HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 575-1968ORDINANCE NO. 575 AN ORDINANCE ZONING A PARCEL OF APPROXIMATELY 163 ACRES KNOWN AS NEIGHBORHOOD 17 OF THE GENERAL PLAN (A PORTION OF WESTBOROUGH KNOWN AS WESTBOROUGH-WEST PARK UNIT f~3) AND DESCRIBED HEREIN A PLANNED COMMUNITY OR PC DISTRICT, AND ESTABLISHING SPECIFIC DISTRICTS OR ZONES THEREIN; PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR SAID PC DISTRICT OR ZONE AND SPECIFIC DISTRICTS OR ZONES; AND AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 353 AS AMENDED ENTITLED "ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO", ADOPTED AUGUST 10, 1954 The City Council of the City of South San Francisco does ordain as follows: SECTION I. PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICT OR PC DISTRICT ESTABLISHED. The following parcel of property is zoned and established as a Planned Community District or PC District, and it shall' contain Planned Community Commercial Districts or Zones (PC-C); a Planned Community Civic District or Zone (PC-CV); Planned Community Duplex Family Districts or Zones (PC-DF); Planned Community Single Family Districts or Zones (PC-SF); Planned Community Unclassified District or Zone (PC-U), and a Planned Community Prezoned District or Zone (PC-P) as hereinafter set forth. All of the following described p?rcel lying within the City Limits of the City of South San Franclscot California, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersect[on of Oakmont Drive and Bontry Lane as said Drive and bane are shown on that certain map entitled "Tract 798, ~/estborough Unit lB, San Mateo County, California", which map was filed on September 13, 1961 in Book 55 of Maps at Pages 16 and 17, San Mateo County Records; thence along the centerline of said Bontry bane North 67° 42' East 469.89 feet to'the beginning of the 1075 foot radius centerline curve of said Bantry bane, thence leaving said centerline, North 22° 18' West 225.00 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of Westborough Boulevard, said point being the TRUE 'POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from sai~l TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING along the northerly line of Westborough Boulevard South 67° 42' 00" West 397.89 feet; thence on the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 30.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 90° 0', an arc distance of 47.12 feet to a point in the easterly.llne of Callan Boulevard (Oakmont Drive) as shown on that certain map entitled "Westborough, West Park Unit No. ],.South San Francisco, San Mateo County, California", filed November 19, 1964 in Volume 61 of Maps at Pa~es ]1--16 inclusive, San Mateo County Records; thence along said easterly line, North 22° 18' ~¥est 101 °84 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 2792.26 feet, subtending a central cngle of 7° 42' 25", an arc distance of 375.59 feet; North 30° 00' 25" West 209..24 feet; northerly on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 3792.35 feet, subtending a central angle of- 10° 10' 00",.an arc distance of 672.92 feet; North 40° 10' 25" West 1818.38 feet; on the arc o£ a curve to the right, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius, of 708 feet, subtending a central angle of 9° 51' 01 ", an arc distance of 121 °72 feet;.on the arc of a curve to the right,, from a tangent bearing North 30° 19, 2¢" West, with a radius of 30 feetf subtending a central angle df 109031' an arc d~stance of 57.35 feet to a po~nt in the southerly llne of King Drive, as. sho ,wn" :., on that certain map entitled "Serramonte Unit No. 1~ Daly City, San Mate.o. Cc~.unty, California" which map was filed on .June 17, 1965 in Book 62 of Mops at Pages 29, 30 and 31.~ San Mateo County Records, ~aid line also being the City Limit Line between the Citie, of South San Francis¢o.and'.Daly City; thence easterly along (continuec0 fast salcl l~ne on the crc of a curve to thc right, From a tangent bearlr~.~ North 7!>0 12' 16" East, with a radius of 600 feet~ subtending a central ~nple of 3~~ 1~' 00"~ an utc distance of 3~.~ feet; on the'arc afc curve to the left ~rom a tangent ~ar;ng South 69° 29' 4.1" East~ with a radius of ]~0c~ feet~ · subten~in~ u central an~le o~ 21° O0' 16" . , an arc distance of 3~.60 ~eet; thence leaving said Cities Limit Line along the easterly prolon~ation of said souil~erl7 line of King Drive North 8? 30' East 616.92 feet to a ~int in the southerly boundary llnn of the lands dascrlbcd in that certain deed from J .A. Christe~ & Sons to Subur~n Realty Core,ny recorded ;~ the Office of the Recordur o~ the Country of Son Mateo~ St~ta of ~li~ornla on May 10~ 1963 in B~k 4453 o[ O~Ficial Recorcls~ at pa~a 548, distant thereon South 55" 30' East 6'i.~9 feet from an ungln point that?f, said line being ~lso afnresald C[i'ies Lim;i Line; thence along last zaid I~no South 5? 80' East 3!8.27 Feet; South 83~ 00' EosJ 2.~.63 Feet; North 66~ ~' East 328.96 fe~t; North 66" 15' East 4.88 ' ' . ieui lo a ~h'~t in the easterly extension of the southerly line of aforesaid King Drive; thence along Inst s~id Ii~e South 80~ 30~ ~" East 134,42 ~uet; eusterl?' on the arc o~ a curv~, to the left, tangent to the last preceding course with a radius o( 3440 feet, subtending a central a~ale of 20~ ~1' 24" an arc dish~nae of ~°~.20,~-~ ~eet to ~ ~olnt in ~Fore~id soutl~erly ~undary I~ne o? the Jar,ds conveyed to Subur~n Realty Company and the city limit line be~een th~ Cffies of South San Francisco and Dcly Ci~,; thence along l~st said line South 6? 3? East no · · 1~.65 Feet to ~n angle ~nt thcreo[; theece leaving sa~d southerly ~undary llne alon~ the Ci~/ Limit ilne Between the Ci~ of South Sar. Fr~r, clsca and unincor~ratad territory .of the Counh, of San Morea, South 6~e ~' East 632.47 feet to a point iq the westerl7 ri:?l~t of wr~y line of that certain 50 Foot Pat[Fie G~s and E[ec~[a Company Right o~ Way and Easement ii[ed in. Volume 2~ of Official Records of San Morea County et Page ~ and in Volume 2523 o~ Official Records o~ San Morea County at Page 281; thence along said w~s~¢,rly right of way l]~e of sa!d Pacific Gas a~d Electric Company Right. of ','/c;y m':d Easement, South 6~ 59' 30" West 22~.5.~ Feet re a point, in the northerly Right of Way of Westborough ~ulevard~ as said ~ulevar~ is descried in Volume 4033 of Official Records of San Morea Count/at Page 514; thence westerly along the northerly right of way line of said ~Vest~rough Boulevard, on the arc of a cu~e to the right~ from a tangent bearing North 87" 22' 49" West~ with a radius of 655 feet, subtend[nO a central angle of 27" 18' 20", an arc distance of 312.15 .feet; North 60e 04' 29" West 194.15 feet; northwesterly on the arc oEa cu~e to the Ie~t, ~n~ent to the last preceding course with a radius of 1~5 feet, subtending a central angle of 5e 31~ 02"~ an arc distance of t00.~ feet to the northwesterly corner of ~he aforesaid Westbomugh ~ulevard as descried in Volume ~33 of O~fleial Records of San Ma~o County at Page 514; thence (Continued) continuin~ along tho northerly line of said VCesi'borouyh goulevord, no~lhw=sl=rly on the arc of a curve to the left from a tangent bearing North 65e 35~ 3!" We~tw with a radius of 1C45 fact, subtending o central an.qle nf 13° 23~ 19"~ an arc tiislunc~ of 244.19 ~'eet to o point of compound curvature.; thence northwesterly o~ the arc of o curve to the left from fl tangont bearing North 78e 5~J~ 50" Westi · with a radius of 1300 feet, subtending a central angle of 33° 19* 10"~ on are distance of 755.99 feet fo the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 162.907 acres, more or less. (Also referred to as Neighborhood 17 of the General Plan) SECTION II. PLANNED COMMUNITY COM~4ERCIAL DISTRICTS OR ZONES, PLANNED COb~UNITY CIVIC DISTRICT OR ZONE, PLANNED COb~CONITY DUPLEX FAMILY DISTRICTS OR ZONES, PI2%NNED COMMUNITY SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICTS OR ZONES, PLANNED COMMUNITY UNCLASSIFIED DISTRICT OR ZONE, AND PLANNED COM~3. NITY PREZONED DISTRICT OR ZONE ESTABLISHED. Parcels A and B hereinafter described are zoned and estab- lished as Planned community Commercial Districts or Zones; Parcels C, D, E and F hereinafter described shall constmtute and be estab- lished and zoned as a Planned Community Civic District or Zone; Parcels G, H, I, J and K hereinafter described are zoned' and established as Planned Community Duplex Family Districts or ' Zones; Parcels L and M hereinafter described are zoned and estabT.. "~i-'.