HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 656-1973 ORDINANCE NO. 656
SECTION I. Ordinances Repealed.
The Ordinances described in Exhibit A attached
hereto, which Exhibit is hereby referred to and by said reference
incorporated herein as if set forth verbatim, are hereby repealed.
SECTION II. Publication and Effective Date.
This Ordinance shall be published once in the
"Enterprise-Journal", a newspaper of general circulation in the
city of soUth San Francisco, as required by law, and shall become
effective thirty (30) days from and after its adoption.
Introduced this 5th day of November _, 1973.
Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South
San Francisco at a re.qu~ar meeting of the City Council of
the City of South San Francisco this 19th day of ~lovember
1973, by the following vote:
AYES, COUNCILMEN Patrick ~. Aher~, Will iam A.
Teary J. Mirri and Warren S'l'einkamp
Non e
F. Frank Mammini
City Clerk
As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby
approve the foregoing Ordinance this 19Th day of
IE T I · I I I:11 II II
An Ordinance Fixing the Number of Regular Meet-
ings to be held by the Board of Trustees of the
CitY of South San Francisco in each month, and
the day, hour and place of holding same.
An Ordinance to Amend Section Number 1 of Ordi-
nance Number 2, of the city of South San Fran-
cisco, entitled "An Ordinance Fixing the number
of regular meetings to be he].d by the Board of
Trustees of the City of South San Francisco in
each month, and the day, hour and place of hold-
ing the 'same, (passed and adopted October 5,1908)
An Ordinance Regulating the speed of Automobiles
and Other Motor Vehicles Propelled by Steam,
Electricity, Gasoline or other source of energy,
and Providing for the Equipment thereof with
Brakes and signals to 'be Provided with Lamps or
Lights, and Regulating the Driving or Use Thereof
Ut)on All Streets, Roads and Thoroughfares Within
the Limits of the City of. South San Francisco.
An Ordinance Prohibiting the Carrying of Concealed
Weapons by Persons Not Authorized Thereto, and
Providing Punishment' Therefore.
An Ordinance Prohibiting the Running at Large of
Animals Within the Limits of the city of South
San Francisco, and Providing for the Impounding
and sale of Animals Found Running at Large in
said City.
An Ordinance Making it Unlawful to Drive or Pro-
pel any Wagon, Buggy, Cart, Automobile, Motor-
cycle or Bicycle upon any Sidewalk within the
Limits of the City of South San Francisco and
Providing a Penalty Therefor..
An Ordinance Providing a Syst'em for the Assess-
ment, Levy and Collection of all City Taxes in
the City of South San Francisco.
An Ordinance.Providing a Place for the imprison-
ment of Persons Convicted of Violation of city
Ordinan. ces and State Laws within City Limit.
An Ordinance Creating the Office of Night-Watch-
men, Providing for his Bond .and Prescribing his
Duties and Compensation.
An Ordinance Prescribing the Notice to be Given
of Municipal Elections in the City of South San
An Ordinance Regulating the Erection of Poles
and Hanging of Wires for Electric Light, Electric
Motor, Telegraph, Telephone and other Purposes
and Providing a Penalty for Violation.
An Ordinance to Provide for the Inspection of
Milk and Dairies and Dairy Cows, and to Regulate
the Sale of Milk in the City of South San Fran-
cisco and to Prohibit and Punish the DispOsition
of Unwholesome, impure or Adulterated Milk.
An Ordinance to Amend Section No. I, of Ordinance
No. 2 of the City of South San Francisco,entitled
"An Ordinance Fixing the Number of Regular Meet-
ings to be held by the Board of Trustees of the
City of South San Francisco in each month, and
the day, hour and place of holding the same,"
(Passed and adopted, the 5th day of October,1908)
An Ordinance Imposin~ a License Tax on Dogs Owned
or Harbored within the Limits of the city of South
San Francisco, and Providing a Penalty for the
Violation Thereof.
An ordinance prohibiting dogs from running at
large upon the public highways, streets, alleys,
public places or public ~rounds or upon any
unfenced lot within the limits of the City of
South San Francisco, unless securely and satis-
factorily muzzled or restrained by a string,strap,
rope or chain
An Ordinance providing for licensing boxing or
sparring exhibitions and regulating the same and
repealing Ordinance No. 34 of the City of South
San Francisco entitled "An ordinance to provide
for licensing sparring exhibitions and regulat-
ing the same."
