HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-18-2004 Minutes ~'t\\ SAN p. ~~~,~~~~ c. ~",." . () :;"'~"i''''' ~ I""! 1111 ~ (J) _il.,..l"",,~~_n U~.~O ....A(}".~ ~-~-~ C~~ 4lIFOR~\. MINUTES November 18, 2004 CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION CALL TO ORDER / PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TAPE 1 7:30 D.m. ROLL CALL / CHAIR COMMENTS PRESENT: Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Sim, Commissioner Teglia, Commissioner Zemke, Vice Chairperson Ochsenhirt and Chairperson Romero ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Planning Division: Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner Susy Kalkin, Principal Planner Steve Kowalski, Associate Planner Bertha Aguilar, Admin. Asst. II Kimberly Johnson, Assistant City Attorney Ray Razavi, City Engineer Sergeant Alan Normandy, Planning Liaison Maurice Dong, Assistant Fire Marshall Mike Lantier, Code Enforcement Officer Tom Carney, Code Enforcement Officer City Attorney: Engineering Division: Police Department: Fire Prevention. AGENDA REVIEW No Changes Chief Planner Sparks noted that the agenda was amended to include the Park Station Lofts project because it had been noticed in the environmental document for this meeting, but is on the Consent Calendar to be continued off calendar. He added that item #7, 200 Second Street, will also be continued due to outstanding Code Enforcement issues. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of October 7,2004 and October 21, 2004. 2. Urban Housing Group/applicant Harmonious HOldings/owner 1410 EI Camino Real P03-0092, AHA04-0003, GPA03-0001, PM03-0003, RZ03-0001, SA03-0001, UP03-0016 &. ND03-0001 Continued Off Calendar Park Station Lofts to include the following entitlements: 1) Use Permit to construct a 99-unit condominium complex over a podium garage on one site located in the SSF BART Transit Village Zoning District in accordance with the SSFMC 20.27 and 20.81; 2) Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Map to reclassify a portion of the lot owned by BARTjSamTrans and located in the Planned Commercial Zone from P-C-L to Transit Village Zone in accordance with the SSFMC 20.87; 3) a Tentative Parcel Map to merge two lots into a single parcel in accordance with SSFMC Title 19; 4) a Tentative Subdivision Map to create a 99 condominium units in accordance with SSFMC Title 19 ; and 5) an Affordable Housing Agreement in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.125 Vice Chairperson Teglia pulled the minutes of October 7,2004 from the Consent Calendar. Motion Sim / Second Giusti to approve the Consent Calendar with the Exception of the Minutes of October 7, Planning Commission Meeting of November 18, 2004 2004. Approved by majority voice vote with Commissioner Honan abstaining from the October 21,2004 minutes. Vice Chairperson Teglia asked that the minutes be amended to include the need for Costco to provide supervision and a plan to mitigate the cars backing up as a Condition of Approval. Motion Teglia / Second Sim to approve the minutes of October 7,2004. approved by majority voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING 3. Wing Lee/applicant Richard Lee/owner 416 W. Orange Ave. P04-0066, DR04-0035 & VAR04-0001 Continued to December 16, 2004 Variance to allow a new single-family dwelling to encroach into the required street side yard on a substandard reverse corner lot in the Medium Density Residential (R-2-H) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.82. Associate Planner Kowalski presented the staff report. Wing Lee, Architect, noted that he was available to answer questions. Public Hearing opened. Mike Christal and Ricky Pereira were concerned with the lack of parking on A street, the narrowness of the street and the difficulty in making a left turn onto Orange Avenue because of the lack of a stop sign at the intersection for the Orange Avenue traffic. It was suggested that there be a permit parking system in the neighborhood. Public Hearing closed. Vice Chairperson Teglia noted that the building does not align with the other properties along A Street. Associate Planner Kowalski noted that there is a three foot difference in alignment. Vice Chairperson Teglia asked if a downsized version would have been more appropriate due to the neighborhood. He noted that a variance is for a lot that has constraints and there is a reason why the minimum requirements cannot be met. He was concerned with the uneven alignment of the building and the 3-story design on a substandard lot. Commissioner Sim noted that there needs to be more context to compare the existing conditions of the street and how the proposal will fit into the neighborhood. He noted that there may be a pattern in the street in terms of alignment. He noted that architecturally the building does not have the effect of a three-story building because of the setback on the 3rd floor. Commissioner Zemke was concerned with the driveway size and the potential for cars to block the sidewalk. Commissioner Honan was also concerned with the 7-foot driveway and the possible blocking of the driveway. Commissioner Romero noted that the lot is only 2,500 square feet and the 2,300 square foot building seems squeezed into the lot. Chairperson Ochsenhirt