HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 552-1966 ORDINANCE NO. 552
The City Council of the City of South San Francisco does or-
dain as follows:
Sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and Subsections thereof of Ordin-
ance No.353 as amended entitled "Zoning Ordinance of the City of
South San Francisco" passed and adopted August 10, 1954, are here-
by amended so that as amended ~he~ shall read as follows:.
6.1 Zoning Permits:
ZOning permits shall be required for all buildings and struc-
tures hereinafter erected, constructed, altered, repaired, or moved
within or into any district established by this ordinance. Such
permit may be a part of the building permit.
6.2 Use Permits:
Use permits, revocable, conditional, or valid for a term period
may, in accordance with the provisions of this subsection, be issued
or denied for any of the uses or purposes for which said permits
are required or permitted by the terms of this ordinance.
6.21 Applications:
(a) Applications for use permits may be made only by an
interested party and shall be made to the Planning Co~mission
and shall be accompanied by plans and elevations necessary to
show the detail of the proposed use of building. Such applic-
ations shall be accompanied by a fee o£1~enty Dollars (~20.00)
(b) ~hen an application is filed, the City Planner
shall make an investigation and review of said application.
Upon completion of the investigation and review, the City
Planner shall set a public hearing before the Planning Com-
mission on said application.
6.22 Public Hearings:
(a) Publication: Notice of the public hearing shall
be published once in a newspaper of general circulation print-
ed and published in the City of South San Francisco not less
than ten days prier to the date set for the hearing.
(b) Posting: Notice of the public hearing shall be
posted on the property which is subject of the application, or
adjacent thereto, not less than ten days prSer to the date set
for such hearing.
6.23 Action by Commission:
(a) In order for the Planning Commission to grant a
use permit, the findings of the Planning Commission shall be
to the effect that the establishment, maintenance, operation
or the use of the building for which a permit is sought will
not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detri-
mental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general
welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of
such proposed use, and will not be detrimental or injurious
to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general
welfare of the city. Where a use permit is requelted for a
Planned Unit Development , findings shall also be made on the
matters required to be set forth in the application; on the
Planned Unit Development's conformity to the relevant
provisions of Sections 5.?2, 5.73 and 5.74, and as set
forth below in order for the Planning Commission to grant
the use permit.
1. In case of residential development in districts
other than P-C Districts that the total parcel area is
not less than ninety per cent (90%) of that normally
required in the District in which located for the same
number of dwelling units of equivalent sises.
2. That yards are provided along the parcel lines
bounding such Planned Unit Development not less in di-
mension than otherwise required in the District in
which situated.
3. That the spacing between main buildings is
at least equivalent to the spacing which would be re-
quired between buildings similarly developed under the
terms of the Ordinance on separate parcels, due con-
sideration being given~to building height and to the
openness normally afforded by intervening streets and
4. Buildings exceeding in height the limit nor-
mally permitted in the District are so located on the
parcel as to obviate the casting of unbroken shadows
on adjoining parcels.
5. That the proposed development is designed
to produce an environment of stable and desirable
6. That the proposed development includes pro-
vision for recreation areas to meet the anticipated
needs of the population or such areas as may be speci-
fied in the Master Plan or in the approved General
Development Plan and Schedule for the P-C District.
7. That the enforceable adequate method and pro-
gram for construction, installation and maintenance
of landscaped open areas has been developed and pre-
8. That for any development in a P-C District
the Planned Unit Development conforms to the terms of
the Ordinance establishing the district and where not
in conflict therewith, the provisions of the General
Development Plan and Schedule for the District.
(b) The Planning Commission may grant the permit by
Resolution or Motion and designate such conditions in con-
nection with the issuance of a Use Permit, as it deems neces-
sary in order to fulfill the purposes of this Ordinance and
may require reasonable guarantees and evidence that such
conditions are being, or will be, complied with.
(c) The City Planner shall file with the City
Council a report of the determination and action of the
Planning Commission.
6.24 Appeal:
(a) The applicant or any other person affected by
the determination of the Planning Co-mission may file an
appeal with the City Council, provided said appeal is filed
in ~r~iting within ten days after said determination.
City Council may on its o~ motion, within the ten-day
period, order that a determination of the Planning Commission
stand appealed.
(b) The City Council shall set a date for hearing
said appeal. Notice of said hearing shall be given to
the applicant and party filing the appeal. Notice of such
appeal shall also be given to the Planning Com~tssion, and
the Planning Comatssion shall submit a report to the City
Council setting forth the reasons for the action taken by
the Commission. In addition, the Planning Commission may
be represented at the hearing.
(c) The City Council shall render its decision within
sixty (60) days after the hearing on said appeal.
6.25 Action by City Council:
(a) The City Council may:
1. Continue the hearing and request a supple-
mental report from the Plan/ing Commission or City
Planner, in which event the City Council may extend the
ti~e for rendering the decision as set forth in Sec.
6.24(a) an additional thirty (30) days.
2. Approve the grant of the Use Per,it, provided
the Council finds that the use ~hich is sought ~r~11
not under the circumstances of the particular case
be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals,
comfort and general welfare of persons residing or
working in the neighborhood of such proposed use and
will not be detrimental or injurious to property and
improvements in the neighborhoodand to the general
welfare of the City.
3. Disapprove the grant of the Use Permit; pro-
vided the Council finds that the use which is sought
will under the circumstances of the particular case
be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals,
comfort and general welfare of persons residing or
working in the neighborhood of such proposed use and
will be detrimental or injurious to property and
provements in the neighborhood and to the general wel-
fare of the City.