An Ordinance Imposing a License upon any Show,
Exhibition or Performance Given Under a Canvass
or Cloth Covering or in any InClosure Without a
Covering, and Upon Chutes, Toboggan Slides,
Museums, Panorama and Cyclorama, Shooting Galler-
ies, knife racks, doll racks and upon All devices
Operated for the Purpose of Testing Human Skill
or Strength.
An Ordinance Prohibiting Smoking in Auditoriums,
Theatres, Rooms in which Motion Pictures are
Exhibited, Public Waiting Rooms and the Enclosed
Portion of Street Railway Cars; Also Prohibiting
spitting upon Floors of Public Halls, Theatres,
Rooms in Which Motion Pictures are Exhibited,
Public waiting Rooms and Upon the Floor or Steps
of Street Railway Cars.
An Ordinance Requiring Connections to be made
with the Sewer System of the city of South San
Francisco; Prescribing the Procedure for Making
Such ConnectJ. ons and the Notice to be given where
such ConneCtions do not Exist, Prohibiting the
Use and Maintenance of Cesspools, Privy-Vaults,
or Waterclosets not Connected with said Sewer
System, in the City of South San Francisco, and
Prescribing the Penalty for Violation of said
An Ordinance Dividiqg the City of South San
Francisco into Two Municipal Election Precincts
and Establishing the Boundaries Thereof, and
Repealing Ordinance No. 75 of the City of South
San Francisco en'titled "An Ordinance Dividing
the City of South San Francisco into Two Munici-
pal Election Precincts and Establishing the
Boundaries Thereof, and Repealing Ordinance No.
30 of the City of South San Francisco, entitled
'An Ordinance Establishing an Election Precinct
in and for the city of South San Francisco, '
Passed and Adopted the 7th Day of March,1910"
which said Ordinance No. 75 was Passed and
Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City
of South San Francisco the 19th day of January,
An Ordinance Imposing license taxes upon peddlers
and solicitors for the purpose of regulation and
revenue and fixing the rates thereof and repeal-
ing Ordinance No. 38 of the City of South San
Francisco entitled "An ordinance imposing license
taxes upon peddlers and solicitors for the pur-
No. Title
90 (continued) pose of regulation and revenue and fixing the
rates thereof," passed and adopted September 19,
91 B
An Ordinance Imposing a License Tax upon Laundry
Routes in the City of South San Francisco.
An Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco
Imposing a License Tax upon Persons, Firms, or
Corporations Purchasing, Gathering or Collecting
Rags, Old Iron, Brass, Copper, Zinc, Lead and
Other Metals and Prohibiting the Purchasing of
the same of Persons Under the Age of Twenty-one
(21) Years, Within The city of South San Francis-
co, and Repealing Ordinance No. 92 of the City
of South San Francisco entitled "An Ordinance
of the City of South San Francisco imposing a
License Tax Upon Persons, Firms or Corporations
Purchasing, Gathering or Collecting Rags, Old
Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead, and Other Metals
Within the City of South San Francisco" passed
and Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City
of South San Francisco on the 2nd day of April,
An Ordinance of the Board of Trustees of the
City of South. San Francisco Providing for a
House Numbering System.
An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating the Traffic,
Vending and Disposin.g of Spirituous Malt and
Fermented Liquors and Wines~ or any Admixture
Thereof, in the City of South San Francisco, and
Repealing Ordinance No. 59 of the City of South
San Francisco entitled "An Ordinance Licensing .
and Regulating the Traffic, Vending and Disposing
of spirituous, Malt and Fermented Liquors and
Wines, or any Admixture Thereof-, in the city of
South San Francisco," passed November 4,19].2,
and All Ordinances Amendatory Thereof and Supple-
mental Thereto.
Requiring the Registration of Master Plumber;
Fixing a License for Those Engaged in the Plumb-
ing Business; Regulating Plumbing and Drainage
Work; Creating the office of Plumbing Inspector,
Defining his Duties, and Fixing a Fee in Payment
II I Il ' L ! I fill IIII
An Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco
Prohibiting Persons Under the Kge of Fourteen
Years from Appearing upon or Traveling Upon any.
Street, Highway, Avenue, or ~Alley, or Any Other
Public Place within the City of South San Fran-
cisco After the Hour of Nine O'Clock P.M. of
any Day.
An Ordinance Fixing the Number of Regular meet-
ings to be held by the Board of Trustees of the
City of South San Francisco in each Month and
the Time and Place of 'Holding the Same.
