HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 743-1977 ORDINANCE NO. 743-77 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 353, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. SECTION 4.3, Regulation for B Districts inclusive is repealed. SECTION II. SECTION 4.30 is hereby amended to add and read: SECTION 4.30 - RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ZONE DISTRICT (R-P-D) SECTION 4.31 PURPOSE (R-P-D) In order to provide a method whereby land may be designed and developed as a unit for residential use by taking advantage of modern site planning techniques, and in order to produce an environment of stable, desirable character which will be in harmony with the existing or potential development of the surrounding neighborhood, and in order to produce developments which meet the standards set forth herein of open space, light, air, pedestrian and vehicular circulation, and maximum density of dwelling units, land in the R-P-D Zone Districts may be used as set forth in this section. The Planning Commission may grant a residential planned development permit for land in the R-l, R-2, R-3, and R-P-D zone districts which the Commission finds meets the requirements of this section. The Commission may impose such additional conditions and requirements upon a residential planned development permit as the Commission finds are reasonable and necessary to carry out the purpose and requirements of the R-P-D Zone District requirements. SECTION 4.32 PERMITTED USES (R-P-D) The following uses shall be permitted in the Residential Planned Development Zone District (R-P-D) pursuant to an R-P-D permit obtained from the Commission pursuant to the provisions of Section 6 of Ordinance 353, as amended; a. Temporary Agricultural Uses; b. Boarding and lodging houses; c. Churches; d. Dwellings, one-family; e. 'Dwellings, two-family; f. Dwellings, multiple-family; g. Commercial uses as provided for by R-P-D permit; h. Signs only as set forth in Ordinance 455, as amended; i. Public and quasi-public uses and structures; j. Home occupation in accordance with Ordinance 729-A, as amended; k. Uses and structures which are incidential or necessary to any of the uses permitted in the R-P-D Zone District. SECTION 4.33 RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PERMITS (R-P-D) a. The applicant may submit to the Commission an application for a residential planned development permit in the manner set forth in Section 6 of this ordinance, provided there will not be more than an average number of units per acre as specified by an R-P-D sub-zone suffix(1} or not less than 90 percent of the total land area normally required in the district in which located for the same number of dwelling units and further providing that the total number of dwelling units for one parcel of record shall not exceed that density established and set forth in the General Plan of the City of South San Francisco. (1)The R-P-D Zone District suffix shall be established by the Planning Commission at the time any portion of the property is zoned R-P-D and may reflect the density set forth and established by the General Plan of the City of South San Francisco or such lesser density as the Planning Commission may determine based on the availability of public support services, physical site characteristics, public need, open space, or any such other information deemedpertinent to the estab- lishment of said maximum density. For the purpose of this section, the suffix number following the R-P-D designation shall reflect the maximum number of dwelling units permitted per net acre of land area. For example, an R-P-D-15 represents a maximum density of 15 units per net acre or one unit per 2900' square feet of net land area. b. That the applicant shall submit to the Commission complete development plans showing the proposed use for the property, including dimensions and locations of all proposed structures, parkin§ spaces, streets, parks, playgrounds, school sites and open spaces, and such additional information as may be required by the Commission. c. The applicant shall submit evidence showing that the proposed development is designed to produce an environment of stable and desirable character and that areas of open space, parking and recreation facilities are consistent with the anticipated population of the development and the standards for residential developments set forth in Section 4 (Off-Street Parking), Sec- tion 6 (Residential Planned Unit Develepments), the City of South San Francisco Subdivision Ordinance, and as set forth in this section. d. The Commission may allow minor specified commercial uses within an area covered by the permit referred to in this section when the Commission finds that: 1. The commercial uses are designed to be used primarily ~ by the residents within the permit area; and 2. The proposed commercial uses are incidental to and compatible with the nature and type of development proposed for the permit area and shall be confined within th'area as a part of the total development. e. Each resddential planned development shall contain the following conditions and such other conditions deemed by the Commission to be reasonably necessary to accomplish the purposes of this section: I. The applicant shall submit a construction sequence for the land covered by the permit showing the order in which particular structures will be constructed and upon approval of the sequence, the applicant shall not deviate from such sequence without written approval by the City Planner. At no time shall there be more than an average of the allowable units per acre constructed or under construction on the por- tion of the land which has been developed or is under development. 