HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 663-1974ORI)INANCE NO. 663 ORI)INANCE Of THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI-Itl CITY OF S.OUTI-] SAN ['RANCISCO SUSPENI)Ii'~G CONVERSION O1:' APARTMENT BUTLDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTUR]]S TO CONI)OMINIUMS DURING T[tI] PENDENCY OF STUDS ES ,AND PROVIDING AN EXCEPTION PROCEDURE I 'fhe Ci'uy Cou[~cil o'£ .tile City of Soutlt San l!'ranc.isco hereby :['inds: 1. Numc~rous al>aPt:mcnts exist .in the City of South San Franc is;co. 7. Irt 1:be last scvepal months .inqui. r[es hu. ve been received regarding [he proposed co~vcr',~Jon of apaptmenis and othep s'tructures to con~k)miniums, a[~.l al>~][ca't~ionr; ape pending or exl,ccted. 3. Suct conver'sior,~; apo ~nir~ if,¢~ l ] V r'egtl.l,-~ I +~d I~y r;'l. cito ].aw or S'ot~tll q. t'irc su:f'ery, noi.~e, I)ork[ng, main't.(,r,an(~r~, co~t:-:urnep probcct:.i, on and other ma'tl.'er's roi_at:ed pub}it hea'ltl~ and safety ape of so.r'Jous c:cmcer'r~. 5. Conw,'r's.ion o.[' c:xis'ting ,qt~ar'l. mc,~t: l)l~i.].dtngr; ,nnd other sl:ruct upcs and relocation pr'Ob]em~ for exisl:ing 1-Chant':-; and r'cduces t. he suppty of rental hou~;Sng in Lbe Cil. y. . · I1 II ~:~l i llil!llllt il ll Il* II 6. '.~'nc (]'[ Iv I'.lamlin?, Col~niss.J.on and staff have eml)arked upon stud'i.~s o[' l'his problem wit.h a vi. ow toward new ]..egisla'Lion regulating such eonversi_ons in t.h[~ ~nl-er'est oi the public health, safety a.~d we]~a~. 7. l-'u~ther conversion o[ a[)art~n(,~ll I~u.i'l.d'ings an~l other stz'uctunes ro c~r~d, omi~,iums wJJ I binder, impede and hampep suoh s-ludies; the effecl;s of such col~ver'siol~ dur'ing the study l)eriod will be lamge]y irreversible; and Lhe resu'Lts and recommendnl [~ns. o[' such studies may we].] be ma(jo moot l~y conversi, r~nr; ~lur'i.~g Lh~' ~er'.iod of such studios. I1 The Cily (h)u~lc-LJ of the Ci y o[- S~,~l:h San DOES ORDAIN a~; Iol.l~wn: SJ:C'/'LON 1.. For four lllolll]i~.; t:pom l'h{, (,'t'l-'(,.cl. ive date of t:his o~d.[~ance, no cxi:;-l, ing a[~a~l, men-L htli.'l.,li~g of ol. her .stabdiv:Jsion man ~r any 'type of 1-~arce.l. map :;hail be processed or apl)pOverl fo.P oonver'sion of ,:ti)ar'k-merits I_o condo- miniums, excel.:L ~;I. ruc[ur'~s wh'i. ch were denigned lo be ho.Id as condominiums aL I_he [-imo of' ~'eview a~d apt)roved by Lhe Plannirtg Co~issio~t. SECTION 2. An~ I:~?not~ havi~g a [;inanci.al. i.~l~,r'enl i'n Francisco and who claitns that the moral:or[um established by this ordinance creates 'an extraordinary hards~p for such person, may file a pe-t[t~on, not less than twelve (12) d~ys prior to the' date requested for hear_lng, with th.e C']_ty Clerk fop relief from the provis].ons of' this ordJt~anee. Said petition shall be accompanied by a filing' fee of Thirty-five ($35.00) Dollars. Said a[~plicatlon shall be in writing and shall set forth wit]~ particular~_ty ail facts and other information which petitioner avers established an extraord[nar~y hardship upon him. Notice of a hearing upon petitioner's application shall be published at ]_east once in a newspaper of general circula- tion in the City ol_ South San I'rapcisco, ~ot ].ess 'than four (4) days prior to %he date at which said~app%ication will be considered by the City Coucnil. Al: .r~aid t-~.mo and pi. ace shown in said notice as published the Ci~:y Council. sha]~'l hear i)et[t:[one~ and such other persons a.s a~e it~'ter~ested in said pa,'ce] o[' parcels, or the appJication, and may grant thc Pel~ef requested if: (a) I~etJ. tioner o~ his p~opePty or properties are so si tuated that the ord_inai~ce creates an extraordinary hardship upot~ either oP bo th; and (b) Petitioner's situakion,t~a~ce] of parcels are affecbed %0 a subsl]an-t'ia].]y gpeate~ o [it '[ I III t [, ,,,, t .. .,. (leg~ee by the operat'ion nar/ce than othe. r p~rsons or property situat(:d ].n the City o'[ South Sari F~ancisco; and (c) An unu'sualiy adver, se effect upon the st'ual[es s~ec~.f[ed ~.rt this ord:lnance, or which may t'~er~ea~ter be con~enced dur~ing the term h~re~f, or upon the po.