HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-20-2005 Minutes
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October 20, 2005
7:30 D.m.
Commissioner Giusti, Commissioner Honan, Commissioner Prouty, Commissioner Romero,
Commissioner Sim, Vice Chairperson Zemke and Chairperson Teglia
Planning Division:
Thomas C. Sparks, Chief Planner
Steve Carlson, Senior Planner
Bertha Aguilar, Admin. Asst. II
Sergeant Alan Normandy, Planning Liaison
Ray Honan, Environmental Compliance Coordinator
Brian Niswonger, Assistant Fire Marshall
Police Department:
Water Quality:
Fire Prevention.
No Changes
Shepard Heary, Myers Development Company, informed the Commission that they have had several
community meetings for the Mandalay Terrace project. He noted that they heard the Commission's
comments at the study session and will try to respond to those in a timely fashion.
1. Alexandria Real Estate Equities/applicant
Richard Elmo Haskins/owner
East Jamie Court
P02-0042: DAOS-0001
(Continued to November 3, 2005)
Development Agreement for the East Jamie Court project, a two building officejR&D complex on a 6.13-acre
site adjacent to the San Francisco Bay in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter
19.60. The project consists of two buildings totaling 133,000 sq. ft.: Bldg 1- two stories over a parking level
(57,700 sq. ft.); and Bldg 2-three stories (75,300 sq. ft.) in the Planned Industrial (P-I) Zoning District.
2. SSF Redevelopment Agency / Owner
SSF Redevelopment Agency I Applicant
380 Alta Vista Drive
POS-0140: PCAOS-0004
General Plan Conformity finding for the acquisition and rehabilitation of this residential property by the
Redevelopment Agency located in the R-1 Single Family Residential Zone District, in accordance with
provisions of State Planning Law (Govt. Code Section 65402).
Planning Commission Meeting of October 20, 2005
Commissioner Prouty pulled item number 2 from the Consent Calendar and asked that Chief Planner Sparks
explain what this action is doing. Chief Planner Sparks noted that this is a standard General Plan Conformity
Motion Prouty / second Giusti to approve the Consent Calendar. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
3. Social Vocational Services/applicant
Bedford Property Investors/owner
800-890 Dubuque Avenue
P05-0147: UP05-0028
Use Permit to allowing overnight parking for eight (8) company passenger vans, situated at 860 Dubuque
Avenue in the Planned Industrial (P-C-L) Zone District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.24 and 20.85
Public Hearing opened.
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff report.
There were no speakers on the project. Public Hearing closed.
Commissioner Giusti and Chairperson Teglia questioned where vans would be kept when they are not in
use and where will they be serviced. Susan Copley responded that the vans would be onsite or offsite
depending on the activities of the day. She noted that they have vendors that maintain their vehicles and
they will not do this onsite.
Commissioner Prouty questioned if the vans would be parked on the street. Ms. Copley noted that they will
not park on the street.
Motion Zemke I Second Sim to approve P05-0147: UP05-0028. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
Chief Planner Soarks suooested that the Commission consider items 4-8 simultaneouslv.
4. Type "C" Sign (Shell)
Eleanor Colombani/ Owner
Jim Martin! Applicant
710 EI Camino Real
P05-0055: SIGNS05-0017
Continued to 11/17/05
(Continued from September 15, 2005)
Type "C" Sign Permit to install new signage at a gas station situated at 710 EI Camino Real in the Retail
Commercial (C-l-L) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.76 & 20.86.
5. Type "C" Sign (Shell)
Jim Martin/applicant
Equilon Enterprises, LLC!owner
899 Airport Blvd.
P05-0056: SIGNS05-0018
Continued to 11/17/05
(Continued from September 15, 2005)
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Planning Commission Meeting of October 20, 2005
Type "C" Sign Permit to install new signage at a gas station situated at 899 Airport Boulevard in the
Planned Commercial (P-C-L) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.76 & 20.86.
6. Type "C" Sign (Shell)
Peter TObin/applicant
Equilon Enterprises, LLC/owner
123 Linden Ave.
P05-0072: SIGNS05-0025
Continued to 11/17/05
(Continued from September 15, 2005)
Type "C" Sign Permit to install new signage at a gas station situated at 123 Linden in the Planned
Commercial (P-C-L) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.24, 20.76 & 20.86.
7. Type "C" Sign (Shell)
Peter Tobin/applicant
Shell Oil Co./owner
248 SO. Airport Blvd.
P05-0073: SIGNS05-0026
Continued to 11/17/05
(Continued from September 15, 2005)
Type "e" Sign Permit to install new signage at a gas station situated at 248 So. Airport Blvd in the Planned
Commercial (P-C-L) Zoning District in accordance with SSFMC Chapters 20.24, 20.76 & 20.86.