An Ordinance Regulating the Vending and Dispos-
ing of Beverages and Drinks in the City of South
San Francisco.
An Ordinance Creating the Office of the Electri-
cal Inspector, Providing for the Registration
of Persons, Firms and Corporations Engaged in
the Business of Installing or Operating Elec-
trical Wires, .Apparatus and Equipment; Providing
for the Granting of Permits for Electrical work.
An Ordinance Amending Section 19 of Ordinance No.
12 of the City of South San Francisco entitled
"An Ordinance Prohibiting the Running at Large
of Animals within the Limits of the City of
South San Francisco and Providing for the Impound-
ing and Sale of Animals Found Running at Large
in said City" passed and adopted by the Board
of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco
on the 4th day of January, 1909, and Repealing
Ordinance No. 95 of the City of South San Fran-
cisco entitled "An Ordinance Amending Section
No. 19 of Ordinance No. 12 of the City of South
San Francisco entitled "An Ordinance Prohibiting
the Running at Large of Animals Within the Limits
of South San Francisco, and Providing for the
Impounding and Sale of Animals Found Running at
Large in said city," passed and adopted by the
Board of Trustees of the City of South San
Francisco on the 4th day of January, 1909."
An Ordinance of the Board of Trustees of the City
of South San Francisco, providing for Regulating
and Licensing Billiard Parlors and Pool Rooms
in the City of South San Franci'sco and Repeal-
ing Ordinance No. 93 entJ.tled "An Ordinance of
the Board of Trustees of the City of South San
Francisco regulating Public Pool and Billiard
Rooms in the City of South San Francisco and
Imposing a License Tax Upon the Business of Con-
ducting the Same,TM passed and adopted by said
Board of Trustees on the 16th day of April, 1917.
An Ordinance Fixing the Number of Regular Meet-
ings to be held by the Board of Trustees of the
City of South San Francisco in each month and the
Time and Place of Holding the Same and Repeal-
ing Conflicting Ordinances.
An Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco
Creating the Office of Building Inspector, Pre-
scribing his Duties and Providing for the Issu-
ance of Building Permits.
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 108 of the
City of South San Francisco entitled "An Ordi-
nance Regulating the Vending and Disposing of
Beverages and Drinks in the City of South San
Francisco," passed and adopted on the 6th day
of December 1920, by' adding Two New Sections to
be Numbered 8A and llA, Respectively, and' by
Amending Sections 12 and 13 Thereof.
An Ordi. nance Regulating Vehicles on the Streets',
Lanes, Alleys or Courts of the City of South
San Francisco.
An Ordinance to Establish the office of Electri-
cal Inspector in and for the City of South San
Francisco, to regulate and define the duties
of such office and to establish rules and regula-
tions concerning the installation, operation and
maintenance of electrical wiring and apparatus,
to fix penalties for the violation of its pro-
visions and repealing all laws in conflict
An Ordinance Amending Certa].n Sections of Ordi-
nance No. 108 of the City of South San Francisco.
II E1 I ':l :[ I IiI II I
An Ordinance Repealing Certain 'Sections of Ordi-
nance No. 119 of the City of South San Francisco.
An Ordinance to Protect the Public Health,Peace
and Safety of the .Inhabitants of the City of
South San Francisco by Regulating the Establish-
ment and Maintenance of privat~ Auto Camps in
the City of South San Francisco.
An Ordinance amending Sections 3 and 7 of Ordi-
nance No. 118 of the City of South San Francisco
entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of South
San Francisco Creating the office of Building
Inspector, Prescribing his Duties and Providing
for the Issuance of Building Permits.
An Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco
Creating the office of Building Inspector,pre-
scribing the duties and Providing for the Issuance
of Building Permits and Repea].ing Ordinance No.
].18 of said City, passed January 2,1923, and
Ordinance No. 138 of said city passed June 15,
An Ordinance Providing for Submitting to the
Qualified Electors of the C~ty of South San
Francisco, at the General Election to be held
in said City on the 9th day of April, 1928, the
Question or Proposit'ion of the Levy of a Tax
for the Construction of a Concrete Hillside Sign,
Advertising South San Francisco the Industrial
An Ordinance of the city of South San Francisco.
Estab].ishing Regulations for the Accumulation,
Collection and Removal of Garbage.
An Ordinance Providing for a llouse Numbering
System in the city of South San Francisco and
Repealing Ordinance No. 9'7 Adopted by the Board
of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco
on the 22nd day of October, 1917.
