HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 622-1971 .: ":..'......:::- ,~..-. -~-.,-.-.-... :..~ .. ~ .':. ~-~;:.. · ... ,-. · . .- - . - :.. ., . ,'.: . ....:- . · ..: : . .
-=.. '-':::.'"".": · :- does"ordain as follows: ' - '~" ":' "' '
. ':'.:?:':-.:. -" ~'-... Section ~ Purposes The declared purposes of this
~ordinance are to provide for the prepara~;iou and earryin'~r out of '",-' .'-.
:' plans for the protection of persons ~and'property within this city
.:--.:~ ..... in' the event of an emer.~ency; the direction of the emer_~ehcy or_~an-
" tzation; and the coordination' of the emer_~ency functions of this
r:. :.'".'~' .,....city with all other public agencies, corporations, o~ganizations,
:-..:'--. .and affected puiva, te persons. ..... -..-:. _ ·
_Section 2, Definition. As this
use~in ordinance,
"eme'~gency" shal1 mean the a'ctual or thre'atened existence of con-
ditions, of disaster or of extreme peril to t6e safety of persons
and property within this c{ty caused by such conditions as air
.-... pollut'ion, fire, flood, storm, epidemic, rio6 or earthquake, or
'-:"' other conditions, iuc!udin~..conditions resultin~ from war or
imminent threat Of war, but other than conditions resulting from
-'a labor controversy, which conditions are or are likely to be
· .beyond the control of the services, pers6nn'el, equipment,' and
facilities of thi~ city, requirin~the combined-forces of other
po~itical subdivisions to combat.
~ection B. Disaster Council Membership. The City
Of South San Francisco Disaster Council is hereby created and
shall consist of the-followinm:
A. The mayor~ who shall be chairman.
.'-' .... B. The director of emergency services, ~ho shall
:.'..'"'..-:.be vice chairman. ' ' ' - ..... .:.,..~' ',:.. -.
-~.'-' :'~..:.,'::::"~ D. Such chiefs bf emergency services as are pro-
vt'~e'd ~0r in ~he cur~enB emer~enc7 plan o~ ~his CI~, adopted
'. E.' ~uch represen~aeives or civic, business, ~abor,
· veterans, professional, or o~he~ o~ganiza~ions'baving_ _ an official
':eme~enc~ responsibiii~y, as may be' app0in~ed by ~he dlrec~o~
~i~h ~he advice and consen~ of ~be cig2 council. " "'~' ."~"
eOune~l~ and 5e ~s he,eh7 empowered, ~o develop and
fo~ adoption by ~he ci~7 council, emergency and mutual aid plans
and agreemen~s and such o~dinances and resolutions and ~ulos and
,e~Ula~ons as a~e neee~sa~ ~o 5mpIemen~ ~ueh plans and
men~s. ~he Disa~e~ Council o~ selected representation ~here~rom
shall meo~ upon call og ~be chairman o~, in bis absence' from
~7 o~ inabili~7 ~o call such mee~in~, upon call o~ ~he vice
....Emergency Services.
A. ~here is He,eh2 c~ea~ed ~be office 'og diroc~o~
of emergency se~vices. The city manager shall be ~he di~ec~o~
emer_~ency ~ services .
B. There is hereby created the office of assistant
director of emergency services. The assistant city manager shall
, ::.--: .:-: ...-.:...,:.: :, '-~ . ..-:......--~,..:.' .~ ...:.~..::. :: .~".:' . - ..:: : .~..:-.. : ...'... . .... -,... ::.: ,-..-.. ~.
.''. .,~ .~:L. ~.-...... .. · :....:~ :~ ~ .-... .... .- . .z.j ........ :..' .'.' .'.'.",; '?..'.....-,., ' .. '..'" . i",.~' ..: ... -...'.~ . :, ,'J :t..-.:.~... . +. ,,~'-' .' ,.~'
' : ~:',L -.' ' ' .:. '" . .': , '"'" ' -. '.. - - . i '; · ..... . :,": ' - ' ' L ,'.". .. :' ..'
"' .'.":;'.."~etbe ~ss&sb~u~ ~&~eo~o~ ~¢ e~e~'~o~ se~&oes. ..... "'".".-' .'-"'%
:.....,..,.., .. : -.' ...... ..-. 8e¢~&ou 6. ~o~e~s a~d D~btes ~¢ ~be ~&~ob'o~
;: "..:.....~ ~.~ ....... . .
