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Ord. 612-1971
ORDINANCE NO. 612 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 353, AS AMENDED, AND PARTICULARLY AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE $75, PASSED MAY 13, 1968. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. REPEAL OF SUBSECTION A-3 OF SECTION IX OF ORDINANCE $75. Subsection A-3 of Section IX of Ordinance 575, passed May 13, 1968, which reads as follows, is hereby repealed: 3. Duplex Family Dwellings on those lots desig- nated as R-2 on the Zoning Map and "Site Plan" within Single Family Zones. The special regulations set forth in Section VIII shall apply to those lots so designated and in the special regulations hereinafter set forth in this section, which regulations are applicable to the other uses in the PC-SF Zone. SECTION II. AMENDMENT OF SECTION II OF ORDINANCE 575. Section II-A which reads as follows, is hereby added to Section II of Ordinance $75 passed May 13, 1968: SECTION II. A. Planned Community Single Family Districts or Zones (PC-SF) and Planned Community Duplex Family Districts or Zones (PC-DF). 1. Planned Community Duplex Family Districts or Zones (PC-DF). Parcels G-1 and G-2, hereinafter described (formerly designated ~ is G, , , , ~aree H I J and K or otherwise designated in Section II above) and Parcel G-3, hereinafter ~described (formerly designated Parcel O, or otherwise designated in Section II above), are hereby established and zoned Planned Community Duplex Family Districts or Zones (PC-DF). A. Parcel G-i: A Portion of Parcel A as said Parcel is shown on that ceri'oin map entitled "Parcel ~,6op, Division of ~,/es,oorough - Park Unit 3, Lands of Coeser Callan I'ton~es Inc South Sod Francisco, California", which m~p was filed in th~ Office of the Recorder of the z. [Parcel G-1 continued) Coun.ty of San Mateo, State of California on March 5, 1969 in Book 7~f Parcel Maps, at page 26, described as follows: BEGINNING al a pain! in the n.ortheasterly prolongation of the center- line of Le~x Way d~stant thereon North 49° 49' 35" East (North 51© 02' East, Map) 167.12 feet from the Monument set at ~he intersec't[on thereof w[th the centerl]ne of Cai[an Boule- yard (formerly Oakmont Drive) aS shown on ~mt certain mop entitled "Westborough - West Park Unit No. 2, South San Franc[sco, San Mateo County, CalJ[orn[a" which ~p was filed Jn the Office of the Recorder of the County o[ Scm Mc,.teo, State of California on November 19, 19~, inBook61 of Maps, otpages 17 18and 19; thence frem~dPOINT OFBEGIN~ NING leaving ~[d line at ar]ght angle North 40° 10~ 25" West 232.66 feet Io a point Jn the northwesterly Boundary line of afore:.a[d Parcel Mc~p; thence along ~a]d boundary llne North 49° 49' 35" East 77.42 feet to ~ angle po~nt th.oreo[; thence North ~ 28' 13" ~ou~n 28' We~t o3~00 East 317.59 feet; leavTr~g said I~ne South 86° 32' Eclat t60.COFeet; c . 3 feel'; South5°52' 30 East 61.61 feet; South3° 28 West ,o.21 feet; tangent to the lust said course, on the arc of a curve to the left~ with a radk~s of 272.00 central an$1e of 29° 28', a:~ crc distance of 139.89 feet; South 26° C0' East 111.25 feet; Southwesterly, from o. tangent bearing South 64° 00'West, on ~hr. orc o[~ cc~rve to the left, with o radius of 700.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 14 dislance o[ 173.16 feet; South 49~ 49' 35" West 23.00 ~e~t fo NING. Conlalning 2.219 Acres, more or less. B. Parcel G-2: A portion of Parcel A as said Parcel is showr~ o?. that certain mc, p entitled "Parcel Map, D~'vision of Westborough -- West Park Ur, it 3, Lands of Caesar Calla~ Homes I~C., South San Francisco, California" which n~p was recorded in the OFfice of the Recorder of the County of San Mc~leo, State of Cali~Cornia on March 5, 1969 in Book 7 Parcel Maps, at ~ge 26, d~scribed as follows: BEGINNING at the most northerly corner of the Lands of South San Francisco UnifiedSck~ol District asdescrlbed in the Deed fromCaesar Callon Homes Inc. recorded in the Office of the Recorder o~ the County o~ San Mateo, State of California on December 13~ 1967 in Book 5405 of Official Rec6rds, at page 611, sald POINT OF BEGINN'ING being also o.