HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 681-1974ORDINANCE
The City. Council of the City of South San Francisco does
ordain as follows:
I. Amendment of Section 2.2 and Zoning Map:
Subsection 2.2 pf Ordinance No. 353, as amended,
entitled "Zoning Ordinance of the City of SUuth San Francisco,"
passed and adopted August 10, 1954, and "Zoning Map of the
City of South San Francisco, California," dated March 1,
19'61, adopted March 5, 1962, are hereby amended so that the
property hereinafter described in Section III shall be
des gnated open Space district or zone.
II. Delineation on Zoning Map:
The designation, location and boundary of the
property herein zoned and h~reinafter more particularly
described shall be delineated upon the map entitled "Zoning
Map of the City of South San Francisco, California'' as
amended, dated March 1, 1961, and adopted March 5, 1962.
III. Establishment'of Zoning Classification:
The following described parcels are hereby zoned
and established an open space district or zone.
All that certain real property situated in the City of South San Francisco,
County of San Marco, State of Califoru~ia, described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the northerly line of the Buri Buri Rancho, where same
is intersected by the dividing line between sections 22 and 23, Township 3
south, Range 5 west, [,.fount Diablo base and meridian, which point is distant
south 199.08 feet i~rom the corner common to sections 14, 15, 22, 23 of said
township and range; thence along the line dividing, the Tide Lands and the Buri
Buri Rancho north 81°45'00'' west 36.96 feet; thence north 68~15'00'' west 82
feet more or less to tile point where intersected by a line 100 feet inland from
and parallel to the High Tide Line established at 6.1 feet above blean Sea Level;
thence along said line 100 feet inland northerly and westerly to the point where
intersected by the northerly projection of the westernmost line of Parcel 4 as
shown on the Parcel blap recorded in Book 23 of Parcel [,laps at page 27, filed
January IS, 1974, San [,lateo County Records; thence along said parcel line and
its northerly projection to the point where intersected by tile southerly bulk-
head line of a ship channel 250 feet wide as established by the San Francisco
llarbor Line Board on December 5, 1936; thence along said bulkhead line and its
projection northeasterly to a point where intersected by the northernmost corp-
orate 'boundary of the City of South San Francisco; 'thence along said corporate
boundary easterly and southeasterly to a point where intersected by the easterly
projection of the southernmost High Tide Line of Assessors Parcel No. 15-200-120;
thence along said projection and lligh Tide Line westerly to the point on the
High Tide Line where intersected by. a line parallel to and 250 feet at right
angles east of the westernmost line of Tide Land lot 20; thence along said line
250 feet east northerly to the point where~intersected by the line 100 feet
f. nland from and parallel to said southernmost lligh Tide Line; thence along said
line 100 feet inland easterly, northerly and northwesterly to the .point Where
intersected by the southerly line of Parcel I of the City of South San Francisco's
Oyster Point [4arina; thence westerly along said southerly line of Parcel I, which
line is also described as the most southerly houndary of Tide Land lots 3, 4, 5,
6 and 7 in Secti'on 23, Township 3 south, Range S west, Mount Diablo base and,
meridian, as shown on the map entitled "~lap No. 1 of Salt blarsh and Tide Lands
Situated in the County of San ~Iateo, State of California, Prepared by Order of
Tide Land Commissioners Under the Authority and in Accordance l','ith the' Provisions
of an Act Entitled ',~ Act Supplementary to and Amendatory of an Act Entitled
'An Act to Survey and Dispose of Certain Salt [.larsh and Tide Lands Belonging to
the State of California, Approved March ~l~irtieth Eighteen Ilundred and Sixty-
Eight' Approved April 1, 1870", to the most southwesterly corner of Tide Land
lot 7; thence north 22o10'25'' east 52.49 feet; thence north S6°10'25'' east.
13.78 feet to a point in the easterly line of that certain additional right-
of-way for slopes referred to in Parcel I, as "on the left between Stations "A"
10 plus 00 to "A" 17 plus 00, 80 feet" in the Deed from South San Francisco Land
and Improvement Company, a corporation, to South San Francisco Belt Railway, a
corporation, dated October 20, 1928 and recorded December 8, 1928 in Book 384
of Official Records of San blateo County at page 289 {23920-B); thence leaving
the line of Tide I, and lot 7 on and along tile easterly line of the rib, bt-of,way
for slopes above referred to on the arc of a curve to the left, a radial line
through the last mentioned point bears north 85~04'53'' west, having a radius
of 610.26 feet, m~d an arc length 16.$S feet to a point; thence nOrth 86°38'07''
'west, 55.00 feet to a point which bears soutIl 86°38'07'' east 45.00 feet from
survey line Station "A" 10 plus 00, as said survey line is described in Parcel
I of that certain Deed recorded December 8, 1928 in Book .384 of Official.