An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of
South San Francisco Creating the Office of
Deputy Treasurer and Defining his Duties.
--7-- '
Il T I il r [ I Ill Il [
An Ordinance of the City Counc]'l of the City
of South San Francisco Amcnd[ng Sections 31
and 33 of Ordinance No. 2] of the city of South
San Francisco entitled "An Ordinance Providing
a System for the Assessment ],evy and Collection
of all City Taxes in the City of South San
Francisco," passed and adopted on the 19th
day of April, 1909.
An Ordinance Regulating thc Maintenance and
Operation of Dog Racing Tracks in the city of
South San Francisco and Providing for Licensing
of the Same.
An Ordinance Regulating the Vending and Disposi-
tion of Beer in the City of South San Francisco.
An Ordinance'of the City Council of the city
of South San Francisco Amending Sections 33 and
35 of Ordinance No. 21 of the C].ty of South San
Francisco entitled, "An Ordinance Providing a
System for the Assessment, Levy and Collection
of all city Taxes in the C]~ty of South Sah
Francisco," passed and adopted on the 19th
day of April, 1909.
An Ordinance Regulating and Relating tO the-
Erection, Construction and Maintenance of Adver-
tising Structures, ahd the Placing and Maintenance
of Signs in the City of South San Francisco;
L~censing 'and Regulating the Occupation of Out-
door Advertising; Providing for the Issuance of
Permits and Fees therefor; Requiring the Permis-
sion of the Owner or Lessee of Property upon
which any advertising Structures or Sign is loca-
ted, and Providing Penalties for the Violation
of this Ordinance.
Ail Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 21 of the
City of South San Fraucisco.ent[tled "An Ordi-
nance Providing a System for the Assessment,
levy and Collection of all City Taxes in the City
of South San Francisco" passed April 19th,1909,
by adding thereto two sections to be numbered
53 and 54
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 150 of
the City of South San Francisco entitled "An
Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco
Establishing Regulations for the Accumulation,
Collection and Removal of Garbage," passed
April 1, 1929.
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 160 of
the City of South San Francisco entitled "An
Ordinance Regulating the Maintenance and Opera-
tion of Dog Racing Tracks in the city of South
San Francisco and Providing for Licensing of
the Same," passed and adopted by the City
council of the City of South San Francisco on
the. 5th day of July, 1932, by adding a new
Section thereto.
An Ordinance Regulating the Distribution of
Advertising Matter in the City o~ South San
Francisco and Repealing Ordinance No. 158 of
said City.
An Ordinance of the City Counci~l of the City of
South San Francisco Amending Sections 33, 35 and
43 of Ordinance No. 21 of the City of South San
Francisco entitled "An Ordinance Providing a
System for the Assessment, Levy and Collection
of All City Taxes in the City of South San
Francisco," passed and adopted on the 19th
day of April, 1909.
An Ordinance amending Section 5 of Ordinance No.
].60 entitled: "An Ordinance Regulating the
Maintenance and Operation of Dog Racing. Tracks
in the City of South San Francisco and provid-
ing for Licensing of the same," adopted July
5, 1932, and relating to License Fees.
An Ordinance Requiring Toilet Facilities in
Connection with Public Dance Halls in the
City of South San Francisco.
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance. No. 21 of the
city of South San Francisco entitled"An Ordi-
nance Providing a System for the Assessment,
levy and Collection of City taxes in the City of
South San Francisco," passed April 19th, 1909,
by adding Thereto Two Sections to be Numbered
54 and 54A and Repealing Ordinance No. 168 of
said City of South San Francisco.
An Ordinance Prohibiting the Keeping of Swine
within the City of South San Francisco, Except
on the Premises of Slaughter l{ouses or Stock-
An Ordinance of the City of South San Franci~sco
Adopting the UnifOrm Building Code 1940 Edition.
An Ordinance Prohibiting T.respsss Upon, and
Loitering About, Certain ClaSses of Property.
An Ordinance Creating the office of Works
Engineer of the City of South San Francisco,
Defining his Duties and Fixing his Compensation.
An Ordinance Regulating the Conduct of Minors
on Public Streets and in Pub]'ic Places and
Fixing the Responsibility of Parents and Guard-
ians of Minors and Repealing Ordinance No.230
entitled "An Ordinance Regulating the Conduct.
of Minors on Streets and in Public Places and
Fixing the Responsibility of Parents and Guard-
ians of Minors," passed August 22,1943.