~ angle point in the bo~,nd~ry o[ aforesaid Parcel Map, Divislon of Westborough- West Park Unit 3; thence fi'om said Pabst of [~g ~ "nnlng' along "~ South 27° 00' the ~orthwesterly and northerly llne of said lands fha follo~ ~n.. courses: West 1~.78 feet; South 54° 29' West 195.97 feet; South 84~ 03' West 9.11 feet to ar~ angle ~oint in the easterly line of Lot 189 in Block 13 as said Lot and Block are shown on that certai~ map en~tled "Westborough - West Park Unit No. 3 A-E, South San Francisco, San Mateo County, Collfornic~" whic~ m~p v~.as filed in th~ Office o[ the Recorder of the Coun~yo[ Sa~ Mat~.o, State'o~ Califon~ia o:~ March 23, 1970 ;n Book 70 of Maps , at pages 37, 38 crud ~9; ~her~ce along the eos~erl>, a:~d r~r~heoste~ly I]r,e o~ said Lo~ 189 V..?es~ lz.07 feet a~d North 3.f© 31"V/est 110~04 ~eet to the mosl nor]herly corr'~er thereof, ~e~d po~t oe ~g c~lso the southec~sterly comer o~ Greeno.~le Drive (Parcel G-2, continued) shown on sold Map oF Wes~borough - V'/est Park Unit No. 3 A-E; the:~ce along the easterly ' I]r,e of sa]d Greenda]e Drive North 20~ 39' 34" West 30.00 fee! ~o the easterly terminus of the centerlh~e of saic~ Greendale Drive; thence leav[~g sa[d line northeasterly from a tanger~I bearing North 69° 20' 26" East, o:~ the arc of a curve t'o the left, with a rod[us of 360.60 feet, subte~d~r~g a central a~gle of 44° 24' 46", an arc d[stance of.279.05 feet; radially North 65° 04' 20" West 30.00 feet; South 86° 30' West 98.62 feet; Norfh.3~ 30' West 8.00 feet; south 86° 30' West 100.00 feet; South 3° 30' East 8.00 feet; South 86° 30' West 100.00 feet; North 3° 30' West~6.00 feet; South 86° 30' West 100.00 feet; North 3° 30' West 2.00 feet; South 86° 30' West 100.00 feet; South 3° 30' East 8.00 feet; South 86° 30' West 100.00 feet; North.3° 30' West 6.00 feet; South 86~ 30' West 90.47 feet to'an angle po~nt in the easterly boundaFy line of Lot 214 in Block 15, as sa[d Lot and Block are shown on that certain map entitled "Westborough - West Park Unit No. 3 A-F, South San Francisco, San Mateo County, Cal~forn]a" which map was []led Jn the Office of the Recorder of the County of San Mc,.~eo, State of Californk~ o.q Mc,7 26, 1970, in Book 71 of Maps, at Pages 6, 7 and 8; thence alo..qg said boundary line of Lot 214 South 86~ 30' West 9.53 feel and North 3° 30' West 121.01 feet; leaving sa|d bounc!~ry line North 42° 05' 04" East 2.5.00 feet; ,~orthwestcrr!y c:nd northerly, from a tangent bear]ng North 47° 54' 56" West, on the arc of a curve to the right, w]th a radius of ~ · ~:~. 00 feet, subtending a c'enlral c~.~gle o.r 48° 24' 56", an arc disla.qce of 38.03 feet; North 0° 30' East ~66.02 feet; easterly, from a ta~ge-~! bcarlng South ~6¢' 04' Ec~st, c~n the arc of a curve to the I~[t with o rc~dius of 38.52.00 feet,' subte:~ding a centrc~l anemic o[ ~° 33' an arc distance o[374.14 feet to r~ pc, i:~f of reverse cur>,c~ture; (Parcel G-2, continued) cor~tlmJ[ng easterly ,~rom c~ far, gent b~.~ori-~g Norlh 88° 2.29' 06" Ec~s~, on the · arc o£o curve to the rlgt',t.w~th o radius o.r400.00 feet, subtending o ce~:tral angle of 26© 47' 54" , an arc distance of 187.09 feet; radially North 25° 10' East 64.70 feet; tangent to the last said course, o,n the arc of a curve to the left, with a radius of 422.00 subte:~c]jng a central ar, gle of 28° 20', an arc distance of 208.68 feet; North 3° 10' West 204.76 feet; easterly from a tangent bearing North 84° 12' 51" East, on t'he arc of a curve to the left, wltha radiusof 3440.00 feet, subtendlnga central angleoF5° 04' 15", an arc distance of 304.45 feet to a point in the southerly boundary line of the lands described h~ t~t certah~ Deed from J. A. 'Christen & Sons to Suburban Realty Company recorded in the Office of the Recorder of the County o.~ San Mateo, State o.~'Calffornic, May 10, 1963 in Book 4453 of Oi'Ficlal R~cords,' at page 548, dlstant thereo.'~ North 63° 30' West 122.65 feet from an angle point thereof; said line being atto th~. north- easterly boundary line of aforesaid Parcel h't~p; thence along said li~e South 63° 30' Ec~t '122.65 Feet to sa]d a.ngle point thereof; ~he.'