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Pointe Grand_NOP SIGNED.pdf
NOTICE OF PREPARATION For a Draft Environmental Impact Report Date: January 26, 2022 To: State Clearinghouse and Interested Parties and Organizations Project Title: Pointe Grand Life Science Research and Development Campus Project Lead Agency: City of South San Francisco Planning Division City Hall Annex 315 Maple Avenue P.O. Box 711 South San Francisco, California 94083 Contact: Christy Usher, AICP, Senior Planner, City of South San Francisco Planning Division Public Review Period: January 26, 2022 through February 25, 2022 (30 days) in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15082 Purpose of the Notice The intent of this Notice of Preparation (NOP) is to inform agencies and interested parties that the City of South San Francisco is preparing a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Pointe Grand Life Sciences Research and Development Campus Project in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15082. This NOP provides information about the project and its potential environmental effects and requests that comments be provided on the proposed scope and content of the Draft EIR. A draft Initial Study will be included as an Appendix to the Draft EIR. Project Location The project site is 30.52 acres in size and is located near the intersection of East Grand Avenue and Harbor Way in South San Francisco. The project site is located across multiple adjacent parcels, including the following Assessor's Parcel Numbers: ■ 015-042-160 ■ 015-042-020 ■ 015-042-110 ■ 015-042-200 ■ 015-042-210 ■ 015-042-220 ■ 015-042-230 ■ 015-042-180 ■ 015-032-030 ■ 015-042-070 ■ 015-032-020 ■ 015-042-150 ■ 015-042-190 ■ 015-042-050 The site is regionally accessible by US Highway 101 (US 101) and Interstate 380 (1-380). Figure 1 shows the location of the project site with respect to the larger Bay Area region and Figure 2 shows an aerial image of the project site. City of South San Francisco Planning Division 315 Maple Avenue Phone: (650) 877-8535 South San Francisco, CA 94080 Email:
[email protected]
Background The project site is currently developed with 11 pharmaceutical or biotechnology research and development (R&D) office structures. All parcels within the site are designated as Business and Technology Park by the City of South San Francisco 1999 General Plan and Title 20, Zoning, of the South San Francisco Municipal Code. The project is also located within the East of 101 Area Plan. In August 2021, the City of South San Francisco received an application for a master plan to demolish six existing R&D buildings (approximately 333,340 square feet) and construct four 6-10 story R&D buildings and associated parking structures on the site. The master plan also includes a request to increase the maximum allowable Floor Area Ratio from 0.5 to 1.0. The City is currently considering the master plan and proposed development. As part of this process, CEQA environmental analysis is required. Project Description The project would involve the demolition of six of the existing structures, which comprise 333,340 square feet of space. As shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4, five existing structures, totaling 293,970 square feet, would remain. The demolished structures would be replaced with three laboratory and office structures of varying heights between six and ten stories, a two-story amenity building, and two parking structures. New structures would consist of 1,035,530 square feet of new construction. New structures along with the existing structures retained would total 1,329,490 square feet and would result in a net increase in built area of 702,180 square feet, or a 53 percent increase. The project would also involve the construction of pedestrian paths throughout the project site, designed to connect with arrival points of transit and parking structures. The project would include 3,791 parking spaces, which would exceed the required 2,962 parking spaces. The project would require the following entitlements: Design Review, Conditional Use Permit for a Parking Reduction, and a Transportation Demand Management Program. Potential Environmental Effects An Initial Study will be prepared for the project. The City anticipates that the project would have no impact, a less than significant impact, or a less than significant impact with mitigation incorporated for all environmental issues areas evaluated under CEQA except for the following environmental issue areas: ■ Air Quality ■ Greenhouse Gas Emissions ■ Hazards and Hazardous Materials ■ Public Services ■ Transportation Utilities and Service Systems The Draft EIR will recommend mitigation measures to avoid and/or reduce impacts determined to be potentially significant, identify reasonable alternatives, and compare the environmental impacts of the alternatives to the impacts of the proposed project. The Draft EIR will also discuss the cumulative impacts of the proposed project in combination with other closely related past, present, and reasonably foreseeable probable future projects in the area. Comments provided in response to the NOP may identify additional environmental topics to be evaluated. Providing Comments At this time, the City is soliciting comments on the scope and content of the EIR from all interested parties requesting notice, responsible agencies, agencies with jurisdiction by law, trustee agencies, and involved agencies. This information will be considered when preparing the Draft EIR's discussion of City of South San Francisco Planning Division 315 Maple Avenue Phone: (650) 877-8535 South San Francisco, CA 94080 Email:
[email protected]
environmental impacts, mitigation measures, and alternatives. Because of time limits mandated by State law, comments must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on February 25, 2022, which ends the 30 -day scoping period. Comments may be submitted by U.S. mail or by email prior to the close of the scoping period. Mail comments to: Christy Usher, AICP, Senior Planner Planning Division City Hall Annex 315 Maple Avenue P.O. Box 711 South San Francisco, California 94549 Email comments to Christy Usher at:
[email protected]
For comments submitted via email, please include "Scoping Comments: Pointe Grand Project" in the subject line and the name and physical address of the commenter in the body of the email. All comments on environmental issues received during the public scoping period will be considered and addressed in the Draft EIR, which is anticipated to be available for public review in the spring of 2022. This NOP and other public review documents for this project are available for viewing online at www.ssf.net/CEQAdocuments. These documents are also available for review at the City of South San Francisco Planning Division offices (City Hall Annex) during regular business hours. If you have any questions about the environmental review process, please contact Christy Usher at
[email protected]
or at the contact information provided above. cl�u-�:s�,j �CsGcer Christy Usher, AICP, Senior Planner Planning Division City of South San Francisco Attachments Figure 1Regional Location City of South San Francisco Planning Division 315 Maple Avenue Phone: (650) 877-8535 South San Francisco, CA 94080 Email:
[email protected]
Golden Gate YNatiu al Mora Recreational i E g` Area c �nB Bay St W �. ush 5t Geary Blvd - . Baltsoa St Fulton 5t San Francisco w Taraval SI .o �c Hunters Point Qo P° Annex Silver M 35 Daly City Imagery provided by Esri and its licensors O 2021. _13 a�th Alameda Oakland Pacific'q'. 7' ... San Leandro ��r South VII South LorenzSan Francisco !� 82 San Bru n\o Pacifica p. Millbrae' Burlingame . Hillsborough Foster City San W Belmont San Carlos'.` Redwood City Menlo Park Half Moon Bay Fast Palo North t,i Alto Fair Oaks N Project Location 11 Sacra rxn F! it Santa Rosa Vacaville Elk Grove 5oi Fairfield Q Vallejo Stockton Antioch San Francisco tcjr-,r Livermore �. Modesto Fremont San Jose Santa Cruz tsz Cos Banas bs6 Salinas Monterey Saledad City of South San Francisco Planning Division 315 Maple Avenue Phone: (650) 877-8535 South San Francisco, CA 94080 Email:
[email protected]
Figure 213roject Location Figure Project Concept Schematic Figure 4Existing Structures to be Demolished or City of South San Francisco Planning Division 315 Maple Avenue Phone: (650) 877-8535 South San Francisco, CA 94080 Email:
[email protected]
Figure 1 Regional Location Golden Gate Natio I Recreational Area � 'nB Bay.St W GearyBlvd� . BaiBoa St Tutton St �u-� San Francisco �w Taraval SA ota� Np Hunters Point e P Annex Silver.P am 35 0. Daly City va. South San ey Emeryville Moraga i4 Piedmont I .. Alameda Oakland d - Pacific,q T of Fairfield Vallejo Stockton Antioch San Francisco San Leandro , Livermore off, A Modesto San Lorenz Francisco 82 — W San Bruno✓ Pacifica Millbrae i \ Burlingame 92 VIVO -1\Hillsborough Foster City San Mateo 0 Belmont \\ ston Aveg Redwood San Ca' rlos?s City Menlo Park Half Moon Bay East Palo adewtl° North 114 Alto �w Fair Oaks Imagery provided by Esri and its licensors U 2021. N Project Location n City of South San Francisco Planning Division 315 Maple Avenue Phone: (650) 877-8535 South San Francisco, CA 94080 Email:
[email protected]
is Sacramel .. Santa Rosa Vacaville Elk Grove of Fairfield Vallejo Stockton Antioch San Francisco Livermore off, Modesto Fremont 5a San Jose X52 Los Banos Santa Cruz Obi Salinas Monterey Saledad City of South San Francisco Planning Division 315 Maple Avenue Phone: (650) 877-8535 South San Francisco, CA 94080 Email:
[email protected]
Figure 2 Project Location ' P ,a , m ,. ,.,. o J E,Grang Ave � r� Business-aind ss and IT t ogy a� induls•trI Mixed IndustrIial a r _<. Ha�r'iis�i4ve V' ��. _ JI _!- 1�1•f'..a+,,.,, „J T .�w�l if " 1 Lawrence ••��� � ��IIIrL Project Boundary0 250 _ Fe et „ Imagery provided by Microsoft Bing and ifs ficensom © 2022. Addition'i data provided by South Son Francisco Generol Plan, 1999. City of South San Francisco Planning Division 315 Maple Avenue Phone: (650) 877-8535 South San Francisco, CA 94080 Email:
[email protected]
Figure 3 Project Concept Schematic -Fast Grand Ave + re r 0 100 200' Source: Healthpeak Properities, Inc. City of South San Francisco Planning Division 315 Maple Avenue Phone: (650) 877-8535 South San Francisco, CA 94080 Email:
[email protected]
Figure 4 Existing Structures to be Demolished or Retained I 4-1 Existing buildings to be demolished Existing buildings to remainC C Project Site -------------- EGRAND AVE m 015042190 10150421601 015042020 015042200 r \ —214 } I EGRAIDAVE 230 4 E GRAND AVE m olsoazlao -- / \,,` \\\\� rcvllnTm ____I ; .! 015042220 220 VVV E GRAND AVE 1 015 032 020aHARBORWAY ' 0i5 oat 110 ______ i__- / _ 250 E GRAND AVE �j —..—..—.- L , / ------------------------- "BO ' - _ -\; \ ` -- i if 015042150 ------------------ 288 _ ______-- i 015042230' i "' • '/ � 256EGRANG AVE169 015 032 030 I HARBOR WAY 015 042 070 1 015 042 210 \ / i 280 \ ' EGRAND AVE ,@ / oe • 260 E GRANT] AVE s 270 E GRAND AVE 016042050 ---------- ---------- --------- EXISTING RAIL (FUTURE RAILS -TO -TRAILS) 0 b Source: Healthpeak Properities, Inc. City of South San Francisco Planning Division 315 Maple Avenue Phone: (650) 877-8535 South San Francisco, CA 94080 Email:
[email protected]