Records of San ~lateo County at page 289 (23920-B) a radial line through the
last mentioned 'point. bears north 86*38'07" west; thence on the arc of a curve
to the left with a radius of S55.26 feet, a distance of 169.2.3 feet to the
southeasterly corner of the lands described in the Deed from ~lary Barrett
Carter, a single woman, to South San Francisco Scavenger Company, a partner-
'ship, dated ,hme 2, 1959 and recorded June 8, 1959 in Book 3615 Official
Records of San ~lateo County, page 541 (56465-R); thence south 75°54'03" west.
along the southerly line of the lands described in the last mentioned Deed,
25.16 feet to a point in the easterly line of lot 29, Block 16 of "South San
Francisco Industrial.Park ~nit No. 3," as said lot and block are shown on that
certain map recorded in Book 49 of btaps at pages 25, 26, 27 and 28, in the
office of the Recorder of the County of San ~4ateo, State of California; thence
northerly along said easterly line of said lot 29 and its northwesterly prolong-
ation, along a curve to the left having a tangent bearing of North 14004'32''
west, a radius of S30.26 feet,, a central angle of .41059'55" and an arc length
of 585.'60 feet to the northwesterly line of the lands described in Parcel "D"
of the Deed from Southern Pacific Company, a Delaware corporation, to Utah
Construction and ~lining Company, a corporation, dated July 14, 1958 and re-
corded July 17, 1958 in Book 3425 Official Records of San Hateo. County, page
381 (58567-Q); thence along the northwesterly line of said last mentioned
lands along a curve to the right having a tangent bearing of north 49°17'56''
east, a radius of 195.19 feet, a central angle of 6°11'23'' and an arc length
of 21.09 feet; thence along the tangent to the preceding curve north SS°29'19''
east 56.44 feet to the northerly corner of said Parcel "D"; thence north 55.68
feet to a point' which is distant south 25.00 feet from the southeasterly corner
of the lands described in the above mentioned Deed recorded blarch 9, 1923 in
Book 66 of Official Records of San ~ateo County, page 381 (2569-A); thence
north 14.32 feet to the southeasterly corner of. that 0.146 acre parcel of
land acquired by l'lildberg Brothers, a description of which was recorded blarch
9, 1923 in Book 66 of Official Records of San blateo County at page 381; thence
north SS"58'26" east 186.77 feet to a point; thence north 40°58'.30'' east 164.22
feet to a point; thence north 34°S0'00'' east 94.14 feet to a point; thence north
46°04'00'' east 119.61 feet to a point, which point is the southerly corner of
'Parcel 2 of the Oyster Point ~larina; thence north 278.01 feet to a point in the
dividing line between Tide Land lots 7 and 26 produced westerly, which point is
also described as the northwesternmost corner of Parcel 2 of the Oyster Point
blarina; thence along said dividing line west 270.58 feet to the point where
intersected by the northerly line of the Buri Burl Rancho; thence along said
northerly line south 35°45'00'' west 167.89 feet to a point; thence south
64045'00'' west 257.40 feet; thence north 81°45'00'' west 539.24 feet to the
point of beginning,
Excepting therefrom all that certain real property situated on Tide Land lots
8, 25, 26 and 27 in the City of South San Francisco, County of San ~lateo, State
of California, described as follows:
Beginning at the northwesternmost corner of Parcel 2 of the Oyster Point hlarina;
thence along the westerly projection of the dividing line between Tide Land lots
7 and 26 east 283.44 feet to a point, which point is the southeasternmost corner
of Parcel 3, conveyed by ]-lealy-Tibbitts Construction Co~)any to Siemer Ship
Repair Company by Deed dated August 31, 1966 and recorded in Book S213 of
Official Records at page S83, San bfateo County' Records; thence along the
eastern line of said Parcel 3 north 30°45'00'' east to the point where inter-
sected by the line SO feet at right angles north of and parallel to said
projection of the dividing line between Tide Land lots 7 and 26, which point
is further described as the True Point of Beginning; thence along said line
SO feet at right angles westerly to the point where intersected by the line
SO fe. et at right angles northerly of and parallel to the northerly line of
the Burl Burl RanCho; thence along said line SO feet at right angles southerly
and westerly to the point where intersected by the westerly Illth Tide Line of
said Parcel 3; thence along said lIigh Tide Line northerly and easterly to
the point where intersected by the iine 100 feet inland from and parallel
to the northerly High Tide Line of Tide Land lots 2S, 26 and 27; thence
along said line 100 feet inland easterly to the point where intcrsected
by the line 200 feet inland from and parallel to the easternmost High Tide
Line of Tide Land lots 27 and 28; thence along said line 200 feet inland
southerly to the point where intersected by the line 1.00 feet inland from
and parallel to the southernmost High Tide Line of Tide Land lots 27 and 28;
thence along said line 100 feet inland and its projection westerly to the
point where intersected by the eastern boundary of Parcel 3; thence along
said eastern boundary south 30°4S'00'' west to the True Point of Beginning.
IV. Publication and.'Effec.t~'¥'e Date:-
This Ordinance shall be published once as required
by law and shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days
from .and after its adoption.
Introduced this 20th day of '"Nove~er ...... ,1974.
Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South
San Francisco at a regular meeting of the
City Council of the City of South San Francisco this
day of December , 1974, by the following vote:
AYES, COUNCILMEN Richard Battaglia, F. Frank ;farm,ini, Leo Padreddii
and [~arren Steinkaml)
NOES, " ~one
ABSENT, " Torr!] J. Mirri
ATTEST: ('-'~-' ~' '
City C1 erk
As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco I do hereby
approve the foregoing Ordinance this'' 4~h day of' Deaemaer
1974. ~ '/'~'~ '
Mayor Pro Tem ~,
mi m i · ii m! i
I 32 ~
39~' /..
i I
/' /
/ ?
~ f :~BES BLVD ...... -- --
_Ordinance No. 681-74 passed the -
_4~ d a y o f December ,1 9 7 4
$C, IIL£: I "= 400'