Fire Fire Chief Assistant Fire Chief Battalion Chief Fire Captain-Trainin~ Officer Fire Captain Fireman (4) Inspection and En~ineerinM: Assistant Public Works Engineer (5) P~blic ~'~orks - Sune.~v~sin~: Superintendent of Public !forks Equipment ~aintenance Supervisor Public ~;;orks Foreman Superintendent of Sanitation Assistant Public ~;orks Superintendent (6) Recreation and Parks - Supervising: Recreation Center Director Swimminq Pool ~anager Chief Recreation Supervisor Recreation Supervisor Park Supervisor (7) Skilled, Semi-Skilled and Unskilled: Chief Treatment Plant Oo_erator Treatment Plant Operator I Treatment Plant .Operator II Treatment Plant Laboratory Technician Treatment Plant ~ainte~e -an I Treatment Plant ~.~a/ntenance ~'an II Treatment Plant -ec~an~c Treatment "1ant ~.'echan~c-~lec~rician In~ustrta! ~aste Inspector ~arbor Superinten~ent ~ecuritv Officer _~arina Attendant I ~-arina Attendant II Equipment .~echanic Equipment Operator Equipment Serviceman Sweeper Onerator Public t~orks ~aintenance ~,~an I Public ~,~orks ~aintenance ~,~ml II Park ~aintenance ~an I Park ~aintenance ~,{an II custo~L~an Traffic Sit,hal and Lighting Technician Assistant Traffic Siqnal and Li~htinq Technician B. The followin(~ offices shall not be included in the comDetitiv~ service: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (e) Elective Officers Members of appointive Boards, Commissions ~nd Com, mittees City Manaqer, Assistant City ~anaqer, his secretary and assistants Director and. Assistant Director of Emergency Se~zices City Attorney Director of Public Works City Planner Director of Pecreation and Parks e (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) Z~bFarv Administrator Chief of Police Fire Chief Dizector of Finance ~o]~ce Cadet Pa~k Maintenance Man III Public l'lorks ~a.intenance ~an III Park Maintenance Man IV Public ~'7orks Maintenan~e ~;an IV Police Re,orBs Supe~visor Police Detective Motorcycle Officer Police Traininq Officer Fi~e ~arshal Deputy City Attorney Utility Supply ~;an Persons engaged ~nSer ~ontract to su~Dl¥ exDert, professional or technical services for a ~efinite perio8 o~ ti~e. Volunteer personnel such as volunteer ~iremen, who receive no regular comDensation from the Cit~ Casual, seasonal or e~erqen~F employee; in any office or ~epa~ment of the City, in¢luSing but not limited to Dart-time crossing quar~s and inter~ittentlv employed Street DeDartment employees Hourly or per 8iem emDlo~ees Part-time employees. Section 6. amenSe8 by OrS/nance No. 456 adopte8 ~ovember 21, 1960, Ordinance No. 465 adopted June 19, 1961, Ordinance No. 474 adopted February~ 19, 1962, Ordinance ~o. 510 adooted August 3, 1964, Ordinance No. 523 adopted ~.;arch 15, 1965, Ordnance No. 543 adoDte~ February 7, 1966, Ordinance No. 556 adopted Segte~ber 19, 19~6, Ordinance No. 583 aSoDted January 6, 1969, Ordinance No. 593 adopted Aoril 21, 1969, Or~inance No. 608 aSooted December 7, 1~70, Ordinance No. 631 aSopte8 May 15, 1972, Ordinance No. 633 adopted Auto/st 28, 1972, Ordinance No. 641 aSopted November 20, 1972. 6ao Chief Building Inspector Assistant Engineer Assistant Building Inspector Public Works Inspector En~ineerin~ Aide (5) Public Works - Sumervisin~: Superintendent of Public Works Superintendent of Sanitation Automotive Maintenance Supervisor Public Works Foreman Recreation and Parks - Supervising: General Park Foreman Park Foreman Recreation Supervisor (7) Skilled, Semi-skilled and Unskilled: Chief Plant Operator Heavy Equipment Operator Automotive Maintenance Mechanic Equipment Operator Sweeper Operator Plant Operator Public Works Maintenance Man II Park Maintenance Man II Automotive Mechanic's Helper Chemist-Clerk Relief Plant Operator Public Works Maintenance Man I Head Custodian Custodian (Ord. 56-!1/21/60; Ord. Ord. 510-7/20/64; Ord. 523-3Z15/o5; Ord. 543-1/17/66) in B. The followin~ offices shall not be included the competitive service: Elective officers Members of appointive boards, commissions and committees (3) Persons engaged under contract to supply expert, professional or technical services for a definite period of time (4) Volunteer personnel such as volunteer firemen, who receive no'regular compensation from the City Ii t City Manager, his secretary and assistants Civil Defense Director and coordinator Director of Public Works t Planning Director of Officer 9 Casual, seasonal or emergency employees in any office or department of the City, inc!udin_~, but not limited to, part-time crossing guards and intermittently employed street department employees. i0') Hourly or per diem employees 11~ Part-time ~mp~gees 12) Superintenaent of Parks and Recreation (0rd 465-6/19/61; Ord. 474-2/5/62) Section 7. Adoption of 'Rules. (b) Preparation, plan, revision, and adminis- tration of a compensation plan directly correlated with the position classification plan, providing a rate or range of pay for each class. (g) Transfer, promotion and demotion of em-  !oyees in the competitive service. Ord. 477-3/19/62) Section 8. Appointments. Appointments to vacant positions in the compet- itive service shall be made in accordance with the personnel rules. Appointments and promotions shall be based on'merit and fitness to be ascertained by competitive examinations. Examinations ~ha!l be used and conducted to aid in the selection of qual- ified employees and shall consist of such recognized selection techniques as achievement and aptitude tests, and other written tests, personal interview, performance tests, evaluation of daily work perfor- mance, work sampler, or any combination of these, which will, in the opinion of the Personnel Board test fairly the qualifications of candidates. Physical, medical and agility tests may be ~iven as a part of any entrance examination. Physical and medical examinations may be required on pro- motional appointments when related to the quali- fications necessary t'o perform the duties of the classification. In any recruitment examination the Personnel Board may include, in addition to oompetitive tests, a qualifying test or tests and set minimum standards therefor. Appointment shall be made by the Council, or as provided by applicable State law, City ordlnanoe, or rules and regulations. When recruitment or promotional appointment is to be made to a vacancy in the competitive service, the Personnel Board shall transmit to the appointing power the names of all persons on the appropriate certified employment or promotional list, in the order in which they appear on the list. In the absence of ~ppropriate employment lists, a provisional appointment may be made by the appoint- ing authority of a person meeting the minimum train- ing and experience qualifications for the position. Provisional appointment of department heads shall be made by the City Council. Provisional appointments to other positions shall be made by the City Manager. An employment list shall be established within six (6) months for any permanent position filled by provisional appointment. The Council may, by a four- fifths voter extend the period for said list and provisioal appointment for not more than thirty (30) days, by any one action not to exceed three (3) such extensions. When a position is to be filled by provisional appointment, or a provisional appoint- ment is to be extendedt the Council shall direct the City Clerk to record such action in the minutes of the meeting of the Council. Credits shall be allowed on promotional appoint- ments for length of time in service in grade after completion of the probationary period. The schedule of said credits shall be set forth in the Rules and Regulations and the applicant must obtain a passing grade on the examination before such credits shall be applied. During the period of suspension of an employee, or pending final action on proceedings to review suspension, demotion or dismissal of an employee, such vacancI may be filled by the appointing auth- ority subject to the provisions of this ordinance and the personnel rules. (Ord. 477-3/19/62) Section 9. A~e Limits. No maximum or minimum a~e limits shall be pre- scribed or established for any civil service exam- ination, and a~e shall not be a minimum qualification for any employment in the classified service, and no person, otherwise qualified, shall be denied employ- ment in' said service solely because of age; provided, however, that the City Council hereby reserves the right to fix minimum or maximum a~e limits for the emp!oymeht of policemen and firemen. (Ord. Section 10. Probationary Period. All ori~inal and promotional appointmens shall be tentative and subject to a probationary period of one (1) year. The City Council may, by resolu- tion, establish a longer probationary period for specified classes. Durin~ the probationary period, quarterly reports of the probationer's performance shall be forwarded to the Personnel Board. During the probationary period, the employee may be rejected at any time pro~idin~ the appointin~ authority, City ~ana~er or department head, where authorized by this ordinance or the Rules and Regula- tions, files in writin~ with the Personnel Board rea- sons for such action. The Personnel Board shall have the right to review the action and may render a decision, but such decision may not be bindln~ on the appointin~ authority, City Manager or de- partment head unless the Personnel Board rules the action was the result of religious, political or racial discrimination. Any employee rejected, durin~ the probationary period~ from a position to which he has been promoted shall be reinstated to the posil~on from which he was promoted, or to one of equal rank, unless charges are filed and he is discharged as provided in this ordinance and the Personnel Rules and Re~utations as adopted hereunder. Any officer or employee in the competitive service who is promoted or transferred to a position not included in the competitive service shall be reinstated to the position from which he was pro- moted or transferred, or to one of equal ran]c.. ~127 within one (1) year after such promotion or 'cransfsr, he fails to qualifly and for that reason or for some other reason, he is dismissed; provided, of course, that he shall not otherwise have lost his former status in the promotional service through his discharge followin~ the filin~ of char_~es, in the manner provided for in this ordinance and the Personnel-Rules and Re~uiations established hereunder. (Ord. 477-3/19/6~) Section 15. Demotion and Discharge. The appointin~ power; City Manager; and de- partment heads~with respect to employees in their department, .each except as limited herein'or in 'the Rules and Regulations, shall'.have authority to demote or discharge a person in the competitive service for cause. The City Manager, before exer- cisin~ the power of demotion or discharge of de- partment heads, shall first obtain authorization from the City Council. Department heads, before exercisin~ the power of demotion or discharge, shall first obtain authorization from the City Manager. (Ord. 477-3/19/6~) Section lo. Right to Statement on Demotion or Discharge and Appeal. The tenure of every, employee holdin~ a position in the competitive service shall be durin~ ~ood behavior and proved fitness for the position on the basis of duties and responsibilities, but any officer or employee may be removed or otherwise disciplined as provided by this ordinance and in the Rules and Regulations established hereunder and departmental rules adopte'd by the City Council. Any permanent employee .in .the competitive service who has been- 10o 2. 3. 