HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 668-1974ORDINANCE NO. 668 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AMENDING ORDINANCE 491, AS AMENDED, AND ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMITS FOR CERTAIN STREETS OR PORTIONS THEREOF IN ACCORDANCE WITH AN ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. REPEAL OF SECTION~18 AND 18.1 OF ORDINANCE 491 AND ORDINANCE 497. 1.1. Sections 18 and 18.1 of Ordinance 491, as amended, adopted the 7th day of October, 1963, entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco Establishing Traffic Regulations and Repealing Superseded Ordinances," are hereby repealed. 1.2. Ordinance 497, adopted the 3rd day of February, 1964, entitied, "An Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco Amending Ordinance 491 Entitled 'An Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco Establishing Traffic Regulations and Repeal- ing Superseded Ordinances'" is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE XVIII OF ORDINANCE 491. Article XVIII of Ordinance 491, adopted the 7th day. of October, 1963, entitled, "An Ordinance of the City o~ South San Francisco Establishing Traffic Regulations and Repealing Superseded Ordinances," is hereby amended to read as follows: ARTICLE XVIII - Approval of Engineering. and Traffic Survey Justifying Prima Facie Speed Limits; Determination and Declaration of Prima Facie Speed Limits The CounCil hereby approves and adopts the Engi- neering and Traffic Survey dated April 12, 1974, prepared by the City Engineer of said City for the streets and portions thereof set forth therein, copies of which are on file in the offices of the City Clerk and Director of Public Services available for public inspection. The Council finds and determines that said survey was .conducted in accordance with the Vehicle Code of the State of California and methods of conducting engineering and traffic surveys prescribed by the Director of Transportation of the Business and Transportation Agency of the State of California, and that said survey justifies the speed limits recommended for the streets and portions of streets therein described and the prima facie speed limits set forth in Section 18.1.1 through 18.1.42 hereof. The Council further finds and determines upon the basis of said survey that a speed greater than twenty-five (25) miles per hour will facilitate the orderly movement of vehicular traffic and will be reasonable and safe upon the streets or portions of streets designated by the letter ~'I" in Sections 18.1.1, 18.1.2, 18.1.8, 18.1.10, 18.1.12, 18.1.16, 18.1.19, 18.1.20, 18.1.21, 18.~1.22, 18.1.27, 18.1.28, 18.1.30, 18.1.33, 18.1.35, 18.1.36, 18.1.38, 18.1.39 and 18.1.41 and declares that the prima facie speed limit~ set opposite said street or portion thereof is the most appropriate to facilitate the orderly move- ment of traffic and is reasonable and safe. The Council declares said speed limi'~ as the prima facie speed limi~ for said streets or portions thereof, which limits shall be effective when appro- priate signs giving notice thereof are erected upon the said streets or portions thereof. 