~. lished as Planned Community Single Family Districts or Zones; Pa ..el N hereinafter described is zoned and established as a Planned Community Unclassified District or Zone; and Parcel 0 hereinafter described is zoned and established as a Planned Com- munity Prezonea District or Zone. Parcels A and B or Zones: PAP~CEL A -All that real property situate in the City of South Son Francisco, County of San Marco, State of California, described as follows: COMMENCING at the centerline intersection of York Street and Callan Boulevard as said Street and Boulevard are shown on that certain map entitled "Serramonte Unit No. 1, Daly City, San Marco County, California", whi~:h map was. filed on June 17~, 1965 in Book 62 of Maps at Pages 29, 30 and · 31, San Mateo County Records; thence southerly along the centerJine of said. Callan Boulevard,South 2e 30' East ·103.22 feet; southerly,on the arc of a curve to the left,tangent to the last preceding course~ with a radius of 750 feet, subtendihg a central angle of 20e 52' 51" an are distance of 273.33 feet to the centerline intersection of Cailan Boulevard with the centerline of K, ing'Drive, as said King Drive is shown on the aforesaid map of Serramonte Unit No. 1; thence easterly ·along the conterline of raid King Drive,on the arc of a curve to the' right, from a tangent bearing North 70e 5-1' 04" East~ with a radius of 640 feet, subtending a central angle of 8e'21' 12" an arc distance ot~ 93.31 feet; thence leaving said centerl, ine of King Drive~ radially, South 10e 47' 44" East 40.00 feet to a point on the southerly boundary ilne of a one (1) foot strip dedicated to the City of Daly City~ said southerly boundary line being also the southerly boundary ilne of said Serramonte Unit No. I and said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING'~ thence from said. TRUE -' (Continued) (Continued) POINT OF BEGINNING,easterly along the aforesaid southerly boundary of Serramonte Unit No. 1 t on the arc of a curve to-the right from a tangent ' bearihg North 79° 12' 16" East, with a radius of 600 feett subtending a central angle of 31e 18' an arc distance of 327.77 feet to a point of reverse curvature; thence continuing along the aforesaid southerly boundary of · Serramonte Unit No. 1, easterly,on the arc of a curve to the left from'a tangent- bearing South 69e 29' 44" East with a radius of 1000 feet, subtending a central angle of IS° 36' 06", an arb distance of 272.30 feet; thence leaving the aforesaid southerly boundary llne of Serramonte Unit No. ], South 3° 28' 13" West 354.69 feet; Sobth 49° 49' 35" West 202.54 feet; NOrth 40° 10' 25" West 560.00 feet; on the arc of'a curve to the right, tangent to the preceding course~ with a radius of 708 feets subtending a central angle of'9° 51' 01 "~ an arc distance of 121.72 feet to a point of compound curvature; on the'arc o.f a curve" to the right from a tangent bearing North 30e 19' 24" West~ with a'radius of'30 feet~ subtending a central angle of 109e '31' 40"~ an arc distance of 57.35'fe~t to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CON'I'AINING an area of 4.675 acress more ~ less. FWA:ea August 5~. 1966 PARCEL B All that real property situate in the City of South San Francisco, ' San Marco County, State of'California, described as foltows: COMMENCING at the intersection of the centerllne of Oalcmont Drive with the centerline of Bantry Lane, as said Drive and Lane are shown on that certain Map entitled "Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. lB, .San Marco County,' Calif. ", filed September .13, ]961 in Volume 55 of Maps at Pages '16 and 17, San Marco County Records; running thence along the centerllne of Oakmont Drive and its northerly prolongation, North 22e 18' West 255.00 feet;' thence ieavi, ng said llne,... North 67° 42' East 42.00 feet to the TRUE POINT. OF BEGINNING; thence'from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING along the easterly line of Callan Boulevard, as said Callan Boulevard is shown on that certain Map entitled ',Westborough - West Park Unit No. 1, South San Franciscos San Marco Countys Californla"~ which Map was filed on November 19, 1964 in Volume 6'1 of Maps at Pages 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and. 16, San Mateo County Records, 'North 22° 18' West 101.83 feet;'on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent t~ the last preceding Course, with a radius of 2792.26 feet, subtending a central angle of 5° 19' 07", an arc distance of 259.20 feet; thence leaving said Callan Boulevard line, North 62e 22' 53" East 141.01 feet; southerly, on the arc of a curve to the right, from. a tangent bearing South 27e 37' 07" Eastt with a radius of 2933.27 feett subtending a central angle of 4e 57' 39"s an arc di~tanc~ of 253.97 feet; South 22e 39' 49" East 9. 14 feet; and SOuth 22e- 18' East 141.01 feet to a point in the e , northerly line of the aforesaid Westborough Boulevard; thence along said northerly ]inet South 67e 42" West 111.01 feet; thence leaving said line,on the arc of a curve to the right~ tangent to. the last preceding course ~ with a radius of 30.00 feett subtending a central angle of 90e 0'~ an arc distance of 47.13 feet to the POINT' OF BEGINNING'. CONTAINiI~IG an area of 1.283 aores~ more or less. Parcels or Zone: C, D, E and F - Planned PARCEL C CommuniCy Civic DisCric~ · A~i that real property situate in the City of South Sari Francisco, County of San Mateo~ State of Cailforniat described as follows: COMMJENCING at the inter~ection of the centerllne of Oakmont Drive with the centeriine of Bantry Lane, as said Drive and Lan°ar°shown on that certain Map entitled "Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. lB, San Mateo County, filed September 13, 1961 in Volume 55 of Maps at Pages 16 and 17~ San Mateo Coun.ty Records; running thence along the centerline of said Oakmont Drive and it~ '. northerly prolongations North 22° 1~' West 180.00 feet to the intersection thereof with. the centerline of Westborough Boulevard; thence along the centerline of said Westborough Boulevard~ North 67° 42' East .183.01 feet; thence leaving said centerilnes North ~2e 18' West 45.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from said TRUE POINT; OF BEGINNING North 22° 18' West 141.01 feet; North 22e 39' 49" West 9.14 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent .to the last preceding course, with a radius of 2,933.27 feet, subtending a central'angle of 4° 57' 39"s an arc distance of 253.97 feet; and South 62e 22'. 53" West 141.01 feet to a point in the easterly line of Callan Boulevards . -. as said Callbn Boulevard is shown on that certain Map entitled "Westborough - West Pare Unit No. I, South San Francisco, San Marco County~ California", which Map was filed. on November 19s 1964 in Volume 61 of Maps at Pages 11~ 12s 13s 14, 15 and 16, San Mateo County Records; thence along said easterly lines on the arc of a curve to the . left, from!a' tangent bearing North 27* 37' 07" West~ .wlth.a radius of 2s792.26 feets. subtending o central angle of 2°.23' l$"t an arc distance of 116.39 feet; North 30e00' 25" .. (Continued) (Continuec~) West 152.70 feet; thence 'leavin,c. said Cc~ilan Boulevard llne, North 58e 04' East 390.00 feet; South 64° 49' 10" East 31.06 feet; Norl;h 74° 51' East 300.00 feet; South 39° 06' 12" East 38,88 fe~t; North 84~ 03' East 275.00 feet; South 29e 42' East 27.31 feet; North 84° 03' East 180.00 feet; and South 9~ 50' 43" Easf 606.65 feet to a polntlin tl~e northerly'line of the aforesaid Westborough Boulevard; thence along said Westborough Boulevard line, westerly on I;he arc of a c~rve to the leftv ~rorn a tangent bearing North 87° 16' 0" Westv with a radius of 1300.00 feet~ subtending a central angle of 25° 02"'~ an arc distance of 567.99 feet; and South 67e 42' West 286.8'8 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. " CONTAINING an area oF 15.021 acres~ more or ler~, 10. 'PARCEL D All that certain real property situate in the City of South San' Francisco, San Marco County,. State of California, described as follows: COMMENCING at the intersection.of th~ centerline of Galway Place with the northerly boundary ilne of Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. lB, as shown on that certain N%ap entitled "Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. lB, San Marco County, California", filed in the Office of the Recorder of the County of San Marco, State of California, on September 13, 196i in BOOk'55 of Maps, a't Pages 16 and 17; said northerly boundary line be!ng also the southerly right of way ilne of Westborough Boulevard, 90.00 feet wide, as described in Deed filed in Volume 4033 of Official Records of San Marco County at Page 514; thence along the northeasterly prolongation of the centerline of ~he aforesaid Galway PI.ace, North 27e 10' East 90.00 feet to a point in the northerly line of mid Westborough Boulevard; thence along the northerly ilne of said Westborough Boulevard, westerly, on the arc o.f a curve to the left, From a tangent bearing North 62° 50' West, with a radius of 1045.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 9e 21', an arc distance of 170.54 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence ~rom said TRU'~ POINT OF: BEGINNING, and continuing along the northerly ilne of said Westborough Boulevard, westerly, on the arc of a curve to the left, ~rom a' tangent bearing North 72° 11' West, with a radius of 1045 feet, subtending a central angle of 6° 47' 50", an arc distance of 123.97 feet; on the arc'of a curve to the left, from a tahgent bearing North 78° 58' 50" West, with a radius of 1300 feet, subtending a Central angle of 8° 17' 10", an are dlstan~ '(Continued) of 188.01 feet~ thence leaving said Westborough Boulevard line~ North 9e 50' 43" We~t 606.65 feet; North 5° 57' West 22.00 feet; North 84e 03' East 215.00 feet; South 5e 57' East 12,00 feet; North 84e 03' East 80.00 feet; North 5e 57' West 12.00 feet; North 84e 03' East 119.69 feet; North P.,6° 21' 50" East 470.70 feet; South 18e. '50' West 350.36 feet; on the arc of a curve to the rlghtt tangent to the last preceding ¢ourse~ with a radius of 1100,00 feet~ subtending a central angle of 8e 20'~ an arc distance of 159.99 feet; South'27e 10' West,. 