'..:~": ~ ~ ~&~eobo~ ~ ~e~6euo~ 2e~&oes. ....,, :,, ..... ' :" '
.-. ; .... ..-= .... -:., ;.. . . .-. . . ... . . .. .. ,,. .: ~-., ',-..:...,.- ..,. ~. -
' '"'" :: .... ,'"'.-. · '.;:'"..." "'.- '. &. ~b~ ~&~eo~o~ &e be~eb2 e~owe~ ~ .:.., .
'-:':--"':...~;:'~: eu~e or t~eabe~ed e'xiste~ce of 'a "1o0~ emer6enc~" if the city
- - , council is i~ session, or to issue such proclamation if the city
.": ---.. council is not in session. ~enever a local emergency is pro-
.'.'?:~.-...:: :..'... .. - .. ~ - _ . . . .:~-.
'"'" claimed by .~he director, the city council shall take acbion to
. . -..... :."._.'~.:' . . --
· --.-~".-..-ratify the proclamation within 7 days there~f'ter or the procla-
-~. -.~:.:.. ~. <- : · .. . . ..~
--.-'-.-..--- :.marion shall have no further force or effect. '
'' "'' ""'---"'"' (2) Request the ~overnor to proclaim a "sta~e of
: ~.~ ..:~: ..: ~ - . .....
: . .-.-emergency" when, in the opinion of the direcbor, b~locally
- ' -available resources are inadequate to cope with ~he emergency.
. ' :.-'":."- " ' (B) Control and direct the effort of the emergency
.-.: :'_:..or~anizabion of ~his city for the accomplishment of the purposes
..-.-.. of this ordi'na~ce."' ' .. " "" ' '
'~"' - (~) .Direc~ cooperation between'and coordina$ion
_ -~:
--- of services and staff of the emergency organization of this city;
and resolv~ quesbions of authority and responsibility that may
..p~blie o~ p~Sva~e a[eneSea on ma~e~a pee~aSnSng ~o eme~eneSea
-~ '~ de,Shed 'he~e~n. - '-
~{6) In ~he even~ o~ ~he p~oelama~5on og a "local
.eme~[eneT" as he~esn p~ov~ded~ ~he p~oelama~5on og a "a~a~e o~
· ~.'-~.-.'-"-..'~'.. , . ...... .: ! -.. .~.:,.-.. . . . - .. .- ...... ,_ . , . . :-'.
'emergency" by 'the Governor or the Director of the State. Office
.. -,,:'.,~.- of' Emergency Services, or the existence of a "state of war ---
. .. '-t:~.'-.::..:.emer e cy., the director is hereby empOwered: . .-_~ ..~-..
.......-~.v .-. ,:,.... '.~ .-. (a~ To make and issue ~ules and regulations Gu
~:' .-L~.~ ..~ '. -~ . . . .
-'..ma~ers Ceasonably ~elated ~o the protec~fou of life and
:'-" 8~'~ee~ed b7 8ueh eme~eneTl '¢~ovSded, ho~e~e~ ~ueh ~ules and
' " ~e~ulati°ns must be c°ngirmed at ~he earliest practicable time
-.- --.' . . .... .
"" ~ · i :. i~ '-.. ).'. ' · '" -
:' ..'~ o~ho~ p~opo~g~ea ~ound laekSn~ and needed ~o~ ~he p~o~ee~5on
'-'-".~"/ :'. lif~' and prope~y and to bind ehe c~e~ fo~ .the ra~ va~u:e
."~:~'::'L~.~:-:'-and~ if ~equired immedia~ely~ ~o' commandeee ~be same for public
.... ~se" ~ : '
~ ".. -.. .'-..''.:-.' " (e) To requi~e eme~[ency services of an~. city
':':. '. -offtcee o~ employee and~ in ~he even~ of ~he p~oclamatiou of a
" ~"'-~oe ~he ex~onee o~ a "8~age og ~a~ eme~geneT",. ~o command'
.'-.: aid.of, as many citizens of this community as he deems~cessary
in the execution of his dutiesl such persons sha~l be eu[itled
to all pr~ilages, benefits, and immunities as are provided by
state law for registered disaster service workers;
· . ... (d)- To requisition necessary personnel or materiaI
of. any city department or agency; and
(e) To execute all of 'his ordinary power as city.
manager, all of the special powers conferred upon him by this
ordinance or by resolution or emergency plan pursuent hereto
· ~'.~.," adopted by the city council, all powers conferred upon him by
~":.:,. ~:.::'-":~""':" any:.. .... statuate,', by any a~'reement' app'roved_ by the city council,
.:i._,:.'~.:~,.:".?~'.i'a d by ah~ other lawful authority.
