HomeMy WebLinkAbout03_Ch2_Introduction_web CHAPTER 2Introduction This Master Environmental Impact Report (MEIR) assesses the potential environmental impacts of Genentech?s application to reclassify approximately 36 acres of land owned by Genentech to the Genentech Research and Development Overlay District (Genentech R&D Overlay District). Section 20.39.040(b)(4) of the South San Francisco Municipal Code (SSFMC) prescribes regulations for reclassifying properties to a Research and Development District and establishes development standards and requirements within the district, including but not limited to the development of a facility master plan which is consistent with the City?s General Plan and any applicable Area Plan. Consistent with Section 20.39.040(b)(4), Genentech has developed a Facilities Master Plan Update (2006 FMPU) to address the expansion of the Genentech Research and Development Overlay District (Genentech R&D Overlay District). Also, zoning map and zoning text changes will be required as part of the project. Collectively, these actions are referred to as the proposed project. As required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this MEIR (1) assesses the expected individual and cumulative impacts of expansion of the Genentech R&D Overlay District, as set forth in the 2006 FMPU; (2) identifies the means of avoiding or minimizing potential environmental impacts; and (3) evaluates a reasonable range of alternatives to the proposed project, including the No Project Alternative, Alternatives Rejected as Infeasible, and the Reduced Project Alternative. 2.1BACKGROUND In 1995, the City of South San Francisco adopted the Genentech Corporate Facilities Master Plan (1995 Master Plan) to provide an integrated framework for development of Genentech-owned properties at the City?s eastern bayshore into a corporate campus. The Genentech R&D Overlay District, established as Chapter 20.40 of the SSFMC, was adopted concurrently with and based on the 1995 Master Plan, and specifies floor area ratio (FAR), parking and other standards, and review and approval procedures for development within the district. The 1995 Master Plan has passed its ten-year planning horizon. Genentech has asked the City of South San Francisco to approve expansion of the Genentech R&D Overlay District and the update of the 1995 Master Plan. The 1995 Master Plan establishes policies for long-range planning and design of Genentech?s facilities, including strategies to integrate site planning and architecture, traffic, circulation and parking, and infrastructure. While the 1995 Master Plan does not include design of individual buildings, it does include urban design criteria that have provided the framework for building siting and design over the past decade. The purpose of the 2006 FMPU is to define an overall program that results in the creation of a cohesive and integrated Genentech Campus, reflecting Genentech needs, site conditions, land use/transportation synergies and broader city-wide goals and objectives. The 2006 FMPU will be consistent with the General Plan and the East of 101 Area Plan and will serve as a guide to the physical development of the Genentech Campus to the year 2016 (or until a new Master Plan is approved). Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR 2-1 Chapter 2 Introduction 2.2PURPOSE OF THE MEIR The City has prepared this MEIR for the following purposes: To satisfy the requirements of CEQA (Public Resources Code, Sections 21000?21178) and the CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Title 4, Chapter 14, Sections 15000?15387). To inform the general public, the local community, and responsible and interested public agencies of the nature of the expansion of the Genentech R&D Overlay District and 2006 FMPU, its possible environmental effects, possible measures to mitigate those effects, and alternatives to the proposed project. To enable the City to consider environmental consequences when deciding whether to approve the expansion of the Genentech R&D Overlay District and the 2006 FMPU. To provide a basis for preparation of future environmental documents. To serve as a source document for information needed by several regulatory agencies to issue permits and approvals for the proposed expansion of the Genentech R&D Overlay District and 2006 FMPU or subsequent on-campus development. To evaluate potential significant environmental effects of revisions to the General Plan, and related zoning maps and the expansion of the Genentech R&D Overlay District. The determination that the City of South San Francisco is the ?lead agency? is made in accordance with Sections 15051 and 15367 of the CEQA Guidelines, which define the lead agency as the public agency that has the principal responsibility for carrying out or approving a project. This MEIR reflects the independent judgment of the City regarding the potential environmental impacts, the level of significance of the impacts both before and after mitigation, and the mitigation measures proposed to reduce impacts. 