2. Unless otherwise authorized by the Commission, no part of any structure shall be constructed less than twenty (20} feet from any property line which is adjacent to a perimeter street. If such structure exceeds a height of twenty-five (25) feet, it shall set back from the property line an additional five (5} feet for each ten {10} feet in height, or portion thereof, by which such structure exceeds twenty-five {25) feet. 3. There shall be a minimum of one and one-half {l~) parking spaces for each dwelling unit in the development, one of which shall be covered or enclosed. The Commission may require additional parking spaces not to exceed one parking space per dwelling unit and 1/2 parking space for guest parking when the Commission finds such additional parking is necessary for the development, taking into consideration the availability of on-street parking facilities in and' adjacent to the development. 4. The provisions of Section 4 of Ordinance 455 shall not be applicable to land for which a residential planned unit development permit has been granted so long as such land is developed and maintained in accordance with this section and all of the conditions of the permit, provided, however, that the Commission may use Section 4 of Ordinance 455 as guidelines for the establishment of minimum conditions for permit approval. 5. No R-P-D permit shall be issued upon any single portion of land zoned R-P-D until there has been submitted to the Commission a specific plan of the entire area showing the proposed densities and the open space or park area for all portions of such land and the specific plan is approved by the Commission. 6. That the usable open space for each unit in a residential planned development shall be as follows: e a. Studio or one-bedroom units b. Two-bedroom units c. Three-bedroom or larger units 250 square feet 350 square feet 450 square feet Usable open space shall not include the required front or side yard area provided that when the unit is facing upon and orienting to such side yard which otherwise meets the requirements of this section, then such side yard area may be used in computing the usable open space. ~ That any area established to meet the usable open space re- quirements of this section shall be at least 15 feet clear in dimension and not more than five percent in average cross slope. Usable open space may include private deck areas or balconies with direct access to the dwelling and a minimum dimension of six (6) feet and aminimum area of seventy (70) square feet. Usable open space shall'not include any portion of off-street parking spaces, driveways, turnaround areas, roof tops, required front yards or required side yards on the street side of a corner lot, covered pedestrian access ways between buildings, or any acces- sory building, except those portions of any accessory building used for recreation purposes. 8. Unless otherwise specifically waived or modified by the Commission, wherever common greenbelts are provided contiguous to or integrated with lots containing de- tached single-family dwellings in a residential planned development subdivision, such lots may be reduced to a minimum of 4500 square feet without being computed within the lots size as set forth in the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco. However, such green- belt areas shall be: a. Less than ten (lO) percent in cross slope; b. A minimum of 500 square feet for each contiguous lot; c. At least thirty (30) feet wide; and d. In addition to the Usable open space required for such lots as set forth in subsection 7 of this section. SECTION 4.34 RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS- SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED SUB-ZONES (R-P-D-SFD) In the sub-zone designated R-P-D-SFD, only one family detached dwelling units shall be permitted. All the other provisions of this section shall apply in the R-P-D-SFD sub-zone. The density of developments shall be specified by the appli- cable numerical sub-zone (e.g. R-P-D-SFD-4 shall mean that detached homes at a density of not more than four (4) units per net acre shall be permitted). SECTION 4.35 RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED SUBZONES (R-P-D-SFA) In the sub-zone designated R-P-D-SFA, only one family attached dwelling units shall be permitted. All other provisions of this section shall app.ly to the R-P-D-SFA sub-zone. The density of developments shall be established as set forth in section 4.34 herein. SECTION 4.36 USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO OBTAINING A USE PERMIT IN EACH CASE Because of smoke, fumes, dust, odors, sound vibration, traffic congestion, or other potential nuisances or hazards, the establishment, maintenance or operation of the uses set forth in this section, shall not be permitted in an R-P-D zone unless a Use Permit is obtained in the manner set forth in Section 6 of Ordinance 353, as amended, and such Uses conform to every term and condi- tion of the permit. a. A permit for any of the following uses may be granted by the Planning Commission