HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 684-1975ORDINANCE NO. 684-75
The City Council of the City of South San Francisco does
ordain as follows:
REPEAL OF SECTIONS 3.17~ 3.27, 3.37, 3.47,
4.1, 4.11, 4.12, 4.48, 4.49 AND 5.73(e)
Sections 3.17, 3.27, 3.37, 3.47, 4.1, 4.11, 4.12,'4.48
4.49 and 5.73(e) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South
San Francisco, Ordinance No. 353,as amended, are hereby repealed,
except that this repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecu-
tion or punishment of any person for any act done or committed in
violation of any of said SeCtions committed prior to the effective
date of this Ordinance.
Sections 5.6(a) and 5.6(§) of the Zoning Ordinance of .
the City~ of South San Francisco, Ordinance'No. 353,as amended,
are hereby amended to read:
Sec. 5.6(a) The lawful use of land existing at the ~ime of the
adoption of this Ordinance, although such use does
not conform to the regulations herein specified
for the district in which such land is located,
may be continued, provided that no such use shall
be enlarged or increased or be extended to occupy
a greater area than that occupied by such use at
the time 'of the adoption of this Ordinance, and
that if any such use ceases, the subsequent use of
such land shall be in conformity to the regulations
, specified by this Ordinance for the dis.trict in
which such land is located, unless otherwise speci-
fied herein. No land used for greenhouse purposes
may be extended or enlarged so that such green-
houses cover a greater area'than that occupied by
ill II I i II
such greenhouses at the time of adoption of this
Ordinance, unless and until a use permit is first
procured under the following conditions: No use
permit may be granted where extension of such
greenhouse will adversely affect surrounding prop-.
erty and the general welfare of 'the area.
Sec. 5.6(g)
Ordinary maintenance; repair or minor alterations
may be made to any non-conforming building, pro-
vided that in the case of multiple-family, commer-
cial and industrial buildings and land uses, the
total cost of said maintenance, repair or minor
alterations will not exceed 25% of the appraisal
value of such building in any one year period and
further providing that any such minor alterations
will be subject to the provisions of Section 5.5
of this ordinance. Ordinary maintenance, repair
or minor alterations may be made to any non-con-
forming single-family residential property pro-
vided that any such.work shall not exceed 50% of
the appraised value of such buildings in any one
year period. Other repairs or alterations may be
permitted provided that a use permit s'hall first
be obtained in each case.
The Zoni.ng Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco,
Ordinance:No. 353, as amended, is hereby amended by adding thereto
Section 4, .entitled "Off Street Parking" which shall read as follows:
Sec. 4.11 Intent and Purpose
The problem of providing adequate streets, highways and parking to meet
the present and future traffic needs generated by our r,'~pi, dly expanding
population is of prime concern to both the City gov(;rnment and individual
citizens of the City. All types of property, regardless of location or
use, 'are harmed by inadequate off-street parking facilities. Cars
parked on the streets, as a result, create a safety hazard, impede the
flow of traffic, and delay fire-fighting equipment. The provision of
adequate off-street parking~ on the other hand, benefits the property
owners by adding security and stability to his property; benefits his
neighbors by relieving congestion; and benefits the entire City by
allowing the streets to be used as traffic movers.
Sec.4.12 Parking Sp.aces Required
Every use hereafter inaugurated and every building or structure hereafter
erected or altered shall have perman~qtly m~.,~n~a ,~ ....... ~ 4~ .'
accord~ce with th~ pro~isions of this ordin~ce.
The number Df off-street parking spaces required shall be no less than
thc following:
4.'121 Residential Use Types
Parking Spaces Required
(a) Dwellings, single-family
Rooming houses, boarding
homes, or clubs with
sleeping facilities
(c) Dwellings, multiple-f~mily
2 spaces[/covered) per unit
3 spaces (2 covered) per unit
with 5 or more bedrooms
1 for each sleeping room; in
dormitories, 100 sq. ft. of gross
floor area shall be considered
a sleeping room.
Bachelor and 1 bedroom apartments~
1 (1 covered) for each unit;
~-bedroom apartments ,1"1/4 (1 covered)
for each unit; 3 or more bedroom.
apartments, 1 1/2 (1 covered)
per unit
(d) Mobile home parks
2 (may be in tandem) for each site,
plus 1 for each S sites
4.122 Institutional Types
(a) Hospitals
1 1/2 for each bed.
Convalescent Hospitals,
childrens homes,.homes
for the aged, and
nursing homes
1 for each 3 beds
(c) Churckes and mortuaries
l,ibrarics, museums
and galleries~
Elementary and Junior
High Schools
1 for every 4 fixed seats, or 28 sq.
f~., where no permanent
sea~$ are maintained in the
main assembly area. Ever), 24"
on a bench shall be considered
as one seat for parking purposes.
