HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 574-1968ORDINANCE NO. T .... CITY OF SOL~H SAN FRANCISCO ANORDINANCE OF z~v ~ ~ ~ "' '~ ........ ENLARGE- REGULATING THE ;:.t~CTiO~'~, CONS~ .~UCFIO~, MENT, ALTERATIONS; REPA]i.:, ~OVi'.:G, RE:4OVAL, DEHOLITION~ CONVERSION~ OCCUPA~'CY~ EQUIPMENT, USE, HEIGHT, AREA AND Y~INTENANCE OF ALL BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES IN THZ CiTY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO; PROVIDING FOR THE iSSUANCE OF PERFfiTS AND COLLEC- TION OF FEES THEi~FOR; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREO~; DECLARING AND ESTABLISHING FIRE ZONES; REPEALING OiIDiNANCE NO. 525 OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH, AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE INTEP~NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS' UNIFOR~M BUILDING CODE 1967 EDITION (AND APPENDIX) VOLIIME I AND UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 1967 EDITION STANDARDS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: Adoption of Uniform Building Code ~967 Edition except for certain sections, subsections and parts of sections: Ail of the provisions of the Uniform Building Code 1967 Edition Volume I (and appendix) and Uniform Building Code 1967 Edition Suandards, approved at the Forty-fourth Annual Business Meeting of the international Conference of Building Officials, October 3-7, l~, axcepu nhe following sections, subsections and parts of sec:: ~$~ are hereby adopted and made part of this Ordi- nance as tho-~o, fully set forth herein: Sec~zon 202(d) 204 205 Exception Only Subsection (d) of the section Ali of the section All of the section Section 303(a) 303(b) 2508 2806(b) 3103 4203 (i) Exception Only ~:;~].~ 3-,! of :;~}~s~?c'~;;on ,aj Only :;uosection (b) of ch~ section Only Subsection (2) of the Section Only Exception 3 of Subsection (b) Only the last or third paragraph of the Section Only Subsection (1) of the Section Table Xo. 54-D Only footnote 4 of the table FROM APPENDIX Chapte~ 70 Section 2314 Ail of the Chapter Ail of the Section Three copies of said Codes Volume I (and Appendix) and Uniform Building Code 1967 Edition Standards, certified to be true copies, shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk in the form and at the nimes prescribed by law and kept there for public inspec- = ~- except that after tion during ~he time this Ordinance is in e.fe~u, adoption of ¢kis Ordinance one of said copies may be kept in the office of nke Chief Building OffiCial instead of the City Clerk's office. Tke Ci~y Clerk shall maintain a reasonable supply of copies available for purchase by the public as required by law. SECTION II: Sections, subsections and parts of sections added: The following sections, subsections and parts of sections, which shall read as hereinafter stated, are hereby adopted and added to the Uniform. Building Code 1967 Edition, which was adopted by reference in Section I of the Ordinance: Section 202(d) 205 303(a) 303(b) 1503 1704 2508(2) 2517(a) 2802 (a) 2806 (g) 2806 (h) 3103 3104 4203(1) 4706 (f) Addition Subsecnion (d)-l, 2:1, 2b, 2c and 3 A new Section Table 3A to Subsection (a) Subsection (b) to said Section An exception An exception Subsection (2) to said Section A third paragraph Subsection (1) to said Subsection Subsection (g) to said Section Subsection (h) to said Section A third paragraph A new Section Subsection (1) to said Section Subsection (f) to said Section Table No. 54-D A new Footnote 4 to said Table 6003 A new Section 6004 A new Section 202(d) Right of Entry: (1) Permit Inspections: Upon presentation of proper credentials the Building Official or his duly-authorized representatives may enter at reasonable times any building, structure, or premises in the Ci=y wherein or whereon construction, repairs and/or other e acts are being performed porsuant to a permit issued pursu~.t to the provi:.ions ~.,,. el, is fi~,do, t:~, ~,~'~--,~m a.y duty .i,,t~osc,! upon ;~[m by ahis Co<ie. ~2/ Routine Inspections: The Building Official or his authorized representatives shall not enter any building or premises without the consent of the owner or occupant thereof, unless he possesses a reasonable search warrant authorizing entry and search of the premises except in the following instances: (a) Entry of a building or premises for the purpose of investigating the existence of suspected or reported damage or defects which constitute an immediate danger ~o human life or an immediate hazard to public safety or health which shall be interpreted to mean an emergency situation. (b) inspection of a portion of commercial s=ructures or areas ordinarily open to the public. (c) Reasonable inspection of non-public portions of co~aercial establishments as a condition of relicensing. (3) Interference'with Building Official: No person shall hinder or prevent the Building Official or his authorized representative, while in the per- formance of the duties herein described, from entering upon and into, as hereinbefore set forth, any and all premises under his jurisdiction' at all reasonable hours, for the purpose of inspecting the same to determine whether or not e the provisions of this Code and all other applicable laws or ordinances pertaining ~ ti~ pro~,~:t~,~:~ of perso.s or prot-!