18.1.1 18.1.2 18.1.3 18.1.4 1'8.1.5 18.1.6 3.1.7 18.1.8 18.1.9 18.1.10 18.1.11 18.1.12 18.1.13 8.1.14 18.1.15 Section 18.1 - Prima Facie Speed Limits S'['RIH~T FROM TO Airport Blvd. S. Airport Blvd. Alhambra Rd. Allcrton Ave. Avalon Drivc Baden Ave. I;rcntwood Drive Chestnut Ave. Commcrcin. l Ave. Ecclcs Ave. Evergreen Drive l:orbcs Bird. Franc i. sco Drive (;r:mada I)rive Ra ndo I ph. AFlllOLI Al'UR)Ill' Prodllco Producc II t il.Il Utah City l, imits Polldcl'OSa Granada AFIIIOtl r Rando t ph Produce Al'lllOllr Utah Produce City Limits Utah D I RECT l ON PRIMA FACIE SPEED Iii Ilside bli I let bli l le, r E1 Camino Oak 1, i mien East 25 I,i. nden Oak Wes t 25 Oyster' Point l:orbcs Ill lis{dc Mission I'1. ¢;rand 1~ I'tlllO 'l'c r ri~c.c Iii Cal. il.) Va l verde Ava I on |,octls t l,oc~ls t Airport Grand Ave. Snr i ngwood lit (:amino Chestnut ^irport Jun'lira ro Serra Constitution Consti tut i on East 25 Jtmipcro Serra West 25 Airport East 25 Chestnut West 25 F. 1 (:amino South 25 Sp.r i'ngwood No rth 25 bill let lli. llside .Iii. Camino /.Ii I. [er Forbes Oyster Point Mi ssi on Iii llsidc 1~ rtmo lilt:; t I 30 Ii. (;raml Wc:;t I 30 Iii Cami no '{'c 1' t';I cc Aval on li;tst 25 Va lvcrde West 25 Forbes ii. Grand South 25 Ii. Grand Forbes North 25 Granada South 25 Ponderosa North 25 South 25 North 25 South I 35 North I 35 South I 30 No rt h I 30 South 25 North 25 South I 30 North I 30 South 25 North 25 South 25 South 25 South I 35 North I 35 South I 30 North I 30 18.1.16 ~.1.17 18.1.18 18.1.19 18.1.20 S'I'REI!T Ii. Grand Ave. llarbor Way Ilaae~wood Ave. llickey Blwl. ilil Iside Blvd. I:ltOM ^i rport Fo rl)e:~ l,it t Br ~ a rwood Iii Can, ino · ltmipcro Serra El Cam bio Chestnut TO End Airport l,ttt lefield Forbes lil Cami m) Bri a rw ood I!1 Cami no dunipero Serra Rand a 1 ph I)1 RECTI ON We s t South North liast West East Wes t East PRIMA FACIE SPEED 35 35 25 25 25 25 35 3O 18.1.21 18.1.22 1R.1.23 '~d.1.24 18.1.25 18.1.26 18.1.27 18.1.28 18.1.30 .1.31 llunt ington Ave. .Jun ipe ro Scrra Littlcfield Ave. Manor Drive May['ai r ,.'\vt. Mi.l ~.e r Ave. Mission Road Mitchell Ave. Myrl [(' Aw'. Noor ,:\\'c. Northwm)d 1),'. Rando ] ph Randolph Linden S. Spruce Noor Ckty l. Amits AVa Ii. Grand thtrbor Way Spt Rockwood Orange S. SpI'UCO Cypress (:iL}' l, imi ts (;raml (;rand Ches tnu t S. Ai. rpr)rt Ih, rbo c :ir I!I (:amino [h~llt inl;tolI Br i a rwood I la :: e l w,,)o d Chestnut I, i nden lia ndo 1 ph Noor S. Spruce Avalon City l, imi Ilarbor Way E. Grand Rockwood SI)ri ngwood S. Spruce Orange (:yp rcs s Chestnut (;raud City l,imits Che:; tnut Gr.and II;J. rb(~ r ~S. Ai rporl: Fi r bla >' I'a i ,' thmt ingLon I! l Cam i m) [htzclw¢)od B r [ a L'WoO d We s t East West South North South No r t h . South North Ea W ¢' s t East Wes t l!as t We s t Soul:h I North I South I North I East I i%'cs t I East I t','c s t I l!:l s t Wes L 30 25 25 4O 4O 45 45 25 25 25 25 2S 25 25 25 30 3O 30 30 30 30 2!) 25 35 35 25 25 18.1.32 S'rl,~l!l!T Ol'illl~13 AVC. FRO,SI TO -1)1 l/E(71 ION rLwa y Wes Lbo i'Ol u:h Stall h lyes Lbo rouRh I);I rkwa y No l'til PRIMA FACIE SPEED c .) 18.1.33 18.1134 18.1.35 18.1.36 18.1.37 18.1.38 18.1.39 18.1.40 18.1.41 18.1.42 Oyster Point mhu.;t r i a I Ma ri na Itu Indust riai Ponderosa Rd. ia -~; t I -'- West I 35 /\l ha,il)l'a Iii (iam i no Ikl:; t ILl (:amino Alhaml~ra West Railroad Ave. ^ i. q)o rt Frccway Freeway Airport Iluckwood I)r LVe 0 ran ?. c S i) t'[IC C Sp r~c c l,i ndcli 1, i. nde n Sprucc Greenwood Brcn B I'C n 1. wood (~ FCC llWO()d Spruce Ave. liittside 100' s/o Mayfai & $. Spruce Avu. 1(10' s/o Hayt'air Ilillside l[)(l' :;/o Mayfair El (:amino I{[ (:;llllJ IIO lO0' Utah Ave. S. :/it'l)Ort I.itt :'l'ictd I,itl lefied S. /\itl)Or1 Vatcnci:l lit'Jvc \:alvcrdc Ava Ava Ion Vn ]vc Skyltnc 1-280 I-- .,.."80 Sky Iine Wes tbo ro;,gh BI. Wi ldwood D r. H r i ;1 rwood M~I vwooti ........................... ~l!)xwood BrLarwood Section 18.2 - Revinion o:F Speed l.,'imitr~ The dc.c~-I, ar'o(I I>r'J ma Fac [e r:l)(:cd 1 i Ini l-r~ ,qlld So,~th I North I llast I Wes t I East I ives t I liast W c :; t South North North I Wcs t I Ikts t West