HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 2006-07-12 (2) MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 2006 MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING COMMUNITY ROOM 33 ARROYO DRIVE CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. (Cassette Tape No.1) ROLL CALL: Present: Councihnelnbers Addiego, Gonzalez and Matsumoto, Vice Mayor Garbarino and Mayor F emekes Absent: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by Mayor F emekes INVOCATION: Reverend Dr. Gabriele Schroeder, Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church PRESENTATIONS · Online Tour of Downtown Businesses - Mrs. Marta Bookbinder, CLC Literacy Services Coordinator and Mr. Max Poon, CLC Volunteer, gave a visual overview of the City's new on-line resource at www.ssf.net. that provides information on downtown businesses and a virtual tour. AGENDA REVIEW No change. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mrs. Polly Cortez, Concord, president of the South San Francisco sister cities progrmn, requested consideration be given to expanding the current program of four sister city partnerships to an unliInited nUlnber. She stated there will be no increase to the financial cOlnlnitInent of the City. Mayor Femekes requested the item be placed on a future agenda for discussion and recommendation. City Manager Nagel suggested it be agendized for July 26. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL · Announcements · Committee Reports Councilmembers reported on attendance at community and regional events and meetings, announced upcoming events and fundraisers, and acknowledged members of the comlnunity for their contributions. Councihnan Addiego asked for a report from Fire Chief White on the Fire Departlnent's slnoke detector progrmn. Chief White informed the public that the departlnent will provide slnoke detectors and/or batteries at no cost. Mayor Fernekes asked that Chief White Inake a presentation again at the end of the year to relnind the public to test their slnoke detectors annually. Councilman Gonzalez suggested the North Peninsula Neighborhood Services Center be given a supply for its low incolne hOlne repair progrmn. Councihnan Addiego cOlnlnented on the mnount of trash along McLellan Drive and questioned whose responsibility it is to keep the area clean. Public Works Director White reported that his department has been monitoring the situation, but the developer is responsible for maintaining the area. City Attorney Mattas advised Council that the Fairfield representatives will be contacted and reminded of their responsibilities, and, at the request of CouncilwOlnan Matsumoto, language will be reflected in the understanding with Fairfield. Councilwolnan Matsumoto requested Council consider mnending the Redeveloplnent Agency by-laws to reduce the number of regular meetings per month froln two to one, as often tiInes only claims and Ininutes are being considered. City Attorney Mattas advised Council that the Redeveloplnent Agency may possibly need to act on the Inatter. Mayor Fernekes reported on the recent Day in the Park (Fernekes/Matsulnoto) subcolnmittee meeting and stated plans and events are progressing smoothly. He further reported that the library ad-hoc cormnittee (Fernekes/Matsumoto) Inet and it is looking at hiring a consultant to look at the feasibility of enhancing the current main library. Vice Mayor Garbarino requested the meeting be adjourned in Inemory of Mr. Frank Wheat. . Discussion: City Council Health Benefits Mayor Fernekes suggested the discussion pick up where it ended at the June 14, 2006 Ineeting. Councihnelnbers discussed, and a consensus was reached, to cap the in-lieu benefits at the Kaiser level and that this was a step in the right direction. Several Councilmelnbers stated this would not be acceptable unless it was looked at for all City elnployees. Mayor Fernekes appointed Councilman Addiego and himself to a subcOlnmittee to look at issues, including what the cap Inight be, when it would take effect, what the City is doing now, what other communities are doing, and other options. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Motion to approve the minutes of June 21 and 28, 2006 2. Motion to confirm expense claims of July 12, 2006 in the amount of $9,434,076.48 3. Resolution No. 48-2006, authorizing acceptance ofLSTA grant funding from the California State Library to provide tuition reimbursement for Ellen Smith, in the amount of $1890, and mnend the Library Departlnent's FY 2006-07 operating budget REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES mLY 12,2006 PAGE 2 4. Resolution No. 49-2006, authorizing the acceptance of donations and grant funding to support the Library's Sumlner Reading Club and Reader Leader programs in the mnount of $3,350, and amend the Library Departlnent's FY 2006-07 operating budget 5. Resolution No. 50-2006, awarding contract to Uretek USA for South Airport Boulevard Bridge Approach Pavement Repair Project in the mnount of$50,754 6. Resolution awarding contract to TEC Accutite for underground gas tank removal at Fire Station #5, 1151 South San Francisco Drive, in the amount of$27, 446 Councilman Addiego requested Item #6 be removedfrom the Consent Calendar. 7. Resolution No. 51-2006, extending the rules of the existing City Council Members reilnbursement policy to Board And COlnmission Melnbers Motion-Garbarino/Second-Matsumoto: To approve the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Iteln No.6. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Iteln No.6: Staff report presented by Public Works Director White. Councihnan Addiego questioned the safety of the tank (hulls failing and leakage occurring), and Public Works Director White responded that requirements are being met, the tank is double walled with sensors, and it will be located aboveground. Motion-Addiego/Second-Gonzalez: To approve Resolution No. 52-2006, awarding a contract for the underground fuel tank relnoval and replacelnent at Fire Station #5. Unanimously approved by voice vote. (Recess: 8:34 p.m. - 8:45 p.m.) PUBLIC HEARING 8. Consideration of development agreement, draft EIR, statement of overriding considerations, use permit, design review, and preliIninary TDM plan to construct a phased developlnent consisting of 4 office/R&D buildings totaling approximately 534,500 s.f., 5,500 s.f. of ancillary commercial space, and related landscaping ilnprovements on 15.75 acre site; tentative parcellnap to re-subdivide a 15.75 acre lot into 5 parcels with reciprocal parking and access easements throughout, and a planned unit develoPlnent to allow creation of lots which do not abut a dedicated public street at 249 East Grand Avenue; Owner: Alexandria Real Estate; Applicant: James H. Richardson (P05-0019, EIR05-0001, PM05-0002, PUD05-0001, TDM05-0001, UP05- 0005, DR05-0043 and DA05-0004); Approve resolution and Inotion to waive reading and introduce an ordinance adopting a development agreement Public hearing opened. Staff report and visual presentation given by Acting Chief Planner Kalkin. Mr. Rob Kain, Alexandria Real Estate, provided information on Alexandria and introduced the project design team. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES mLY 12,2006 PAGE 3 Mr. Nial Malcolmson, Dowler GruInan Architects, gave a visual overview of the project and Mr. Richard Sharp, SusInan-Khol Landscape Architects, gave an overview of the landscape plan. A cOlnputerized video of the proposed development was presented. Public hearing closed. Councihnan Gonzalez stated concern regarding the number of parking spaces being Inade available to eInployees and cOInmented that he would like to see the number reduced to encourage the TDM progrmn. Councilwoman MatsuInoto stated support for the project but concern regarding adopting a stateInent of overriding considerations. She suggested the parking be reduced even further. She commented that Council has not been provided with any reports on the effectiveness of other TDM programs previously approved. She asked if there was a dollar amount attached to the benefits that outweighed the impacts and the response from staffwas "no". Acting Chief Planner Kalkin stated that projects with TDM progrmns are now cOIning forward and the first one is scheduled for Council's review next month. Councilwoman Matsumoto discussed the construction debris and diversion ordinance applying to this project and City Attorney Mattas stated it did not apply unless it became a condition of approval. Councihnan Addiego stated support for the project, and commented that he could not support the parking being reduced any further for the proposed proj ect. In response to Councilman Addiego' s question regarding the construction costs and investment for this project, Assistant City Manager Van Duyn stated it was between $200 Inillion and $300 million. Assistant City Manager Van Duyn further addressed the appropriate process for reducing the parking requirement, and the basis for the stateInent of overriding considerations. Councilwoman Matsumoto directed City Manager Nagel to provide Council with a report on general plan projections and sewage treatInent plant capacity. Assistant City