~ce leaving sold soutl~erly boundary line o,~ the Lands of Suburban Realty Compcmy a:~c! continuh-,g along said northeasterly boundc:ry line of aforesa]d Parcel Map, South 6i o 00' East 496.26 Feet; leaving ~aid line South 47© 00' West 19.54 feet; South .f, 0© 59' 'A/es; 61.71 Feet; South 21° 54' East 5.00 feet; South 68° 05' West 25.00.feet; South 21© .54' East 5.00 Fee. t; South 68© 06' V/e~t 150.00 £eet; Nori'h 21° 54' West 5.00 ~.'ee~; Sou:h 68© 05' We~,t 25.00 f0. e.l; Norlh 21° 5-¢' Wc~t 4.00 feet; S0u;h 68° 06' West 25.00 ~eet; South 74° 46' V,,'e~t 29.65 feet; South 75° 57' West 135.00 Feet; South 72° 33' 52" West 30.00 feel; southc:rly fi'om a Ic~nc, j,.~:i~t b.t~erir~3 f (Parcel G-2, 'continued) South 17° 21' 08" East', on th~ crc o[ a curve rathe left, witha radius oF 2200.00 feet, sUbtendinga ceniralangleoF0°.38' 52", or~ arc distance o[ 24.87 feet; South 18000' East 53.00 feat; tangent to the Ic~st said course, o~ the arc of a curve to the rkjht, with a radius of 1100.00 Feet; subtending a central angle of .18° 00' , an arc distc~nce of 345.58 feet; South 70.59 feet;' tangent to the last said course, on the arc of a curve to the right, with a radius Of 170.00 feet, subtending a central angle 0f 37~' 00', an ar'c distance of 109.78 feet; South 37° 00' West 89.00 feet to o point in the northeasterly curved 'boundary llne of aforesaid lands of South San Francisco Unified School District said line being also the boundary line of aforesaid'Parcel Map; thence along last said llne northwesterly, from a tangent bearing North 53° 00' West, on the arc of o curve to' the left, w[tha radius of 430.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 10° 00', an arc distance of 75.05 feet; North 63° 00' West 89.51 feet to the POIN'T OF BF..GINNiNG. Containing 20.309 Acres more or less. C. Parcel G-3: [~eg[nni~'~g at an angle point in the southerly boundc~ry Fine of the [ar, ds descrlbfd in that certain Deed from j.A,. Chrlsten & Sons to Suburban Realty Company recorded In the Office of the Recorder of the .County of San M0teo, State of on May 10, 1963 in ~,oo~: 4453 of Official Records, a* Page 548; said tingle poinl being the southeasterly terminus of the course North 63° 30' West 83'3.20 fee.* in :.,a]d Deed; said Polnt of [~eginnJjn_~j. be[ng also an angle point in the norlh.~aste~'ty boundary ii~e of that certain map ant[tied ' Pa:cel Map, DJv[sion of WesGorough - West Park Unit 3, Lar~d.~ (ParCel G-3, continued) of Caesar Callan Homes Inc., South Sa~ ~:rancisco, Cal i£ornic," ,,vhicl: map,,',as recorded in the Office of the Recorder of the Cbunty of San Mat:~o, State ot: California o~, March 1969 in Book 7 of Parcel Maps, at page 26; ther~ce fron] :.:.'~Jd Point of ~,eginning along sokl boun- c~ary ilne Nort'h63° 30' West ]22.65 feet, lea,.,h~.g said IJrm ads' ~",~.rly,, from a tar~gent booring North 790 08' 36" East, on the arc of o curve to the left with a radius of ~'I-.40.0C) fe~t, subtending a central angle of' 0° 56'; an arc distance of 56.,q-~ feet to a point of cor,~?ound curvature; easterly, from a tangent bear]:~.q N.orth 78° 12.' · . ,.;) East, or~ the arc of' a curve to the let:t, with a radius o,~ 440.00 Feet, su~'endlr, g c~ central angle of 37° 28' 4.1", an arc distance of 287.81 £eet to a po1:~t of rew_.rse curvature; from a tangent bearing North 40`) 43' 55" East, on the arc ot' a curve to the rig!~t, with a radk~s of 30.00 feet, sub- lending a c=m,ral ar, gle of P, 5© 36' 05. , an c~rc distance of 44.82 feet; South 53° 40' EasF 55.92 fe~l; l'angent to Fha lasl said course, o~ th~ arc air a curve Fo the rlght~ with a radius of 1154.00 feet~ subtending a central angle of 10° 40*,on arc dis,~ance of 214.84 feet; So,. fh 43© 00' East 20."q,.. 56 to a psJ:~t in the'westerly line of the 50.00 foo~ F.G. lower line easement, os de-~crlbed in Deeds recorded in Book 225 of C).-'fficial R. ec.O~'ds, at Page 86, and in Book 2.523 of Official Records bf the County o[ San Maraca, S~ate of California~ at Page 281; Fhe.qce leaving said westerly line of Fha P.G.&E. ec~se~.,e,',t ' South 47° 00' West 185.00 feet; Nort.