95.11 feet; North 62e. 50' West 1~5.350 feet; and South 17e 49' West 2~0.50 feet'to .the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, · CONTAINING an area of 10,000 acres~ mom or less, PARCEL E All that· real property situate in the City of South San 'Francisco, San Marco County, State of California described as follow~: COMMENCING at the intersection of the centerline of Galway. Place with the northerly boundary,' line of Tract No. 798; Westborough Unit No. iB, as shown on that certain Map ent;tled "Tract No. 798, Westborou~h Unit No. 1 B, San Marco County, California" flied in tho Office of the Recorder of the County of San Mateo, State of California on Septemb~er 13, 1961 in Book 55 of Maps, at Pages 16 end 17.; said northerly boundary tine being also the southerly Right of Way of Westborough Boulevard 90.00 feet wide as described in Volume 4033 of Official Records of the County of San Marco, at Page 514;' thence along the northeasterly prolongation of the centerllne of aforesaid Galway Place, North 27" 10' East 90.00 ~,~et to a point 'in the northerly llne of said Westborough Boulevard and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, North 27° 1.0' East 262.89 feet; leaving said line, North 62° 50' West 215.35 feet; South 17e 49' West 2~,,0.50 feet to o point in the northerly llne of the aforesaid Westborough Boulevard; ~hence along last said line, easterly from a tangent bearing South 72" 11' East, on the arc of a curve to the r. ight, with a radius .of 1D45.00 feet, subtending a central angle ef 9~ 21' 0"~ an arc d~stance o.~ 170.54 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING on area of 1.188 acres, more or less. 13. PARCEL F All th~Jt real propork! situai'e in tho City of South San ~:rancisco, San Mateo County, Slate of ~ii~ornia, descried as ~ilows~ COMMENCING at the intersection o~ the centerline of Galway P~aco wilh ~he n~erly boundary line of Tmet No. 798, West~rough Unit No. lB, as shown on that ~ertain Map entitled "Tract No. 798, 'Nest~rough Unit No. 1 B, San ~teo ~unty, ~liFornla", 'filed in the O~flce o~ the Recorder of the ~n~ of San Mateo, State of ~lifomia on Septem~r 13, 1961 in ~o~ 55 of Ma~ at Pages ]6 and 17; thence along the northeasterlY,.~Olon~tion of the centerline of the afore~id Galway P~ace, North 27~ ]0' East 352.89 feet; thence I~v~ng sald'line Nor~ 62° 50' West 30.00 ~eet; North ~o 10' East 95.11 feet; on the arc of a cu~e to the left, tangent ~'the last precedi'ng course, w~th a' m~ius of 1100.00 feet, subtending a cen~al ~ngle of 8° ~',.an arc distance of 159.99 feet; and North 18° ~' EaSt 350.'~ feet~ ,to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING ' Sou~h'~° 21' 50" West 470.70 feet; North 5° 57~ West 90.00 feet; South 84° 03" West 10.00 feet; North 5° 57' West 50.00 feet; South ~o 03' West 8.00 feet~ North 5~ ~ West 200.00 feet; North ~o 03' East 34.72 Feet; North ~o 29' East 195.97 feet~ North 27° ~' East 114.78 feet; South 63° 0' East 89.51 feet; on the arc of a cu~e to the rioht~ngont to tho last preceding cour~ with a mdlus of ~,00 feet~ subtending a centrai.~ngle of 81e 50', an arc distance of 571.30 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. '. CONTAINING an area of 5.00;I. acres, more or .less. Parcels G, H, Districts or Zones: and Planned Community Duplex Family PARCEL G Ali that real property si,'~ato in .the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, described as follows: ' COMMENCING at the intersection of centeriine of Oa$cmont Drive with the centerllne of Bontry 'Lane, as said Drive and Lane are shown on that certain Map entitled "Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit ~1o. lB, San Mateo County, Calif.", flied September 13, 196l lb Volume 55 of Maps at Pages 16 and 17, San Mateo County Records; r~nning thence along the centerllne of said Oakmont Drive and its northerly prolongation,' North 22° 18' West 2.55.00 feet; the,~ce North 67"42' East, 42.00 feet to a point in'the easterly line of Cailan Boulegard, as said Callan Boulevard is shown on that certain Map entitled '"Nestborough'- West Park Unit No. 1, South San Francisco, San Mateo Coun tyj California", which Map was filed on November 19, 1964 in Volume 61 of Maps at Pages 11, 12, .13, 14, 15 and.16,. San Mateo County Records; thence aiong said easterly line,North 22e 18' West '101 feet, on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 2,792.26 ~eet; subtending a ce ntra'l angle of 7e 42' 25", an arc distance of 375.59 feet; and North 30~' 0' 25" West 152.70 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from sald TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, and continuing along the easterly line of sald Cailan I~ulevard, North 30° 0' 25" West S6.54 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 3792.35 feet, subtending a ' central angle of 4" 51" 24", an arc distance of 347.93 feet to a point in the easterly 15. (Continued) (r,..onti nue~J prolo.n.~atlon of the centerlino o~ Duhallow Way, as said Duhallow Way is shown on the aforesaid Map of Westborough - West Park Unit No. 1; thence leaving said Callan Boulevard line, along the westerly prolon~a~'ion of th~ centerline o,~ the ' aforesaid Duhallow Way, North 54° 44' I1" East 120.00 feet~ South 32° 17' 26" East 411,28 feet; and South 58° 04' West 120.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING an area of 1,091 acrest more or.less, PARCEL H Ail that certain real property situate in the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, described as follows: COMMENCING at the intersecHon of the centerllne of Galway Place with the northerly boundary ilne of Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. 1 B, as sh6wn.on that certain Map entitled "Tract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. San Marco County, California", filed in the Office'of the Recorder of the County of San Mateo, State of California, on. September 13, 1961 in Book 55 of Maps, at Pages 16 and !7; ~aid northerly boundary llne being also the southerly Right of Way of Westborough Bouleval;d, 90.00 feet wide, as described in Deed filed in Volume 4033 Of Official Records of San Mateo County, at Pag~ 514; thence along the north- easterly prolongation of the centerline of the aforesaid Galway Place, North 27e 10' East 90.00 feet to ~.point in the northerly line of said Westborough Boulevard, and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING a!apg the northerly prolongation of said centerllne of said Galway Place, North 27~ 10' East 140.00 feet; thence leaving said line, South 62° 50' East 202.91 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left; tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 822.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 20° 10' 30", an arc distance of 289.44 feet; andSouth 83° 0' ;30" East 8.51 feet to a point in the westerly llne of that certain 50.00 foot Pacific Gas and Electric Company power 'ilne easement described in Deeds filed in Volume 225 of Official Records at Page 86 and Volume 2523 of Official Records at Page 281, San Marco County'Records; thence along said westerly line · ' (Continuedi 17. (Continued) South 6'~ $9~ 30" West, 1,55.00 feet to a point in the aforesaid northerly line of Westborough Boulevard; thence along said northerly liner ,westerly~ on the arc of a curve to the rlght/ from a tangent bearing North'87e 22' 49" West~ with a radius of 655.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 27° 18' 20"/an'arc distance of 312.15 feet; North' 60° 04' 29" West 194.15 feet;· on the arc of a curve to 'the loft,' tangent to the last preceding course r with a radius of 1045.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 2Q 45' 31 "~ an arc distance o.f 50~31 feet to the TRUE POINT OF B~GINNING. 'CONTAINING an area of 1.839 acres, more or le~. 18. PARCEL All that certain real property situate in the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State o(' Ccllfornia, descNbed as l~oilows: COMMENCING at the intersection of the souti'.er~y llne of Westborough Boulevard, as said Westborough Boulevard is described in Deed to San Marco County, filec~ in Volume 4033 of Official Records at Page 514, With the northerly--.'. prolongation of the westerly ilne of Lot 25 ;n Block 6, as.said Lot and Block are shown. on that cert.