~rty, are observed ahereia. 205 Violations and Penalties: ig shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpo- ration ~o erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert or demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain any building or structure in the city, or cause the same ~o be done, contrary to or in violation of any of the provisions of this Code. Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Code shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and each such person shall be deemed guilty of a separane offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this Code is committed, continued, or permitted, and upon conviction of any such violation such person shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) and not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for not exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 303(a) Table 3A - Building Permit Fee: TOTAL VALUATION FEE $l.00 to SS00.00 $5.00 $501.00 to $2,000.00 $5.00 for the first $500.00 plus $1.00 for each additional $100.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000.00 TOTAL VALUATION $2,001.00 cc, $25,000.,i; $25,001.~v~ no $50,00G.00 $50,001.G0 co $lO0,O00.O0 $100,001.00 and up FEE $20.00 for nhe first $2,000.00 plus $4.,)0 for each additionnl !~housand or fraction thereof, ~o and including $25,000.00 $112.00 for the firs~ $25,000.00 plus $3.50 for eac~ additional thousand or fraction thereof, ~o and including $50,000.00 $199.56 for ~he firs~ $50,000.00 plus $2.25 for each additional ~housand or fraction thereof, ~o and including $i00,000.00' $312.00 for ~he first $100,000.00 plus $1.50 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof. 303(b) Plan Checking Fees: ~nen a plan is required to be submitted by Subsection (c)' of Section 301, a plan checking fee shall be paid to the Building Official at the time of submitting plans and specifica- tions for checking, should, the Building Official determine that any cosZs will be incurred in having the plans checked. Said plan checking fee shall be equal to one-half of ~he building permit fee as set forth in Table 3A. Upon comple~ion of the plan check, should the cost incurred be less than one-half of ~he building permit fee as set forth in Table No. 3A, the difference shall be refunded. ~503. Location on Property. Addition of Exception: EXCEPTION: Exterior walls of any structure of any Group J Occupancy in a residential zone, the area of which structure does not exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet and the use of which is not for garaging of boats or any motor vehicles and which s'zi. Tuctu:?e is l<~cated on the r~ar of the lot ~ed not b~ ,~f ~ o~.~-;~r 7~'~-~e:~st;i. vc co.structlo. 1704 Rc f Cov~:~inss: Amend laa; sentence of EXCEPTION to.read. "This provision s,.alz be applicable only in Fire Zone 2 and 3" 2508(2) Firestops: in ~zl stua walls and partitions, including furred spaces, so placed zhac the maximum dimension of any concealed space is not over seven feeC (7'). 2517(a) Foundation Ventilation: Minimum clearance between bottom of floor joist or bottom of floors ~'~ ~ ' ~ ~ w~ou~ jozs~s =n~ the ground or ratproofing beneath shall be eighteen inches (i8"). Minimum clearance under girders~ heating duct or other structure shall be twelve inches ~ ), scooping out of the ground directly beneath shall noz constitute proper clearance. Grading and drainage shall be provided as specified in Subsection 1, Section 2802(a) of the amendments. 2802(a) I Grading and Drainage: i. The ground or ratproofing beneath =he floor systa~ of a building shall be graded to a low point so as to provide positive drainage to the exterior. In the case where the exterior grade is higher than ~he grade beneath, some means of preventing surface or sub- surface water from damming therein shall be provided or by other means of drainage subjecC to the authorization and approval of the Building Official. The exterior grade around every building sl-~mll ~.,~' sloped away f~om ti~.: Ouildi~g by a mi_,'~i,~,~m g,:ade of one-.|J~,if inch per foo~ (~" per i') for a distance of thirty inches (30"). Grading for drainage, wherever possible, shall be arranged so as to drain towards the sidewalk or street gutter. 