~';':'?'5'~?~;'!.'''''r' :':'._,.:. ,--,.'., . B, The order o~ succession to the office of the
' ~:'' ' : dir~cbor'°f emergency services' Shall be, after the director, the
~'~'-'-"~': assis~an~ director of emergency services and ~h~reaf~er the fire
.-": .-:::%/':'~tston. . of ~he d'frecgor ~nd ~i~h. ~he assistance of emergency ser-
'_~"~"-: ~. :~:~ ~:'.(-. vice chiefs'~ ffevelop emergency. _ plans and manage the emergency_
~ '.~:"~';~ prog.rams: or '~his ~i~y;"'.and shall Have such'.o~ber po~ers and duties
· -:~:.~,-.,..:.. ~ ma7 be aS~5~.ned b7 ~he dS~ee~-o~. --
.~. .... . .' Section' 7. Emergency Organization._ All officers
-...~ -..' . ::'-..and employees. . of this city,, to~e~her_ with those volunteer forces
- ~,. enrolled ~o aid ~hem durin~ an emergency, and all ~roups, organ-
~ --~a~5ons, and pepsons who ma7 ~7 ag~eemen~
..' .......' 'lnelud~n$~Peesons .~mp~e~sed 5n'~o ~e~vSee unde~ ~he p~ov~5on~
'' , lne~deh~ ~ ~he p~o~ee~5on or 15re and p~ope~7 5n ~hSa
'-' durin~ such emergency, shall "constitute 5he emergency organization
of ~he Cib7 of SoUbh San F~ancisco, '/'
· .- -' .. 8ee[5on 8, Eme~ene7 plan, ~he C5.~7 o~ Sou~h San
.... ~"':' '~.an~Saeo.~ DSsas~e~ CouneS1 ahall be ee~ponsS~le ro~ ~he develop-
-' ~en~ og ~he C~7 o~ Sou~ San ~ane~eo Emeesene7 Plan, ~hSeh
plan Sh~ll p~ou[de ro~ ~he egree~ve mob~lSza~[on
.~eaouee,e~ o~ ~h~s e5~7, b6~h publSe and p~Sva~e, ~o mee~
.". ~ ':'. : ..... .. ' . ..'.. '-,-' .: .'~ -"...- . ~ . . . · . ...... . · .. · -
,-~i:.-. ..... ..'condigion cons~lbu~ing a local emergency, sbabe o~ emergency,
.;-..~ .'..... ~ .' ..
:'~': .: .'or S~a~e or ~ar eme~genc2; and sbal~ provide for ~he or~anizagion,.
-'~ .... ....... ':.~:-...."':-powers and duties, services~ and s~aff of the emergenc7 or~an-
,, ;..:._.....,...' - ~ - .... ~-:': ~L? · .: .
' ~. .,"~ '.. - .~-.. '-' .... · . ... ' .... . ~ : ~. q..~,:: ~:~ ".~'.' .~... '...
:- ", .... soeeion 9. ~ela~onah~p ~h 8an ~aeeo ~e~a~onal ~e
': ~il "/.' '-"'2'*..:.'": *' ' *'
','. .... _~he Ct~ o~ So~h San ~anc18~o ~hall' be a membe~ o~ ~h~ gan ~a~eo
-¥ ...-.: .... -~ ~:. y': .