4. Discharged, Demoted, Reduced in Pay, Subjected to any disciplinary act or order, relief from wrongful im- position of which is not otherwise provided for,. and appea~ from which is not prohibited or denied shall have th~ right to demand from the person or official who ordered the discharge, demotion, reduction in pay, or imposed the disciplinary act or ordered a written statement of the reasons for such action by the close of the workin~ day followin~ the day he received notice 'of same. The statement shall be mailed or deli~vered to him within five (5) days after the demand. The demand shall be in writin~ and si~ned by the employee. A copy of the demand and state~ merit shall be filed with the Personnel Officer and forward- ed to the Personnel Board. The employee ma~ file an appeal with the Personnel Board for relief from said demotion,'discharge, reduction in pay, or disciplinary act or order provided said appeal is filed within fifteen (15) days after receiving notice of same. The provisions of this section 5hail not apply to reduction in pay which are part of a ~eneral plan to reduce salaries and wa~es as an economy measure, or as part of a ~eneral curtailment program, nor to lay-offs when necessi- tated by inclement weather or other adverse workin~ con- ditions, shortage of work or funds, or material chan~es in duties or or~aniz, ation. The name of every employee so laid off shall be placed on the appropriate re-employment list or lists as provided in the Rules established hereunder and such lay-offs shall be without the right of hearin~ or appeal. The Rules and Re_~ulations shall provide for the form of the appeal, official with whom it is to be filed and the required notices. ( Ord. ~477-3/19/62) il. Section 17. Investi~abions~ Hearin~ Findings and Decision. The Personnel Board may made such investiga- tion as it may deem necessary. The Personnel Board shall conduct a hearing within ten IlOl days after the appeal is filed and within ten[)!0 days after concludin~ the hearing, shall make findings and a decision affirming, revoking or modifyin~ the demotion, discharge, reduction in pay, or dis- ciplinary act or order. The findin~s and decision of the Personnel Board shall be final. The Rules and Regulations shall provide for the notices required, procedure for conductin~ any investigation and hearing and for the cer- tification of the findings and decision. The hear- in~ need not be conducted accordin~ to technical rules relatin~ to evidence and witnesses. 12. PERSONNEL RULES & REGULATIONS PERSONNEL RILLES AND REGULATIONS CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 3486 JUNE 4, 1962 TABLE OF CONTENTS RULE 1 RULE 2 RULE 3 RULE 4 RULE 5 RULE 6 RULE 7 RULE 8 RULE 9 RULE 10 RULE 11 RULE 12 RULE 13 RULE 14 RULE 15 RULE 16 RULE 17 RULE 18 RULE 19 PURPOSE AND DEFINITIONS GENERAL PROVISIONS PERSONNEL BOARD CLASSIFICATION COMPENSATION APPLICATIONS AND APPLICANTS EXAMINATIONS EMPLOYMENT LISTS METHOD OF FILLING VACANCIES PROBATIONARY PERIOD ATTENDANCE AND LEAVES PAY AND ADJUSTMENTS TRANSFER, PROMOTION, DEMOTION AND SUSPENSION SEPARATION FROM THE SERVICE APPEALS AND HEARINGS TRAINING OF EMPLOYEES REPORTS AND RECORDS OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT COOPERATION Page 1 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 11 Page 14 Page 16 Page 18 Page 20 Page 22 Page 24 Page 29 Page 30 Page 32 Page 33 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 RESOLUTION NO. 3486 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ADOPTING PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized and directedunder the provisions of Ordinance No.449 to adopt rules and regulations for the administration of the personnel system created in said ordi- nal~ce, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of South San Francisco does hereby adopt the following rules: RULE 1 PURPOSE AND DEFINITIONS PURPOSE The objectives of these rules are to facilitate efficient and economical services to the public and to provide for a fair and equitable system of personnel management in municipal government. These rules set forth in detail those procedures which insure similar treatment for those who compete for original employment and promotion, and define the obligations, rights, privileges, benefits and prohibitions which are placed upon all employees in the Competitive Service of the City. At the same time, within the limits of administrative feasibility, recognition shall be given to the fact that individuals differ, that no two individuals react alike to reward and discipline or to uniform motivation and encouragement. For this reason, con- siderable latitude shall be given to those charged with the du- ties and responsibilities relating to employee morale and disci- pline. DEFINITION OF TERMS The following terms, whenever used in these rules, shall be con- strued as follows: 1. O1 "ADVANCEMENT" A salary increase of one or more steps within the limits of the pay range established for a class. 1.02 "ALLOCATIOn' The assignment of a single position to its proper class in accord- ance with the duties performed, and the authority and responsi- bilities exercised. 1.03 "APPOINTING POWER" The officers of the city who, in their individual capacities, or as a board, commission, or city council, have the final authority to make the appointment to the position to be filled. 1.04 "APPOINTMENT" The offer to and acceptance by a person of a position in the com- petitive se~ice in accordance with the provisions of the Person- nel Ordinance and Rules and Regulations. 1.05 "BOARD" The Personnel Board established in pursuance of the ordinance creating a personnel system for the city. 1.06 "CLASS" All po3itions sufficiently similar in duties, authority, respon- sibility, and working conditions to permit grouoing under a com- mon title and the application with equity of co~non standards of selection, transfer, promotion, and salary. 1.07 "COMPETITIVE SERVICE" The positions and employments which are included or which may here- after be included under the personnel system by ordinance. 1.08 "DEMOTION" The movement of an employ ea. from one class to another class hav- ing a lower maximum rate of pay. 1.09 "ELIGIBLE" A person whose name is on an employment list. 1,10 "EMPLOYI~.k.~r LIST" A list of names of persons who have taken an examination for a class in the competitive service and passed and are ranked on the list in the order of the score received. 1.11 "EXAMINATI01~' (a) Assembled Examination: An examination conducted at a specified time and place at which applicants are required to appear for competi, rive examination under the supervision of an examiner. (b) Unassembled Examination: An examination cOnsisting of an appraisal of training, experience, work history, or any other means for eval- uating other relative qualifications of applicants without the necessity for their personal appearance at a specified place, (c) Oral Examination: A test or tests in which the Personnel Board or other persons qualified in the same professional field or class, orally questions the applicant and receives answers to evaluate his qualifications. 1.12 "IMMEDIATE FAMILT' The immediate family of an employee shall include: wife, husband, mother, father, sister, brother, child, grandmother, grandfather, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law or adopted or step-children. 1.13 "PERMANENT EMPLOYEE" An employee who has successfully completed his probationary per- iod and has been retained as hereafter provided in these rules. 1.14 "PERMONNEL ORDI~NCE" Ordinance No. 449, which creates a personnel system for the city. 1.15 "POSITIOn' Any office or employment in the competitive service whether occu- pied or vacant. 1.16 "PROBATIONARY" An employee who has probationary status. 1.17 "PROBATIONARY PERIOU' A working test period during which an employee is required to demonstrate his fitness for the duties to which he is appointed by actual performance of the duties of the position. 1.18 "PROMO?ICM" The movement of an employee from one position to another which is allocated to a class with a higher maximum rate of pay. 1.19 "PROMOTIONAL LIST" An employment list resulting from a promotional examination. 1.20 "PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATIOn' An examination for a particular class, admission to the examina- tion being limited to one or more class ~a: of employees in the competitive service or other as provided in these Rules and Reg- ulations. 1.21 "PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENT" An appointment acquired by a person who possesses the minimum qualifications established for a particular class, and who has been appointed to a position in that class in the absence of avail- able eligibles. 1.22 "RE-EMPLOYMENT LISTS" A list of employees who have probationary or permanent status and who have been legally laid off. 1.23 "REDUCTION~' A salary decrease within the limits of the pay range established for a class. 1.24 "REJECTION" The separation of an employee from the service during his proba- tionary period. 1.25 "SUSPENSIOn' The temporary separation from the service of an employee without pay, for disciplinary purposes. 1.26 "TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT" An a~pointment of a person to a position of limited duration. 1.27 "TERMINATION" The separation of an employee from the service of the city, by reason of d~:ath, discbmrge, displacement of a provisional employee by a probationary appointment, layoff, resignation, retirement and work com~letion. 1.28 "TRAm~.~J'E~' A change of an employee from one position to another position in the same class or.another class having essentially the same .max- imum salary iimito, involving the performance of similar duties and requirir~g substantially the same basic qualifications. 1.29 "TYPES OF SERVICE" Service refers to the number of hours an employee works and to the regularity with which he works. Service does not refer to an employee's employment status, i.e., permanent, probationary, provisional, acting, emergency or temporary. (a) Full-time: A full-time employee works the normal number of work- ing hours as defined by this ordinance. (b) Part-time: A part-time employee works a fraction of the normal work day but normally follows a pre-determined fixed pattern of working hours. (c) Intermittent: An intermittent employee may work a normal work day or a fraction thereof, but such work is done on call at irregular intervals or without a set pattern. (d) Seasonal: A seasonal employee normally works a full work day but is employed to complete a specific project which recurs annually and lasts for a limited period of time. 1.30 "TYPES OF STATUS" There are six types of status. They are acquired as follows: (a) Permanent: Acquired by an employee who has been lawfully retained in his position after the completion of the probation- ary period as provided in the Personnel Ordinance and these rules. (b) Probationary'i Acquired by an employee who has been certified and appointed, but who has not completed the probation- ary period as provided in the Personnel Ordinance and these rules. (c) Provisional: ~cquired by an employee who possesses the minimum <~ualifications established for the class and who has i;aeo appointed to fill a position for which no eli- i~ibles are available. (d) Acting: Ac~ired by an employee who has been app?inted in an actl.ng capacity to fill one of the positzons for 'which an acting appointment may be made as provided in t}~e Personnel Ordinance and these rules. c~f~e-~d--by an employee appointed for a period of not 0 (f) more than thirty working days to a position necessary to meet the requirements of an emergency condition. Temporary: Acquired by an employee appointed to a position of limited duration, not to exceed ninety (90) ~alendar days. 1.31 "VETERAN" For the purpose of this section, "veteran" means any person who has served full time for thirty (30) days or more in the armed forces in time of war or in time of peace in a campaign or expedi- tion for service in which a medal has been authorized by the Government of the United States, or during the period September 16, 1940, to December 6, 1941, inclusive, or during the period June 27, 1950, to January 31, 1955, and who has been discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable, but does not include any person who served only in auxiliary or reserve components of tb~ armed forces whose service therein did not ex- empt him from the operation of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940. 