[[cies of the City Council, will not be erected by grant:- lng 'the relief requested. The burden p:r'oof shall be upon 'the pe.'t~tioner; and (d) The ~oposed conve~si, on off the a.pa~tment house or o-ther structure 'complies w]'th applicable sta'te sic[utes, Lhe gene?al plan, building 'code, fire cod~, ~:ubdivisi~:n ordi- nance and o'l:he~ related ~rd.[nances o['. t~e City of Sou-th San Frat~c].sco; The pr'ol~osed convers]or~ of-the a~artment house o~ other structure will_ not under ~.he cipeumstances o[ the particula~ c:ase be det. r'im~.~ta.l_ to the heal_-th~ safel:y, peace, mo~,a]_s, comfort and general we tfare of persons resid]_~g of worq<:i_ng J_n the ne]ghborhood of such proposed u:~e, or iii ~ II Il [] li,1,11f I nn I I SECTION 3. Tttfin opdiit;in(?e [:; declared to 'be an upgenc,y meosu'r'e adop'~ed [)~]r':-:th']~tt. Lo 'tl~e [)rovi_s:ions o~ Gvt. Code Seet:ion.s. 3693'/ and [~58[,8, in t:hat i.l: i_s; lop the i;mediat:e ppeservat :ion o fJ the {,ul)l [c 'l~(?,.t(:c:~ , h(,a J 1 h ~ind ~;aic'ty, and t)Po- t:ects I:he l)Ub] i.~ ~;alc,'/:y, hea l_l.h dnd wei 1 ripe. 'i'he Cotincci]. may 1)e in coni:l.[e"t: wT:lrh 'tile genex',~] [-)]a~t~ Ibc eon'templa'bed zon:Lr~g pr'ol)oaa_l:'; atld/op ()t. her' ]egT_slat.Jve ackL-'; which ape tlrideI" exir;t in-the City of Sou'l:h S;i~ Fp,~T~e_i. seo and inquipies ]~ave been pec?c:ived ,~nd app]icdt[ons; ape penal.Lng op ex[)ecl:ed pegapd-' lng conver's;Jon o]' said al)aptmenl.:.; and oL'l~ep ~;l:puctur'es to cond()- mi]lium[;, which c:ohvepsfiong ape mi~J_m,J.l'ly regu] law or South San t'pa. nc isco ordinance, arm aa'id eondo~n,inium conver'sion.a:ffeel:'s the ].:[pe safety consumer' pr'otec'L.[on aisc] otl,ep mattez's ~o].at.'ed [o p:peaerval-[on oJ: publ_ic hedll::ll dlld :;,tJ:()[-y~ ,'3lid ~II iii i' 11 I Illlll i I Ii i I [] 11 ii i Iltililillll Il J[ ~l III II reduces the supply of reutal hnuuJng in the C.[ty, to the zoning orc~inances and genera] plan of the City,and that conversion of apartment bu'].]dings and othep structures to condominiums pr:lop to completion of the study a~d the enact- ment of appropriate legi~;].a'tJ, ot~ will hindep', impede and hamper such studies and adverse'ly af[ect the ge.~era]_ p.l_a;~, or'dinance and fei. areal ordin,'~nc~:~ o.[ the City of South San Francisco. SECTTON q. This or'dinal~ce :~hal] be published o~ce as required by law i~t the [h~terI~r[ae-Jo~wna], a newspaper of general ciz,culatJ.o~ i~ the Ci ['y .of South San Francisco, and shall take e['fec't as an urgency men, sure immediately upon its adopl: J In tr'o~uco, d thi :~ ___l~.th_ day o f March Passed and ad(')l;t(~,d ,is art Or'd'inar~cc. of 'the City o[: South San t'ranc:i.,sco at a ..... _[e~9_uJ_a_c ............ mo, eL.ina o[ the City Council of-the City o.[ South ,.gan i'rancisco', thJ. s Isf day of April .......................... , 19'111, by the fo]]ow:ing vote: i9 7 Ii. '~' COUI~CII~MEN Richard A. Baftaglia, F Frank Mammini, Terry J Mirri, AYLo, . , NOES ABSENT, " Leo Padreddii, and Warren S~einkamp None None :Mayor