Manager Van Duyn stated that the staff is engaging in that study now and a Inajor element of the analysis is the Genentech master plan. Vice Mayor Garbarino stated support for the traffic and parking solutions that have been proposed by the developer and other elements of the project. He asked City Manager N agel to pass along to the developer his previous comments Inade regarding retail space ideas for the proj ect. Councihnan Gonzalez suggested consideration be given for companies to subsidize employee transportation costs. Regarding ingress/egress to the parking structures, Mayor F ernekes noted that eInployees will need to be educated to use Forbes Boulevard to Allerton Avenue, rather than East Grand to Allerton, to avoid the potential need of a stop light at Cabot and Allerton. He asked if Alexandria was interested in becoming a corporate sponsor of a City green spot and Mr. Kain stated agreement to work with staff on the matter. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES mLY 12,2006 PAGE 4 Motion-Gonzalez/Second-Garbarino: To approve Resolution No. 53-2006, certifying an environmental impact report including a stateInent of overriding considerations and Initigation Inonitoring and reporting progrmn, and approving UP05-0005, DR05-0043, SIGNS06-0008, PM05-0002, PUD05-0001, and TDM05-0001 to allow developlnent of an 15.75 acre site and for an office/research and development proj ect at 249 East Grand Avenue in the P-I Planned Industrial Zone District. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmelnbers Addiego and Gonzalez, Vice Mayor Garbarino and Mayor Fernekes. NOES: CouncilwOlnan MatsuInoto. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None. Motion-Addiego/Second-Garbarino: To waive reading and introduce an ordinance adopting a development agreeInent with ARE-San Francisco No. 12, LLC, for a four- building research and development cOInplex on a 15.75-acre site located at 249 East Grand Avenue in the City of South San Francisco. On the question: Vice Mayor Garbarino asked the developer about its current recycling program and Mr. Malcolmson reiterated what steps are being taken. Anticipating a split vote, City Attorney Mattas requested the ordinance be split into two motions. Councilman Gonzalez asked for further explanation as to why the Inotion would need to be split and Mayor Fernekes explained the process. Councilman Addiego withdrew his Inotion. Councilwolnan Matsumoto asked if the Inotion conflicted with her position previously expressed in opposition to adopting the statement of overriding considerations and City Attorney Mattas stated there was no relationship between the develoPlnent agreement and adopting the stateInent. She stated there was no need to split the Inotion. Motion-Addiego/Second-Matsulnoto: To waive reading and introduce an ordinance adopting a developlnent agreeInent with ARE-San Francisco No. 12, LLC, for a four- building research and develoPlnent complex on a 15.7 5-acre site located at 249 East Grand Avenue in the City of South San Francisco. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Addiego, Gonzalez and Matsumoto, Vice Mayor Garbarino and Mayor Fernekes. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None. LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS 9. Waive reading and introduce an ordinance adding SSFMC Chapter 15.60, requiring recycling and diversion of debris from construction and demolition Staff report presented by Public Works Director White. Motion-Matsumoto/Second-Garbarino: To waive reading and introduce an ordinance adding a new Chapter 15.60 "Recycling and Diversion of Debris from Construction and Demolition," to Title 15 of the SSFMC relating to recycling and diversion of construction and demolition debris, and to include additional language to Section 15.60.060 for consistency, as follows: insert "or bond" after the word "deposit" on the third line of the section. Unanimously approved by voice vote. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES mLY 12,2006 PAGE 5 Motion-Matsumoto/Second-Gonzalez: To approve Resolution No. 54-2006, approving specified fees and approving an mnendment to the master fee schedule to incorporate those fees for 2006-07. Unanimously approved by voice vote. COUNCIL COMMUNITY FORUM No report. ADJOURNMENT Being no further business, Mayor F ernekes adjourned the meeting at 10: 15 p.ln. in Inelnory of Mr. Frank Wheat. Submitted by: Approved: J~eph A. Fernekes, Mayor City of South San Francisco Sylvia M. City of South San Francisco REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES mLY 12,2006 PAGE 6