noted that the Commission is leaning towards denying the project and asked for a motion. Motion Teglia to deny the project. Assistant City Attorney Johnson stated that the Commission can continue the item and direct staff to draft findings of denial or to work with the applicant to resolve these issues. Vice Chairperson Teglia withdrew his motion. s:\MlvclAtes\Flvc~Llzel> MlvclAteS\2004 \ii -i2-o4 RPC.I>Ot p~ge 2 ofT Planning Commission Meeting of November 18, 2004 Mr. Lee noted that he sympathizes with the neighbors with regard to vehicle access on A street. He pointed out that they did not propose tandem parking because the remaining ground floor living area would be unusable. He asked for more time to redesign. Motion Teglia / Second Zemke to continue the item to December 16, 2004. Approved by majority voice vote. 4. RHL Design Group/applicant Raniera, Gail De/owner 901 Airport Blvd. P04-0132 &. SIGNS04-0029 Approved Type "c" Sign Permit to allow a freestanding sign exceeding 10 feet in height in the Planned Commercial (P-C) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.76. and 20.86. Associate Planner Kowalski presented the staff report. Mark Graff, RHL Design Group, was available to answer questions. Public Hearing opened. There being no speakers the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Honan noted that this is a good application, and she had no issues with it. Motion Honan / Second Romero to approve P04-0132 & SIGNS04-0029. Approved by majority voice vote. 5. 285 East Grand Office R&.D Project Slough Estates, USA Inc./applicant Bayside Area Development, LLC/owner 285 E. Grand Ave. P04-0135, UP04-0036 &. TDM04-0003 Approved Use Permit and Preliminary Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan to construct a 61,770 sf multi-tenant office/R&D facility which will generate in excess of 100 new average daily vehicle trips on a 2.89 acre site located at 285 East Grand in the P- I Planned Industrial Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Section 20.32 and 20.120. Mitigated Negative Declaration No. MND02-0031 (Certified 6/03). Principal Planner Kalkin presented the staff report. Recess called at 8:10 p.m. Recalled to order at 8:13 p.m. Jon Bergschneider noted that this is Phase II of the Modular projects, which will be from 15,000 - 45,000 square feet. Tom Gillman continued with a PowerPoint presentation showing the entry and circulation of the building, all elevations and the landscaping enhancements to the site. Public Hearing opened. There being no speakers the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Sim and Mr. Gillman discussed the mechanical room design and screening to make it feel as part of the building. They also discussed the trees being used to break up the wind and the lighting in the project to give an urban plaza feel to it. Commissioner Romero noted that the Allerton project was Phase I and this one is Phase II but the parking structure was going to be on the Phase II site. He questioned how the parking requirements would be met. Principal Planner Kalkin noted that Phase one was the 285 building and Phase II was the demolition of the Allerton building and construction of that. That is null and void with the new Use Permit on the site. Mr. Bergschneider noted that the Allerton site is going to stand alone from 285 and vice versa. s:\MlvclAtes\Flvc~Llzect MlvclAtes\2004\ii-iSi-04 RPC,ctOt p~ge 3 ofT Planning Commission Meeting of November 18, 2004 Vice Chairperson Teglia noted that the design and look of the building is not different from other designs in the City. Mr. Gillman noted that there is a different color scheme being used and it will be different than those surrounding it. Commissioner Sim was also concerned with the trash enclosure. Mr. Gillman noted that he would add more landscaping to screen the enclosure and not make it stand out as much. Motion Sim / Second Teglia to approve P04-0135, UP04-0036 & TDM04-0003. Approved my unanimous voice vote. 6. Verizon Wireless - James Singleton/applicant Cal Water Service/owner 488 Grandview Dr. P04-0090, UP04-0026 Continue to January 6, 2004 Design Review and Use Permit allowing a wireless communications facility consisting of six (6) panel antennas mounted to an existing perimeter fence and equipment cabinets to be installed in a new partially underground vault situated at 488 Grandview Drive (adjacent to Wind Harp Park) in the Planned Industrial (P-I) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapter 20.105. Chief Planner Sparks presented the staff report. James Singleton, Verizon Wireless, noted that the panel antennas are going to be 13 inches and not 6 inches. He pointed out that the antenna was designed to minimize visual impacts and to meet the requirements set forth by the zoning code. He further noted that the site was chosen to serve the Genentech campus area. (Mr. Singleton entered existing and proposed coverage area maps into the record.) He informed the Commission of Verizon's effort to fulfill the City's landscape requirements and noted that they will need to hire a landscape architect to draft a landscape plan to respond to the Design Review Board's Landscape Architect comments. (He entered a copy of Design Review Boardmember Nelson's comments and a scope