~ 43° 00' West 5.00 feet; Sou'h 47° 0~'~-' 'VVes~ 5.46 feet to c~ polnt in aforesaid .qortheasterlv line of the Parcel Map; thence aJo.'~g :ast --.aid line North 61° 00' West 496.26 feet Fo th'e PoTnt of BegJnni.qg. Contai:~ir~g 3. 166 Acres more or less. 2. Planned Community Single Family Districts or Zones (PC-SF). Parcels L-i, L-2 and L-3, hereinafter described (formerly designated Parcels L and M, or otherwise designated in Section II above) are hereby estab- lished and zoned Planned Community Single Family Districts or Zones (PC-SF). A. Parcel L-.I: 'All of the Lands shown on that certain map e,tltled "Westborough- West Park Unit 1"4o. 3A-D, South San Francisco, San'Marco County, Califorr. ia" which map wa~ t:iled in the OfFice of the Recorder of the County of Son Marco, State of' Calif- ornJa oh January 22, 1970 in Book 70 oF Maps, at Pages 30 and 31 a~d all of the t. ands shown on tha¢ certain n'~p entitled "Westborough-West Park Unit No. 3 A-E, South 5an FrancJsco~ ~n Mateo County~ California" which map wc~s filed Jn th~ Office of th~ Recorder of the County of San Mateo~ State of Cc~lffornb on ~V~rch 23~1970 in Book 70 of Maps, at Pdg~s 37,38 and 39 and all of the Lands shown on that ccrfain n~p .cn{itled "West~orough-West Park Unit No. 3A-F~ South San FrcmcJsco, S~n Mat¢o Cou~y~ California" which ~p was filed ~n the Off'ce of the~. ~ ...... ~.~'~r of tho County of San Mateo, State o~ California on ~,~y 26, 1970 in B~k 71 of M:~ps, at Pa~es 6,7, a~d 8 and a portion oF Parcel "A" as said Parcel is shown on tl~at cerJ'oJn mc~p ontJflod "Parcel Map, Division of Westborough-We~t Part: Unit 3, Lands of Cc, o:ar Callan Hom:~s Inc., South San Francisco, CalifcrnJa" which ,~:,~ wc~s recorc~ccl in tho Office of lh~ of the County oF San twc,,=o, S~ote.of Cal;rorr,]a o~ Mz, rch ~ 1969 in ~oo]~ 7 of Parcel Maps, at Pe~ 25, os o v/hole d~scri~)ed ~s follows: (Parcel L-l, continued) BEGINNING ut the r,;o~.~outhorti ctrnsr of Lot 191 in Block 13 ~s s~id Lot cind Block cmo shown on afore:aid r,':ct.p o[ .... ' ~ ' ' vves,eorcjyn-,.,es~ Pc~i';~ U;~[t No. 3 A-D, said polnt boir~j also th~ rno:t ~ou~h~rly corner oF'saki r~z~p in the no~'thzc~terly line of Callan ~-oulevard (formerly Oakmo~t DrlveJ, as said D~lve is shown o~ fi:at certain map entitled "WestborouDh-Wes} Park Unit No. 1~ South San Francisco, San Ma~eo County, California", which rr~p was filed in the Office of the Recorder br the Coun:~ of San Mateo~ S,:tate of California on Nove~er 19,1964, in Book 61 of Maps, a~ Pages 11~ 12, 13~14,15 and 16; thence from saki Point of Beginning along the southeasferly boundary line of afore~id ~p of Westborough-West Park Unit No. 3A-D the following co~rses: North 58° 04' East 390.00 feet; South 64° 49' 10" East 31.06 feet; Ncrth 74° 51' East 182.~ feet to the southwest corner o~ aforesald map of Westborough-We~t Pc~rk Unit No. 3A-:E; thence ¢~lor, g the southerl~ llne of sald m~p the following ccurse~: North 74© 51' East 118.00 feet; S0ut'h 39° 05' 12" Ectst 38.88 feet~ North 8-4° 03' last 275.00 feet; South 29° 42' East 27.31 feet; North 84° 03' East 180.00 feet; North 5~ 57' West 22.00 foot; North ~o 03' East 215.00 feet; South 5° 57' Ea:,t 12.00 feet; North 84© 03' .East 80.00 feet; North 5~ 57' West 12.00 {eat; North 84° 03' E~st 119.69 fee~ to the southwest corner of the Ioncis described in Deed from Caesar Callan hom~s, Inc 1o South San Franclsco Unified Scl~ol Di:~trict, recorded in th-3 Office of the Recorder of the County of San Mat:o~ Slate of Ca~ifc,~'n].: o~ December 13~1967 in Voluma 5405 of Offic]al R.:ccrcls at Pc:~:~ 611; ~honce along the ti~:~ common to said Lcmds oF South San Frand~c.o Ur~i~ied School District and 1o a[ore~ai~ mol of Westberough-West Park Unit No. 3A-E follov~lr, g cours:s: North 5° 57' West ?0.00 feet; Scutt~ 84° 03' W~st (Parcel L-i, continued) 10.00 feet; North 5° 57"West 50,00 feet; South 84° 03' West 8.00 feet; North 5° 57' West 200.00 feet; North 84° 03' East 25.61 feet to an angle p0in; in the ec, s~erly line o£ Lot 189 in block 13 as said Lot and Block are shown or,~a[or'esakl. "Westborough-West Park Unli No. 3 A-E,; thence along the easterly and north-~asterly line of said Lot 189 North 5° 57' West 12.07'feet· and North 35° 31' West 110.04 feet to the n?,ost northerly corner thereof, sald point being also the ,southeasterly corner of Greendale Drive as shown on sald Map Of Westborough-West Park Unit No. 3 A-E; thence along the easrerly line of sald Greendale Drive North 20° 39' 34" West 30.00 feet to the easterly terminus of the centerline of sald Greendale' Drlv.e; thence leaving :.