~in Map entitled "Tract No. ~8, Westborough Unit'No. 1C, San Mateo. County, California", which Map was filed in the Office of the Recorder of the County o{ San Mateo on May 1, 1962 in Volume 56 of Maps at Pages 14 and 15· said point being also a point in the northerly line of said Tract 802; thence from said point of commencement alan9 l'he said northerly.line of Tract 802 and' the southerly line of said' Westborough Boulevard, westerly, on the arc of a curve to the right, from a tangent bearing North 88e 42' 14" West, with a radius of 745.00 feet· subtending a central angle of 1" 5I' 09", an arc distance of 24.09 feet to the intersection of said llne with the northerly line of thai: certain 50.00 foot PG&E power linc'easement as shown on the cforesald Map of Tract No. 802, and as said easement is described in Deeds filed' in Volume 225 of Official Record~ at Pc~ge ~S and Volume 2523 of Official Records at Pa~e 281 · San Marco County Records; thence along the westerly llne o.f said 50.00 foot :- PG&E power ilne easement, North 6e 59' 30" East 90.23 feet to the intersection thereof with the 0or theriy ilne of aforesaid Westborough Boulevard; thence continuing aLong'the .(Continued) 19. wasterly llne of said PG&E power line.easement, North 6° 59' 30" East 2277.55 feet to a point in the northerly City Limit line of the City of South San Francisc.o; thence along said City Limit Lir~e~ North 61°. 0' West 298.29 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from said TRUE.POINT OF BEGINNING, leaving said City Limit ilne, westerly, on the arc of a curve to the right, from a tangent bearing South 57° 41' 11" West, with a radius of 825.00 feet, subtending a central angle of i8~ 18' 49", an arc distance of 263.70' feet; South 76e 0' West 120.00 feet; southerly~ on the arc of a curve to the let:t, from a tangent bearing South 14" 0' East, with a radius of 2,200 feet, subtending a central angle of 4e 0~, an arc distance of 153.59 feet; Sou~rh 18e 0' East 53.00 feet; on .the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the last preceding course~ wlt~ a radius of 1100 feet~ subtending a central angle of I8" 0', an arc distance of 345~58 feet; dueSx~uth 70.59 feet; on the arc of a curve to the right,. tangent to the last preceding course~ with a radius of 170.00 feet, subtending a. central angle of 37e 0'.s an arc dls~'ance of 109.78 feet; South 37e 0~ West 89.00 feet; northwesterlys on the arc of a curve to the ie,~t~'from a tangent bearing North fi3e 0' West~ with a radius o'." 430.00 feet~ subtending a central angle of 10~ 0's an arc distance of 75.05 feet; 'North 63e 0' West 89.51 feet; Sout,~ 27° 0' West 144.78 feet; South 54e 29' West 195.97 feet; South 1~° 03"West 13.76 feet; North 35~ 31' West 152.43 fe~t; nbrtheasterly~ on ' the arc of a curve to the left~ from a tangent bearing North 72e 16' 30" East, with a radius o'~ 360.00 feet~ subtending a central angle of 136e 12~ 30"~ ar~ arc distance of' 855.82 feet;. -20 o Norih 2.6° 04' East 49.31~ feet; on thu arc of c~ curve to tho lefi'~ tangcnt to the last preceding course, with a radius of 422.00 feet, su['.,tondlng c~ central angle of 2~?° 14', an arc distance of 215.31 feet, and Norlh ,3e 1~' W~s~ 2B7.71 ~eot to a point in the southerly line o~ King Drive; thence along sai~ Kin~ Drive line~ on t'l~o..~rc of o cu~e to the left~ From a ta~gcnt b~r ;nD No~ ~e 12' 28" East~ with a radius o~ 3~'440 foot~ subton~h~0 ~ control an~le o~ 5e 03' 52"~ an arc dZstance of 304.07 ~eet~ to ~ ~int in t'he a~or~s~id City Limit Line of the C[~ of South San Francisco; thence along said Ci~ Limit Lino~ South 63e 30' East 122.65 feet; and ~uth 61e 0~ East 3~.18 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.' CONTAINING an area of 10.676 acres~ more or less. PAI{CEL J All that real property situate in the City of South San Franciscos' County of San Marco, State of California, described as follows: COMMENCING &t-the' intersection of' centerllne of Oakmont Drive with the centerline of. Bantry Lane~ as mid D~ive and Lane are shown on that certain Map entitled "Tract No. 798~ Westborough Unit No. lbs San Mateo County~ Calif." filed September 13, 1961'in Volume 55 of Maps at Pages 16 and 17, San Mateo County Records; running thence along.the centerline of said Oakrnont Drive and its northerly prolongation, No'th 22e 18' West 255.00 feet; thence North 67e 42' East~ 42.00 feet to a. point in the easterly line of Callan Boulevard, as said Callan Boulevard is shown on that certain Map entitled "Westborough - West Park Unit No. 1~' South San Francisco~ San Mateo County~ California", which Map was filed on November 19, 1964 in Volume 61 of Maps at Pages 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, San Mateo County Records; thence along said easterly llne~ North 22e 181 West 101..83 feet, on the arc et: a curve to the ieft~ tangent to the last preceding course~ with a radius of 2~792.26 feet, subtending a central angle of 7e 42' 25", an arc dlstance of 375.59 feet; North 30' 0' 25" West 209.24 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 3792.35 feet; subtending. a central angle of 10° 10'~ an arc distance air 672.92 feet; North 40e 10' 25" West .- 125D'.38 feet; 'thence leaving 'said Ca I I~n Boulevard. llne ~ North 490 49'. 35" East 115,0~0 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from said TR. UE POINT O,F "uEGINNIN'G, North 49."'49' 35" East 87.'54 feet; South 85~ 30' East 205.89 (~ontlnued) 22° feet; South 23e 44' Ec~st 110.33 feet; westerly, on.the arc of' a curve to'the from a tangent ~ar;ng 16° 26' 2~.", West 222.00 feet;. ~.or~th 49° 49' 35" West 4.60 feet and North 40° 10' 2fi" West 2.22.00 foet, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING an area of 0.975 acres, more or less. ~ 23. PARCEL K Ali that certain r~al property slt0ate in the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateol State of California, described as follows: COMMENCING at ihe intersection of the southerly line of Westberough Boulevard, as said Westberough Boulevard is described in Deed to San Mafeo' Counh/, filed in Volume 4033 of Official Records at Page 514, with the northerly prolongation of the westerly line of Lot 25 in Block 6· as said Lot and Block are shewn on tF~at certain Map entitled "Tract No. 808t Westborough Unit No. 1Ct San Mateo County, California", which Map was filed in the Office of the Recorder of the County of San Mate.o on May 1 · 1962 in Volume 56 of Maps at Pages 14 and 15, said point. being also a point in the northerly line of said Tract' 802~ thence from said point Of comn'~ncerr~nt along the said northerly line of Tract 802 and the southerly line of said Westborough Boulevard~ westerly, on the arc of a curve to the rightl from a tangent bearing North 88e 42' 14" West~ with a radius of 745.00 feet~ subtending a central angle of Ie 51' 09", an arc distance of 24.09 feet to the intersection of said line with the northerly llne of that ceriain 50.00 foot PG&E power line ..easement as shown on aforesald Map of Tract No. 802, c~nd as said easement is described in Deeds filed in Volume 225 of Official Records at Page 86 and Volume 2523 of Official Records at Page. 281, San Mateo County Records; thence along the westerly llne of said 50.00 foot PG&E power llne easement· North 6" 59"30" East 90.23 feet 'to the.intersection thereof with the northerly ilne of aforesaid Westborough Boulevard; thence continuing along the ' westerly ilne of raid PG&I~ power llne easements North 6° 59' 30" East 2277.55 ' · feet to a point in the northerly C~ty LJmlt Line of the City of South San Francisco; thence along said City Limit Line North 61e 0' West 632.47 feet and North 63" 30' West 122.65 feet to the intersection thereof with the ~outherly line of King Drive; thence along ~aid King Drlv.e line westerly on the arc of a curve to the rights from a tangent bearing South 79° 08' 36" Wests with a radius of 3,440 feets subtending a cen~'al c~ngle of 7e 54' 39", an arc distance of 474.96 feet to the T~UE POINT OF BEGINNING; the.nee from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING and continuing along the southerly llne of sald King Drive~ on the arc of a curve to the rlghts ,~rom a tangent bearing South 87e 03' ~15" Wests with a radius'of 3440.00 feets subtending a central angle of 4e 2'4' 12"~ an arc distance of 264.37 feet; thence leaving said King Driv. e line ~ South 2e 0* West 85.00 feetl South 88° 0' East 264,00 '~: feet; and NOrth. 2° 0' East 97.65 feet to the TRUE .POINT OF 'BEGIN;NING. CONTAINING an area o,~ 0.54x. ac~'ess more or less. 25. Parcels L and M - or Zones: Planned Community SinKle .. .............. PARCEL L Family Districts Ali that certain real property situate in the City of South San Francisco, County of San h~ateo, State of California, described as follows: COMMENCING at the intersection of the centeri;ne . of Galway Place With the northerly bo. undary llne of Tract No. 798, Westborough. Unit No. lB, as' shown on that certain Map entitled 'q'ract No. 798, Westborough Unit No. lB, San Mateo County,. California", filed ;n the Office of the Recorder of the County of San Mateo, State of California, on September 13, 1961 in BOo~< 55 of Maps, at Pages 16 and 17; said northerly boundary line being also 'the southerly Right of Way of Westborough Boulevard, 90.00 feet wide, as described in Deed filed in Volume 4033 of Official Records of San Matao County, at Page 514; thence along the northeasterly proiongatlon of thec~.,,~r,,ne" o~me'" aforesaid Galway Place, North.27° 10' East 90.00 feet to a point in the northerly line of said We~tborough Boulevard~ and continuing along the northeasterly prolongation of the centerline of the · aforesaid Galway Place, North 27° 10' East 140.