HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 672-1974 ORDINANCE NO. g79-7u AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 575, AS AMENDED'(PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICT) AND ORDINANCE NO. 353, AS AMENDED. The City Council of the City of South San Francisco does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Amendment of Section 2.2 and Zoning Map. Subsection 2.2 of Ordinance No. 353, as amended, entitled "Zoning Ordinance of the city of South San Francisco," passed and adopted August 10, 195Lt, and "Zonin~ ~,~a.o of -the City of South San Francisc~ .California" dated March 1,1961, adopted March 5,1962, as amended, and the "Zoning Map -- Westborough - West Park Unit No. 3," as amended, are hereby amended so that the property hereinafte~ described in Section 3 shall be established as a planned community civic district or zone (PC-CV district or zone.) SECTIOlq 2. Delineation on Zoning Map. The designation, location and boundaries of the property herein zoned and hereinafter more particularly described shall be delineated upon the map entitled "Zoning Map of the City of South Sa~ Franc.lsco~ Ca].i['ornia," as amended, dated March 1, 1961, and ado~ted March 5, 1962, and the "Zoning Map -- Westborougb - Wcs~ Park Unit [qo. 3" w]~ich amended said Zoning Map. 'SECTION 3. Establishment of Zoning Classification. The parcel of property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and shown designated as a PC-CV district in the .cross-hatched area of the plat attached hereto as E~hibit "A-i" is hereby zoned and established as a Planned community civic district or zone 'SECTION 4. (PC-CV district or zone.) Amendment of Ordinance No. 353, as amended by Section VII of Ordinance No. 575, as amended. Section VII of Ordinance No. 575, as amended, passed the 13th day of May, 1968, and Ordinance No. 353, as amended, entitled "Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco," as particularly amended by Ordinance No. 57'5, is here- by amended to read: "SECTION VII. SPECIAL REGULATIONS - PLANNED COMMUNITY CIVIC DISTRICT OR ZONE (PC-CV) In addition to the general regulations hereinbefor, e set f,orth,the following special regulations shall apply in the Planned Community Civic Districts or Zones. A. Uses Permitted. 1. Civic Centers 2. Public Schools and appurtenant buildings 3. Public Buildings 4. Public Parks and Playgrounds 5. Public Recreation 6. Churches. "B. Use Permit Required. A Use Permit shall be obtained before any building or structure is erected, recon- structed, moved or structurally altered in any manner within the Civic District or Zone. C. Design. The nature, character and design of the improvements shall comply with the 'Site Plan." D. Building Coverage. The dimensions, size and location of buildings shall be as~ shown on the 'Site Plan.' E. Off-Street Parking. The design, dimension, size and location of the off-street parking facility or area shall be as shown onthe 'site Plan',' except that the Planning Commission may apply the standards for number of parking spaces required for specific uses as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance of the Ci.ty of South San Francisco." SECTION 5. Publication and Effectiv.e Date. This Ordinance shall be published once in the "Enterprise-Journal", a newspaper of general circulation in II ,11 III the~City of South San Francisco, as' required by law, and shall become ~fective thirty (30) days from and after its adoption. Introduced this 15~ day of Ju~¥ , 1974. Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a 'regular meeting of the City Council of-the City of South San Francisco this 5th of Augus~ , 197a, by the following vote: day AYES, COUNCILMEN Richard A. Battaglia, F. Frank Mammini, Ter~ry J. Mirri, Leo Padreddii and Warren Steinkamp NOES, " None ABSENT, " None ATTEST: ~~g--r~-~Q City Ct~rk As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance -this 5th Au~.ust , 19714. day of / / EXI~IBIT "A" TO ORDINANCE NO. 672-74 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ZONED AND ESTABLISHED AS A PLANMED COMMUNITY CIVIC DISTRICT OR ZONE (PC-CV DISTRICT OR ZONE, WEST PARK NO.3) A portion of Parcel "B" as said parcel is shown on that certain map entitled "Parcel Map, Division of Westborough - West Park Unit 3~ Lands of Caesar Cation Homes, Inc~., South San Franciscor California," filed in the office bf the Recorder of the County of San Morea, State of Calit:ornia, on March 5t 1969~ in Book 7 of Parcel Maps at page 26, described as follows: BEGINNING at an angle point in the northeasterly boundary lineol:saldParcel "B"t said point being the most southerly corner of Lot 130 in Block 16 as said lot and block are shown on that certain map entitled "Westbor'ough - West Park Unit No. 3A-F, South San Francisco, San Morea County~ California~" filed in the office of the Recorder o£ the County of San Mateo, State of California, on May 26~ 1970, in Book 71 o£ Maps at page 6, 7, and 8; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING along the tine between said Lot 130 and Parcel "B" North 23° 10' West 183.29 feet; leaving said llne South 63.° 38' West 274.16 t'eet; South 49'~ 49' 35" West 181.23 feet to a point in the sou.thwesterly line of a£oresaid Parcel "B" distant thereon South 40° 10' 25" East 293.53 feet from the most westerly corner thereof; said line bel.g the northeasterly line of Callan Boulevard, formerly Oakmont Drive, as shown on that certain map entitled 'Weslborough-Wes~ Park Unit No. 1~ South San Francisco, San Mat'eo County, Calii-ornia~" filed in the oft'ice of the [Lecorder of the County of San Mateo, State of Califc~rnJa~ On November 19~ 1964, in Book 61 of Maps at pages wi , ri llhll I' I' · (Page 2 of Exl~_ib[L "A" 1'o O~'d. No.672-74 PC-CV District o~TM Zone,W(~'st Park 54© 44' !1" East 147.59 feet; 1o the ,'ight wil[i c, ic,(lius of I cJn c, lc ciisk~ncc of 207.()0 t,.::.t; I~:c, vi.g sc~i,.t j~c,,c, llu feet to the pOINTOF BEGINNING. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16; thence along said southwesterly llne of Parcel "B" 'South 40° 10' 25" East 66.65 feet; tangent lo the last mid course,, on the arc of' a curve to the right with a ~'adius 0f 3,792.35 feet, subtending a central angle of' 4'~ 00' 38", an arc distance of 26.5.46 feet Io a point of reverse curvature; thence leaving said southwesterly line of Parcel "B" said line being ti~en0rtheasterly line of al~oresa~d Callan I~ouJevc~rdr formerly Oakmoni' Drive, southerly and easterly froma tangent bearing South 36° 09' 47" East, on thearcof'a curve to the left with a radius of 30°00 feet, subtending a central angle of 89° 06' 02", an arc distance of 46.65 feet to a point i. the line parallel with the southeasterly line af said Parcel "B" and at right anglesciistant r~orthwesterly 30.00 feet thereof; said southeasterly line of Parcel !'B'' being also the northwesterly lineal: GreendaleDrive as shown on that certain map entitled "Westbarough-West Park Unit No. 3A-D, South San Fra~- cisco, San Mateo Cou.ty, California," filed in lhe office o£ the recorder of' the County of San Mateo, State of California, on January 22, 1970, in Book 70 o£ Maps at pages 30 and 31; thence along afo~'esaid parallel line the foJlowinglwo courses: North. la,~gent io the last said course on Ihearc oFa cu~'ve ,,160.00 feet, subte,~ding a cent,al c, rJgl~: of' 8° 07' 25", line I".b,'th 31.° 5:1,' West 169.83 Containing 3,422 Acres, mor~_, or less. EXHIBIT "A-i" TO ORDINANCE NO. 672-74 PLAT OF PROPERTY ZONED AND ESTABLISHED AS A PLANNED COMMUNITY CIVIC DISTRICT OR ZONE (PC-CV DISTRICT OR ZONE, WEST PARK NO.3) .:...,::x... ..... . .... ,,,.:,........ \\.... , _ .. .... .- . , ~ .. \\ -: .. ~ ".,~,'/ . ..%./ h ,.t '. ~' r; ., q '..~ h '...-t.,.,~ ', ':~'~ 'X I [,-,' t. 't,~,,x ~ ,,. .'..'.: ~l .. '::,.'. ' . .'. Iltl II i lill