1.32 "COMPENSATORY TIME OFF~' Sbmll be time off with pay granted an employee in lieu of payment for overtime. 1.33 "OVERT IME'~ The following definitions shall apply in regard to overtime: (a) Overtime Work: Work performed in excess of the number of hours or days normally worked each day or week. (b) Overtime Pay: Pay granted an employee for overtime work in the amount equal to one and one-half (1-1/2) times the regular rate of pay. (c) };cheduled Overtime: {:~'~'$~-'~'., ....... ~.~med~:;' in excess of a normal work day or week has Teen scheduled in advance. (d) ~'~z~.l-back Overtime: ~..ork perfo'~med in excess of a normal work day or week where overtime work has not been scheduled in advance a'ad where ~he employee is called back from home to ,~?rfc,~:m ti".. required duties. RULE 2 GE}~RAL PROVISIONS 2.01 DISCLOSURE OF RELIGIOUS OR POLITICAL AFFILIATIONS No question in any text, in any application form, or in any other personnel proceedings, or of any appointing authority, shall be so framed as to attempt to elicit information concerning polit- ical or religious opinions or affiliations of an applicant, eli- gible, or employee. No appointment to or removal from a position in the competitive service shall be affected or influenced in any manner by any political or religious opinion or affiliation. 2.02 VIOLATION OF RULES Violation of the provisions of these rules shall be grounds for dismissal, rejection, or suspension, or other disciplinary action. 2.03 AMENDMENT AND REVISION OF RULES The City Council may amend and revise rules and regulations by resolution. Prior to Council consideration, the City Manager shall post, five (5) days in advance, a notice of the time, place and date of the meeting at which the Council will act on the sug- gested amendments or revisions. AC the time of consideration, any interested person may appear and be heard. Amendments and revisions shall become effective upon adoption by the City Council following such hearing. 2.04 WAIVER OF RIGHTS Neither a candidate for employment nor any employee in the com- petitive service shall be required to sign any document whereby he waives any right or rights accruing to him under the Person- nel Ordinance or the Rules and Regulations. RULE 3 PERSONNEL BOARD 3.01 MEETINGS The Personnel Board shall hold regular monthly meetings at such time and place within the city as shall be designated by the Chairman of the Board. Any regular meeting may be adjourned to a time certain and to a place designated by the Chairman. In addition, the Board may hold special meetings upon the call of the Chairman or any three members of the Board. Three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 3.02 PUBLIC HEARINGS Hearings conducted by the Personnel Board shall be public, unless the Board sbmll determine that a private hearing is necessary to secure all the facts in the case. Whenever such a finding is made, the Board may limit attendance at the hearing to the mem- bers of the Board, the Personnel Officer, the employee requesting the hearing, and such representatives as the employee designates, the officer or officers from whose action the appeal was taken, and such witnesses and other persons as the Board may require to be present. The hearing need not be conducted according to tech- nical rules relating to evidence and witnesses. RULE 4 CLASSIFICATION 4.01 PREPARATION OF PLAN The Personnel Officer, or person or agency employed for that purpose, shall ascertain and record the duties and responsibil- ities of all positions in the competitive service and, after consultation with appointing authorities and heads of depart- ments affected, shall reconaaend a classification plan for such positions. The classification plan shall consist of classes or positions in the competitive service defined by class specifi- cations, including title, a description of typical duties and responsibilities of positions in each class, a statement of the training, experience and other qualifications to be required of applicants for positions in each class. The classification plan shall be so developed and maintained that all positions substan- tially similar with respect to duties, responsibilities, author- ity, and character of work are included within the same class, and that the same schedules of compensation may be made to apply with equity under like working conditions to all positions in the same class. The classification shall be a general descrip- tion of the kind of work involved in the positions in the class. It shall not necessarily prescribe the complete duties of any position nor limit the authority of administrative officers to prescribe or alter the duties of any position. 4.02 ADOPTION OF PLAN Before the classification plan or any part thereof shall become effective, it shall first be approved by the City Council. The City Council may make changes or modifications of the plan. Upon adoption by the Council, by resolution, the provisions of the classification plan shall 'be observed in the handling of all per- sonnel actions and activities. The class definition plan shall be amended or revised as occasion requires in the same manner as originally established. 4.03 ALLOCATION OF POSITIONS Following the adoption of the classification plan, the Personnel'. Officer shall allocate every position in the competitive service to one of the classes established by the plan. Each employee holding a position in the competitive service shall take the title of the class to which his position has been allocated in accordance with the Personnel Ordinance and Rules and Regulations. 4.04 NEW POSITIONS When a'new position is created in the competitive service, before the same may be filled, the appointing authority shall notify the Personnel Officer, and, except as otherwise provided by ordinance or these rules, no person shall be appointed or employed to fill any such position until the classification plan has been amended and an appropriate employment list established for such position. 4.05 RECLASSIFICATION Positions, the duties of which have changed materially so as to necessitate reclassification, shall be allocated by the Personnel Officer to a more appropriate class, whether new or already created, in the same manner as originally classified and allo- cated. Reclassification shall not be used for the purpose of avoiding restrictions surrounding demotions and promotions. 4.06 TYPICAL TASKS The list of typical tasks shall be illustrative of the kind of work involved in positions in the class. The examples shall be detailed but not necessarily complete or exclusive. In deter- mining what positions are to be allocated to a class, consider- ation shall be gJmen to the complete specification, rather than to parcicular examples of duties or responsibilities. 4.07 MINI}~u~ QUALIFI (~TIONS The statement of mini~.~..;m ql~alifications shall be a general guide for the recruitment of employees to fill positict~s in ~he class. For recruiting purpos~s cer~.ain qualifications, when not express- ly stab. ed, shall be ur, derstood as req~ired. These are: good physical condition, freedom from disabling defects, citizenship, suitable age, honesty, sobriety, and industry. 4.08 AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN The City Council may create new classes, and revise or abolish existing classes. 10. RULE 5 COMPENSATION 5 .O1 PREPARATION OF PLAN Ail salaries for officers and employees in the competitive service shall be fixed by a salary schedule. Such schedule shall be es- tablished by resolution adopted by the City Council and may be changed or amended by the City Council. The City Council or the person or agency authorized or employed for that purpose shall pre- pare a pay plan covering all classes of positions in the competitive service, showing the minimum and maximum rates of pay. In arriving at such salary ranges, consideration shall be given to prevailing rat.es of pay for comparable work in other public and private employ- ment, i~cluding consideration of conditions of work as well as basic pay; to current costs of living; to suggestions of depe?tment heads; and to th.3 city's financial condition and policies, Th,~:~eafter, no positio~ oh~Li be. ~ ~:~{~igned a salary higher than tbs m~'~im~ or lower t~n the min~.:~mam ~lar~~ provided for t~t class or position unless the sala'~y se:b.du'~.~, :for the class is amended in the s&me ~anner as adopted. Each po~,itior, in ~])e c~:~:petitive service she. Il bz assi:l~ned a sched- ule nuu%~,er in accordance with the normal initial compensation of such office of employment as shown in the salary schedule. (a) The first step of the salary schedule of the particular job classification shall apply to employees upon original appoint[~ant. However, the appointing authority may ap- point at other than the first step if it is found it is not practical or possible to recruit qualified personnel at the first step. (b) When an officer or employee is advanced from one position to another of a higher level, he shall as of the date of the advance to the new position receive not less than the equivalent of a one step increase and shall carry the new anniversary date to the new position. (c) Whenever a person is appointed to a permanent position at a step on the salary schedule for that position which is higher than the first step of that salary schedule, all other persons previously employed in the same position shall be advanced to that same step df the salary schedule as the entering employee and shall retain their original anniversary date. 5.03 STEP ADVANCEMENT Every officer and employee shall be eligible for advancement to the second step of the specific salary range six (6) months after his recruitmant appointment, provided that his performance merits the increase. Advancement to the third step shall be eighteen (18) months thereafter. Advancements to the fourth and fifth steps shall be at the next succeeding twelve (12) month intervals. The anniversary date of the recruited employee, as long as he remains 11. in the same class, shall remain the same. 5 .O4 OVERTIME The following state the conditions which determine when overtime pay shall be granted: (a) Scheduled Overtime: Ail employees, with the exception of department heads and police and fire members, who work in excess of their nor- mal work day or week shall be granted overtime pay for the time worked or given compensatory time off. (b) Call-back Overtime: Ail employees, with the exception of department heads and police and fire members, who are called back to work shall be granted overtime pay for the time worked or given com- pensatory time off. Whenever an employee is called back to work for less than one (1) hour, he shall receive a minimum of one (1) hour overtime pay. Call-back time com- mences from the time the employee receives the call to report back to work to the time he returns home. (c) Members of the police and fire departments shall be grant- ed pay for such additional time aZ the regular rate of pay or given compensatory time off. When a member of the police or fire department is called back to work for less than one (1) hour, he shall receive a minimum of one (1) hour's pay at the regular rate. (d) The department head, with the approval of the City Man- ager, shall determine whether the employee shall be com- pensated with pay at said rate or given compensatory time off. Time off must be taken within sixty (60) calendar days of the time accrued. 5.05 MANDATORY IN-SERVICE TRAINING Mandatory in-service training shall not constitute overtime; how- ever, except for probationers, if mandatory training is requested by a department head and it is not feasible to conduct such training during regular working hours, employees engaging in such training shall be given compensatory time off for time spent in such pro- grams. The firml decision on initiating any in-service training on other than regular working hours shall be made by the City Manager. 