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence .from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, and continuing along the northeasterly prolongation of the centerllne of the aforesaid Galway Place/ North 27e 10' East 122.89 feet; thence leaving said llne, North 62°'50' West 30.00 fee.t; North 27°' 10' E~s"t 9~..11 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 1100.O0 'feet~ subtending a central angle of 8" 20', an arc distance of 159.99 feet; North 18° 50' East 350.36 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 400.00.feet, ' subtending a central angle of 81° 50', an arc distance of 571.30 feet; North 63° 0'.West t~9.51 feet; North 27° 0' East 30.00 feet; South 63° 0' East 89.51 feet; on the arc of a curve to the rlght~ tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of 430.00 feet, subtending a centra'l angle of 10° 0', an arc distance of 75.05 feet; North 37° 0" East 89.00 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the last preceding course, with a radius of ]70.00 · feet,, subtending a central angle of 37° 0', an arc distonce of 109.78 feet; , due North 70.59 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent'to the last preceding course, with a radius of 1100.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 18' 0% an arc distance of 345.58 feet; North 18° 0' West 53.00 feet; on the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the last preceding course~ with a radius of 2200.00 feet, subte~ding a ccntral angle of 4°'0', an arc distance of 153.59 feet; North 76e 0' East 20.00 feet; on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the lost preceding course, with a radius of 825.00 feet~ subtending a central' angle of 18° 18* 49~ an arc distance of 263.7~) feet to a POint in the northerly' (Continued) Corporate Limit line of the City of South San Francisco; thence along said Corporate Limit lines South 61° O' East 298.29 feet tO: the intersection thereof wi,U. the westerly J':ne of the 50.00 foo~ PG&E' tower line easement. as described in Deeds filed in Volume 225 et: Official Records at Page 86, and. Volume 253 o~: Of,~icial Records at Page 28], San Mateo Counh/Records;' t~nce along said westerly lines South 6° 59' 30" West 2122.55 Feet; thence leaving said line North o~,o 0' 30" West 8.51 feet; on the arc of a curve to tho rights tangent to the last preceding courses with a radius oE 822.00 feet, subtending a cen~a'l angle air 20° 10' 30", an arc distance of 289.44 feet; anc; North 62° 50' West 202.91 feet to the TRUE POINT OF ~GINNING. or 'less. CONTAINING an area of. 2i.3 acres, more 28. PARCEL M Ali thbt real property situate in the City of South San Fror, cls .c~, County of San Mateo, State of Cali.~ornla, doscril:~d as follows: ........ , ,,.,,~,~, ~ ,r~ inters~ctlon of centerline of Oakmont Drive wltl{'the centerline el: Bantry Lane, as said Drive and Lane.are shown on that certain Map entitled "¥ract No. 798, Wes~borou0h Unit No. lB, San Marco County~ C. allf. ", file. d September 13, 1961 in Volume 55 of Maps at Pages 16 and 17, San 'Mateo County Records; running thenc~ along the ¢enterllne of said Oakrr~nt Drive and its n.0rtherly prolongatloh, North.22° 18' West 255.00 feet; thence North 67° 42' East, 42.00 I:eet l-o a point in the easterly line'of Callan l~oulevard, as said Callan Boulevard is shown on that certain Map entitled "Westborough - West Park Unit No' 1, South San Francisco, San Mateo 'County, California" which Map was filed on'November 19, 1964 in Volume 61 of Maps at Pages 11, 12, 13, 14, 15and 16,*San Matoo County ReCords; thence along said easterly ilne~ North 22° ~8' West 101 ~83 feet, on fha a~'c of a curve to t'he let:t, tangent to the last preceding course, w~th a radius of 2,792.26 feet, subtending a central angle el: 7° 42' 25" an arc distance et: 375.59 ~eet; North 30° 0' 25" West 152.70 feet; 'thence leaving said Cai'lan Boulevard ilno, North 58" 04' East 120.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; the.'t,ce from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING,North 32° 17' 26" West 411.28 feet; South 540 44" 11" West 120.00 feet to a point in the easterly llne (C~tinue~ of IEe aforesaid Caftan ~uie. vard, which point is the northeasterly prolo~igatlon of the centeriine of Duhailow Way, as shown on the aforesaid Map of Westborough- , West Park Unit No. 1; thence along the ea..terly and northeasterly line of said Callan I~ulevard,. northwesi'erlyt on the arc of a curve to the ief~ from a tangert bearing. Nori'h $5e 15'49" West, with a radius of 3792.35 Feet; subl'endlng a central angle of $el13'36", an arc distance of 324.99 feet;and North 40°I[JJ25" West 1036.38 feet; ~'hence ieav~ng said Callan ~oulevard line, North 4~e49'35'! Edst 19.60 feeS'; on i'he arc o.~ a curve to tho ri.~ht, tangent ~o the last' preceding course, with a radius of 700 feel't subtending a central angle of 16~26"25", an arc distance of 200.~ feat; North '9-~e44' West 11~.3~ I:eot; South ~5°30' Eas~' 205.89 feet; 'North $°28'13"' East, 354.69~:eet to a point in tho southe, riy lind of King Drive; thence along said King. i~rlve line; eastei'ly, on th~ arc of'a curve to the left~ from· a tangent bearing South 85005'50'' East, with a radius of 1000 fect~ subtending a central anglo of 5~24'10'', an c~rc distance of 94.30 feet; North 89~30' East 616.92 ~:eet to the intersection of said southerly line of King Drive with the northerly City Limit Line of the City of South San Francisco; theni:e along said Cil¥ Limit Line~ South ~5~30' East 318.27 feet; South 8300' East 256.63 feet;and North'66e0':£ast 328.96 feet; and North 6715' East 4.01~ Feet to the intersection of said City Limit Line with .the southerly llne o.~ the aforesaic~ King Drive; thence along said King. Drive llne, .South 80~30' East 134.42 feet; on the arc of a curve to the Jeff, tangent to the last preceding course, with a'radlus o~. 3~.40 feet, subtending a central a'ngle alr ~02'33", an arc distance of 482.87 feet~ thence leaving said llne South 2e.0' West 85.00 feet; South 88" 0' East 264.00 feet; and North 2° 0' East 97.65 feet to a point ~n th~ c~ores=id southerly line of King Drive; thence along said King Drive liner easterlys on the arc of a.,curve to the ieftv from a tangent bearing North 87° 03' 15" East~ with a radius of 34~0.Ct0 feet~ subtending a central angle of 2° 50' 47"~ an arc distance of 170.90 feet; thence leaving said line~ South 3° 10' East 207.71 J~eet; on the'arc of a curve to the rlght~ tangent to the last preceding ¢ourse~ with a radius of 422.00 feet~ subte.oding a ~e, nh'al angle of 29°.14's an arc distance of 215.31 feet; South 26°. 04' West 49.38 feet; southerly~ on the arc of a curve to the right~ from a tangent beario~ South 63° 56' Eastt with a radius of 360.00 feetv subtending a central angle of 136° 12' 30"~ an arc dlstan~e of 855.82 feet; South 35° 31' East 152.43 feet; South 84° 03' West 20.96 feet; South 5° 57' East 200.00 feet; North 84e 03' 'East 8.00 feet; South 5e 57' ESst 50.00 feet; North 84e 03' East 10.00 feet; South 5e 57' East 90.00 feet; South 84e '03' West 119.69 feat; South 5e 57' West 12.00 feet; South $4~ 03' West 80.00 feet; North 5e 57NVest 12.00 feet; South 84e 03' West 215.00 feet; 'South 5e 57' East 22.00 feet; South 84e 03' West 180.00 feet; North .29e 42' West 27.31 feet; South'84° 03' West 275.00 feet; North 39e 06' 12" West 38.88 feet; South 740.,51' West 300.00 feet; North 6~e '49' 10" West 3i.06 feet; and South 58° 0~' West 270.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING an area of 89:349 acres~ more or less. FWA:ea August 12~ 1966 ' Parcel N - Planned Community Unclass~fied Distric~ or Zone: COMMENCING for reference at the point of intersection of the centerllne of Kin9 Drive 80.00 feet wide with the easterly boundary llne of that cert°in l~icp entitled "S~n'ar.~onte, L:n[t No. ~,., Daly City, San Mateo County, ..~ Callforn[,~, filed in the Office of the Recorder of the County of San Mateo, State of" California on June 17, 1965 in Book 62 of Maps, at pager~ 29, 30'and 3.1; thence - along the easterly prolongation of sa. id centerline of King Drive the fOliowi~i c.our~esz from a tangent bearln0 South 89~ 07~37'' East on the .ora of a curve to the left wlt~ a radius of 960.00 feet, s~btendlng a central an~.lle of 1° 2?23", an 'arc distance'of ' 23.01. feet; North 89e 30' E~st 741.30 feet; tan'..jent to the last said cour,,e, on the arc of a curve to the ri01~t, With a radius of 2600.00 feet, subtending a central .angle OF ]0° 00' an arc distance of 453.79 feet; and South '80° 30~ ~.cst 316.54 feet to a' polrit in the southerly boundary line of the lands described in that certal.~ deed from J. A. Christen & Sor~s to Suburban .~ealt), Company recorder In the Office of the Recorder of the County of San Mateo, State of Ca'lifomia on May 10, 1963 in Boo~c 4453 of Official Records, at page 548; di.,tant thereon North 66° 15~ East 77.03 feet from an angle point therein; thence along 'said line South 66° 15'West 72.95 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from sa|d TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING along '(Continued) ' sc~icl ~outherl¥ boundur¥ line North 66~ 15' East 773.40 feet and Soutl~ 62, ~t 715.55 t:eet to a point in the ~outnerly line of sold K;ng Drive; fher. ce :.