~q~d line northeasterly from a tangent bearing North 69° 20' 26" East, on the arc of a curve to th~ left, with a radius of 360 00 feet, subtending a central angle of 44° 24' 40 , an arc distance of 279.05 t:eet; radially North 65° 0[)' 20" West 30.00 feet; Sc~uth 86° 30' We.~t 98.62 feet; North 3° 30".West 8.00 feet; South 86° 30' V,/¢~t 100.00 feet; Seuth 3o 30' East 8.00 feet; South '86° 30' West 100.00 feet; North 3° 30' We'st 6.00 feet; South 86° 30' West 100.00 feet; North 3° 30' West 2.00 feet; South 8.6° 30' We:.t 100.00 feet; South 3° 30' East 8.00 feet; South 86° 30' West 100.00 feet; N~rth 3"' ' .,~. West 6.00 fo.ot; Sc~uth 86° 30' W~:~t 90.47 feet 1o an angle point in the ec~.~terly bou:~c!.~'y Ih-..~ of Lot 214 in Block 15, es ,~ald Lot and Blod~ c~r,~ shown on afore:,c~id map of V¢c~tboro,.~gh-.West P¢t,'k Lh~it No. 3 A-F; thence along saki bounc!ary Iin~ of Lo~ 214 South 86° 30' West 9.53 fe~t cm'd Norlh 3° 30' West 10. (Parcel L-i, continued) 121.01 feet; leaving said boundary Ih~e North 42° 05' 04" East 25.00 feet; northwesterly and northerly, from a tangent bearing North 47° 54' 56" West, on the arc of a curve to the right, with a radius of 45.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 4'8° 24' 56", an arc distance of 38.03 feet; North 0° 30' East 366.02 feet; easterly, from a tangent bearing South 86'~ 04' East, on the arc of a curve to the left wilh a radius of 3852.00 Feet, sul~-' t~nding a central angle of 5° 33' 54", an arc distance 374.14 feet to a point of reverse curvature; continuing easterly from a tar, gent bearing North 88° 22' 06" East, on the arc of a curve to the r~ght with a rod]us of 400.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 26° 47' 54", an arc d~stance of 187.0~ feet; rad[ally North 25° 10' East 64..70 feet; ta.ngent to the last sa~d course, on the arc of a curve to the left, with a radius of 422.00 I~eet, subtending a central angle of 28° 20', an arc distance of 208.68~ feet; North 3'~ 10' Wes~ 204.76 foot; westerly from a tanger~ bearing Sbuth 84° 12'. 51" West, on the arc of a curve to the right, with o radius of 3440.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 15° 17' 09~' an arc distance of 917.75 feet; North 80~ 30' West 134.42 feet to a point in the southerly boundary line of the lands d~scri~ed in that cerl'aJn Deed from J. A. Christen & Sons to Suburban Realty Company recorded in the OFFice of the Recorder of th~ County of San Mateo, State of California on Mc~y 10, 1963 ir: Book 4-453 of Official Records, at Fage 548, distant thereon North 66° 15' East 4.08 Feet from cm angle point th3reaf; said line t~clng al.~o th3 northorly boun~.qry line of afore.~aid Parcel Map.; thence along said line the following courses: South 66° 15' West 4.08 feet to .~aid angle Fo[r,t thert~oF; South 660 00' Wezt (Parcel L-l, continued) 328.96 feat; North 83000' West 256.36 feet; North 55° 30' Wesl 318.27 feet to a point in the southerly llne of King Drive, as said Drive is shown on that ce~'.'ain map entitled "Serramonte Unit No. 5, Daly City, S-~n Mc, tee County, California", which map was filed in she Office of the Reccrder of tile Countyo.r San Mateo, State of California on November' 21, 1966., in Book 65 of Maps,.at Pages 45 and 46; thence along the southerly llne or,id King Drive, the following courses: South 89° 30' West 616.92 feet to an angle point i.n the northerly .llne of afbresaJd parcel "A"; thence along the line common to said Parcel "A" and to sa'id King Drive, westerly, tangent to the I'ast sold course, on the arc ora curve to the right, wltha radius of 1000.00 feet, subtendinga central angle '1° 22' 23", an arc distance of 23.96 feet to the