-';..::L.....:.:'.~..:~e~a~1onal A, ea'Civil Defense and Dlsa~eer 0rganizaelon, **hieh
-:-i"..}':i. :serves ~o coordinate civil defense and
,~ '~',):'.-:~:" .and agreement's between bhe political subdivisions in ~he Coung~
:/-'~-:-.'", of San ~eo and between ~he pOlitical subdivisions and ~be o~fice
' *'/-' (-~'~ ': "':'~ '" ' '
~-'~' ~:~'./og E~er~n'cy Services of the State~ of California. The mayo~ o~
, '~'~-.:' ";-.gn al~e~ua~e f~om Ythe city council shall be a .voting member of
·-~-'.:.' :. ~he gan Ma~eo Opega~o'nal ~ea DSaaa~e, Council, ~h~eh
._' "'" '..',:'" ~he go~e~n~ng~ hod7 o~ ~he san Ma~eo 0pe~a~5onal ~ea c~v~l De~en~e
· '-::'" and Disaster 0r~aniza~ion '"'* ' '". :"'
. =* .. -
..'-~. - ....;'*' ...,. ~. ~
. ~**. - - " .***gecbfoh 10 Expenditures An7 expehdf~u~e~ made
-..'connec~ion with emergency activities, including mutual aid ac~-
vf. .fes, shai~ ~e deemed conc'iusively ~o 'bo for ~he direc~ pro-
:: teC~ion and benefl~ of the inhabitants and property of ~he City
of S'ou~h San Fran6isco'. .'
.' F
.~. goe~on 11. Pun~hmen~ o~ .violations. .
~sdemeano~, punSshable b7 ~ ~ne og no~ ~o exceed
.. dolla~' ~500.00), o~'b7 5mp~[s~nmene :ro~ no~ ~o exceed ~Sx
- ~ "~' .'."months, or' both, for any person, during an emergency, to:
-. ...... ..... =. .-"-~ - I. Willfully obs~uuc~, hindeu, o~ delay any member
..-~-.=...-.~.,'-.'~ of ghe emergency or6aniza~ion in ~he enfoucemen~ of any lawful
/<:,"~ ..... ' ~ule or regulation issued pursuen~ ~o ~hls ordinance, or in the
· .-..
-'~7.~'.<-~'.< -='},.'/. ~ ,.'. .. .... - -. ' ' '"' '~' '
---> . .:.j,<.. .... ::: ". - B"} 'Do any ac~ forbidden by any lawful' rule o~
,;'.;".~ "'h '.' -'.' ' '
. '~.'..-.r-?..c-. such a nature as to give or be likely to ~ive assistance to the
..... >: ~.~.:= --enemy' or to i~pe.ril the lives or proper~y of inhabitants of ~his
.... ' ~he ""' " " ' :' ' '"'"
-'~ ' -- ' ....
· ..: "./' '~n~ moans or 5den~5~ea~[on ~pee~fSed b7 ~he eme~ene7 a~ene7
'.;;':' of the State.. , ~..-
. .:~(~[ .-: ..- .:~ ..:.~....>~... '....... Section 12. -Re' eal oF Cbnflictin~ O~dinances.
:-Ordi.hance No. 311 of this city en~itied, "An Ordinance of' the city
- ." '/-< o~ Soa~b San Fean~isco Rela~ing ~o .Civil' Defense and' Disas~eCs",
-~i' '-"' '. '
· ~ .he~eb~ ~epeaIedj p~ov~ded~ ~h'a~ 5~ ~a the ~n~en~
eouneS1 ~n'enae~Sn~ ~h~a oedShanee' gha~ 5~ 8hall be eonaSde~ed
a revision and continuation of the ordinance repealed by this
~ordi.nauce, and the status of volunteers' Shall not be affected by .\.
such'repeal; nor shall civil defense and disaster mutual aid plans
-and agreement%, rules and regulations.or resolutions adopted pur-
suant to such repealed ordinance be ~ffected by repeal until amend-
.ed, modified, or superseded as provided .in this ordinance.
Section 13.
If any provision of
this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or cir-
cumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other
provisions or applications, and to this end the provisions of this
ordinance are declared to be severable.
Section lb. Publication and Effective Date:
This Ordinance shall be published once in the
Enterprise Journal~ a newspaper of general circulation in the City
of South San Francisco, as required by law, and .shall become effec-
tire thirty (30) days from 'and after its adoption.
South San Francisco at a
Introduced this 7th day of. Seotember , 19 7[
Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of
regular meeting of the City Council
20th day of September
Patrick E. Ahe~n, Frank J. Bertucel Ii, William A. Borba,
of-'the City of Sohth San Francisco this
19-71 , by the following vote:
F. Frank Mammini and Warren Steinkamo
Non e
City C%erk
As Mayor of the City of South San FranciSco, I do
hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance this
20th day of September ,
lB 71
--' 8 --
[] i · 11 '11