HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-15-2004 Minutes
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July 15, 2004
7:30 D.m.
Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Romero,
Commissioner Zemke, Vice Chairperson Teglia and Chairperson Ochsenhirt
Planning Division:
Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner
Susy Kalkin, Principal Planner
Steve Kowalski, Associate Planner
Bertha Aguilar, Admin. Asst. II
Kimberly Johnson, Assistant City Attorney
Dennis Chuck, Acting City Engineer
Sergeant Alan Normandy, Planning Liaison
Maurice Dong, Assistant Fire Marshall
City Attorney:
Engineering Division:
Police Department:
Fire Prevention.
No Changes
1. Approval of June 19, 2004 Special Meeting Minutes and July 1, 2004 Regular Meeting Minutes.
Motion Romero / Second Sim to approve the minutes. Approved by majority voice vote with Vice Chairperson
Teglia abstaining from the June 19 minutes and Commissioner Giusti abstaining from the July 1 minutes.
2. Largaespada, Noel/Owner
Largaespada, Noel/ Applicant
607 Linden Ave.
P04-0050, UP04-0013 & PUD04-0002
Continued to
August 5, 2004
Planned Unit Development Permit and Use Permit application to allow conversion and expansion of an existing
Single-family dwelling into a mixed-use commercial/residential project with requested exceptions to the general
development standards for required garage spaces, drive aisle width and side yard setbacks in the C-1-L Retail
Commercial Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.22, 20.81 and 20.84.
Principal Planner Kalkin gave a PowerPoint presentation.
Armando Sandoval, Designer, noted that they have been working with staff for 8 months and are eager to get an
Public Hearing opened.
Rick Gomez and Randy Hixson spoke in opposition to the application. Their concerns were:
Planning Commission Meeting of July 15, 2004
· There was a scheduling and noticing problem with the community meeting
· The type of business is unknown and this could cause problems depending on the type of business that
goes into the site.
· The parking and the driveway are too close to the bus stop and could cause accidents.
· There are other vacant areas in the City where this could be approved.
· They urged the Commission not to approve this in the City's Historical area.
Public Hearing closed.
Vice Chairperson Teglia asked what were the tight constraints on the site. Principal Planner Kalkin replied that the
issue has been to work around the existing residence. Vice Chairperson Teglia noted that Planned Unit
Development (PUD) provision is a tool to allow flexibility for a big project. He noted that it is an inappropriate use
of the PUD regulations and does not see a benefit to the City. He recommended that the Commission deny the
Commissioner Sim and Principal Planner Kalkin discussed the distance of the bus stop from the driveway and the
location of the retaining wall. Commissioner Sim asked if there were any other areas in the City the driveway
width reduction was approved. Senior Civil Engineer Chuck noted that it is mostly done in single-family residential
additions. Principal Planner Kalkin added that the Municipal Code permits the reduced driveway aisle width with
the approval of the City Engineer and is not part of the PUD exceptions being sought.
Commissioner Honan questioned how the City could make sure that a business does not come in that can cause
parking issues. Principal Planner Kalkin noted that the parking is calculated based on the square footage of the
building and the type of use, and the owner cannot have a use that would require by code more spaces than
provided on the site.
Chairperson Ochsenhirt, Commissioner Giusti and Principal Planner Kalkin discussed why the property was not in
the parking district and why there was a City parking lot across the street from the site. Principal Planner Kalkin
clarified that the lot had the Art Rise Theatre on it and was developed as a temporary parking lot by the City.
Motion Teglia / Second Zemke to continue the item to August 5, 2004 and to direct staff to draft findings for
Roll Call:
Ayes: Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Romero, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner
Zemke and Vice Chairperson Teglia
Noes: Chairperson Ochsenhirt
Abstain: None
Absent: None
Approved by majority roll call vote.
3. Nancy Andrews/Owner
Ruben Felian/ Applicant
332 Littlefield Ave.
P04-0083 &. UP04-0023
Use Permit to allow limousine storage at 332 Littlefield Avenue in the Planned Industrial Zone District (P-I) in
accordance with SSFMC Section 20.32.030 (d).
Chief Planner Sparks presented the Staff Report.
Ruben Felian, applicant, noted that there will not be any washing or fueling at the site. He added that there will
be between eight to ten employees on location during a 24 hour period.
Public Hearing opened.