2.3TYPE OF EIR The 2006 FMPU includes a land use plan that guides the physical development of the Genentech Campus. It is not an implementation plan and adoption of the 2006 FMPU does not constitute a commitment to any specific project. Rather, it describes the entire anticipated development program of approximately 6 million gsf for the Genentech Campus through 2016. Pursuant to California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 14 (CEQA Guidelines), Section 15175(b)(1) (3), the EIR is a Master EIR (MEIR) that evaluates the effects of implementation of the entire proposed project described in Chapter 3 (Project Description). Any proposal for future development on the Genentech Campus must be approved by the City in compliance with CEQA. As future projects are proposed, the City will have to determine whether additional environmental review is required. As required by Section 15177(b)(2) of the CEQA Guidelines, subsequent projects would be examined in light of this MEIR to determine whether the potential environmental effects of the project were adequately addressed in this MEIR, and whether any additional mitigation measures are required. If the analysis in this MEIR is determined sufficient and no additional mitigation measures are required, then no additional environmental review would be required. If however, the proposed project would have additional, significant effects that were not adequately addressed or were not examined in the MEIR, subsequent environmental documentation would be prepared, consistent with Sections 15177 through 15179.5 of the CEQA Guidelines. The MEIR will 2-2 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Chapter 2 Introduction serve as the environmental impact analysis for future Genentech development for a minimum of five years, consistent with Section 15179(a)(b) of the CEQA Guidelines. 2.4MEIR REVIEW PROCESS A Revised Notice of Preparation (NOP) was prepared and distributed to the State Clearinghouse, trustee agencies, responsible agencies, and other interested parties on December 9, 2005. Distribution of the NOP established a 30-day review period for the public and agencies to identify environmental issues that should be addressed in the MEIR. During the NOP comment period two comment letters were received: one from San Mateo County regarding the Colma Creek Flood Zone, and one from the California Public Utilities Commission regarding Rail Safety. These comments were considered in preparation of Sections 4.1 (Flood Hazards) and 4.7 (Transportation), respectively. The NOP and comments on the NOP are included as Appendix A of this MEIR. A public scoping meeting was held on January 17, 2006, to solicit input from interested agencies, individuals, and organizations. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15205(b)(2), the MEIR will be submitted to the State Clearinghouse for distribution to state agencies. Submittal of the MEIR to the State Clearinghouse will also commence the 45-day review period. This MEIR is being circulated for review and comment to the public and other interested parties, agencies, and organizations for a 45-day review period, which begins on August 23, 2006 and ends on October 6, 2006. During the review period, copies of the MEIR will be available for review at the City of South San Francisco Economic and Community Development Department and at the South San Francisco Main Library during normal business hours. The following are the addresses for the City of South San Francisco Municipal Services Building and the South San Francisco Main Library: City of South San Francisco Economic and Community Development Department 315 Maple Avenue South San Francisco, CA 94080 South San Francisco Main Library 840 West Orange Avenue South San Francisco, CA 94080-3125 Written comments on the MEIR may be sent via U.S. mail and addressed to the following: Mike Lappen, Senior Planner City of South San Francisco Planning Division P.O. Box 711 South San Francisco, CA 94083 Following the public hearing, which will occur on September 21, 2006, and after the close of the written public comment period on the MEIR, which will occur on October 6, 2006, responses to written and recorded comments will be prepared and published. The Final EIR, which will consist of the MEIR, 2-3 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Chapter 2 Introduction comments on the MEIR, written responses to those comments, and the Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP), will be forwarded to the City for its consideration. To consider approval of the proposed project, Section 15090 of the CEQA Guidelines requires the City to certify that: The Final MEIR has been completed in compliance with CEQA The Final MEIR was presented to the City, and that the City reviewed and considered the information contained in the Final MEIR prior to approving the project The Final MEIR reflects the City?s independent judgment and analysis In conjunction with their certification of the Final MEIR, the City must also adopt written findings that address each significant environmental effect identified in the Final MEIR, consistent with Section 15091 of the CEQA Guidelines. The City must also adopt the MMP to ensure implementation of mitigation measures that have been incorporated into the project to reduce or avoid significant effects during project construction and/or implementation. If feasible mitigations are not available to reduce significant environmental impacts to a less-than- significant level, those impacts are considered significant and unavoidable. If the City elects to approve the proposed project, and the proposed project would have significant unavoidable impacts, the City will also be required to identify the specific reasons for approving the project, based on the Final MEIR and any other information in the public record. This ?Statement of Overriding Considerations? would be incorporated into the Findings and would explain the specific reasons why the benefits of implementation of the proposed project override the unavoidable environmental effects that would result from project implementation. 