when in the Commission's opinion, it is determined that the use will not be injurious or detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare or to the property in the vicinity or zone in which the use will be situated, and that such effects can be prevented with the imposition of conditions, and that the permit is necessary for the owner of the property to make reasonable use of the property: 1. Day nurseries; 2. HOtels, motels; 2. Professional offices; 4. Community centers, social halls, lodges, clubs, rest homes; 5. Churches, schools; 6. Public or private parking lots when adjacent to any "C" or "M" district; 7. Signs over four square feet and appurtenant to any use permitted in the zone; 8. The Commission may, at its discretion, grant a Use Permit to erect and maintain advertising or direc- tional signs for advertising the sale of any sub- division or for directing the public to any subdi- vision whenever the Commission finds thatsigns are essential to the sale of the subdivision or to locate the subdivision. SECTION III. SECTION 4.60 through 4.69 inclusive, for Professional, Executive and Research Districts, or P-1 District is repealed. SECTION IV. SECTION 4.60 is hereby amended to add and read: SECTION 4.60 COMMERCIAL OFFICE ZONE DISTRICT or C-O DISTRICT To provide a method by which land located in or adjacent to residential areas may be designated and developed as a unit for professional and limited commercial offices, and to produce a professional and limited commercial office development which will be compatible and harmonious with existing or potential development of adjacent residential or other areas, and to foster professional and limited commercial office, development which meet the standards set forth herein of open space, concentration of buildings, parking facilities, land-. scaping, and pedestrian and vehicular circulation, commercial office zones {C-O) are established to provide suitable alternative locations for office and services of a professional, clerical or administrative nature. SECTION 4.61 PERMITTED USES (C-O) The following uses only shall be permitted in the commercial office zone district (C-O) subject to the requirements and conditions of a zone permit: 1. Medical and dental clinics and laboratories; 2. Office buildings for professional or business uses, pro- vided that veterinary uses, retail, wholesale, or ware- houses are prohibited, except as otherwise set forth herein. 3. Barber shops, beauty shops, coffee shops or newsstands. located in an office building, provided that there shall be no direct entrance to the public right-of-way or exterior oriented advertising signs. 4. A pharmacy, provided that it be limited to the preparation, dispensing and retailing of drugs and mediCal supplies and related non-pharmaceutical commodities. 5. The growing of agricultural crops on vacant property and uses accessory thereto, except roadside stands. SECTION 4.62 USES REQUIRING A USE PERMIT The uses set forth in this section may be permitted in C-O zones if a Use Permit is granted by the Commission in the manner set forth in Section 6 of Ordinance 353, as amended. A permit for any such use may be granted by the Commission only if it finds that the usewill not be injurious or detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or to the properties in the area in which the use will be situated, and secondly, that the imposition of conditions upon the.requested use will insure against such effects. 1. Roadside stands when necessary to support agricultural land uses conducted on the same site. 2. Churches, mortuaries, ambulance service. 3. Development of natural resources or water wells. 4. Day nurseries. 5. Any use which in the opinion of the Commission is of a similar nature. 6. Multiple-family residential structures. SECTION 4.63 ZONE CLEARANCE, DEVELOPMENT PERMITS (C-O) The office of the City Planner shall cause to be issued a zone permit when the applicant has complied with all of the requirements of this section, the requirements of Section 5 of Ordinance 353, as amended, all other applicable zoning ordinance requirements, and the findings of the City of South San Fran- cisco Architectural Committee. If any applicant is aggrieved by the actions of any person or political entity, he may appeal to. the Planning CommissiOn in the manner set forth in Section 5 of Ordinance 353, as amended. SECTION 4.64 SIGNS (C-O) Subject to the requirements and conditions of the development permit, business signs advertising only the business conducted or the services provided on the premises shall be the only signs permitted in the C-O Zone District, subject to the following limitations: 1. All signs shall be attached to the face of the building and shall not project more than 12 inches therefrom. 2. Signs may be softly backlighted or flood lighted only. 3. Sign areas may not exceed one square foot of sign for each linear foot of street frontage. 4. Two signs may be permitted on corner lots. 5. No sign may extend or sit upon the roof of a building. 10. 6. In the case of multiple tenant buildings, one directory sign designed to be read by pedestrians entering the building may be placed on the wall at each major point of entry. 7. Freestanding signs shall not be permitted. 8. Signs on the building should be of a design that is har- monious with the architectural treatment of the structure. 