2806(g) Rat Proofing: Every building or portion thereof, shall be made ratproof by covering all otherwise exposed earth within the foundation walls with a concrete covering having a minimum thickness of two inches (2"). 2806(h) Reinforcing in Foundation: For Group H and I Occupancies: A minimum of two (2) half-inch (½") steel reinforcing bars shall be placed in continuous foundation of all Group H and I Occupancy buildings. 3103 Wood Floors. Addition of a ~hird paragraph: An access crawl hole eighteen inches by twenty-four inches (18" x 24") shall be installed in the exterior foundation wall to provide access to the under floor space. 3104 Concrete Floors:' Concrete slabs on ground used as a finished floor or as a base for other floor finish in dwellings or habitable rooms shall meet the following requirements: 1. A minimum thickness of reinforced concrete, three and one-half inches (3½"), with 6" x 6" x 10 gauge wire mesh. 2. Membrane water-proofing or water-proofing acceptable to the Building Inspector shall be provided so as to extend to the exterior walls or beyond the limits of habitnbl~e and turn up co top of slab. 3. A granular fill of proper consistency and thickness shall be provided directly under concrene slab to retard capillary action and shall be approved by the Building Inspector. 4. The elevation of the floor slab shall be maintained at one foot (1') above sidewalk level. EXCEPTION: If one foot (1') elevation above sidewalk level cannot be maintained due to the slope of a lot or location of the building on a lot, the Building Inspector shall approve an alternate, provided, however, that in all cases a one foot (1') elevation shall be maintained above finished grade level. 5. A method to eliminate water seepage through stucco walls from flowing in upon concrete slab shall be provided in every case and shall be approved by the Building Inspector. 4203(1) Application of Controlled Interior Finish: When walls and ceilings are required by any provision in :his Code to be of fire-resistive or incombustible construe- tion, the finish material of any class shall be applied directly against such fire-resistive construction or to furring strips non exceeding one and three-fourth inches (1-3/4") applied directly against such surfaces. The intervening spaces between such furring strips shall be filled with inorganic or Class I material or shall be fire-stopped not to exceed seven feet (7t) in any direction. 4706(f) Exterior .......... er~.,~,. Building paper provi,li~g as follows: At~ythi.g in Section 4706 or ezocw,~,eze in this Code to the contrary not- withstanding, in all cases where plastering or stucco is applied no the exterior of a wood frame building, the building paper required shall be applied on sheathing or similar backing, and never on wires stretched horizontally across the stud frame. 5406 Footnote 4, Table No. 54-D: IMPACT: 4 Decoration shall be permanently etched into glass su~icien~ no make glass plainly visible. 6003 Repeal of Prior Ordinances: Ordinance No. 525 and ordinances amendatory thereof are hereby repealed except that this ~e~=~ shall not affect or preven~ the prosectuion or punishment of any person for any ach ~one or committed in violation of any Ordinance hereby repealed prior to the effective date of this Ordinance. 6004 No Grant of Legislative Authority: The provisions of this Ordinance are ~ot intended to and do not grant any legislative authori:y to the Building Official, and any grant of discretionary authority to the Building Official, contained herein, shall be construed as limiting his powers to the determination of facts as to whether or not the rules laid down in the Code have been complied with. SECTION III: Provision for double fees: Where work for which a Permit is required by the Uniform Building Code 1967 Edition and the terms of this Ordinance 10. is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said Permit, fees specified in said Code and Ordinance the paymenn of such double fee shall not relieve any person from fully complying winh the requirements of said Code and Ordinance in the execution of the work nor from any other penalties prescribed therein. SECTION IV: Effective Date and Publication: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after the date of final passage and adoption. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published in the "Enterprise-Journal" as required by law. Introduced this 2ad day of _ January , 1968 · Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 5~h day of February 19 68 , by the following vote: AYES, COUNCiLF,.v.N Patrick E. Ahern, Frank J. Bertucelli, Emilio Corte$i. Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi NOES, None ABSENT, " None City Clerk~ 11. As Mayor of ~,~ City of South San Francisco, I do hereby. approve the ~orego~ng ~ ~,.~-,c~ ,~..s 5~cn ~:~y oi. i~eb~uar~ 19 68 . 12.