HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 662-1974ORDINANCE NO. 662 AN ORDINAI'.ICE .Of THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 396, ENTI.TLE]) "AN ORDINA~CE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN I'RANCIoCO PROVIDING FOR SEWER RENTAI.,S Ai'~D C}'tAR(~ES IN SAIl) CI'I.'Y, PRO- VIDING TIIAT SUCH SEWf:R RENTALS AND CHARGES StlAi,L BE COI.LECTED uN THE MUNICIPAL TAX ROI,LS AND SHAI,], BECOME A LIEN UPON THE RESPf:CTIVE PARCELS REAl., PROPERTY" AND R[iPEALI'NG CERTAIN ORDINANCES. The City Council of the City of South Sari FrancJ. sco does ordain as follows: St]CTION 1. AHIiNDMENT 0t-' SECTIONS 2, 3, '.l and ].Il 0t" OR].)Ii'IANCE ~40. 396. Sections ?, 3, Il and 1. q of 0rd.[nauce l'lo. 369 adopted ,June 4, 1.956, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIT% OF SOUTII SAN FRANCISCO PROVIDING FOR SEWER REi'~TALS AND CtlARGES IN SAID CITY; PROVIDING T]iAT SUCtt SEWER RENTALS AND CtIARGIiS SIIAI.,I., Bt_: COI,I2-;CTED ON THE MUNICIPAL TAX ROI,LS AND SHAI,I_, BECOME A [,IL'Il tlPON THE RESPEC'i'IV[; PARC[]I,S OF REA[, PROPERTY~' are hepeby amended to rea(!: SECI'IOI~ 2. Thc I.-o.llowil~g words attd d~.~s.[gtiatiot~:'; whepever use,.1 in-this Ordim~.ncc shall be co~tstrt~ed a:; def"lued in this Section, unless' from the conte×t a different meaninR is specif:[- tally defined and more. particu'lar].y directed 'to the use of such words or desJ. gnat. ior~:~. 2.1 Assessmo~t Rol.]. - Refers to 'the Ar;:;casment Ro_[.1 upou which general taxes of the City are collected and same 2'.2 2.5 is a±so pcler'red to aa municipal tax rol'l at~d official mun.[ci.[.),~] ~',ux roll. Audiior - Means the Finance Off ice~' of the City. Armual Mu~i~:'[I,,al Real Property 'Fax S-tatement - Means 1, he tax statements issued fou the City of So~tb San ~'~?a~cisco by the Coun'ty of San Ma teO purs~an-I, to 'the authorization to collect muniC[lW~l rea]. and ~cPaonal pPopep'hy taxes as set forth in OrdJnanc~ No. 382 of the City of South San t'rancisco, tPansferrlng ~:o the Assessor, Tax Collector, and Treasurer of ~:he County of San Matoo 'the respective duties perfor,med by the Assessor, %'dx Co l[lecto'p and TreasuPer of said C'[ty wi th reapeet 'to the f'unct, ious o[= assessing for,].evving and (:olleeting mut~[cipal,real,and perm(mai, property taxes. COD - Denotes Chemical Oxygen Demand. The equivalent ~lu,~Ivl-J'tv ef oxygen u-ti l[z<~d du~ing ox]clarion of organ_Lc and [noPga. nic matFer .[~ wastewatep under 'the conditions o~ ~be COlJ Lest described in Standamd Methods, expPessed ...................... in milligrams pep Ii{er. Chlorine D~mand - The amount of chlorine re~tu[red to I.)r'oduce a free chlo~lne residual of 0. 1 rog/1 after a con- hact time~ of 30 minutes as measur(:d by tl~e 'lodometric moI:hod on s sam~'l.e a.t a tempera%ute oF 20° C. in confor- mance with St,mdard Methods. ...................... 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.10 2.11 City - Means the C. ity of South San I'raneiseo. City. Tax Co.I].ector - Means the Director of AdmJ.n.