1 for each 200 sq. ft. of
gross floor area
1 for each classroom and 1 for
every 35 sq. ft. gross of non-fixed
seating area in the auditorium
If) . lligh schools
'Colleges and Universities
(h) Day nurseries
Commercial Types
5 for each classroom and 1 for
every. S fixed seats, or for 35 sq.
ft. gross, of non-fixed seating
area in the attditorium, plus the
standard for public assembly
areas and dormitories.
7 for each classroom and 1 for
every 5 fixed seats, or for every
35 scI. ft. gross of non-fixed
seating, area in the auditorium,
plus the standard for public
assembly areas and dorn~itories
1 for each 5 children maximum
enrollment based on the maximum
'occupancy load
(a) Any commercial use listed
in the C-l, C-2 or C-S zones,
irrespective of where it is
maintained, except as speci-
fically provided below
{b) Bowling lanes
(c) Auto and Open Air Sales
(d) Furniture stores
(e) Hotel and Motels
Spec t'ator Enterta:h~ment
Fraternal Organization
Clubs and Lodges
(g) Participating Entertainment
1 for each 200 sq. ft. of
gross floor area
2 for each bowling lane, plus the
requirements for connected commer-
cial uses, such as eating or
drinking establishments.
1 for each 3000 sq. ft. of
gross lot area
1 for each 750 sq. ft. of
gross floor area
1 for each unit; 1 1/2 for each
unit with kitchen facilities,
plus t for e~tctt 200 sq. ft. of
gross floor area for lobby and
office area, and 1 for each
5 units for guests.
1 for every S fixed seats~ a,cJ for
every 35 scI. ft. of non-fxxed
~e;tting area in the auditorium
plu? 1 for each 200 sq. ft. gross of
non-seating area plus 1 for each 50 sq.
ft. of dini~!g and or drinking area.
1 for each SO sq. ft. of gross ,
floor area
(h) I)ining and Drinking
Est ab 1 ishment s
(i) Drive-in Restaurants
(j) Golf Cources ·
(k) Golf Driving Ranges
(1) Miniature Golf Courses
(m) Game Courts
(tennis° etc.)
(n) Swimming Pools
(o) Business and Professional
Offices. Financial institu-
124 ?Ianufacturing Types
Ca)' Industrial uses listed
in the M-1 and M-2 zones
Automatic or semi-automatic
public or quasi~public
(c) Narehouse, exclusive of any
assembly, manufacturing or
sales activities
1 for each 50 sq. ft. of gross
customer area, and 1 for each
200 sq. ft. of all other flbor areas
1 for each 50 sq. ft. of
gross floor area
8 per hole and 1 for each 35
sq. f-t. of gross floor area in
assembly buildings connected with'
the course, plus 1 for each 200
sq. ft. of gross floor area for
-adjoining commercial uses
1 1/2 for each tee plus 1 for each 200,sq. ~
of gr%ss floor area for adjoining commercia
2 per hole and 1 for each 200
sq. ft. of gross floor area for
adjoining accessory commercial uses
1 for each player authorized to
'participate at one time
1 for each SO0 sq. ft. of gross
area related to the pool and
related facilities, and 1 for each
200 sq. ft. ft. gross of pool area
1 for each 300 sq.'ft, of
gross floor area
1 for each 1SO0 sq. ft. of gross
floor area, or one f6r each 2
employees on the largest shift,
whichever is greater, plus 1 for
each company car.
1 for each 300 sq. ft.gr6ss of office
or non-storage or non-manufacturing
1 for each employee on tile largest
shift, plus 1 for each company car
(2 mininlum)
1 for 2000 sc[. ft. of gross floor
area for th(; first 10,000 sq. ft.
of gross floor area, then 1 for
each additional 5000 sq. ft. of
gross floor area, plus 1 for each
company car and 1 for each 300gr°ss
sq. ft. of'office area
4.131 l{eq.uired off-street parki.ng. All off-street park:ina spaces shall be computed
as set forth in Section 4J2 of this ordinance, except as follows:
l',~xen the application of said Section 4.12 results in the requirement of
a fractional parking space, any fraction up to 1/2 may be disregarded,
and any fraction equalling 1/2 or more shall be construed as requiring
one full parking space
When required parking computat:ions are based on gross floor area,
floor area devoted exclusively to parking shall not have off-str¢~t
parking space or landscaping requirements.
f/hen the property proposed for development lics within an approved
parking district, and the applicant has received permission of the
Parking District Commission for development of th~ property.
~.iixed Uses. In tile case of mixes uses, the total requirements for o£f-
street parking spaces shall be the sum of the requirements for the various
uses. Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not bo considered
as providing parking facilities for any other use.