of the landscape plan into the record.) Mr. Singleton pointed out that he had submitted materials and a project narrative to staff in September and did not receive to any comments on the September and October submittals. He pointed out that he had been asked to pay a fee to recover costs for the City Attorney along with a Certificate of completeness. He noted that Verizon has not prepared a Geotechnical, Soils, and Drainage report because the Engineering Division did not want it as part of the Planning Commission review. He added that in a conversation with the Engineering Division he was told that there were no comments on the project and that the project would be reviewed when Building permits were applied for. He pointed out that Verizon will make sure that the equipment and all its components are built to the specifications of the FCC, UBC and the City's Ordinances. Mr. Singleton noted that preparing all the information is not cost effective when the public scrutinizes antenna facilities and the project may be redesigned during the Public Hearing process. He asked that the Commission allow Verizon enough time to prepare and complete the landscape plan in order to have it reviewed by the Design Review Board's Landscape Architect prior to the Commission's final decision. Public Hearing opened. Russ Bentson, Radio Engineer, noted that he is available for questions on coverage and location. Public Hearing closed. Assistant City Attorney Johnson noted that the Commission could approve or accept Staff's recommendation to adopt the Findings of Denial, continue to draft Findings of Approval or continue the item to allow the applicant to submit further information. Commissioner Romero asked Mr. Singleton if he would be willing to accept a continuance to provide further information to the Commission. Mr. Singleton noted that he would accept a continuance to provide the revised landscape plan. Commissioner Romero asked if he would provide the additional items requested by staff. Mr. Singleton noted that it is not feasible for Verizon at this stage to provide that information. He felt that staff did not s:\MivcL{tes\Fivc~Lized MivcL{tes\::>oO-'l-\:1:1-:U?-O-'l- RPc.doc p~ge -'I- ofT Planning Commission Meeting of November 18, 2004 give them a fair option because their comments were not responded to in September or October. He noted that they never intended on not providing a Geotechnical report because the Engineering Division told him that they did not have comments on the project at the time. Mr. Singleton noted that the Planning Division mailed him a Completeness Certificate in the mail. Chief Planner Sparks noted that the Commission could direct preparation of anything for their review. Staff is concerned with landscaping. He noted that there is an issue with a 700-900 foot ditch for which further information was requested and a pOSSible easement for which staff does not have information. He suggested that the Commission continue the item to try to resolve these issues. He added that the City Engineer position has been filled and this will make the review process easier. Motion Romero / Second Sim to continue the item to January 6, 2004. Vice Chairperson Teglia pointed out that he does not feel comfortable with stealthing and noted that the existing facilities are not indicative of what should be at the site. He noted that there are multiple sites around the property, which is not collocation. He asked staff that a review of the other applications on the site be reviewed because they have not fulfilled the Conditions of their original approvals. Mr. Singleton noted that there have been problems on the site and will ensure that the objectives of the Commission are met. Approved by unanimous voice vote. 7. Four-Unit Residential Project Fang, Ming Yu/Owner Fang, Ming Yu/ Applicant 200 Second Street (APN 014-150-010) P03-0142, AHA04-0002, PUD04-0003, PM04-0002 & DR03-0068 Continued to December 16, 2004 Design Review and Planned Unit Development allowing four single family dwellings (two per lot) with exceptions for smaller lots, increased lot coverage and reduced building setbacks. A Tentative Parcel Map creating two residential lots with common area in the Medium Density Residential (R-2-H-P) Zone District. In accordance with Chapters 20.87 & 20.125 and Title 19. Affordable Housing Agreement between the applicant and the City of South San Francisco for the construction or rehabilitation of the equivalent of one dwelling as affordable housing unit. Motion Teglia / Second Sim to continue the item to December 16, 2004. Approved by unanimous voice vote. 8. Linden Station Master Plan Intrinsic Deerfield 160 LLC/applicant Intrinsic Deerfield 160 LLC/owner 160 So. Linden Ave. P04-0019, UP04-000S & ND04-0001 Approved Design Review and Use Permit allowing up to 42,601 SF for 85 artist ateliers and offices suites ranging in size from 143 square feet to 1,080 square feet and ground floor retail area of 4,183 SF in an existing 67,145 square foot 3 story building, upgrades to the existing buildings, upgraded landscaping and 170 at-grade open parking spaces, with existing open at-grade storage yards totaling 75,653 SF, generating in excess of 100 average daily vehicle trips, with 24 hour operation on a 5.3 acre site situated