southeast corner of the City et' Daly City strip of 'land 1.00 foot wide adjacent to the soutt~erly Ii'ne of King Drive, as shown on that certain n~p entitled "Serramonte Unit No. 1, Daly City, San Mateo County, CalifornJa", which rr~p was filed in the Ot:t'Jce of the Recorder of the Ce. unty of San Mateo, Stale elr California on June 17, 1965, in Book 62 of Maps, at pages 29, 30 and 31; thence cor, tinuing a!ong the line common to said 1.00 foot strip and to afore:.aJd Parcel westerly, from a tangent bearing Nortt: 89° 07' 37" West, on the. arc of a curve to the right with a radius of 1000.00 feet, subtending a central angle of 4° 01' 47", an arc distance of 70.34 feet to the north west corner of sakl Parcel "A'"; thence along the westerly line of sold Parcel "A" south 3° 28' 13" West 37.10 feet;. Icavlng ."~Jd I/ne South 86° 32' East 160.00 feet'; Soulh 3° 28' Wast 33.00 feet; South 5° 52' 30" Ernst 61.61 feet; Sout'h 3°. 28' West 96.21 feet; tangent to the last said course, on the arc of a curve lc, the left, with a rc~dius of 272.00 feet, subtending a cenlral c:ngle of 29° 28', an 12. (Parcel L-l, continued) arc c~i.s~'once of 139.89 feel; South 26° 00' ~c, sl 111.25 feet; Southwes:erly, from o tangent bearing South 64° 00'.West, on the arc of a curve to the left, with o radius of 700.00 feet~, sdbtending a central angle of 14° 10' 25", an arc distance of 173.16 feet; Sout.h. 49° 49' 35," West 23.00. feet; North 40° 10' 25" West 232.66 feet' to a poir,~'in the northwesterly bout, dory line of aforesaid Parcel Mop; thence' along said boundary linecS, outh 49° 49' 35" Wesi' 125.12 fe~t to a point in the 'northeasterly line of Callon Bou'levord (formerly Ookm°nt Drive), as said Drive is shown on that certain map entitled "Westborough'- West Park Unit No. 2, South Son Francisco, S.~n Moteo County, CaliFornla," which map war~ filed in the Office of the Recorder of the County of San Ma'"e0, State of California on'November 19~ 1964, in. Book 61 of M~ps, at p~ges 17, 18 a,d 1'9; thence along the common line to said Collar, Boulbvord as shown on ~ald m~p of Wes~'borough - West Park Unit No. 2 and that at: Unit No. 1'and ~0 sc~id Parcel "A" South 40~' 10' 25" East (South ~8° 58' East, Map) 898.21 feet to the most'wer, terly corner of Parcel "B" as 'said Parcel is shown on at:oresold Parcel Map; thence along the line common to'Parcels "A" and "B" the following courses: Norlh 49° 49' 35" East 245.91 feet; North 62° 30' East 298.59 feet; South 23° 10' East 270.16 feet to ~he most ,,vestorly corner of the exterior bounc~ary of afore.~aid re.a? of Wes:borough - We.-4 Pclrk Unit No. 3 A-F, thence along tim line common to said m.c,p o:~ We.:~'borou~h - West Pc~rk Unit No.- 3 A-F and to afore.mid Parcel "B" of Parcel M~p the following cours:;s: South 23° 10' East 220.00 feet; North 66° 50' East 170.00 Feet'; South 23° 10' Ec~st 1,1.6.97 fo~t to cn angle point in th~ northw~.~terly bounc!:~ry llrm of aforesaid n'~:~? of Wc..~tboroucgh - Wc~t Pc~rk Unit No. 3 A-.D; tl~ence along the line common to said r;;~p of' Wcs][~oro~.i, oh - Wast Park 13. (Parcel L-i, continued) Unil No. 3 A-D a~d to aforesaid P-.~rcel "P," the following courses: South 23° 10' 48.03 feet; Southwesterly, from a tangen! bearing Sot, Ih 78° 33' 30" "&:est, on the arc of a curve to the left, with a. rodius of 1430.00 feet, sub,~ending a central angle of 13 1'9", an arc distance o'f 344.97. feet; Souih 54° z~' 11" West 177.12 feel' to a polr~ in the norJ'heasterJy llne of aforesaid Callan Boulevard (form3rly Oakmonl' Drive), thence along~ the line common to said CalJan Boulevard and to afo,;esald map of Westborough - West Pork Unit No. 3 A-D the fo'llowlng courses: Southeasterly, from a tangent'beari'ng ' South 35° 15' 49" East, on the arc of a curve to the right, with a radius of 3792.35 feet, sut~tenkling a central angle of 5° 15' 24", an arr.[: distance of 347.93 feet; South 30° 00' 25" East 56.54 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Contalning 73.656 Acres more r. zr less. B. ~ Parcel L-2: BEGINNING at u poinl' of intersectior; ot: the southerly boundc~ry line of the lands descrlb3d in th~.