[stra- tire services and is also refer~ed to as Tax Collector. Con~nercial Class - Means the classification of disc]~arger and the parcel of real property op portien %hereof on which said discharger :is situate, to which sewer serf Vices and facilities arc,. furnished by the C'[ty,~n~luding office buildings,, warehouses, filling stati0ns, hotels, restaurants, stores and s~milar class of uses also referred to herein as commercial taxpayer, c~ommercial use, conm~epcial concern and commercial e.stablishmcnt. ])irec'top of- Public Wo['ks - Means the Director of Public Servlee[~. Grease - Means gpease, oils, fats, fatty acids, waxes, soaps, or 'o-Lher matter wh.leh is so determined ]n accor- dance with [:he Standard Me'Lheds examination for grease. Industrial Class - Means 'the c~assification of discharger and the parcel of rea]_ property or portion thereof on which said discharger i.s situate, t() which sewe~ services and _[-acJ. lities are fUr[~ished by the City, inc].uding manu- faeturers~ photofinishers,pain~:[ng services, packagers, electrical services and similar class o.[- uses, also re- ferred 'to her(-'i~ as industrial, indus-trial concern, industpia[ Taxpayer, industrial uses and ind~stmi, a]_ 2.12 Institutio~al class - Means the classification of d~scharger~ and 'the parce-L thereof o~ which said d]scharge~' is si I;~a'te, I-o wh:ich sewer services and faci[l[ties ar, e ]-uPninhed by the City, including schools, col.leges, rest homes, hospitals, clubs, lodges and similar class 2.13 Residential Class - Means t]~e classificati~)n of discharger and the parcel of real property or ~)ortion thereof which said discharger is situate, to which sewer sepvices and facilities are furnished by the City, including si~lgle-[amily dwellings, multi-[amily dwellings (duplex, ilar, apartment, and similar c]as~ of uses,) auto and trailer (:ourts, motels, and similar c].ass of uses. 2.14 Standard Methods - The thirteenth edition of Standard Me'thods for the ex~m].~a-tion of water a~d waste wa-ter prep[~red and ~uhvlished jointly by Amer'ican P~b]..ic Health Association, America~l Water Works Association, and the Water ~ol.l.u'tion Cont,'o] }'ederat[o~ on methods deemed eq~ivalent by the Superintendent and the Water Quali-ty Co~l:rol Boar, d for the San Franc~.sco Bay Region, t~erein referred to fo~' definit~on~;, .laboratory procedures of a~alysis, tests a~d measurements. 2.15 .Surcharge - Means ar~ additional' cna.rge based on measure- ment of vo]~me of wa'~er co~lsumed or discharged, and/or measurement of suspende,.d so].id:~, BOD and COD in waste- water discharged as hereinafter described. 2;16 Suspended. Solids - Solids that either fi_oat on the sur- face of, or are in suspension i~, water, sewage or other liquids, and which are ~'emovable by laboratory filter- ing. SECTION 3. CHARGES FOR SERVICES AND FACILITIF. S The charges for services and facilities furnished by .the City shall be computed in accordance With the following schedule. The quantity of water consumed by the discharger shall be-used in de'termining the volume charge and used in determining the surcharge for suspended solids, BOD, and COD, together with evaluation of test samples to determine pounds per ]00 cubic feet of suspended solids, BOD and COD. The quantity of water consumed shall be equivalent to that furnished to the discharger as shown by -the water meter unless the dis- charger maintains an approved metering device which measures the quantity of wal~er discharged or metered flow. If the d~s- charger obtains water from sources other tha~ the metered water supply system serving the City, the quantity of water consumed shall be determined by the Superintendent of Sanita- %ion ei-ther b'y: (a) Use of a metep approved bv the Super'intendent of Sanitation instal]ed at the expense of the discharger or parcel owner to measure the waL(~r' SUl~pl:[ed the discha, r, geu f~om all of ar~ approved ["low me'te~~ w'h.