HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 735-1977ORDINANCE N(). 735-77
Subsection 3.4.1 of Ordinance No. 396, adopted June 4, 1956, as
amended, entitled "An Ordinance Establishing Sewer Service Charges and
Procedure!~ Related Thereto" is hereby repealed.
SECTIONS AND SUBSECTIONS 3.2, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.3,
3.4 AND 3.5, AND ADDING SUBSECTIONS 3.2.5, 3.4.1 AND 3.4.2.
Ordinance No. 396, adopted June 4, 1956, as amended, entitled "An
Ordinance Establishing Sewer Service C~ges and Procedures Related Thereto"
is hereby amended to amend Sections and Subsections 3.2, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.4,
3.3, 3.4 and3.5,and add Subsections 3.2.5, 3.4.1 and 3.4.2, to read as follows:
3.2 Q~antity of Water. The quantity of water consumed by
the discharger shall be used as a factor in determining
the volume chargeL The quantity of water consumed
shall be determined by the Superintendent of Sani-
tation as follows:
3.2.2 Nqn-Metered Flow. If all the water furnished, used or
discharged by the discharger is non-metered, the
quantity of water consumedshall be determined by
the Superintendent of Sanitation based on an analysis
of the nature, character,and extent of the discharger's
operations and reference to related data for similar
operations, with the cost of said analysis charged
to the discharger. If the discharger does not de-
sire to have the Superintendent of Sanitation make~
the determination as hereinaboVe stated, the disk
charger may install an outflow meter to measure the
volume of water discharged into the City's sanitary
sewer system.
Combination Metered and Non-metered Flow,·If the
water furnished or used by the discharger is a combin-
ation of metered flow and non-metered flow, the
quantity of water consumed shall be the total.of
the~following: (a) the quantity of metered water
furnished as shown by the approved metering device,
unless the discharger installs and maintains an
approved discharge flow meter, in which event the
quantity of water discharged shall be as shown by
said metering device, and (b) the quantity of non-
metered water determin6d by the Superintendent of
Sanitation based on an analysis of the nature, char-
acter and extent of the discharger's operations with
the cost of said analysis charged to the discharger.
If the discharger does not desire to have the Super-
intendent of Sanitation make the determination as
hereinabove stated, the discharger may install an
inflow or outflow ~eter to measure the volume of
water discharged into the City's sanitary sewer
3.2.4 Diversion'°f. Water~ If the di~'char§er diverts water
into its principal activity or by other means so
that the total amount of water received or used by
the discharger is not discharged into the City' s
sanitary sewer system, the discharger may install an
outflow meter to measure the volume of water discharged
into the City's sanitary sewer system.
3.2.5 Exception - Percentage of Water Voluble Consumed.
If a City de~?mination regarding percentage of
water volume consumed was made or used in making the
previous fiscal year sewer ~Char§e calculations, the
discharger may, with approval of the Superintendent
of Sanitation, elect to have the City use said perk
centage in computing the forthcoming fiscal year
3.3 Test Samples. Test samples of the wastewater discharge
as herein provided shall be used to determine pounds
of suspended solids and COD. The Superinten~[~ent of
Sanitation shall take and evaluate at least four (4)
test samples of discharger'$ wastewater discharged
in each calendar year, and shall use the four (4)
test samples taken in the preceding calendar year in
computi.ng the suspended solids and/or COD surcharge
~ i rl I Ir iii
for the current f~scal year, The test sa~l~les shall
be scheduled so that one such sample is taken and
evaluated within each quarter of the calendar year,
except that such a test sample taken and evaluated
within ten (10) days after the end of a q~i~rter shall
meet the requirements of. this provision. If the Super-
intendent of Sanitation finds it necessary to monitor
a discharger's wastewater as part of said computation,
the cost for each laboratory analysis may.be added to
the sewer charges and collected as hereinafter provided,
or may be paid directly by discharger or owner of the
parcel in lieu thereof. The cost of such analysis
shall be set by the Superin'te~dent at a rate comparable
to current commercial laboratory rates in the San
Francisco Bay area.
3.4 Time for Protest (1) For Fiscal Year 1977-78, And (2)
For Subsequent Fiscal Years. The time for protest and
procedures related thereto are set forth in Subsections
3.4.1 and 3.4.2.
2.4.1 Time for Protest For Fiscal Year 1977-78. Within ten
(10) days after adoption of this Ordinance, the Super-
intendent of Sanitation shall record in his office the
determinations of quantity of water consumed and the
pounds of suspended solids and chemical oxygen demand
to be used in computing the forthcoming fiscal year~s
sewer'service charges and ~iye written notice to
the dischargers thereof. DischargerS, within fifteen
days after receipt of said notice, may protest such
determinations by filing a written protest with the
Director of Public Services together with discharger's
computation of quantity of water consumed and pounds
of suspended solids and chemical oxygen demand supported
by data and methods used to determine said data. If
no protest is filed, the determinations of the Super-
intendent of Sanitation shall be deemed correct and
effective for computation of said fiscal year's sewer
service charges. If a protest is filed, the Director
of Public Services shall set a date for review within
fifteen {15) days after receipt of said protest and
give written notice of said review date to the dis-
charger. The discharger may appear on the date of said
review and present any additional evidence he may have
in support of his protest.