at 160 South Linden Avenue (APN 014-241-040) in the Industrial (M-1) Zone District. In accordance with SSFMC Section: 20.30.030 (c) and Chapter 20.85. Chief Planner Sparks presented the staff report. Michael Tevis, applicant, noted that this is Phase II of the project. He noted that the 12 units from Phase I were completed and occupied. He pointed out that all conditions have been satisfied. He pointed out that they are providing space for artists where it is most needed along the peninsula. Public Hearing opened. s:\MivcL{tes\Fivc~Lized MivcL{tes\2004\:1:1-:18'-04 RPC.c\OC p~ge 5 ofT Planning Commission Meeting of November 18, 2004 Chris Mann, Graniterock, noted that this use does not fit with its surroundings that are completely industrial. He noted that there are large trucks in the morning through that area. Public Hearing closed. Commissioner Giusti was concerned with approving hours of operation of 24 hours because this will allow for these spaces to be converted into living quarters. Mr. Tevis noted that there are artists that have a tradeshow where they need to produce and assemble their product for delivery of the show. He pointed out that there is a need to produce work at different hours of the day or night. He noted that these are not livable conditions because it is cold in the winter and hot in the summer. He further noted that there is a Condition of Approval that they will enforce the non-living conditions set forth under the use permit. Vice Chairperson Teglia asked what the upgrades being done to the fac;ade of the building were on the Linden Avenue site. Mr. Tevis noted that some of the upgrades are installing a window grid system, upgrading the landscaping. Vice Chairperson Teglia asked how long the leases were agreed to. Mr. Tevis noted that some are month to month and the longest lease is 2 years. He pointed out that there is a termination and relocation clause in the agreement where they would have to find the artists a new place to have their studio if the market turns. Commissioner Romero noted if they have someone on site now. He was concerned with the potential of these studios becoming live in studios. Mr. Tevis noted that they are set up for an onsite caretaker. Commissioner Romero noted that he was inclined to leave the condition of approval #4 from the original proposal with regards to the hours of operation from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. in effect and not allow the 24-hour operation. He asked how the units would be monitored to ensure that there would not be anyone living in them. Mr. Tevis replied that there are no showers and there is no way to cook in the building, which makes it difficult to make this your home. He noted that the lease does not allow for them to live in the premises. He pointed out that they are willing to commit to the conditions of approvals and if they are not in accordance with them allow for revocation of the Use Permit. He pointed out that he has not had any problems for the past year with those that are occupying the units. He pointed out that they make sure that the artists have a home address. Vice Chairperson Teglia noted that a 6-month review on permit and a tour of the facility could be a condition of approval that the Commission can add. Commissioner Romero was concerned with the only control on the units to prevent live-in situations was the lease. Mr. Tevis noted that there is a rigorous default clause in the lease and if they are in breach of the lease they run the risk of losing their space. Commissioner Sim added that as an architect their best energy and creativity is sporadic and can be at 3 a.m. He noted that there is no way to control how these artists work. Commissioner Honan noted that there is not any control with the current 20 units and the future units. She was concerned with security measures. She questioned if there was lighting and security conditions. Sergeant Normandy replied that these items are included in the Conditions. Mr. Tevis noted that there is on site lighting and an automated security gate. Motion Teglia / Second Honan to approve P04-0019, UP04-0005 & ND04-0001 with a condition of 6-month review at which time the Commission will tour the facilities and review the hours of operation. Approved by unanimous voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 9. Items from Staff Chief Planner Sparks presented City Engineer Ray Razavi to the Commission. 10. Items from Commission Vice Chairperson Teglia asked for the status on Park Station Lofts. Chief Planner Sparks noted that the application is still incomplete and it need signatures from all property owners. s:\MiVCL{tes\Flvc~Lizec\ MiVCL{tes\2004\:1:1-:18'-04 RPC.c\oC Nge b ofT Planning Commission Meeting of November 18, 2004 11. Items from the Public None 12. Adjournment Motion Honan jSecond Romero to adjourn the meeting. Approved by majority voice vote. 9:55 P.M. l- I \ : I,. , /. ,. . J' Rick Ochsenhirt, Chairperson Planning Commission City of South San Francisco f Thomas C. Sparks Secretary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco NEXT MEETING: Regular Meeting December 4, 2004, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, CA TCSjbla s:\MivcL{tes\Fivc~Lizec\ MivcL{tes\2004\:1:1-:18'-04 RPC.c\oc Nge TofT