5.06 WORK OF LESS THAN FIFTEEN MINUTES OF DURATION No compensatory time off or payment of any sort shall be made for overtime work of less than fifteen (15) minutes' duration which is performed immediately following the regular hours of work. 12. 5.07 ACCRUED TIME OFF - TIME OF TAKING A department head shall grant accrued time off to an employee upon written request from the employee. Such time off must be taken within sixty (60) calendar days of the time accrued. 5,08 REPORT REQUIRED FOR COMPENSATORY TIM~ OFF In order to be eligible to receive compensatory time off, all overtime in lieu of pay must be reported to the City Mamger on forms provided by said departments. 5.09 DETERMINATION OF TIME REQUIRED FOR EMPLOYMENT Any dispute or question of fact as to what time or times are normally required for the employment of any officer or employee shall be deczded by the City Manager, and his decision shall be final. 5.10 PAY INCREASES AFFECTED BY LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY An employee's pay increase shall not be affectad by any leave of absence without pay, if he is off the payroll for less than two pay periods. If he is off the payroll for two or more successive pay periods the total zmount of time off shall be made up before the employee shall be entitled to such pay incr~ase. 5.11 STEP PAY FIAN The pay plan includes a salary step plan consisting of schedules of salary ranges consisting of five scheduled amounts or steps of monthly compensation, and each df said rangers is designated by a number herein named t??. Schedule Number. Each sr. ep is predicated upon a five percent (~,'~) increment. 5.12 HOURLY RATES OF COMPENSATION The hourly rate of compensation for payroll purposes shall be computed on the basis of twelve (12) times the monthly rate divid- ed by fifty-two (52) times the number of working hours per week for the position for which such hourly rate is computed. Hourly rates for positions designated as "per hour' positions shall be computed on the basis of a forty (40) hour week, unless otherwise provided. 13. EIILE 6 APPLICATIONS AND APPLICANTS 6.01 ANNOUNCEMENT All examinations for classes in the competitive service shall be published by posting announcements in the City Hall, on official bulletin boards, and in such other places as the Per- sonnel Board deems advisable, including at least one (1) news- paper circulated in the city. The announcement shall specify: (a) the title and pay ran&e of the class for which the examination is announced, (b) the nature of the work to be performed, (c) preparation desirable for the performance of the work of the class, (d) the dates, time, place and manner of making applica- tion and method of securing applications, (e) minimum qualifications required. The notice may contain such additional information as in the dis- cretion of the Personnel Board seems pertinent. 6.02 APPLICATION FORMS Applications shall be made on forms provided by the Personnel Board. Such forms shall require infor.m?tion covering training, experience, citizenship, and other pertxnent information, and may include certificates of one or more examining physicians, refer- ences and fingerprinting, and may include provisions for investi- gation and report by city offices or others. Ail applications must be signed by the person applying for the position. 6.03 ACCEPTANCE OF APPLICATIONS The application for appointment shall be considered if it meets in form and substance the requirements of this rule, is filed within the time prescribed, and has not been rejected for cause by the Personnel Board. Further information may be required of the applicant upon request of the Personnel Board. 6.04 DISQUALIFICATION The Personnel Board shall reject and authorize the Personnel Officer to reject any application which indicates on its face that the applicant does not possess the minimum qualifications required for the position. Applications also shall be rejected if the applicant is not a citizen of the United States; is physi- cally unfit for the performance of duties of the position to which he seeks appointment; is of bad character; is addicted to the habitual excessive use of drugs or intoxicating liquor; has been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude; has made 14. false statement of any material fact, or practiced, or attempted to practice, any deception or fraud in his application; or has a reputation for a course of conduct not compatible with the duties he would assume. Whenever an application is rejected, notice of such rejection with a statement of the reason shall be mailed to the applicant by the Personnel Officer. Defective applications may be returned to the applicant with notice to amend the same, providing the time limit for receiving applica- tions has not expired. 6.05 RESIDENCE REQUIREMENT It shall be the policy of the city to recruit personnel from residents of South San Francisco, if qualified applicants can be obtained. If the Personnel Board determines that recruitment from the city will not, in the opinion of the Board, provide a sufficient number of qualified applicants, then the Personnel Board may, by resolution, suspend the residence requirement for the particular position upon showing that the suspension serves the best interest of the public and the personnel system. How- ever suspension of the requirement for promotional examinations shall be by resolution of the Personnel Board. 15. KULE 7 EXAMINATIONS 7.01 NATURE AND TYPES OF EXAMINATIONS The selection techniques used in the examination process shall be impartial, of a practical nature and shall relate to those subjects which, in the opinion of the Personnel Board, fairly measure the relative capacities of the persons examined to exe- cute the duties and responsibilities of the class to which they seek to be appointed. Examinations shall consist of such recognized personnel selection techniques as achievement tests, aptitude tests, evaluation of personality and background through personal interviews, perform- ance tests, evaluation of daily work performance, work samples, or physical agility tests or any combination of them. 7.02 PgOMOTIONALEXAMINATIONS Examinations may be specified by the Personnel Board as open only, as promotional only, or as both open and promotional whenever the needs of the service require. Promotional examinations may in- clude any of the selection techniques mentioned in Sec.'7.01 of this rule, or any combination of them, and may include evalua- tion of prior city service and accomplishment in special training courses. Requirements for the examinations shall be set by the Personnel Board. Ail candidates must possess the minimum quali- fications necessary to perform the duties of the class or posi- tion to which promotion is sought. An employee who has served the ~ity in the capacity of Laborer or Custodian for a period of one year and has demonstrated competency and desire may, upon recommendation of the department head and approval of the City Manager, be given a technical oral examin- ation for promotion to the next higher classification. 7.03 CONDUCT OF EXAMINATIONS The Personnel Board shall determine the manner and methods and by whom the examinations shall be prepared and administered. The City Council, upon recommendation of the Personnel Board, may con- tract.with any competent agency or individual for preparing and administering examinations. In the absence of such a contract, the Personnel Officer shall perform such duties. The Personnel Officer shall arrange for the use of public buildings and equip- ment for the conduct of examinations and shall render such assist- ance as shall be required. 7.04 SCORING EXAMINATIONS AND QUALIFYING SCORES The weights for each competitive part of a given examination and the minimum passing score for all parts of the examination shall be at the discretion of the Personnel Board. The minimum pass- ing score for all parts of the examination shall be seventy per 16. cent (70%). Failure in one part of the examination shall be grounds for declaring such a?plicant as failing in the entire examination, or as disqualified for subsequent parts of an ex- amination. The Personnel Board may, in its discretion, include as a part of the examination, except on promotional examinations, tests which are qualifying only. 7.05 CREDIT POINTS FOR VETERANS AND SERVICE IN GRADE (a) Veteran Status: A veteran who becomes eligible for certification from eligible lists by attaining the passing mark established for the examination shall be allowed five (5) additional points, except for promotional examinations in which case no points shall be allow- ed. Such credit shall be added to the percentage attained in the examination by the veteran. The name of each veteran shall be placed or the eligible list for appointment in the order and 0n the basis of the percentage attained in the examination after the appropriate credit has been added, (b) Seniority Credit: In all promotional e~mminations an enployee in the competitive service who becomes eligible for certi- fication from eligible lists by attaining the pass- ing mark established for the exami~ation shall be allowed one-half (1/2) point for ~ach year after the probationary year, but the cradit shall not ex- ceed eight (8) points. Such credit shall be added to the percentage attained in th~ examination. The name sbmll be placed ou the eligible list for ap- pointment in the order and on the basis of the per- centage attained in the examination after the appro- priate credit has been added. 7.06 NOTIFICATION OF EXAMINATION RESULTS AND REVIEW OF PAPERS Each candidate in an examination shall be given written notice of the results thereof, and if successful, of his final earned score and rank on the employment list. The applicant shall be allowed ten (10) days after notification of final grade to review his own examination paper. No certification of eligibles shall be made until after this period. 17. RULE 8 EMPLOYMENT LISTS 8.01 EMPLOYMENT LISTS As soon as possible after the completion of an examination, the Personnel Officer shall prepare and keep available an employment list consisting of the names of candidates who qualified in the examination, arranged in order of final scores, from the highest to the lowest qualifying score. Whenever identical ratings are earned, names shall be arranged in order of relative scores earned in the most heavily weighted or most important part of the examination. The employment list shall then be submitted to the appointing authority and the Personnel Board. 8.02 DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT LISTS Employment lists shall become effective upon the Personnel Board's approval, and upon its certification that the list was legally prepared and represents the relative ratings of the persons whose names appear on it. Employment lists, except promotional employ- ment lists, shall remain in effect for six (6) months, unless sooner exhausted, and may be extended prior to their expiration dates, by the Personnel Board, for additional three (3) month periods, but in no event shall an employment list remain in effect for more than one (1) year. Promotional employment lists shall remain in effect for one (1) year unless sooner exhausted, and may be extended by action of the Personnel Board for additional three (3) month periods, but in no event shall the list be ex- tended for more than one (1) additional year. 8.03 RE-EMPLOYMENT LISTS The names of probationary and permanent employees who have been laid off shall be placed on appropriate re-employment lists in order of their seniority. Such names shall remain thereon for a period of two (2) ~ears unless such persons are sooner re- employed. When a re-employment list is to be used to fill vacancies, the Personnel Board shall certify from the top of such list the num- ber of names equal to the number of vacandies to be filled, and the appointing power shall appoint such persons to fill the va- canies. However, an employee who was on a disabled status shall be rein- stated immediately by the city to his former position if avail- able or to any available position for which he meets the minimum qualifications, at the prevailing wage scale for the position, until a vacancy becomes available in his former classification. If no position is available, he shall be eligible for the first vacancy. 