- uioncj lo'~t said liner westerly~ on the arc of a curve to the right, from a tangent bearlng South 79~ 08~ 36" West, wlth a radlus of 3440.00 fee't~ s~bten'~; .~ a central oriole of 20* 21' 24"/on arc d;;l~nce c~f 12'22.20 feet and No, h We.st 134.42 feet tothe TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, ,'CONTAINING 6.224 crates, rn~e or 33. SECTION III. ADOPTION OF MAP; AMENDMENT OF SECTION 2.2 ob' OKD£NANU~ NO. 353, AS AMENDED; AND AMENDMENT OF THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. The map entitled "Zoning Map - Westborough-West Park Unit No. 3" is hereby adopted as the Zonin§ Map of the parcels shown thereon, establishing the whole-parcels within the corporate limits of. the City a Planned community District or PC District and the respective parcels s° designated therein as Planned Com- munity Commercial Districts or Zones (PC-C); a Planned Community Civic District or Zone (PC-CV); Planned Co~-,~nity Duplex Family Districts or Zones (PC-DF); Planned Community Single Family Districts or Zones (PC-SF); Planned Community Prezoned District or Zone (PC-P); Planned Community Unclassified District or Zone (PC-U). Subsection 2.2 of Ordinance No. 353 as amended entitled "Zonin§ Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco", adopted August 10, 1954, and the Zoning Map of the City of South San Francisco, adopted March 5, 1962, as amended, are hereby further amended by adding thereto the map entitled "Zoning Map - Westborough- West Park Unit No 3" attached hereto as Appendix A SECTION IV. GENERAL REGULATIONS. The following general regulations shall apply in said Planned Community District or PC District and the Planned Community Com- mercial Districts or Zones (PC-C); Planned Community Civic District or Zone (PC-CV); Planned'commUnity Duplex Family Districts or Zones (PC-DF); Planned COmmunity Single Family Districts or Zones (PC-SF); Planned Community Prezoned District or Zone (PC-P)~ Planned Community Unclassified District or Zone (PC-U). A. ZoninK Ordinance of the City of South San'Francisco. The applicable sections of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco, and amendments, particularly those sections added by Ordinance No. 490, passed the 15th day of April, 1963, and amendments, shall be part of the general regulations. B. Land Use and Development of the Planned Community District and the Several DesiRnated Districts or Zones. Land use and development in said Planned Community District and in the several districts or zones shall comply with the following, all of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk and City Planner: (1) Zoning Map, Westborough-West Park Unit No. 3, Survey 5740, Drawing ~;WWP-3-M-1, hereinafter designated "Zoning Map". (2) Approved General Development Plan, Survey No. 5740, Drawing ~;WWP-3-M-1 together with Appendices described in Subsection 8, hereinafter designated "General Plan". (3) Approved General Development Schedule together with appendices described in Subsection 8, hereinafter. designated "Schedule". (4) Approved General Development Statement together with appendices, described in Subsection 8, hereinafter designated "Statement". 35. (5) Approved Site Utilization Plan entitled West Park Unit 3 Site Plan together with appendices, described in Subsection 8, hereinafter designated "Site Plan". (6) Approved Utility Plan entitled Utility Plan Westborough-West Park Unit #3 dated July 8, 1966, Revised January 29, 1968, Survey #5740, DraWing #WW~-3-U-1 together with appendices described in Subsection 8 hereinafter designated "Utility Plan". (7) Approved Grade Plan entitled Grade Plan Westborough - West Park Unit #3 dated July 8, 1966, Revised January 29, 1968, Survey #5740, Drawing #WWP-3-C-1 'together with appendices described in Subsection 8, here- inafter designated "Grade Plan". (8) Appendices: Planning Commission Resolution 2080 passed the 25th day of July, 1966 and Reports contained in the Document entitled "Matter of Westborough-West Park No. 3 gevised," dated July 25, 1966, which are particularly set fOrth in Paragraph I (1), (2), Resolutiom 4804 19th day of February, (3), (4), an4 (5) of of the City Council passed the 1968 in. those parts that relate to the "General Plan", "Schedule'', "Statement", "Site Plan", Utility Plan" and "Grade Plan" shall con- stitute and be appendices to same and revisions of said plans and documents in accordance ~rlth said parts of the appendices shall be filed with the City Planner. Upon receipt of said revised plans or documents the City Planner shall submit same to the respective depart- ments for review and determination that the required revisions have been made. Upon determining that said revisions have been made, the respective department heads and City Planner shall endorse a certificate on the plans or document that said revisions have been made and file a copy of said plan or document so certiftdd in the office of the City Clerk and City Planner. C. Common Greens (Common Parkways). The Common Greens (Common Parkways) in the Planned Community District and each of the several' designated districts or zones shall be situated as shown on the Zoning Map and be of the size and dimensions as shown on said map, and shall be improved and maintained to the. standards set forth on the General Plan, Site Plan, Utility Plan, Grade Plan together with the appendices thereto or revisions made pursuant thereto. Developer shall provide for improvement of the Common Greens (Common Parkways) and maintenance thereof as hereinafter set forth. D. Open Green Landscaped Areas. Not less than fifty-one and seventy-o~e hundredths (51.71%) percent of said Planned Community Distr~ct shall 37. be open, green and landscaped to the standards and as set forth on the "Site Plan" for said district and the several designated districts or zones. Driveways, streets and com- mercial parking areas shall not be considered open, green landscaped areas for purposes of this provision. The parcels in the Civic District by the nature of their use provide maximum open space and minimum building coverage and therefore a substantial percentage credit for said open, green landscaped areas to meet the total 51.71% open, green landscaped area requirement, and the percentage of open, green landscaped area within the Civic District shall be an integral part of the Planned Community.District and the several des- ignated districts or zones, which, if not provided for in the Civic District p~rcels by Developer, shall be required in other parts of said Planned Community District and the 'several designated districts or zones, so that a total of 51.71% of said district and the several designated districts or zones shall be opep, green and landscaped. E. Public Areas. The public areas in the Planned Community District and each of the several designated districts or zones shall be sitUated as shown on the Zoning Map and be of the design, size and dimensions as shown on the General Plan, Site Plan, Utility Plan,-Grade Plan together with the appendices thereto or revisions made pursuant thereto and improved and maintained to the standards set forth on said plans together'with said appendices or revisions. 38. F. Time for Filin~ First Planned'Unit Plans, Rezonina, etc.. Planned unit plans for at least one (1) planned unit, consisting of not less than four (4) acres shall be filed within one (1) year after the adoption of this ordinance and said planned unit shall be completed within one (1) year after issuance of the Use Permit. All public and private improvements in the Planned Community District and the several designated districts or zones shall be completed within four (4) years after adoption of this ordinance. The Planning Commission may grant reasonable- extensions of time for the filing of the first Planned Unit plans and the completion of the improvements as herein- provided. Should filing and development of the planned unit and the completion of the public and private improve- ments in the ~lanned Community District not be accomplished within the dates hereinbefore provided, then the Planning Commission shall review this ordinance and the land areas affected thereby for the purpose of determining whether a more feasible zoning classification is necessary to regu- late the land use ~or the parcel composing the ~lanned Gommunity District and the several designated districts or zones. The establishment of a different district or zone for all or parts of said Planned. Community District or zone or any of the several designated districts or zones shall be in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco. 39. SECTION V. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. Development of the Planned Community District or any of the several designated Districts or Zones shall be by Planned Units of not less than four acres, for which a Use Permit shall be required as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco and related provisions of this ordinance. No Building Permit shall issue nor shall any buildings or structures be moved into said Planned Community District or any of the several districts or zones prior to obtaining a Use Permit or Zoning Permit therefor. All plans, specifications and drawings shall be in complete and final form prior to grant of a Use or Zoning Permit. No Use Permit or Zoning Permit shall be granted subject to report and recommendations of departments, boards, commissions or other agencies. If departments, boards, commissions, and other agencies file reports setting forth requirements and recommendations and said reports are approved by the Planning Commission, then the related plans, specifications and drawings shall be amendedsO as to delineate thereon and therein said requirements and recom- mendations as approved by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of a Use Permit or Zoning Permit. No Use Permit or Zoning Permit shall be granted until developer. has conveyed the common gree~free and clear of all liens, taxes and encumbrances, except those consented to by City, to a home- owners' association formed for the purpose of accepting such grants and maintaining such common greens or to City and said area has 40. been annexed to the West Park Parkways and Maintenance District or included within a separate maintenance district or other agency formed for the purpose of maintaining such. common greens. Developers shall, at the time of the conveyance, file a title insurance policy with the grantee, assuring title vested in the grantee free and clear of all said liens, taxes and encumbrances. No Use Permit or Zoning Permit shall be issued until developers have filed with the City Planner the necessary documents providing for the construction, installation and maintenance of the common greens in accordance with the approved plans and specificationsand shall have filed with said City Planner a corporatesurety bond · guaranteeing the construction and installation of said common greens in accordance with the related plans and specifications. Developers shall provide for maintenance of the common greens from the completion thereof until acceptance by the grantee for maintenance as hereinbefore set forth by filing with the City Planner an agreement to so maintain secured by a corporate surety bond in the principal sum approved by the City Landscape Specialist and City Attorney. No Use permit or Zoning Permit shall be issued until developers have filed a final subdivision map in accordance with the SubdiviSion Map Act of the State of California and the Sub- division Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco. 41. SECTION VI. SPECIAL REGULATIONS--PLANNED CO~4UNI~ COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS OR ZONES. In addition to the general regulations hereinbefore set forth, the following special-regulations shall apply in the Planned Com- munity Commercial Districts or Zones: A. Parcel A. 1. Uses Permitted. The following uses when conducted within a building are permitted upon approval of Planned Unit Development Plans and the issuance of a Use Permit by the Planning Commission pursuant to the procedure hereinbefore set forth and pro- cedures set forth in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San FranciSco as amended: Retail stores of the following types: Bakeries, food stores, hardware stores, banks, barber shops, beauty parlors, book stores, variety stores, shoe shops, drug stores, offices, florist shops, restaurants, personal service establishments, department stores, launderettes, cleaning agencies, service stations and uses which the Planni~g Commission finds and determines to be of a similar nature. Unilluminated signs attached to the main building and appurtenant to the use thereof and not projecting more than one (1') foot over the property line. The Plan- ning Commission may permit illuminated signs in accord- ance with the regulations set forth in the Zoning Ordinance and Sign Ordinance of the City. .Off-Street Parking--Additional Provisions. The Planning Commission shall set forth in the Use Permit the number of parking spaces required for each use applying the standards set forth in the general regulations or stand- ards set 'forth for similar uses in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco. ' 42. Parcel B. 1. Special Findings. The Planning Commission shall make the following special findings before approving Planned Unit Development Plans and granting a Use Permit for uses in this district or zone: a. The proposed uses are planned and gauged primarily for service and convenience to the residents of and people working within or those who will reside or work within the Planned Community District. b. The proposed uses will provide such local service and facilities which are 1) not available in a reasonably proximate location, or 2) needed and desirable as supplements to existing local service and shopping facilities. Uses Permitted. The following uses when conducted within a building are permitted upon approval of Planned Unit Development Plans and the issuance of a Use Permit by the Planning Commission pursuant to the procedure hereinbefore set forth and procedures set forth in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco as amended: Retail stores of the following types: Bakeries, food .· stores, hardware stores, banks, barber shops, beauty parlors, book stores, variety stores, shoe shops, drug stores, offices, florist shops, restaurants, personal service establishments, department stores, launderettes, cleaning agencies, service stations and uses which the' Planning Commission finds and determines to be of a similar nature. ' 43. 0 b. Unilluminated signs attached to the main building and appurtenant to the use thereof and not projecting more than one (1') foot over the property line. The Plan- ning Commission may permit illuminated signs in accord- ance with the regulations set forth in the Zoning Ordinance and Sign Ordinance of the City. Off-Street Parking--Additional Provisions. The Planning Commission shall set forth in the Use Permit the number of parking spaces required for each use applying the standards set forth in the general regulations or stand- ards set forth for similar uses in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco. Planned Unit Development. In accordance with Section 5.72 (a) (1) of the Zoning Ordi- nance of the City of South San Francisco, this parcel though containing less than four (4) acres may be developed as a planned unit. 44. SECTION VII. SPECIAL REGULATIONS--PlANNED COMMIINITY CIVIC DISTRICT OR ZONE (PG-CV). to the general regulations hereinbe~D~eset forth, Planned Com= In addition the following special regulations shall apply in the muntty Civic Districts or Zones: A. Uses Permitted~ 1. Civic Centers 2. Public Schools and appurtenant buildings 3. Public Buildings 4. Public Parks and playgrounds 5. Public Recreation Use Permit Required. A Use Permit shall be obtained before any building or structure is erected, reconstructed, moved or structurally altered in any manner within the Civic District or Zone. C. Design. The nature, character and'design of the improvements shall comply with the "Site Plan". D. Building Coverage. The dimensions, size and location of buildings shall be as shown on the "Site Plan". E. Off-Street Parking. The design, dimension, size and location of the off-street parking facility or area shall be as shown on the "Site Plan", except that the Planning Commission may apply the standards for number of parking spaces required for specific uses as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco. 45. SECTION VIII. SPECIAL REGULATIONS--PLANNED CO~4I;NI~ DUPLEX FAMILY DISTRICTS OR ZONES (PC-DF). In addition to the general regulations hereinbefore set forth, the following special regulations shall'apply in Community Duplex Family Districts or Zones: A., Uses Permitted. 1. 'Duplex Family Buildings. B, the Planned 2. Single Family Buildings. 3. Accessory buildings,'structures and improvements shown on the "General Plan" and "Site Plan". DesiRn. The nature, character and design of the buildings, structures, landscaped areas (common greens and on-lot areas) and improve- ments shall comply with the "General Plan" and "Site Plan". LOt CoveraKe and BuildinK Lines. The location, size and dimension of buildings, structures and improvements shall be as shown on the "Site Plan". The building lines (front, side and rear) shall be as shown on the "Site Plan", except 1. The minimumdistance from face of garage door to the inside edge of sidewalk shall be twenty-two feet (22'). The minimum distance from face of garage door to face of curb'on cul-de-sac streets shall be twenty-four feet (24'), which will provide a sidewalk area consisting of four feet (4'), composed of a three and one-half foot' (3~') sidewalk plus one-half foot (~') curb. 46. ParkinR. 