4. Modify the grant of the Use Permit, provided
that the Council makes findings as set forth in 2.
(b) The City Council may designate such other or addi-
tional qualifications amd conditions in connection with the
use permit as it deems necessary or advisable in order to
fulfill the purposes of Chis ordinance, and it may require
reasonable guarantees and evidence that such conditions are
being, or will be, complied with.
(c) The City Council's action may be by motion or
resolution. The City Clerk shall file with the Planning
Commission a report of the action of the City Council.
6.26 Effect:
No building or zoning permit shall be issued except
in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Use Permit.
6.3 Variances:
Where practical difficulties, Unnecessary hardships and re-
suits inconsistent with the general purpose of this ordinance may
result from the strict application of certain provisions thereofs
variance permits may be granted as provided in this section.
6.31 Applications:
(a) Applications for variance permits may be made only
by an interested party and shall be in writing on a form pre-
scribed by the Planning Commission and shall .be accompanied
by a fee of twenty Dollars ($20.00) and a written s~atement,
plans and evidence showing:
1. That there are exceptional or extraordinary
circumstances or conditions applying to the land, build-
ing, or use referred to in the application, which cir-
cumstances or conditions do not apply generally to
land, buildings ot uses in the same district.
2. That the granting of the application is
necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of sub-
stantial property rights of the petitioner.
3. That the granting of the application will not,
under the circumstances of the particular case, materi-
ally affect adversely the health or safety of persons
residing or working in the neighborhood of the property
of the applicant, and will not, under the circumstances
of the particular case, be materially detrimental to
the public welfare or injurious to property or improve-
merits in said neighborhood.
(b) When an application is filed, the Planning O~£icer
shall make an investigation and review of said application,
Upon completion of the investigation and review, the Planning
Officer shall set a public hearing before the Planning Com-
mission on said application.
6.32 Public Hearin~s:
(a) Publication: Notice of the public hearing shall
be published once in a newspaper of general circulation print-
ed and published in the City of South San Francisco not less
than ten days prior to the date set for the hearing.
(b) PostinR: Notice of the public hearing shall be
posted on the property which is subject of the application,
or adjacent thereto, not less than ten days prior to the date
set for such hearing.
6.33 Action by Commission:
(a) After the conclusion of the public hearing, the
Planning Commission shall make written findings of fact show-
ing whether the qualifications under Section~ 6.31(a) apply
to land, building or use for which a variance is sought, and
whether such variance will be in harmony with the general pur-
pose of this Ordinance. Then the Planning Commission may by
Resolution orMotion grant or deny the variance. The Planning
Commission may designate such conditions in connection with
the variance as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of
this Ordinance and may require reasonable guarantees and evi-
dence that such conditions are being or will be complied with.
(b) The City Planner shall file with the City Council
a report of the determination and action of the Planning Com-
6.34 A~peals, Action by City Council:
(a) Appeal: The applicant or any other person affect-
ed by the determination of the Plan~ing Commission may file
an appeal with the City Council, provided said appeal is
filed in writing within ten days after said determination.
The City Council may on its own Motion, within the ten-day
period, order that a determination of the Planning Commission
stand appealed.
(b) HearinR: The City Council shall set a date for
hearing said appeal. Notice of said hearing shall be
given to the applicant and party filing the appeal. No-
tice o[ such appeal shall also be given to the Planning
Commission, and the Planning Commission shall submit a
report to the City Council setting forth the reasons for
the action taken by the Co~ission. In addition, the
Planning Co~mission may be represented at the hearing.
The City Council shall r~nder its decision within sixty
(60) days after the hearing on said appeal.
(c) Actions: The City Council
1. Continue the hearing and request a supple-
mental report from the Planning Commission or City
Planner, in which event the City Council my extend
the time for rendering the decision set forth in Sec.
6.34(b) an additional thirty (30) days.
2. Approve the grant of the variance upon find-
ing that the qualifications under Sec. 6.31(a)apply
to the lands building or use for which a variance
is sought and whether such variance will be in harmony
with the general purpose of this ordinance. The City
Council may designate such conditions in connection
with the variance as it deems necessary to fulfill
the p~sposes of this ordinance and may require reason-
able guarantees and evidence that such conditions are
being or will be co~plied with.
3. Disapprove the grant of the variance upon
findin.g that the qualifications under Section 6.31(a)
do not apply to the lands buildin§ or use for which
the variance is sought and that it will not be in har-
mony with the general purpose of this ordinance.
4. Modify the grant of the variance upon making
the findings set forth in 2. above.
(d) The City Councilts action may be by motion or
resolution. The City Clerk shall file with the Planning
Commission a report of the action of the City Council.
6.35 Effect:
No building or zoning permit shall be issued except
in accordance with the terms and conditions of the variance.
This Ordinance shall be published once, as required by
law, in the "Enterprise-Journal", a newspaper of general circul-
ation published in the City of South San Francisco, and shall take
effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its adoption.
Introduced this 1st day of Auqust , 19 66 ·
Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San
Francisco at a regular meeting o~ the City
Council of the City of South San Francisco this 15th day of
August , 19 66 , by the following vote:
AYES, COUNCII~N Frank J. Bertucelli, ~milio Gortest, Andrew Rocca and
Guido J. Rozzi
NOES, None
ABSENT, " Patrick ~. Ah~rn
City Elerk
As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby ap-
prove the foregoing Ordinance this 15th day of August ,