8.04 RECOGNITION OF PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT LISTS Employment lists in effect at the time of the effective date of 18. the Personnel Ordinance are to be recognized as lists establish- ed under the ordinance. These lists shall remain in effect as provided in Sec~ 8.02 of this rule, such effectiveness to date back to the time the lists were originally established. 8.05 REMOVAL OF NAMES FROM LISTS The name of any person appearing on an employment, re-employment or promotional llst shall be removed by the Personnel Officer if the eligible requests in writing that his name be removed, if he fails to respond to a notice of certification sent by certi- fied mail to his last known address within ten (10) days after mailing of such notice, or if he has been certified for appoint- ment three (3) times and has not been appointed. The person affected shall be notified of the removal of his name by a notice mailed to his last known address. The names of persons on pro- motional employment lists who resign from the service sbmll auto- maritally be dropped from such lists. R___UL_E 9 METHOD OF FILLING VACANCIES 9.01 TYPES OF APPOINT~NT Ail vacancies in the competitive service shall be filled by re- employment, transfer, demotion, or from eligibles certified by the Personnel Beard from a'~] appropriate employment or promotion- al list, if available. In the absenc9 of parso~s eligible for appointment in these ways, provisional appc, lntments may be per- mitted in accordance with the Personnel Ozdinance and these rules. 9.02 NOTICE TO PERSO~NEL OWFICER Whenever a vacancy in the competitiw~ service is to filled, the department head shall notify the Personnel Officer The Person- nelOf~Icer shall adv.~e t~'~e ap~ointi:~g pcwer, Cit~ Manager and department head ~ts to she availability of employees for re- employment, requests for transfers, or demotion, and of eligi- bles on employment or promotional lists for ~he class. 9.03 CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBLES The appointing power shall indicate whether it is desired to fill the vacancy by re-employment, transfer, or demotion, or whether certification from a promotional or employment list is preferred. If appointment is to be made from an employment or promotional list, the names of all persons willing to accept appointment shall be certified. 9.04 ORDER OF CERTIFICATION Whenever certification is to be made, the employment lists, if each exists, shall be used in the following order: re-employment list, promotional list, open-competitive list. Whenever there are fewer than three (3) names on a promotional list or an open- competitive list, the appointing authority may make an appoint- ment from among such eligibles or may request the Personnel Board to establish a new list. If a new l~st is requested, the Per- sonnel Board shall hold a new examination and establish a new employment list. 9.05 APPOINTMENT As a prerequisite for employment and appointment the eligible shall be fingerprinted and identification verified by the Police Department and he shall establish his residence in the City of South San Francisco within one (1) year after appointment and before permanent appointment. The Personnel Board may by resolu- tion extend the period for establishing residence for three (3) months by any one action not to exceed a total of six (6) months and the probationary period shall be extended for the same length of time. The City Council shmll be the appointing power for all department head classes or positions. After interview and in- vestigation and recommendation of the City Manager, the City 20. Cit~ Of South San Francisco Adopted: 12/4/72 TRE~T~,~NT PLA:~T ,~CIA~NiC .- ELECTRICI~' DEFINITION Under general supervision, to perform a variety of skilled an~ semi-skilled mechanical and electrical maintenance and repair work on Treatment Plant and pumping station equipment and facilities, and do related work as reauired. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Inspects Treatment Plant equipment and facilities to locate needed repairs and maintenance; installs, services and maintains a variety of Treatment Plant equipment, including Dumps, pipelines, valves and other types of stationery machinery and equipment; makes repairs to electrical equipment including rewiring and replacing defective and worn parts; maintains and repairs motor control centers, automatic control facilities, standby generators, signal alarms; may act as Treatment Plant Operator when needed; performs a variety of other duties as assigned. DESIRABLE 0UALI FICATIONS Knowledge of: Methods, tools and e~uipment used in mechanical and electrical m~intenance and repair work; Oo. eration and maintenance of sewage treatment plant and realted faci ii ties; National Electric Code and OSHA regulations. Ability to: Detect and t~e appropriate action to correct mechanical and electrical faults and failures; Perform a wide variet~ of mechanical and electrical maintenance work; Use required tools and equi~oment skillfully and safely; Work from sketches and blueprints; Understand and carry out oral and written ~irectors; Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with those contacted in the course of work; and Experience: Three years of e~erience in maintenance and repair of a ~ide variety of mechanical and electrical e,uiDment; and Education: Equivalent to coz.~, letion of the twelfth grade. II ']III ~[~F.~ 9 ~THOD 0~ ~ILLIMC- VACA~CIE.~ 9.01 TYPES 0~' A~POIN~.~ENT All vacancies in the com~etitive service shall be filled by re-e~Dlovment, transfer, demotion, or from eli-ibles certified bT, the Personnel Board from an appropriate employment of promotional list, if availa%le. In the absence of persons eligible for appointment in these ways, orovisional appointments may be permitted in accordance ~.~ith the Personnel OrWinance and these rules. 9.02 ~OTIC~ TO PE~O.%TNF~L OFFICE~ W~enever a vacancy in the competit~ve ~ervice is to be ~illed, the deoart- ~nt head shall no~f~, the Personnel Oilier. ~e De~nel O~fi~r ~haI1 advise ~e ~Dointin~ p~r, Ci~ ~a~er ~d ~Dart~nt ~ea~ a~ to the avail~bili~ of e~l~ees for ~-e~l~nt, r~s~ for tr~sfe~, or ~on, ~d of eli~ibles on e~l~nt or nr~ot~onal l~ts for the class. 9.03 CERTIFI~TIC~; OP ELIGIBLE,.g ~le appointin~ -~er shall indicate ~hether it i~ desire8 to ~ill the vacancy bV re-e.~olovment, transfer, demotion, reinstatement, or ~.:hether certification from a promotional or employment list is mreferreS. If appointment is to be made from an employment list, the names of all persons on the list shall be certified. If appointment is to be made from a promotional list, the names oF the tOD thTee Persons on the list still eligible and available for immediate appointment shall he certified. I~ a second appointment is to he made fro~ the same promotional list, the next three names of persons on that list, exceDtin~ tho~e already appointed those no longer eligible or available, shall he certified. 9.04 CREEP OF CE~/~IPICATION ~'~enever certification is to he made, the e~plovment lfgts, iF such exists, shall be used in the follc~inu or,er; re-employment list, promotional list, open competitive list. ~enever there are fe,.~r than three (3) names on a promotional list or an ooen competitive list, the aDpointin~ authority make an appointment from a~ong such eligibles or may request the Personnel Board to establish a ne.~ list. If a new list is re~ueste~, the Personnel Board shall hold a ne~,~ examination an~ establish a na~; employment list. 9 . 05 APPOI NT~FNT As a prerequisite for emolovment and apDointm~nt, the eligible shall be finge~rinted and ident~fication verified by the Police _Department. The City Manager shall be the aDpointin~ nower for all department head classes or positions and for all classes or positions hel~ the nosition of depart- ment head. The City ~anaqer shall make appointment ~rom amon~ those certified as eligible, and shall immediately notify the Personnel Clerk of the person or nersons appointed. The Personnel o~ficer shall notify the person appointsd, and, if the applicant acceots the appointment and Presents himself for dutv within such period of t~me as the apDointin~ authority shall prescribe, he shall be deemed to be am.nointed; othem,3ise he shall he deemed to have declined t_he appointment. 20. ii ' '/I]1 HISTORY Section 9.05 amended bv Resolution No. 5584 ado0,~ted by the Citw Council at a regular meeting June 21, 1971. Section 9.05 amended bv Resolution No. 5845 adopted bV the City Council at a regular meeting "~{av 1, 1972. Section 9.03 amended by Resolution No. 5991 adopted by the City Council at a regular meeting December 4, 1972. 2la. II ' ff ' '1111 Council may make appointment from amon~ those certified, and shall immediately notify the Personnel Officer of the person or persons appointed. The City Manager shall be the appointing power for all classes or ~osi~io~s below =he wosition of depart- ment head. After interview and investigation and recommemdation of the department head, the City Manager may make appointment from among those certified, and shall immediately notify the Personnel Clerk of the person or persons appointed. The Per- sonnel Officer shall notify the person appointed, and if the a~plicant accepts the appointment and presents himself for duty within such period of time as the appointin~ authority shall pre- scribe, he shall be deemed to be appointed; otherwise, he shall be deemed to have declined the appointment. 9.06 PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENTS In the absence of appropriate employment lists, a provisional appointment may be made by the appointing power of a person meet- ing the minimum training and experience qualifications for the position. An employment list shall be established within six ({) months for any permanent position filled by provisional appoint- ment. The Council may, by a four-fifths vote, extend said period for any provisional appointment and list for not more than thirty (30) days by any one actzon, not to exceed three (3) such ex- tensions. When a position is to be filled by provisional appoint- ment, or a provisional appointment is to be extended, the Coun- cil shall direct the City Clerk to record such action in the minutes of the meeting of the Council. No special credit shall be allowed in meeting any qualification or in the giving of any test or the establishment of any employ- ment or promotional lists, for service rendered under a provi- sional appointment. 9.07 EMERGENCY APPOINTMENTS To meet the immediate requirements of an emergency condition, such as extraordinary fire, flood or earthquake, which threatens public life or property, a member of the City Council, City Manager, department head, or their designated legally competent officer or employee may employ such persons as may be needed for the duration of the emergency without regard to the Personnel Ordinance or rules affecting appointments. As soon as possible, such appointments shall be reported to the ~ersonnel Officer. 9.08 TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS In case where the immediate.employment of an employee is neces- sary to the department, the appointing authority shall have the power to make a temporary appointment of a limited duration not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days. Employees hired on a tem- porary basis shall be notified in writing that such appointment is of a temporary nature and does not entitle them to prefer- ence or right to a permanent position. Temporary employees shall not accumulate sick leave, vacation pay, paid holidays or the right of appeal. 