An Ordinance Amending Sections 33, 35 37 and 38
of Ordinance No. 21 entitled: "An Ordinance
Providing a System for the Assessment, Levy and
Collection of all City Taxes ~n the city of
South San Francisco," passed and adopted on the
19th day of April,1909.
An Ordinance Amending Ordi. nnnce No. 150 of
the :Ci'ty of South San Francisco entitled: "An
Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco
Establishing Regulations for the Accumulation,
Collection and Removal of Garbage," passed and
Adopted by the'City Council of the City of South
San Francisco on the 1st day of April, 1929.
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 150 of the
City of South Sari Francisco entitled: An Ordi-
nance of the City of South San.Francisco
Establishing Regulations for the Accumulation,
Collection and Removal of Garbage," passed and
Adopted by the City Council of the City of
South San Francisco on the 1st day of April,
An Ordinance of the city of South San Francisco
Licensing Mechanical Amusement Devises
An Ordinance Relating to Disasters
An Ordinance Creating the Office of Superin-
tendent of Parks and Playgrounds and Prescrib-
ing his Duties
An Ordinance Providing for Parking Motor
Vehicles on Sloping Streets or llighways
An Ordinance Establishing Subdivision Regulations
for the City of South San Francisco.
An Ordinance Amending Subdivisions 4.42 and
4.45 of Ordinance'No. 297 entitled: An Ordinance
Establishing Subdivision Regulations for the
City of South San Francisco," Adopted May 8,
An Ordinance of the. City of South San Francisco
Creating the Office of Captain of the Fire
An Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco.
Relating to Civil Defense and Disasters
An Ordinance Regulating Public Dances in the
city of South San Francisco
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 315 entftled:
"An Ordinance Regulating Public Dances in the
City of South San Francisco," adopted April 2,
· ri I
II ~' []
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 18.3 entitled
"An Ordinance Establishing a Fire Department
for the City of South San Franc'isco and Repealing
Ordinance No. '36 of (he city of South San Fran-
cisco entitled: 'An Ordinance Establishing a
Fire Department in and for the City of South San
FranCisco' passed August 22nd,1910."
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 297 entitled:
An Ordinance Establishing Subdivision Regulations
for the City of South San Francisco" adopted May
8, 1950, by adding thereto a subsection to be
numbered "4.46".
An Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco
Amending Sections 33,35, 37, and 38 of Ordinance ~
No. 21 entitled: "An Ordinance Providing a
System for the Assessment, Levy, and Collection
of all City Taxes in the city of South San
Francisco," passed and adopted on the 19th day
of April, 1909.
An Ordinance Creating ~he Office of Dir.ector of
Public Works and Defining the Powers and Duties
of Director of Public Works
An Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco
Amending Sections 33, 35, and 41 of Ordinance No.
21 entitled: "An Ordinance Providing a System
for the Assessment, Levy, and Collection of All
City Taxes in the City of South San FranciscO,"
Passed and Adopted 'on the 19th day of April, 1909.
An Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco
Prohibiting Any Person in a State of Drunkenness,
Intoxication, or inebriation from Being in or
Near any Public Place, Motor Vehicle or in any
Private Place to the Annoyance of any Person;
ProvJ. ding Penalties for Violation; and Repealing
Ordinances Nos. 155 and 282.
An Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco
Amending Ordinance No. 150 of said City, which
was passed and Adopted by the City Council of
said City on the 1st day of April, 1929, and
which is entitled: "An Ordinance of the City of
South San Francisco Establishing Regulations
for the Accumulation, Collection, and Removal
of Garbage."
An Ordinance of the city of South San Francisco
Amending Ordinance No. 150 of said City passed
and Adopted the 1st day of Apri'l, 1929, entitled
"An Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco
Establishing Regulations for the Accumulation,
Collection and Removal of Garbage"
An Ordinanc'e of the City of South San Francisco
Amending Ordinance No. 297 entitled "An Ordi-
nance Establishing Subdivision Regulations for
the City of South San Francisco"
An Ordinance of the city of South San Francisco
Establishing Regulations for Dedication of
Lands, Payment'of Fees, or Both, for Park and
· Recreation Land in Subdivisions, and Amending
Ordinance No. 297, as Amended, so Providing
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 297, as
Amended, entitled "An Ordinance Establishing
Subdivision Regulations for the city of South
Sari Francisco" adopted May 8,1950.
II Ii I I illl~ II T I II I I I I