HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-02-2004 Minutes
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September 2, 2004
7:30 D.m.
Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Sim, , Commissioner Zemke, and
Chairperson Ochsenhirt
Vice Chairperson Teglia (excused) and Commissioner Romero (excused)
Engineering Division:
Police Department:
Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner
Susy Kalkin, Principal Planner
Bertha Aguilar, Admin. Asst. II
Kimberly Johnson, Senior Assistant City Attorney
Peter Spoerl, Assistant City Attorney
Dennis Chuck, Senior Civil Engineer
Sergeant Alan Normandy, Planning Liaison
Planning Division:
City Attorney:
No Changes
1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes August 5,2004 and August 19, 2004.
2. Hillside Church of God/Owner
The Alaris Group-Grant Wilson/ Applicant
1415 Hillside Blvd.
P04-0028 &. UP04-0008
Continued to
September 16, 2004
(Continue to September 16, 2004)
Use Permit to allow a wireless telecommunication facility mounted inside of a cross atop an existing church
steeple within 300 feet of a residential neighborhood in the Medium Density Residential (R-2-H-P) Zoning District
in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.105.
Motion Giusti / Second Honan to approve the Consent Calendar with Commissioner Sim abstaining from the
Minutes of August 5, 2004. Approved by majority voice vote.
3. Planet Pooch, LLC/applicant
Welch Family Partnership/owner
112 So. Linden Ave.
P04-0069 &. UP04-0018
Use Permit allowing a dog daycare and overnight boarding center and offsite parking for 3 vehicles situated at
112 So. Linden Avenue in the Industrial (M-1) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.30 and
Chief Planner Sparks presented the staff report. He added that the use would be a 24 hour operation from
Planning Commission Meeting of September 2, 2004
Monday through Sunday, and Condition of Approval A4 would be changed to allow these hours of operation.
Assistant City Attorney Johnson noted that the staff report makes reference to a 24 hour operation and it is part
of the record.
Ken Lamay, applicant, noted that a dog daycare center is similar to childcare. He added that there are dog
behavior specialists available that will help with the dogs. He pointed out that there is no barking by the dogs at
their location in Redwood City and he believes the same is achievable in South San Francisco.
Public Hearing opened.
John Stein, Four Star Automotive, spoke in favor of the application but was concerned with traffic congestion and
parking issues in the South Linden corridor.
Public Hearing closed.
Commissioner Honan asked how barking could be controlled and how the area is kept clean. Mr. Lamay noted
that there is a timeout period for dogs that bark and there is positive reinforcement for those that obey. He
added that they have a 1 person to 15 dogs ratio. He further noted that the attendants are constantly cleaning
feces and urine and at night the janitors clean the areas thoroughly with disinfectant.
Commissioner Giusti asked if there is a veterinarian available at the site and if only healthy pets are accepted.
Mr. Lamay noted there is not a veterinarian at the site but there are 2 nurses on site to apply first aid. He noted
that the pets that are accepted in the daycare are tested for very good health.
Commissioner Sim noted that the plans do not show any dimensions. He questioned the handicap access and
the van parking space. He added that he could not see the 25 feet of backup space from the parking stalls. Mr.
Lamay noted that there are stripe marks that designate the handicap access. Mr. Lamay added that he has
spoken to Dennis Chuck from Engineering with regard to moving curbs and getting the space needed for
turnarounds and to meet the Conditions of approval.
Commissioner Zemke questioned if the water would flow to the storm drain or the sanitary sewer drains. Mr.
Lamay noted that the Condition of Approval #7 calls for designing a filtering system that prevents poleutants
from entering the storm drain at the site and they will be filtering the water before it flows to the storm drain.
He explained that they buildup the site to prevent runoff to the adjacent properties. He added that the water is
filtered before it goes into the storm drain. Chief Planner Sparks noted that there are state requirements about
certain types of runoffs that need to be met to the satisfaction of the Engineering Division prior to operation of
the business. Chairperson Ochsenhirt asked if the applicant was wiling to work with staff in resolving this issue.
Chief Planner Sparks noted that Condition of Approval A4 would be changed to read as follows: The project shall
be limited to a maximum of 50 dogs. An increase in either the number of animals or any other aspect of the
project for which a Use Permit is being sought, shall require a modification of the Use Permit to be first approved
by the Planning Commission.
Commissioner Sim questioned if the handicap parking location and aisle dimensions can return to the Planning
Commission for final review and approval. Chief Planner Sparks noted that the Building Division makes sure that
all these requirements are met. Chief Planner Sparks noted that staff would make sure that the plans are correct
at the time of submittal and final approval. He added that the project would not get a business license if the site
is not developed as required.
Motion Zemke / Second Honan to amend the Conditions of Approval as noted by Chief Planner Sparks and
approve P04-0069 & UP04-0018. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
4. The Alaris Group/Grant Wilson/applicant
Parkwood Associates/owner
80 Spruce Ave.
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Planning Commission Meeting of September 2, 2004
P04-0078, UP04-0021 &. DR04-0051
Use Permit allowing a wireless telecommunications facility consisting of two 15-foot tall rooftop monos with a
total of 3, with antennas 3 equipment cabinets installed within the building on a site located within 300 feet of a
residential district, situated at 80 Spruce Avenue in the Planned Industrial Zone District (P-I), in accordance with
SSFMC Chapter 20.105.
Chief Planner Sparks presented the staff report. He noted that Vice Chairperson Teglia, who was absent, asked
that he present his concerns to the Planning Commission. Vice Chairperson Teglia felt that a height limitation
could be required on the antennas and also suggested that the City's Corporation Yard could be an alternate site.
Grant Wilson, The Alaris Group, noted that two is-foot poles would be mounted onto the roof of 80 Spruce. He
added that for coverage purposes they opted for two poles at each end of the building rather than one tall pole.