21. RULE 10 PROBATIONARY PERIOD 10.01 "REGULAR APPOINTMENT FOLLOWING PROBATIONARY PERIOD All original and promotional appointments shall be tentative and subject to a probationary period o~ one (1) year. The City Council may, by resolution, establmsh a longer probationary ..... period for specified classes. The Personnel Officer shall no- tify the appointing authority, department head and the proba- tioner concerned one (1) month prior to the termination of any probationary period. In those cla~ses in which the City Manager is the appointing power, the ~epartment head shall submit a report to the City Manager.as to whether the probationary employee has been satis- factory or ~nsatisfactory. The City Manager shall endorse there- on or add his recommendation and forward the department bead's report, to~ther with his recommendation, to the P~rsonnel Bcsrd. The City Manager shall then continue or terminate~the employ- ment at the close of the probationary period. In'those classes in which tie City Council is the appointing power~ the City Manager shall submit a report as to whether the probationary employee has been satisfactory or unsatisfactory. The City Council shall endorse thereon or add its recommendation and for- ward the C~y Manager's report, together with the City Council's recommendation, to the Personnel Board. The Cit7 Council shall then cqntirue or terminate the employment at the close of the probationa%y period. During the period of probation, quarterly reports of the proba- tioner's performance shall be forwarded to the Personnel Board in the samemanner as provided above. 10.02 OBJECTIVE OF PROBATIONARY PERIOD The probationary period shall be regarded as a part of the test- ee-in~sPr°CeSS ~nd shall be utilized for closely observing the employ- work, for securing the most effective adjustment of a new employee to ~is position, and for rejectingany probationary employee whoae performance does not meet the required standards of work. 10.03 REJECTION OF PROBATIONE~ During the probationary period an employee may be rejected at any time by the appointing power without cause and without the right to appeal, except as hereafter may be provided. Notification of re3ection in writing shall )e served on the probationer and a copy filed with the Personnel Officer and the Personnel Board. The Board may review such action and make a recommendation, but no such recommendation shall be binding on the appointing power unless the Board shall find s~ch dismissal was the result of political~ religious or racial discrimination. 22. 10.04 REJECTION FOLLOWING PROMOTION Any employee rejected during the probationary period following a promotional appointment, or at the conclusion of the probation- ary period, shall be reinstated to the position from which he was promoted unless charges are filed and he is discharged in the manner provided in the Personnel Ordinance and these rules for positions in the competitive service. 23. RULE ll ATTENDANCE AND LEAVES 11.01 VACATION LEAVE (a) Vacation leave with pay slmll be granted to full time employees as follows: Two calendar weeks to those with continuous ser- vice from one to the completion of the ninth year of service. Three calendar weeks to those with continuous ser- vice from ten to the completion of the nineteenth year of service. In the tenth year of service the employee shall be entitled to request three calen- dar weeks vacation leave, but if after taking the leave he shall fail to complete the tenth year, a pro rata adjustment shall be made in his termina- tion pay deducting the amount of unearned vacation leave. Four calendar weeks to those with continuous ser- vice of twenty years or more. In the twentieth year of service the employee shall be entitled to request four calendar weeks vacation leave, but if after taking the leave he shall fail to com- plete the twentieth year, a pro rata adjustment shall be made in his termination pay deducting the amount of unearned vacation leave. (b) (0) (d) An employee may, with the approval of the department head and City Manager, defer one (1) calendar week of his annual vacation leave to the succeeding calendar year. The employee shall file written request to defer with the department head, who shall, upon endors- ing his approval or disapproval, submit it to the City Manager. Employees who terminate employment shall be paid in a lump sum for all accrued vacation leave earned prior to the effective date of termination. No such payment shall be made for vacation accumulated contrary to the provisions of these rules. For the purpose of deter- mining earned vacation per month, divide the number of days annual leave due the employee by reason of his years of continuous service by twelve. The times during a calendar year at which an employee may take his vacation shall be determined by the department head and approved by the City Manager with due regard for the wishes of the employee and partic- ular regard for the needs of the service. Vacations shall be taken in increments of one week. If the requirements of the service are such that an employee must defer part or all of his annual vacation leave 24. in a particular calendar year, the department head shall file request for such deferment with the City Manager and obtain his approval. Deferred vacation which is not taken during the calendar year immed- iately following the calendar year in which the vaca- tion leave was deferred shall be compensated for. (e) In the event one or more municipal holidays fall within an annual vacation leave such holidays shall not be charged as vacation leave and the vacation leave shall be extended accordingly. (f) In the event an employee is not permitted to take all of the vacation to which he is entitled in a calendar year, he shall be permitted to accumulate the unused portion to hzs credit, provided, that on January 1st of any calendar year he shall not have a total credit of more than thirty (30) working days of vacation except that in case of fire, flood, or other extreme emergency an additional accumulation may be approved by the City Manager. (g) The Personnel Officer shall keep proper records and schedules of vacations accumulated and granted and shall make such reports thereof to the executive officer as he ~y from time to time require. 11.02" SICK 5EA%~ .... ~ (a) Sick leave shall not be considered as a privilege which an employee may use at his discretion, but shall be allowed only in case of necessity and actual sickness or disability. Probationary and permanent, full-time employees will accrue sick leave with pay on the basis of one (1) work day of sick leave ior every month of continuous ser- vice to a maxim~m of twelve (12) days in any calendar year. Sick leave need not be used with- in a specified l~ave-year but may be accumulated up to a maximum of 120 days. An employee who re- signs or is discharged from the city service for any reason shall ~orfeit permanently all sick leave accumulated to tha~ date. An employee having ac- cumulated and unused sick leave credit who retires either on attaining mandatory retirement age or after having served the required number of years to voluntarily retir~ as set forth in the State Employment Retirement System contract shall be paid one day's pay at said employee's daily rate of pay for each two (2~ days of accumulated and unused sick leave credit, accumulated and unused as of the date of said r~tzrement. 25. (b) (c) History Added by Resolution No. 3486, based on Resolution No. 3046, 3109 and 3146. Amended by Resolution No. 3866. Notes Personnel Board interpretation 6/25/62, revised 6/27/63 A maximum of five (5) days sick leave may be taken in any one calendar year in case of actual sickn~sf' disability or death in the immediate family. In order to receive compensation while absent on sick leave the employee shall notify his department head prior to, or within four (4) hours after the time set for beginning his daily duties, or as spec- ified by the head of his department. The depart- ment head shall notify the City Manager in the same manner. Should the absence be for one (1) day, a personal affidavit may be required; should the absence 25a. be for more than two (2) days, the employee shall file with the department head a physician's certi- ficate or department head's certificate. Upon written approval of the department head, filed with the City Manager, sick leave shall~be granted for a longer period of time. (d) A report of sick leave shall be made to the Person- nel Board so that it may be reviewed. Such leave credit earned for service under the prior ordinance, and rules shall be continued under Ordinance No. 449 and these Rules and Regulations. (e) An employ~,e who is entitled to temporary disability indemnity because of injury in course of employment may elect to take as much of his accumulated sick leave, or his accumulated vacation, or his accumu- lated compensable overtime, as when added to his disability indemnity will resu].t in a payment to him of not more tk~n his full salary or wage. When com- puting vacation, sick leave Or overtime under this section, the employee shall be given credit for any holidays tl%at occur during the period of absence hereunder. He is nevertheless entitled to medical, ~urgical, and hospital treatment as provided under State law for injuries in course of employment. When accumulated sick leave, vacation or overtime, or all, are exhausted, he is still entitled to receive disability indemnity. (f) When an employee uses sick leave or vacation leave, or both, because of an injury compensable as a re- sult of an accident occurring ia the course of em- ployment, and the city is reimbursed by a third per- son for damages, there shall be credited to the employee's sick leave or vacation leave, the amount originally used. If the city d~es not collect from the third person the full amoun: of the compensation paid and other damages, and if :he amount collected is not itemized, then the amoun: of sick leave or vacation leave credited shall b~ equal to the per- centage of the total claim collected. "Sick leave" or "vacation leave" as used in :his rule includes sick leave or vacation leave used to augment dis- ability indemnity. 11.03 MATERNITY LEAVE In no event shall leave with pay be granted ~or maternity. Preg- nantemployees'~hall._.b~+separated as of their last day of work status and no later than the end of'-'the'seve,~th~month-ofpmegr nancy. Such an employee has a right to be placed upon a re- employment list to be re-employed in the same position of the same class or like class within one (1) year after separation. 26. If re-employed during this period all previous city employment shall be credited as a continuance of service. However sick leave and vacation leave credits shall not be accumulated during the period of absence. On return after pregnancy, a doctor's certificate shall be required certifying tfmt the employee is able to perform her normal duties. 11.04 MILITARY LEAVE Military leave s~zll be granted in accordance with the provisions of state law. Al.l, e~'l. oyees entitled to military leave shall give the appoin~:i~)g p~'zer an opportunity within the limits of military regulatioms to determine when such leave shall, be taken. 11.05 LEAVE OF ABSEM~;E The City Council may &~ant a permanent employee a leave of absence without pay not to exceed one year. No such leace shall b~ grant- ed unless the employee's written request is approved by the de- partment head and Ci'~yMan~ger, and filed with the City Council. Upon expiration of a regularly approved leave, or within a reason- able period of time after notice to return to duty, the employee shall be reinstated in the position held at the time the leave was granted. Failure on the part of an employee on leave to re- port promptly, or within a reasonable time after notice to return to duty, may be cause for discharge. 