Upon completion of the review, the Director of Public
Services shall make findings and determinations and
send a copy thereof to the discharger and City Manager.
The findings and determinations made by the Director
of Public Services shall be final.
If the Director of Public Services determines'that
quantity of water consumed or pounds of suspended solids
or pounds of chemical oxygen demand should be modified,
he shall adjust the annual sewer service charges accord-
ingly and file the necessary modifications with the
County Tax Collector.
Time for Protest for Subsequent Fiscal Years. 'On' or
before April 1 of each fiscal year following
fiscal year 1977-78~ the Superintendent of Sanitation
shall record in his office the determinations of quan-
tity of water consumed and the pounds of suspended
solids and chemical oxygen demand to 'be used in com-
puting the forthcoming fiscal year's sewer.service
charges, which shall be available for public inspection.
Dischargers on or before, .. ~.~, 1 may protest
such determinations by filing a written protest with
the Director of Public Services,together with dis-
char§er's computation of qua9tity of water consumed and
pounds of suspended solids and chemical oxygen demand
supported by data and methods used to determine said data._
Dischargers may use notice of protest forms furnished by
the Superintendent of Sanitation. If no protest i~ filed,
the determinations of the Superintendent of Sanitation
shall be deemed correct and effective for computation of the
forthcoming fiScal year's sewer service charges. If a
protest is filed, the Director of Public Services shall
set a date for review within fifteen (15) days after re-
ceipt of said protest and give written notice of said
review date to the discharger. The discharger may
appear on the date of said review and present any
To Parcels by Use Classification
a. Residential Class
Single-Family Dwell lng
Mul ti-Fatal ly Dwel 1 i ng
and similar class of uses)
Trailer courts and
simil'ar class of uses
b. Institutional Class
Schools,c611eges, rest homes,
hospital s, cl ubs ,1 odges and
similar class of uses
(1) Minimum charge, or
additiQnal evidence he may have in support of
his protest.
Upon completion of the review, the Director of
Public Services shall make findings and determina-~'
tions, and send a copy thereof to the Jischarg6r
and City Manager. The findings and determinations
made by the Director of Public Services shall be
If the Director of Public Services determines that
quantity of water consumed or pounds of suspended
solids or pounds of chemical oxygen demand should
be modified, he shall adjust the annual sewer service
charges accordingly and file the necessary modifica-
tions with the County Tax Collector.
Schedule of Charges for Services and Facilities.Furn(She~ By City.
Annual Rate
$40.00 per dwel 1 ing
$40,00 per dwelling unit
$32.50 per dwell ing uni't
$34.00 per year
i i ir mil
(2) Volume charge based on
water'consumed by~
c. Comercial Class
(A) Office buildings,.ware-
houses,filling stations,
hotels,motels, stores
and similar class of uses
(1) Minimum charge, or
(2) Volume charge based
on all water con-
sumed by discharger
(B) Restaurants,cafes,cock-
tail loun§.es and other
similar class of uses
(1) Minimum charge, or
('2) Volume charge based
on all water consumed
by discharger
d. Industrial Class
Manufacturers, processers,
producers, laundries, photo-
finishers, painting services,
packagers, electric services,
and similar class of uses
(1) Minimum charge, or
combination of the
(2) Volume charge based on
all water consumed by
(3) Surcharge for Suspended
Solids in'wastewater
(4) Surcharge for Chemical
Oxygen Demand (COD) in
wastewater discharged
$ 0.34 per 100 CUbic
feet of water consumed
$34.00 per year
$ 0.34 per 100 cubic
feet of water consumed
$34.00 per year
$ 0.73 per 100 cubic
feet of water consumed
$34.00 per year
$ 0.28 per 100 cubic feet
of water consumed
$ 0.073 per pound of
suspended solids
$ 0.031 per pound of
r i · ir iii
This Ordinance shall be published once in the'Enterprise-`
Journal, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of South San
Francisco, as required by law, and shall become effective thirty {30)
days from and after its adoption.
at a
Introduced thi's 4tn day of Nay , 1977.
Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco
req~lar meeting of the City Council of the City of
South San Francisco thislstn day of ~a~ , 1977, by the
following vote:
AYES, COUNCILMEN Richard A. Battaglia, Emanuele N. Damonte, Terrg J. ~irri
NOES, " None
ABSENT,_ " None '''
ABSTAIN, " William A. Borba
ATTEST: Ts/ Arthur A. Rodondi ' '~ ' ' :' '~
City Clerk
As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the
foregoing Ordinance this 18th day of Ma~ , 1977.
Ts/ Emanuele N. Damonte
ThiS Ordinance Shall be Published once in the EnterPrise-
Journal~ a newspaper of general circulation in the City of SoUth San
Francisco, as required by law, and shall become effective thirty (30)
days from and after its adoption.
Introduced this 4th day of Ma~ 1977.
Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco
at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
South San Francisco this 18th day of Ma~ , 1977, by the
following vote:
AYES, COUNCILMEN Richard A. Battaglia, Emanuele N. Damonte, Terr~ J. Mirri
and Leo Padreddii
William A. Borba
foregoing Ordinance this 18th day of
As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the
, 1977.
I[ll 'm'--T1-'~11~' F i l] i' mi Il '