~t certain De'ed fi'om ..f.A. Christen &Sons to Suburban Recllty Company recorded in the Office of the Recorder of the County of San Mateo~ State ot: California on May 10~ 1~'63 in I~ook 4453 of: Official Records~ at' Page 548~ with the southerly line of King Drive, os sc~id Drive is shown on th~l certain mq? entitled "Serramonte Un'it No.5~ Daly City, San M~teo County, Californk~"~ which map were f i led in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Sen Mal'eo~ State of California on November 21, 1966,, in Book 65 of Maps, at Pcges 45 ond /~6; thence along sold southerly line of King Drive and ]ts ec~sterly prolongation th:.~- following courses: North 89° 30' East .124.38 feet; tangent to the lc:st said (Parcel L-2, continuec~) course, on the arc of a curve to the right, with c~ rocliu~ of 2560.00 feel, subtending a cent,'~! angle of !0° 00', c~ crc d~stance of 446.80 feet; South 80° 30' Ec~st 255.53 feet to ~ point ~n the seutherly line of ~foremld lands of Suburba~ Realty Compo,~y, sold line beir, g .'~Iso l'he northerly line ofPc~rcel A as mid Pc~rcei is shown on that certab mc~p entitled "Parcel Mc~F~ Division of Westborough- Wes. l Pc~rk Unit 3, Lands of Caesar Callon ,,~.m~U~ ~. Inc.~ South Son Francisco~ ColiFornid' wi,id, mop wc~s recorc~e.] in the Off~ce of the Recoroer of'the County of Son Moh~o, Stgte o~ Calffornlo. o~ M~rch 5, 1969 in Book 7 of Parcel Maps~ at page 26; ther~c(~ ob'g I,~st said line ~hc, following cour:.es: South 66° ~ Wesl 4.08 feet, 'Sout~: 66° 00' We~l 3.~8.96 feet; hbrth 83° 00' We~.t 256.63 ~eet; Nor~l~ 55° 30' West 318.27 , feel' to thf; POiN, OF BEGINNING° C(,.,t~'~ining 2.275 Acres mc,~e er C. Paree'l L- 3: All at' the [ands shown on that certain mop entitled "Westborough- West Park Unit No. 3A-G~ South Son. Francisco~ San Marco Couniy, Califor:;]o which map was filed in the Office of the Recorder of the Couhty of Sap Mateo, Slate of California on July 21,1970 in Book 71 of Maps, at Pages 18 and 1,9, and o portion of Parcel "A" os saJd Parcel is shown on that certain map enfitl~d "Parcel Map, Division of Westborough - West Park Unit 3, Lands of Caesar Collan Homes Inc.', South San Francisco, California" which map was recorded in the Office of the Recorder of tho County of San Morea, State o.r Californ]a on March 5, 19691n Book 7o,r Parcel Map~, at page 26, osawhole'descr~b~d os roi lows: 15. (P~treel L-3, continued') BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of Lot 72 in Block 12, as said Lot and Block ore sh~v ."i o~ aforesaid map of Westborough-West P. ark Unit No. 3 A-G, said POINT OF BEGINNING bei~galso the southeast corner of ~a[d m~panda pointo[ intersect[on of the norrl~erly line of Wes?borough Boulevard 90°00 feet ~vlde, as d~scribed in Deed recorded in Book 4033of Official Records0f the Countyof San Marco, a? page 514 with tl'e westerly line of the 50.00 roe.~ P.G. & E. Tower L[~'. ea~er'r, ent, as descrJbc:d in Deeds recordc~d in Book 225 o¢ ©ffic]ol Records, at Page 86, and irt Book 2523 of Official Record;, at page 281; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNINGalor, g the llne common ~'o said ea~eme.~t a~d to aforesaid map of Westborough~We;t.Park Unit No. 3A-G North 60'59' 30" East 829.00 feet to the no[theast corner of said map; continuing alan9 l'h~ line common to saki 50.00 foot ease.me~t and to aforesaid Parcel the Parco! Map North 6059' 30" East 1642.26 feet;leaving said ':A" of llne the t:ollowlng courses: South 47° 00' West 185.00 feet; North 43° 00' West 5.00'feet; South 47° 00' West 25.00 feet; South 60° 59' West 61.71 feet; South 21" 54' East 5.00 feet; South 68° 06' West 25.00 feet; South 21° 54' East 5.00 feet; South 68° 06' West 150.00 feet; No-th 21° 54' West 5.00 feet; South 68° 06' West 25.00 feet; North 21° 54' ¥/~s't 4.'00 feet; Sou'th 68° 0.~' West 25.00 Feet; South 74° 46' West 29.65 feet; South 75° 57' West 135.00 feet; South 72° 38' 52" Wes.