11.06 HOURS OF WORK All offices of the City, except those for which special regula- tions are required, shall be kept open for business on all days of the year except Saturdays and Sundays and holidays continuous- ly from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Employees for whom necessity requires a different schedule than that generally applied, shall work according to regulations pre- pared by the respective supervising officials and approved by the City Manager and the City Council. 11.07 ATTENDANCE Employees shall be in attendance at their work in accordance with the rules regarding hours of work, holidays and leaves. Failure on the part of an employee, absent without leave, to return to duty within twenty-four (24) hours after notice to return may be cause for immediate discharge. 11.08 HOLIDAYS (a) Ail municipal offices with the exception of the police, fire and sanitation departments shall be closed on the following legal holidays: New Year's Day Lincoln' s Birthday 27. Washington's Birthday (b) Memorial Day Independence Day Admission Day Labor Day Columbus Day Thanksgiving Veterans Day Christmas Good Friday from twelve noon until the hour of three post meridian When a holiday falls on a Saturday, full time em- ployees, except for department heads, shall have a day off as approved by the department head. When a holiday falls on Sunday, it shall be observed on the following Monday. (c) Employees of the Safety Departments (Fire, Police and Sanitation) shall be compensated for the following holidays: New Year's Day, Lincoln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Admission Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day~ Thanksgiving and Christmas Day by an additional day's pay or compensating time off, if the holiday, or day of observance falls on the employee's working day or day of rest. Should the employee be unable to work on a holiday, which is his day of work, due to an injury in course of his employment, he shall re- ceive an additional day's pay or compensating time off provided he does not receive compensation for the day from other sources. (d) Should the employee be unable to work on a holiday which is his work day because of sickness, he shall be entitled to an additional day's pay if he obtains and files with his department head a doctor's certi- ficate or department head's certificate. If the em- ployee is off work on a regular work day immediately before or after a holiday, he shall also be required to obtain a doctor's certificate or department head's certificate. 28. RU',~E 12 PAY AND ADJUSTMENTS 12.01 APPLICATIONS OF RATES Employees occupying a position in the competitive service shall be paid a salary or wage within the range established for that position's class under the pay plan provided by Rule V. The minimum rate for the class generally shall apply to employees upon original appointment. However, the appointing authority may, when circumstances warrant it, appoint at other than the first step. Officers and employees re-employed after layoff shall receive a rate within the range established for the class according to seniority, approved by the City Manager and the appointing power. Whenever an employee or employees are recruited for a position at other than the first step within a range, all employees in the same position in steps below the recruitment step shall be raised to the step at which the new employee or employees were recruited. 12.02 ADVANCEMENT No salary advancement shall be made to exceed the maximum rate established in the pay plan for the class to which the advanced employee's position is allocated. An employee shall be eligible for advancement when he has been in the step for one year or the prescribed time, provided his performance meets the requirements for advancement, as exemplified by recommendations of his super- vising official, length of service, performance record, special training undertaken, or other pertinent evidence. 29. RULE 13 TRANSFER, PROMOTION, DEMOTION AND SUSPENSION 13.01 TRANSFER After notice to the Personnel Officer, an employee may be-trans- ferred by the appointing power at any time from one position to another position in the same or comparable class. If the trans- fer involves a change from the jurisdiction of one supervising official to another, both must consent thereto unless the City Council orders the transfer for purposes of economy or efficiency. Transfers shall not be used to effectuate a promotion, demotion, advancement, or reduction, each of whichmay be accomplished only as provided in the Personnel Ordinance and in these rules. No person shall be transferred to a position for which he does not possess the minimum qualifications. 13.02 PROMOTION Insofar as practicable and consistent with the best interests of the service, all vacancies in the competitive service shall be filled by promotion from within the competitive service, after a promotional examination has been given and a promotional list established. If, in the opinion of the appointing power, a vacancy in the posi- tion could be filled better by an open, competitive examination instead of a closed, promotional examination, then the appointing power may instruct the Personnel Board to call for applications for the vacancy and arrange for an open, competitive examination and for the preparation and certification of an eligible list. 13.03 DEMOTION The appointing power may demote an employee whose ability to per- form his required duties falls below standard, or for disciplin- ary purposes. Upon request of the employee, and with consent of the prospective supervising official, demotion may be made to a vacant position as a substitution for layoff. No employee shall be demoted to a position for which he does not possess the mini- mum qualifications. Written notice of the demotion shall be given the employee before the effective date of the demotion, and a copy filed with the Personnel Officer. Should an employee be demoted because of inability to perform the duties or for disci- plinary purposes, the employee may request a hearing before the Personnel Board. 13' 04 SUSPENSION The City Council, City Manager, and department heads, each, ex- cept as limited herein or as limited in the Personnel Ordinance, shall have authority to suspend an employee for disciplinary pur- pose or for other just cause for a period or periods not to ex- ceed thirty (30) calendar days in a fiscal year. Suspension orders shall be filed with the Personnel Officer. Suspension of department heads shall be by the City Council, or by the City Manager, after he has first obtained approval to so suspend from the City Council. The City MAnager may suspend any employee be- low the class of department head for a period or periods not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days in a fiscal year. The depart- ment head shall have the authority to sus~end e~ployees under his supervision for a period or periods not to exceed thirty (30) calend~.r days iD a fiscal year. An employee m~y, upon being sus- pended, file an answer or objectio~ sonnel Board and the Board shall make an imves=isation, which shall include an interview with the officer suspending the em- ployee and the suspended employee, with or without a hearing, as it deems necessary. Yhe Board shall render a decision within a reasomable time after the hearing or inve~tiga~r~.on. The suspen- sion action shall stand unless modified or revoked by the Board. An employee shall not accumulate sick leave, vacation leave or holiday pay during the suspension period. 31. RULE 14 SEPARATION FROM THE SERVICE 14.01 DISCttARGE An employee in the competitive service may be discharged as here- in provided and as provided in the Personnel Ordinance. The City Council may order dismissal of a department head. The City Manager before exercising the power of dismissal of a department head shall first obtain the City Council's authorization. The City Mana§er may dismiss any employee in the competitive service below the class of department head. Department head, before dis- missing employees in their departments, shall first obtain author- ization from the City Manager. 14.02 LAYOFF The appointing power may lay off an employee in the competitive service because of material change in duties or organization or shortage of work or funds. Ten (10) working days before the effective date of a layoff, the appointing authority shall notify the Personnel Officer of the intended action with reasons there- for, and a statement certifying whether or not the services of the employee have been satisfactory. A copy of such notice shall be given the employee affected. If certified as having given satisfactory service, the name of the employee laid off shall be placed on the appropriate employment list as provided by these rules. If not certified as having given satisfactory service, the employee laid off may interpret the action as a discharge and request a hearing as provided by the Personnel Ordinance and these rules. 14.03 RESIGNATION An employee wishing to leave the competitive service in good stand- ing shall file with the supervising official a written resigna- tion stating the effective date and reasons for leaving. A resig- nation, shall by its terms, become effective by a specified date or effective upon the date filed witk the supervising official. The resignation shall be forwarded to the Personnel Officer with a statement by the appointing power or department head as to the resigned employee's service, performance and other pertinent in- formation concerning the cause for resignation. 32. RULE lJ APPEALS AND HEARINGS 15.01 APPEALS A permanent employee in the competitive service shall have the right to appeal' to the Personnel Board for relief from any action or order, pursuant to which he has been - (a) discharged, (b) demoted, (c) reduced in pay, or (d) subjected to any disciplinary act or order, relief from wrongful imposition of which is not otherwise provided for, and appeal from which is not prohibited or denied. The appeal shall be in writing, signed by the employee and filed with the Personnel Officer within fifteen (15) days after receiv- ing notice thereof. The Personnel Officer shall give written notice of the appeal to each Board member and the appointing power or other person whose order or act has been,appealed. 15.02 INVESTIGATIONS AND HEARINGS Upon the filing of an appeal, the Personnel Board shall make such investigation as it may deem necessary. The Personnel Board shall hold a hearing on said appeal within ten (10) days after the filing thereof, in which hearing the applicable provisions of the Personnel Ordinance and rules and regulations shall apply. The hearing need not be conducted according to technical rules relating to evidence and witnesses. Whenever a hearing on an appeal is to be held, the Personnel Officer shall notify the employee making the appeal and the ap- pointing power or other person whose order or act has been ap- pealed, of the time, date and place of the hearing on said appeal and shall publicly post at such places as the Personnel Board shall prescribe, a notice of the time, date and place of the hearing. Unless incapacitated, the employee making the appeal shall appear personally before the Personnel Board at the hearing, and he may be represented by any person or attorney he may select. The Personnel Board shall make findings and a decision within ten (10) days after concluding the hearing affirming, revoking or modifying the discharge, demotion, reduction in pay, or disci- plinary act or order. The Personnel Board shall certify the findings and decision to the appointing authority or to any other person whose action has been appealed and to the employee who filed the appeal and his representative. The findings and deci- sion of the Personnel Board shall be final. 