11%e Planning Commission may, however, approve the alternating use of
parking facilities in cases ~here parties wish to cooperatively establish-
and operate parking facilities and where these uses generate parking demand__s
primarily during hours ~hen the remaining uses are not in operation. (i.e. one
use may operate in the daytime only and the other at night only and the
parking would then serve botlt uses) The burden of proof for a reduction in
the total number of required parking spacqs however shall remain ~'ith the
applicant, and documentation shall be submitted to the Planning Commission
substantiating the re,msons for this requested parking reduction. As a con-
dition precedent to approving such alternating use, the Planning Commission
shall require:
[a) That whenever alternative units of measurement are required for computing
off-street parking requirements, that unit of measurement which provides
the greater number of off-.street parking spaces shall control;
Cb). T. ke submission of satisfactory statements by thc Parties providing such
facilities and the parties suck facilities are to serve, describing the
nature of the uses and times when such uses operate so'as to indicate
· the lack of conflict between them; and
lc) Such additional documentation or agreements as the Commission and City
Attorney may deem necessary in each particular case to assure provisions
for and maintenance of the required off-street parking sBaces.
(d) No use cstab].~shed pursuant to thc provisions of Section 4J32 may be
changed without tho prior apl~roval of tho Ci. ty o.f South s~F'Francisco,
· in accordance with Article 4.
4. 133
Uses not Specified. The parking space requirements for uses not listcd
in Section 4.]2 of this article shall be dcfincd by thc Planning Commission.
Such determination shall be based upon the requirements for the most
comparable 'use specified in Section 4..]2.
Ill ~' [I I iii
bection 4.14
4.141 Size. L:ach off-street parki,tg--space shall be at least 9 ft. by
20 ft., exclusive of drJ. ve~ay and aisles. Concrete bumper guards
or wheel stops shall be provided for all parking spaces. The
concrete curb around the required landscaping shall not be used
as a bumper stop unless the landscaping adjacent to the space is
at least 6 ft. wi. de and the area of tile car overliang ~ill not
damage or interfere with plant growth and its irrigation and except
~vhere a sidewalk occurs adjacent to said curb stop.
4.142 Location and Type
Dwellings. Parking spaces shall be located on the same lot
or building site as the dwellings they are to serve. At
least one space per unit shall be a garage space 10 ft. in
width and 20 ft. in depth, covered or totally enclosed.
All other uses. Parking spaces shall be located either on
the same lot or parcel as the building or use they are to
serve, or on an adjacent or contiguous lot if said adjacent
or contiguous lot is legally tied to tile first lot to the
satisfaction of the City Attorney.
· 4.143 Improvements.
Paving and drainage. All onsite parking areas, maneuvering
areas, turnaround areas, .and any other driveways used for
access thereto shall comply with the following provisions,
(aa) Concrete surfacing shall be designed in accordance
.with the standards set forth by the Director of
Public Services. All concrete shall be constructed
in a workman like manner and to the satisfaction of
the Director of Public Services.
Asphalt type surfacing shall be compacted to a
m:inimum thickness of 2 inches and laid over a base
of crushed rock, gravel, or similar material
compacted to a minimum thickness of 4 .inches.
The Director of Public Services may approve alternate
materials and specifications in lieu of the foregoing
requirements and/or greater or lesser standards ~ith-
out notice or hearing and may require substantiating
evidence by a Soils Engineer.
Drainage. Parking and circulation areas shall be designed
with an adequate drainage system and improvements shall
consist of 2 foot wide concrete gutters, subsurface drains
and other appropriate drainage devices determined by the
Director of Public Services.
Plans. }:or each appt-ication for an ons.i, te paving
and/or drainage or building permit, three sets of
plans shall be submitted to the Director of Public
Works for approval. Such plans shall bc prepared
to the specifications of the Director el Public
Services and shall comply with thc I)rovisions of
the Architectural Committee and/or usc permits for
the subject property.
(4) Hxemptions. In the case of single-family dwellings
improved individually the applicant need only show
that the installation of the entrance driveway will
be in accordance with Section ~.43 (l) and that
positive drainage will be to the public right-of-way.
4..144 Peripheral Walls. A parking area which abuts another
parcel or portion of the same parcel, which is zoned
residential shall be separated, from this parcel by a
six (6) foot high masonry wall. Such wall shall not
exceed .36 inches in height from the front lot line to a
depth equal to the required front yard setback on the
abutting residential zoned property.
4.14S Lighting. Al!f phblic or quasi-public parking areas
shall be illuminated to t~he satisfaction of the Chief
., of Police. Any such lighting used to illuminate such
public parking areas or vehicle sales area shall be so
arranged so as .to reflect the light m~ay from any
adjoining residential property and the public streets.