1. There shall be a minimum of two (2) off-street covered parking spaces (with garage doors) per dwelling unit on the lot within the building lines, which spaces may be parallel or tandem. The Planning Commission tomy require an additional minimum of one-half (%) covered or uncovered parking space per dwelling unit in a conveniently acces- sible parking bay or area. 2. On-Street Parking: Seven (7) nine foot by twenty foot (9'x20') parking bays shall be provided at the base of each cul-de-sac, but should there be no cul-de-sac then the Planning Commission may require an additional minimum of one-half (%) covered or uncovered parking space per dwelling unit in a con- veniently accessible parking bay or area. Yards and On-Lot Landsca]~ed Areas. The location, size, dimension and standards of improvements. of the front and rear yards and on-lot landscaped areas shall be as shown on the "Site Plan" except that the minimum depth of front and rear yards shall be fifteen feet (15'). Encroachments into Yards. The Planning Commission may permit the following encroach- ments into yards if the Commission determines that the proposed use of said encroachments will be compatible with the nature, character and design of the development in the district or zone: 47. 1. Front yards and rear yards: A five foot (5') encroach- ment for balconies and building cantilevers where the vertical distance from finished grade is eight feet (8') or more. An additional three foot (3') encroach- ment my be permitted for roof eaves. 2. Rear yards: Stairways may be included within the five foot (5') encroachment area set forth in "1" above. Minimum Area of DwellinK Units. The minimum area for dwelling units shall be one thousand · (1,000) square feet. The City Planner may permit a reductio~ in the minimum area for said dwelling units to a minimum area of eight hundred (800) square feet provided he finds and determines~ in accordance with architectural plans submitted by developer, that said reduction will not adversely affect the nature, character and design of the area. Sidewalks in Cul-de-Sac Areas. Sidewalks shall be required in cul-de-sac areas of a minimum width of four feet (4'), consisting of a three and one-half foot (3%') principal sidewalk area plus. a one-half foot (%') curb area. 48. SECTION IX. SPECIAL REGULATIONS--PLANNED CO~dNI~ SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICTS OR ZONES (PC-SF). In addition to the general regulations hereinbefore set forth~ the following special regulations shall apply iu the Planned Com- munity Single Family Districts or Zones (PC-SF). A. Uses Permitted. 1. ' Single Family Dwellings. 2. Accessory buildings, structures and improvements as shown on the "General Plan" and "Site Plan!'. 3. Duplex Family Dwellings on those lots designated as R-2 on the Zoning Map and'~ite Plan"within Single Family Zones. The special regulations set forth in Section VIII shall apply to those lots so designated and in the special regulations hereinafter set forth in this section, which other uses i~ the PC-SF regulations are applicable to the Zone. B. DesiRn. The nature, character and design of the buildings, structures', landscaped areas (common greens, open green areas and on-lot landscaped areas) and improvements shall comply with the "General. Plan" and "Site Plan". Lot CoveraRe and BuildinR Lines. The location, size and dimension of buildings, structures and improvements shall be as shown on the "Site Plan". The building lines (front, side and rear)' shall be as shown on the "Site Plan", except . The minimum distance fr~m face of garage door to the inside edge of sidewalk shall be twenty-two feet (22'). 2. The minimum distance from face of garage door to the face of curb on cul-de-sac streets shall be twenty- four feet (24'), which Will provide a sidewalk area consisting of four feet (4')~ composed of a three amd one-half foot (3½') sidewalk plus curb .. · , one-half foot (%') D. Parkin R. 1. Off-Street Parking: There shall be a minimum of two (2) off-street covered parking spaces (with' garage doors) per dwelling unit on the lot within the building lines, which spaces may be parallel or tandem. The Planning Commission may require an additional minimum of one-half (%) covered or uncovered parking space per dwelling unit in a conveniently acces- sible parking bay or area. On-Street Parking: ,. Seven (7) nine foot by twenty foot (9'x20') parking bays shall be provided at'the base of each cul-de-sac, but should there be no cul-de-sac then the Planning Commission may require an additiOnal minimum of one-half covered or uncovered parking space per'dwelling unit in a con- veniently accessible parking bay or area. .Yards and On'Lot Landscaped Areas. The location, size, dimension and standards of improvements of the front and rear yards and on-lot landscaped areas shall be as shown on the "Site Plan" except that the minimum depth of front and rear yards shall be fifteen feet (15'). Encroachments into Yards. The Planning Commission may permit the following encroach- ments into yards if the Commission determines that the proposed use of said encroachments will be compatible with the nature, character and design of the development in the district or zone: 1. Front yards and rear yards: A five foot (5') encroach- ment for balconies and building cantilevers where the vertical distance from finished grade is eight feet or more. An additional three foot (3') encroachment may be permitted for roof eaves. 2. Rear yards: Stairways may be included within the five foot (5') encroachment area set forth in "1" above. Minimum Area of DwellinR Units. The minimum area for dwelling units shall be fifteen hundred (1500) square feet. Sidewalks in Cul-de-Sac Areas. Sidewalks shall be required in cul-de-sac areas of a minimum width of four feet (4'), consisting of a three and one-half foot (3%') principal sidewalk area plus a one-half foot curb area. 51. SECTION X. SPECIAL REGULATIONS--PlANNED COMMUNITY UNCLASSIFIED DISTRICT OR ZONE (PC-U). In addition to the general regulations hereinbefore set forth, the following special regulations shall apply in the Planned Community District or Zone: A. Uses Permitted. 1. Single family dwellings similar to those shown on the "General Plan" and "Site Plan" for the PC-SF Zone. 2. Accessory buildings, structures and improvements similar to those shown on the "General Plan" and "Site Plan" for the PC-SF Zone. Standards for Development. The standards for development of the PC-U District or Zone shall be established by amendment to this ordinanca and shall be substantially in compliance with those 'standards established. for the PC-SF District or Zone. 52. SECTION XI. SPECIAL REGULATIONS--PLANNED CO~4~JNITY PREZONED' DISTRICT OR ZONE (PC-P). The general regulations hereinbefore set forth and the fol- lowing special regulations shall apply in the Planned Community Prezoned District or Zone and shall become operative upon annexa- parcel is presently tion of the parcel constituting said zone, which situated in the County of San Mateo: A. Be Uses Permitted. 1. Single family dwellings on those lots. designated for said use on the "General Plan" and "Site Plan". 2. Duplex family dwellings on those lots designated for such use on the "General' Plan" and "Site Plan". 3. Accessory buildings and structures and improvements as shown on the "General Plan" and "Site Plan". Issuance of'Use Permit--Additional Provisions. No Zoning or Use Permit shall issue for the parcel contained in said Prezoned District or Zone unless the adjacent parcel presently located within the City of Daly City is platted and developed in accordance with regulations similar to the general regulations and special regulations set forth in this ordinance. 53. SECTION XlI, EFFECTIVE DATE AND PUBLICATION. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days from and after the date of final passage and approval. The Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published in the Enterprise-Journal as require~ by law. 19 68 Introduced this ath day of I~arch Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at an adjourned reqular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 13th day of May , 19 6~ , by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN .Frank J. Bertuce]lf, Patrick E. Ahem. F. Frank Mammtni. Andrew Rocca and Warren StetnkamD NOES, Non e ABSENT, " None City hereby 19 _68 _. As' Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do approve the foregoing.ordinance this 13th day of PC-C ?t R A M ,,/ pc-tV T /44 PC-U E W E $ T B PC-CV PC-CV . IgE U j",l I T R hi 0, PC-SF / / / ZONING MAP - WESTBOROUGH- WEST PARK APPENDIX A TO ORDINANCE NO. 575, PASSED THE 13TH DAY OF MAY, 1968 / / OWNER AND EUeDIVIDER CAESAR CALLAN HOMES IRC. E'P~O JUNIRERO SERRA BOULEVARD O&LY CITY, CALIFORNIA ENGINEER TNEOOORE ~ TRONOFF CIVIL ENGINEER ANO SURVEYOR IRC, $45 PARK PLAZA DRIVE OALY CIT~ CALIFORNIA G GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN WESTROROU, GH-WEST I~ARK UNIT N9 '-~-,'., .-? n ........ s?4o | wwPs-U-~I o AND ENDORSEMENT: ~! The undersigned Certify that ~j Planning Commission of the Cit~~/~I of South San Francisco, State of California, did approve and adopt this map on the ~9~';'X2 day of J~'/F , .~19~ estab- lishing the designates, locations and boundaries of districts set forth thereon and said ~p was specifically approved and adopted in accor~nce ~th Section 2.2 of Ordinance 353, as amended. ~ ~/~" '~~ Secretary CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION AND ENDORSEMENT: The undersigned certify' ~that the City Council of the City-of South San Francisco, State~O£1~i~i~ia, did b 0~dinance No. the 13th ay West Pack;~~-"--~=~c '