East I West I East. t~'cs I It'41 I i(' 25 25 30 30 30' 30 .50 3O 25 25 25 .50 30 3O 3O 25 25 35 25 25 Section 18.3 - Non-Applicability of Increased Speed Lilnits The increased prima facie speed limits for streets or por- tions of streets designated by the letter "I" in Section 18.1.1 through 18.1.42 shall not apply to the following: 18.3.1 Schools. A twenty-five (25) mile per hour. prima facie limit which is applicable when passing a school building or the grounds thereof posted with' a stand- ard "SCHOOL" warning sign, while children are going to or leaving such school during opening or closing hours or during the noon recess period. 18.3.2 Railway Gra~Crossings. When traversing a railway grade crossing, if during the last 100' of the approach to the crossing the driver does riot have a clear and unobstructed view of the crossing and of any traffic on the railway for a distance of ~00' in both direc- tions along such railway, except where a human flag- ~na~ is on duty or a clearly visible electrical or mechanical railway crossing signal device is installed which does not th-en indicate the immediate approach of a railway 'train or car. 18.3.3 Intersection of Streets. When traversing any inter- section of streets if during the last 100' of his appr'()ach to [:he il~tersect[on 'Lite dr, iver, does not have a clcar and unobstructed view of Lhe inter- section and of any traffic upon all of the streets entering the intersection for a distance of 100' along all such streets except at an intersection protected by stop signs or "YIELD RIGHT OF WAY" signs or controlled by official traffic control signals. 18.3.4 Work Site. When the basic speed law applies to a person operating a vehicle upon any portion of a street where offices or employees of the agency having jurisdiction of the same, or any contractor of -the agency or his em,ployees, are au work on the street and within the right-of-way so close thereto as to be endangered by passing traffic. This sec- tion applies only when appropriate signs indicating the limits of the restbicted zone and the speed limit applicable therein are placed by such agency within 400' of each end of such Zones. The signs shall display the figures indicating the applicable l'imit, which shall not be~ less than twenty-five (25) miles per hour and shall indicate the purpose of the speed restriction except that nothing in this section shall be deemed -to relieve any operator of a vehicle from complying with the basic speed law. ~SECTION 3. PENALTIES. Any person violating any o.[ the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a ,tisdemeanor. A~]y person. who shall be convicted of a violation of this Ordinance shall be deemed g.uilty .of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of not more than ~'ive ltundred Dollars ($$00.00) op by imprison- ment not to exceed six (6) months, or by both such fine arid imprisonment. SECTION q. PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE· This Ordinance shall be published once in the' Enterprise- Journal, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of South San Francisco, as required by law, and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after its adoption. Introduced this 6th day of r...lay , 19 74 Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 20th day of May 1974 , by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN Richar.d A. Batta§lia, F. Frank Mammini, Terry J. Mirri, NOES, ABSENT, approve the l.or'cp, o~ng O~'d:i.~ance this 20th (I,ly r)[ Leo Padreddii, and Warren Steinkamo " None " None As Mayor o~ -the Ci-~y of South San Francisco, I do hereby , ]9 74