[ch shows 'the <~uant[.ty o_[ wate~ discharg~d by t'he discharger. ' Cb) Au estimate p~'ej~dred by the Superintendent o~~ San[Lation made at .[east o~ce eae]~ month in tho preceding caq. endar y(~a~. The cos1 of p~'cpar/ng said est_[mate shall be bo~'~e bY thc, d'[scha~ger The surcharge comput:ation for' s~sr)endcd'~;olids, BOD and COD st~al_l be based on the t)et~ hundued cubic feet of wa-l:ep con- sumed by the dischapgep or -t:l~e pep hundped feet of Water, dis- charged by the discharger as shown.1)y the approved metering device and test samples. The Supet~intendent sl~aJ..I 'take evaluate at ]east four (u) Lest samp.les J.n the preceding ca_ten- dap yea~ for the put'pose ol making said computation,ppovJ.ding for at least oue t-esi: sample i~ each qt]apt'et~ of 'the pp~eed~ng if possible. Wheu the SuperJ~tendemt fin4n ii- neeess;,~ry monitor a discbarger's waste water as i>aut of sa~.d comf)~I:ation, the cost ['or ~aeh laboratory analysis may b~ ~.~,ddt~d 'to the sewep charges and c'ol looted as hereinafter ppovided, of m,~y be paid' directly by the dischapger or ownep o.[ the parcel ]r~ lieu thereoi. The cost of s~lch analysis shal._l be set 'by the Super- in-ten(lent at a ra'l~ comparabJo to c~Jrrmnt Commercial ].abo~'a'tory' raxes in the Sa~ l'panelsco Bay Area. Ii ill I JJ~iJJJJlJ Jl ]J I II 3.1 Schedule o[ ChauF, es fo~' Sc-,pvJc, es and F'acilii:]os Furnished by City: To Parcels by Uae CIassifieatio~ Anr~ua.L Rate a. Residential Class Singie-l'ami [y Dwel_[ing' 327.00 pep dwell Mu]ti-f'ami]y I)wc]J lng (duplexes, flat.q, 4parl:menrn, $27.00 per dwelli, ng unit Auto and trai]er courts mot. els, and similar class o'[' USCF; ,,,21.00 l',er dwell._iug unit Instituti_oual Class ,~choolo, colleges, pest home:~, l~ospitals, cl. ubs, l_odges and similap clash off uses (1) Base eharT, e, and (2) all wa Le.r by (l[.scharger $0.22 Del' ].fl0 ctlbic based on met-er'ed [low if dSschapgex' main ta5 ns an aPl:)r'oved me l'cr'ing device, op Sul)ePi~ I.c~dent ' s - cnl:i_mate 5 F no such ~nete~,- Jng device is so ma'[nra irked. C orrum ~ vc i a I. C 'L,:t s s; Of fi. ce bui]cl~ng, s, f:i lling s'ta ti OhS, hotels and sirflilat' class of uses char'ge a~td 'l::t~e (?) Vo].ume (.':]~ar'go based ozt ,:.ti I wa't. ep d i::;ch,-r'F;er $36.00 per yeau $0.2? per' ]00 cdbic feet of' war:er so consumed t0ase('l on mel:6:ped f'lnw i I/' dis(::t~apg, er maintai, ns an approved mei:e['i.~g device,or Superintcndc~t's estimat'e if no such met(w,inF, devico i~ so '/. I~ illiil illl~liiiillil ih iiF ii Iii 7 d. Industrial C] a?;s Manu.t'actupeT'S, proc(.~-:s(';P.q, producers, laundp.[os, ~)hoto- fini~heps, pd:Lnt[ng ?;epvic~s, packagers, e.lectri, c sop- vices, and sim{]_ap ti_ass of (1) Base charge, ,~('l the fo]_] owing surcharges (2) ¥olume char. ge baned o~ al.I war;er consumed by discharge~. :)'Ir3.00 per' yeap $Q.22 Pep 1.00 cubic, f'eet of wdteP $o oOI'lSUmod ~ based on me-toted flow dischar'ger maintains an app'r'oved motepirtg de- vice, or'Superintendent's estimate if no such meter- in~. device is so mahtained . (,3) (4) 1.56 pounds per lO0 cubic feet'(250 millig.pams pep liter) of wastewater discharged Surcharge fop Biochemical. exces;s of ] .56 pound pcp i00 euUic feet (milli- grams 'per .l_i.'tep) of was-Lewater dischapged. Surcharge for Chem~..a[ Oxyg . . ,(-,~ Demand (C)I)) zn excess of the BOD of wastewatep discharged. $0.0]5 DOP l~OUlld O.