2.5INTENDED USES OF THE MEIR As previously discussed, this MEIR is intended to inform the public, interested organizations and agencies, and the City of the potential environmental impacts of the proposed project. In the event that the proposed project is approved, this MEIR will be used as the basis for subsequent environmental analysis for future development under the 2006 FMPU, as allowed by Section 15152 of the CEQA Guidelines. Under CEQA, other public agencies that may have discretionary authority over the project, or aspects of the project, are considered responsible agencies. The responsible agencies for the proposed project include, but are not necessarily limited to, the State Water Resources Control Board, San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, Caltrans, San Mateo County Flood Control District, San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, and the Federal Aviation Authority. This document may be used by the responsible agencies to comply with CEQA in connection with permitting or approval authority over the project or individual projects that may be proposed during the planning horizon of the 2006 FMPU. It is likely that the approval of the Genentech R&D Overlay District will require the following: Reclassification and zoning map change of the parcels in the Planned Industrial zone into the Genentech R&D Overlay District 2-4 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Chapter 2 Introduction Zoning text changes to SSFMC Chapters 20.39 and 20.40 Adoption of the TDM Plan All future developments will be subject to a separate permit approval and CEQA review as established in SSFMC Chapter 20.39. The City prepared this MEIR to address all state, regional, and local government approvals needed for construction and/or operation of the project, whether or not such actions are known or are explicitly listed in this MEIR. Examples of the anticipated approvals required to implement the proposed project include the following: Regional and State Agencies San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board/State Water Resources Control Board ?National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Construction Permit (for individual construction projects of a particular size or projects that result in point source discharges) ?Waste Discharge Requirements (for individual projects that may result in a discharge of waste that affects waters of the state) Bay Area Air Quality Management District ?Permits to Construct and/or Permits to Operate (for any new or relocated stationary sources of equipment that emit or control air contaminants) Caltrans ?Encroachment permits for individual projects requiring work within a state right-of-way San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) ?Approval of activities within the BCDC 100 foot shoreline band as well as permit authority for development adjacent to the San Francisco Bay Trail. San Mateo County Flood Control District ?Administrator of the Colma Creek Flood Control Zone City Agencies Department of Economic and Community Development ?Building Division: Building Permits, Certificate of Occupancy ?Planning Division: Use Permits, Minor Use Permits, Mixed Use Permits, General Plan and Zoning Ordinance amendments, Design Review, CEQA Reviews ?Engineering Division: Grading Permits, Subdivision Permits, Encroachment Permits, Transportation Impact Fees, Utility Impact Fees, Plan Check Police Department: ?City?s Security issues compliance Fire Department: ?Fire Code Compliance 2-5 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Chapter 2 Introduction 2.6ORGANIZATION OF THE MEIR This MEIR is organized in two parts. The main analysis addresses the environmental impacts of the physical development of the proposed project, while the appendices provide technical documentation. The main analysis describes the existing environmental conditions within and in the vicinity of the project area, analyzes potential project-related impacts on environmental resources, identifies environmental strategies that may reduce or avoid impacts, proposes mitigation measures to reduce the magnitude of significant impacts, and evaluates a reasonable range of alternatives to the proposed project that could eliminate, reduce, or avoid significant impacts while attaining most of the basic project objectives. In addition to project-related impacts, this MEIR also provides an evaluation of cumulative impacts that could be caused by the project in combination with other future projects or projected growth that could occur in the region. In this fashion, the cumulative impact analysis considers the additive effect of future projects, both on and off the Genentech Campus, including the proposed project. As required by CCR, Title 14 (CEQA Guidelines) Section 15126.2(d), this MEIR also provides an analysis of growth-inducing impacts, which are defined as ?environmental impacts that could result in additional growth by the proposed project by either removing an obstacle to development or by generating substantial increased growth of the local or regional economy.? The contents of the MEIR include the following: Chapter 1: Executive Summary?This section includes a brief synopsis of the proposed project and project objectives, community/agency issues, a description of the Mitigation Monitoring Program, and an overview of project alternatives. This Chapter also provides a table that summarizes potential environmental impacts that would result from implementation of the proposed project; environmental strategies that would avoid or reduce impacts; feasible mitigation measures to reduce potentially significant impacts, and the level of significance of impacts both before and after mitigation. Chapter 2: Introduction?This section provides the background of the proposed project, the purpose of the MEIR, the type of EIR, the EIR review process, the intended uses of the MEIR, and an overview of the format and contents of the MEIR. Chapter 3: Project Description?This section provides a detailed description of the proposed project, including its location, background information, objectives, planning strategies, and physical characteristics. Chapter 