9. All signs over lO0 square feet in area shall be subject to the granting of a Use Permit in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 of Ordinance 353, as amended. SECTION 4.65 HEIGHT REGULATION (C-O) The Planning Commission may permit a structure to exceed two stories or 25 feet if it finds that the general intent and purpose of this section have been met, but in no case shall any structure exceed four (4) stories or 45 feet in overall height from finished grade to the highest portion of the roof or appurtenance attached thereto. SECTION 4.66 AREA REGULATION (C-O) The following area regulations shall apply to any use permitted in the C-O Zones: 1. Front yard, 20 feet exclusive of vehicular parking and turn- around areas, provided that the second floor may project not more than five feet into the required setback. For the purpose of this section, corner side yards shall be treated the same as a front yard. 2. Rear yard, not less than 20 feet. ll. e Side yard, not less than five feet, provided that where the side yard abuts on residential property, the side yard shall not be less than l0 feet or the length of the shadow cast by the building whichever distance is greater. Interior yard between buildings shall be a distance equal to the shadow cast by the southerly building or 20 feet, whichever distance is greater. Building, including accessory building, shall not cover more than 50 percent of the permit area, provided that if covered parking is provided, the area of building coverage may be increased in equal proportions to the area of covered parking. For each five covered parking spaces, one percent of the total land area shall be added to the landscaped area. In no case shall more than 90 percent of the total land area be devoted to building, structures, parking, vehicular circulation, and not less'than lO percent of the total land area shall be devoted to landscaping. SECTION 4.67 OFF-STREET PARKING Off-street parking shall be provided in the C-O Zone District in accor- dance with Section 4 of Ordinance 353, as amended. SECTION 4.68 LANDSCAPING, LIGHTING AND STORAGE (C-O) The following provisions shall apply to the C-O Zone District: 1. Landscaping a. Three (3) percent of the total lO percent landscaping shall be located in and distributed throughout the parking area (except in covered parking areas); 12. e e be All of the requirements of Section 4 of Ordinance 353, as amended, related to landscaping shall be applicable to this section; Whenever development in the C'O zone abuts any "R" zoned property, a six foot high decorative block or solid wall shall be erected {for the purpose of this section, wood or chain link fences are not considered solid walls}. Such walls shall not exceed 36 inches in height for a distance of twenty {20} feet from the edge of the abutting public right-of-way. Lighting. Lighting may not illuminate or glare onto any adja- cent property or public right-of-way so as to be deemed objec- tionable or hazardous to motorists. Storage of materials and equipment. Storage of materials or equipment may be permitted subject to the granting of a Use Permit by the Planning Commission in accordance with Section 6 of Ordinance 353, as amended. SECTION V. the following subsections: Subsection 3.12 (F), 3.22 (G), and 3.32 (H), Residential Planned Unit Development, in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.30 and Section 6 herein. SECTION VI. Subsection 5.72 (A) is hereby amended to delete "...and include an area of at least four (4) acres except that an area may be less than four acres if it is bounded on all sides by streets, public open spaces, boundary lines of less restricted zoning districts or natural features which tend to SECTIONS 3.12, 3.22 and 3.32 are hereby amended by adding thereto 13. separate the parcel from adjoining land." SECTION VII. PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be published once in the Enterprise- Journal, a newspaper of general Circulation in the City of South San Francisco, as required by law, and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after its adoption. Introduced this 21st day of Septe~er · .~'1977 paSsed and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a re~lar meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 5th day of Ootober , 1977, by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN Richard A. Battaglia, William A. Borba, E~nuele N. Damonte, I, NOES, ABSENT, " Terry J. Mirri and Leo Padreddii None None ATTEST: City Clerk As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance this 5th day of October ' , 1977. Mayor 14. separate the parcel from adjoining land." SECTION VII. PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be published once in the Enterprise- Journal, a newspaper of general Circulation in the City of South San Francisco, as required by law, and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after its adoption. Introduced this 2lstday of sep~m~er' ~..~ 1977 Passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a re~lar meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 5th day of October , 1977, by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN Richard A. Battaglia, William A. Borba, Emanuele N. Damonte, Terry J. Mirri and Leo Padreddii NOES, " None ABSENT, " None ATTEST: ~----~ City Clerk As Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance this 5th day of October , 1977. 14.