[ excess of suspended sol based on mete'r;'ed f']ow i.f discharger ma:i~tta.i, ns approved meLep.[ng deViCe, or SUl~CpJ. nten(tent's esti. mat. e 'i F no ~uch met_epir~g device is ~;o maJnl:aJ, ned, and 'test saml)] es. $[).020 pep pound o[-' said excess of BO!) bnsed on meteped f'l.()w il.' dinc:hupger mhir~td, tins an apl)roved metering device, oF Superintendont's es'l:'hnal:e if no such ~netaring (:levite :is so maintained, and l:est samples. $0.010 per [)()mtd of said exdess of COD baned o~ meteped f'low ].f dischargep ma intair~s an ai,pr'oved melePl]~g~ device, op Superin'l.:en~lent's csl:ima'te il! no s~ch m(:,Lep]ng device SECTION 4. WATER QUANTITY. The quantif, y of water consumed Uy the d~scharger. and/or parcel owner and used to compute volume charge and other surcharges for suspended solids, BOD and (101) shall_ be determined by reference to the wal~er meter servicing the discharger or approved meter.ing device if the discharger maintains same to determine the quanti~y of water discharged. If the discharger obtains water from a source other than the meter&d water supply system serving the City, the' water consumed shall be determined by reference to a wa'Eer meter~ approved by the Super- intendent of Sanitation which shows -the quantity of water fur- nished or a flow meier 'showing the quantity of water d,]scharged, and in the event neither is provided, than an e'stimate prepared by the Superintendent of Sanitation as hereinbefore provided. SECTION 1~. CRIMINAL PENALTIES A pez'~son vJ_o'l.a~:J_ng ai~y oJ' t. ho Drov'~sJo~ls of this Ordinance shall be deemed guil-ty of a misdemeanor and each such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate ofiense for each and every day or portion thereof during Which any violation of this Ordinance is co~i'tted,continued or permitted,and upon conviction of any such violation, such person shall be punish- able by a fine oi no~ les~ than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and n~t exceeding fLve hundred dollars ($b00.~00), o.p by imprisoU- ment for not exceeding six (6) ;non'ths or bo-th by such fine and imprisonmer~:t. The penalties in this S~ction shall be -i_~ addition to and cumulative upon any and all. other penalties. SECTION 2. PUBLICATION AND Ef'FECTIVE I)ATE This Ordinance shall_ be published onc:e in the Enterprise-Journal, a new,;paper of general_ circulation in the' City of South San Francisco, as required by law, and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and aftep its adoption. Introduced this 25th day of March ,]97~. Passed a~d adot)ted as an Ordinance of the City of Sou'th San Francisco at a ~egular ._ meeting of the City of th'e City of South San F'pancks(.:o this Is~ dav of Aori I , 19'14, by the following w)te: AYES, COUNCILMEN Richard A. Ba%ta~lia~.F. Frank Ma~ini, Terry 3. Mirri, Leo Padreddii, and Warren S~einkamp NOES, " None ABSENT, " None As Mayor of the City of South San ['pancisco I do hereby aPt)rove 't:he foregoing Ordinance this _Lin%_ day of April 19 7 t4. -' ' '/ ..... ~'PI-ayor BI, I [ i Ii II!