4: Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation Measures?This section contains an analysis of potential environmental impacts for each environmental issue area. Each environmental issue area contains a description of the environmental setting (or existing conditions), identifies the threshold of significance used to determine whether impacts are significant (or less than significant), recommends feasible mitigation measures to reduce significant environmental impacts, and describes cumulative impacts. The ?Introduction to the Analysis,? at the beginning of the chapter, provides an overview of the scope and format of the environmental analysis, including a description of the baseline for analytical purposes. Chapter 5: Other CEQA Considerations?This section summarizes impacts that would result from the proposed project, including significant environmental effects, significant and unavoidable environmental effects, irreversible changes to the environment, and growth-inducing impacts. 2-6 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Chapter 2 Introduction Chapter 6: Alternatives?This section describes alternatives to the proposed project that would feasibly attain most of the basic objectives of the project while avoiding or substantially lessening any of its significant effects. The analysis evaluates the environmental effects that would result from implementation of each of the alternatives, compares these effects to the effects that would result from implementation of the proposed project, and describes the relationship of each alternative to the project objectives. Chapter 7: Report Preparers/Organizations and Persons Consulted?This section identifies all federal, state, or local agencies, other organizations, and/or private individuals consulted during preparation of the MEIR. 2.7LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS The following comprehensive list of abbreviations is provided to clarify references used in this MEIR. Table 2-1 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronym Definition AB Assembly Bill ABAG Association of Bay Area Governments ACP Alternate Command Post ADA Americans with Disabilities Act ADR Architectural Design Review AEA Atomic Energy Act (42 U.S.C. Sections 2011–2259) afy acre-foot per year ALS Advanced Life Support ANSI American National Standards Institute AOU American Ornithologist Union APN Assessors Parcel Number AQMD Air Quality Management District AQMP Air Quality Management Plan ARB California Air Resources Board AST above ground storage tanks ASTM American Society for Testing of Materials BAAQMD Bay Area Air Quality Management District BACT Best Available Control Technology BART Bay Area Rapid Transit BAWSCA Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency BCDC Bay Conservation and Development Commission BFI Browning-Ferris Industries bgs below ground surface BMP Best Management Practices BTU British thermal unit CAFS compressed air foam system CAL/EPA California Environmental Protection Agency 2-7 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Chapter 2 Introduction Table 2-1 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronym Definition Caltrans California Department of Transportation CBC California Building Code CCAA California Clean Air Act CCR California Code of Regulations CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention CDFG California Department of Fish and Game CDMG California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology CEQA California Environmental Quality Act CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act CESA California Endangered Species Act CFR Code of Federal Regulations CGS California Geological Survey CHL California Historic Landmarks CHP California Highway Patrol CHRIS California Historic Resources Information System CI Curie CIWMB California Integrated Waste Management Board CMP Congestion Management Plan CNDDB California Natural Diversity Data Base CNEL Community Noise Equivalent Level CNPS California Native Plant Society CNPSEI California Native Plant Society Electronic Inventory CO carbon monoxide Co-Gen co-generation COHb carboxyhemoglobin CPHI California Points of Historic Interest CPUC California Public Utilities Commission CRHP California Register of Historic Places CRHR California Register of Historical Resources CSC California Species of Special Concern CWA Clean Water Act CWSC California Water Service Company D&B Dyett & Bhatia d/c demand/capacity db decibel dBA A-weighted decibel scale DDT dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane DEIR Draft Environmental Impact Report DFG Department of Fish and Game DOT Department of Transportation DPM Diesel particulate matter 2-8 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Chapter 2 Introduction Table 2-1 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronym Definition DTSC Department of Toxic Substance Control DWR Department of Water Resources EDR Environmental Data Resources EHS Environmental health and safety EIR Environmental Impact Report EMI emissions inventory data EMT Emergency medical technician EPA Environmental Protection Agency ERNS Emergency Response Notification System ESA Environmental Site Assessment FAA Federal Aviation Administration FAR floor-to-area ratio FAT First Alert Team FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FESA Federal Endangered Species Act FHWA Federal Highway Administration FID California Facility Inventory Database FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map FIS Facility Index System 2006 FMPU Genentech Facility Master Plan Update FSC Federal Species of Concern FTA Federal Transit Administration FTE full time employee GCASP General Construction Activities Stormwater Permit GEN Generator GMC Growth Management Chapter