4.146 Access, Circulation, Landscaping
(a) Driveway
(1) Each entrance and exit to a parking lot shall be con-
structed and maintained so that an7 vehicle entering or
leaving the parking lot shall be clearly visible at a
distance of not less thanlO ft. to a person approaching
such entrance or exit on any pedestrian walk 6r footpath.
(2) Exits from parking lots shall be clearly posted
with "stop" signs.
(3) Appropriate directional sign or painted arrows
shall be maintained where needed and as required by the
Architectural Commi. tree.
I)r[vew~y Access. Driveway access to parking areas for
single-family &veilings shall be not less than 10' in
width throughout, and required turnaround areas may
not be used for required parking spaces.
(1) Driveway access to ail other uses shall be at least
15 feet for one-way traffic, nor less than 25 feet for
two-~'ay access
Illl I [I I
recommend to tlre Planning Commi:;sion a reductib'~V-in
.. '10-. of tho
project containing; 10 or more such spaces by ' o.
total number required, if in the consideration of tho
Committee, suck reduction shall promote additional
landscaping features.
(3) The Director of Public Services may recommend a
reduction in a one-way access dr}ye to no less than
12 feet and a two-way access drive to no ].ess than
20 .feet; if in his opinion such w.idth reductions are
necessary to the proper functions of such access
ways, and if such reductions will have no adverso effect
on-the public health, safety and welfare.
(c) Circulation.
(1) No parking space shall be so constructed as to
cause a vehicle to maneuver within 10 feet of veh.iculaf
access to the property.
(2) A turnaround area shall be provided of at least
25 feet for 90° .parking , 18 feet for 60° parking, 14 feet
for ~5° parking, 12 feet for 30° parking or parallel
parking (provided that at least 4 feet shall be provided
between each 2 parallel space)
Lands caping.
· (1) Each parking ar=a, except those provided for' single-
family dwellings and those inside a building or structure,
shall be landscaped in accordance with the requirements ·
of the Architectural Committee.
(2) The Architectural Committee may relocate tile parking
area landscaping required for storage yards, service
area and other similar areas, if such areas are not
visible to the general public.
(3) A 6 foot wide landscaped strip shall be required, with
plant material at least 30 inches high or to a height
acceptable to the Architectural Committee, adjacent to
public rights-of-way, (exceptwithin approved.entrance
and exit ways).
(4) Any of tho following driveways or open parking
areas shall bo separated by a planting strip at least
3 feet wide.
(a) Where 2 or more driveways to 2 or more bulld.ings
or parcels each of which has one or more separate
parking lots.
(b) f/here there arc 2 or more parking lots for vehicles
adjacent to one another which do not use a common
(c) l~q~ere a parking lot abuts a driveway or access
way which does not provide access to that said
parking lot; and
(d) Ail landscaping areas adjacent to parking,
driveway, turnaround or similar areas shall be
enclosed with a 6 inch concrete or masonry curb
and shall be provided with a'permanent sprinkler
system, subject to the approval of the Architectural
C o mini t t e e.
Off-street Load.lng and Unloading Spaces
Unless waived or modified by the Planning Conunission, every
use hereafter inaugurated and every build-lng or structure
hereafter erected or altered shall have permanen'tly maintained
off-street laoding and unloading spaces as follows. Such
loading and unloading spaces shall be exclusive of driveways:
setbacks and public rights-of-way.
(a) Uses of an institutional nature and uses listed as
permitted in the conunercial and industrial zones:
Under 5000 sq. ft. None
5000 to 30,000 sq. ft. 1
30,000 to 90,000 sq. ft. 2
90,000 to 1SO,000 sq. ft. 3
150,000 to 230,000 sq. ft. 4
One additional space for each additional 100,000 sq. ft.
or portion thereof
(b) Size. Each .loading space shall l)e not less than 12 feet
in width or 50 feet in depth by 14 feet in height.
This ordinance shall be published once in the Enterprise-
Journal, a newspaper of general .circulation in the City of South
become .effective
January , 1 9 7 4.
San Francisco, as required by.law, and shall
thirty (30) days from and after its adoption.
Introduced this 2nd day of
Ilil tit :][I
I hereby certify that ~the foregoing Resolution was
regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of
the City of South San Francisco at a
meeting held on the Sth day of
19 75' , by the following vote:
Richard A. Battaglia, F. Frank Mammini,
Terry J. Mirri and War~en Steinkamp
Leo Padreddii
ATTEST - " .Z~ '
As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, .I do hereby
approve the foregoing Ordinance this 5th day of
Februaru , 1 9 7 4.
Il I' ·
Iii I I