Nancy Andrews, owner, noted that this use permit should be treated separately from the parking issues. She
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Planning Commission Meeting of July 15, 2004
added that the perimeter parking was allowed and a previous use permit was dependant upon those spaces in
1995. She pointed out that they are trying to secure additional parking for the site and are working diligently to
comply with the parking relocation. She noted that it will not be in place by September 15, 2004.
Motion Teglia / Second Sim to approve P04-0083 & UP04-0023. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
4. Chi Shing Cheung/Owner
Fortune Foods Co./ Applicant
390 Swift Ave. #9
P04-0077 8r. UP04-0020
Use Permit to allow a food preparation and packaging plant in the (P-I) Planned Industrial Zoning District in
accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.32 and 20.81.
Associate Planner Kowalski presented the Staff Report.
The Commission discussed what would happen if this bakery turned into a seafood processing use, whether the
applicant would have to apply for another use permit. Chief Planner Sparks noted that if the new use is for food
preparation it would not need to return to the Commission.
Assistant City Attorney Johnson noted that a condition could be added that restricts food preparation to baked
goods and if there were other types of food being prepared at the site, a modification to the use permit would be
required. Chief Planner Sparks added that there is a provision in the zoning code that allows the Chief Planner to
require a Use Permit for anything that has the potential to pose a nuisance.
Motion Honan / Second Sim to approve P04-0077 & UP04-0020 with the additional condition that the Chief
Planner reserves the right to require a modification of this use permit should the applicant wish to process food
items that have the potential to pose a nuisance to the surrounding properties (e.g. In the form of offensive odors,
loud noises, etc.) Approved by unanimous voice vote.
5. Hillside Church of God/Owner
The Alaris Group-Grant Wilson/ Applicant
1415 Hillside Blvd.
P04-0028 8r. UP04-0008
Continued to
September 2, 2004
Use Permit allowing a wireless communications facility consisting of two panel antennas mounted inside a cross
atop an existing church steeple and equipment cabinets installed within an existing utility building, all within 300
feet of a residential district in the Medium Density Residential (R-2-H-P) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC
Chapter 20.105.
Associate Planner Kowalski presented the Staff Report.
Grant Wilson, The Alaris Group, noted that he is representing Metro PCS. He asked that the Commission include
into the Condition of Approval that requires a landscape buffer a clause noting that it is not applicable if the
landscaping encroaches into the public right of way. He added that they submitted an extra landscape plan for
the play area.
Chief Planner Sparks noted that it is common for landscaping to encroach into the public right of way. Assistant
City Attorney Johnson added that the applicant can apply for an encroachment permit. Chairperson Ochsenhirt
pointed out that the new development on the vacant lot at Hillside and Stonegate will make the area beautiful and
this site needs to be improved also.
Public Hearing opened. There being no speakers the Public Hearing was closed.
Commissioner Romero was pleased to hear that there would be a landscape strip along the street frontage. He
added that he would like to see the landscaping plan and how it would be accomplished due to there not being a
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Planning Commission Meeting of July 15, 2004
sidewalk in that area. Chief Planner Sparks noted that it would return to the Commission.
Vice Chairperson Teglia asked that the landscaping plan be presented to the Design Review Board for comments
and then to the Planning Commission. He also asked that the cross design needs to look nice and not like it is
designed to hide something.
Commissioner Honan asked why there would be landscaping in front of the play area. Mr. Wilson noted that there
would be trees and shrubs surrounding it to obscure the view of the chainlink fence.
Vice Chairperson Teglia asked where the equipment cabinets would be stored. Mr. Wilson noted that they would
be in a storage room on the east side of the Church.
Motion Sim / Second Teglia to continue the item to September 2,2004. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
6. Items from Staff
Chief Planner Sparks noted that 440 Commercial - Habitat for Humanity application was appealed to the Council
and heard on July 14th. He noted that the City Council Continued the item to August 11, 2004 to allow staff to
return with the financial implications to the City in lowering the number of units. He added that Stonegate Estates
was approved with modifications to the lower level. He noted that the AT&T Avalon Cell Site will go before the
Council in August due to scheduling conflicts by the appellants.
7. Items from Commission
8. Items from the Public
9. Adjournment
9:01 D.m.
Motion Giusti / Second Teglia to adjourn the meeting. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
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Rick Ochsenhirt, Chairperson
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Regular Meeting August 5, 2004, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San
Francisco, CA
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