8. Type "C" Sign (Shell)
ARC Architects, Inc./applicant
Derenzi, Marie G/owner
140 Produce Ave.
P05-0111: SIGNS05-0043
Continued to 11/17/05
(Continued from September 15, 2005)
Type "c" Sign Permit allowing a master sign program including building facade signs, canopy signs,
monument sign, and a pylon signs exceeding 10 feet in height and signs exceeding 100 square feet in area,
situated at 140 Produce Avenue, in the Planned Commercial (P-C) Zoning District, in accordance with
SSFMC Chapters 20.81 & 20.86
Discussion on items 4-8
Senior Planner Carlson presented the staff reports.
Peter Tobin, ARC Inc. Architects, noted that the 5 sign permits had to go before the Design Review Board.
He distributed pictures of other gas stations in the area with illegal signage. Senior Planner Carlson noted
this is the first time has seen the pictures all of which show illegal signs. He pointed out that if the
applicant wished to file a Code Enforcement complaint he could do so. Chairperson Teglia suggested that
the City may want to have gas station guidelines.
There were no other speakers on the projects. Public Hearing closed.
Chairperson Teglia noted that the entire site is looking like one large sign.
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Planning Commission Meeting of October 20, 2005
Commissioner Giusti questioned if the billboard for item 9 is part of the station. Senior Planner Carlson
noted that the billboard is a separate permit.
Commissioner Prouty noted that there are too many signs and that they should be removed. Chairperson
Teglia questioned if the sign program that includes everything with the company logo and not the
advertising portion of it. Senior Planner Carlson replied that this was correct.
Chairperson Teglia noted that the paint scheme across the canopy because a standing sign, topped with
the V-power advertising on the pump is a visual impact. He suggested removing the V-Power logo from
the top of the pumps which will reduce the visual impact. Commissioner Honan added that the landscaping
of the gas stations is non-conforming and suggested that this needs to be cleaned up.
Commissioner Romero questioned the approval of a pump replacement on Page A-2 on item #5. Senior
Planner Carlson noted that there may be one where there was not an approval and after the final
inspection they put in the advertising. Commissioner Romero noted that the drawings are not identifying
what will be installed. He suggested seeing one gas station completed and before approving mass
applications and that all the illegal signage should be removed from the stations.
Chairperson Teglia noted that the pump numbers on item 4 page A-2 are smaller, not on upper valance
but on the upright. He compared it to item 5 page has large pump numbers on the upper valance.
Chairperson Teglia noted that they can put a logo or color scheme but not advertising.
Chairperson Teglia noted that the application can be referred to code enforcement to get them into
compliance. Chief Planner Sparks noted that each application is clear in what the approvals are but
suggested that the Commission direct that all signage be removed. He added that staff can look at
amending the zoning code for gas station guidelines.
Chairperson Teglia was concerned with approval of the sign programs with the large pump numbers on the
valance. He suggested continuing the item and allowing the applicant to return with other examples.
Commissioner Prouty noted that all signage should be removed including the signage from the garage
doors. He also suggested that a Condition of Approval be added to ask for removal of all illegal signs.
Senior Planner Carlson noted that the condition is already incorporated in the staff report. Senior Planner
Carlson also pointed out that the Commission can ask the applicant return with a new pump design.
Chairperson Teglia asked that the applicant show pictures of the entire site and tone down the pumps
Mr. Tobin noted that they can remove the illegal signs of the gas stations. He noted that they need to take
back the pump design or alternate graphic for approval by the corporation. Mr. Tobin noted that he would
show before and after pictures.
Motion Honan I Second Zemke to continue P05-0055: SIGNS05-0017; P05-0056: SIGNS05-0018; P05-
0072: SIGNS05-0025; P05-0073: SIGNS05-0026; and P05-01l!: SIGNS05-0043 to November 17, 2005.
Approved by unanimous voice vote.
9. Appointment of Terrabay Terraces Subcommittee.
. Members appointed: Chairperson Teglia, Commissioner Prouty and Vice Chairperson Zemke.
Commissioner Sim was appointed as an alternate.
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Planning Commission Meeting of October 20, 2005
Chief Planner Sparks noted that the Planning Division is conducting interviews for the Associate Planner
Chairperson Teglia suggested that staff encourage the City Manager to hire multiple candidates.
The Plannino Commission concurred.
Commissioner Prouty noted he would be out on November 17, 2005.
8:30 P.M.
Motion Prouty I Second Sim to adjourn the meeting. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
Marc C. Teglia, Chairperson
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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