Chairperson Ochsenhirt asked if the height was critical to the applicant to perform operation. Mr. Wilson noted
that although they could use more this is the minimum height to reach the coverage area not being served.
Public Hearing opened. There being no speakers the Public Hearing was closed.
Commissioner Giusti asked if this location was need for the antennas and why at this location. Mr. Wilson noted
that they were looking for a location within a quarter of mile of this site. He added that they were on the west
edge of the search area and needed a site to cover an area that was not being served.
Commissioner Zemke noted that there is not any stealthing of the pole at this location and recalled being very
stringent with prior applications. Chief Planner Sparks noted that the building does not have a parapet and it
would be difficult to stealth these antennas. Commissioner Zemke questioned if the antennae could be affixed to
the side of the building. He also asked if the above ground distance was critical to the applicant. Mr. Wilson
noted that the building is not tall enough to make a fa~ade-mounted antenna effective, which explains the extra
height. He noted that there was a vent pipe on the building that seems to be a stealthed antenna facility that
was no longer in use and if this is the case they would remove it.
Commissioner Honan noted that there has to be another site to mount the antennas on. She felt that the
antennas are a blight on the City and do not benefit the City.
Chairperson Ochsenhirt noted that the Mayfair Village residents would see this and they would not like it.
Commissioner Honan added that Spruce Avenue is a heavily traveled street and the antennas will stand out and
she felt that there should be an alternate location for the antennas. Mr. Wilson noted that the area is made up of
industrial buildings, which would require a tall mono and space for an enclosed equipment cabinet. He pointed
out that the 80 Spruce location had space for their equipment within the building which allowed them to put the
antennas on top of the building.
Chief Planner Sparks added that staff will work with the applicant to find alternative sites in the area.
Motion Honan / Second Giusti to deny P04-0078, UP04-0021 & DR04-0051. Approved by unanimous voice
5. 333-351 Allerton R&.D Project
Bayside Area Development, LLC/owner
333-351 Allerton Ave.
P04-0094 &. UP04-0027
Use Permit to remodel and convert an existing office warehouse building into a 64,103 sf multi-tenant office/R&D
facility which will generate in excess of 100 new average daily vehicle trips, with fa~ade upgrades and landscape
and parking lot improvements throughout the 3.49 acre site located at 333-351 Allerton Avenue in the P-I
Planned Industrial Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Section 20.32.060. Mitigated Negative Declaration No.
MND02-0031 (Certified 6/03)
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Planning Commission Meeting of September 2,2004
Principal Planner Kalkin gave a PowerPoint presentation.
Jon Bergschneider, Slough BTC, noted that the project takes a 60,000 square foot building and divides it into 7
different areas for biotech start up businesses. He pointed out that there is sufficient supply of large spaces
available for the big biotech companies but there is not any available for small startup biotech companies in
South San Francisco. He pointed out that this proposal represents Phase I of the project would consist of 5-
10,000 square foot office R&D spaces and they hope to soon bring forward Phase II on the adjacent East Grand
site which would be the middle ground from 11-45,000 square feet.
Tom Gillman, Architect, noted that the warehouse is being converted to R&D. He pointed out some of the
changes such as the docks being turned into porch access for the tenant spaces along with a 20-foot landscaping
band. A portion of the building will be demolished to provide new parking and landscaping. He pointed out that
the existing landscaped area is only 5-7% and the proposed will be 22% landscaping including pedestrian areas.
He pointed out that shade canopies were added over porches and that the truck doors were changed to glass
doors in order to allow natural light to enter the site.
Public Hearing opened. There being no speakers the Public Hearing was closed.
Commissioner Honan was concerned with the amount of wind that would go through the activities area. Mr.
Gillman noted that there are tree clusters to act as a windshield and the surrounding buildings also serve as a
protection from the wind.
Motion Sim / Second Honan to approve P04-0094 & UP04-0027. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
6. L & D Equipment Cleaning Co./Owner & Applicant
220 So. Linden Ave.
Use Permit to allow an office addition to an existing multi-tenant industrial building generating in excess of 100
average daily vehicle trips and Design Review of site improvements and Type C Sign Permit allowing a master
sign program in excess of 300 square feet in the Industrial (M-1) Zone, in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.30,
20.81 and 20.76. Categorical Exemption: Class 1 Section 15301 Minor Additions to Existing Facilities and Class 4
Section 15304 Minor Alterations to Land
Chief Planner Sparks presented the staff report and suggested that the Commission add a 3-month review
condition to the Conditions of Approval.
Applicant for L&D Equipment noted that they are trying to improve the property from being a large storage space.
He noted that they spent two years in hauling junk from the site and conducting an environmental cleanup of the
site. He noted that they would landscape the site to provide a buffer from South Linden, as well as improve the
signage for the small businesses in the building.
Public Hearing opened. There being no speakers the Public Hearing was closed.
Motion Zemke / Second Sim to approve P02-0089 with a 3-month review. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
7. Items from Staff
Chief Planner Sparks informed the Commission that City Manager Mike Wilson's retirement function was taking
place on September 10th and if they were interested to contact the City Manager's office for information. He
added that the Terrabay Phase II concept study session was scheduled for September 15th at 6 p.m. He reminded
the Commissioners of the "Day in the Park" and the Boards and Commissioners appreciation barbeque coming up
in September.
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Planning Commission Meeting of September 2,2004
8. Items from Commission
Commissioner Honan informed the Commission that she would be absent on October 21,2004.
9. Items from the Public
10. Adjournment
Motion Honan / Second Sim to adjourn. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
8:54 P.M.
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Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Regular Meeting September 16, 2004, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San
Francisco, CA
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