HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 2021.05.19 @4001 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MAYOR’S COMMISSION ON RACIAL AND SOCIAL EQUITY Meeting held at: Teleconference meeting Wednesday, May 19, 2021 4:00 p.m. Call to Order Meeting called to order at 4:01 p.m. by Chair Nicolas Roll Call COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Edith Arias, Jeff Azzopardi, Gladys Balmas (4:04 pm), Norm Faria, Mike Futrell, Vanessa McGovern (4:25 pm), Hermes Monzon (4:20 pm), Mark Nagales, Flor Nicolas, Kayla Powers, Bobby Vaughn (4:30 pm) ABSENT: Cheska Ibasan, Liliana Rivera, Patricia Murray, Alternate Present: Andrea Fernandez Consent Calendar 1. Approval of the meeting minutes of April 21, 2021 Moved by Mark Nagales seconded by Mike Futrell to approve the minutes of the April 21, 2021 meeting as submitted. Motion passed with no opposition. New Business 2. Welcome, Meeting Goals, Agenda Review Chair Flor Nicolas welcomed the Commissioners to the meeting and provided welcoming comments. She noted that the Staff and Consultant team is working on the Draft Report for the Commission’s consideration and would like to postpone the June 16, 2021 meeting to prioritize report preparation. Kym Dorman reviewed the meeting agenda and goal. Myra Jolivet asked the Commission: how do we ensure that the import work of this Commission becomes part of the city’s DNA. Commissioners commented that accountability is important, including hiring practices and employment reviews, sustained change and putting the measures in practice. 3. Review Commission Process and Accomplishments Kym Dorman provided an overview of work completed to-date and next steps including preparation of the Report for Commission consideration at the July 21, 2021 meeting by the City Council in September 2021. Kym Dorman reviewed the outline of the report, including year 1 implementation plan. 2 4. Review Commission Feedback on Vision Statements Kym Dorman thanked Commissioners for their work on the Vision Statement. The consultant team took elements from each of the two vision statements and drafted an updated vision statement which reads as follows; “government and other institutions within the city proactively address structural racism and promote social equity. This will create a community in which all residents are safe, feel a sense of belonging, have abundant opportunities and reach their full potential”. 5. Review Draft Rationale for Goals 1 and 2 Kym Dorman stated that each goal will include a rationale that states the case why the goal is important for South San Francisco and includes relevant data/information. Kym Dorman reviewed the draft rationales for Goals 1 and 2. a. Small Group Discussion Kym Dorman reviewed the comments from her group on the Vision statement, specifically, adding “Black, Hispanic/Latinx, other residents of color and historically marginalized/disenfranchised residents” Kym Dorman reported that her group commented that for Goal 1, it needs to be constant and ongoing. Myra Jolivet’s group suggested adding Asian, Pacific Islander community. She also noted that her group suggested rewording the first sentence to reference “the City and partner organizations”. Myra Jolivet noted that for Goal 1, her group asked about the liaison position, how much influence will the position have. Mike Futrell agreed that the position’s title should indicate the person has influence and a seat at the table. Myra Jolivet noted that her group suggested replacing “Reduce the Harm” on Goal 2 with “Eliminate” structural racism. Nayeli Bernal reported that her group asked about reference to “other groups”. Nayeli reported that her group commented that under Goal 1, the new position should be within the City Manager’s office, needs more description language how transparency occurs, add institutional racism and more descriptive language on engagement. Nayeli Bernal stated her group suggested more specifics and examples. b. Public Comment Flor Nicholas noted that we are paying close attention to the Daly City case and see what can be learned from it. City Staff is participating in training from what has already been learned from Daly City. Dolores Piper stated her appreciation for the work the Commission is doing and that she feels inspired. She noted a recent situation in Oakland that was de- escalated with community participation. Dolores Piper also appreciates the City learning from the situation in Daly City. c. Commission Discussion Commissioners reviewed the revised Vision Statement and voted on the following statement: “The City, partner organizations, other institutions and the community proactively address structural racism and promote racial and social equity. This will create a community in which Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Asian, Pacific Islander, 3 other residents of color and other historically marginalized/disenfranchised residents are safe, feel a sense of belonging, have abundant opportunities and reach their full potential.” Mark Nagales moved and Mike Futrell seconded approval of the Vision Statement as revised. The motion was approved with 11 in favor and 3 absent. 6. Update on Strategies and Review Draft Desired Outcomes a. Update on Strategies i. Strategy 1.1: Establish a dedicated Equity + Inclusion Liaison Mike Futrell reported that this fiscal year, the position will be filed by a Management Fellow with plans to create a permanent position in the budget next fiscal year. Currently interviewing candidates and hope to have the person hired next month. ii. Strategy 2.1: Mental Health Response Team Mike Futrell provided an update noting this has been approved by the City and the County. The County Health is actively recruiting full-time mental health clinician. iii. Strategy 2.4: Community Safety and Equity Advisory Board Mike Futrell noted the Resolution establishing the Board has been prepared for City Council consideration. Mike Futrell also noted that the City Council reviewed economic recovery, jobs and income inequality measures and will be establishing a community resource center downtown resulting in a $2.7m investment, with funds from City, County and Federal. Mike Futrell stated that the City is currently recruiting for positions (navigators and promotores) to support the community resource center. Kym Dorman reviewed draft desired outcomes for each strategy. a. Small Group Discussion Kym Dorman reported on outcome for strategy 1.1, that her group noted initial fact finding/audit of city departments and identify recommended changes and that it’s important for the staff member to be bilingual and bicultural. Relating to strategy 2.1, her group was in agreement with the suggested outcomes. Relating to strategy 2.4, Kym Dorman’s group commented that it is important for the community to be represented, accessible and that the public feels invited to participate. Myra Jolivet noted for the outcome for strategy 1.1, her group commented on a standardized, regular progress report on the outcomes. Relating to strategy 2.1, her group commented on the outcome to decrease police interaction and consider decreasing certain types of interactions. Relating to strategy 2.4, Myra Jolivet’s group commented that the Board needs to be a safe space for the community and it should be able to make recommendations. Nayeli Bernal reviewed her group comments on outcome for Strategy 1.1, noting a need to add training for staff. Relating to strategy 2.1, Nayeli Bernal commented that her group suggested more proactive relationship building to stabilize community members for the long term to result in fewer mental health calls. 4 b. Public Comment Dolores Piper asked who will be on the Community Safety and Equity Advisory Board. Kym Dorman noted that the Board composition is being developed. Dolores Piper noted that the Board should include community members and have term limits. c. Commission Discussion Mark Nagales thanked the Commission for the great work and looks forward to reviewing the Report. 7. Review Next Steps Kym Dorman stated the Report will be considered at the July 21, 2021 Commission meeting and presented to the City Council in September 2021. Flor Nicolas asked Commissioners to provide their comments to her by May 26, 2021 on cancelling the June 16, 2021 Commission meeting to provide time to focus on the report preparation. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 6:11 p.m.