~ 30.00 feet; southr~rly from a tangent bearing South 17° 21' OS" Eas~, on the arc of a curve to the left, with a radius of 2200..00 feet, subtending a central angle ot: 0° 38' 52~, an arc distance of 24.87 feet; South 18° 00' East 53.00 feet; ta.ngent to the last said course~ on the arc ~f a curve to the right . with a 16. (Parcel L-3, continued) radius o~c 1100.00 feet.; s'ubtending a ce~!rol ar~gle of 18° 00', an arc d~tance of 345.58 feet; South 70.59 feet; tangent to the last sa]d course, on the arc ot: a curve to the right, with a rad]us of 170.O0 feet, subtending a central an~31e of 37° 0,3', an arc d[s~'ance of 109.78 feet; South 37° 00' W.es.~ 89.00 feet ?o a po]hi in the northeasterly curved boundary line of th~ Lands of South San Franc~sco U~if]ed School D]strict c~s de.~c,'[bed Jn ~t-e Deed from-Cae~ar Callan t'lome;;. I,c. recorded ir. the Office of'the Recorder of the County of San MaLco, Stete of Cal[[orn]a on December 13, 1967 in Book 5.;!.05 of Official Records at Page 611, sc~]d line be[~g al~o the bou~d~ry linc'of afore:;akt Parcel M.~?.; thence along last sa]d line southeasterly, t¥om a tangent bearh~g South 53° 00' East, on the arc of a curve tO the r]ght, w]t:h a radius o,~ 430.00 [eet,'subtendbg a central angle of 71° 50', an arc distance of 539.10 feet; radially Nerl'h 71° 10' West 30.00 feet to the north- east cc~rner of Parcel 1 of the lands described in Deed from Title Insurance and Trust Company, a California Corporat]on to the City of South San Francisco, Parcels 1,2 and 3, recorded in the Off[ce of the Recorder of the County of San Morea, State of California on December 21,1967 h~ Book 5409 of Official Re. cord.~, at page 217; thence along the ~outheasterly ~]ne of ~aid Parcel 1 South 18° 50' West 112.64 feet to the northwest corner of Galway Drive as ~a[d Drive is shown or~ afore~ald n~p of Westborough-We~'t. Park Unit No. 3 A-G, sa]d po]nt being also the northwest corn~.r of the ext~.rJor bouncbry of ~a[d map; thence continuing a[ong the l]ne common to sa~d map of Westborough-West Park Unit No. 3A-G and to a[ore.~a]d Lands of the City of South San Franci:~co (5409 O.R. 217) the following cou,'se.~: South 18° 50' West 237.72 feet; tan3ent to the last ~a[d course, on th~ 17. (Parcel L-3, continued) arc of a curve to the r]ght, with a radius el 1100.00 feet, subten:Jing a central angle of 8°` 20', em arc dis'~',~nce ot: 159.99 leer; South 27° 10' West 95.11 feet; South 62° 50' Eosl 60.00 f~t; South 27° 10' West 234.54 feat; tangent' to the I=st ~aid course on the arc of a curvb to the 'left, wilh a radius of 30.00 feet~ subtending c~ control angle of 87° 14' 29", ¢~n arc distance of 45.68 feet to a t;o]nt in the northc¢ly lin-5 el Westborough Beulevc~rd; thence along the line commo~ lo ~c~]d \Ye;thorough Boulevard and to oforezaid mc~p of Weste. orot.,gh-V, es. Pc~rk Unit No 3A-G th~ follow~n~ courses: South 60" 04' 29" East 185.88 t:eef; tenge~t to the last ~ald course, on t~e arc ora curve to the left, wi!'h a radius of 655.00 fee*, sub:ending a central angle of 27° 18' an arc'clistance of 312.15 Feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Co'~talning 21.431 Acres more or less. SECTION III. DELINEATION ON ZONING MAP. The designation, location and boundary of the parcels established and zoned shall be delineated upon the map entitled, , - "which map is '"Zoning Map Westborough West Park Unit No. described in Ordinance 575, adopted May 13, 1968, and also delin- eated upon the related plans and documents set forth in Section IV, General Regulations, of said Ordinance 575. SECTION IV. PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE This Ordinance shall be published Journal," a newspaper of general circulation San Francisco, as required by law, and shall days from and'after its adoption. DATE. once in the "Enterprise- in the City of South become effective thirty(30) 18. Introduced this 4th day of January , 1971 . Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at 'a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this Ist day of February 19 71, by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN II NOES, ,, ABSENT, Patrick E. Ahern, Frank J. Bertucelli, William A. Borba and Warren Steinkamp None F. Frank Mammini As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance this I st day of February 19 71 . Mayor 19.