GMP Groundwater Management Plan GPA(s) General Plan Amendment(s) gpd gallons per day gpm gallons per minute gsf gross square feet HS hydrogen sulfide 2 HCM Highway Capacity Methodology HCP Habitat Conservation Plan HDPE High-density polyethylene HFC hydrofluorocarbon HMBP Hazardous Materials Business Plan HMMA Hazardous Materials Management Act HMS Hazardous Material System HOV high-occupancy vehicle HRA Health Risk Assessment 2-9 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Chapter 2 Introduction Table 2-1 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronym Definition HRI Historical Resources Inventory HRMIS Hazardous Materials Incident Report System HSWA Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments Act HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning Hz hertz ICU Intersection Capacity Utilization IRP Integrated Resources Plan ITE Institute of Transportation Engineers ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems JOS Joint Outfall System JWPCP Joint Water Pollution Control Plant km kilometer ksf thousand square feet LACMA Los Angeles County Museum of Art lbs pounds L Day-night average noise level dn L Equivalent noise level eq L Maximum instantaneous noise level max L Minimum instantaneous noise level min LLRW low-level radioactive waste LOS level of service LQG Large Quantity Generators LSTs Localized Significance Thresholds LTS Less-Than-Significant Impact LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tank M Richter Magnitude MBTA Migratory Bird Treaty Act MCE Maximum Credible Earthquake MEIR Master EIR MEP Maximum Extent Practicable mgd million gallons per day MM Mitigation Measures MMI Modified Mercalli Intensity MMP Mitigation Monitoring Program MPE Maximum Probable Earthquake MRF/TS Materials Recovery Facility and Transfer Station MSL Mean Sea Level M Moment Magnitude W N/A No monitoring performed for this standard NFIP National Flood Insurance Program NI No Impact 2-10 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Chapter 2 Introduction Table 2-1 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronym Definition NIH National Institutes of Health NO nitrogen dioxide 2 NOI Notice of Intent NOP Notice of Preparation NOVs Notices of Violation NO nitrogen oxide X NPDES National Pollution Discharge Elimination System NPS National Park Service NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRHP National Register of Historic Places NSQD National Stormwater Quality Database NT No Threshold NWIC Northwest Information Center O ozone 3 OEHHA Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment OES Office of Emergency Services OHP Office of Historical Preservation OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration PA Participating Agency PAHs polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Pb lead PCBs polychlorinated biphenyls PG&E Pacific Gas and Electric P-I Planned Industrial District PM particulate matter PM respirable particulate matter 10 PM fine particulate matter 2.5 ppd pounds per day ppm parts by volume per million fair PR project requirement PRC Public Resources Code PS Potentially Significant Impact R&D Research and development RCP Reinforced concrete pipe RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act rDNA recombinant DNA RHND Regional Housing Needs Determination RTP Regional Transportation Plan RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board SAA Supply Assurance Allocation Sam Trans San Mateo County Transit 2-11 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Chapter 2 Introduction Table 2-1 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronym Definition SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act SARA Title III Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know SB Senate Bill SCH State Clearinghouse SCS US Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service sf square feet SFIA San Francisco International Airport SFPUC San Francisco Public Utilities Commission SHPO State Historic Preservation Office SIP State Implementation Plan SMCEHD San Mateo County Health Department—Environmental Health Division SMCFCD San Mateo County Flood Control District SO sulfur dioxide 2 SO sulfate 4 SOV Single Occupancy Vehicle SO sulfur oxide X SP Specific Plan SQG Small Quantity Generators SQMP Stormwater Quality Master Plan SRAs Source Receptor Areas SRRE Source Reduction and Recycling Element SSFFD South San Francisco Fire Department SSFMC South San Francisco Municipal Code STOPP San Mateo Countywide Stormwater Pollution Program SU Significant and Unavoidable Impact SWEEPS Statewide Environmental Evaluation and Planning System SWPPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SWQCB State Water Quality Control Board SWRCB State Water Resources Control Board TAC Toxic Air Contaminants TBACT Best Available Control Technology for Toxics TDM Traffic Demand Management TIA Traffic Impact Analysis TMAC Tetramethylammonium chloride TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act UBC Uniform Building Code µg/m Micrograms per cubic meter 3 URBEMIS Urban Emissions USACOE United States Army Corps of Engineers USDHHS United States Department of Health and Human Services 2-12 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR Chapter 2 Introduction Table 2-1 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronym Definition USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service USGS US Geological Survey UST underground storage tank UWMP Urban Water Management Plan v/c volume-to-capacity VdB vibration decibels VMT vehicle miles traveled VOCs Volatile Organic Compounds WDRs waste discharge requirements WQCP Water Quality Control Plan WSA Water Supply Assessment WTA Water Transit Authority ZC Zone Change 2-13 Genentech Corporate Facilities Master EIR