33. Any member of the Personnel Board may submit a minority or sup- plemental report which shall be filed as a permanent record by the Personnel Officer. If due to absence from the city, or illness or disability of the majority of the Personnel Board, any employee would be deprived of the right of a hearing by the Personnel Board, the appointing power shall defer discharge or demotion of the employee until the Board is able to function, unless the case be an emergency, in which event the appointing power may suspend the employee until the Board is able to function. 34. RULE 16 TRAINING OF EMPLOYEES 16.01 RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRAINING Responsibility for developing training programs for employees shall be assumed jointly by the City Council, Ci~yManager, the Perso~nel (~fficer and department head~. Such training programs may i~clude lecture courses, demonstrations, asaignment of read- ing mztter or such other devices as z~my be available for the purpose of improving the effectiveness and broadening the knowl- edge of municip&~ officers and employees in theperformance of their repsective duties. 16.02 CREDIT FOR TRAINING Participation in and successful completion of special training courses may be considered in making advancements and promotions. Evidence of such activity shall be filed by the employee with the department head for filing with the Personnel Officer. 16.03 PROMOTIONAL TRAINING PROGRAM A department head may, with the approval of the City Manager, for- mulate and recommend to the Personnel Board a training program for employees in his department for promotional purposes which may include the temporary assignment of such employees out of class. If the Personnel Board determines that such a program is properly in aid of the promotion of employees and is not detri- mental to the service, it may authorize such a training program. However, no employee shall be assigned to work out of his class- ification for longer than thirty (30) working days in any calen- dar year. 35. RULE 17 REPORTS AND RECORDS 17.01 ROSTER CARDS The Personnel Officer shall maintain a service or roster card for each employee in the service of the city showing the name, title of position held, the department to which assigned, salary, chan~es in employment status, and such other information as may be considered pertinent. 17.02 CHANGE OF STATUS REPORT Every appointment, transfer, promotion, demotion, change of salary rate, and any other temporary or permanent change in status of employees shall be reported to the Personnel Officer in such manner as may be prescribed by these rules and regulations. 17.03 DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS Roster and payroll records shall be kept permanently. All other records relating to personnel, including correspondence, appli- cations, examinations and reports may be destroyed after five (5) years. Any temporary record may be destroyed at any time by the Personnel Board with the consent of the City Council and City Attorney. 36. RULE 18 OUTSIDE EMPLOYI4ENT 18.01 OUTSIDE EMPLOYME~IT Full time city employees shall not carry on concurrently with their public employment any private business or undertaking .which affects their time for public service, quality of work, or discredits the public service. Outside employment shall not be undertaken unless the appoint- ing power first approves the employment, and determines that it will not adversely affect the employee's quality of service, availability for service, or time required to perform his pub- lic service. 37. 19.O1 COO~AT~O~ OF. ~UNiCIVA~ O!F~CE~S ANY E~COYEES Every officer and employee of the City of South San Francisco shall cooperat~ with the Personnel Board and the Personnel Offi- cer in otter to fulftll Completely the objectives and purposes of the P~rSonnel Ordi~mnce a~d these rules. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regular- ly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a fourth day of lowing vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN June meeting held on Che , 1962 , by the fol- NOES, ABSENT, " G. J. Rozzi, Andrew Rocca Attest: Art~hur A. Rodondi City Clerk 38. INDEX APPEALS AND HEARINGS. ........... RULE 15, Page 33 Appeals .............. Sec. 15.01, Page 33 Investigations and Hearings .... Sec. 15.02, Page 33 APPLICATIONS AND APPLICANTS ......... RULE 6, Page 14 Acceptance of Applications .... Sec. Announcement ........... Sec. Application Forms ......... Sec. Disqualification ......... Sec. Residence Requirement ....... Sec. 6.03, Page 14 6.01, Page 14 6.02, Page 14 6.04, Page 14 6.05, Page 15 ATTENDANCE AND LEAVES ............ RULE 11, Page 24 Attendance ............ Sec. 11.07, Page 27 Holidays ............. Sec. 11.08, Page 27 Hours of Work ........... Sec. 11.06, Page 27 Leave of Absence ......... Sec. 11.05, Page 27 Maternity Leave .......... Sec. 11.03, Page 26 Military Leave .......... Sec. 11.04, Page 27 Sick Leave ............ Sec. 11.02, Page 25 Vacation Leave .......... Sec. 11.01, Page 24 CLASSIFICATION .............. RULE 4, Page 9 Adoption of Plan ......... Sec. Allocation of Positions ...... Sec. Amending the Classification Plan . Sec. Minimum Qualifications ...... Sec. New Positions ........... Sec. Preparation of Plan ........ Sec. Reclassification ......... Sec. Typical Tasks ........... Sec. 4.02, Page 9 4.03, Page 9 4.08, Page 10 4.07, Page 10 4.04, Page 9 4.01, Page 9 4.05, Page 10 4.06, Page 10 COMPENSATION ............... RULE 5, Page 11 Accrued Time Off - Time of Taking . Sec. Determination of Time Required for Employment ......... Sec. Hourly Rates of Compensation . . . Sec. Mandatory In-Service Training . . . Sec. Overtime ............. Sec. Pay Increases Affected by Leave of Absence without Pay ..... Sec. 5.07, Page 13 5.09, Page 13 5.12, Page 13 5.05, Page 12 5.04, Page 12 5.10, Page 13 INDEX (cont') COMPENSATION (cont.) ............ RULE 5, Page 11 Position Schedule Number and Initial Compensation ...... Sec. 5.02, Page 11 Preparation of Plan ........ Sec. 5~Ot, Page 11 Report Required for Compensatory Time Off ............ Sec. Step Advancement ......... Sec. Step Pay Plan ........... Sec. Work of Less than Fifteen Minutes of D~ration ....... Sec. 5.08, Page 13 5.03, Page 11 5.11, Page 13 5.06, Page 12 COOPERATION ................ RULE 19, Page 38 Cooperation of Municipal Officers and Employees ..... Sec. 19.01, Page 38 EMPLOYMENT LISTS ............. RULE 8, Page 18 Duration of Employment Lists . . . Sec. Employment Lists ......... Sec. Recognition of Previous Employment Lists ........ Sec. Re-employment Lists ........ Sec. Removal of Names from Lists .... Sec. 8.02, Page 18 8.01, Page 18 8.04, Page 18 8.03, Page 18 8.05, Page 19 EXAMINATIONS ............... RULE 7, Page 16 Conduct of Examinations ...... Sec. 7.03, Page 16 Credit Points for Veterans and Service in Grade ...... Sec. Nature and Types of Examinations . Sec. Notification of Examination Results and Review of Papers . . Sec. Promotional Examinations ..... Sec. Scoring Examinations and Qualifying Scores ........ Sec. 7.05, Page 17 7.01, Page 16 7.06, Page 17 7.02, Page 16 7.04, Page 16 GENERAL PROVISIONS ............ RULE 2, Page 7 Amendment and Revision of Rules . . Sec. Disclosure of Religious or Political Affiliations .... Sec. Violation of Rules ........ Sec. Waiver of Rights ......... Sec. 2.03, Page 7 2.01, Page 7 2.02, Page 7 2.04, Page 7 INDEX (Cont.) METHOD OF FILLING VACA~CIES ........ RULE 9, Page 20 Appointment ............ Sec. Certification of Eligibles .... Sec. Emergency Appointments ...... Sec. Notice to Personnel Officer .... Sec. Order of Certification ...... Sec. Provisional Appointments ...... Sec. Temporary Appointments ...... Sec. Types of Appointment ....... Sec. 9.05, Page 20 9.03, Page 20 9.07, Page 21 9.02, Page 20 9.04, Page 20 9.06, Page 21 9.08, Page 21 9.01, Page 20 OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT ........... RULE 18, Page 37 Outside Employment ........ Sec. 18.01, Page 37 PAY AND ADJUSTMENTS ............ RULE 12, Page 29 Advancement ............ Sec. 12.02, Page 29 Applications of Rates ....... Sec. 12.01, Page 29 PERSONNEL BOARD .............. RULE 3, Page 8 Meetings ............. Sec. Public Hearings .......... Sec. 3.01, Page 8 3.02, Page 8 PROBATIONARY PERIOD ............ RULE 10, Page 22 Objective of Probationary Period . Sec. 10.02, Page 22 Re~alar Appointment Following Probationary Period . . Sec. 10.01, Page 22 Rejection Following Promotion . . . Sec. 10.04, Page 23 Rejection of Probationer ..... Sec. 10.03, Page 22 PURPOSE AND DEFINITIONS .......... RULE 1, Page 1 Advancement . . . . . ....... Sec.. 1.01, Page Allocation ............ Sec. Appointing Power ......... Sec. Appointment ............ Sec. Board ............... Sec. Class ............... Sec. Compensatory Time Off ....... Sec. Competitive Service ........ Sec. Demotion ............. Sec. 1 1.02, Page 2 1.03, Page 2 1.04, Page 2 1.05, Page .2 1.06, Page 2 1.32, Page 6 1.07, Page 2 1.08, Page 2 INDEX (Cont.) PURPOSE AND DEFINITIONS (cont.) ...... RULE 1, Page 1 Eligible ............. Sec. Employment List .......... Sec. Examination ............ Sec. Immediate Family ......... Sec. Overtime ............. Sec. Permanent Employee ........ Sec. Personnel Ordinance ........ Sec. Position ............. Sec. Probationary ........... Sec. Probationary Period ......... Sec. Promotion ............. Sec. Promotional Ekamination ...... Sec. Promotional List ......... Sec. Provisional Appointment ...... Sec. Reduction ............. Sec. Re-employment Lists ........ Sec. Rejection ............. Sec. Suspension ............ Sec. Temporary Appointment ....... Sec. Termination ............ Sec. Transfer ............. Sec. Types of Service ......... Sec. Types o~ Status .......... Sec. Veteran .............. Sec. 1.09, Page 2 1.10, Page 2 1.11, Page 2 1.12, Page 3 1.33, Page 6 1.13, Page 3 1.14, Page 3 1.15, Page 3 1.16, Page 3 1.17, Page 3 1.18, Page 3 1.20, Page 4 1.19, Page 3 1.21, Page 4 1.23, Page 4 1.22, Page 4 1.24, Page 4 1.25, Page 4 1.26, Page 4 1.27, Page 4 1.28, Page 4 1.29, Page 4 1.30, Page 5 1.31, Page 6 REPORTS AiqD RECORDS ............ RULE 17, Page 36 Change of Status Report ...... Sec. 17.02, Page 36 Destruction of Records ...... Sec. 17.03, Page 36 Ro~ter Cards ........... Sec. 17.01, Psge 36 SEPARATION FROM THE SERVICE ........ RULE 14, Page 32 Discharge ............. Sec. 14.01, Page 32 Layoff .............. Sec. 14.02, Page 32 Resignation ............ Se~. 14.03, Page 32 TRAINING OF Ei~LOYEES ........... RULE 16, Page 35 Credit for Training ........ Sec. 16.02, Page 35 Pr~motioual Trmining Program . . . Sec. 16.03, Page 35 Responsibility for Training .... Sec. 16.01, Page 35 INDEX (Cont.) TRANSFER, PROMOTION, DEMOTION AND SUSPENSION RULE 13, Page 30 Demotion ............. Sec. 13%03, Page 30 Promotion ............. Sec. 13.02, Page 30 Suspension ............ Sec. 13.04, Page 30 Transfer ............. Sec. 13.01, Page 30 ',REGS. COMPILAT_ I0N CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO COMPILATION OF PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS AY~NDY~NTS JUNE 31, 1966 Copy No. Dated TABLE I AY~ND~NT$ TO PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS CORRELATION OF RESOLUTION TO SECTIONS RESOLUTION # 4351 SECTION 5.04 (b) 5.04 (b) Call-back Overtime: Ail employees, except for de- partment heads, police department and fire department employees, who are called back to work, shall be granted overtime pay for the time worked or given the equivalent in compensatory time off. Call-back ti~e commences whc~ the employee reports for work and ends when the employee is released from the work assigned. Anemp_o>~ ~.~_~ c ~-~.ec~ back for overtime work shall receive a minimum os t~o hours' overtime pay or the equivalent in compensatory time off. (Resolution No.4351)